Experience the power of the resurrection through this special presentation produced in partnership with RightNow Media. We want to thank RightNow Media and Harvest House Publishers for the use of the content filmed on location in Israel and excerpted from Tony Evans’ Bible Study: “The Power of Jesus Names.” We also want to thank Anthony Evans, Jr. for directing and producing the portions filmed on location in Texas. And a special thanks to Kirk Franklin and his group of amazing singers and musicians for sharing the love of God and the power of Jesus through the wonder of song.

lay them all down lay them all down at




lay them all


what he will do




for America

for you


it’s coming it’s coming






















so great watch but if you watch what


well hello oh click Bible Fellowship

Church family as well as our broader

global audience I promised you last week

that we were going to go on a journey

for Resurrection Sunday and that’s

exactly what we’re going to do as we

prepare to go on this journey I want you

to be prepared in advance for the

conclusion of the journey which will be

around communion so go ahead and get

your juice your bread your crackers God

knows your heart it take what you have

and be prepared that when we finish our

journey we’ll be able to meet the Lord

in a fresh way but our journey is going

to take us to the land of Israel and

we’re going to learn and be reminded of

some great spiritual truths about our

Savior about what he accomplished and

about the power of the Resurrection so

come on let’s go and let’s see what

Jesus has to teach us as we find out

more about him in the land where he

lived died and rose again



let’s begin our journey of one of the

greatest events in the life of Jesus

demonstrating his miraculous power his

awesome deity and his ability to reverse

a bad situation happened in Bethany and

you know it when he raised Lazarus from

the dead

this event is special because in it

Jesus shows his humanity where he can

hurt with people who are weeping and at

the same time reverse the thing that

caused them to cry this is special so I

want you to join me let’s go into

Lazarus tube and let’s see how this

miracle unfolds

throughout the book of John one of the

ways Jesus affirmed his deity and

expressly declared it was identifying

himself as I am Jesus not only said it

he demonstrated it a few chapters later

in John chapter 11 when three people who

he loved Martha Mary and Lazarus work

we’re struggling because Lazarus was

dying and the sister would cry was

crying out Martha went to him and said

don’t she can’t he could have been here

earlier this didn’t have to go down like

this my brother didn’t have to die

and guess what Jesus said I am the

resurrection and he went a little bit

further he says that he is the

resurrection and anyone who believed in


would never die that’s the beauty of

knowing be I am because you escaped

death because he is the resurrection but

there’s another application to this what

do you think has died in your life maybe

hope has died maybe relationships have

died maybe your perspective has died

maybe your your dreams have died guess

what Jesus is still the resurrection he

can take things that are dead and bring

them back to life again here it is real

he says he’s gonna do that with the Dead

Sea he’s gonna bring it back to life he

wants to bring you back to life because

he’s I am and he is relevant to you

right where you are in the DEP you think

you’re in doing Martha said to him well

I know in the future my brother’s gonna

rise I’ve got my eschatology and

theology straight now Jesus says I’m not

just talking about the future I’m

talking about I am in the present I am

right here with you in the pain you’re

experiencing right now Jesus didn’t keep

him from the pain but his am-ness joined

them in the pain that’s why throughout

the book of John him declaring himself

that I am

means that he’s relevant to the present

tense of your reality so faith in Christ

gives you guarantees for eternity but it

gives you hope for a resurrection no

matter how deadly your situation appears

to be in right now he finally told it

Martha if you believe you would see that

if you see you would believe because

faith must precede sight but the faith

he asked for wasn’t just verbal faith he

said move the stone now I didn’t tell

she moved the stone did she seek what

the resurrected Christ could do maybe

your resurrection hasn’t occurred

because you had to go to the stone

demonstrate that you believe that Jesus

is the I am do what he’s told you to do

act in obedience and let’s see what

resurrection he brings in your life and

in your circumstances


well there’s a lot of concern about

sickness today we’ve got a pandemic

we’ve got a virus that is causing great

pain and heartache Martha Mary we’re

concerned about the physical well-being

