Living the full and abundant life God promised begins with setting strong and secure boundaries. If you want to see change in your marriage, in your children, in the way people see you … set some boundaries. In Building Boundaries, you’ll learn how establishing personal, traditional and core values are less about rules and more about an eternal relationship with Christ.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection join Jensen and Charisse

Franklin for the one marriage conference

February 21st and 22nd at free chapel in

Gainesville Georgia with special guests

dr. mark and Alison Rutland this weekend

will be filled with music fun laughter

and best of all your marriage will be

stronger than ever go online for

registration and more information and

see how you can have a marriage that’s

whole fulfilling exciting and strong as

one husband one wife one Accord


Exodus chapter 19 this is a story that

underscores the importance of having

boundaries set up in our lives and

that’s what I’m speaking on today

building boundaries God said to Moses I

am coming down from my throne in heaven

to Mount Sinai I am going to touch down

on that mountain and before I do I want

you to tell the people to sanctify

themselves you tell the people that I’m

holy that I’m coming back I’m coming to

where they are they’re gonna hear the

sound of the trumpet and when the

trumpet sounds I’m going to show up God

Almighty and when I show up they better

be clean

they better be sanctified tell them to

change their clothes and wash their

clothes tell them to wash the spots get

the defilement off of them I want my

people to be clean when I show up we

know this is all tight this is all

symbols of us being without spot without

blemish cleansed washed in the blood of

Jesus Christ he said I’m coming and when

you hear the trumpet sound you better be

ready because anyone who is on the wrong

side of the barriers that I’m telling

you to build he said I want you to seal

the mountain off and I want you to take

barriers and then I’ve got these little

props and he said I I want you to set

them up Moses you build them you dig the

holes you set up the fences you run the

bob wire whatever they build them out

out back then and you build barriers and

you set them and wherever you say the

perimeter is wherever you say the

barrier goes wherever you place it that

will be the foot of the mountain and you

tell the children of Israel that they

are not to cross over

I’ll give no free passes even says if if

they step over it if they’re if they

have one leg over on the other side that

they’re not supposed to be on then when


come down they’re going to die these

Perrier’s were very important these

barriers were death or life I’m coming I

want my people to be clean I want my

people when the trumpet sounds you won’t

have time to change it then if you’re on

the wrong side of the barrier you’re

gonna drop dead so you better be ready

when the trumpet sounds and make sure

you’re on the right side of the barrier

because there’s a difference between

where my people are and where where

they’re not and I want barriers between

them because when the trumpet sounds

it’s going to be quick and I’m gonna

come and when I come you better be on

the right side of those barriers

he’s coming turned to somebody and say

he’s coming the trumpet is gonna sound

first Thessalonians chapter 4 the Lord

himself shall descend from heaven with a

shout the sound of the trumpet jesus is

coming again

he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming

parents get ready he’s coming the most

important thing is that your family be

ready he’s coming he’s coming can you

hear him Moses running through the camp

he’s coming he’s coming

get ready get clean gets sanctified he’s

coming the trumpets about to sound you

better be ready you won’t have time to

get ready

after the trumpet sounds you better be

ready parents teenagers he’s coming

get ready sanctify yourselves be careful

get the right music in your car get the

right friends get the right stuff what

are you looking at what are you

listening to get ready he’s coming and

when the trumpet sounds it’ll be too


wash your clothes anybody who is on the

wrong side of those barriers is going to

lose their life where did that mountain

start notice God didn’t give him a GPS

or a map and say here I’m drawing the

lines for you build the bears here he

said no Moses you’re the pastor you’re

the leader you pray

you seek me and wherever you decide the

mountain starts you set up a barrier you

dig the holes and you say this is the

line we’ll go this far and we’ll go no

further and I the Lord God will back it

up and if that line is crossed

it’ll cost it their families he said I

want you Moses you the lawgiver I want

you you know God is saying to us today

the world is asleep but the trumpet is

going to sound one of these days and we

better be ready as a family we need some

barriers I know we’re living in a time

when nothing’s wrong anymore

nothing sin anymore everybody’s doing

whatever and they say God understands if

I get drunk if I go out and sleep around

God understands if I’m committing

fornication God understands if I’m in a

relationship that I know is wrong God

understands no I know this is this is

tough today so just go on and fasten

your seatbelts turbulent weather is

