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we’re in week 4 of a series that we’ve

been doing called grace like a flood and

a lot of people don’t understand why we

would spend this much time on a series

of grace there’s a lot sexy or sermon

series I could do like I could do a

series called breakthrough everybody

would love that cuz it means like I’m

about to break through and I’m about to

go I could do a series called momentum

like getting up to the speed of God or I

could do a serious light no haters and

everybody will I ain’t not yeah a good

path like no hater like you would do

that Jack

but I’ve been stuck on this message of

grace because I feel like it’s one of

the least understood messages in the

body of Christ we have two extremes you

either have people that like you don’t

have to do anything don’t believe don’t

say don’t do nothing Jesus has done it

all just live stays the same and that’s

this extreme version agree and then you

have this other side are you chewing

bubblegum Hale is that earrings you’re

going to Hale is that lipstick tail are

you eating chick-fil-a pale like it’s

like these two extreme and so the church

stays silent because they don’t want to

offend either side they want people in

the pews they need money I don’t care

about that I care about you getting the

truth of God’s Word and anytime you need

a defining line of what the truth should

be you go to God’s Word and God is so

clear about it but many of us don’t have

any understanding number one because

many of our churches we didn’t grow up

hearing about this and number two a lot

of us don’t study to show ourselves

approved and so it’s one of those things

that the church is like do not in this

church we’re gonna be maturing believers

not perfect but maturing we got to keep

growing and so this series is slated to

have a couple more weeks and I said

slate it because I’ve been studying some

new stuff

and we might roll this series all the

way into the summer because I’m telling

you if you get this it changes

everything last week we talked about how

how God in His amazing grace has saved

all of us but we have a part to play in

it so we are saved by grace through

faith like and I want everybody to write

that down and everybody to understand

that because you got to know that God is

doing the saving but you got to put your

faith in Him and and and and that is the

cornerstone of the entire message now I

didn’t say you have to put your faith in

Him and then change everything and start

working and start doing all this other

stuff I didn’t say all that man says

that religion says that and they’re

saying that you can’t get the love of

God without doing all these things no

God loves you and and and and always

cares for you and is always there for

you no matter what but faith in Him

allows you to receive the grace of God

and that’s good news because the grace

of God is the unmerited unearned and

undeserved favor and kindness of God and

I don’t know about you but I have not

done everything perfect and God

I need his grace and many of us don’t

know that and many of us don’t think

that and many of us think that we got

here by ourselves and somehow you think

well I earn that degree and I’m how did

you wake up this morning no no no no

tell me how did you start your heart how

did you tell your feet to get out the

bed how how did the millions of organs

on the inside of you start functioning

properly and you had to pee when you

woke up this morning see everything is

being held up and sustained by the grace

of God

and the problem is that’s the truth but

we don’t recognize it that’s the truth

but we don’t live like it and so today I

want to take us further into this and I

want you to turn to a pretty famous

passage of scripture in Romans 10:13 but

this is where we’re gonna go impart kind

of today and allow you to see some truth

in God’s Word this scripture says for

whoever somebody say whoever that

includes the people you don’t like say

whoever again that includes the people

who do you wrong say whoever one more

time that includes the people that

you’ve hated I love the Bible because it

doesn’t exclude based on my preferences

and opinion and this is where religion

comes in because we want to exclude

people based on our preferences and our

opinions so we don’t like people that do

this let’s create a religion that keeps

them out we don’t like people who do

this let’s create a religion or a

denomination that celebrates the thing

that they are not like and God said

everybody just one more time say whoever

look what it says whoever calls on the

name of the Lord shall be saved

that’s the drug addict

that’s the prideful didn’t it say

whoever that’s the self-righteous person

that’s the abusive alcoholic family


whoever calls on the name of the Lord

shall be saved today my message is very

simple but really D and the title is so

simple for really really deep write this

down I am saved

that’s the title of today’s message I am

saved uh I want you to say it with me

everybody say I am saved duh I need you

to put the exclamation on the edie let’s

do it one more time say it loud I am

saying yeah somebody got spit on right

there there was somebody got spit on

this is what I need everybody to know

that this word saved up is past tense

it’s telling us something that has been

done and so I want to look at this word

saved in the Greek and the word is SoDo

and it’s spelled so0 but it’s kind of

spelled like soda like sodas though okay

let me tell you some of the definitions

of salsa or being saved to save to keep

safe and sound to rescue from danger or

destruction to save a suffering one from

perishing to preserve one who is in

