In his message, Be The Vessel, Pastor Franklin talks about the story from 2 Kings 4 and even says it’s one of the greatest miracles from the Old Testament. As long as there were empty vessels, the oil kept flowing. When there were no more vessels, the oil ceased. We are earthen vessels and we determine how much room there is for God in our lives. Will you be a container of trash or treasure?

the following program is sponsored by

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connection hello and welcome to Kingdom

connection for many years we’ve started

the new year with a 21-day fast seeking

God’s best for the days ahead and

sharing the experience with hundreds of

thousands of you all around the world

we’re just a few weeks away from

starting and because fasting and prayer

go hand in hand we’re offering dr. Elmer

town’s new book fasting with the Lord’s

Prayer inside dr. Townes explains the

importance of prayer and fasting as well

as six ways to fast then he examines in

depth the seven petitions of the Lord’s

Prayer and concludes with a 21 day

fasting devotional data in a special

forward in the book and we are also

including the DVD interview with dr.

Townes as well as the fundamentals of

fasting whether this is your first time

joining us or you’ve joined the fasting

movement in the past this fasting action

plan will be a valuable tool as you

experience the deep spiritual results

that comes are two of the most powerful

resources that God has given us for our

faith prayer and fasting call anytime

during the broadcast to get yours

but right now prepare your hearts as we

go into free chapel in Gainesville

Georgia and dad teaches us how to be the

vessel in empty our lives so God can

fill us with new dreams and new miracles

and live life to the fullest

look with me in your Bibles to second

Kings chapter for a certain woman of the

wives of the sons of the prophets cried

out to Elisha saying your servant my

husband is dead you know that your

servant feared the Lord and the creditor

is coming to take my two sons to be his

slaves Elisha said to her what y’all do

for you tell me what do you have in the

house she said your maidservant has

nothing in the house but a jar of all

then he said go borrow vessels from

everywhere from all of your neighbor’s

empty vessels do not gather just a few

but when you have come in you should

shut the door behind you and your sons

and then pour it into those vessels and

set aside the full ones so she went from

him and shut the door behind her and her

sons who brought the vessels to her and

she poured it out now it came to pass

when the vessels were fooled that she

said to her son bring me another vessel

and he said to her there is not another

vessel so the all ceased verse seven

then she came and told the man of God

and he said go sell the oil and pay your

debt you and your sons live on the rest

a mighty miracle one of the great

miracles of the Old Testament and I want

to talk today about be the vessel

because the miracle in this story is

dependent upon God having available

vessels so many times we say God I need

a miracle and God is not the problem the

oil is not the problem

heaven is not the problem the problem is

can he find a vessel down here on earth

to put the miracle in the woman’s

husband died and left a debt that she

could not pay and now the creditors came

in that culture and in that time if you

could not pay your bills then they could

enslave the next generation and make

them work

out in their fields as slaves the debt

that you owed and now the scripture said

that because the woman could not pay her

debt the creditors were at the door and

they were there to enslave the next

generation the two sons of the widow

woman I think that the spirit of the

world is knocking at the church’s door

and the next generation is going to be

taken if we don’t have a miracle in the

house if we don’t have all in the house

if we don’t have the Holy Spirit in the

house there is a spirit that is coming

to enslave children and young people in

the next generation enslave them in

drugs and alcoholism and sexual

immorality and the key to this thing and

art and the next generation staying free

is what do you have the Prophet said in

your house in other words do you have

anything that God can use to bring a

miracle to your house what’s in your

house that God can use to bring a

miracle that can save the next

generation from slavery and bondage our

home should be places of Prayer our

homes should be places where the Bible

is read and honored our homes should be

places of respect and honor our homes

should be places of unity and love what

is in your house that could bring the

miracle that keeps the next generation

free and then you need to ask the other

question what is in your house that

