Has what you’re attracted to ever ended up just subtracting from your life instead?

In this sermon, Pastor Michael shows us in the story of David how true repentance can bring restoration.

hey welcome to this week’s sermon I am

so glad that you were here no matter if

your usual or somebody sent you the link

I believe that God has a message just

right for your life at this time okay I

want to let you know that this is a

series that is going to help you win in

relationship and if you want to take

that to another level in resource I’m

gonna let you know relationshipgoals is

still out everywhere the book as well as

the study guide and for everybody who’s

already gotten it thank you for being a

part of changing the world for everybody

who has not bought this from somebody

else they need this in their life and if

you’ve never heard of relationshipgoals

this book is written to help you win in

relationships I’m telling you that God

cares about every one of your

relationships and we want to help you


so this sermon is about to give you

revelation get ready as we go into this

week sir


and um I think this word is it’s

challenged me all week and I believe

it’s gonna challenge you everybody in

the auditorium take your seat because we

are starting week 8 of a series that we

are calling help me relationshipgoals

reloaded your part all right some of

y’all church is getting weak but I’m

telling you my messages are getting

stronger okay we only have three more

weeks left in this series i’ma preach

today and then I have two more messages

and I I believe that culture is crying

out right now for a godly example

playbook and instructions of what

relationships are supposed to be and

this week in culture there’s been a lot

of talk about marriage in and in

relationships and there’s been all kinds

of stuff in culture that’s showing us

how when you make up what you think a

relationship or a marriage is supposed

to be and you weren’t the creator of it

how it ends up hurting people or

changing people or getting people into

entanglements I know that that

everybody’s trying to figure

how to do what God has asked them to do

as well as get everything you want out

of it but I’m telling you that there is

a way that relationship is supposed to

be done and God set it up like that so

that you could be able to win in

relationship somebody type that in the

chat everybody say it out loud I will

when in relationships but you only can

win if you go by the playbook and too

many people are making up rules to a

game that they did not create and it

took everything in me Demario not to

preach a message about entanglement

today took everything in me and I’m not

but next week I can’t make no promises

but today I want to finish what we

started last week now if you’re just

joining us and this is your first time I

need you to honestly get off right now

or get off after this and go back and

listen to part one that I talked about

our attractions and how attractions um

make us seem like it leads to

satisfactions but many of the times it

doesn’t lead to us being satisfied it

leads us being distracted and many of

our attractions has taken us from the

place that God wants us to be into a

place that we never thought we would be

and we’ve been looking at this in the

life of David so if you got your Bibles

right now I want you to go to UM

proverbs chapter 14 and I want to show

you a scripture real quick in verse 12

because everybody is trying to make

their own path in life when it comes to

relationships and I do not think that’s

this was God’s intention this scripture

stuck out to me and studied and it made

me think about this in my entire life

but it made me think about it when it

came to the context of relationship it

says proverbs 14:12 there is a path

before each person that seems right

isn’t it crazy that in our relationships

when we’re in them it seems right like

has anybody ever been in a bad

relationship that while you were in the

relationship it still seemed right

now y’all quiet today but I’ve seen your

Instagram pictures go from being with

this person to that person to this

person it’s only been 12 months the

reason is because when we were in it

when we started it when we got into it

it seemed right but it says that path

before every person that seems right

it ends in death and I’m not just

talking about a physical death I want to

know how many things in your life are

dying because it seemed right at the


how many callings how many how many

moments have you missed how many things

that have been happening and this is

what I want to pick up because we talk

about David all the time as the one who

defeated Goliath and became the king but

David had a dark side and his dark side

was fueled by his attractions and I know

a lot of us don’t want to admit it but

some of our attractions have been the

thing that has led to our distraction

and it’s honestly led to the death of

things that God wanted to live and when

I sit here and I think about my own life

I think about the relationships that God

had me in and wanted me to be in it was

my attraction to things that were not of

him and not like him

attraction to things that God didn’t put

in front of me but that culture enticed

me with it was those things that led to

the deaths of death of some things and

this is where we find David look at 2nd

Samuel chapter 11 verse 1 and 2 for

recap it says in the spring when Kings

normally go to war David was supposed to

be at war he stayed he stayed in the

place verse 2 late one afternoon after

his midday rest

David got out of bed and was walking on

the rooftop of the palace as he looked

out over the city he noticed a woman of

unusual beauty this is his attraction

taking a bath the first thing I want to