danger of destruction to deliver from

the penalties of the judgment to make

one whole spirit soul and body save

today I only have two points but I

really only have one burden and this is

my one birding so basically I’m gonna

give you one point and then the next

point is so what do we do now okay my

only point for today is salvation its

eternal past present and future

salvation is eternal past present and


look what Romans 6:23 says it says for

the wages of sin is death now everybody

know that we’d be using that all people

you’ve seen it you just you just out

here the but you know the wages of sin

and we use that all the time to try to

fear people in to doing the right thing

I want to help everybody fear never

keeps anybody in a relationship

never that’s an abusive relationship and

what the church has done has tried to


scared of hail and tried to sail people

like you sinning you know the wages of

sin is death read the rest of the verse

cuz we’re trying to sell people on the

bad part of the verse or the consequence

part of everything that happens instead

of the good things when the last time

you bought some cuz they sold you on the

bad parts of it they’ll sell you a car

based on what could happen like if you

don’t get this car today it could burn

up and it could they show you all the

features and they tell you everything

that’s good would that read the rest of

the verse for the wages of sin is death

but the gift of God another translation

says the free gift of God which is grace

is eternal life in Christ Jesus

sometimes I wish I could just flip

verses so you see the good part first

like like why can’t we tell people yo

there is an amazing gift for you called

eternal life like and if you just put

your faith in Jesus Christ if you

believe in him you get to live for I

know you get them if I know it’s crazy I

know but the owner of this whole thing

came up with this plan that if we put

our faith in Jesus that everything gets

changed like the attitude that you can’t

change the habits that you can’t change

that custom habit that just keeps like

it’s like a team and like you said it

like you yo all of that is included and

and check me out this is why this deal

is so good because the wages of your sin

or the payment for your sin is dead that

sounds so much more appealing when we

present people with the gospel I need

everybody to know what gospel actually

means it’s not a Fred Hammond or a Kurt

Franklin song that’s not gospel that’s

just a type of music like like gospel

means good news and we as a church have

been trying to sell people on the bad

news you’re going to hell no let’s sell

them on the good news you’ve been

redeemed you’ve been

saved you’ve been healed you’ve been

justified there’s more for your life

than what you’re living right now if you

believe in him and so when I look at

this I get a burden because I need

people to know that when you put your

faith in Christ you are saved past

present and future it is eternal because

we serve an eternal God and I know some

of y’all are looking at me like what are

you saying past I’m like we gonna go to

the scriptures today is a lot of Bible

cuz because if you get a lot of me

you’re gonna think I came up with this I

want you to see that this is all in the

Word of God first John 2:25 it says and

this is the promise that he Jesus has

promised us eternal life John 5:13 and I

love this scripture

these things I have written to you who

believe everybody say believe in the

name of the Son of God that you may know

that you have eternal life I love this

because it doesn’t say that we may hope

we have eternal life a lot of people are

living like their salvation is a gamble

like yeah I said the prayer and I know

Jesus but I don’t I don’t know like oh

you know I’m saying we’re gonna get

there one day and they just gonna be

like access denied like I don’t know and

that’s how we live you may not say that

but you’re always on the fence this

scripture is saying when you put your

faith and you believe in Jesus Christ

not what your head but with your heart

like when you really do this thing you

can know that you were say can I be very

frank with you 28 years of my life I

used to think like if the rapture

happened when I had a bad moment I was

doomed I don’t know about you but I had

a real experience like this I came into

the house one day and every who you had

it – I came into the house one day I was

living kind of wild I wasn’t doing

everything right I put my faith in

Christ but you know I still have my

slip-ups and I just thought if he

cracked the sky at the wrong moment

come on somebody else sitting here just

like that right now see like me right

here please and so I came into the house

one night and I was standing at my

parents house and literally every body

was gone

water was running door was open

y’all frigerator was open I don’t know

if I ever seen the movie left behind but

then my everybody gone planes crashing

stuff happened I came in and you know

you’re like stop playing hello hello I

was wrong man

I went outside ran to see if anybody was

outside that was still cars moving I

said they got left behind – I said that

y’all I was freaking out

what did I do I came in the house I

turned all the TVs on the TV in I turned

them all maybe he’s running back around

maybe this is the first strip maybe they

gotta make one more stop imma catch the

second come on

but I just start like if I had a bad day

or if I messed up or if I missed it but

what God’s trying to let us know is that

when we believe in him that we are not

temporarily saved we are saved uh like

this wasn’t a moment this not because