of their brother they wanted Jesus to do

something about it that’s probably how

we all feel right now because there’s

this corona virus that won’t leave us

alone and like Martha Mary we’re crying

out god please help us things got worse

as we saw before they got better but

Jesus stepped in we need God right now

to step in and to eradicate this disease

but God gave them a condition they had

to remove the stone in other words they

had to position themselves for a miracle

to deal with whatever the illness was

that brought about Lazarus demise let’s

make sure we are positioning ourselves

for the miracle that we are requesting

many of us are locked up in our homes

and like Mary who wouldn’t even come out

of her house she was sequestered in her

home when Jesus told us come it’s time

to come out cuz it’s time for a miracle

I believe God wants to do a miracle in

our lives and our families and our

marriages you know culture in our

country in our churches but he just

wants that stone removed he wants to

know that we have faith and faith is not

a feeling it’s acting like God is

telling the truth it’s not an emotion

it’s acting like it is so even when it’s

not so in order that it might be so

something because God said so you

measure your faith by your foot

by your mouth not only that but by your

movement by your talk yes but also by

your walk yes you use your lips but it’s

manifested by your life and not until

she removed the stone did she get the

miracle of a resurrection Jesus believes

in resurrections he believes that taking

things that look like there is no hope

and reversing them

yeah we need a reversal with regard to

this virus but you may need a reversal

with regard to your virus whatever that

thing is in your life that looks like

it’s dying or dead

maybe it’s your marriage that seems


maybe it’s your relationship with your

children that seemed like it can’t be

resurrected maybe it’s a reversal of

circumstances in your life for which you

are at fault and you need God to

resurrect and bring about a shift in how

things are gonna wind up the question on

the floor is have you removed the stone

have you done what he’s asked you to do

which demonstrates faith which frees him

up to do what he wants to do you will

never know what’s behind the stone will

you never know what your miracle can be

until he sees you removing the stone

until he sees you acting on what he said

which demonstrates faith in his word

when you operate on what you do know

then he can go behind the stone and do

what you don’t know because once the

stone was removed

Jesus kicked in and he prayed a prayer

the great I am went about his

resurrecting duty and he says father I

always know that you hear me

I know we’re praying but the question is

this Jesus praying the prayer that you

are praying so that both of you are

praying the same prayer which means

you’re operating in his will which means

his father never turns down his son when

his son is requesting on our behalf what

we’ve requested

by the way that’s why we end our prayers

in Jesus’s name we want him to

authenticate and authorize what we are

requesting and he’s not about to do it

until he sees Caesarstone moving until

he sees obedience to his revealed word

and did you notice how specific it was

you know this tomb its Lazarus tomb this

thing goes pretty deep

and Jesus said Lazarus come for he

didn’t say y’all come forth and

everybody would have left now he said

Lazarus come forth because there was a

specific answer to a specific request

about a specific situation so you go to

Jesus and you be specific about what you

wanted to do you give it the name

Lazarus or whatever name it ought to be

called but then you make sure you mix it

with obedience that trust in Jesus and

when there is faith filled obedience

then we stand back and we watch him call

the name of our problem our predicament

our virus and then we watch him begin to

eradicate things that nobody else could

fix we’re in a pandemic that it should

be clear now we don’t have ready answers

for that’s because God wants to be the

solution but he’s waiting on us to move

the stone so how long does God have to

wait for us to do what he told us to do

so we can watch him do what he’s

promised to do in moving the stone and

giving us the resurrection we need in

whatever situation we face whether it’s

the pandemic of a virus or the pandemic

of circumstances that need to be lifted

from the grave that we find ourself dug

in Jesus Christ wants to give you a

resurrection a resurrection in the midst

of your trouble and your circumstances

but he’s waiting for you to obey Him and

do what he’s asked you to do

that begins with acknowledging that you

need him that you can’t do this without

him our world needs him you need to go

to him and say my world needs you


show me your face

