If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

hey what’s going on everybody I am so

glad that you clicked on this video

because with what’s going on in our

world right now I know you need hope and

you can consider transformation church

your hope dealer we are here to really

empower you with faith in the midst of

all of this fear and I’m gonna tell you

something in this message that’s more

contagious than Korona and I am so glad

that you are a part of this so let me

tell you we are praying for you we’re

believing God for you

we are standing with you and we’re gonna

get through this the same way that we’ve

gotten through everything else with

prayer and faith I want you to join us

every day online at noon as we’re gonna

be praying together until we see this

thing move

we need to pray as the Bible says if my

people who are called by my name would

humble themselves and do what pray seek

my face turn from their own wicked ways

then God would hear us and heal us and

we need God to hear us and heal our land

so I want you to join us at noon and I

want you to enjoy this message well is

anybody ready for the word this morning

I’m excited for what God is going to do

and I want to let you know that our

church really is built for this almost

five years ago a little over five years

ago I became the senior leader and with

my wife of transformation Church and God

told me for some reason that my first

act to budgetary wise was to buy new

cameras and some of the people that are

in this room some of our lead team were

there when when we didn’t have any

cameras and I felt like the Holy Spirit

said buy cameras and people left the

church over and we spent 80 thousand

dollars on new cameras and many of the

messages that you watch during the week

and all through they were filmed on

cameras that we bought in faith and it

just teaches me of God’s goodness when

we sit at moments like this in an arena

that God provided for us that can fit

5,000 people and less than 200 people

are in this room right now but it’s

going to the entire world because of the

faithfulness of a few and so for every

volunteer for every person who’s ever

given for everybody that usually

works the parking lot but you couldn’t

come today I just want to say thank you

oh come on

even if you don’t know him they’re

helping make this happen let’s give God

praise I love you and I miss being able

to hug your neck but we gonna be back as

soon as they tell us it’s okay

but that ain’t gonna stop this word from

coming forth today so um you can text a

friend and tell them we’re live right

now cuz we are starting week five of a

series that we’ve been calling help me

secure the back and somebody who’s like

that’s Mike you know shouldn’t you talk

about something else instead of secured

the bag I believe God gave me this

message for this day like like this

message God knew he’s not surprised by

anything this is not a shock to him and

I thought about switching it up and he

said no no no I put you on assignment

because what people don’t understand is

this whole thing about generosity in

giving comes to really test you in a

season where where where anxiety tries

to make you selfish uh-huh and it’s in a

season where people to fight and over

test you if you’re fighting over tissue

what will you do over real money and and

God said see Michael this is all about

who is people’s provider right now

because cuz we’re out of hand sanitizer

and tissue and stuff like that

people are now becoming their own

providers and they said the reason that

we are talking about stewardship and

generosity at the moment of crisis hits

because this is gonna prove who you

trust I’m coming for you right to your

house on your living room in your lazy

boy do you hear me who do you trust and

I want to let you know that as a church

we’re gonna trust God when I look

through the Scriptures every famine that

happened every economic downturn every

plague every disease the people of God

were sustained through every season that

the world

went through because they put their

trust in him and so I just want you to

declare this out of mom out of your

mouth say my trust is in the Lord say it

one more time cuz some of y’all still

trying to believe it my trust

it’s in the Lord third time’s the charm

say it with all your might my trust is

in the Lord and you’re gonna have to

tell yourself that every day you’re

gonna have to believe that even when it

doesn’t look like it because when your

trust is in the Lord you are secure the

whole reason we call this thing secure

the bag is because people think they

really have to secure the bag but when

you’re secured by God you trust God and

he secures everything about you and

that’s not just when things are good

that’s even in this moment right now

Church do you know that this is the

greatest opportunity for us to rise up

and be actually a difference if you

respond the same way all your unsaved

friends respond you’re not worried about

Korona you drinking Corona cuz you worry


some of y’all been on the corona like

what I’m telling you is we have to

respond differently and you only respond

differently when you are absolutely and

resolute that your trust is in the Lord

so today the title of my message is more

contagious than Corona yeah I want to

tell you and talk to you about something

that’s more contagious than any virus

that that’s more transformative than

anything transmitted uh-huh okay I’m

gonna just go ahead and tell you do you

know what’s more contagious than Corona

it’s extravagant generosity when people

start giving to people it’s more

contagious than any disease do you know

why the opposite even when this um plan

Dimmick is happening the enemy wants to


to happen in this time he wants

everybody body to start withholding

don’t share anything it’s opposite of

the Spirit of God he wants people to

share he wants people to give and what’s

happening is the the spirit of fear is

coming to try to grip people now let me

help everybody understand this whole

thing about fear because fear is

different than the spirit of fear I’m

gonna teach you something fear is a

natural emotion that we have right now

if somebody jumped up from behind me and

I wasn’t expecting I’m like there would

be an emotion of fear the spirit of fear

isn’t me anticipating that every moment

somebody’s behind me ready to scare me

and it starts to dominate my thoughts to

where it starts affecting my actions so

right now many of us are working in the

spirit of fear because we are out

playing and playing things that’ll never


and now it’s dominating our actions and

our ideas I went in a quick trip the gas

station to get something to drink and

there were 70 people in the ATM line 70

people they literally line from one side

of quick trip to the other side cuz the

spirit of fear done it got them said

you’re not gonna have access to no money

there’s not gonna be anything so draw

everything out right now or you’re gonna

be stuck but your ATM card I don’t work

like your credit card but it’s not about

