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so I’ve been I’ve been praying and

pressing about what God wanted to do in

this place and if I may take a subject

for my message it would be shipwrecks

shipwrecks and I’m going to get into the

word and it’s all going to come together

and I was just praying and I was like

God I need an analogy if you will to

just kind of bring everyone into

agreement with what this word is going

to be and so I was praying and God

reminded me that when Pastor and I first

started dating I was probably just a few

hours away from getting my master’s

degree in being petty just a few short

hours away and evidently that’s not

attractive being petty is not that

attractive and so you know I had to like

grow and like be mature and like

communicate properly and with wisdom and

love and I’ve come a long way I’m no

longer pursuing my master’s I’ve given

up that pursuit because I want to be

proverbs 31 woman and so I learned that

part of just not being petty is learning

when inserting a petty comment into a

situation can make the situation worse

and you got to take responsibility for

that like you getting the last word in

is not as important as the person who’s

on the other side of it and being

conscious of that if I had to give it

like a phrase I would say it’s like

running a ship aground there are times

when the storm ahead is too hard for the

ship to press through so instead of the

ship pressing through it runs the

grounded its shipwrecked if you will and

in the process of the ship being

directed what looks like a casualty what

looks like loss is actually a blessing

because you didn’t endure the storm and

the storm didn’t take you out the way

that it could have because you learned

how to run your ship aground and just as

the stage before we get in the text I’ll

be speaking out of x27 and this is when

Paul Apostle Paul

I mean he’s written more books in the

New Testament this is our guy Apostle

Paul is leaving Jerusalem

he’s leaving Jerusalem because he sensed

that he was not going to get a fair


he is imprisoned in Jerusalem and he

could just tell by the way that they

were speaking in the way that they were

handling him that they were going to

kill him they weren’t going to give him

a fair trial so he elected to use his

rights as a Roman citizen and sail to

Rome to appeal his case to Caesar and so

he’s leaving the place where he could

predict his future in Jerusalem and

heading to a place where he had an

unknown destiny and while that sounds

like it was just Paul in the scripture

as I was praying I felt like many of us

have left the place where we could have

a predictable future and we’re headed to

a place where our destiny is unknown

because something in us told us that if

I stay in my Jerusalem whatever my

Jerusalem is if I stay here I’m going to

end up just like everyone else ended up

I’m not going to be able to make it the

things that God put down on the inside

of me are not going to come forth so I

have to leave Jerusalem and sail into

the unknown when we talk about destiny

everyone talks about you know the things

that you’re going to face maybe they

talk about storms maybe they talk about

giants but no one talks about the

shipwrecks and if we don’t talk about

the shipwrecks then you’re going to be

devastated when you learn about the

ships you lose along the way so the text

begins and Paul is sailing to Rome the

only problem with him sailing to Rome is

that there is a storm raging there is a

storm raging so fiercely that they’re

wondering if they’re going to make it or


and so Paul who was full of faith and

has been commissioned by God to spread

the gospel into all of the world stands

up in the middle

what must be the scariest time in these

people’s lives they’re hungry they’re

cold they’re dark and they’re wondering

if they’re going to make it to the to

see Caesar they’re wondering if they’re

going to make it to this stage where

they learn whether they have what it

takes or not to really be free like

people in this room are in this limbo

I’m not in Jerusalem but I’m not quite

in Rome I’m in this in-between stage

where I’m wondering if I’m really going

to make it do I really have what it

takes I was gifted in Jerusalem but now

that I’m in the middle of the sea I’m

not sure about my gift anymore can we

have a real conversation how many of us

find ourselves in limbo I thought I was

going to be different from my dad but it

looks like I had the same habits as my

dad am I ever going to really be free

like free for real and so in the moment

it seemed like what was most important

was making it to Caesar but now they’re

forced with trying to figure out whether

or not they’re even going to survive the

ship like some of you may have thought

that your biggest concern would be your

Oscar acceptance speech but now you

can’t even get an audition you thought

your biggest concern would be whether or

