The Final Day. This week on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, David Jones had an open vision of what is referred to in the Bible as “The Day of the Lord.” He even sensed what was going on and how it affected other people. David says we must get ready!

Through our It’s Supernatural TV show, Messianic Vision radio show and ISN (the It’s Supernatural Network) we are committed to teaching you how you can do the same works Jesus did and even greater (John 14:12). Thanks to your support we are able to continue producing It’s Supernatural!, Messianic Vision and ISN to mentor you and other believers around the world.Through our It’s Supernatural TV show, Messianic Vision radio show and ISN (the It’s Supernatural Network) we are committed to teaching you how you can do the same works Jesus did and even greater (John 14:12). Thanks to your support we are able to continue producing It’s Supernatural!, Messianic Vision and ISN to mentor you and other believers around the world.

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

My guest literally was an
eyewitness of the final day on

Earth, and two Jewish prophets
also saw that day, one in the

Old Testament and one in the New

Isaiah said, “Scream in terror.

For the day has Lord has
arrived, the time for the

Almighty to destroy.

Every arm is paralyzed with

Every heart melts and people are

Pangs of anguish grip them like
those of a woman in labor.

We look helplessly at one
another, their faces flamed with


For see, the day of the Lord is

The terrible day of His fury and
fierce anger.

The land will be made desolate
and all the sinners destroyed

with it.”

Then in the New Testament, John
saw this day and he said, “Then

everyone, the kings of the
earth, the rulers, the generals,

the wealthy, the powerful, and
every slave and free person all

hid themselves in the caves and
among the rocks of the


And they cried to the mountains
and the rocks, ‘Fall on us.

Hide us from the face of the one
who sits on the throne and from

the wrath of the lamb.

For the great day of the wrath
has come and who is able to

survive?'” When I come back I’m
going to take you to an

eyewitness who had an open
vision, literally could feel,

touch, see this day, and he says
it’s about upon us.

Be right back.

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: My guest David Jones was an
eyewitness of what is referred

to as the Day of the Lord.

You’ll find out in a few minutes
about that.

David, as I’ve begun to
understand your life, frankly, I

know how you survived.

How did you get through all

I mean, at age 11, your father
gives you your first drink and

then later on you become
addicted to drugs and alcohol.

And your father was a fighter.

Tell me about the time he tried
to teach you to fight.

David: Well he was a brawler,
not just in the ring, but also

in the streets, and so he
thought he was doing a great

thing by toughing me up.

And so he would knock me down
and tell me to get up and fight

him back, but I would never
fight him back.

But when I went into night clubs
I would mess with anyone, but

not my dad.

I loved my dad and I respected
my dad, but I would never fight


But he wanted me to be just like

And I believe, Sid, he thought
within himself he thought he was

doing the right thing.

Sid: Now at age 13, a week
before David’s father died, you

knew what was going to happen.

Tell me.

David: Yes.

The Lord allowed me to dream a

Many people don’t put weights on
dream, but I do.

They’ve always been my warnings.

I dreamed he was in a Chrysler
convertible and he was just

going so fast, and he hit this
brick bump and he was killed.

I remember running to the car
and his head was down and blood

was running out of his mouth.

And I said, “Daddy, don’t die,
Daddy, don’t die.”

And he looked at me and he said,
“Daddy tried.”

And he dropped his head and

And I said, “Daddy is dead.”

And I knew I had a knowing, Sid,
that it was over for my father.

At the kitchen table I told my
mother, I said, “Daddy’s going

to die.”

She said, “Don’t say that.”

And I said, “I seen it in a

He got killed in a car

The next week it happened
exactly as I had seen it.

Sid: Now David was not a
believer in the Messiah.

David did not know the Bible.

But one night when you were 17,
you had a vision, and it’s so

interesting to me.

This was not just one vision.

He then had a second one of the
same thing after he became a

believer in the Messiah.

It’s as if God knew David’s
purpose before David knew God.

Tell me what happened.

David: Well my sister asked me
to babysit her children while

she wanted to go skating.

And I did, and I put the kids to

And I had a portable radio, and
I was trying to turn it on to

get a station.

All of a sudden, I heard a woman
scream, and it was not like it

was behind the house or in front
of the house.

It was just like in the air.

So as I went to go towards the
window I stopped and I said, no,

no, wait, wait, wait, if I go
towards that window I’m going to

see something that I don’t want
to see.

But Sid, I was compelled to go.

