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reports on my message for tonight I want

to talk about the topic promise problems

promise problems I wanted to name that

mo problems mo promise or more promise

mo problems because no one ever talks

about the marriage between promise and

problems PT preached an incredible

message called finding home ones and if

you haven’t heard it you gotta get you

got to get the podcast it was so

powerful and he talked about how we’ve

been moving and moving anyone who moves

knows is just you never know how much

stuff you have until it’s time to move

and we have six children so you know how

much stuff they have until it’s time to

move like my daughter Jesus bless her

this stuff just does like where did you

get this from like she takes all the

things from lost and found at school and

stuffs it under her bed just in case

someone’s looking for it she’s going to

bring it the next day so there’s just

like so many issues going on at our

house and so we’ve been traveling so

much we hired movers and movers came and

and I realized I was so excited about

moving because a pastor and I have been

sharing the room with our baby

which like seems so sweet when we had

the idea and so we wanted to watch a

movie and then we realized that we would

have to put on the subtitles because

she’s not the boss of us but if she

wakes up it could get real interesting

in our house so we started doing stuff

like not closing cabinets all the way

once again she runs nothing I don’t know

what I don’t because this is on the live

stream is gonna live forever so it’s

important to me that I tell her she runs

nothing she’s one now but Shawn no

YouTube lives forever and so we started

doing things like whispering

and in this house she was going to have

her own room so I was excited the movers

were later I’m like no no no I want to

watch movies I want to close cabinets I

want to have this promise of this house

where my husband and I have our own

space and it was about half way into the

move when we made it to the new house

and I started seeing the movers bring in

the boxes that I realized that they were

struggling a little bit

with all of our stuff you know I was

excited about the promise of the new

house but my promise was their problem

my promise meant that they had to work

hard and lift boxes and figure out where

things when I was excited about the

promise but I didn’t realize that my

promise would be someone else’s problem

has your promise ever become someone

else’s problem like you got promoted at

the expense of someone who has more

seniority not being seen at all sure

promise your reason to celebrate but it

was someone else’s problem I want to

open up the text when we recognize that

the children of Israel are living out

their promise the promise that God made

with Abraham that they would have many

many descendants he would be the father

as many nations and they’re thriving and

they’re living in the their promise but

something happens when the new king

recognizes what’s happening I want to go

to Exodus 1 and 7 says but the children

of Israel were fruitful and increased

abundantly they were home they were

exactly where God said they were

supposed to be they were increasing

abundantly they multiplied and grew

exceedingly mighty and the land was

filled with them verse 8 continues it

says now there arose a new king over

Egypt who did not know Joseph so it’s

important that you all recognize that

the king

no Joseph because there was a covenant

between all of the other Kings and

Joseph because they learned over time

that there was favored over Joseph’s

life but the new King didn’t care about

the old favor that existed over the

children of Israel so the new king

didn’t realize really who he was messing

with when he started getting ideas he

didn’t recognize that the children of

Israel had a history of surviving he

didn’t recognize that they had a history

of being counted out and not having

enough but yet how still yet somehow

still coming out on the other side they

didn’t know at the time when they were

spreading the rumors and having these

secret meetings and trying to figure out

what was going on that there was a

promise over their life

he was just threatened by the fact that

they had found their promise verse 9

tells us and he said to his people look

now the people of the children of Israel

are more and mightier than we and verse

10 continue to says come let us deal

shrewdly with them so he calls this

secret meeting with his people and he

says look at them over there fulfilling

their promise I’m threatened by that has

anyone ever been threatened by your

ability to fulfill your promise see the

tricky thing about fulfilling your

promises you are so focused on what

you’re doing that you don’t even

recognize the side meetings that are

taking place by people who are

threatened by you doing what you’re

doing you don’t even recognize that your

acceleration means that someone has to

step up their game or watch you move

there was something happening that the

children of Israel didn’t even know

about and it says come let us deal

shrewdly with them the old King James

Version says wisely let us deal wisely

with them and I wondered why he said

let’s deal wisely with them instead of

just like you know like running up on

them and

you know telling them this is how it’s

going to be I’m the king but he

recognized that he was going to have to

finesse this situation because they had

more influence than power

have you ever had someone who couldn’t

exactly cut you off because they still

had to see you so they had to learn to