he’s an eternal God and I know we don’t

understand the concept of eternity

because when we think eternal we think

from where we are to the future and

beyond but eternal means God stands

outside of time like he doesn’t have a

reference for time except what we have

created on this earth and because all of

us have a start date and an ending date

we don’t understand eternal that means

that he was before that’s it before what

Pastor Mike

before like do you understand what I’m

saying and I know that’s a hard concept

for us to understand and Moses had the

same problem because God was talking to

Moses in the Old Testament and he said I

want you to go tell Pharaoh to let my

people go

and Moses I got you you know I have a

speak I can’t talk good and you want me

to walk up to the highest power up in

here and and be able to tell him to let

my people go nope this is what the Bible


he said I’ll send Aaron with you and he

can speak for you but go tell tell

Pharaoh let my people go okay who who

who should I tell them told me to do

this tell them I am since you I am what

because I’m eternal I can’t say I am

anything cuz I was before that so tell

them I am that I am

come on let’s tell them that the one who

stands outside of time and looks at your

situation tell them the one who created

them and get see this should be

encouragement to somebody cuz your

situation is not new to God he stands

outside of time and he says tell them I

am since you and this is the concept of

eternal salvation is that God when he

saves you

he doesn’t just save you from where you

are to the future he goes back and he

washes your past and most of us don’t

live our life washed and cleansed from

our past so we’re messing up our present

guilty about the path

and negating our future because we don’t

realize that we are saved God is trying

to tell all of you that I’m not a

temporary fix I was I am and I am to

come you you know that that’s a popular

phrase in church the God who is who was

and who is to come

but John wrote that and it’s five times

in Revelations and I want to show them

to you so you can know that God is

eternal he’s outside of all of this

which affects our salvation

revelations one for it says grace to you

and peace from who from him who is and

who was and who is to come okay

look at revelations 1:8 jesus said this

one he said I am the Alpha and Omega do

you know what that is it’s the Alpha the

beginning the Omega the end he clarifies

it he said cuz y’all don’t understand

eternity so I’m gonna make this real

plain for you

I’m the beginning and the end he says

who is and who was and who is to come

the Almighty revelations 4:8 the four

living creatures each having six wings

were full of eyes around and within and

they do not rest day and night singing

this is the song by the way that we’re

gonna sing in heaven forever

so you might want to study it right now

so you don’t have to look at the screens

in heaven okay we’re gonna sing holy

holy holy Lord God Almighty who was and

is and is to come

revelations 11 17 we give you thanks O

Lord God Almighty the one who is and who

was and who is to come revelation 16 5

and I heard the angels of the water

saying you are righteous O Lord the one

who is and who was and who is to be

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same

yesterday today

and forever more somebody to give God

praise right there

Pastor Mike why am i excited about that

cuz when you get saved he’s not just

saving your present when you put your

faith and belief in Jesus because he’s

eternal you are experienced salvation

past present and future and until you

realize this you do not live your best

life so let me help you let’s talk about

salvation for a minute okay and this

changed my life and I believe it’s gonna

change yours okay so we said the God who

was who is and is to come

modern day turns he’s the God of your

past he’s the God of your present and he

is the God of your future okay so we got

it now it said that he’s the God who was

he’s the God who y’all help me we in

class today was is an is to come okay

now now now I want you to understand

this because when you get this picture

it changes how you look at salvation so

when you believe you let’s say like this

have been saved okay you are being every

day every moment every time you step you

are being saved all of it and I will be

let this sink in like like like as

salvation when I put my faith in Jesus

Christ he’s not the god of just my

present he’s the god of my past my

present and my future he’s the God who

was who

is and it’s to come he’s the God that

has allowed me to know that I have been

saved I am being saved and I will be


let me take it one step further because

some of you are like okay I’m really

trying to understand all of the

extrapolations of what you were saying

Pastor Mike but break it down just a

little further I got you when you put

your faith in Jesus what Christ did is

save you from the penalty of sin and

what you deserved

he took and now every day through the

power of the Holy Spirit you were being

saved from the power of sin and one day

when we get our glorified bodies and

were in heaven with him we will be saved

from the presence of sin cuz in heaven

there will be no more sin if you get

this it changes everything so so at the

moment in my present when I say father

God I believe you lived and you died

just for me I believe that that you have

risen with all power and that you can

overcome the sin and hurt in my life God

does not just say okay from here on I

got you I don’t know if you’ve ever had

a contract or somebody to pay you money

but but if you were doing a service for

a longer time than they were paying you

