A beloved actress, writer and speaker, Lisa Whelchel has captured the hearts of fans since she was thirteen years old. For nine years, Lisa starred as Blair Warner on “The Facts of Life” and went on to become a popular author and speaker. She continues to be in the spotlight and recently participated in CBS’s “Survivor: Philippines” hit series. Join Priscilla Shirer and Lisa Whelchel for this fun episode of The Chat!

this is going to be a great opportunity

for us to get to know each other even

better I always love when you come to

the chat with Priscilla we’re going to

sit down in our virtual living room and

have a great conversation with a

wonderful guest you’re going to want to

stay tuned okay so grab your favorite

drink cappuccino hot tea coffee you know

whatever it is you’ve got and get

comfortable we’re gonna have a great

time together

I am so glad that you are here listen

this is part 2 of a conversation we’ve

already been having so if you’ve not

seen part 1 yet then you need to make

sure to go back and see part 1 because

we are just now continuing a

conversation that’s already been going

on with the most wonderful woman she’s a

wonderful woman to me and you’re going

to think so – after we continue this

conversation would you please welcome

Lisa Whelchel so we’ve already been

doing a whole lot of talking about some

of the formative years of your life but

we need to get kind of present day we

know where you are right now and what’s

been happening right now in your life

but to get us there recently I think

just a couple of years ago you were on a

little television program called

survivor yes we want to know how that

even happened

what happened first of all momentary

insanity yes but also because I love the

show I’ve watched every episode of every

season I’m come from a family of game

players we play board games I had a game

Club in my home when my kids were little

so I loved to play games and it seemed

like the just the ultimate game very

extreme Lisa yes monopoly survivor

exactly finally and that was I think

that was one of the hardest things about

it is that I wasn’t playing with a

little shoe and a little you know dog

and a play money yeah exactly I was

playing with real people with that I

actually liked and became friends with

and so that was the hardest thing for me

it wasn’t even yes the physical aspect

was horrendous

I talked to us about the visit what did

you actually have to go through we saw

some of it but it’s all really we want

to know where there’s no comparison to

what really happens you know we the

first 17 days it rained straight so we

were never dry and we were never warm it

was freezing and we would sleep either

in wet jeans or a bathing suit and

actually the bathing suit was warmer

than the wet jeans and that was even

freezing and then to get warm you got to

snuggle up with everybody but then

nobody’s taking a bath so that’s like

hmm cold or how many days did you go

without taking a bath

Oh 39 days without taking bath or you

know washing my hair or you know there

was no bathroom facilities and you know

we use leaves um yeah so this would make

you want to do that

what made you fur when they called you

and said first of all tell me cause you

well I actually you know made an

audition tape because I wanted to be I

volunteered for this I am in an audition

tape because I’ve you know I wanted to

play this game and you know that kind of

thing I mean I I’m I don’t want you at

my hair people don’t know people know

how tough you really are like this is a

woman you need to know that decided that

she wanted to just just enter her walk

with the Lord and growing spiritually

she decided she wanted to go on a silent

backpacking no talking kind of fast trip

somewhere tell us what you did it was

some journey you did kind of by yourself

for your spiritual growth yeah I mean

yeah that was and I mean and then yeah

okay so and then I decided after this

little kind of fast thing well I’m gonna

you know what I want to continue this

fast so I’m going on a forty day fast so

you know I just continued it so that

kind of thing going without food you

know kind of depriving myself that

really wasn’t the hard part it was the

emotional part that we know how tough

you are they kind of see that this part

and they’re thinking Blair and they

don’t know that actually you’re pretty

rough and tumble actually you kind of

like you have the ability to for your

body to be in an extreme state that

might cause other people to kind of

falter and faint and back out and you’re

able to really endure a lot what do you

in tribute attribute that to why is that

you know what it’s not I don’t think

it’s necessarily a good thing I think

that I have really kind of been you know

we are body soul and spirit and when God

wanted us to know what his love looked

like he came in the body in the flesh so

there is he celebrates the body and

humanity but um I think a lot of it even

had to do

with just kind of being raised from the

time I was little in the church I

equated when he says you know don’t give

place to the flesh that you know the

body and so I have really disconnected