give us as a framework is I want to give

you the equation of attraction write

this down this is going to help you

attraction plus attention equals


you can never ever stop your attraction

if you don’t huh let me say it like this

you can never ever stop your attraction

attraction is neutral it happens but you

can stop your attention and when you

stop your attention from going to that

site to going to that person to going to

that thing that will stop and make

powerless the interaction the problem is

most of us think that we can be

attracted to it and just look at it

every once in a while and just talk to

it every once in a while and just be

around to everyone every once in a while

and I’m telling you one plus one does

equal to if you are attracted to it and

you give attention to it you will have

an interaction with it and there’s so

many people that act like this is not

true just because we don’t see your

interaction with it doesn’t mean you

don’t have interactions with it just

because it’s not public knowledge and

what I’m telling you is last week as I

demonstrated how I had an attraction to

cake it was when I gave that cake my

attention that eventually I face-planted

in it I had an interaction with the cake

and my question to you is what are you

looking at right now that attracted you

in one season but the interaction is

very close the interaction that may

interrupt what God wants to do in your

life and the reason I’m talking to you

like this is because I don’t want to

keep seeing people that God has chosen

to be relationship models for what he

wants to do in your life being taken out

by little stuff that we keep giving our

attention to David the king of an entire

region gets thrown off because he was

doing a little peekaboo over the rooftop

it was the little peekaboo it’s the

little peekaboo it’s the little people I

don’t know what you’ve been peeking and

booing at but you can forfeit

kingdom because of a peekaboo and that’s

what happened to him because he fell

into the trap of attraction and the

crazy thing about it is your attraction

can be to something good if you put your

attraction on you know what I’m gonna

live pure if you give your attention to

the Word of God you will have an

interaction with your purpose you can

actually use this formula in Reverse and

get to the place and the interactions

that you actually want to have that will

help you reach what God has called you

to reach let me put it to you in a point

attraction is good when it’s submitted

to God attraction is good everybody say

attraction is good when it is submitted

to God the reason I want to say that

because we know every good and perfect

gift comes from the Lord we understand

that God is the one that has created

everything it goes all the way back to

the garden remember when Adam was by

himself and God was like it’s not good

for him to be alone so he put him to


took his rib out and then he gave him

Eve when he woke up he was attracted to

Eve how do you know he was attracted to

Eve cuz the first thing he said was whoa

man Jesus she find my God today we gonna

call her whoa man God okay whoa man

woman that’s the first thing he said

so that was an attraction that was

submitted to god it was sub to the

mission but those same people had an

unsubmitted attraction when God told

them you can eat of every fruit in the

garden except this one they were

attracted to the fruit that was

forbidden and when they ate of that

fruit the attraction that they thought

was going to bring satisfaction actually

ended up subtracting them from the place

that they were supposed to live forever

now pastor Mike why are you why are you

taking us systematically through this

because I’m trying to

you locate why you’re in the spot that

many of you are in right now it’s

because we have listened to our

attractions and now it’s ending us up in

subtraction think about this real quick

I wrote this start down Jesus would have

had Jesus would have never had to die if

Adam and Eve had control of their

appetite listen to what I just said

again Jesus would have never had to gone

to the cross he would have never had to

make a way for God to be back with

humanity if Adam and Eve would have just

controlled their appetite you don’t get

it something I have to show you here we

go again

it’s a cake I’m attracted to it but

after last week I made a deal with

myself and with God that I was no longer

gonna eat the cake so so I’m attracted

to it but today I’m gonna control my

appetite but the cake is still here but

I’m a move on but where did these honey

buns come from I’m not gonna eat the

Kate but there’s always an alternate

whenever you have your appetite set on

something the enemy will always present

an alternate to you and my appetite once

for this but I’ll settle for this but no

I’m gonna stay strong in the Lord and

the power of his might and I’m not gonna

eat this honey bunny but when my

appetite was for this can I say no to

this there’s always cookies

there’s always cookies that will be

presented to me and this is what I’m

saying to you

it’s that it has to be a resolve on the

inside of you that you are not going to

give in to what your appetite is because

God has prepared something for you that

is actually better for you what if I

told you that on this amazing spread

that we have of things that are


none of these things are good for me

except the last thing this last thing is

a beautiful chicken salad and it’s got

all kinds of little peas and very

healthy stuff in it and all this other

stuff and I’m hungry right now and this

is what God has ordained for me to eat

this is the thing this is the

relationship this is the marriage this

is the job that God wants me to

participate in indulge in he wants me to

