Service date: February 8th, 2015 To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here:

thank God for struggle where you had to

thank them for for confusion and to even

thank them for your pain see I know it’s

really easy to get caught up thanking

them for the blessings but but what

about the struggle and the things that

make you cry it now how do we allow our

gratitude to extend to the things that

cause us pain to trust that we can be

thankful even when we’re hurting that

the broken can be thankful to that we

don’t have to have all the answers but

that we can thank him anyway that’s what

it means to live in his presence then we

can live in such a way that we don’t

have to sell out God’s plan for our


when everything that comes out of our

mouth is a reflection of gratitude

that’s when when people don’t seem to

understand how we could have joy in the

midst of our trials that’s that’s when

we say thank you when we don’t have to

have all the answers and I don’t know

that that I’m even going to get the job

and I don’t know that the relationship

is ever going to be what it was supposed

to be but but I can say thank you anyway

because I know that there’s a lesson in

there and even when I don’t understand

the lesson I’m trusting the teacher that

only other side of this I’m going to be

better and so I’m thinking you in

advance have you ever had to thank them

on credit I don’t really I don’t really

have it like I like I want to have it I

don’t really have the praise the way I

want to have the praise but but because

I’ve come into this atmosphere and I’m

surrounded by all of this gratitude and

all of these representations of God’s

grace I know that maybe if they can say

thank you that I can say thank you to

that I don’t know what it took to get up

on this stage or to come into this

building for each and every one of you

but I can trust that you’ve had to have

some level of struggle that life has

brought you to it to your knees in some

type of way and when you’re down to your

knees and your soul is crying out and

the tears won’t stop flowing can you say

thank you anyway can you say thank you


you see I believe we’re coming to a

place in our community where we don’t

have all the answers and we’re having to

be okay with not having the answers and

and not just in our community I mean in

our own lives and our own relationships

and our own jobs that we have all of

these question marks and we’re wondering

if things are going to work out the way

we see them in our heads our things ever

going to return to a place where I can

have joy again where I can have peace

and happiness again and I’m telling you

I don’t know when things are going to

turn around for you I’m very sorry my

prophetic signal is a little bit down

today I don’t know exactly when you’re

going to come out of your storm but I

know that it will begin the moment you

say thank you for the rain

when you say thank you for for the

endurance that is being built up on the

inside of me that my faith is being made

stronger in the midst of my my

desperation and my disappointments that

I don’t have it all together but I know

who’s holding me together so when I say

wrap me in your arms it means I won’t

wrestle anymore it means that I’m not

gonna be my enemy anymore you see the

incredible thing about asking God to

wrap you in his arms is that there comes

a point when even you’re holding a baby

where they they start to recognize their

own limbs and their own will and that

they don’t have to be held anymore and

so when we surrender and say wrap me in

your arms it means that I’m not going to

fight the process that I’m going to

trust your arms around me even though I

know I could have a plan and I could do

this and I could do that that ultimately

I only want what comes through the

Gateway of your arms and that is enough

for me and so we say thank you because

at any moment we can stop fighting and

decide to be held at any moment we

decide we can no longer create these

plans that were counting so much on our

plans that we have forgotten our purpose

that we’re no longer going to sell him

out for the validation and approval that

comes with the acceptance of this world

it might just be you and him in this


it might just be you and him and you

have to find a way to be okay with that

you may be the only one that understands

what’s been sparked inside of you and

you can’t need everyone’s approval

before you decide to ignite the flame

that God is trying to spark in your life

because when you hang that over when you

hand your flame over and say please

validate me please say that this is

enough please grant me your approval in

your validation you give them the power

to blow it out – so if you need them so

much that you forget about him you’re

going to always be counting on people to

give you something only God can give you

we don’t need the accessories that come

with being popular we just need the

faith that comes with being chosen

and the faith that comes with being

chosen means that gratitude and your

presence becomes my environment not my

feelings I can no longer live within my

feelings and what I feel like doing and

who I feel like becoming and what you

feel like accepting about me because

this is the year of authenticity and

that means that I don’t necessarily need

your approval to be authentic I just

need his hand on my life his voice

guiding me and leading me so that I can

become not more of what you need me to

be but more of who he’s called me to be

and I’m willing to go through whatever

struggle and baby it’s going to be a

struggle because the whole world is

trying to convince you to not be you

they’re trying to convince you that they

have figured out a way where you can

move through life and avoid all pain and

avoid all drama if you just get this job

and if you just get this relationship

then this won’t happen and that won’t

happen but the reality is it’s going to

happen anyway so it’s just a matter of

what we’re going to let that lesson

teach us

in the midst of the the whirlwind of

life that we can be anchored in the

peace and gratitude that comes with

serving the one who can calm the storm

and if he’s allowing it to rage there’s

a purpose in that too but I can’t afford

to be shaken and moved and uprooted from

my truth so that I can join your crisis

because ultimately I know that if he’s

called me to it

he’s going to bring me through it and he

doesn’t have to take a vote before he

delivers me he doesn’t have to poll the

audience before he decides whether or

not he can use me and because of that I

won’t eat there all I know that I will

do is that I will humble myself in such

a way that when he tells me to move I

can move without guilt

from what I’m leaving behind

there is no achievement no no award no

alkylate no career no relationship no

job more important than his voice and

anything that threatens to drown me from

hearing that voice I have to let go of

because we’ve been called to walk on

water and we can’t afford to let life

pull us down in such a way that now

we’re depending on the lifejacket that

comes with approval when we really just

need the faith to believe that we can

step over waves that we don’t have to

drown any morning and it’s so scary

because when you’ve drowned once before

it makes you more afraid of the water

but what if you learned your lesson what

if you don’t have to live in the

parameters of your insecurities any

longer what if you’re strong enough to


again and again and again and again and

again and what if each time you survive

you teach someone else that they can

survive too

I guarantee you that there are eyes

watching you eyes that you would never

even see and they need us to survive but

if we don’t decide that we’re going to

survive not for them but for him then

we’re going to live a life dictated by

opinions requiring approval and

validation when ultimately all we need

is to walk with God so we’re going to be

held a bit tighter and we’re going to

we’re going to begin to know his ways

and we’re going to understand his heart

for us is never to see us in trouble and

it’s never to see us in pain is to see

us grow and we are going to withstand

this stretch that comes with growth the

confusion that comes with growth in the

the new identity that comes with

understanding that he is expanding our

territory our comfort zone does not have

to be our limits anymore is anyone

willing to be uncomfortable for God

is anyone willing to be uncomfortable

for the cost of authenticity is anyone

willing to be misunderstood is is anyone

willing to recognize that all we need is

what God says in our lives all we need

is his direction and that is more than

enough then the world against us