not you landed the job and now you can’t

hardly make ends meet we’re in these

incredible Limbo’s and I love this

because Paul stands up and he gathers

everyone’s attention and he starts off

and it says but after a long accidents

from food and I I wondered as I was

studying said God why does it matter

that they had been without food for such

a long time and he said Sarah there was

something about their level of hunger

when Paul gets up to speak that made the

difference in how they would receive

what he was saying you see some people

came here because they think it’s just

the hot church but other people came in

here because they are so hungry to hear

from God that they don’t care that

to line up on the walls or if they have

to sit out in the lobby because I’ve

gotten so hungry sometimes God can’t

give you the word until you’re hungry

enough to do something with it and so

you’re praying but you’re not hungry

enough God said if you would ever start

to get hungry for real not hungry for

likes not hungry for followers not

hungry for invitations but hungry about

what I am doing in your life

then you will recognize that you’re not

you shouldn’t be afraid of the storm if

you’re with me and so they waited after

long abstinence from food then Paul

stood in the midst of them and said men

you should have listened to me which is

a little bit pity you know just like

because he told them a few scriptures

above he told them you know this is

probably not a good idea we should stop

but they kept trucking there’s like nah

cool we got this and he said men you

should have listened to me and not have

sailed from Crete and incurred this

disaster and loss and verse 22 continues

it says and now I urge you to take heart

it’s going to be okay for there will be

no loss of life among you but only of

the ship okay so we’re in the middle of

the ocean the storm is raging I’m afraid

for my life I don’t know whether or not

I’m even gonna make it to Caesar to get

my appeal and you’re telling me it’s

okay you’re gonna live you’re going to

be okay but you’re going to lose the

ship how is it that things are going to

be okay and we’re going to lose the ship

like I don’t know if you know this or

not but the only way that I think that I

can get there as if I have the ship and

Paul tells me to take heart and be of

good courage because I’m going to lose

the ship but I’m still gonna have my

life so when we start talking about

shipwrecks I had to let you know that

you’re going to lose some ships along

the way I mean some like relationships

and some friendships that you’re going

to endure some

hard that you’re gonna be

shipwrecked on the way to destiny but

listen it’s not to punish you it’s to

show you that you were trusting too much

in the ship in the first place that I am

got enough to remove this and still

get you to your destination so so when

we talk about being shipwrecked we have

to understand that along this journey we

have the tendency to put too much faith

in the ship and not enough faith in God

who placed us on the ship Paul stands up

and he says it’s gonna be okay you’re

still gonna have your life you’re still

gonna have your mind you’re still gonna

make it on the other side I didn’t pull

you out to this city to turn around and

leave you I’m not gonna let depression

win I’m not gonna let suicidal thoughts

have your way I’m not gonna let everyone

pass you up I’m just not gonna do it the

way that you thought I was gonna do it I

know you packed up and you thought it

was gonna happen this one way but I’m

telling you because you thought it was

gonna happen that way I have to do it

another way because my thoughts are not

your thoughts baby and my ways are not

your ways and if it works out the way

you wanted to then you didn’t need me to

be got over you over your life but let

me tell you when I’m really god I’m

really God when your ship wrecks and

you’re down to nothing and you’re

wondering who’s really on my side and

where are you really my friend and were

you really in the relationship for the

right reason I’ve been shipwrecked but

I’m still blessed because I know that

God I served wouldn’t get me this far

and leave me behind so I may lose some

ships along the way but just because I

lost his ship doesn’t mean I lost my way

because my trust was never in this ship

it was in the waymaker who causes all

things to work together for my good so

if you have to walk away from me I

understand it because I’ve been

shipwrecked before I wish I had some

people in this room who knew what it was

like to be shipwrecked but still living

chipwrecked but still smiling shitbreak

but still got my piece

I still got my joy you’re not just

looking at somebody who came up and had

it all together no you’re looking at

shipwrecks baby I’ve been damaged I’ve

been lost up and bruised but God came

through and he said I can’t use you