be fully satisfied here but this would

be enough if I didn’t taste all of this

and what happens in many relationships

in many marriages is what we do is I’m

tired of waiting on what God has for me

and I have this natural appetite so I’ll

take a piece of this I’ll take a buyer

this I’ll take a tip of this gummy bear



I would have to either swallow or spit

out what I have to receive what was

already prepared for me and what happens

many times is the reason why you can’t

be satisfied when one marriage partner

is cuz you tasted everybody else before

you made the commitment the reason why

it’s the appetite I’m trying to your

attractions your appetite the reason why

this would have been enough it was if it

was the only thing I ate this would have

been enough for me I would have been

satisfied and thankful but when I keep

going around tasting things that will

ultimately leave me hungry

again and I’m showing you this because

many of us are sacrificing things out of

selfishness we won’t wait on the plan of

God so we tastes counterfeits pasta

Michael are you going as hard because so

many of us are having things subtracted

from from us like God is holding out on

us and what he’s doing is saying stay

away from all of these snacks stay away

from all the things that look good at

the moment but will not actually make

you any healthier this is what we have

to do when it comes to social media when

it comes to business when it comes to

everything what is your appetite telling

you to eat that will end up leaving you

hungry and I know some people are trying

to tune me out right now cuz I’m to in

your life this is so normal for you some

of y’all are watching this right now

eating the stuff that I got right here

some of you will pray for a goal that

you will go right after you pray for the

goal and you will discredit what you

prayed for about what you consume I’m

gonna be a pastor today I’m coming to

talk to you and I don’t care if you like

it I don’t care if you need it I’m

telling you God told me that your

appetite is killing your destiny and

that’s what happened to David

today I’m calling the Sermon

satisfaction – subtraction now that’s

that’s what I want you to realize it’s

that everything that promises to satisfy

is actually going to take away david

goes in here and he has an interaction

with bathsheba he doesn’t just see her

he’s not a just attracted to her he said

bring her up here look at it in second

chance a mule chapter 11 verse 4 it says

then david sent messengers to get her

and when she came to the palace he slept

with her they had an interaction right

this point down interaction always leads

to a transaction interaction if we don’t

come in contact there is going to be a

transfer this is where people think that

whatever you do no they don’t have no I

mean it’s all good nobody got her harmed

in it I’m telling you you cannot touch

anything without some of it getting on

you last week when I put my face in the

cake there was no way I could say that I

did not have an interaction with the

cake because that interaction created a

transfer what was on the cake got on me

this is why I’m telling people all the

time why shouldn’t we have why should we

wait to have sex before we get married

because when you do that outside of the

container of marriage that God has

placed in there there is a transfer and

that transfer is called the soul tie and

I think next week I’m gonna talk about

that and I may call it entanglements I

don’t know I’m still working on the

title right now but all I’m telling you

right now is when there’s a transfer it

gets on you there’s evidence that you

have been with something that may not

have been God’s best for you when we

look at David culture would say when he

called Bathsheba up and they slept

together satisfaction yes

I scored I saw it I had it it’s over no


he’s hurt I’m the king I’m the queen I’m

the one that did it

I decide my my temporary um desire and

it’s all good but this is the thing that

I want to let everybody know that every

transaction always has evidence and

anytime that you have a transaction

because of your attraction there will

always be evidence in your life we know

you’re messing around with the guy that

you’re not supposed to because there’s

evidence in your attitude you’ve changed

since you’ve been with them there’s

evidence it may not be for everybody to

see but we all know there’s evidence to

what’s happening yeah I know that

business transaction it’s the biggest

deal you ever made but there’s evidence

and how you don’t pay attention to your

family anymore

there’s evidence of the transaction you

thought it just made your bank account

big it made your actual wealth of family

low there’s everybody shot at me

evidence and the evidence for David was

there was a baby I can imagine that

night David sleeps with me Shiva and

then he’s like alright cool you’re

saying I’ll hit you back up if I ever

need you again and he was like it’s done

I came I saw I conquered and then she

sends word back to him I just see a

episode in my mind knock knock knock

knock who is it

it’s me fool Bathsheba hey I wasn’t

expecting to see you I didn’t call for


no you didn’t call for me but you

knocked me up and I gotcha baby I have

evidence we were together I have

something that when we connected created

something else that I never knew I would

have to deal with for this long I didn’t

know that being your friend would make

me like this for this many months I

didn’t know not doing this but doing

this wouldn’t make me have to deal with

this insecurity for this I used to be

confident before I got in a relationship

with you

but when I had that interaction with you

and we made that transaction I’ve been

insecure ever since and it’s been nine