sometimes what they’ll do is they’ll

backdate your payment and they’ll say we

just came into contract right now but

I’m gonna back date and I’m gonna pay

you since you’ve been doing the service

I’m gonna pay you back what God does

this is the only concept I can help us

think is whenever you enter into

salvation at 15 at 23 at 43 at 93 God

says from wherever you are when you put

your faith in me I’m a backdate and I’ma

pay for your sins from the first one you

did to the ones you’re doing right now

and guess what

I’m better than you so imma do the ones

you gonna do too now some of y’all who

act like hell should be praising God

right there because this is good news

that we don’t get saved to the big

didn’t begin earning and paying for

everything we already did and this is

what keeps most of the church paralyzed

is because we get we become a new

creature in Christ but we can’t forget

what we did we’re still dealing with

past hang-ups hobbies

um habits people homies all the H words

you want to put in there we’re still

dealing with those things and it makes

us feel like we haven’t changed and God

said what you gotta realize is you

haven’t changed I changed everything for

you when you put your faith in me I

backdated your salvation and I wasn’t

the God who just is and is to come I’m

the God who was so when you put your

faith in me I wash your sins not the

ones you’re doing now and the ones

you’re gonna commit but I go back and

that molestation that happened and that

hurt that happened and that

unforgiveness that happen and those

pains and those people you hurt and the

things you said I wash all of it see and

I can tell by the clap you still don’t

believe cousin innate in us when we

receive a good gift we feel obligated to

pay the person back come on y’all know

if somebody want them to you right now

and gave you a car the first thing you’d

be like is what’s the catch what do you

want me to do and after you accepted you

like well let me know if you need

anything if you ever need anything if

you ever need anything two o’clock in

the morning three o’clock in the morning

four o’clock you don’t really mean that

but you feel that you’re in debt to that

person and that’s how people serve God

in death and he said how can you be in

debt to something I did for free unless

you put yourself in it

and that’s what we do we get saved but

I’m still not worthy how could God ever

use somebody like me why would God why

not why wouldn’t he

the Bible tells us yeah you got object

up pass and a messed up present but

God’s looking at your future he doesn’t

see you through your situation he sees

you through what he created you to be

and so what God says is he says you know

what yeah I like doing this I was like

taking jacked up things and making them

beautiful I like doing this he says it

like this I use the foolish things you

to confound the wise

I’ll take somebody who didn’t go to

seminary who doesn’t dress in a suit who

had a felony case five years ago and

I’ll raise him up to be a voice to the

nation cuz I like taking foolish things

yeah you’re in the picked it but I did

cuz I am what I’m trying to tell you is

that how you look at you it’s not how

God looks at you and if you could ever

get a visual image of how God at

Salvation watches you not from this

point to that point but for your hope

it’s an eternal salvation and that’s why

you can stand and say I am saved uh

let’s go to English class in English

classes we learned about suffixes okay

and Edie is a suffix that that explains

usually put on a verb that explains that

this was done in the past tense so I can

say I’m I will climb the mountain I

haven’t done it yet that that talks

about that I will I will or I want to do

that but if I tell you I’ve climbed the

mountain you already know that it’s

already happened let me tell you some ad

words that God says about you when you

put your faith in Him he says you’re

saved but that’s not about to be saved

or in the process of saving you are


with me I know it’s a little awkward but

say I am saying done and then it says

stuff like this I’m justified duh

I’m I like this one redeem see see what

you don’t realize is that God is not

calling you these things at a future

more mature politically correct correct

Christian condition I don’t know why I’m

doing this at the moment you put your

faith in Christ he calls you saved uh

just to find redeemed oh I got another


except he says we’re accepted into the

beloved did you don’t hear what I’m

saying to you this is this is not this

is one that doesn’t have an IDI but it’s

a past tense for given if you if you

attach this that you have been forgiven

no more sink to find

you’re gonna walk around all week

putting the IDI on everything I’m

telling you you’re gonna say how was

your day today I just I’d worked like

like yeah I’m telling you because once

you get this revelations that I am help

me sing it’s it’s a it’s it’s a work

that God did and it was all in him and

let me tell you why this is so important

because if you realize and today I’m

gonna focus more on the past tense

because I feel like that the present and

the future are important but this is

what most people are struggling with

their past past habits past hobbies past

relationships past broken promises past

and if we can understand what God has

done for us through salvation when we

put our faith in Jesus Christ when we

believe in our past it changes how we

see our present and our future let me

help you because if you understand what

God did at salvation you will have peace

in your present and have faith for your

future that’s if you understand this is

if you understand but what happens if