what it is it’s the spirit and I came to

bind the spirit of fear that God has not

given us that spirit but he’s given us

some different spirits love power and a

sound and that’s why what the sound I’m

preaching this to you flat-footed today

that what’s more contagious than Corona

it’s extravagant generosity and in this

season of scarcity I believe God is

going to challenge the church to be

extravagant and giving

and I didn’t mean transformation Church

not the organization the organism you

need to be listening to what God tells

you to do you need to be listening that

when when you walk into that store are

you doing those things and God says hey

bless them huh Lord no no no no no no no

no I came in here for the last roll of

toilet tissue and there it is and he

said give it to her right now that’s

extravagant generosity and God says do I

have your heart and many times he

doesn’t have your hand because he

doesn’t have your heart and that’s why I

want us to go here and I just pray I

literally pray because the church the

truth is the church has not gotten to

this point of extreme generosity in our

own lives we do it as a church all the

church gave away three hundred and

thousand dollars during the month of

generosity but did you feel it did after

we did this as an example did you feel

the tug or the urge to be able to bless

somebody in your sphere of influence and

the truth is we would rather the

organization do it than the organism and

God says that’s why I can’t bless you

with everything I have for you because

if I give it to you you will become a

reservoir instead of a river and I’m

looking for somebody that it can pass

through that it can go through that I

can make my name grateful but that means

we have to get to another level somebody

say level up yeah I think prophetess

Sierra had it right when she said level

up we got to level up and get off of

this low level of giving this low level

of helping people that’s barely just

enough that’ll do you can have that she

already got a house don’t see her car

looked better than mine and where we’re

trying to judge if they deserves to be

given to by us cuz uh-huh the truth is

you’re only a lot of times give the

people that are less fortunate than you

but what happens when God tells you to

give to somebody that has more than you


you missed it cuz are we always gonna

help the poor and we’re gonna always but

you don’t know what somebody’s needing

and God says to somebody hey I need you

to go do this and you’re like ah ah they

dress better than me the kids look

better than mine

and they always got Starbucks use

somebody else and God says see I

couldn’t trust you

I wanted to take you to the next level

of extravagant generosity but you still

stuck at all you know level and so I’m

coming to help everybody level up and

get to this level of generosity and

anytime anytime you’re gonna go to a

whole nother level I really believe you

have to be exposed to a whole nother

level that’s why I’m talking to you some

of the greatest things that I know today

was because I was exposed I thank God

for my mama

and my dad y’all saw my mama up here

praying with that fire a minute ago

y’all can see where I get my light

gangster from like she been like that

since I was born um but but but I think

God for my mom and dad because they

never made us an excuse they have five

boys and what they did with all of us is

they exposed us at a young age so we

would travel all over the country and

when they were talking about Mount

Rushmore in school we had seen it twice

when they were talking about Hawaii we

had been and and my my parents exposed

us and I thank God for that exposure

because anytime something becomes

contagious it first has to be exposed

the only reason that something can

become contagious is because somebody

was exposed to something I’m about to

preach this thing the only reason that

we’re not meeting all together and in

this venue is because we don’t want to

help people get exposed to the wrong

thing but in the same way I’m gonna help

you get exposed to the right thing and

the right thing is being generous that’s

why we put put on the screen who we’re

giving to and what we’re trying to like

just start something on the inside of

you that says I don’t have to do it at

that level but I can obey God at what

level I’m at and I remember the day I

was exposed um there was a young lady

that that I was friends with when I was

in I think I was 18 or 19 and this is

when my mind got blown really and I

realized there was levels to stuff um

she was like I should come to my house

for spring break it was around this time

she was getting out of college and

like oh yeah and then and then a few of

my friends one of my friends who went

with me is in the room right now and and

then it’s like yo I heard they got a

really big house and I was like a really

big house see because I had been exposed

I thought two really big houses because

my parents were very smart

they had five boys and they played these

games that were economically friendly

and and and and and took up a lot of

time what they would do with us is they

would put us in a van together and ride

through wealthy neighborhoods and roll

down the windows and play a game called

that’s my house

I later realized they were cheap and

didn’t want to take us to Chuck E Cheese

and so and so what ended up happening is

we had so much fun playing this game

because we were going to all these

wealthy neighborhoods and be exposed and

we would be like that’s my house that’s

my house so so by the time I was 19 20 I

thought I’d seen some really nice houses

we pulled up to this compound NOLA the

driveway was two to four miles long had

a limousine parked out in front of the

house like one of those reader Digest

pictures cover that means they don’t

drive it literally walked up to a nine

car garage and every car in the garage

was white chandeliers and wallpaper in

the garage I literally turned to my left

and they had checked this out a master

bedroom two car garage with a bitly and

a rolls-royce sitting there I was

overwhelmed you know how you know how

you try to act like you’ve been

somewhere but you ain’t never really

been there I couldn’t even look like a

aah overwhelming the master bedroom was

10,000 square feet

no no y’all didn’t hear what I just said

I don’t know how big your whole house is

the master bedroom was two stories in

10,000 square feet Olympic sized

swimming pool mama you went with me

didn’t you you saw the whole thing she

said glory to God and then they were

like where I was like where we staying

that there was like y’all was staying

out back I said no we aren’t slavery is

over I’m not staying in the outhouse I’m

going home mama come on but she said no

no no when my family built this property

they decided to put in a couple of

things they put in a 500-seat ballroom

on the west wing two kitchens a house

for the cleaning service and they built

for 2,000 square foot houses for when

guests come yo I never wanted to come