coming but he said he said the only

thing that’s going to be make you

prepared for the sound of the trumpet is

you better have some barriers my people

need to know that there’s a difference

between the clean and the unclean I’m

sure it didn’t happen at once I’m sure

they didn’t just start out rejoicing

over the barriers when Moses said this

is as far as you can go and folks what

we need today and I want to say to the

preachers that are listening where are

the barriers where is the preaching that

says we’re believers and we set up

boundaries and we don’t go to certain

places and do things like the world does

there ought to be a difference between

us and them

if you’re somewhere that you shouldn’t

be when the trumpet sounds you’re gonna

lose your life

so set boundaries up and keep those

boundaries and preserve those boundaries

because they’re imported there’s fire on

that mountain so stay off that mountain

and I thought about the barriers that we

need to hear about I’m concerned I’m

concerned when I hear Christians and

particularly teenagers and college kids

who are partying and getting drunk as

they can be and partying out of their

minds and think nothing the morality of

sleeping around and multiple partners

somewhere we need to understand that

they’re supposed to be barriers that

says no we’re believers we don’t go

there we don’t do that that doesn’t

belong in my life that doesn’t belong in

my family but what I’m seeing now is

like there’s no boundaries there’s no

standards there’s no difference between

us in the world there’s no difference in

our morality there’s no difference in

anything we’re doing and Moses starts

building fences where are the fences God

did not give the fence locations to

Moses he said you set it up listen to

what Hebrews 13 and 7 said obey them

that have rule over you and submit

yourselves for they watch for your soul

we don’t get up and just preach against

stuff like I’m preaching right now going

to wild parties what business do you

have going to parties and we’re there

smoking dope and getting high and you’re

drinking with them and smoking with them

I know I know a cigarette ain’t gonna

send you to hell

it’ll just make you smell like you’re in

the wrong place when you get to heaven

if God wanted you to smoke you would

have put a chimney on your head but but

see we we

to have some barriers we used to have

some barriers in the church we used to

say church folk don’t do that we used to

have some barriers and if you don’t get

barriers then then you just what’s the

difference between what you have before

Christ and after Christ it’s a barrier

and it’s not legalism its protection

it’s keeping things out it’s it’s a

blessing to have barriers some of you

have no standards it’s greasy grace Adam

was given two responsibilities Adam

named the animals and just keep the

plants you’re gonna keep some things and

you’re gonna name some things name some

things and what you call it it’ll be

called and we’re living in a day when

moms and dads have got to be the Moses

to their family I don’t care what

they’re doing two houses down five

houses down I don’t care what everybody

else is doing

I am the Moses of my house and I don’t

care if my neighbor’s house or my

Christian friends house has a barrier

over here and says their children can go

that far I’m going to do it the bet all

I know to do is pray and seek God’s stay

in the Bible remember where I came from

remember what worked for my parents and

their parents it’s kept us all these

generations so I think I’ll dig me some

fence holes right here put my barrier up

right here I know I’m a little old

fashioned I know I’m a little

conservative but you know what I think

I’m gonna put my barrier right here and

this is my and I am the Moses for my

house and parents if you don’t get some

boundaries in your family if you don’t

get a hold of what I’m preaching if you

don’t learn that you can’t just let the

world and MTV or whoever set the

boundaries because there will be none

Hollywood has none the public school

system has none nobody is going to you

gonna have to say what is the standard

of my house

and those kids may not like it they

won’t but you just take that and saying

we’re building a little standard right

here and if you’re gonna live in this

house that’s how far we go and we don’t

go any further than that and if you keep

going further than that then you’re on

your own I’ve had I’ve had several mine

say I’m leaving I’m running away

they don’t go long they’re gone for a

few days I take care of my kids real

good they get the missing stuff real

quick I had one of them get mad and say

I’m leaving I’m leaving I said what’s

your leaving in that’s my Toyota you

know check the registration oh and put

the suitcase back with the clothes

they’re my clothes my high heels all of

it it’s mine all that stuff belongs to

me you can leave with the clothes you

have on and the purse you’ve got the

rest of them are mine she ran away

went down the street into the woods said

under a tree in the freezing cold and

called her sister and within an hour

her sister picked her up she came back

she left saying give me she came back

saying forgive me

all my children are serving God all my

children love the Lord but you know what

I had to fight for these these things I