you don’t understand which many of us

don’t we have pressure in our present

and we have fear of the future

God what’s gonna happen I don’t know if

I’ma get this job I don’t know if

they’re gonna accept me into this school

I don’t even know I don’t even know if

I’m gonna get married I don’t even know

if don’t even know that lets me know

that you haven’t really experienced

being saved but the Bible tells us that

he’s Jehovah Jireh he’s our provider it

tells us be anxious for nothing but in

everything in prayer and supplication

make our requests know that we’re

talking to a God who has already known

the plan before you are formed in your

mother’s womb he says the birds don’t

worry about what they’re gonna eat the

lilies don’t get up in what color my

gonna put on the day what clothes him he


arrest them how much more for the one

that I call accepted redeemed saved

forgiven sanctified guys when you get

this you stop caring about your

circumstance because if it ain’t good it

ain’t over like like when my face isn’t

God good this is just a test that is

setting me up for a bomb testimony like

this this is just a trial that is gonna

give God glory this is just a mess

that’s gonna turn into my message but

you have to realize that that only comes

when you truly realize what Christ has

done for you

past present and future somebody with

all the faith that you have say I am

saying some of y’all are still you’re

looking at me kind of crazy so we’re

gonna keep going into this see see I

have to help you understand that when

this truth drops in your heart now

you’re not scared of him

now every work that I do is not a dead

work trying to earn my way into God’s

favor I don’t give cuz I’m scared of

something I give because I love God and

because I love him I want to obey Him

and because I obey Him there are

blessings that come tomorrow I’m no

longer and the church has done a

horrible job at this because then it

takes the leaders in the pastor’s out of

control cuz they use hail as the get in

line and get correct heart and so

thousands if not millions of people have

been controlled in denominations and in

churches and all this by men and women

who use hell as the things you do that

you do that you’re going to hell and if

people like I don’t go to hell so might

as well do that you better give are you

going to hell

you better do this so you’re going to

hell and god sitting there oh my gosh

they’re getting the wrong representation

of me that’s why he’s called

transformation Church to re freeze in

like like like I’m trying to tell you

like I had some in love with you that he

made a plan for your eternal salvation

he knew you were gonna mess up so he

sent his son that’s what we talked about

all last week is how Jesus was the

eternal sacrifice for us he became our

high priest forever we don’t need any

goats any lambs anybody sacrifice him

but we don’t need none of that cuz the

lamb that would do y’all hear the words

that they call Jesus the Lamb that was

slain like night like it’s because when

he went to the cross he paid the payment

for every sin you would ever do and the

only thing you have to do to receive

that if somebody say believe and I know

that’s hard to believe

it is like who’s that good like horse

who is nobody except God and that’s why

I’m spending this much time trying to

chisel the way that religion and your

own shame and guilt cuz I can hear some

of you saying Pastor Mike but you don’t

know what I did and you don’t know what

happened to me God did and he sent his

son for that and he didn’t send his son

so you could act like it didn’t happen

he sent his son so he can tell you yeah

it happened but I’ve washed you

that’s another IDI word wash deal deal

hear the language he’s not saying he

will do it he’s saying he’s already done

it but I can’t convince you to believe

what you haven’t received and that’s why

I’m telling you that this message of the

grace of God the unmerited unearned

undeserved favor and kindness that none

of us deserved but God gives freely when

you receive it you don’t just start

being better you give the same duh and

I’m gonna help you with another

scripture oh I just thought of another

IDI word dude it’s my favorite finish is

that right finished when he climbed up

on the cross his last oh my god

his last words just humanity was it is

finished I’m trying to tell you that God

did not come to do our hats work he came

and he died and he said it is finished

somebody give God a shout of praise in

this place thank you Father

so at 20 when I put my faith in Jesus

Christ and I believed I was saved uh and

then I got justified redeemed accepted

forgiven sanctified

all of that happen not in my works it

happened in my belief what you gotta

understand is the world wants you to

work for what God is freely giving you

they want you to prove to them you’ve

changed you better watch who your Lord

is cuz you’ll be doing edie words trying

to prove it to somebody else who can’t

change nothing in your life will prove

to me you’ve changed I don’t baby cuz

God said I’m sanctified I’m redeemed

I’m except you don’t want me but I’m

accepted I’m adopted that’s another easy

word adopted into the family I’m gonna

be finding edie words all week cuz when

you get that you stop working for what

you already have some of y’all been

working for acceptance your whole life

and when you got saved God said you’re

accepted why don’t feel worth it I feel

used of I feel ya but when I sent my son

and you put your faith in me you were

redeemed I brought you back to a greater

form than what you thought you was going

to be look at Ephesians 1:3 and I want

you to find all the past tense in this