back but what I realized at that moment

it’s everything that I had seen up to

that point was a low level and my

exposure to something at a higher level

made me have the ability to desire more

and what I want you to hear me say it’s

that in this series of stewardship and

generosity the goal is not that you

start tithing the goal is that you get

to the level of extreme generosity that

when God looks for somebody to be a

blessing to somebody y’all hand this up

Oh pick me let me and my family change

somebody else’s family let me in my

business be able to write off somebody

else’s business let me be able to pay

for it but because I believe the church

has been on such a poverty level when it

comes to giving we never leveled up so

today I’m just gonna I’m gonna try to

get us to the place where you can level

up and realize that there is levels to

this thing and it starts with

understanding them and most people do

not understand the Word of God when it

comes to the area of finances generosity

and stewardship and the Holy Spirit as a

pastor can I be very clear while I was a

pastor he told me there was a passage of

Scripture that I was teaching wrong and

I needed to repent and teach it right

when last time you heard a pastor say


he said you had the wrong understanding

so today I want you to give people a

fresh understanding from Malachi chapter

3 now it’s probably one of the most

famous scriptures that pastors and

leaders use when they talk about tithe

and offering but they’ve been using it

all wrong literally in my prayer this is

what me me and God’s conversation went

like he said you need to repent I was

like for what he said you’ve been

teaching Malachi 3 wrong I was like okay

he said you got me all messed up and me

got I got a real kind of like gangster

relationship and so he was like you got

me all messed up I was like God he was

like you have misinterpreted my heart

behind the scriptures and that’s why

people don’t want to have nothing to do

with churches because they think I want

them for their money and he said I don’t

want them for their money and if you

ever teach that again he said we gonna

hand we’re gonna have words said I don’t

want them words so so I want us to look

at this but I got to give you the

revelation first how many people have

heard that scripture can a man Rob God

can a man Rob God and usually when

people say this people are trying to

infer that if you don’t give tithe and

offering you’re robbing God of money and

when I read that that’s what I thought

forever and God said you got me all

messed up he said what they’re doing

when they don’t give tithe and offering

is write this down he said you’re

robbing me of an opportunity to bless

you he said so when you don’t tithe when

you don’t give offering you’re robbing

me of an opportunity to bless you so

right this point down don’t rob God of

an opportunity to bless you God don’t

need your money you need to give your

money because every time you give or

return the tithe you have just now

qualified yourself for an opportunity

for God to bless you and that’s why with

that revelation I want to read Malachi 3

again and I hope like bulbs start going

on everywhere that this is not about God

getting anything from you

this is about God

making a system that at any moment you

want to obey his word he can get

something to you

so Malachi chapter 3 verse 8 he’s

basically saying I want to bless you I

want to open the windows of heaven but

you’re not doing it my way but but don’t

rob me of an opportunity to bless you

look what it says will a man Rob God of

an opportunity to bless him yet you

robbed me of many opportunities to bless

you but you say ‘we have we robbed you

of an opportunity to bless us in tithes

and offering

see the whole concept of tithing and

offering is not for god’s sake it’s not

for the kingdom sake it’s for our sake

because if god wants to get something

done in the earth he can use anything to

do it well was our money around when he

decided to develop the heavens in the

earth note was our money around when he

decided to pick up dirt throw dress in

it and make me and you nope

when Isaiah was in the middle of a

desert and he had nothing to eat he sent

Ravens the first ubereats to feed them

he don’t need us the children of Israel

were in the middle of a wilderness and

they didn’t have anything to eat

he changed the molecules of rain and

made it become manna so that every

morning they would wake up and say what

is it and he said it’s what you’re about

to eat and they would eat manna from

heaven and it sustained them 40 years in

the wilderness and when they needed

water and there was no River around

he said strike the rock and rodder came

from a rock God doesn’t need your

resources what he’s trying to do is give

all of us an opportunity to be blessed

and and that’s why when I read this

scripture it makes so much sense

Oh God wants for all of his children

like I want for my daughter is them to

do what I say how I say to do it so that

they can receive the benefit of being my

child and all the parents say

yeah cuz if you tell your child hey all

I want you to do is clean the dishes and

they sweep the the laundry room and and

they clean up the drapes and they rake

and they mow the lawn but they don’t do

the dishes all of the extra things that

they did were nice but they were still

disobedient and the crazy thing is we

come to God and say well I go to church

and I help on this team and I do this

stuff and I serve at this anybody said

with the returning of the tithe than the

offer for the job you didn’t even

qualify for and now I blessed you to be

able to get up in there anyway

you won’t even do it you keep robbing me

of an opportunity to bless you and I can

see God in heaven right now be like oh

it’s the first they don’t do it this


I know they’re gonna do it this time

hold it back it up they tied my head I

was ready to bless them but they robbed

me of the opportunity to bless him the

way I wanted to you’re still saying see

that’s the thing that people think this

is about well God still love me duh he

still loves you while you were yet a

sinner he gave his life for you this is

not about salvation and that’s why many

believers live their lives with their

eternal salvation secured but their life

is a living hell

saved and in bondage so you’re going to

heaven but you can never seem to get

beyond this moment of poverty you can

never break the lack off of your life

and I found that it has to do with the

heart of generosity let me tell you

about five years ago the Holy Spirit

really rocked my world cuz I used to I

tell my testimony all the time that I

dealt very heavily with torn ography and

I dealt very heavily with lying and

manipulation that’s my testimony and a

guy came up to me I was like Mike how

did you break free from that how did it

really change in your life and it had to

do with when I honestly started giving

to God let me help you it’s what I call


equation of treasure where your treasure

is your heart is so you give your