months and now it’s in full depression

it’s come full term I used to seek God

and pray but when I had an interaction

with you because of my attraction to you

now there’s evidence in the way that I

don’t pray anymore the way that my faith

has gone down the way that I’m

pessimistic instead of optimistic and

some of y’all have not been able to be

self-aware enough because you haven’t

been reading the only word that reads

you God will allow the Bible to read you

when I read this thing he said Michael

there’s evidence you haven’t been with

me there’s evidence that you’ve been

running to other things instead of me

and for David it comes out in a baby and

I don’t know what it comes out for you

but when the evidence comes out when the

evidence comes out we go in to what I

call the great cover-up when it comes

out that our attractions have led us to

two interactions that are not good what

we try to do is act like it hasn’t

happened and it has no effect and it’s

and it’s not that big of a deal we try

to act like that that the infraction

really didn’t matter but right at this

point down it’s never true satisfaction

if there has to be an infraction David

slept with another man’s wife it was

adultery from jump he tried to probably

keep it out of his mind he probably

didn’t want to think about it but the

crazy thing about it is Beth Sheba’s

husband was working for David fighting

his battles

he literally betrayed somebody that was

fighting for him he was loyal to him

that’s how you know that your

attractions will lead you to a place and

two things that you never thought

you would do you can be loyal to

somebody and if you go down the road of

attraction you can end up hurting

somebody that you in one season we’re

cool with it can never be true

satisfaction if it started with the

infraction my question is to you how did

the attraction start how did it how did

it go from what you thought was good how

did it go from what seemed to be right

how did it go from something that felt

good to me and then it went to something

that was going to cost me more than what

it was worth this is what happened to

David look at it in second Samuel

chapter 11 verse 6 it said then David

sent word to Joab send me Uriah that is

Bathsheba’s husband the hittite so they

they sent for him he’s out there

fighting david says she about to have a

baby so this what I’m gonna do I’m gonna

cover it up this is what I call human

interactions and human infractions and

sin reactions this is what happens to

all of us now get get this my man is out

here fighting the war I slept with his


so i’ma cover it up I’m gonna call him

back and what is every man that’s been

with a whole bunch of men fighting the

war what’s the first thing he gonna do

he gonna go find his wife and he gonna

sleep with his wife so if I can bring I

can bring them back and they can sleep

together so he says I’m gonna go and I’m

going to bring her husband back cuz I

made a mistake I’m a cover it up i’ma

bring the husband back and what’s the

first thing that every man wants to do

when he been around a bunch of sweaty

dudes fighting war he wants to come back

and be cuddled by his wife and maybe

they can have relations and after they

have relations the baby can be born but

they’ll think it is his baby they’ll

think that maybe this was how it was

supposed to be and this man comes home

he’s like yeah

I don’t know why I’m here right now my

mind is back at the battlefield and he

doesn’t sleep with his wife and David is

sending a palace like what is going on

you got to read your Bible because this

stuff is better than any sitcom he said

what is going on he calls him back he’s

like bro you should go sleep with your

wife he’s like how can I sleep with my


and my friends and my brothers are on

the battlefield and so Dave is like all

right cool we got to come up with

another plan we got to come up with

something different and what does he say

something happen it is it’s what does he

say he says I’m gonna send you Raya on a

special mission i’ma send him on a

special mission tell him to come here

I’m gonna send him to the frontlines

and when I send him to the frontlines

he’s gonna end up getting killed so he

literally tries to cover up his

appetites his attractions his

interactions by taking somebody out that

had nothing to do with it now I want to

say this to everybody because when we

talk about our attractions and our

attention we never think about the the

innocent bystanders who will die because

of our decisions do you know that there

are so many people that are being

affected and that are dying because we

are attracted to something that’s not

even ours this man sins him to the front

line he dies and at this moment

everything that David did he has not

felt the weight of it yet because he

keeps covering it up and there’s some of

us that right now you think you’re

living a good life right now because you

keep covering up what you’ve messed up

and God says to you today what’s done in

the dark will always come to the light I

don’t know how else to be able to

describe this to you but nobody around

David knew what was happening

accept him and because he knew it and

God knew it this would end up

subtracting from his life and there’s

some people that are here right now that

because nobody knows publicly what your

attractions have made you do you think

you’re winning but I came as a prophet

of God today to tell you that this is

the moment that you need to go ahead and

go first if you’ve done something you

need to tell your wife if you’ve done

something you need to tell your husband

this is the moment of transparency not

just honesty honesty is telling the

truth when they ask you or when it’s

found out but this is the season of

transparency it’s the season of