from the body as if that’s a bad thing

and and so I haven’t been in touch with

my body so I haven’t listened to it I

haven’t given it a voice I haven’t felt

what it’s feeling and paid attention to

take care of it because I thought I was

doing a good thing by kind of cutting

off from it in order to be more

spiritual just kind of

compartmentalizing your life the

spiritual part is more important forget

the physical part and I have missed out

on the lot of the beauty of our humanity

mm-hmm yes one of those things we talked

about in part one was just connecting

with other people being open and

vulnerable and sharing your life with

them some of that was cut off from you

because of the you know your ability to

kind of distance yourself and keep

yourself separate right because not only

look is the body because we are

interconnected that also had a lot of to

do with the emotions and because if

their body and emotions and mind and

will I lived most of my life in my mind

in my will figure out what is the right

thing to do how to do it engage my will

and just do it and I call that godliness

I called that yeah I’m walking I’m you

know I’m walking by faith faith is not

feeling I am walking you know I’m

obeying and I’m not paying attention you

know I’m not giving place to the flesh

and you know it did keep me out of a lot

of trouble you know it did but it also

kept me from the fullness of

experiencing right grace and

experiencing connection in with with

other people and that’s a whole big part

of God he is very relational yes and he

gave us our emotions that are a

beautiful thing and I was missing out on

a lot of the beauty that was available

to me because I was afraid of it I was

afraid of my heart I was afraid of my

flesh I was afraid I was going to make a

mistake and mess up and so not really

taking God at his word that grace covers

all that and it’s really

not about me so even though it looked

like I was doing it for God to be a

really good Christian I was actually

just a really good Pharisee in a lot of

ways very legalistic yep yeah okay so

you go on Survivor you do not take a

bath for 39 days you were rained on for

17 days you’re in freezing temperatures

in a bathing suit trying to get warm

with all these other people you’re

eating rice unrolling rice yeah how long

we didn’t have fire for the first 10

days and so we just ate rice out of the

bag because we couldn’t cook it yeah you

know and it really didn’t it wasn’t it

wasn’t new nourishing is bad not nice to

us chew on I personally like a little

gravy on my rice okay and so what was

the hardest part what was the hardest

part of Survivor for you and would you

ever do it again okay see that would of

all the things that I would think twice

about doing and not regret that you know

that would survivor it took me a while

to say okay I would do that again but

yes I would do it again because it

changed me really it should change it

well a lot of it had to do with what I

was just talking about and that I had so

spent my life wanting to be good because

I equated good with godliness equated

good with being a good testimony for

with being a good Christian I wanted I

took very seriously my platform that God

had given me and I wanted to use it to

draw people to him and so if I’m going

to be like Jesus then I need to act like

Jesus but you know what we’re not to act

like Jesus we’re to be like Jesus and I

was acting or Jesus there is a big

difference and we can only be like Jesus

when we connect the humanity and the

divinity and so I would I realized

because on Survivor it takes everything

away from you and you are exposed for

every no for whatever is in there and

then I left you in a very emotional

state you were very emotional show and

it also left me very raw and I could not

help but see as much as I had tried

disconnect from it there was a very

selfish part of

me that wanted to knock you out so I

could get ahead there was a part of me

that wanted to put a million dollars

above relationship there was a part of

me that wanted to gain I knew I’m going

in that’s I do it right I couldn’t you

could force myself from the from my life

and because I knew it was a game I know

it was a game but then I also knew that

people are the real people well and

people and tell them watching on

television I had you know said I’m a

Christian and then if I acted like you

know lying and betraying and

backstabbing I know it’s a game but I

was afraid that was gonna put a blight

on you know I was no longer I was just

gonna being one more of those Christians

that when it came down to it I was gonna

you know just forget myself you struggle

with that on that show you grow you were

sitting in a corner balled up in a fetal

position trying to figure out what to do

do I play the game and do you really

think that it that it really does boil

down to that that in a situation where

it is a game that is why everyone is

here that your Christianity is best seen

when you choose even in the instance

where it’s all a game and we all know it

not to betray or lie or play the game do

you feel like your faith needed to be