fill up the space my world needs you

right now

my world needs you right now

I can’t escape being afraid my world

needs you right now my world needs you

right now

show me yes fill up the space yes my

world needs you right now

my world is you I can’t escape


my world



that point is you


everybody bring with it a sow more than

ever guard that points us to you rate

substitutes right now god please wish me

and my districts me


the world right now

more than ever before Jesus all over the

world we say


my knee – right

well did you come towards me your name

Oh feet



even in the store

Oh too



oh my







filled out the space my world needs you

right now my world needs you right now



I’m standing on the Mount of Olives this

is a very special place because this is

the place that Jesus ascended to heaven

from Hathi he rose from the dead forty

days later he met with his disciples

giving them final instructions about the

kingdom of God and then stepped on a

cloud and his glorified body and was

taken up to the third heaven to sit on

the right hand side of his father

Zachariah tells us it’s also the places

coming back again where this mountain

will split in two and is coming and

where he will enter through this eastern

gate in order to set up his 1000 year

Kingdom millennial rule that’s going to

be an exciting time and it’s exciting to

just stand in this spot that’s why I

love the name given to Jesus Christ in

Revelation chapter 22 verse 13 where he

says I am the Alpha and the Omega Alpha

and Omega they are the first and last

letters of the Greek alphabet so when

the Bible says that Jesus’s name is

Alpha and Omega what God is telling us

is that he is the first Alpha the first

letter of the Greek alphabet Omega the

last letter of the Greek alphabet and

that means he is the sum total of

everything in between that’s why the

statement is connected to him being the

first and the last that is he is the sum

total of all the manifestation and

communication and revelation of God

alphabet the first two letters of the

Greek language alpha beta that makes up

our English word alphabet which is 26

letters these 26 letters make hundreds

of thousands of words I bought my mother

a UH a Scrabble set one year and she got

very good at it and she was creating all

of these were

is validated by the dictionary from

these 26 letters she didn’t have to go

and find a 27th letter because 26

letters were sufficient for all the

legitimate words that she wanted to make

well just as the 26 letters of the

English alphabet they are sufficient for

all communication so it is Jesus Christ

is sufficient for all of life

that’s why Colossians chapter 3 verse 11

says in Christ he’s all in all he’s

everything he’s the beginning the end

the Alpha and Omega the first and the

last because he is the comprehensive

statement reflection of manifestation of

God in fact the Bible says that in

Christ the fullness of deity dwells in

bodily form all of God is resident in

the person of Jesus Christ that means

that there is nothing missing when you

have him when you have Jesus you have

all that God is resident in you and that

means you have all that you need

resident in Christ that’s now resident

in you because you if you are a believer

are now in Christ to speak of Jesus as

alpha that is to speak of him as the

beginning you are now saying that he is

in the front of everything this is why

Colossians says that Jesus does have

first place in everything he is never to

be second in any area of my life your

life or our lives he is to be consulted

about all matters because after all he

is to be first Jesus being first also

speaks to his rank when we talk about

the first family or the first lady we’re

not we’re emphasizing their rank or

their position Jesus should be fir

time because he’s also first in rank

that is he’s to be positioned above

everything else let me put it another

way all of life is the recognition of

Jesus Christ and if you put him first

and if he becomes the conclusion and

have all matters subject matters

decisions are run through him that he is

being given the position that he demands

the position that he deserves and the

position that he will utilize to be at

worked in your life for your good and

for his glory in Hebrews chapter 12 we

have a great statement about how this

knowledge that Jesus is the sum total of

everything Alpha and Omega which means

everything in between from A to Z we

would say in our own language referring

to the alphabet and it’s comprehensive

nature he says since we have this cloud

of witnesses in verse one that is all

the people in chapter 11 who walked by

faith we should do the same and why

should we do it he says fixing our eyes

on Jesus the author and perfecter of our

faith because Jesus is the sum total of

everything and all of life is the

recognition of Jesus Christ