transparency for America this is the

season of transparency for everything

and God is saying you better go first I

know they not gonna like this one

Demario but as a pastor I can’t just

teach the things that tencel eyes the

ears and not teach the things that will

change your soul you better go first cuz

just because people doesn’t know doesn’t

mean that God doesn’t look what happens

to David his attraction that he tried to

cover up his the same thing that’s been

happening since the very beginning when

Adam and Eve listen to their attraction

they ate the fruit and then God came

around and he asked them the first

self-awareness question that I’m asking

you he said Adam where are you

that’s the same thing he didn’t lose

Adam this was a question to see if Adam

can locate himself and I am going to ask

you like God asked Adam as we’re sitting

here and all of this stuff is hearing

you thought today is good like oh I’m

about to get powned Michael to see him

smash some cakes no no no God’s coming

to search your soul where are you if you

can’t locate where you are right now

you’re gonna do what Adam and Eve did

they went and got leaves and started

doing what covering up and when they

came to this cover up just like David

went to this cover up

your attractions write this down can

make someone else a fraction a fraction

is something that was whole and has been

broken down into pieces

David’s attraction to Bathsheba actually

robbed her

some of y’all side pieces out there

think you got a better deal because you

got the Gucci in the Louie but it’s

actually robbing you your value is going

down because you have given in to

somebody else’s attraction and their

attraction made you a fraction and for

some reason the thing that used to be

holding you is now pieced out I think

that’s why they call it a side piece oh

look at second Samuel chapter 11 verse

26 when Uriah’s wife heard that her

husband was dead

she’s a fraction now she mourned for him

she didn’t want that thing to die she

didn’t want that tact she would just

think about it from Bathsheba standpoint

she was in an herbal essence commercial

taking a bath washing her hair she gets

sent for the king is like baby let’s do

this they sleep together she gets

pregnant her husband dies she didn’t

want this to happen so she mourned but

watch this when the period of mourning

was over look at this fool David David

sit for her

you done crying come on baby that one

thing we did that was nice and he

brought her to the palace and she became

one of his wife then she gave birth to a

son watch this but the Lord was

displeased with what David had done it

doesn’t matter if everybody is cool with

your offense if the Lord is displeased

it doesn’t matter if now y’all in a

relationship and we good now and we bout

to get married and we’re going to try

to make it right now it doesn’t matter

if the business was successful but it

started off crooked it doesn’t matter if

we do all this stuff it doesn’t matter

if everybody sees you successful a CEO

or whatever it doesn’t matter if

everybody’s cool if the Lord is

displeased David thought the cover-up

worked he thought his attractions led to

his satisfaction

that’s what culture would tell us that

his attraction for Betsey but I know

there was some crazy stuff that happened

in the middle isn’t it crazy how we how

we sum up all of the foolishness and

despair and heartache that happens in

our lives too just like there was a

crazy season I was attracted to where we

went through a crazy season and now it’s

all good but his attraction from this

moment has caused so much despair and

loss and death and hurt and mourning and

pain but then he thought it was good and

the reason I had to preach this message

today is because I needed to help

somebody who really thinks that what

you’re doing what you’ve done you

listening to your attractions have ended

you up at a spot that you cool David

when he brought her to be one of his

wife’s was like okay we made it

and then God sends a prophet named

Nathan and Nathan though the way this

happens in Chapter 12 I need you to read

your Bible he literally says I’m about

to rebuke you David cuz the attraction

that you had has now equaled subtraction

write that down attraction can equal

subtraction watch what David’s about to

lose because of what he saw on the

rooftop think about what you have the

opportunity to lose because you went to

that website think about what you have

the opportunity to lose somebody’s got

to hear me because you keep hanging with

people think about what you have the

opportunity to lose he had to send a man

of God to rebuke him and I’m you gotta

read the whole thing but I’m gonna just

go to verse 11 he says this is what

Nathan says this is what the Lord says

because of what you have done with your

attraction I will cause your own

household to rebel against you if you

read further in the story I didn’t even

know this until I went back but later on

in David’s life as a king one of his own

sons named Absalon rises up against him

and makes David as the King go hide

because he’s trying to overthrow

everybody in his kingdom he literally

was going to birth into the world his

consequence he said because of what

you’ve done your own household will

rebel against you I will give your wives

to another man before your very eyes and

he will go to bed with them in public

view my god is that not called reaping

what you sow he said you did it secretly

but I will make it happened to you

openly in the sight of all Israel this

is a dangerous scripture and this is one

of the things that people get thrown off

by because they think that God is mean

because there are principles of

consequence they had a transaction the

baby was a consequence of their