deal with you a certain way like I can’t

exactly tell them how I really feel some

I have to smile when they come into the

room but on the inside I’m trying to

deal with them wisely because they don’t

want to risk being disconnected fully

promised problems when it means more

that I stay connected to you than it

does that I tell you how I really feel

promised problems come let us deal

wisely with them lest they multiply and

it happened in the event award that they

also join our enemies and fight against

us and so go up out of the land

verse 11 continues therefore they set

taskmasters over them to afflict them

with their burdens and they built for

pharaoh supply cities tie them in

Rameses and verse 12 says but the more

the more they afflicted them the more

they multiplied and grew so the king was

a little too late because they had

already multiplied in such a way that

there was nothing he could do to stop

them see God had covered them while they

were multiplying so that by payment came

to the attention of people who had the

power to maybe stop them or throw a

little salt in your game or throw Fears

your way it was already too late because

you had this confidence already that you

already knew who God had called you to

be you knew where you were supposed to

be so it was too late my time they

started hating on you because you are

already recognizing who God had called

you to be

so therefore the affliction started

working for their favor because even

though I was afflicted sometimes God

causes us to grow through affliction he

causes things

take place in our life that feel like

affliction but it’s really growth it’s

really growth I want to go back to verse

11 cuz there’s a part here that I want

you to fully understand because he’s

that taskmasters over them to afflict

them with their burdens so the King gave

his burdens to the children of Israel

and this is something that you have to

be aware of because as you are

manifesting your promise there are going

to be people who manipulate your

strength for their advantage because

they think that it will slow you down

and keep you from manifesting fully who

God has called you to be they’ll start

using your talents and your connections

and everything else for their advantage

because they recognize that there’s some

type of race taking place that you don’t

even recognize me when you have a good

heart you think everyone else has a good


so you give so freely that you don’t

recognize that they’re trying to

sabotage what you’re giving to them so

freely but the text tells us that that

didn’t work out for them because you

meant it for evil but the Lord turned it

around for good the affliction didn’t

work out the way they wanted it to yeah

yeah every promise has attached to it a

set of problems and it’s difficult to

comprehend that because we’re so excited

about the promise that when we run into

the problems is kind of shocking because

for all intents and purposes the

children of Israel had already

manifested their promise they were as

father Abraham was the father of many

nations just as God had promised their

promise had already been manifest they

were just doing what they had been

called to do and all of a sudden God

says I’m going to increase the children

of Israel but I’m going to have to

increase them through affliction and as

we came in this room I couldn’t help but


the pain that comes when you’re being

increased by affliction when you’re

trying to understand what’s going on in

your life and why does it seem like I’m

winning on one side but losing on the

other side I have my promise but I don’t

have any friends I have my promise but I

don’t have the job I’ve got the idea but

I don’t have the resource I have this

promise but I also had these problems

attached to it and in a way it almost

neutralizes the excitement of the

promise because nobody said that no

promise no problem that the more that I

move in the direction of home and I

follow where God is calling me the

lonelier this road gets no one told me

that manifesting this promise was going

to cause so many problems and that’s why

destiny is not for the weak it’s not for

those who need to be accepted and

validated and wants everyone to like

them this thing called destiny is for

people who recognize that every problem

also has a promise yeah that is the yin

and yang of promise and problems because

as I was feeling sorry for the movers as

they were moving the boxes in you know

because it was hot and I wasn’t helping

like because the way my muscles are set

up like and so I felt bad and we kept

offering them water and ordering pizza

trying to like you know like we with

y’all kinda and it wasn’t until the end

of the move that I realized that I

thought it was a problem but for them

they saw it as a promise because they

were gonna get a paycheck at the end of

this and if you aren’t careful you will

forget in the middle of the problem that

there’s also a promise attached to it

because the work that you have to go

through to figure out the problem it

doesn’t feel like there’s a promise

attached to it in the moment

this was such a pivotal moment in the

text because this was before the

children of Israel were going to be held

in bondage and captivity they didn’t

realize that though it they had

manifested promise on one level in order

for God to take them to the promised

land to the land that would ultimately

be there they were going to have to go

through a period of affliction and there

are people in this room who have been

wondering why am I in this place of

affliction and God said to keep holding

on and keep holding on to this promise