could hinder God from bringing the

blessing to your house what’s in your

home it’s either bringing the presence

of God or it’s hindering the all of the

Holy Spirit the key to this miracle was

when the woman said all I’ve got is a

little jar of all and the Prophet

understood that was what

would keep the next generation free and

the Prophet said then go to your

neighbors and borrow the vessels borrow

not a few you determine the magnitude of

your miracle God doesn’t you do and if

you’ve got a few you’ll get a little

miracle but if you’ve gathered not a few

and you brought a lot of them in then

you will get a greater miracle I think

sometimes we are saying God I want you

to do something great in my life and God

says just give me a vessel and what we

do is we say well Lord here’s a

pint-sized portion of my soul I’ll give

you this much of my life but I want a

huge miracle and God says I can the

problem is not with the old the problem

is not with the miracle the problem is

not with God’s ability the problem is

you give me such a little place of your

vessel the more you give me of your

vessel the more I will give you of my

all the more if you give me a pint size

of your life on Sunday morning then

that’s how much I’ll feel but if you

come as an empty vessel that says I know

you’ve got a plan for my life I want

everything out of me that’s not like you

and I want you to fill me from my

thought life to every aspect in every

relationship I want to be your vessel

God says if you give me a few of

yourself I’ll feel a little bit of

yourself but if you give me all that you

are I’ll fill you with my purpose in my

dream and my plan and my all in my

anointing the all is moving get some

vessels she started pouring and when she

started pouring God began to pour more

and more all out of that one jar and

they filled vessel after vessel she said

they all is moving give me another

so give me another vessel get as long as

we got vessels they all will keep

flowing and when the vessels are not

available then the flow stopped by if I

could get this across heaven is not the

problem the problem is available vessels

if God can find available vessels he’ll

never stop pouring the blessings they

all stopped when there was no place to

put the all what if you sometimes we

don’t understand that the container is

just as important as the product what if

you went to the grocery store and you

bought eggs and bread and butter and

potato chips and cookies and milk can

drinks and all this stuff and you

checkout and as you’re about to leave

they say please take your stuff you

would say do you not have any bags you

mean I’ve actually got to pick up all

this stuff and you’re walking out and

you’re dropping stuff and you’re

breaking stuff and all through the

parking lot things that are falling

because it’s not just the product you

need a place to put the product somebody

said I sure wish I had a I wish I sure

wish I had some coffee do you really

want coffee or do you want a cup of

coffee you gotta have something to put

the product in it’s very important now I

could take a pot of hot coffee and say

you want some coffee here but you need a

cup to put the coffee in I thought about

last night you know I think that I’ll

order a pizza to illustrate this point

and imagine Domino’s Pizza showing up at

your doorstep

and you just ordered a pepperoni pizza

and here they come this is all you’ve

got give me my pizza and the pizzas

falling all over the carpet and the

pizzas getting messy and the pizzas

greasy and and it’s hot – it’s really

hot what a shame you would ask where’s

the box you can have the greatest

product in the world but if you don’t

have a buck and you know what this box

costs I asked them this box cost 35 cent

it’s not the box that gives value to the

product it’s the product that gives

value to the box and even though it’s

just the 35 cent box when it has a

product in it it becomes valuable and

that’s what I’m trying to get you to

understand that God has the old God has

the Holy Spirit God has the mirror but

the miracle is looking for a vessel the

miracle is looking for vessels all over

this room the problem is not with the

product the problem is you got to have

two things with this box it needs to be

empty and it needs to be clean what kind

of mother puts milk in a dirty bottle

that has old milk from three weeks ago

still in it no you clean out the bottle

empty out the bottle sterilize the

bottle and then put the milk in it and

what I’m trying to get you to understand

is God says I’ve got the oil I’ve got

the dream I’ve got the vision for your


I’ve got the miracle that you need my

problem is I can’t find a clean empty

box I can’t find a clean empty box that

I can put my miracle in and the miracle

is looking for a vessel the Holy Spirit