transaction I need you all to hear me

right now consequence is a principle

that lives on the earth if I slap

somebody there’s gonna be a consequence

if I if I eat too much cake there’s

gonna be a consequence I’ll be on the

toilet all night if that there is a

consequence and what people many times

want to happen is we want our

attractions to subtract from us but we

live without the consequence and you

can’t David finds out that his

attraction actually is going to end up

subtracting from him not in that moment

and this

where we we get played not in that

moment will it subtract from us but over

our lifetime there will be things that

is like this was supposed to feel better

than this this was supposed to be more

fulfilling why isn’t it it’s because in

a different season we were led by our


all right Pastor Mike so what do we do

because many of you are like me you were

led by your attractions for many years

and it continued to have interactions

and it’s subtracted from you well

attraction can equal subtraction but

listen to this

repentance can bring restoration this is

what I’ve told this whole story for why

did I spend two weeks talking about this

cuz I want to let you know about the

grace of God repentance can lead to

restoration restoration means to be

restored better than new I don’t know

who I’m talking to but as I was going to

come the slippery slope that made some

of us feel like as you were in a pit you

felt like David at this moment where God

saying there’s consequences for what

you’ve done but if you would repent if

you would turn from living your life the

way you’ve been living it going the way

that you’ve been going talking the way

that you’ve been talking watching the

things that you’ve been watching if you

would everybody say turn that’s all the

word repent means it means to turn and

some of us will not turn and not just

turn it’s turn to God after David found

out that he was going to be subtracted

from look what happened to him in 2nd

samuel chapter 12 verse 13 I love this

this is the attitude that many of us

gonna have because I don’t know what

you’ve done and I don’t know I only know

what I’ve done but this is the remedy to

it then David confess to Nathan I have

sinned against the Lord watch how quick

God’s grace is Nathan replied yes

you sinned but the Lord has forgiven you

I want you to see how quick grace rushes

in to anybody who turns he said I have

sinned I’ve done the wrong thing and

Nathan says yes you’ve sinned but the

Lord has forgiven you

the grace of God is not trying to make

you suffer he just needs you to

recognize that you couldn’t do this

without me you won’t be able to live

pure without me you won’t be able to get

out of these toxic relationships without

me he said I need you to everybody shout

at me repent and at the moment he repent

and confessed he said you’ve already

been forgiven for me to sit so home cuz

I made so many mistakes did so many

things listening to my attractions in my

appetite and giving it attention and

having interactions and making other

people fractions and doing all this

other stuff and at the moment I came to

God for real I remember it I got down on

my knees in my bedroom I said god I

don’t want to live like this anymore

I’ve heard this person and this person

and more than anything I’m dealing with

the consequences of this this this and

this and I no longer want to live my

life going down this road god I turn to

you and at the moment I said I turned to

you it was like grace like a flood came

and it rushed over me it rushed over my

soul it rushed over my life and God says

all I needed you to do was repent and

now I can provide restoration I know

that there are people right here that on

the inside even as you’re watching this

you’re trying to keep it all together

because you don’t want anybody around

you to see that this may have an impact

on your life but what you are is bottled

up with all of these infractions all

these secret texts and emails all of

these thoughts you know you saying

I didn’t do it but the Bible tells us in

the New Testament as a man thinks as a

woman thinks that’s that’s the thing

that you’ve you’ve thought and so you

might as well have done it God’s saying

all of us have sinned and fallen short

of the glory we’ve all been led astray

by our attractions but you can remedy it

right now by repenting and when you

repent repentance will lead to

restoration can I be very clear with you

that repentance for David didn’t take

away the consequence ah this one sucks

because he repented in this moment

Bathsheba has a baby and the baby they

had died and in the moment the baby

passed away the Bible says that David

begin to worship because he had repented

and he knew that there was consequences

from what had happened but he knew that

no matter what the consequences where

his heart was right now and there are

some people that you’re still in the

middle of the consequence of what’s

happened in your life you’re still

dealing with stuff but if your heart is

right you can still lift your hands and

worship and there’s many of you that

you’re still dealing with baby mama

drama you’re still going through court

cases you’re still dealing with hurts

and pains and family not liking you and

all this other stuff that’s going on but

God says just make sure that you’ve

repented in your hearts right with me

because even in the worst moment of his

life I can’t imagine losing a child but

even in the worst moment he could lift

up his hands and worship God because he

said I don’t I I can’t figure out all of

this right now but I know that my heart

is clear now

because he repented and I feel the

spirit of repentance all over the world

right now I really do and I know that

some of you right now this message it’s