that I gave you since you were a child

has been down on the inside of you and

my word will not return until you would

keep holding on in the middle of this

problem because when I get finished

you’re going to see that the problem was

actually a promise what looked like

affliction was actually me multiplying

you and showing you how strong you were

and showing you what I had done on the

inside of you that you could break off

chains off of your life when God takes

it to the next dimension in the next

level he often does it through

affliction so the king he said

taskmasters over them to afflict them

with their burdens and they built for

pharaoh supply city so supply cities for

those of you guys are Bible scholars I’m

just going to say this for those of you

who don’t know the supply cities were

for the treasures of the King so he made

the children of Israel build where he

would hold his treasures it was a

reminder to them every single day that

they were working for someone who seemed

like they had more than them that seemed

like he had more to give them and he

kept making them see this every single

day have you ever been in the situation

where you were working for someone who

seemed like they had more than you but

you had a promise down on the inside of

you and it wasn’t really adding up while

you were exposed to something but

couldn’t actually lay hold of it

couldn’t actually start your own

production company couldn’t actually

write your own book but you were exposed

to this thing over and over again

exposed to the industry but not where I

should be in the end

Street feels like affliction and I love

this because as I was studying I

recognized it Python was one city but

Ramses is City Ramses ended up playing

an important role for the people of

Israel because when God got ready to set

them free from bondage he took them

through the city of Ramses the same

place where they were inflicted ended up

being the same place that they would

walk through in order to become free

that means that you look back over your

life over all these places where you

afflicted and people were walking away

from you and you didn’t have nothing you

felt like you were coming up short that

that same place that same source spot

would ultimately be the place where God

will trust you through chains broken off

of you with a new direction and future

ahead of you and you would stretch

through the same place that used to hold

you down with your head held high in a

new confidence because you were no

longer the person who you used to be

when you were building the supply city

for someone who didn’t even understand

your value I was given to you in this

same area and when God saw fit to bring

me up he took me through the same alley

where I was once in bondage so when we

break chains off of our life we need to

hold onto the change because the chains

are a promise that what was once a

problem will eventually become the

promise of God over my life that it hurt

me in one season but I’m going to have

victory in the next season Paul said

that I reckon that the sufferings of

this present time are not worthy to be

compared not even worthy to be compared

how many Rameses i represented in this

room you came in with the Rameses on

your mind with the city where you felt

bondage with the problem that you felt

like had no freedom you came in

with this bondage on your mind and God

wanted to send a word on a Wednesday

night at the same place where you feel

that bondage that same place that you

feel the infliction the same place where

you feel like you were coming up short

that you’re too insecure that you don’t

have the resources that you don’t have

the team that same place it’s going to

be the same place where I walk you and

your people through where I walk you end

your generations through you’re going to

walk through the very place that was

meant to hold you down and you’re going

to walk through with such confidence if

you remember that it was me who was

there even in the midst of the struggle

that I had a plan even when you were

afflicted Pharaoh

showed them the way out by making them

bills the supplies Gideon Ramsey he

didn’t even realize that he was showing

them the way out somebody doesn’t even

realize that they were being your GPS

they thought that they were abusing you

and mistreating you but what you were

really doing was showing me my words

what you were really doing was showing

me the way out what you were really

doing was helping me to recognize that I

don’t have to live like this anymore

you showed me I had options I thought I

had to stay in this one little part of

Egypt but because you took me out out of

my comfort zone because you made me feel

uncomfortable I was able to recognize

that there was no limits and no

boundaries to what is possible for me

you messed around and sent me free you

thought you were talking about me you

messed around and showed me the keys you

showed me that I was more than a

conqueror you show me that no weapon

formed against me shall prosper


you thought it was bondage you thought I

wouldn’t come out on the other side I

thought I wouldn’t come out on the other

side the people of Israel didn’t know

when they were building those supplies

maybe that that would be the same city

that God took them through you made me

count myself out you made me think I

wasn’t good enough but when God’s wisdom

collided with my experience I recognized

that he makes all things work together

for our good that I needed that place of

bondage so that I would recognize the

way up

I needed that place of bondage I would

had passion and fuel to be who he called