since he’s God’s philosophy of life

Ephesians 1:10 that all of life is to be

summed up Paul says in the person and

work of Jesus Christ he says get fixated

on him

as the author alpha and finisher Omega

of all of life don’t just take a

peekaboo of Jesus fixate on it in other

words let him be your point of reference

for everything in your life about your

life coming to your life emanating from

your life become so focused on him that

he now takes up the total engulfing you

into his person fix your eyes on Jesus

who when he says endured the cross for

the joy set before him so fixing your

eyes when Jesus doesn’t mean you won’t

have any challenges it has me you won’t

have any problems it means that the

crucifixion of Friday becomes the

resurrection of Sunday and God can take

messes and create miracles if you get

fixated that is if your perspective gets

zeroed in on him when Peter was drowning

because of the storm surrounding him he

got fixated on Jesus Christ until he got

fixated things kept going kept going

south but when he got fixated on the

author and finisher the one who started

him on walking on water alpha was the

finisher the one omega who reached down

in water and brought him back to safety

again so when Jesus Christ calls you at

the beginning alpha he can reach you

even when you’re sinking in between to

bring you to the place that you should

be he even had begun a good work in you

will continue it and complete it what am

I saying

Jesus doesn’t alpha what he doesn’t

Omega Jesus doesn’t start what he’s not

able to finish and if you will get

started with him

and keep walking with him he will bring

you to a conclusion for his glory you’re

good as you’ll conformed to his image he

keeps his promises he is able to bring

you to the finish line the finish line

of life the finish line of ministry the

finish line of circumstances I will

never forget the 1996 Olympics that’s

when a young gymnasts named Kerri Strug

was doing the vault that would bring the

United States a gold medal in gymnastics

the problem was that when she did her of

all she sprained her ankle and she could

barely walk

she was about to give up when she looked

over in the corner and saw her coach she

saw her coach and her coach was saying

you can do it Carrie you can do it

Carrie I believe in you Carrie but she

was in pain and she was hurting but at

the beckoning of her coach calling her

to finish she decided to try it again

the problem was it was her last try and

she was limping and they needed a high

score for the American team to win the

gold medal but she kept looking at the

coach and when she ran half limp have

run and vaulted and flipped in the air

she came down on her two legs and had to

lift one up because of the spring that

she had had previously but she landed

solid in spite of the limp when she was

asked how she was able to do that she

says I wasn’t able on my own but I kept

my eyes fixed on the coach and he kept

believing in me when I couldn’t believe

in me the one who brought her into

gymnastics her coach was the one who

brought her through gymnastics so that

the US team won the gold medal God has a

gold medal for you and if he led you to

salvation alpha that he’s going to bring

you to glorification Omega and that

means he’s gonna walk with you through

the whole destination so you hang in

there keep your eyes fixed on Jesus

because he that got you started is able

to bring you to a powerful victorious

conclusion because his name is Alpha and



since Jesus is Alpha and Omega that

brings about a question so question that

everyone is asking now who has any kind

of biblical knowledge and spiritual

sensitivity that is what is the

relationship of this pandemic to end

times to when Jesus is going to bring

history to a conclusion

well this site the Mount of Olives

really relates to that question because

in Matthew chapter 24 verse 3 Jesus said

on the Mount of Olives with his

disciples and they wanted to know what’s

the timeframe for your coming especially

since it’s going to involve all of these

negative events that affect society and

humanity and I get that question a lot

is God preparing us for the end times

let me give you a response one of three

things is happening

God is preparing us for the end times in

his prophetic calendar for the rapture

of the church the introduction of the

tribulation which leads to his

millennial reign and all of this chaos

given our sudden it is and how worldwide

the scope is is a set up for his

concluding time in history that’s one


the two or the second option is that

this is about a cosmic reset that God is

resetting humanity he seen the evil he’s

seen the chaos he sing the rebellion

he’s seen the idolatry and he’s creating

a situation to force men toward him

because human solutions aren’t working

and so he’s resetting the norm to create