what God is trying to challenge and

penetrate your heart and some of you

have been rock hard this entire message

because you don’t want to admit the

infractions that have been made because

of your attractions but God’s saying I’m

giving you an opportunity to repent

right now repent for talking about those

people repent for inviting that habit

into your life repent for having the

attitude towards what I asked you to do

and I believe that it’s the season for

us to go as a church and as the body of

Christ we need to go on the road to

renewal let me give you a secret a

practical thing that helps me that God

told me he said Michael watch these four

steps when you’re reckless like when

you’re reckless when you do stuff that

is not like me when you go out and you

you you make decisions and you mess

things up when you’re reckless the first

thing you need to do is take

responsibility it was me it was your boy

messed that one up made the wrong

decision I talked to you wrong wife I

stepped out i emotionally cheated

husband I did all of this stuff I talked

to you wrong children you are reckless

but then you got to take responsibility

and after you take responsibility all

God says is repent turn to me and after

you repent the quickest thing that the

grace of God does is it renews you

and today I want everybody to make these

steps I don’t know what area you need to

make it in right now

but David’s attractions led to


God wants everything that’s subtracted

from you to be renewed right now he

wants it to be renewed right now every

mistake every mess-up he wants to renew

you that’s why he sent Jesus cuz he said

I don’t want them to stay in that place

I love them too much to leave them there

so I’m gonna bring them to me sending

Jesus look at 2nd Peter 3:9 this is

where I’m gonna end this one of my

favorite scriptures and it’s kept me so

much the Lord isn’t really being slow

about his promises as some people think

no he’s being everybody stay patient for

your sake well cuz he does not want

anyone to be destroyed but once

everybody to do what repents hands

lifted all over the world all over this

room right now I don’t know what you

need to repent from but I’m gonna ask

God he’s not being slow he’s being

patient the reason he hasn’t elevated

you is cuz he’s trying to give you an

opportunity the reason why that he

hasn’t exposed everything to the world

is because he’s trying to give you an

opportunity to do it for yourself he

wants all of us to repent at the moment

David repented everything that God had

promised him would be restored after he

lost the one baby then he had Solomon

his next child his next attempt his next

try would go on to be the wisest man

that ever lived

God saying is what has set you back if

you repeat can turn into a setup the

next one can be the best one the next

try can be the one that takes it to the

world the next time but you can’t do it

without repenting this is what God’s

asking all us all of us to do repent

hands lifted father I’m asking you that

right now I did what you asked me to do


I brought my personal journey of

repentance to the forefront father God

but the steps you told me father God

that when I was reckless father you said

take responsibility and after I take

responsibility repent and at the moment

of repentance you would begin to renew

God I’m asking you to do that for all my

brothers and sisters that are watching

right now every marriage that there’s

been infractions in I’m asking you

Father God that you would allow there to

be responsibilities taken that people

will stand up and say that was my bad I

messed up I stepped out I did the wrong

thing God and I thank you together that

couples all over the world are gonna be

able to repeat together and dedicate

their relationship back to you father

God and you’re going to renew them I

pray for all my single brothers and

sisters right now who have made

infractions find father because of their

attention and because of their

attractions God and I’m asking you right

now they take responsibility father for

leading those people on to having

one-night stands with those people to

being in mental and emotional

relationships that have led them to

distraction got it I’m asking you right

now that they would take responsibility

and they would repent and at the moment

they repent kind of thank you that this

is a season of renewal

god you don’t want anybody to be

destroyed so you’re being patient with

us thank you for giving us your son

Jesus that allows us to be renewed and

I’m thanking you Father God that even in

this moment that people are changing the

trajectory of their lives because

they’re going to run to you and repent

today father God I’m asking you to do a

deep work do surgery on every

relationship on every person on every

heart and I thank you Father God that

you will get the glory the honor and the

praise out of our lives in Jesus name we

agree look at me right now everybody all

over the world David Steele is cited as

a man after God’s own heart even with

the mess he made because he repented God

did not see David like he doesn’t see me

and you through our worst moment God

sees us through the lens of Jesus and

when he looks at us and we’ve repented

and put our faith in Jesus he doesn’t

see what we’ve done he sees what Jesus

did for us

today there’s some people watching who

have never accepted Jesus as your

personal Lord and Savior and today all

you have to do is repent turn from what

you’ve been going to and turn to him and

as you turn to him god no longer is

counting your sins against you he sees

the finished work of the cross so today

all over the world if you’re watching

this live on a rebroadcast I believe

there’s about to be an explosion a

revival of salvations in this moment all