me to be so the new king probably should

have taken into consideration a bit

further that they were related to Joseph

because had he taken that into

consideration he would have recognized

that he didn’t have to honor the

covenant between Joseph’s and God but

ultimately he would need to honor the

covenant between God and the children of

Israel because they had this history of

coming out on the other side and verse

12 continues and this is my last little

point but the more they afflicted them

the more they afflicted them the more

they multiplied and grew and they were

in dread of the children of Israel

there’s one thing that I want you to

take away from this message for me it is

the most important thing that you can

take away and that is in moments of

affliction you’ve got to recognize that

affliction is your teacher you’ve got to

recognize the Blessed

of affliction because there was

something about them being afflicted

that made them multiply and grow I

reckoned that there was something about

having things so hard in their life that

made them stick together so much so that

there was a love that was produced down

on the inside of them that even bondage

couldn’t break there was something about

this affliction this affliction that

made you who you are there is something

about this current affliction that is

trying to multiply you and grow you in

ways that you don’t even fully

understand they were afflicted and they

multiplied and they grew and they didn’t

even know about the promised land and

they didn’t even know that ultimately

the Messiah was going to come through

their bloodline they didn’t even know

why they were being afflicted in the

moment you don’t know why God is

afflicting you in this moment you don’t

know why it’s so hard you don’t

understand why you have promise and

problems in the same hand but you got to

trust the one who causes all things to

work together for your good and start

looking at your affliction with fresh

eyes instead of seeing it as punishment

instead of seeing it as isolation to

start asking you what are you trying to

multiply on the inside of me

where there a area of lack done only

inside of me that can only grow through

this process of affliction when you make

the affliction about what God is trying

to produce in you and not the problems

that are on the outside of you then

you’re going to come out on the other

side more quickly than you even realize

because you learn the beauty and growing

under affliction you learn the beauty

and growing when there is pressure

pressure what is this affliction trying

to teach me would you stand with me as I

prepare to close and if you don’t have

to go please don’t go because this is

the most precious moment in a service

this is a moment when someone who has

been struggling with problems recognized

that there is

a promise attached to it you see it’s so

easy for us to say that every promise

has a problem and every problem has a

promise but when you’re in the middle of

that affliction it’s hard to believe

that something is being multiplied down

on the inside of you as a matter of fact

it it actually hurts to even think that

God would allow you to prosper to a

certain point and then all of a sudden

you don’t see his hand at all up until

this point the children of Israel were

doing exactly what they were supposed to

be doing they were multiplying they were

being fruitful and multiplying just like

it said in Genesis and all of a sudden

it seemed like they were being punished

for multiplying but they didn’t

recognize that man’s punishment could

not override God’s promise that man’s

ability to control them in the moment

would not override what God was going to

do long-term sometimes God will use

Asaro in your life to point you in the

right direction I use Pharaoh I use

their greed I use their ignorance I use

everything about what was wrong with him

to show you what was right about you and

some of us need to thank our Pharaohs

instead of regretting what we think we

lost in the time that we were in bondage


maybe you’re hearing you’re saying I

understand the affliction part but I

don’t see the the promise very clearly

anymore I used to see it it used to seem

like things were working out for me and

they were lining one up but now I don’t

see it any longer I want you to meet us

at this altar because gods want to give

you clarity and focus and vision to

recognize that you’re moving at his pace

not yours that he has a plan even in the

midst of trouble that though you’re

being slayed you can trust in him that

there is a rhythm to this thing and I’m

not just having you out here so that you

can be afflicted so that you can be made

of full of I got a promise I got a

promise in this problem I got a promise

in this problem I got a promise in this

problem some of you need to start

telling your problem I got a promise

done on the inside of you there is a

promise in my finances there is a

promise over my career I don’t care that

it looks like a problem that every one

of there’s a promise down on the inside

of this and I promise on to that promise

to come forth I promise on to that

promise that you will not be bigger than

any issue or struggle I promise I

promise I promise I that promises are

going to start springing up like never

before that where you once saw our

problem you’re going to start getting so

created because you recognize it is a

promise that God didn’t bring you this

part and leave you that he wouldn’t open

the door and bring you into this land to

turn around and forsake you but you have

to recognize that you are a part of the

righteousness of God and that his

