Christine and her husband Nick are the founders of The A21 Campaign, an anti-human trafficking organization with the ambition of abolishing slavery in the 21st century. She is the author of “UNDAUNTED,” “A Life Unleashed,” “The Core Issue,” “Run To Win,” and “Can I Have (and do) It All, Please?” but her proudest accomplishment is being Nick’s wife and Catherine and Sophia’s mum

hey there I’m Priscilla and I am so glad

that you are here this is the chat it is

a wonderful opportunity that you and I

get to sit down together and chat about

some stuff that matters to you or should

matter to you things that you should be

interested in and know about and we’re

going to talk to some very interesting

people as always and so I hope you’re

gonna stay tuned because today is gonna

be a great opportunity for you to get to

know about something that you might not

be super familiar with but you will be

by the time we get to the end of our

time together so stay tuned you are not

gonna want to miss this




27 million

camiseta again cuz you got to get that

number in your heart and in your mind

before we dive into this program 27 not

2700 not 27,000 27 million that is how

many people right now as you and I sit

here talking to each other that is how

many people are enslaved right now held

against their will for deviant purposes

things that you and I could not even

begin to fathom there are people

experiencing right now it is human

trafficking and sometimes I think we

hear that phrase human trafficking and

it’s just this sort of distant problem

that’s happening somewhere else in other

countries and we feel like we can’t put

a name or a face with any of these

people we feel a little disconnected

from it but actually it’s happening in

your country right now it is happening

right here right under our noses and I

don’t think we should let you know let

it happen under our watch I think we

should care and be concerned about it

that’s why I’ve invited two of my most

favorite people on the planet they are

friends of mine wonderful folks who have

an incredible ministry but they also

have an organization that is designed to

help put this to end and so we’re gonna

talk to them today they are Nick and

Christine Kane when you please help me

to welcome them




alright first of all I have to say I

like your boots

– and those boots are made for walkin

cuz y’all are all over the globe aren’t

you I know you need flat you know other

people want heels but I just can’t

change the world in heels and you guys

are changing the world Nick can you just

tell us a little bit about how a 21

which is the organization that’s the

anti human trafficking organization that

you guys created several years ago how

many years but hadn’t been long five

years ago okay so just five years tell

us how it even started and what you’ve

seen happen in five years well we were

going to a women’s conference in Greece

as we walked through the airport first

in Athens and then in Thessaloniki we

saw all these pictures of missing kids

and as we came out we asked the people

who were meeting this is what what are

the what’s all the missing kids and they

said well they’re the alleged victims of

human trafficking and we said what’s

human trafficking yeah and she said I

don’t know so we so we went and started

to ask questions and then we found out

there was 27 million people enslaved

today and and that though it was a

problem all over the planet so we set

out to try and do it and we started a 21

which is abolishing injustice in the

21st century and we started with a

project office in Thessaloniki Greece

which was designed to lobby the police

and the the local government and the the

government of Greece to be able to

enforce the laws that they had and enact

effective laws against human trafficking

then we went from there to having a

shelter and we’ll been able to help

hundreds of girls through that shelter

and see many many many traffickers

convicted last year we were involved in

95% of all sex trafficking convictions

in Greece over 80% of all labor

trafficking cases across Greece and

we’ve been able to set up transition

facilities across Romania

Bulgaria the Ukraine and we’re starting

in Thailand and South Africa amazing

we’re doing a lot of prevention and

awareness wet work in the US and the UK

and Australia and also we’ve just

developed a whole curriculum for to

teach you 9 and 10 students across the

u.s. what human trafficking is how to

avoid it and how’d it how they can be

involved in stopping it because I

suspect a lot of people would have the

same response that that lady did in the

airport that you’re walking through when

you say what is human trafficking

they’re like I don’t actually know do

you find that a lot of people are kind

of like what’s going on you need to tell

us what’s going on well totally and I

think even if you use the word slavery

which is what it really is whether it’s

forced labor slavery or sex slavery

people don’t actually believe that it

still happens in the 12th century they

think you know that was eradicated you

know we’ve come through that and it just

looks different but it is more prevalent

on the earth today than ever before in


than ever before in the height of the

civil rights movement there are more

slaves on the earth today now ok we want

to be able to put some names some faces

some lives with that 27 million we need

to boil it down to one or two or three

stories so that we can really get a

handle on what’s happening because let

me just say that’s before you tell some