And so I pulled back the
curtains on the second story and

I looked down, and I didn’t see
anything, and I was like,

there’s nothing wrong.

And then when my eyes caught the
stars in the heavens all of a

sudden it was just like a movie
screen and blood on the moon


And it’s like someone took an
ice pick and poked the moon.

Then blood began to ooze out of
the moon.

And then all the stars in the
heaven began to fall all at


And the sky itself began to roll
up as a scroll.

And it was happening

The moon turned to blood.

The stars fall from the heaven.

The sky rolled up as a scroll
and all of a sudden I see the

woman with long black hair.

She was beholding what was
happening coming upon the earth.

And she began to take her
fingernails and dig on her face,

and scream and holler.

Then I seen hundreds of people
running, thousands of people

running and the horror on their
faces, and God allowed to sense

what they were feeling, total
helplessness total terror.

And all of a sudden the vision
disappeared and I fell to the

ground, and I was trembling and

I was like, oh my God, what did
I see?

Sid, I didn’t know anything
about visions at the time.

And I was like, what should I

And I said, look at the Bible,
get the Bible.

And I said, “Please Lord, don’t
let me see nothing else, please,

please don’t.”

I thought something was going to
come again.

I said, “Please.”

And I got the Bible and I just
opened it up, and I went to

Revelation, the 6th Chapter,
beginning at the 12th Verse, and

it began to tell about the Day
of the Lord and the moon turning

to blood.

And I said, “Oh God,” and I
began to look at that, and I

said, “Lord Jesus, look what’s

I’ve seen this with my eyes.”

All of a sudden, I call my Uncle
Ed, he was a preacher, and I

said, I told him what happened
and he said, “Son, God just

showed you a vision.”

I said, “You mean to tell me I’m
not going crazy?”

He said, “No, you’re not going

He said, “God gave you an open

When are you going to say yes to

When are you going to serve the

He’s called to be a preacher of
the Gospel.

And I said, “I don’t know if I

I don’t know if I can do it.”

And from that day I knew within
myself there’s something I must

do for God.

Sid: Hold that thought.

I’m going to tell you something.

When you hear the second vision
that David was part of, it’s

what’s called an open vision,
your life will never be the


We’re going to be right back.

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Well I’ll tell you.

If I had had the vision that
David Jones had, I wouldn’t need

some uncle to tell me to serve

I would be running to serve God.

But David, he becomes a Marine.

He’s interested in his life.

He continually, continuously
going down, down, down.

And one day he’s at work.

Someone invites him to go to
church with him and had an

accident that almost cost him
his life.

What happened to you?

David: The boss brought me a big
old check.

And I said, “Me and my brother
were going out and partying


And I thought about it.

And then I said, “No, I’m not

I made my mind up not to go.

I fell on the conveyor and I
tried to lift myself up, Sid,

but I had no strength.

Then God Himself allowed me to
hear my heartbeat.

I said, “Oh no.”

I started fading out and I
wanted to lift myself up, but I

had no strength.

I said, “Oh no, please.”

I began to pray, “Give me
another chance, Lord, please,

please Lord.

I’ll go with this man.

Give me another chance.”

And I came back and all the
people were around me and said,

“Are you all right?”

Don’t do me like this.

I’ll go with this man to church.

The next thing I know, I’m going
home, I’m getting ready.

Here comes my friends coming to

They were like, hey man.

I said, I went out on the porch.

I said, “Hold it.

I’m not going with you guys

I said, “I’m going to the House
of God.

You all know I almost died

And they were like, what?

They said, “It’s Friday.

It’s our party night.”

I said, “God can keep my heart
beating and I’m going to the

House of God.”

And I went.

And I sat in the back of the
church and the preacher was


And as he began to preach, all
the conviction started hitting


And I said, I got to save

And so I got up and as I started
walking towards him all of a

sudden, Sid, the devil said,
“Get out of this church.

Run out of here.

Get out of here!”

And my legs began to get weak.

And I was like, no, no, I know
what’s right.

I’ve been brought up in church
as a little boy.

I remember.

I remember.

And when I got to him he said,
“Son, do you want to be saved?”

I said, “Sir, yes sir, I want to
be saved.”

And I went to grab his hand and
all of a sudden the power of God

hit me and I flew straight back.

But when I hit the floor, there
were no ushers there to let me

down easy.

But it was like falling on a bed
of cotton.

Then all of a sudden the girls
were looking at me.

Back then, I thought I was a
cool daddy.

And I said, let me get off the
floor of these beautiful girls

looking at me.