right now is looking for vessels vessels

that he can put this precious all in

vessels that he can put a dream in you

need to understand that God wants a

vessel to put his power his miracle his

all in all the vessels got to do is be

clean and be empty don’t offer him a

pint sized but clean yourself out clean

yourself out and empty yourself out and

say God I want to be your vessel so so

God creates the earth and he puts man on

the earth and he makes man man was born

on the earth and came and formed out of

dirt and God said to the human a human

in Latin means spirit in dirt and he

says to the human which is a spirit

contained in a vessel of dirt you are a

spirit that lives in a dirt body when

you die your body will go back to dirt

but your spirit will live forever and

God said to Adam I give you dominion

over the earth and over every creature

including the serpent and you have

authority over I only give Dominion to

spirits that are in dirt embodies in

vessels I’m going to breathe the breath

of God in you and I’m going to put it in

a vessel an earth vessel and for 42

generations God is looking

for a vessel that he can put his all in

that he can put his Holy Spirit in it’s

gonna have to be a dirt body if he’s

going to come legally because God is a

spirit he is not a body he is a spirit

but the astonishing thing about the

Incarnation and the virgin birth of

Jesus Christ is God search for 42


saying I need a vessel I have a miracle

that I’m about to send to the earth and

what I need is an empty clean vessel to

put it in and he found a virgin girl a

little Jewish girl by the name of Mary

and God said I have found a vessel that

is clean that is empty can I borrow your

body little girl for nine months all I

need is a vessel I know you don’t think

you’re much and you’re not without me

but what I’m about to do in you is going

to astonish you and the value is not in

the box that’s why we don’t worship Mary

we honor Mary we appreciate Mary but

Mary is not a deity and she isn’t we

don’t pray to Mary because she is not

God Jesus is God Jesus is the name above

every name and there is one mediator

between God and man the man Christ Jesus

so we honor you Mary we thank God that

you were pure and empty and God chose

that vessel and he put a miracle in it

my god we don’t understand the

Incarnation that somehow the God of the

universe who said that the heavens are

my throne and the earth is my footstool

but I’m gonna shrink myself down and put

myself in a little fat chubby dirt body

and all of God from head to toe came out

of that virgin womb eight pounds of God

Almighty but he was so much God from

head to toe that when they just touched

the hem of His garment there was so much

contained power that if we just touch

the hem there’s so much

his body was dirt but his spirit was the

OL it was the miracle no wonder when he

walked into the temple he looked like

everybody else but when he got up and

said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me

it’s one thing when you read somebody’s

book but it’s another thing when the

author reads his own book and they had

heard that scripture over and over and

the moment that he said it demons

started crying out in church members oh

god don’t I’m feeling crazy right now

leave us alone

we know who you are you you’ve come

illegally you snuck into the sea that’s

why Satan wanted Satan hates your body

oh I got a preach Satan hates your body

because the problem is not with the ol

Satan knows I cannot stop the Oh

that’s what kicked me out of heaven

that’s what defeats my demons

that’s what heals people that’s what

delivers the drug addict I cannot deal

with the old so my only hope is to

attack the vessel and if I can defile

and dirty up the vessel if I can fill up

the vessel with so much other stuff that

it can’t contain the OEL then I can stop

God’s plan from being done and so he

tries to defile and destroy the vessel

that’s why Herod tried to kill all the

babies and murdered all the babies two

boys two years and down because Satan

was scared oh my god Messiah is here and

he’s he’s here legally God Almighty has

put his spirit in a dirt body and I am

terrified kill all the kids and that’s

why they tried to stone him and

everywhere he went and finally finally

after three and a half years of being

tormented by by by God walking around in

a dirt body Satan got Jesus and nailed

him to the cross and they crucified Him

and they watched him die and hell had a

square-dance and demons are rejoicing

and Satan is laughing we destroyed the

container we can we destroyed the vessel

it’s got holes in it

it’s bled itself to death he’s dead I

heard his blood clay lips say it is

finished and they’re rejoicing he didn’t

say I am finished he said it is finished

and they took his dead body the vessel

the box and they put it in a tomb but