stories when it really grabbed me was

when you guys said to me that I don’t

know if it was the number two or three

on the statistical list of the people

that are trafficked the most and you

said to me Priscilla six-year-old voice

or at the top of the list and at the

time my second son was six years old and

that is when it totally grabbed me and

it became my problem it wasn’t just

something out there it was my problem –

tell us what you’ve seen as you’ve gone

to these shelters and met the people

that are coming into your shelters yeah

what do you see that is the most

shocking thing is that they’re normal

everyday people it could be my daughter

I’ve got 11 year old a seven year old

and so because we have a lot of girls

come through I see girls and think this

could be my daughter they’re just

they’re just normal girls that had

dreams and aspirations grew up mostly in

abject poverty in Eastern Europe were

told a lie that they could have a job in

another country now Greece is the

parking lot of trafficking in Europe and

so they’ve come over thinking

legitimately I’m going to work as a

hairdresser as a waitress they’re taken

and this would not be unusual it between

this story Priscilla a girl was brought

over in a shipping container now I

didn’t even believe this at first it put

on a ship in a container with sixty

other girls thinking they were coming to

get a job the container was opened in

Istanbul in Turkey and these girls were

taken they were put in apartments and

then kept there with very minimal water

barely any food for two weeks raped four

or five times a day every day for two

weeks because what they try to do is

break your defenses down and they’ve

taken young passports

they’ve taken any of your legitimate

papers so you’re in a foreign country

you don’t have the language skills you

have no documentation you don’t even

know what’s happening what they often do

is the traffickers will dress up as

police officers so that you will not

trust any law enforcement so now you

have got five times a day what you think

are police officers in this foreign

country beating you and raping you

and then what they took these girls

thirty of those girls had died on the

trip over because the oxygen tank in the

shipping container broke so when they

open that container there are only 30 of

the 60 girls that were alive those 30

were taken beaten then they put them all

on these little boats to take them from

Istanbul Turkey to Athens Greece you can

just take them across the Mediterranean

the coastguard was coming through so the

traffickers so that they would not get

caught with these girls threw them

overboard just like excess baggage now

you’ve got to remember these girls are

from villages where they’ve not even

seen water you know let alone how to


and I’m 25 of those girls drowned five

girls ended up in a brothel in Greece

now you’ve got to think every one of

these girls was between 18 and 21 and

those girls then ended up in our

transition home I remember sitting there

this girl’s telling me this story she’s

having a post-traumatic episode as she’s

telling me so she’s screaming she’s

reliving the container because her best

friend Anna died in the container so

she’s screaming to me as in reliving the

moment when she went to Anna trying to

bring Anna back to life I’m thinking if

I was not seeing this with my own eyes

I’m a little bit like Thomas I would

have been I need to see the the scar so

I’m likeable I’m listening to this guy

you couldn’t make this up if you tried


and with her were 14 other girls from 14

different nations all of them were

between 15 and 24 and I’m looking at

these beautiful Eastern European girls

because the demand is so high because

they are stunning stunning girls and one

of the girls that have been rescued just

one day before so this girl’s just

finished telling me this story the girl

jumps in Nadia from Russia and she’s got

very broken Greek Greek is my first

language and so in very broken Greek she

looks at me she was very scared because

when they have been helped and rescued

one day before they don’t know if I’m a

trafficker or arrogant they don’t know

to try you’re setting me up to take me

to another place and so she yells at me

and very broken Greek she goes why did

you come here and I said I began to tell

her my own story my own journey and and

then I ended up with you know there’s a

God in heaven that loves you he’s got a

plan for your life there’s a company of

women around the world that want to help

you and they’ve helped me to come here

to rescue you and I’m telling you about

God’s love I’m telling her about God’s

mercy God’s grace and I will never

forget this if you’re wondering what

still fuels me um she yelled at me

mid-sentence she goes stop stop stop she

goes if what you are telling me about

your God is true if this is true if he

loves me if he has a plan for me then

why didn’t you not come sooner and just

that phrase why did you not come if this

is true about your God why didn’t you

come sooner that fuels me pretty much

every day I guess it does yeah and why

haven’t we come sooner what do you find

is holding people back from being

involved in this issue this is so many

things that the biggest one is

complacency where we live in a

narcissistic world everybody is fully

absorbed in their own life in their own

problems I got stuck in traffic this


my my outfit didn’t look right all those

really important my favorite girlfriend

joke jokingly says those are rich people

problems yeah those are you know rich