Then the supernatural began and
began in my belly.

Then it got in my chest.

Then it got in my throat.

Then my tongue began to cling to
the roof of my mouth.

Then I began to hear myself
speak a heavenly language.

That’s the spirit of God.

Pretty soon I didn’t care about
those girls.

All of a sudden, I started
experiencing such joy, such

peace I had never experienced

I was addicted to crack cocaine,
acid, mescaline, THC, alcohol.

But God delivered me.

Now I have a joy and a peace
I’ve never experienced before.

And I got off the floor and I
was just speaking in my heavenly


And then the ushers were trying
to grab me.

The pastor said, “Let him go.

God has him now.”

Sid: Okay.

Now what happened to your
alcohol addiction?

What happened to your drug

David: Totally gone.

Instantly healed by the mighty
God of Israel.

Sid: I’ll tell you, when God can
take someone like him and

flatten him on the floor, have
him speak in a supernatural

language and get delivered, and
have him, now it’s been like 25

years you’ve been in ministry.

David: Twenty-five.

Sid: But I’m going to take you
to February 2012.

What happened to you?

David: Well I got up to go use
the restroom.

And as I was coming back and I
was getting back in bed, it’s

like someone grabbed me by the
arm and shook me.

Next thing I know, I’m
catapulted into an open vision

and I’m hovering about 200 feet
over the earth.

And I can see all the beautiful
skies and the sun, and all the

happiness, people going to and
fro, mothers with their children

going into the grocery stores,
people pumping gas, businessmen

with their ties and briefcase
going into the buildings.

And all of a sudden, a thick
darkness and clouds started

appearing upon the earth.

And then all of a sudden there
was a sound from Heaven, a sound

that I have never heard before
in all my born days.

It was like seven claps of
thunder uttered into one.

The sound was so deafening, not
only did it pierce the ears of

all mankind, but it began to
pierce them that when they heard

it their bodies began to shake
and quake.

This sound was so deafening,
people began to scream.

Then all of a sudden like
someone took a razor blade a

split the heavens, here come the
Son of God with all his bands of

angels and all of his glory.

Oh Sid, and the colors were
glorious, splendid, magnificent,

glorious, the blues, the golds,
the greens.

I had never seen such colors
like this.

And he was coming speedily on
the earth.

Then people began to urinate on
themselves and scream.

And then one man said, “No, no,
no, wait, wait, wait.

I thought I had time.

I thought I had time.”

But too late.

All time had ran out for all

Another man, he was like an
Indian guy, real short, he began

to say, “No, no, no, this is a
dream, this is a dream.

I’m going to wake up.”

But Sid, he couldn’t wake up
because he was already woke.

Then I heard a voice from Heaven
say, “This is the day of the

Lord! It has come!”

And I came out of the vision,
trembling on the floor, and I’m

shaking and quaking within

And I began to pray for me.

I didn’t pray for my mother, my
wife, my children.

I began to intercede for me
because God allowed me to see

such terror.

Terror, we know God is love and
He’s mercy, and He’s long

suffering, and He’s gentle, and
He’s kind.

But Sid, there’s another part of
God that mankind has not been

introduced to, and that’s the
terror of the Lord.

Such terror, such horror.

And I began to repent over my
own life.

Lord, save me.

God, forgive me.

Because He allowed me to sense
what everyone was feeling.

And I began to repent.

Because I said, “God, I want to
be pleasing to you, Lord.

If I have hurt you or come
against you in any shape or

form, please forgive me, Lord.

Lord, please allow me to be
counted worthy to go back with


I have seen the Day of the

Then the Lord spoke to me
saying, “I charge you now to

warn all mankind,” and said it
like this, “I’m coming, I’m

coming, I’m coming, I’m coming.

Whether they would believe you
or not, give them warning from


Whether they receive you or not,
give them warning from you.

For the day of the Lord is at

Sid: You heard that.

Now what are you going to do
about it?

I’m going to tell you something.

If you are lukewarm, you are
backslidden and you are not

prepared for the Day of the
Lord, you are either going

forward red hot for the Messiah
or deceived.

No in-between.

Believe that Jesus died for your


Tell him you’re sorry and
believe that he has washed your

sins away as if they never

And then say, “Jesus,” with your
own words, “I make you my Lord.

Come and live inside of me.

I make you Lord of my life.”

Do that now.

God has given you a very strong
charge to tell people.

But simultaneously God is
telling many people even that

are not believers in the Messiah
the same thing.