anyway I can still do it you’ve been

shipwrecked but that’s when I do my best

work so I’m not afraid of storms because

I will either make it through the storm

or I will run this finger ground and

wait until the storm passes because I

don’t mind being shipwrecked and when

you don’t mind being shipwrecks God can

do extraordinary things in your life

because you don’t care what people think

about you you don’t have arrogance you

don’t have pride shipwrecks makes you

makes you humble it makes you start

pressing in to God in a whole new way it

makes you start treating people well

because you don’t know when you may be

shipwrecked on an island with somebody

you turned your back on in the past you

better be careful how you treat me

because you may be sailing smoothly

right now but you know like I know that

God couldn’t wreck your ship in just a

minute and we’ll be sin down looking at

each other

I’ve been shipwreck shipwreck but I’m

still here shipwrecks but I’m still

fighting lost my father but I’m still

here daddy didn’t treat me right but I’m

still here relationship didn’t work out

but I’m still here

I’ve been shipwrecked there are some

survivors in this room who have been

thinking just because they were

shipwrecked that their destiny was

canceled and I came here to serve and

notice on every double playing with your

mind just because you are shipwrecked

does not mean that you are destined when

God has called you to something he will

not get you here and then leave you

behind I may change the way but I

haven’t changed the ends

I may change the way I may not do it the

way you thought I was gonna do it but I

didn’t change what I promised you the

promises of God are yes and amen there

are no other options yes it’s already

done and amen I thank you because you

did it it’s not maybe it’s not possibly

it’s not if you’d like me it’s not if

you give me a thousand dollars no it’s

only yes and amen

so even when I’m shipwrecked I’m

praising God even when things aren’t

turning out the way I want them to I’m

giving him glory because I’ve been

shipwrecked before and I’ve been on a

boat before and he gave me wings to soar

like an eagle when I thought I needed a

ship to get there I wish I had some

shipwrecks kind of people in this room


life doesn’t have to go the way I needed

to go I give you total control of my

life God even if that means there are

moments when I am shipwrecked we always

talk about God will never put more on

you than you can bear but we never ever

consider that there are times only put

more on ourselves than we can bear and

sometimes the only way to get those

things off of us is the end up

shipwrecked and so Paul continues and he

says for there stood by me this night in

the middle of my storm in the middle of

me feeling lost and confused there was

this angel this angel of the God to whom

I belong have you forgotten that you

belong to somebody I don’t mean like an

agent I don’t mean like a manager I

don’t mean like a boo I don’t mean like

parents I mean like you belong to

somebody who formed you in your mother’s

womb you be longed to somebody I don’t

belong to a ship I don’t belong to the

storm God would send an angel to me in

the middle of all

that to remind me that I belongs to him

and because I belong to him I’m not

afraid any longer there is an angel of

God in this room reminding someone that

you belong to him

and just because someone walked away

from you and just because someone didn’t

validate you the way that you needed

them to validate you I know you think

you needed them to validate your gift I

know you think that you needed them to

validate your Worth and the validate

your insecurities but I’m telling you

that you belong to God before you belong

to any man walking on this earth and if

they didn’t see it they weren’t supposed

to see if you need to thank God that

that shipwreck so that you can keep

pressing forward you belong to somebody

and he didn’t just belong to him he said

I serve him too I wake up every day and

I said God if I can just be a smile on

somebody’s face about one night’s work

what can I do to be your hands and feet

on the earth because it’s not enough for

me to just belong to you I want you to

know that I’m all in with you I want to

serve I want to get involved in church I

want to be a good news in Hollywood I

want to be in life because when you

belong to God things are a shift in your

atmosphere you ought to be serving him

in such a way that people start

wondering what’s going on with them and

you will say it’s because I belong to

God and I serve him too in verse 24

continues saying the angel of the Lord

is saying to him do not be afraid Paul

you must be brought before Caesar and

I’ve been studying this message and

pastor and I was in the car and I was

looking over my notes and for the first

time literally in the car coming here

the words must be stood out in my mind