meaning we just live in a first world

country we have modern conveniences yeah

and we just think everything is a


you know our heritage

right this morning there’s a little

traffic on the freeway but then there’s

someone fighting for their life so

people are just completely absorbed in

their own lives so they don’t they don’t

they don’t think about the poverty of

others and when they do they become

overwhelmed that well the problem is so

big there’s nothing I can do about it so

all I’m going to do is just get caught

up in my own little world I think that’s

the biggest thing is actually people

have got very sincere hearts um but when

you start sprouting off numbers like 27

million yeah it’s extremely overwhelming

and just the enormity and the magnitude

of the problem you get paralyzed and

think I can’t what can I do I can’t do

everything so oftentimes we think

because I can’t do everything we end up

doing nothing instead of the one thing

that could activate something and so I

think when I saw it of course I was as

overwhelmed as anyone else but but I

think Priscilla if I take a little bit

more personally you know when I was born

I was left in a hospital unnamed

and unwanted my birth certificate

actually does not have a name on it it’s

just child’s name and typed in next to

that category is the word unnamed number

two 5:08 of 1966 and when you look at me

I mean we’re friends we’ve got a life

together kids family heard on if I said

to someone if I just put up a birth

certificate photo here and we all just

looked at something that said to 5:08 of

1966 you almost you don’t really know

what to do with it so you kind of just

go put it in the and just yeah Vaughn

but as soon as you go that’s Christine

Caine all of a sudden there’s a name and

a face to that number it changes

everything because numbers in and of

themselves they’re dehumanizing they’re

desensitizing and I think that’s what I

love about the Lord because to God

nobody’s just a number everybody is

created in His image and filled with his

purpose so he doesn’t see 27 million as

a number he sees individuals that bear

His image yeah and so we have a

responsibility we who have been rescued

to rescue them and I think when I look

at it I’m Greek born in Australia I

happened to be left in a hospital that

had a rule of law that had a legal

representation so someone couldn’t just

take me right and traffic me out because

I had to be adopted and there was proper

documentation there was a system to go

through like the situation

here in Bulgaria in Albania in Greece I

mean they could have if I was born there

47 years ago I could have easily been

one of those children that we often see

in television that are chained to beds

because that’s where we get kids from

because there’s no records of their


so anybody walks in and says oh that’s

my niece I’ll take that child just take

them and then what they often do

Priscilla is they’ll take them they’ll

get they’ll take the girls they’ll sell

them into brothels then they’ll get the

girls pregnant in those brothels

intentionally then they’ll take the

girls across the border we’ve worked on

some legal cases in Bulgaria where they

take the pregnant girls into these

things that are literally called infant

farms and so they give birth to children

on those infant farms and then they sell

those newborn infants into pedophile

rings and then you don’t even want to

begin to know what they do with those

children and all they sell them for

their organs organ transplanting is a

huge thing and we sit here and are not

even aware that this it is the fastest

growing crime worldwide is the buying

and selling of human beings faster than

the growing of armaments and sorry the

selling of armaments and faster than the

selling of drugs is the selling of human

beings and if we don’t care I don’t know

who will because we actually are the

people that believe every human being is

created in the image of God with purpose

so if we do not value the sanctity of

human beings I mean I just think on my

watch I’m not going to let a whale or a

tree have more value than yeah if we’re

going to save the planet let’s say

absolutely okay so I was sitting I took

my my oldest son on a date he’s 10 years

old took him on a date the other day we

went to a hole-in-the-wall Mexican food

place right around the corner from her

house because y’all know that’s the best

kind of Mexican food the

hole-in-the-wall kind of Mexican food

and so we were sitting there in this

restaurant enjoying our quesadillas and

Jackson took a bite of his quesadilla

and said yum yum this is so good and as

soon as he said yum yum I had a not drop

down from my throat into my stomach

because of something you all had told me

just the day before would you share that

in we’ve just signed a memorandum of

understanding with the Royal Thai police

which is allowing us to

you work in investigation in unison with

the Royal Thai police we’ve actually got

our own investigative unit which reports

to the head of the crime suppression

division of the the Royal Thai police

and they they’ll be going after that the

traffickers particularly of young

children because in Thailand it is a

really it’s just a really common problem

and where you can you have a lot of

Western men going over and looking for

sex from all sorts of all sorts of the

most perverted things that you could

possibly think of and one of them is

that they can’t teach the little kids

some of the complex terms but they will

just go and offer the the men yum-yum