had to set them up I had to say no you

ain’t going out with that heathen I

don’t care I don’t care I don’t care I

don’t care what other people are doing I

don’t care no we don’t drink I don’t

care I’m not judging nobody they may be

good people but if they’re gonna be

drinking over that you’re not going nope

nope nope nope nope nope no no and boy

I’m telling you

we went through seasons where they I was

we were hated by our kids hello God I’ve

never raised my children like this now

they come to us and say y’all were the

greatest parents I want to be just like

you but when I’m one of them had the

audacity to tell me daddy I’m gonna

marry a man just like you that’s called

revenge this stuff works this will

preserve your family this will keep your

family wraps already I don’t care what

other churches and people are doing you

better set you up some standards and say

as for me in my house

this is it we won’t go any further you

you you who are single you better set

you up some boundaries if you wait to

you in the back seat speaking in tongues

feeling lid yeah you feeling lid all

right you have to go on dates nowadays

with the heathens that are out there now

you take your barriers with you this is

a no trespassing zone pretty much keep

your hands off my legs keep your head

come all here let’s get by in a minute

keep your hands off my rear no no I have

boundaries I know I know that’s too much

for you but you kids are going hog-wild

and it’s because they’re not being

challenged when the trumpet sounds

they’re not gonna hate you they’re gonna

say thank you Moses thank you thank you

thank you for not letting me get in

there thank you saying to you you better

wake up because here’s here’s what I

want to say you have to have personal

values personal values are not things

that are better that are necessarily

black and white for example I can’t tell

somebody if they drink a glass of wine

they’re going to go to hell I’m gonna

stick with the word I can tell you this

for me for me and my family in my on

both sides of our family it’s been a

blessing that our parents and our

grandparents and our great-grandparents

put up a barrier and said these homes

are gonna stay alcohol-free now here

generations later I am in the ministry a

lot of my family all my family pretty

much in ministry and it’s because those

barriers they worked none of us have

ever been in rehab it worked that’s all

I can take now now so so now number one

I have my personal values then secondly

there’s traditional values that’s the

teaching traditionally the church

has stood against some things has

proclaimed some things and said the

church takes a firm stand like on on on

homosexuality adultery marriage divorce

you know we’re for everybody we love

everybody but I’ve got barriers up in my

marriage Cherise and I decided 25 plus

years ago we would put barriers up and

we sometimes have been right to the edge

this is divorce but you have to have

barriers that say we might get mad at

each other we might get ugly with one

another we might say things we shouldn’t

with one another but we have these

barriers and for us divorce has never

been an option will never be an option

sometimes she pushes me right there or I

push her right there but what you have

to do is once you get there you don’t

even go there it’s never an option see

if you’ve got those barriers is we turn

right back around we make up we can we

fall in love again

everything’s wonderful until I do

something stupid and she pushes me out

here again or I push her out here again

this is marriage and it’s the best thing

going and it’s wonderful but this is

marriage but you have to have barriers

you lose your personal values the

traditional values then the devil goes

for the core values your personal values

I don’t flirt I don’t don’t go there I

don’t do that that’s done away then the

traditional values you start won’t and

less of Church less of God less of the

Bible less of Prayer all of that and

then the enemy gets to your core values

and your integrity your character who

you really are when people aren’t around

begins to be compromised you’ll begin to

play the hypocrite and you can’t do that

you have these things set up as

barriers to keep the core of your family

of your marriage of your walk with God

of your anointing of the power of God

and by God if we don’t watch it we just

keep stepping over the barriers and once

you start stepping over them it gets

easier and easier and easier and before

you know it you don’t believe anything

anymore so how do we how do we balance

this thing out I know we’re saved by

grace I get all of that it’s not a words

I know all of it but I also know that

it’s not legalism once you are saved to

build some barriers in your mind with

your eyes with your ears proverbs 4 set

guard your heart with all diligence

guard it be careful guards your heart

don’t give your heart to anything and

anybody guard your heart for out of it

flow the issues of life some of you just

anything goes guard your heart guards

your purity young people guard your

purity guard your walk with God guard

your spirit guard it because if you

don’t put barriers up when the trumpet

sounds you could be on the wrong side of

the barrier

I close I close with this thought every

parent in this room is the Moses for

your family and if you just let anything