treasure and when you give your treasure

God gets access to your heart when God

gets access to your heart he can

transform your habits when he can

transform your habits you end up living

a blessed life how pornography lost its

hold on my life cuz I thought I was just

gonna say a prayer God give me pure and

every time I would say that I’d do it


and promise that would be the last time

it’s when I started faithfully honoring

God with my treasure

how does my treasure have to do with my


how does my treasure have to do with the

outcome of these desires in this

frustration and the anger that I have

when you give God your treasure you are

saying you have my heart when he has

your heart then he can rearrange your

habits when he has your habits you live

a blessed life and most people will

never get to this place because they

think that changing the habit is

behavior modification and what God wants

to do is transformation and

transformation only happens in the heart

that’s a whole nother message for a

whole nother time but maybe that’s the

thing you came here to hear today is

that your treasure giving ties or

returning ties and giving offering may

have more to do with the life you’re

living than anything about money so how

can a man Rob God he can rob them of the

opportunity to bless him and verse 9

says and cuz y’all won’t do it my way

man cuz y’all keep trying to go on these

self-help schemes and make all these

other plans he’s like now your curse

would occurs for you’ve robbed me of

opportunities to bless you even the

whole nation can we stop there and talk

about our nation

then at the moment we took God out of


took him out of schools took amount of

government took him out of everything

what we did was not a curse on the

nation what we did is we robbed god of

the opportunity to bless us and now

we’re in the middle of crisis and

everybody’s trying to go back to the the

one who got us here in the first place

the the the the one our country was

formed on these biblical truths and we

go farther and farther and farther and

farther away but we still want the same

blessing that was honest before and God

says y’all got to go back to the

ordinary things the regular principles

that I’ve put in place so that I can

bless you and now we’re trillions of

dollars in debt and making up money

every day

and God says y’all won’t even have to be

doing all it is if you honor me verse 10

bring all the tithes into the storehouse

that’s the local church that there may

be food in my house and try me now this

is my favorite part

that means prove let me prove it to you

test me this is the only place in

scripture where God says test me I dare

you to do it matter of fact i double-dog

dare you and i don’t know what happens

at the double dog dare but when you was

at school if they double dog dare you

like i gotta do it like i don’t even

know what’s happening but I double dog

dare you to test me in this sense the

Lord of Hosts see if I will not open up

the windows of heaven and pour you out

such a blessing that there will not be

room enough to receive it now why would

God give you so much that you can’t

receive it cuz he wants you to give it

away what God is trying to get us to is

the level of extravagant generosity

where he can POW so much on us where it

seems ignorant just to keep it for

ourselves there’s no way I’m living off

of last year’s income now we need this

right now

where do I need to so who do I need to

bless who do I need to give a handout

that or a hand dunk that I didn’t have

but the problem is we on a low level

God saying can I take you to another

level he said and I will

buuuut the Devourer for your sake not

the kingdom sake not the church’s sake

for your sake this further convinces me

that this is why God invented giving he

said so that he will not destroy the

fruit of your ground that’s your

business your land your home nor shall

Devine fail to bear fruit in your field

it says verse 12 and all the nations

will call you blessed people that don’t

even speak your language oh my god she

is bliss that’s what it says they’ll

stand up and say you are blessed for you

will be a delightful land since the Lord

of hosts why because you gave God an

opportunity to bless you what I’m trying

to tell everybody is there’s levels to

this and I just want everybody to get to

the last level of extravagant giving but

you can’t get to the last level without

starting at the first level so let me

help you the first level we’ve been

talking it it’s time let’s not talk

about this no more because you saved

right here but when you step up and

return 10% of everything that God gives

you to him first

you leveled up and I’m so proud of

transformation church because after I’ve

talked to our team from the beginning of

this series to right now there’s a been

over a 90 percent growth in people who

are y’all don’t hear me who have started

tithing for the first oh y’all gotta

shout oh oh I forgot y’all were shouting

for the money I was shouting because

hearts have changed you missed it you

missed it we don’t know how much money

they have they could be tithe and off

for two dollars it doesn’t matter about

the amount it matters about the what I’m

saying is we went to a whole nother

level through this series as a pastor in

an empty arena I’m telling you we’re

stronger than we’ve ever been because

God had

transformation churches and

transformation nations heart can we give

God praise right there so if you’re not

tithing I’m telling you get on this

blessed life with us cuz we going up

levels everybody say levels we’re going

up levels we going up levels but can we

go to the next level I said can we go to

the next level see the next level is

giving offerings and see some of y’all

are confused right now because you

thought when I when I sit that money to

the to the church now that wasn’t tithe

and offering Lord he said no no no the

10 percent was you returning back to me

when I gave you but then I’m gonna just

nudge on your heart say put a extra 50

on that give to that person over there

in that organization yeah you see that

girl right there that’s walking in quick

trip yeah I know I know you already

pulled out pull back in so so so so $100

that was my hundred dollars for my dress

yeah you won’t be able to fit it anyway

the truth anyhow go give that because

what people don’t understand is when you

return the tithe it gets blessed but

when you step into offering it gets

multiplied you missed it

see multiplication is God’s favorite

math he don’t like addition he likes

multiplication I can prove it to you go

to I believe it’s Matthew or let’s go to

Luke Luke chapter 9 verse 12 because

what God says in this scripture is one

of the most famous um scriptures that

Jesus does the feeding of the 5,000 but

actually most theologians believe there

are about twenty to twenty-five thousand

people there when you count the wives

and three to four kids per capita at the

time and Jesus is about to feed these

people with not enough and I want you to