For instance, orthodox Jews in
Israel are being told that we

are in footsteps of the coming
of the Messiah.

In other words, they know
something is up in the air.

About the same time that David
had that dream, I had a dream.

And in my dream, you know, I
wasn’t even, David, I wasn’t

even thinking about this.

It didn’t cross my radar.

If someone had said to me, the
Lord is coming back soon, I

would have said, yes, I believe

But you know, I’m 73.

In my heart of hearts, I’m not
sure I really believe that.

You’re supposed to say he’s
coming back soon.

You’re supposed to live like
he’s coming back soon.

But there just seems to be so
much that has to be done.

But it’s not up to my peanut

It’s up to God.

And this is what God showed me
in the dream.

He said to me three times, “I’m
coming back soon.

I’m coming back soon.

I’m coming back soon” David,
between you and me, what did you

believe in your heart about the
Lord’s return?

I mean, between the two of us.

David: Well I didn’t think it
was close.

I mean, according to all the
scriptures and the Revelation

teachers and the scholars, I
knew it was gonna come and I

wasn’t sure.

But now I’m absolutely sure that
He’s coming at an hour and at a

time when man least expects it.

Sid: What should someone do
that’s just heard this message

and believes it’s from God?

David: Set their house in order.

Whatever they need to do for God
they must do quickly.

If they need to ask for
forgiveness, they better do it


If they need to go to their
mother, father, sister, brother,

ask for forgiveness, they need
to go get things straight before

it’s everlasting too late,
because the terror of the Lord

is like something I never seen
in my entire life.

Sid: Okay.

Let me take you.

I know you’re living a holy

I know that you love God.

Right after that open vision,
what did you do?

David: I began to repent and cry
out to God.

Sid: But you repented.

I know you.

You repented way before a vision
like that.

David: Not like this one.

Not like this one.

Because he made it so real to

It was so real and it was so
overpowering and overtaking that

men and women could not even
think straight when it happened.

And He came so suddenly just
like He said He would.

Sid: Why is there so much
urgency in giving this message?

I mean, I’ve never seen someone
with such a compulsion like it,

an urgency in your voice.


David: Because there’s an
unction within, inside of me

that I don’t have much time.

You don’t much time.

We don’t have much time.

And I must preach it and I must
proclaim it just as Noah did for

120 years it was going to rain.

But they turned a deaf ear to

They didn’t believe that man of

But the Bible said, God said
unto Noah, “Come you and your

family into the ark.

For He opened up the windows of

And the windows of Heaven poured
out a water upon the land.

And everything that breathed
through nostrils died just like

God said it would.

Sid: When you share this
message, things have happened to

people, have you ever seen
people that just moan and wail,

and run forward?

David: Sid, I was invited to
come preach a week revival.

I ended up preaching 21 days.

While I was preaching the first
night, people began to wail.

Football players began to wail,
running to the alter screaming,

children, teenagers wailing and
repenting, and a lot of them

were Christians.

The pastor himself, mighty man
of God, and his wife just ran

towards him and said, “Have
mercy on our souls, O God.

Spare us.

Forgive us, O God,” and fell to
his face.

I had never seen such conviction
before in my entire life.

Sid: You were telling me about
an evangelist that was one at

one of your meetings.

What happened?

David: Well after meeting, you
know, first of all, when I did

the altar call everybody came:
the pastor, the church, the

wife, everybody.

The guest ministers, everybody

And this evangelist left the
meeting, and you know, this is

exactly what he said, “David
scared the hell out of me with

that message.”

He had stopped preaching.

He wasn’t preaching.

Next thing you know he started
preaching, doing revivals.

Eight months later, he died.

Sid: Did you just hear what he

Did you just hear what he said?

You see, the Bible says, you do
not know when your end will


Eight months later, he died and
all, there’s someone looking at

me right now, and you think that
you’re all alone.


The reason that you’re watching
this show is for this moment.

You think God isn’t interested
in you?

He has you watching us right now
for this moment.

It’s your life.

It’s your eternity.

It’s your purpose.

I have to tell you this.

If there was no fear of not
knowing God, no fear of going to

Hell, I would serve God because
He’s pure love.

I would serve God because
compared to knowing God, that’s


And compared to everything
that’s nothing.

I want you to choose this day
who you are going to serve.

But as for me and my house,
we’re going to serve the Living


Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

Is it possible to recapture what
the first men and women had, but


My guest wants to answer because
he says there’s so much more.