expressed where you choose even though

we’re all here for the game I’m not

gonna play the game because I want to

make sure that no one maligns the name

of Jesus because I lied or but yay for

me it was important to accept all parts

of myself that part that was very human

and wasn’t very christ-like

and that to be able to say yes both

sides are me and it’s the wholeness that

is accepted by God not just the good

it’s not because that is you know that

is legalism and that is proof that works

and so for me I think I needed to be

able to just go out there and play the

game and know in my head this is just a

game and just leave that up to the

audience to choose what they wanted to

believe and not care so so much that was

the journey I needed to be on but I

don’t know that it’s the journey that

everybody you know in that situation

would need to be on but for me I

remember when God was

really going to eyes he was trying to

teach me about grace and this is about

eight years ago and I remember saying to

him oh I really do want to learn about

grace I just don’t want to need grace

because if I need grace that means I’ve

messed up and I still equated messing up

with separation from God with him with

just not not pleasing him and I needed

to mess up and I think it’s one of the

reasons why I got into a situation where

there was permission to do all these

things that all of us has I and what did

you choose have you ever felt

overwhelmed or like your life was so

stress filled and stressful but you just

you couldn’t even enjoy your life

anymore what if I told you there was a

little secret there is something that

the Jewish people have been doing for

years and centuries there’s a discipline

that is a regular part of their lives

that has caused many of them to be able

to steer clear of the stress-filled

existence that many of us and are

accustomed to we will always be drawn

don’t reduce things and God knows this

this is why he puts boundaries in place

it’s gonna be a journey through the

Scriptures that is gonna help us to

enjoy life the way God always intended

in the end at the very end like in the

last few days I chose to play the game

and to play it hard and to you know to

just say really and there was a whole

nother lesson once it aired and got a

lot of bad feedback you know cuz the

Christians were saying you are not being

a good witness and then the people that

aren’t Christians are saying well you

know you need to get your big-girl

panties on and play the game or get off

the island so there was no pleasing and

in then just to realize you know what

you are so right both of you are right

and isn’t that a lesson in and of itself

that no matter what you do whether you

don’t have to be a survivor for that to

be a lesson right no matter what you do

there’s going to be somebody over here

that you should have done differently

somebody over here that should have done

it differently and so ultimately it is

okay Lord what do you want me to do in

this particular scenario and I do it to

honor you at the exclusion of what

everybody else is going to think yes and

then also I think it’s not just

either/or it’s like I could say to both

of the camps yeah that’s that is so true

oh yeah you’re right too you know it’s

it’s okay end of god I’m going to try to

do my best but if I mess up that’s okay


the grace grace covers that so not

working so hard to please others or even

to please God I don’t have to work hard

to please God I am pleasing to God and

in that resting place I’m actually going

to probably please him more because I’m

actually taking his gift seriously yeah

not just kind of half okay you do that

part but just fill up what I can’t do

right okay when you got home when you

were booted off the show were you sad

that you were booted off because you

were in the top three she made it down

to the two the last three were you sad

that you were booted off or were you

grateful to the Lord that you were going

home to your soft bed well except in

when you make it to the final three you

all those 39 days it doesn’t matter so

there’s no more that days than that the

final three 39 days so would I have

liked to have gone 39 days with a

million dollars yeah

yeah I was sad I didn’t win yes okay but

when you got home what did you do what

was the first thing you did when you got

back to your life my daughter Mary but

in audience say did she take a bath I

did that

the night I was you know the tropical

final tribal council when I got home my

my kids met me at the airport and I had

a large route 44 sonic cherry lemonade

Hey hallelujah

and I’m very intrigued by the fact that

you say you would do that again if the

people from Survivor or well no no no I

would do that again you would have that

experience again I would do it again

I wouldn’t do it no there’s a whole

nother thank you I’m so glad I do no no

I would do it over again but I won’t

honor that is what yes but I would not

do the show again so never mind

yeah let scratch that do not call Lisa

Whelchel she does not want to do that

again my friend likes to eat too much

for the restroom okay what do you life