see how God is the God of multiplication

but multiplication

happens in what we offer to God look at


Luke chapter 9 we’ll start at verse 12

it says when the day begin to wear away

so let me set up context the disciples

are sitting with Jesus and Jesus starts

preaching at 9 o’clock 12 o’clock he’s

still preaching 2 o’clock he’s still

preaching 5 o’clock he’s still preaching

the disciples are hangry at this moment

y’all know what hangry is cuz some of

y’all look at hangry right now they’re

so hungry that they’re angry and Jesus

is still going in there like yo somebody

gotta go tell Jesus to wrap this up so

we can go get something to eat and this

is what happened it says when the day

begin to wear away do you know what that

means in Hebrew when the day begin to

wear away the twelve came to him and

said hey Jesus it would probably be good

if you would send the multitude home so

uh so they could go to churches chicken

and chick-fil-a and get something to eat

because we’re in a desert place we’re in

a place that doesn’t have enough

he said we’re in these towns in the

countries you need to send them all over

there for we are in a deserted place and

doesn’t that feel like the place that

God many times asked us to give from a

deserted place a place of not enough God

I’m a college student you know I just

got out of a divorce

God you saw that I just filed for

bankruptcy God do you know that I’m

paycheck to paycheck why would you ask

me to give out of this deserted place

but he said to them yeah that sounds


you give them something to eat I don’t

what you want me to be a part of

somebody else’s miracle when I’m in a

place that doesn’t seem to have enough

for me so I bet he went back over to the

disciples like hey did y’all tell Jesus

to wrap it up he’s like yeah told him to

wrap it up what’d he say he said we need

to feed him what he said we gotta feed

them and I get you know all the bros

like what we don’t even have nothing to

feed them with and in my mind I see a

movie I see Peter being like if y’all

ain’t gonna eat almond imma eat and he

sees a little boy

with a long john silver’s snack pack two

fish and five husbands and he comes over

here I’m a disciple give me your lunch

and he takes his lunch he takes a bite

of a hushpuppy and he was like if y’all

ain’t gonna do this imma eat oh that’s

what it is tell Jesus this is all we


doesn’t that sound like what we tell God

– this is all we got

yeah I think okay once we show Jesus

this is all we got he’s definitely gonna

dismiss everybody and tell him to go

into the house and look what it says

love the Bible and they said we have no

more than five loaves and two fish

unless you want us to go and buy all the

people some food see they were at a low

level God could have asked him to go buy

the people some food but they said it

sarcastically they didn’t want to

actually meet the people’s needs they

wanted the people to go away so their

needs to get men what would happen if

the church start worrying about our

needs getting met and we were able to be

once to meet other people’s needs that’s

why we have to get to the level of

extreme generosity because if we don’t

were only worried about ourselves and so

he said um unless you want us to go buy

all these people food this all we got

look what Jesus said he’s so he’s so

gangster but there were about only 5,000

men and 20,000 people he said yeah yeah

okay and I and I think Jesus was

thinking it this moment and the guy in

his mind the disciple that’s talking to

Jesus was probably like that just makes

sense we don’t have enough there’s tons

of people he’s gonna dismiss it it just

makes sense but the things you have to

understand is tithing and giving

offering doesn’t make sense it makes


what God was trying to do was make a

miracle while the disciples were trying

to make sense you could even take it

further dollars and since we’re always

trying to make dollars and cents and

God’s trying to create a miracle

somebody say miracle yeah and so then he

says to disciples that’s enough

what you have is enough I came to tell

you with you working at that job at

minimum wage it’s enough with you on

government’s assistance somebody help me

say it’s enough with all the bills that

you have and all the mistakes you made

and the grace that God has carried you

through all of that stuff he says it’s

still enough and then he tells him to do

something that most of us won’t have the

audacity to do he says yeah tell the

people to sit down in groups of 50 he

said I want you to organize what doesn’t

seem like enough

some of y’all right now God is asking

you not to figure out how it’s all gonna

work out he’s like get the bills in

order he was like no how much you

actually owe do you know when you get

out of your car payment do you know how

much you have to pay to be out of your

school loan do you know what your kid

needs do you know what you need to fix

your credit when your parents use your

name when you were young to get ahead

and they jacked it up

do you know get in order what does it

seem to be enough if he says make them

sit down in group of 50 and then a

miracle is about to happen and up until

a couple years ago I thought the miracle

happened in Jesus is hanging like you

remember like we’re just like then he

took the the two fish in the five loaves

and he blessed it and he broke it I saw

something I’ve never seen before

look at verse 16 then he took the five

loaves in the two fish he looked up to

heaven he blessed him how does our

finances get blessed when we time he

blessed it then he broke it

and then he gave them a portion back not

the whole thing he kept the tithe and he

gave them 90% back and he told them to

go now give it away he said give me what

you got and I’m gonna bless it when you

tithe imma give you back ninety percent

with my blessing on it and now I’m going

to challenge you to level up everybody

say level up in the midst of a crisis in

the midst of a downturn in the midst of

everybody scared

he said level of this is when the Church

of Jesus Christ stands up this is when

we become the ones that change

everything he said now I want you to

give it away

go give an offering and I bet the

disciples was mad cuz they was hungry

and I can imagine that they were tempted

to eat what they were supposed to give

away they were tempted to not be

generous but to eat for themselves but

God said if they would have ate it it

would have never multiplied I’m just

trying to walk you through the

Scriptures and so what happens is he

tells him go give it to the people and I

can see him going over there scared take

just a little take just a little take

just I said take just a little with your

greedy tail right wind just imagine it

cuz that’s how we do family member needs

some help you better pay me back

tomorrow oh come on you still mad at

people that owe you ten dollars from the

high school take just a little but God

said when you get to the level of giving

it away I can see the disciple at the

very last minute when there’s nothing