scripture Ephesians 1:3 it says blessed

be the God and father of our Lord Jesus

Christ who has blessed us did he say

will bless us it says it’s all has

blessed us that that’s past tense he’s

blessed us with every spiritual blessing

in the heavenly places in Christ just as

he chose us is

choose us he’s already it’s past tense

so I want you to understand this that

God chose us and look it’s the biggest

past tense there ever is look what it

says before the foundations of the world

you can’t get more past tense than that

he decided to bless you to choose you

you know before the foundations of the

world let’s just before they were formed

in their mother’s womb let’s go back

before that because we like to quote

Jeremiah 29:11

but God was thinking about you before

that before he ever said ocean before he

ever said earth before he ever says

space & Kosmos you were on his mind and

when he said that he said he chose that

he was going to make you blessed when

you believe and he was going to do

something in your life that you couldn’t

undo you’ve been all gods my sum you

don’t need to walk around and just say

I’m God’s favorite like even thinking

about me for a long time he’d been on my

jock he understand what I’m saying he

wants me see you don’t even you don’t

even think like that you think he’s

after you to harm you he’s been thinking

about you before the worlds were formed

it says that we should be holy and

without blame before him in love now how

could we be holy and without blame

except through the blood of Jesus that’s

why he sent him having predestined now a

lot of people get caught up on this but

be predestined just means to have a

predetermined destiny and can I tell you

that God has a pre detest in pre-pre he

has a predestined destiny for every

person a good destiny for every person

who will receive it and I’m telling you

that’s where Jeremiah 29:11 comes in and

says I have plans for you

playing surprise for you and he because

he knows how I guess not the truth he

says not to harm you to give you a hope

and a future

like that’s what he wants for all of us

he said he has adopted us adoption as

sons by Jesus Christ to himself

according to good the good pleasure of

his will verse six to the praise of the

glory of His grace by which he made us

accepted into the Belov

will we be accepted or are we accepted

it says he already did it and that

brings another scripture to mine where

it where it just begins to talk about

how we’re not even our own that we’re

we’re gods and he’s brought us with the

price see this is this is the thing that

you have to understand that this is not

just about your past but I’ve got to

focus here because your present and your

future are impacted by you understanding

what God has done for you like like yes

in our present we need to grow as

believers in our present we need to we

need to allow God to continue to change

us from the inside out so that our

future can go to a whole nother level

and be able to be so um yeah we gotta

keep growing I’m not saying stop here

God forgive me for all my past I’m just

gonna sit here no no no we don’t stay at

that place when you realize how good

God’s been to you you want to move

forward you want to progress you want to

go to another level and that’s what I’m

saying that we have to understand what

God has done

jump down to Ephesians 1 verse 11 it

says in him also we have obtained and I

love that because have you ever seen

those infomercials where they were like

you and wait there’s more like this is

this is what if the first part wasn’t a

good enough this is the end wait there’s

more in him we also obtained will we one

day obtain or have we obtained this past

tense and inheritance we’ve obtained an

inheritance now I don’t know about you

but I would change my last name to gates

in a heartbeat

if I got an inheritance Bill Gates if I

could be a part of his inheritance maybe

Todd would be gone in a second you would

be Natalie gates okay look if you could

be engrafted into an inheritance

what you not doing and God says when you

put your faith in Jesus

you now have been given you’ve obtained

done that means you have it and

inheritance and I don’t even got time to

go into all of the things that come in

the inheritance of God but one thing

that I feel very strongly to say is that

you know that part of our inheritance as

believers when we are saved is that we

don’t have to deal with sickness and we

can be healed

oh there’s another edie word healed by

pitch we that’s not we will be by His

stripes we were healed

oh my y’all and you don’t believe it

cuz you’ll pop an aspirin before you ask

God to heal you I believe in

conventional medicine

I believe that’s God using man and all

that other stuff but I’m trying to say

if God told us that we can be healed

done and it was part of our inheritance

when he was taking those lashes he had

your cost your disease your tumor on his

my he said keep hitting me because

somebody in 2018 it’s all y’all better

hear me keep on going till somebody is

going to need to be healed

these aren’t future things these are

things he’s already done when we believe

and we experience the salvation of God

so it goes on and say we’ve received an

inheritance being predestined according

to the purpose of him who works all

things according to the counsel of his

will that we who first trusted we

trusted in Christ should be to the

praise of his glory verse 13 in him you

have also trusted he’s talking to the

church of Ephesians but he’s talking to

us see when you have trusted or put your

faith in him after you heard the word of

truth the gospel of your salvation and

whom also having believed