and you’ll have little little boys and

little girls as young as four and five

years old coming up two men in the

red-light districts offering yum-yum

and basically them there Bobby yes yes

oh yeah oh yeah our oh six in particular

and we’ve got video footage of of these

young kids just offering our guys you

want young man we offering your team

yeah don’t know that you’re an investor

cover investigation with cameras and so

and just to to reveal that this is the

issue and this is what’s happening and

you know you’ve got little kids I’ve got

a seven-year-old daughter you know I

can’t watch I have to just turn it off

because it is so sobering and what is

even more tragic Priscilla is the

greatest demand comes from Western men

North America and Australia and you know

in our cut they’ll fly over under the

guise of a business trip and it’s almost

incomprehensible almost in confidence I

love how you put it to me earlier you

said this is really all about economics

it’s supply and demand if there was no

demand there wouldn’t need to be such a

great supply absolutely talk to us a

little bit about that how you’re seeing

that the men really are continuing to be

a foundation for the problem absolutely

if men weren’t demanding sex if men

weren’t demanding porn then there

wouldn’t be a business about it in in


for example prostitution is absolutely

legal it is socially acceptable 60% of

Greek men use a prostitute once a month

or more often and while it’s normal and

socially acceptable the Greek girls

don’t want to supply the service so over

95% of sex workers in Greece foreign and

according to some of our police contacts

not 99 percent of those foreign sex

workers are trafficked so you have a

massive demand that someone wants to

meet according to the CIA an average

girl is worth 250 thousand dollars a

year to a trafficker in net profit so if

you have the girl if you have you have

the demand and all you need to do is get

a girl if you remove the the value of a

person as a god created thing they

simply become an item of stock and so it

doesn’t matter whether I need to use

that girl for porn to generate the

desire to get men into a brothel or if I

just I’m going to put them out into

brothels but if we can get the men to

not demand the sex then the the business

won’t be there for the trafficker and

not only not demanding the sex but not

watching porn absolutely and I think

that’s the major issue because point is

what drives human trafficking and so you

know a lot of guys and and I’m showing

you ain’t even watching this it’s like

awesome if I said you know people see

the movie taken and it’s a great movie a

little bit of a Hollywood thing but I’m

so glad it’s raised the the awareness of

trafficking but if I say to guys you

know I’m gonna fill a 747 who wants to

come and get a trafficker now every man

is like I’ve got a particular set of

skills and I wanna use I never yeah and

and we want to be Liam Neeson and I say

okay well the best way you can do that

is to not press the button on your

computer and not to go and buy the

magazine we could stop the demand

overnight overnight if the guys just

because see what happens is we so

objectify the woman we think the image

I’m looking at on the computer or the

magazine that I’m flicking through we’ve

so objectified those women we don’t

actually really

think of them as human beings so as our

dog that’s right our sisters so we can’t

so a guilt trip isn’t gonna do it

because you could still just kind of go

well it’s just an image or many men and

this is no doubt I hear it all the time

you know Christine she just wants it I

think you know I’ve got an 11 year old

daughter and a 7 year old daughter they

often tell me their aspirations for

their lives

neither of them have ever said to me I

want to grow up and be a prostitute or a

porn star yeah so I just never been in

the list yes so and if I say to them is

that what your daughter wants or what

your wife wants it’s like so somehow

there’s a disconnect that what I am

doing is actually fueling this industry

we make the trafficker be a mafia man

and he’s really bad and me flicking

through this playboy or me kind of guy

computer it’s not really big deal which

you go no no no that human being on the

other side of that screen somebody had

to start oh I’m telling you how many

cases have we been involved in with this

cameras in the room and that’s how that

porn movie that someone’s just thinking

is no big deal that’s where it’s come

from she never was compliant in that

making of that movie never we’ve got a

little Hollywood glamour porn industry

movie but seriously you take away the

ones that some people say Christine you

cannot take away someone’s right to be a

prostitute and I’m like I’m not trying

to end prostitution I’m trying to fight

for the ones that don’t want to be in

there which actually about 99 percent of


that’s who I’m fighting for absolutely I

want to ask you we’ve talked a lot about

what’s happening in other countries what

have you seen happening here in the

States in the United States of America

and it’s a deal here you know we’ve just

opened our first 15 bed facility right

here in North America for aftercare

we’ve been involved in prevention and

awareness and with schools programming

America’s a very big focus the

trafficking looks different to how it

looks in Eastern Europe but it’s um

prevalent here as well most of the

trafficking here would be a lot of it is

domestic – oh right in Europe we’re

dealing with girls who are transported