but a crumb left

he says go ahead and take just a little

and in his hand it multiplies did y’all

did you did y’all see how I was I looked

at the account yesterday and there was

nothing in it but I got a refund from

something that I forgot I even did but

the thing I thought I was gonna have to

pay for it wasn’t even actually broken

it was just a cord that needed to be

switched around and they did it for free

and they walk over and they’re like take

some take some attitude start to change

when you know you aren’t the supplier

you’re the way that you give changes

when you know you don’t have to provide

for it and he probably like a take

something and then they start getting

into it bread bread on top anybody want

some brigadiere bread like d understand

what I’m saying people start because the

same God that multiplied it when it was

just a little bit ah it’s the same God

that’s going to do it if you give it

away and that’s why I want you to

understand that’s why we got a time

because if we tithe it gives us access

to give offerings when we ought when we

give offering it multiplies and it gives

us enough resource to go to the last

level and when we go to the last level I

love the last level and I hate the last

level because the last level is

sacrificial offerings I thought you said

it was extravagant generosity it is cuz

you go to tithe offering the sacrificial

offerings these are offerings that hurt

these are the offerings that you fast

you give these are these these are those

these are those times of generosity

where you your body starts telling you

you making a wrong decision but you know

in your heart that God told you this is

what you were supposed to do but I want

you to understand is it’s extravagant

generosity for the one who’s receiving

it but it’s a sacrificial offering for

the one who’s giving it and what God is

saying is I want every one of my

children to live here let’s stop talking

about this low-level stuff oh you just

want the table you just want to offer no


these are prerequisites you don’t play

Mario Brothers and get to level seven

without going level one two three four

five six and God’s saying is my people

who are called by my name will humble

themselves and pray because they just

want healing in an area of their body

but they need healing in the area of

their mind so they can understand that

when you do it my way and you start to

be generous then I get to use you as a

blessing to the whole world what would

happen right now if the church stood up

together and gave five billion dollars

towards the cure of kovat 19 y’all can’t

even clap for it cuz it’s so higher than

where we trying to convince people do

you know that out of the entire world

seven percent of people who call

themselves Christians tithe 7 so if 7

percent of every person every

denomination that called themselves

Christians tithe do you know how small

the number is of people that live here

and I just wanted to come and tell

transformation church and transformation

nation this is where we gonna camp out

y’all didn’t hear me nobody has the

faith to believe me but we will be a

church that lives at the place of

sacrificial offerings and extravagant

gifts I want to tell you that I’m not

asking you to do that I’m leading you in

it I’m gonna be real real is it okay if

I get real real right now this at the

end of the year we had this thing called

the crazy faith offering and many of us

participated in it and because of

everybody’s generosity we were able to

pay off this building we paid off this

building it yeah you could give God

praise right now for everybody hadn’t

been here this building was built for 54

million dollars we got it for 10.5

million dollars and we paid it off in

seven months God but why would God allow

us to do that if we weren’t gonna live

at this huh so some of y’all bills is

because that’s where you have faith to

live some of your deficit God saying

could I get you exposed to a different


so God talked to me he said Michael this

is gonna be the most sacrificial

offering you’ve ever given in your life

and I was like lord I really would like

you to prepare me for what you about to

do he said I’ll tell you so I’m praying

I’m seeking God and God tells me a

number and he says go tell your wife and

home I knew by the response of my wife

that it was God cuz she freaked out

because cuz the sacrificial offering is

not something you give and it feels

comfortable Oh see I forgot y’all don’t

know what sacrifice is see like that

extravagant thing it’s like when David

gave 21 the equivalent of 20 1 billion

dollars to a temple that he would never

see built his son Solomon who was gonna

build the temple when it was customary

for the king to sacrifice one boo he

gave an extravagant offering or a

sacrificial offering and where their

requirement was one he sacrificed a

thousand there was a woman in the Bible

who gave her whole year’s wages of oil

and she

on Jesus’s feet and the disciples were

like y’all should use that for the poor

and he said y’all better shut up cuz

this is the only anointing I’m gonna get

before I go to the cross and the

greatest sacrificial gift that was ever

given was Jesus and he was given for us

on a maybe see the thing that God wants

you to understand is it may hurt a

little bit but it’s gonna produce the

most transformation

so I’m sitting here I tell my wife what

I believe that God told us to give and

this years offering she said Mike that’s

the devil and I said it can’t be the

devil because the devil has never told

anybody to give anything he only he only

tells people to take and so me and my

wife for six seven days it was tension

because I felt like we were supposed to

give this amount but there’s got to be

agreement there’s gotta be unity there

because this agent my money is our money

seriously we’d be walking around the

kitchen shilling are you sure he said

okay no he couldn’t have said cuz we’re

looking at everything that we got going

on Holy Spirit said trust me so I said

I’ll count my trust let me give you the

sacrificial gift the third day go to

prayer he said oh and by the way I want

you to give that person y’all been

trying to help I want you to buy him a

car too

no no God you already know I’m

struggling with Navi you already know

we’re about to give this about we’re

trying to do and then you want us to

give a part he said do you remember what

I’ve done for you in the past and I went

down memory lane just that fast cuz in

2018 God allowed me some of y’all were

there to give away my Land Rover and I

gave away my Land Rover and I went

without a car for seven months and then

God said hey I’m a bless you with a car

somebody gave me a new Mercedes and I

got the Mercedes in the day they handed

me the keys with no payment God said

you’re gonna give that one away too and

and because what’s more contagious than

general what’s more contagious than

Corona is generosity another person saw

that they were given their car away and

they gave their car away to somebody in