so are two things we have to trust and

believe it said y’all y’all experiences

after you trusted and you believed then

this is my favorite one when you do that

it says you were sealed

I think prophet Stevie Wonder said it

best that you have been signed sealed

and delivered

god I’m Yours this is what you have to

understand when you put your faith in

God you can lick it and stick it you

have been everybody say sealed that

means that unless you stop believing

nothing can take I’m gonna say some

controversial stuff right here okay so

put your religious seatbelt on but you

don’t go to hell for sin Jesus has

already paid for them you go to hell for

unbelief so what are you saying Pastor

Mike don’t stop believing I think

journey said it don’t stop believe

that’s what I came to tell you keep

messin up but don’t stop believin I know

you go to the alcohol to try to figure

out how you’re gonna find peace but if

you stay in this long enough if you keep

coming with your drunk breath if you get

in the community still smoking weed and

you don’t stop believing God said I’m

the one that does transformation you’re

the one that has information but

information won’t change transformation

power comes through it the blood of

Jesus did for every one of us and he

says your promise is the Holy Spirit so

don’t stop believe it I’m about to I’m

about to become a rockstar

why are you saying that because too many

of the church is telling people go get

straight then come back fix yourself

that what this is the hospital for

Humanity if you got any belief in you

just get around some people and don’t

stop believing yeah you still messed up

but don’t stop believe it yeah you still

got that issue that you deal with every

third Saturday at 2:00 a.m. in the

morning cuz you know the enemy works in

cycles and just when you think you good

then it just comes he’s not omnipresent

he can’t be everywhere at the same time

so he sets traps that he knows you’ll

keep walking into this ain’t part of my

message but you’ve been in 17

relationships and they’re different

phases but the same person Ricky Dillon

Trayvon like it’s a sick because he just

said cycles but what you have to realize

is even with the cycle once you put your

faith in Jesus you are save past present

and future and when you get that

revelation then everything starts chain

hold on I’m not gonna waste my time

thinking like hopefully I don’t mess up

can you go ahead and write it in your

journal you’re gonna mess up take that

take that out of your mind you’re gonna

mess up but the Bible tells us very

clearly what you have to do every time

you mess up repent and all that word

means turn like you did it this way

you knew that was a sin it costs you to

earn you tried it that way you messed up

it didn’t make sense don’t stay there

don’t wallow in it don’t oh my god and I

just got

that shows a sign of immaturity because

kids stop in town when they mess up and

get this stuff wrong an adult says okay

what do I need to do I need to assess

the situation that don’t work I need to

get up and I need to turn and that’s

what God is saying to all of us

Church just come to me repent turn but

once you put your belief in me when you

trust it when you believed you can stand

confidently in the middle of the best

days of your life and at your worst

moment and stamp Olli and say I know I

messed up right now but I am saved and I

know some of y’all this is just like cuz

it’s chiseling out your religion he said

this has been 38 years 90 years 52 years

of being judged on your works and so you

now you don’t want it for somebody else

because number one you can put in all

this hard work and they just get to walk

into this is the truth has been there

the whole time

now it’s revelation it’s revealed true

and what I’m saying is we should want

this for everybody for them to know that

if they put their faith in Jesus help me

say it they are safe okay look at this

last verse and verse 14 it says who is

the guarantee it’s talking about the

Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our

inheritance until the redemption of the

purchased or purchased possession to the

praise of the glory first Corinthians

6:20 it says it like this you were

bought with a price you you’re not even

your own you were purchased and so all

I’m saying to us is that everything God

has done he sanctified us 1st

Corinthians 11 I’ll just show it to you

in the word and such there’s literally a

passage in 1st Corinthians and it lists

all these sins

all these sinners and for the sake of

time I’m not gonna go through them but

take my word for it you’re in there okay

I promise you

it got you okay and look what it says

and it says and such were that’s past

tense some of you but you were washed

but you were sanctified but you were

justified done in the name of the Lord

Jesus and by the spirit of God you were

washed sanctified justified you are

saved I know it sounds redundant I need

you to get it so the question is what do

I do now what do I do now look at Luke

15 4 and I love how when people ask

Jesus a question he just went into

telling stories well Jesus what do you

do about this there once was a man like

I love that and this is what we’re gonna

pick up right now a story it says what

man of you having a hundred sheep if he

loses one of them does not leave the

ninety-nine in the wilderness and go

after one which is lost until he finds

it and when he’s found it he lays it on

his shoulder everybody say rejoicing and

when he comes home he calls together all

his friends and neighbors say y’all I

found my sheep Luke I found them rejoice

with me for I found the sheep which was