and I said God what are you what is this

must be you must be brought before

Caesar and he said it was a guarantee in

the middle of the storm that there is a

must be hanging over their head that

there is a must be encounter that you

must have before you leave this earth

there is a must be encounter hanging

over your life that’s why death couldn’t

kill you it’s why

disease had to back away there is a must

be hanging over your head

I must be anointed because there’s no

reason that I should have made it this

far there is a must be hanging over my

head the kind of must be that means

weapons don’t prosper the kind of must

be that should make you look in the

mirror each and every day and say who

must I be that I’m still here who must I

be that you have chosen me to have this

influence who must I be there is a must

be hanging over your head and the moment

you begin tapping into that must be I’m

telling you right now generational

curses will be broken nonprofits will

start springing up creativity will start

being stirred up down on the inside of

you God said you don’t even know who you

are there is a must be hanging over your

head I placed a hedge of protection

around you because there is a must be

hanging over your head you are a must be

not a husband a must be not a will be a

must be not could possibly be a must be

I didn’t bring you in this city to be

playing around in acting a fool can I

act like a southern grandmother for just

a second there is a must be hanging over

your head get focused about what I’ve

called you to do get strategic about the

gift that I place down on the inside of

you there is a must be done on the

inside of you in the world need you to

deposit it into this earth the world

will become better when you become who

you must be in God the world will become


your relationships will become better

your family will be better your

community will be saved when you become

the must be who God has called you to be

storms won’t scare you when you know

there is a must be hanging over my head

when I walk into rooms you can’t make me

or break me because there is a must be

hanging over my head depression cannot

have me there is a must be Hey

over my head if you back me in the

corner devil I wish you would there is a

must be hanging over my hand if I have

to get a bus pass to make it I will

because there is a must be there’s a

fight down on the inside of me that says

I must be about to happen to the next

dimension there is a fight down on the

inside of me that tells me I must be

about to make it and when I’m making I’m

bringing everybody with me because

there’s a must be mentality on my mind

when I cross that threshold I’m bringing

my children’s children with me because

there is a must be hanging over my head

who are you in this room who are you in

this kingdom who are you in God there is

a must be hanging over your head my

mistakes don’t define me because there

was a must be hanging over my head who

must you be once the last time you ask

God who must I be that I’m still here

and nobody else could make it who must I

be that other people had to pack up

their things and go home

who must I be that you have positioned

me in this company who must I be that

you put me in this family tell me who I

am God because I want the angel of God

to be so near to me that I know that I

belong to you and that I’m serving you

so I’m asking you God who must I be who

must I be that’s all I want to know is

what do you see in me that I don’t see

in myself what destiny do you have for

me who do I need to become to lay hold

of what you have for me mature me God

open my eyes so that I can see it

because I will not die until I be God I

will not die until I maximize my


I will not die until I must be all that

you’ve called me to be

must be you must be brought before

Caesar you’re gonna make it to the other

side I’m telling you I’m telling you

you’re going to make it to the other

side I want to put you in the ship and

put you in the water and let you endure

the storm so that you could die in the

middle of the storm you must be you have

a divine appointment with the next

version of who you are and you must make

it to the other side you have a divine

appointment God has already scheduled in

heaven what’s gonna happen on earth all

you have to do is survive all you have

to do is survive and believe that even

when you lose the ships that you love

and the ships that you thought would

carry you that that did not cancel your

destiny you must be brought before

Caesar and indeed God has granted you

all those who sail with you that’s what

I meant

about people connected to you going to

the next level not because they have it

all together that’s why you got to

qualify who your circle is because you

got to know when you tap into this must

be mentality that you’re going to

elevate everyone connected to you and

you got to know that they can handle