a new norm and giving mankind a new

opportunity to get right with him

because what we’ve seen with this

pandemic is when God allows something to

move it can move real fast and it can be

quite disconcerting for all of humanity

at the very same time this ought to be a

wake-up call to Nations two Kings two

leaders to citizens to families that God

can turn things on a dime he wants our

undivided attention and then there is a

third option and that is a wake-up call

for the church the most important option

you see in Acts chapter 8 when the

Christians had gotten too comfortable in

Jerusalem God let havoc set in to take

them out of their comfort zone and move

them out of their churches and into the

broader society as witnesses for him so

that the Word of God wouldn’t be held

hostage to one location

and so he’s taking us out of our church

buildings we’re no longer having you

know regular church services why because

he’s disturbing the church to wake the

church up to our call to be witnesses

and disciple makers and to infiltrate

the nation’s with the good news of Jesus


the Church of Jesus Christ has gotten

too comfortable we have become too

church’ fide and our witness is not

being seen in the broader world so now

he’s forced us into the broader world

he’s Foster’s in the technology he’s

forced us into to being testimonies for

him he’s forcing us to go public and no

longer being secret-agent Christians so

yes it could be one two or three or it

could be one two and three because God

could be doing a number of things at the

same time but all of this is designed

with a ultimate purpose in mind that

Jesus sets up his kingdom rule in his

kingdom reign that Jesus sets up history

as it was designed when he first created

the first man Adam and the first couple

Adam and Eve when he will bring history

to its ultimate conclusion where Jesus

Christ rules God is glorified his saints

rule with him and earth becomes the

place it was created to be under the

rulership of Jesus Christ



come on your glorious victorious





















is awesome




this pandemic has opened up an awesome

opportunity for the church people are

afraid they’re insecure and so they’re

much more open to a message of hope and

the good news of the gospel God has

uniquely given us a platform and open

doing an opportunity to proclaim His

Word globally through the use of

technology media radio television social

media the Internet and through the

written text we’re able now to reach

hundreds of thousands and millions of

people with the powerful truth of God’s

inerrant Word and so I’m inviting you to

join us in enabling us to take advantage

of this unique moment in history through

the Ministry of the Urban alternative

through your prayers and through your

generosity your giving will help us to

take advantage of doors that are coming

to us like crazy because people are

looking for the message of God’s Word to

be proclaimed to them in this time of

need so thank you for supporting this

ministry if you would like to find out

more about the urban/alternative log on

to tony evans org and it will show you

all the things we’re doing the resources

we’re providing the impact we’re making

the people that we’re reaching worldwide

your generosity will allow us to not

only keep things going but expand them

exponentially because of the doors

available to us thank you for your

friendship thank for your faithfulness

thank you for your support we need it we

appreciate it and we will only use it

for the purpose for which it is given

which is to glorify God exalt Jesus

Christ and see lives of people impacted

and changed for time and for eternity

as a powerful spiritual lesson with this

coronavirus it is an invisible enemy

that have invaded the human race and it

threatens to kill well there’s another

virus that has invaded the human race

the virus of sin and it is affecting

every human being and it threatens to

kill and now everyone is looking for a

cure something that will be a vaccine

that will keep this virus from doing its

deadly damaged well the virus of sin has

a antidote a vaccine that’s designed to

remove its ability to destroy your life

in history as well as your separation

from God in eternity

the virus of sin doesn’t have to have

your name on it because Jesus Christ has

given the cure that’s why he could say

in John 11 I am the resurrection and the

life and that a person who lives even if

he dies he makes it clear that that

person still lives in fact he goes on to

say that person will never ever die do

you know the good news about Jesus’s

cure is that you’ll never see death this

is good news that the biggest virus that

the human race has ever experienced the

greatest pandemic that mankind has ever

known has a cure and it is found in the

life-giving resurrecting work of the