look like now you are how old I’m 51

you’re a good-looking fifteen yeah you

were good-looking fit anyone so we need

to know what you’re doing now how your

life looks different

what have you been surprised by in this

season of your life that you you when

you look forward to 50 51 50 years old

you just you didn’t know your life would

look like this or entail this I did not

expect to be divorced okay I did not

expect to be needing to figure out how

am I going to provide secure future for

myself how am I gonna have retirement

how am I gonna be able to I would really

like to be a full-time grandmother when

kids grandkids come along but am I gonna

you know gonna just am I going to be

working until the very end I mean that

was all those things there’s no way I

would I would I be living in an

apartment you know sharing a room with

one of my kids

you know I mean all that there’s would I

be wondering what am I going to do with

my life and starting over in every area

and I had I would certainly did not

picture that for myself the divorce are

on your family harder your kids are

grown now so how did that affect them

and how are you guys doing through all

of that your family divorce is going to

be hard on the whole family as far as

you know on a continuum I think it’s

about as good as it can get my kids were

grown we are all the whole family’s very

close I mean my ex-husband still travels

with me and is my road manager and we

speak you know when I’m speaking at

churches he’s the one that’s fronting

the gig and setting up the book table

and selling the stuff and traveling with

me so you know they’re still recovering

scenario most you know divorce

situations and you know when we we spend

all the holidays together he comes to

California we go out to dinner in a

movie so that is not the typical

scenario and so therefore you know the

it is filled with much much more grace

then I think it’s or it doesn’t well I

think you need grace no matter what yeah

but but it could be a lot more difficult

yes and it’s ended up being and you’ve

recently moved from Texas you are back

in California the land where you work or

so my hair’s a secret what do I want to

be when I grow up yeah because my kids

you know I’ve got a divorce about the

same time my last one was going off to

college and I’m it’s like oh wow I need

to actually make a living and plan

something and what can I do well I was

an actress about 25 years ago let me see

I thought you gonna try that again yeah

and has I love it you do love it

but so when you pulled away from it did

it feel like something was missing to

not be acting or during that season did

God give you the grace to walk away from

a go I didn’t expect that I would ever

go back into acting I really didn’t I

left it was great it wasn’t like I was

rejecting it but I loved being I would

and I would still I would love to just

be I mean I would love to just you know

write books and speak and be a

grandmother I enjoy acting but I’m

pursuing it because I would love to be

able to make money at something I enjoy


and the jury’s out on that that’s gonna

happen you know you can’t just decide I

want to be an actress and go do it

there’s a lot of many more talented

acting actresses out there that aren’t

working and they’re all in my acting

class and it’s just you know

that’s a whole nother level of insecure

so you are in an acting class other

people would find that very interesting

because you’ve spent such a large chunk

of your life act and I’m the worst one

in my acting class not sure you’re not

okay no I am and I tell you why the

teacher tell you that you’re the worst

one what gives me many more notes

because the other ones look and a lot of

it has to do again back to that that

disconnect thing I love comedy because

comedy you can kind of stay above things

laugh a lot which is kind of what I do

in life but drama

you have to be in touch with your

emotions and you’ve got to give them

place and you’ve got to feel them and

let them Express through the text and

that’s what my acting class is about and

I said so in Long disconnecting from

emotions because they’re scary and I’m

afraid of them and they’ll be

overwhelming or I might do something

wrong or unchristian like or embarrass

myself and so to again in the context of

an acting class there’s permission yeah

to blow up and be angry which I would

not give myself permission to do in life

or you know the permission to be kind of

sexy you know in a scene and you know

it’s okay it’s in a scene but I wouldn’t

do it in real life but hey you know what

I’d like to be able to feel sexy that is

kind of part looking of sexy yes okay

look at mighty second we need to talk

about fifty one and six okay how are you

keeping your body in such great shape

our you know our bodies change so much

I’m getting ready to turn 40 we were

talking about this earlier and I have

just noticed stuff all of a sudden the

same exercises the same foods the same

regiment it just is not maintaining the

same way and it’s not not just weight

hair everything is just in your your

hormones seem to change everything

