Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder, and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets, and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually.

Well hello, folks.

Tony Evans here and seated in my kitchen

at my kitchen table. This is the table

where a lot of the life of the Evans

family has been lived. We would gather

around this table daily to eat, to talk,

to pray, to correct, to encourage, to bless,

to have devotions. This was a

centerpiece of the Evans household as

our four children grew up here. We also

had to deal with issues from this table,

issues that our kids were facing at

school or issues that were happening in

the world. So, I guess it’s appropriate

that it’s from this table I talked to you

today about issues. Coronavirus is an

issue. It has captivated the mind and the

attention of the whole world

collectively and each of us individually.

As you gather in your home, as I’m in

mine, because now Dallas County where I

live is under a state home

Edict. So, we we need to be in our homes.

But you know, it’s also an opportunity.

It’s an opportunity to take this space

and time away from the hustle and bustle

of everyday life and reevaluate:

reevaluate what matters most, reevaluate

the importance of family, reevaluate

life. Because now everything has been

turned topsy-turvy and we should never

let a good crisis go to waste.

That’s what Winston Churchill said. This

really is a time

to draw near to God, to draw near to one

another, and to see what he wants to say to us

through this trial that we’re all facing.

Now, the great danger is that we will turn

legitimate concern into illegitimate

fear. You know, we got enough virus to

worry about, Corona, then to turn fear

into another kind of a virus. In fact, it

may be more people who are being

affected by the virus of fear than by

the virus of Corona. Because of the

uncertainty involved. And yet, the Bible

makes it clear that we are not to be

controlled by fear. Yes, we ought to be

responsibly concerned, but don’t let fear

own your emotions or own your decisions

or own your choices. No, God is too big

for that, our heavenly father is too

awesome for that and it doesn’t do you

any good to live in fear. You know, second

Corinthians chapter 10, the first five

verses, says that you and I ought to take

every thought captive to obedience to

Christ. We’re being bombarded by the

news, right? And they are affecting our

thinking. You know, we look at the stats,

we look at the spread, we look at the

difficulties people are facing, we look

at the warnings, we look at the edicts, we

look at the confusion, we look at the

uncertainty, and if you let that news

consume you, it will own not only what

you think, but as a result, how you feel.

Oh, but second Corinthians 10 says to

take every thought captive to Christ. So

instead of spending all of your time

listening to what the news media

has to say, let’s spend a lot more time

listening to what God has to say so that

He affects our emotions more than the

news media.

After all, God is not operating with

question marks. He’s not operating with

uncertainty, He’s not operating in

confusion, that’s what people are doing.

He operates and confidence and certainty

and stability.

You’ve never need God, your family has

never needed God, the Church of Jesus

Christ has never needed God, and the

culture has never needed God any more

than we need Him right now. And by the

way, that’s the point. God is saying, “You

really do need Me, don’t you?” So let’s not

ignore Him who speaks because He is

screaming right now. I’m at my table, why

don’t you go to your table, gather with

your loved ones who are near and dear

to you and sit around and talk about the

things that really matter. Cecause all of

a sudden, a lot of things that we thought

mattered, really doesn’t matter that much

anymore, does it?

If you’ve got a roof over your head and

clothes on your back and food in your

stomach, this is a time for

thanksgiving, to think on the things you

are grateful for, to thank God that you

are okay, and to pray for those who are

not okay and those were working with

those who are not okay. It shifts the

equation of our priorities. So I’m at my

table, why don’t you go to your table? Why

don’t you give thanks to your Father and

mine and why don’t you do what you can

do to show compassion to those here? Our

Church in Dallas, we’re reaching out to

the elderly, we’re reaching out to the

sick, we’re reaching out to the needs of

the community as we’re able. Everybody

can do something in a responsible way to

say, “You know, God matters, people matter.”

Everything else should support those two.

Anything else has to be put in its

proper place down the line.

So I’m going back to my table, you go

back to your table and let’s all let God

know that he is the centerpiece on the

table as we trade our fears for trust in

a God who loves us even when we’re going

through a trial. God bless you.