and everything go I’m telling you in the

21st century Satan is gonna rip your

family to shreds you have to take stands

and sometimes you’re crying I laughed

about one of our kids we’ve had all of

them serving God now all of them fully

in love with Jesus all of them doing

wonderful I’m so proud of them but there

were times when Charisse and I had to

take those barriers and say it worked

I hope it’s right I don’t even know

anymore I’m wondering myself my god

this is you race you raise five and four

teenagers and one to go you raise them

then you come tell me your story

I don’t want to hear your little thing

now you don’t have any children but you

know what I would do no I’m not

interested so you got to learn what

mountains worth fighting over you got to

learn you know what is this a big deal

and is that not a big deal and well sure

he’s a good guy you can go out with him

I know he doesn’t believe like we

believe that’s fine he loves the Lord

that’s good that’s good all that that

nope nope now here’s a big one mm sorry

that’s how you have to be I don’t know

if this is making sense this is how a

parent has to be this is clear in the

book this this is right here in the

Bible honey this is what the Bible says

and if I let you do that that’s against

God’s Word so and sometimes you lay

there and you cry and you wonder was it

was my parents crazy were they wrong

what is this stupid or as this is this

legalism or is this maybe if I backed

off and just kind of let them do

whatever I’m telling you I’ve been

through it this is the advantage of

having an old Moses up here Plus this

would keep you out of hell this will

keep your families together this will

keep your marriage

yeah this will keep your children I have

no business going back to some of the

places God setting me free from the

scripture said it’s like a dog going

back to its vomit and if you don’t have

clear boundaries it’ll be a matter of

time before the enemy pulls you right

back in and he will try I assure you and

that’s why you don’t wait till you get

out there you have boundaries that are

already set


the eternal sky by putting that up my

hippie no appeal means a n.l.a.p don’t

be timid Muay Blue October Nakara

Kyoto me to Paulo appeal music


as a business owner I know what it is to

start out small I remember not having

anything and I remember I had to take

care of my wife of my baby and I wanted

them to have the best


and I feel people have talents down

there and they don’t have opportunity

when I saw the picture of the

marketplace I think that is one of the

things that even today sticks in my mind

because I saw a place where people could

go and I could see him trying to barter

and trade and sell something so that

they could have their needs met for

their family and their babies


God can bless them just like he has

blessed me it’s gonna cost a million

dollars for this project its massive as

you can see over 20 acres and it’s going

to be filled with with life and filled

with people being ministered and helped

everyday and you can be a part of this

miracle caught up with my Sydney and I I

really like the concept of pouring in to

the marketplace to that seed so we can



as an update we’ve sent another $190,000

to the miracle marketplace in Haiti

thank you so much for those of you who

have responded to the mission food for

life this initiative to build the 1

million dollar miracle market in Haiti

is going to provide over 2,600 new jobs

and Haiti will have its first ever

Christian marketplace but we are only

halfway through our goal would you

please consider helping us this month

build the foundations for the

marketplace it’s a one hundred thousand

dollar phase and you can be a part of

laying a foundation of faith in Haiti

when you give this month we have a

special gift to send to you our new

foundation series three inspiring

messages which will help you build your

faith and family values upon God’s Word

we are still receiving stories of life

change from hundreds of thousands of you

who joined us on this year’s 21-day fast

please join us on Facebook or Twitter

and share your story with us of what’s

happening in your life thank you so much

for watching kingdom connection and

we’ll see you next time a great marriage

is more than a sweet melody of love

it can be a beautiful symphony when two

hearts are joined as one husband and


join Jensen and Charisse Franklin for

the one marriage conference February

21st and 22nd at free chapel in

Gainesville Georgia and discover how to

live in rhythm and grow in grace with

the one you love one husband one wife


whether you’re newlyweds or a seasoned

couple the one marriage conference will

give you the tools to create the

marriage of your dreams I’m gonna go

home with the new whole perspective of

my marriage with special guest dr. mark

and Alison Rutland this weekend will be

filled with music fun laughter and best

of all your marriage will be stronger

than ever go online for registration and

more information and see how you can

have a marriage that’s Paul fulfilling

exciting and strong as one husband one

wife one Accord this program has been

brought to you by the friends and

partners of Jensen franklin media

ministries for more information on this

broadcast or for additional resources go

online at Jensen Franklin dot o-r-g