that same service and then I gave the

Mercedes away last year

and God says I’ve given you vehicles to

give away now I’m asking you to give

away another one and you want to stop me

from having the opportunity to bless you

okay I said no no

let me go talk to Natalie what matter of

fact I could you talked to Natalie yes

I’ve been having some trouble in this

area and I’m telling you the day before

the offering my wife came up to me and

she said Michael I don’t know how this

is all gonna work out but I trust you

you’ve led this household and strong and

I believe if that’s what you’re telling

me God told you to give we’re gonna give

now the reason I’m telling you this

story is because of what happened next

what happened next we’re in the moment

of generosity the bucket is right down

here I’ve only told two people this

story and I wrote that check out with

tears in my eyes I wasn’t crying because

I was happy about giving I was crying

cuz I was sad but you don’t have to feel

it to obey oh let me help you you don’t

have to feel it to obey what God said I

walked off this stage and my security

guy said there’s a guy here that wants

to just have you pray over his offering

I was like ok let me go give my offer

and walk down with Bella and my wife and

I said father I’m trusting you and

everything cuz this is the most

sacrificial offering we’ve ever given

and we dropped it in the bucket and it’s

like I felt power leave me you know how

I’m one of them them spacejam movies

like she he loses all your powers I felt

it I’m just being real but the thing God

told me he said you just matured Michael

you went from a low level of just being

happy to tithe move into offering and

now you’re at the level where anytime I

ask you any time I just put it on your

heart you’ll give a sacrificial offering

I turned around a kiss of my life and

this is what I called the 62nd miracle

it wasn’t one minute later I said one I

turned around to come back on the stage

Kordell and and Scott were with me and I

stand to pray for this guy and I was

like what do you believe in God for he

was like I’m just believing that this

will be my time on my business every

month and I said let’s let’s pray and I

said god bless this man and Jesus I was

like let’s go give it together he said

no no no this is for you I said what you

mean he said I flew here from the East


cuz three weeks ago the Holy Spirit told

me I was supposed to give him the crazy

faith offering but then I was supposed

to give above that and give this

specifically to you

I said oh man god bless you god bless

you thank you and hugged him and went to

the back came up here finish the service

got in my car to go home and Holy Spirit

said I’m open that envelope not only was

it the amount that I gave but thirty

percent more than what I gave one minute

after I gave now you don’t have to

rejoice with me but what it told me is

God was not concerned about the money he

was concerned about the obedience he

didn’t let me go without it for 60

seconds and I’m believing for some of

you you thought you were letting it go

for a long time God said I’m not trying

to get it from you I’m trying to get it

to you but if I would have not obeyed

God I would’ve stopped God from the

opportunity to bless me

why are you sharing that mic because

somebody needs to hear me say this as

we’re in a time where everybody’s trying

to preserve for themselves and hoard for

themselves the Church of Jesus Christ is

supposed to walk in extreme generosity

extravagant giving sacrificial offerings

I wish the story had to stop there but

it did y’all remember he told me to give

a car away so I called the person then I

could get the car from and I said hey

I’m trying to get this single mother a

car good could you could you help me

find one he said you know what me and my

wife just finished talking about we need

to give away a car from our car

dealership he said I got a car we’re

gonna give it don’t even worry about it

I said hold on wait a minute he somehow

we lose connection he calls me back and

he was like hey my daughter overheard us

talking right now cuz I had it on

speakerphone I was gonna give you this

type of car but she’s got a brand-new

leather interior dot and the Holy Spirit

had been talking to her about giving her

car away and she wants to give that

single mother her actual car I said what

are you saying to me he said that sits

o’clock tonight come pick it up because

it’s yours and walked up and gave us a

2013 brand-new low miles everything

fixed on it and I was able to present it

to a single mother why I don’t want you

to miss this cuz God didn’t even want to

use my money

he just wanted to use my obedience at

the moment I decided in my heart that I

was gonna give that sacrificial offering

she already had everything lined up for

it wouldn’t take a cent out of my

account but I was able to give it to him

what are you saying Pastor Mike if God

can get it through he’ll get it to you

we’ve been playing in a low-level church

we got a tithe this is the end of this

series we got a time cuz if we ties we

go to the next level of giving offerings

and obeying God when he says give the

fifty give the hundred give the thousand

give the 2000 hey don’t worry cuz

something all about the tune off we’re

not taking an offering today this

message is not meant to condemn anybody

but if you feel conviction

the Bible says conviction comes from the

Holy Spirit we not gonna ask anybody to

do anything but if you feel God’s saying

something to you nothing to you and God

but what I want every person look at me

what I want you to live what I want you

to get to well I want you to make steps

and some of you over here and you say

pass the mic I don’t know how I get

there all I’m asking you to is make the

next step if you’ve never tithe before

start if you’ve never give an offering

before start if you’ve never done a

sacrificial offering before start

because when we get here the world’s

gonna stand up and call this place

can you do something for me right now

everybody that’s watching online will

you stand up everybody just stand up

come on

just stand up wherever you are if you

can’t I want you to stand cuz I want I

want you to see what God is doing he’s

trying to allow this to be contagious

you he want to generosity in this moment

to be more contagious than Korona who

can you bless this week who can you buy

toilet tissue for who can’t you pay for

a bill who can you do something don’t

buy the shoes pay somebody’s gas field

what can you do this month this week

today to be generous and come to a place

where God says now I can get them so

much more I was able to give that young

lady a car because I made it up in my

heart sacrificial generosity you get it

to me God you can get it

and then it became it became a thing of

our church on that last Sunday we gave

1.2 million dollars away people started

being blessed by that but y’all know cuz

generosity is more contagious and then

Korona it just started happening

everywhere stuff we couldn’t report to