what that next level looks like that I

can take you into a business meeting and

you don’t ruin the deal for me that I

can take you into rooms and that you

don’t try to outshine me or try to think

that this is your opportunity because

I’m telling you the reason why we’re

being elevated is because I tapped into

a must be mentality and if you’re going

to be connected to me you need to have a

must be mentality or a student mentality

sit back and listen while you watch God


don’t interject

your thoughts and your opinions into

this because God said you’re gonna take

everyone with you you’re gonna take

everyone with you that sibling you’ve

been praying for you’re gonna take them

with you they’re gonna come out – it’s

not just going to be you who makes it

that mother you’ve been praying for that

community you’ve been praying for those

jobs that you have been praying for God

said when I open the door open for you

I’m gonna sling it open so wide that

you’re going to be telling people I’ve

got a job for you I know it sounds crazy

because I was just shivering but God

just opened the door for me that’s

allowed an opportunity for all of my

friends and all of my family to fit in I

know it seemed crazy because I was just

ship work but God said I’m going to take

everyone with you everybody’s coming so

take heart for I believe God oh I

believe God I believe God

I believe God I know it looks crazy

because you gotta understand Paul is in

the middle of the storm and the storm is

raging in the ship that they are on

right now the only thing keeping them

from death he says they’re going to lose

but they’re still gonna have their life

and Paul says I believe God that it will

be just as it was told to me I don’t

know what’s gonna happen I don’t know

how we’re going to make it to the other

side but I believe God in the dark do

you believe in the dark

do you believe when things aren’t adding

up do you believe when you aren’t sure

who you really are or what you are


I believe God I believe it when he sent

me out here that he sent me out here to

win not to lose my mind not to lose my

finances not to lose my character not to

lose my integrity so god I want to do it

your way so I am believing in you in a

way that I am not believing in this

studio in a way that I’m not

leaving in an agent in a way that I’m

not believing in a relationship

I believe God I believe God is not a man

that he shall lie I believe that I felt

the presence of God when you sent me

into those rooms and that I’m gonna feel

the presence even if I am escorted out

of those rooms because I believe God I

believe God if I’m accepting an Oscar or

bagging groceries at rowlf’s I believe

God I believe God I’m sorry it’s crazy

and and nobody wants to do it anymore

but I believe God because when I look

back over my life I see how believing

God showed me who I really was

I see how believe in God unleash doors

and dimensions of who I was I believe

God I believe that he has the power to

make all things work together for our

good I believe I believe them

I believe him I can’t explain it you

would have to be me and in my shoes to

fully get it but I believe him I’ve seen

him show up in my life everyone else can

give up on church and religion god bless

him I’m praying for him but I believe

God I believe that he’s going to do

something in this generation I believe

that he wants to do something in the

heart of the church and I’m going to be

right there when he does it when we

start loving people the way we should

and embracing people the way we should I

believe God I believe I just believe

them I just believe them I just believe

him I believe him over my destiny I just

what God wants to unlock another

dimension of belief for you

the kind of belief that allows you to be

shipwrecked but still trusting him the

kind of belief that makes you think that

you’re stuck but you’re exactly where he

wants you to believe he wants to unlock

something down on the inside of you that

will make demons start trembling the

kind of thing that says I’m gonna have

to try harder to come after him because

he just tapped into a level of belief

that I can’t really mess with he just

tapped into a level of belief that’s

gonna save his family drugs can’t have

him addiction can’t hold him

he’s got too much I wish that you would

start believing God like it’s already

done and you’re not even there yet stand

with me stand with me

the last scripture that I pulled for

this message said however we must run

aground on a certain Island however

we’re still going to get there

everyone’s going to still have their

life we’re going to lose the ship but

there is a must be appointment over our

lives so we’re going to make it to the

next dimension but there was a however

and that however is that we’re going to

have to run aground on a certain Island

in between Jerusalem where they could

predict their future and Caesar where