Lord Jesus Christ and so I want you now

to make a decision I want you to decide

to come to Jesus Christ for this gift of

eternal life to get rid of this virus of


that wants to destroy you in time and

remove your hope for heaven and eternity

the story is told of a father and son

who were driving in a car a bee flew in

the window and was buzzing around the

inside of the car and the little boy

panicked he was terrified that he was

going to get stung by this threat of

this bee buzzing around that’s when the

father reached out and grabbed the bee

and held it in its hand the son panicked

as the father opened his hand and let

the bee go because the Beast spun around

making noise again threatening sounds he

said daddy daddy the beans gonna get me

if it beans gonna get me that’s when

daddy said oh no son the bees not gonna

get you you see when I grabbed it it

stung me it only has one stinger that

stinger is in my hands all they can do

now is make a lot of noise it can never

hurt you I’ve got good news for you

today all deaf can do now is make a lot

of noise because Jesus Christ took the

sting of death and when you trust him as

your personal Saviour that noise will

never harm you so right now did you take

a moment bow your head with me and I’m

gonna pray a prayer I want you to pray

it after me but you just have to mean it

for yourself let’s pray

well Jesus I recognize I’m a sinner and

I carry the virus of sin in me

I need a savior because I can’t save

myself I can’t fix this problem on my

own so I now come to Jesus Christ who

died on the cross for my sins in my

place to be my substitute I now receive

him into my life invite him into my life

I now trust him alone for the

forgiveness of my sins and I receive the

gift of eternal life

thank you for your promise to give it to


if I came to you for it thank you for my

salvation that I now accept in Jesus

name Amen

now you get to live and you never get to


well we’re here at the garden tomb in

Jerusalem this is the area that

celebrates the resurrection of our Lord

by the way the tomb is empty because

Jesus Christ is risen and so we can

celebrate the fact that we have a living

Savior if you were around our church in

Dallas you would regularly hear them

refer to me as pastor now my name is

Tony Evans but they would regularly

refer to me as pastor because they are

really not just referencing my name

they’re referencing my role they’re

expecting me to preach the word they’re

expecting me to give leadership to the

direction of the ministry and to sort of

be in a position to to lead them into

the presence of God because that’s the

pastoring role well when you hear the

name Christ when you hear the name


that’s not Jesus’s last name I know

we’re used to hearing Jesus Christ but

it is really a identification of Jesus’s

role the word Christ or Messiah means

anointed it’s the anointed one in John

chapter 1 verse 41 he brought him to

Jesus that is Andrew brought his brother

Peter to Jesus and he says we have found

the Messiah which is translated means


so Messiah and Christ refer to the

Anointed One the whole Old Testament was

an anticipation of a designated divine

being who would be on earth to fulfill

the promises of God and the destiny of

man and he would be anointed by God to

fulfill this divine role of

responsibility and he would be known as

Messiah or the Emmaus Road in Luke

chapter 24 verses 25 to 27

as the two discouraged disciples were

going down and they were trying to

figure out what

had happened in Jerusalem what in the

world was going on well Jesus came to

them and when he showed up he opened the

scriptures and showed how the whole Old

Testament was talking about him talking

about him the Christ the Messiah so this

idea of Messiah goes all the way back to

the beginning the beginning promised

that there would be one from the seed of

a woman who would defeat Satan and who

would fulfill the promises of God to his

people and he would be the Messiah so

when you hear the name Christ or Messiah

think of the one duly designated to

represent God in history to fulfill

God’s promises for men to men based on

the promises and declarations of God now

this anointing was an official capacity

that Jesus Christ was to fulfill in his

role and it involved three areas first

of all he was anointed as prophet he

would proclaim the Word of God to people

in fact he is identified as the Word of

God so he is prophets

secondly he would be priests he would

represent men to God that would be his

role to represent men before a holy God

and then he would be king God promised

that man would rule but the first Adam

failed in carrying out that Duty so the

anointed one would be the fulfillment of

the promises of God that man

rule on earth and Jesus Christ would be

that Anointed One Jesus was asked in

mark 14 he was asked are you the Messiah