while his body was in the tomb his

spirit got up and said I’m going to hell

to hold a revival and he preached to the

spirits in bondage and 72 hours later

God connected his spirit I could see the

spirit lay down in the box and suddenly

Jesus rose bodily from the dead and he

said I have the key Satan is so defeated

he doesn’t even own the keys to his own

house that’s why he can’t hold you

prisoner that’s why he can’t keep you in

a prison of addiction because he doesn’t

hold the keys Jesus holds the keys and

you can be free give God a big shout if

you believe it Satan cannot control your

body you don’t have to be a drug addict

alcoholic when Mary got full and

pregnant with Jesus two things happen

number one it changed the way she walked

have you ever seen a pregnant girl there

Walt changes

and when Jesus takes up when the

miracles living in you it will change

your walk it changes what you ingest

into your body a pregnant person a

pregnant woman will not smoke a pregnant

woman will not take drugs and drink

because she knows it will hinder and I’m

saying to you if you’ve got an issue

with alcohol or you’re a drug addict and

messed up

if Jesus takes up residence inside of

you he can get he can push all that

stuff out and you can get so full of him

that you never have to touch it again

somebody give God a praise I’m almost

through and I’m saying to you today that

if you empty your vessel and you clean

up your vessel before he pours in you

have to empty out and you either are a

container of trash or treasure be

careful little eyes what you see be

careful little ears what you hear guard

your heart with all diligence because

you’re either going to be a container of

trash or of treasure

that’s why Satan wants your body young

lady that’s why he wants you to defile

yourself with sexual immorality and all

the girls are doing it so just give your

virginity away like it’s nothing because

the enemy knows that the OEL is looking

for a vessel that’s why young man he’ll

tell you be like all the other guys and

sow your Wild Oats and then but while

you’re doing that the old will pass you

by and find somebody you were his first


it matters what we do with these bodies

it matters whether or not we’re

separated that’s why the Bible said in

first Corinthians chapter 6 know ye not

that your body is the temple of the Holy


do you understand your body is the

vessel for the all and you’re bought

with a price therefore glorify God with

your body and in your spirit now I want

to close with this thought and I want

you to listen carefully when they took

Jesus’s body or vessel that was dead and

they put it in the tomb of Joseph of

Arimathea the Bible said it was the

borrowed tomb he uses those words

because Jesus was Jewish and he’s a good

businessman and he says why should I buy

something that I’m only going to use for

three days I’m not going to buy the tomb

I’m gonna borrow it wait a minute but

that text said he bought you

he only borrowed the tomb for three days

to put his body in but he bought you by

his Precious Blood because he wants to

live in you for all eternity and he says

your body is my temple and that’s why

the scripture said we have this treasure

the product Jesus the oil in earthen

vessels you don’t have to be super

talented you don’t have to be super

brilliant you don’t have to be some

extraordinary something all you have to

do is be a 35-cent clean empty vessel

and God says

the glory is not in the earthen vessel

the glory and the treasure is in what

I’m going to do because I’m going to put

my dream in you and I’m going to put my

purpose in you and I’m going to put my

anointing on you and I’m going to raise

you up and people will think you’re

really something

but deep inside you will know that

without him I can do nothing we are only

able to share a portion of message with

you weekly but you can order today’s

message be the vessel on CD DVD and

audio mp3 and your support allows this

broadcast to go all around the world as

well as help us to do special projects

like the miracle market and Haiti we are

so thankful for those of you who have

responded to Mission Food for Life this

new initiative to build the 1 million

dollar miracle market in Haiti to

provide over 2,600 new jobs and hope and

dignity for the poor in Haiti if you

haven’t responded please pray about

being a part of this amazing project we

can’t do everything but together we can

do something and don’t forget to order

your fasting with the Lord’s Prayer

action plan thanks for watching this

week and we’ll see you next time on

Kingdom connection this

has been brought to you by the friends

and partners of jensen franklin media

ministries for more information on this

broadcast or for additional resources go

online and Jennsen Franklin dot o-r-g