history and seeing his people through

bondage and seeing them set through set

free from affliction dates back to

Genesis and Exodus and last week and

this week that he’s been doing this

thing for a long time and if you were

just there to believe that you are a

part of a master plan that you are

connected to divinity so humanity cannot

hold you down that even when the world

means it for evil that God will turn

this thing around there’s a promise

in this problem there is a promise

there’s a promise found on the inside of

you you’re not a problem child

you’re a promise child before I place

you in your mother’s womb he said he

says I know you I know your afflictions

I know what you’re dealing with I know

that some of these afflictions you

subscribe to on your own that that you

didn’t need anyone else to inflict you

that you’ve been afflicting yourself

with your insecurities with your

negative thoughts you’ve been inflicting

yourself and he said I will bind up the

weapon that’s in your own hand and it

won’t prosper again to the promise I

have them on the inside of you that I

spared your life for a reason there is a

promise down on the inside of you that

not even you could take out there not

even you could run I have to ask because

I see it so clearly that there’s someone

who’s been so high off the promise that

they’ve been ignoring the problems and

as I was speaking this message was

convicting you but you are so proud of

the promise that you don’t even want to

address the problem because there’s

something about addressing the problem

that takes takes away the sweetness of

the promise and God says I want you to

taste all of it

because you need me even with the

promise you can’t be so high off the

promise that you don’t need me any

longer let me solve those problems that

you’re ignoring he says I’m got enough

to do that is that you I want you to

come to this altar because God wants to

give you the strength the wisdom and the

strategy to attack the problems that

exist even with your promise don’t let

sin fact that you’re doing well on one

side blind you from what’s going on on

the other side you’re strong enough to

handle that thing too one thing doesn’t

disqualify the other we need the problem

with the promise because we need the God

who is in control of it all I don’t want

the promise without any problem because

that means I might just have the promise

on my

on but if you give me a problem you give

me a reason to drop to my knees and

start saying God I need you in this

thing don’t just give me no promises

tell me what the strings attached to it

are help me to understand that even in

the midst of this struggle I need you

even in the midst of the success I need

you is the God of my promise and the God

of my problems and before you there is

no other so I surrender both the promise

and the problem to the one who knows how

all things are going to work together

and I ask that you do this thing that

you do that everyone’s been talking

about this thing where you make all

things work together for our good I want

you to do whatever that is I’m not even

sure some of you aren’t even religious

you don’t even open the Bible but you

keep hearing about this all things

working together for your good kind of

thing and you just want to know if he

can do that in your life I want you to

come because he’s ready to show you he’s

ready to make you a living witness he

says you don’t have to open the Bible

I’m going to make your life a living

testimony I want you to recognize that I

can speak to you and through you and

change your life and transform you as

only I can do there’s so much promise in

this room so much promise in this room

baby would you pray

that’s a lot to take in just take a

minute and take it in that’s a lot of

truth God is literally trying to change

your eyes because what you thought was

one thing it’s something completely

different your life is being built right

now destiny in the future that God has

trusted you to hope those bricks you

think you’re building for somebody else

is for you just for you the labor even

the labor in the struggle is for you

God’s building your life through your

affliction your affliction is the

material that God uses to build the

destiny that you are worthy of Father

Lord we we’ve had a truth revealed to us

that only heaven could send we honor it

we respect it we receive it got a thank

you that you have adjusted our eyes in

such a way that we don’t see affliction

the same even in the midst of the pain

of it we recognize that you’re building

something in fact the more affliction

the greater the thing that you’re

building is and so father this paradigm

shift we receive right now we thank you

for this word it is renewing our mind so

that we can get back to hope so we can

get back to building so that we can get

back to life

we’re grateful I just want you to repeat

after me Heavenly Father thank you for

your love I feel it Heavenly Father

thank you for this word I receive it

thank you for Jesus thank you for making

him who had no sin all of mine all of my

weakness all of my stumbling all of my

affliction you place it his body nailed

it to the cross

put it to death and just as he overcame

it and was raised up by it I too shall

overcome my affliction and be exalted

thereby and I will be a witness to the

son through what I overcame Holy Spirit

filled me up so that this truth might

remain in me I want to walk in it every

single day I’m going to walk in it

my past is behind me even past ways of

thinking my future is bright and I’m on

my way to all what you have for me I

receive it now in Jesus name Amen amen