in verses 61 and 62 and Jesus said yes I

am that almost got him killed then

because it says that they came against

him and called it blasphemy that he

would declare himself to be the Anointed

One the point is simply this with Jesus

Christ and his role my role as pastor

has certain responsibilities Jesus’s

role as anointed has prophet priest and

King why does that matter to you and I

that he is the anointed one number one

it matters because he brings the

fulfillment of God’s promises into

history he brings them out of eternity

in history now that ought to help us to

understand a verse we all know but it is

easy to read over two quick Galatians

2:20 one of my favorite verses in the

whole Bible I am crucified what’s this

with Christ the Anointed One

nevertheless I live yet not i but it’s

this Christ who lives in me the life

which I now live I live by faith in the

Son of God who loved me and gave himself

for me now we know that verse we love

that verse but he speaks about that

verse related to Christ and related to

your identity why does that matter

because to the degree that you identify

with Messiah to the degree that he

becomes the source of your

identification for who you are is to the

degree that the three offices of the

anointing and the Anointed One come to

benefit you in other words when Christ

becomes your identity when he is your

Messiah even as a Christian that means

that God’s Word will now be revealed to

you it means that he will represent you

that’s his whole priesthood and he will

rule on your

so to have Jesus Christ as your Messiah

is not merely to have a savior who takes

you to heaven but an anointed one whose

job it is to bring the Word of God to

bring the presence of God to bring the

rule of God to you while you’re living

on earth but that only takes place if he

is your identity your point of reference

for who you are you know we live in a

world today where there’s a lot of

identity politics identity confusion and

what Jesus is saying is I am the Messiah

I am The Anointed One make me your

identity and those three roles those

three offices I will make available in

your life the context of Galatians 2:20

is very interesting because he’s really

talking to Peter who forgot who he was

and Paul has to get him straight and

tell him no you’re not just this Jewish

person anymore

you are now to be identified with

Messiah when Jesus Christ becomes your

point of reference when his messianic

role which started in Israel but

transfers to the church that’s why he’s

Messiah but then he is known as the

Christ because he is the Christ and the

Messiah even for Christians even though

it comes out of Judaism he wants you to

know that the same Jesus must be your

point of reference now let’s go back to

Luke 24 when Jesus opened the scriptures

to them and said should not the Christ

the Messiah have suffered and fulfilled

all the Old Testament I am the

fulfillment of all the Old Testament

great detail is given by the way in

Matthew chapter 1 and Luke chapter 3

because Messiah had to be from the line

of David and so in Matthew chapter 1 it

shows that Messiah through Joseph was in

the line of David his stepfather and

then it shows all the way back to Adam

in Luke chapter 3 that Messiah has a

human lineage through David so that

David on David’s lineage both legally

and biologically flowed through Messiah

the great detail was

to demonstrate that Jesus Christ

qualified to be Messiah but in Luke

chapter 24 when he took them through the

scriptures to prove he was Messiah they

sat down with him and when they sat down

with him their eyes were opened and when

their eyes was that were open they saw

who he really was when you come to see

that Jesus Christ is your Savior yes

if you’ve trusted him for the

forgiveness of your sins and the gift of

eternal life but he’s also your Messiah

he’s also the Anointed One who puts his

anointing to your benefit and my benefit

when he becomes your identity you know

many Christians are doing the best they

can to to achieve as much as they can in

the Christian life but that’s like a

high jumper jumping over a bar you’re

just doing the best you can a high

jumper can go about nine eight feet it

they’re pretty good but a pole vaulter

is different because a pole vaulter can

go like up to 18 feet because they are

leaning on something else to propel them

higher than they could ever go on their

own Jesus is your Savior but you can

only go so far on your own he wants to

be your pole vaulter as your Messiah

because as The Anointed One who you lead

on he Springs you to a whole new level

of experience he will make the Word of

God alive in you he will intercede for

you because he of his priestly role and

he will rule and overrule on your behalf

because he’s anointed his King all three

of those offices are in Messiah which