around and you’ve got to readjust what

have you found to be readjustments

you’ve had to make in this new decade of

your life what are you doing because you

look great you look healthy you look

well what what is what have you found is

working for you I’m really not a good

person to ask because I really am up and

down and I don’t have a real good

discipline routine I you know I try to

eat healthy but I also eat

anything I want just small portions or C

but that’s that’s a decision you’ve made

that’s actually huge for a lot of people

because I think some folks think that a

diet means you have to be so restrictive

that you’re not eating the things you

love yeah

no wait for me no they don’t work for me

either I like I need some fried chicken

oh yeah yeah and you can eat it but you

eat it in moderation yeah yeah that’s a

good meal you know I don’t feel like I’m

the person to ask because that’s that’s

not as much as I’ve struggled with my

weight I’ve never been able to make an

addiction out of it

[ __ ] that sounds like but like I like

those parts of me when I wanted to lose

weight it’s like okay yeah I’d like to

have an exercise addiction you know or

I’d like to be able to you know because

I that’s just that’s just never been I

mean my god I’m not giving yourself

enough credit your balance that’s what

you’re saying is you haven’t right an

addiction out of exercise or out of not

eating this not even you have just

decided I’m going to enjoy food I’m

going to enjoy exercise but you’ve also

done it in a way where you can stay

balanced and healthy and every once a

while I’ll hop on the treadmill you know

and and try to try to do that at least

three times a month so we will not take

your advice back to you

so has your body changed much from 40s

to 50s have you seen anything different

really are you still feeling you have

the same or I mean it’s changed yes it’s

all it’s always chase but see I have

been so body focused since I was 12 so I

haven’t you know I mean I have gone

through so many different my body has

changed so many times that I don’t know

what looks normal I don’t know what is

is as normal I’m always like 10 pounds

up or down mm-hmm well are you up right

now or down I’m about I’m about seven

pounds up it’s all in the right so we

can go have some fried chicken cuz I got

another three to go yeah exactly

okay what would you go back and tell

your 20 year old self if you could look

back and say girl let me tell you this

you don’t need to worry about this or

you do need to be more concerned about

this and even less than you thought

money away and don’t invest it cuz

investments not always a good thing yeah

I would say I would say really celebrate

this is a this is kind of a bold


celebrate the dark as much as the light

because that is that’s what’s integrity

is wholeness and you can’t have the

light without experiencing the darkness

and there are treasures in the darkness

do you mean the ups and the downs by

light and dark what do you mean by dark

I would say in general the light in the

dark probably not the way we often

interpret it for like evil or good right

as much as the shadows and the the hard

things and what we would call even

negative emotions you know there is a

place for you know anger there’s a place

for fear even I know he said do not be

afraid but at the same time we don’t

know what it what it means to really

trust God for me I didn’t feel a lot of

those things so it you know it was great

I can say I you know I trust God but

when I don’t know you do until you’re in

a position where you you feel what it’s

like to acally yeah exactly and so I

would just say you know just it

celebrate the wholeness of life because

you don’t have to be so afraid of you

know don’t have to be so afraid that

acceptance and grace is not going to

cover everything and there’s so much to

learn in humanity and not just the

divine nature so it sounds to me like

you would tell your younger self to go

on the adventure experience all of it

don’t push some of it to the side

because you think it’s bad or wrong or

you’re not going to gain acceptance from

God or whoever because of this just go

ahead and group all of that together

don’t compartmentalize and just enjoy

fully everything mountains valleys light

dark yes and being you know the original

be naked and unashamed and naked means

you’re not

burn up the lumpy bumpy stuff because

you don’t have to because you know the

the gays and the delight of God doesn’t

change by the your performance or how

you look because he sees you know he

sees his little girl and his little girl

is utterly delightful to him I’m so glad

that your your 50 year old self has

discovered that yeah

because you are a beautiful wonderful

woman and it’s so neat to see how your

whole life has come together in a way

that you’ve got just this bright smile

on your face and this radiance about you

and it’s good to see you like this it’s

great to see I’m glad that your life is

so full and wonderful your kids are

healthy you’re healthy it’s a good

season in your life it is this great

season would you please thank her for