you at the beginning of this series I

called a young lady up here that said

she only had $25 to her name and and I

used her for an example and she got $500

do you know by the time she walked out

the door she sent me a text message said

transformation church had given her

$3,000 because generosity is more

contagious than anything the lady last

week that we that heard a van for her

special needs son hadn’t had been broken

and it was on the news and we saw that

and we gave her $10,000 what they did is

when she got to the car dealership they

gave her all the work for wholesale

price so she could keep some of the

money and then when it was the tag title

and um the tag entitle the person who

was doing it pulled out their personal

checkbook and wrote the money for the

y’all don’t hear me because giving is

more contagious today as we stand at the

precipice of church being done a

completely different way and there are

churches right now who have maybe older

congregations or maybe didn’t have the

finances to do the technology that

they’re struggling right now we want to

be a church that gives a sacrificial

offering to help some churches make it

through this moment

so this week I heard about two and so

we’re gonna do something about it as an

organization there’s a church in


venue church who today right now is

their first time streaming the pastor

called me earlier this week and said I

don’t know what to do we’re gonna try to

get the stuff together and they they

were able to make it happen cuz their

City told them they couldn’t meet with

people over 250 people and all that

other stuff so venue church on behalf of

transformation nation and everybody

that’s watching right now there’s a

check for fifty thousand dollars that

were sending to you oh yeah but we’re

gonna live at sacrificial

why does this mean that much to me

because five years ago when we took out

$80,000 to buy cameras it’s the faith of

a few that allowed us to be here to dip

me and I know what it’s like my brother

on the north side of toss the pasta

shine Jerry New Jerusalem Baptist Church

he text me earlier this week I got the

text message in my phone he said do you

know anybody who can help us get our

streaming up many of his members are

elderly it’s better for them to not be a

a gathering together but they don’t have

any technologies and I just bought a

camera but I don’t know and my heart

begins to break instead Michael I’ve

pledged transformation church to be a


he said what you believed four or five

years ago you can give to somebody today

without sweating it so New Jerusalem

there’s $100,000 check being delivered

to you so the gospel of Jesus Christ


that extravagant given hands up all over

the place I’m gonna pray for you I

declare and I believe that we have

broken the back of poverty over our

mindsets father I thank you in the name

of Jesus that every person will move

from just believing that you’re good to

trusting you father God in their heart

and tithing and they’ll move from that

level of book and they’ll level up to

being able to give offering and they’ll

go from giving offering father time to

being able to live at a place of

sacrificial offering father today

what’s more contagious than Corona is

extravagant generosity and I pray it

over every person that is watching right

now live or on rebroadcast break every

chain is my prayer father of poverty

every chain of greed every chain of

shame every chain father for stewardship

as we in this series we don’t have to

secure the bag because you are securing

us father we trust you we believe you we

thank you and because we are blessed to

be a blessing today for what you’re

about to do we give you glory we give

you honor and we give you praise

will you give God the biggest


have their message like this now God’s

gonna start speaking to you it may not

be a car it may not be a camera maybe a

chick-fil-a gift card it may be the book

that you wanted to hatch you on it it

may be an amount of money but when you

obey God you give him the opportunity to

bless you and I want us all to live a

blessed life a man and some of you are

watching right now you like me if you

get all that money still my life is

jacked up here what I’m saying to you

it’s all about the heart these

principles in here really let me know

that Jesus is real and if you’re

watching right now you never accepted

Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and

Savior today is the day of salvation

it’s the thing that took me from

addicted to pornography a manipulator a


and if right now if you’ve already

accepted Jesus you need to be praying

people’s lives are on the line right now

I feel this thing so strong it’s the

thing that took me from a bad person it

didn’t make me perfect but it now makes

me progress and because of my

relationship with Jesus I’m not who I

used to be not who I’m gonna be but man

I’m so much further and today God wants

to offer that to you and he’ll help you

take these steps he’ll get your heart

they’ll change your habits today I want

to pray free if you’re under the sound

of my voice we’re gonna say a prayer and

everybody everybody watching online

everybody that’s in the building

everybody that’s gonna watch our

rebroadcast we’re gonna say this

together because we’re a family at

transformation church nobody prays alone

but only you and God know if you really

mean this so let’s pray together

everybody say God thank you for sending

Jesus that’s the greatest sacrifice just

for me today I’m giving you my life

transform me

save me change me I believe you live and

you die just for me today I surrender my

life I’m yours in Jesus name

now listen if you prayed that prayer on

the count of three I want you to bow Lee

no matter if your friends or family

around no matter if you’re by yourself

no matter what I want you to shoot your

hand up in the air

and we’re gonna start celebrating listen

the Bible tells us that if one person

gets saved the entire heavens [ __ ]

rejoicing and there’s people hundreds of

thousands all over the world that’s

about to rejoice with you what you just

made the greatest decision of your life

– God is so proud of you and so are we

three lift your hands in the air right




thank you so much for watching

transformation churches YouTube and I

just want you to take another step if

this is feeding you join transformation

nation let’s everybody that doesn’t live

here in Tulsa watching live with us on

Sunday mornings gather your family let’s

make this thing an every week situation

and please share share if it has

impacted your life there is somebody

that is waiting for you to share this

with them and transformation is only a

click away and there’s one more thing I

would ask you to do pray about giving if

you want to help us take this message

all around the world and represent God

to lost-and-found people for one reason

transformation in Christ you can do that

right now

by clicking the giveaway I cannot wait

to see you the next time we’re here live

a transform life