means Christ which are available to you

so take advantage of this great name of

Jesus this great name of Jesus Christ

it’s not his last name that’s his role

and he wants to fulfill that role in you

to you and for you as you submit to him

and make him the centerpiece of your

spiritual identity







why are you

saying it again


why are you not paid it all

and that lonely highway


and his anointing


my transgressions for my stripes and by



why do you cry


why are you


so when you go don’t you worry





yes Marissa


so don’t


he’s not he’s sweet


don’t Mona you’re not

you’re not alone


he’s not he’s not dead











well we’ve come to the end of our

journey for for Easter 2020 we’ve been

just a little ways with Jesus the

greatest person to ever live and the

most unique person because he’s God

become man so that men could be brought

back into relationship with God in

Romans chapter 5 verse 8 God

demonstrated his love toward us in that

while we were yet sinners Christ died

for us he goes on to say that this death

justifies us but then he continues down

through verse 10 and he says but the

resurrection delivers us it delivers us

not only in eternity but it delivers us

in history it is a rescue kind of

resurrection we need to be rescued a lot

we know we all want to be rescued from

the coronavirus but we need to be

rescued from our viruses and that’s what

the Resurrection does but for the

resurrection to do its work in your life

in my life right now then Jesus Christ

must be treated as Lord he’s not just

the savior for eternity he’s a Lord for


that’s why Romans 14 goes on to say that

he is the Lord in life and death he

wants to be ruler of your life he wants

to be the decision maker for your

decisions the director for the

outworking of your being and so he has

given us a tool a symbol and ordinance

to remind us of his ownership because

he’s alive because he ever lives to make

intercession for us because he wants to

own you once you come to him he knows we

need reminders because we get distracted

from his ownership by the world of

in the devil communion is that reminder

you are not your own I’m not my own we

have been bought with a price

we are own now to remind you of your

ownership as you gather now around these

emblems to remind us of the price he

paid to own you and me the bread is his

body broken

it’s where he was shredded in his

humanity so that we don’t have to be the

Bible says that he gave up his body so

that the judgment do us would be put on

him in his humanity and so that now your

body can be lived for him and not for

anything or anyone that contradicts him

because remember now he owns you and he

got chewed up for that ownership let’s

eat now and remember as you chew this he

was chewed because he wants to own you

as your Lord let’s eat together


of course without the shedding of blood

there’s no remission of sin and sin

that’s the great virus the gay virus

that judges us in eternity and ruins us

in time unless it’s dealt with if you’ve

come to Jesus Christ for salvation the

eternal issue is settled but the

temporal issue is not we still got to

live every day and fight for victory

this is to remind you he owns you and he

wants to be the basis of your victory on

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Friday Saturday because He shed his

blood for that very purpose to forgive

your sins and they give you power over

sin so let’s not right now let’s drink

together and celebrate the blood shed

the blood that by the way will never

lose its power let’s drink together


lord thank you for your body and your

blood that is your life that was given

from me for all of mankind desiring all

to be saved and all to be victorious

thank you that we are now looking at an

empty tomb because we have a living

risen Savior and we’re going to keep

praising you keep adoring you keep

giving you the glory that you alone

deserve because you alone are worthy in

Jesus name we ask it amen amen and amen

thank you for joining us for this

special Resurrection 2020 worship

experience I hope you were encouraged

and inspired by our time together and

that you want to draw near to our most

precious Savior if you would like to

know more about our ministry the

urban/alternative and all the things

we’re doing to touch people with the

good news of Jesus Christ and with all

the good news about his kingdom and how

he’s building in our personal lives our

family lives our church lives and even

throughout the culture law going to Tony

Evans org and it’ll tell you all the

things we are doing to make a difference

thank you for being with us I want to

give a special thanks to my son in the

ministry Kirk Franklin who was the music

behind this special message god bless

you and may you grow in grace and in the

knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ god