lost I say to you that likewise there

will be more joy in heaven over one

sinner who repents what does what hit me

turn there will be so much joy over one

sinner who turns than over ninety-nine

just persons who need no repentance

that’s the Word of God and some and when

he told this story people was looking at

him kind of like y’all looking at me so

when we need they don’t get it he just

goes into another story oh there was a

woman look at it having ten silver coins

if she loses one coin you know the

ladies need their coins and if she loses

one coin does not light a lamp sweep the


search carefully until she finds it and

when she has found it she calls up her

friends and her neighbors Tricia I found

my car girl rejoice with me turn up with


bless the Lord with me for I have found

the peace which I lost likewise I say to

you there is joy in the presence of the

angels of God over one sinner who


that’s good Bible and some of y’all are

mad but this is Scripture okay so the

question is what do you do if you find

something you lost according to Luke 15

you rejoice you tell everybody you

celebrate I found what was lost and

right after this the people still don’t

understand so he goes into the parable

about the prodigal son three examples

trying to give us a picture y’all when

lost people get saved rejoice when you

find out you’re saved

rejoice turn up because God is excited

over your salvation but let me ask this

question maybe let me be a little more

specific what’s the first thing you do

when you found something that you’ve

lost you stop looking and so many people

stand in worship services looking for

the favor of God looking to know that

they’re not gonna end up in hell and

that they’re saved and a lot of people

even in this room didn’t participate in

the worship because they were looking

for something that if you’ve put your

belief in Jesus Christ you already have

who who finds what they looking for and

keeps looking girl I’m looking for my

teeth they’re in your hand I know but

I’m just still looking

and then we say little stupid sayings

like this like they’ll be it’ll be in

the last place I find them or it’ll be

in the last place I look for them duh

because that’s where you’re gonna find

stop looking for what at salvation is

already yours what do you do now you

stop looking even though you mess up you

stand in this this place lifting up holy

hands and say father God forgive me

it’s me Oh Lord like David said it like


father God created me a clean heart

renewing me father a right spirit I know

I messed up objectively I gave him my

neck this week at work Lord and I sent a

nasty email aunt but here I am I’m

repenting I’m here for you to be Lord of

my life and see some of y’all don’t know

about landlords or somebody who’s a lord

over but if you’ve ever had a landlord

they give you certain rules and

regulations and things abide by like

don’t paint this wall and make sure this

happens and put a faucet drip your

faucet so this won’t happen if they do

that to keep your house safe and but the

thing is that they’re responsible if

anything breaks so if anything goes

wrong if anything goes off they have to

come be responsible the thing that a lot

of us haven’t do is we haven’t believed

in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior

we have not tied the two because the

things that he tells us to do is to keep

us safe

but the other part of that is when

anything breaks in our life he’s the one

that fixes it when he becomes Lord when

something’s going wrong I say daddy

Jesus super fix-it man come get this

situation and you will get a response

but you only get that if he’s your Lord

and Savior cannot be very honest with

you a lot of us have been in here

yelling I am save for death but you’re

not because the Bible tells clearly that

it’s not being saved in our mind

it has to drop to our heart and when

something’s in your heart it changes our

actions like like I’m not saying perfect

I’m saying that you start trying to do

it a different way because you’re no

longer the lord of your life and if you

haven’t started trying to do it God’s

Way but you’re still in control and you

still make all the final decisions and

it doesn’t matter what the Bible say

this is what I believe these are my

convictions cool but when it goes wrong

you gotta fix it and this is what most

of people’s existence are is them trying

to fix their own humanity let me help

you you’ll never be able to do it nobody

has but Jesus came so that we may have

direct access to the one who can fix

everything and I want to be very clear

and I’m sober when I say this cuz this

is not my desire for anybody but I need

to be very clear if you do not believe

in the finished work of Jesus Christ and

put your faith in Him and it’s at a

heart level you’re on your way to hell

and I don’t say that because I want you

to go there I say that cuz I don’t want

you to go there I’m saying that with

every because I was on that path I was

self-righteous I was judgmental I knew

church I could play Church I could do it

but they hadn’t hid in my heart it

hadn’t made me stopped just using people

and manipulating females and doing it

mate I was still doing my own thing in

church and that means that I really

didn’t believe or how Ephesians said I

had didn’t trust members have believed

trusted oh and today I want every person

under the sound of my voice to with your

mistakes with your imperfections with

your life trials to be able to go to

sleep and wake up every morning and be

able to say with confidence no matter

what comes no matter what goes I have

put my faith in Jesus Christ and I am

help me save done can we give God some

praise right