these people out here trying to preach

to you to make you happy and to make you

do that but if you die tomorrow and you

have not repented you have not turned to


eternity is destroyed and not what it’s

supposed to be for you and today I’m

fighting for somebody’s life

who needs to turn to God and God saying

this is your moment

according to Romans 10:9 all you have to

do is confess and believe that Jesus

Christ is Lord that he came just for you

that he lived and he rose again from the

dead to take away all of our sins and he

said you’re saved and today if you want

to make that decision I want to pray

with you all over this world there are

people that I believe that are gonna

make this decision and on the count of

three I want you to do something

physical I want you to lift your hands

today I feel a very apostolic anointing

a very pastoral anointing to speak into

your life right now I don’t care about

clicks and likes I care about your life

I want your life change I want your life

transformed I don’t want you to have to

repeat these cycles and today God’s

asking you could you repent and just

give me everything that I already gave

you one if this is the decision you’re

making you’re making the greatest

decision of your life – I am so proud of

you but more than that God is proud of

you three lift your hands all over the

world if you’re making that decision to

make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and

Savior come on hands are going up all

over the world now right now we’re about

to pray and transformation you already

know nobody prays alone at this church

we’re one big family so I want everybody

to pray this out loud for the benefit of

those who are coming to Christ right now

everybody just say God thank you for

sending Jesus

to take care of all my infractions today

I believe you lived you died and you

rose again just for me I repent of all

my sins and I asked you to be the Lord

of my life

change me renew me transform me I’m

yours in Jesus name

come on if you just prayed that prayer

can we give God a couple of

transformation nation let’s give God a

shout of praise all over this place I’m

telling you that somebody who just

prayed that prayer your life has just

turned in the right direction and if you

made that decision or you’re around

somebody that made that decision hug

them congratulate them because eternity

has changed you can it can be said of

you that you are a man or a woman after

God’s own heart I want you to text the

number on the screen right now I want

you to text this number and we want to

send you some resources we want to help

you we want to help you move forward in

your relationship with God and we want

you to find true satisfaction and true

satisfaction is found in Jesus today

so excited you believe is this message

goes out to the world and you hear it

it’s gonna ring back in your spirit and

this is why it’s so important for you to

be planted in a church hear me in this

time where everybody’s looking for the

next amazing quotable God is looking for

people to be planted in his house and

I’m asking you to get planted in a

life-giving church he doesn’t even have

to be transformation Church but I want

you to commit to being planted somewhere

where they’re not gonna manipulate you

for things or try to get things out of

you but they want things for you and as

your pastor for everybody that’s

listening what I want for you is for you

to become everything that God has called

you to be and so sometimes there’s

messages that I got to speak to you that

bring you all the way down the road to

let you see that the end of it is you

need to rebid guys today I’m believing

that God is changing people’s lives by

your obedience right now I love y’all we

got to meet two more weeks I think next

week I’m gonna talk about soul ties

because many of you are entangled in

things that you can’t figure out how to

get free from and I want to talk to you

about the power of sex and what happens

in that I think that’s where God’s

leading me pray for your pastor this

week and then we got one more message

after that and we’re gonna end

relationshipgoals reloaded but I see

what God is doing all across the world

he wants us to win in relationships I’m

gonna pray for you that you would have

the best week ever father thank you

that everybody that is under the sound

of my voice father God that you would

give them the fortitude to go through

this week with strength you said that

this here for our church is stronger and

today father even when we feel the

resistance it means that we’re getting

stronger I speak blessing over these

people I speak life over their

relationships I thank you that their

children succeed and I thank you Father

God that they walk in full purpose God

let us be the light of the world in this

season we will give you all the glory

all the honor and all the praise in

Jesus name we agree somebody say Amen

thank you so much for watching this

message and if this has impacted you in

any way I’m asking you to do a couple of

things number one join transformation

nation join us right here every Sunday

gather your friends and your family and

be a part of not just this moment but

this movement the second thing I would

ask you to do is share share this with

your friends your co-workers people that

are around you because transformation is

just one click away the last thing I

would ask you to do is partner with us

financially if this ministry is

impacting your life transforming you I

would ask you to consider pray about

what you could give to help us take this

message to the whole world I want you to

know that we love you and your best days

are right in front of you this week I

want you to live a transformed life see

you next week