from one country to another or forced

into prostitution or forced labor even

in their own country

here in the US it’s not it’s a largely

domestic minors who are come from poor

socio-economic homes and in most cases

have been abused before they’re ever

even trafficked so which is endemic of a

whole bunch of social issues

beforehand but one girl who we were

recently talking with authorities about

she she was trafficked across the

country when she was 16 she escaped and

went home and when she got home at 19

her trafficker knew where to find her so

they simply went back to home and rather

than grabbing her to start with they

grabbed one of her friends they

dismembered her friend in front of her

and then said now we’re not going to

hold you but just if you don’t do

exactly as you’re told from now on when

your mom your dad and every other person

that you know disappears

then you know that you did it to them so

that is that is a horrific story but

it’s not yeah actually that aren’t

common and I don’t think it’s in the

states where random Bible Belt news yeah

yeah absolutely I think that you know

after hearing stories like this people

want to know what they can do and we

can’t all be Liam Neeson we cannot all

be mick and christine and go out into

you know thailand and everywhere else

but we can partner with people who are

doing it you know and by the way i think

it’s so important to recognize that

these are just regular people who saw

some signs and went huh let’s ask a

question about that and then they took

the next step they were willing to not

just hear something and then go on about

their lives they wanted to go on and do

the next thing and we can all do that as

well and it might not look the exact

same way of setting up an organization

but it might mean partnering with this

organization or it might just mean the

next time you see something that bothers

you the next time something that’s on

your heart bothers you and you see a

poster or a sign about something that

you might be starting your heart to take

the next step i mean imagine what how

many people would have not been rescued

had there not been a couple of regular

people that happened to pass some

posters and go you know what i’m gonna

do the next thing so we’re so grateful

that you did but we need to know how to

partner with you and one of the main

ways that you can I want to tell you

right off the bat I know that Nick and

Chris are going to echo this one of the

most powerful ways you can help is to


for these girls like when you see or

girls and boys when you see a milk

carton and it’s got the pictures on the

back of the milk carton I don’t even

know if they still do that anymore

but they have a billboard sometimes on

the on the street when you’re driving by

or I’ve been thinking about this little

girl named Madeleine I saw her posters

six or seven years ago her parents have

been on Oprah Winfrey you know it’s been

kind of on the cover of some magazines

and I remember at the time thinking

about this girl cause I was walking

through the London Airport and I saw the

posters of Madeleine I kept asking who

is this little girl named Madeleine of

course we kind of most of us know the

story now little Madeleine that’s been

gone for six years now and it never

occurred to me until I encountered you

guys that she probably was traffic that

it wasn’t just a kidnapping case yeah

and there are so many kids that are

missing now and we just say it’s

kidnapping and many of them it’s is

trafficking they’ve been taken for the

purposes we’ve been talking about today

so listen the main thing you can do is

be in prayer about these little faces

that you see when you see these faces

don’t just let it pass you by say God

bring these people back home a prayer

that Chris and Nick prayed recently in

their organization prayed because they

were in a specific country where the

government the police forces weren’t

doing anything to help them they were

saying we can’t help you anymore and you

know what they prayed I love this

they prayed that the clients the men

that were going into these brothels that

their hearts would be so convicted that

they would actually want to rescue some

of these girls and guess what it

happened a man went into a brothel he

told a young lady you know what I’m

gonna come back and I’m gonna get you

and he did she jumped out of the window

to him he took her to the police station

and so what if we can just pray that

God’s have changed the hearts of the

people that are going to victimize these

young people and some not so young

people and that God will change so you

can pray that’s one thing you can do but

where can we find a 21 online what can

we do

tangibly to help support what you were

doing and rescuing now that question is

something if I think if you go to the

a21 campaign org on there has got we’ve

got 21 things you could do today whether

you’re a stay-at-home mom with six kids

that you’re homeschooling or whether

you’re a corporate executive and

everything in between

there are 21 things that you go you know

what I can do that one right now because

I think if you don’t empower

we caused frustration and paralysis and

what we want to do is put tools in

people’s hands and say here’s one thing

you can do absolutely so a21 campaign

org I want you to go there right now

because there are 21 things listed there

and if you’ll do one thing if I’ll do

one thing together we can help them to

abolish slavery in the 21st century

would you please help me by thanking

them for being here