they were unsure of what their future

would be there was this in-between place

that if you aren’t careful feels a lot

like stuck it feels a lot like do I have

what it takes it feels a lot like did I

make a mistake it feels a lot like God

are you are you really still with me

because I stepped out on faith in for

some reason I think I’m a drowned

there’s this in-between place called

stuck and Paul tells them in this text

that the only way that we are going to

survive is if we take inventory of

what’s taking place on this ship and run

it around the storm ahead of us it’s

it’s too tumultuous for us to keep going

forward so we have to run it aground and

reassess our lives and reassess our path

and trust and believe that God is still

there even when we are shipwrecked

you’re not stuck

you’re not stagnant you’re just a little

shipwrecked and you’re waiting to see

how God is going to do it and in the

meantime God wants to know what are you

going to do on the island that you’re

orange you’re on this island and and

know it’s not exactly where Rome is it’s

not exactly where your name are

lights is not exactly where you’re

getting the glory like you thought that

you would it’s not there but there is

work for you to do right where you are

and when you begin to press into the

work that God has for you to do on this

level then he may send another ship he

may send another plane he may send

another relationship and authentic

relationship that understands the depths

of who you are and can protect you maybe

then you’ll get the job opportunity that

doesn’t require you to lose your

integrity at the same time but in the

meantime we have to be willing to ask

God what do you want me to do on this

certain island that I’m going where is

there brokenness inside of me that I can

be working going while I wait for the

next opportunity where is there pain in

and dysfunction on the inside of me that

I can be working on while I’m on this

certain island because when I get before

Caesar when I get into those rooms I

want to be healthy enough to navigate

them not so desperate for their

validation that I do whatever it takes

to get their approval imagine before the

storm started raging they probably

thought that their biggest concern would

be what Caesar thought of them and then

the storm started raging and it made

them reprioritize what their biggest

concern was my biggest concern is

staying connected to God because I don’t

know how I’m even going to make it to

the next level my biggest connection is

trying to have an angel of God teach me

how to navigate this season God

reprioritized what their concerns were

and to use a shipwreck to do it there

are people in this room who have been

feeling like they’re in that in-between

stage between Jerusalem and Rome that

place that feels like stuck but is

actually shipwrecked and if you’re

honest a part of you has been wondering

whether or not you’re going to make it

you don’t even know if you’re as gifted

or as talented as you thought that you

are you’ve lost your confidence you’re


and you’ve lost relationships that you

thought were going to be the thing that

helped you get to the next level and you

don’t have a mentor and you don’t have

the right connections and you’re

wondering that I come to this city for

the wrong reasons that I enter into this

relationship for the wrong reasons I

feel shipwrecked I feel stuck I want you

to come down to this altar because we

want to impart the knowledge of what God

can do in your shipwrecked seasons your

shipwrecked seasons are more anointed

than your Caesar moments because it is

in your shipwreck seasons where you need

God I need you God look past my facade

look past what I put on and put together

to look like I have it all together

god I’m schipritt I’m lost I’m broken

and I’m hurting and I can’t go to

another party and I can’t rub shoulders

and rub elbows with anyone else if I

don’t have a connection with you I’m

shipwrecked I don’t even know who I am

anymore but for some reason I think you

sent a word from me and it’s got layers

and levels and dimensions I’m not sure I

fully understand it but what I do know

is there is something pulling down on

the inside of me that’s saying she is

talking to me

I feel shipwrecks in my marriage

shipwrecks and my relationship with my

parents shipwrecks in my finances if

this message has been talking to you I

want you to come get as close as you can

to the ultra because I want to show you

you can still move even when you’re

shipwrecked you can still function even

when your shipwreck that you can still

give God the glory even when your ship

breaks you know why because there is

must be hanging over your life because

there is a promise down on the inside of

you and this shipwreck is going to

squeeze it out of you I’m not gonna let

go of you until you are everything that

I’ve called you to be and I’m a wreck a

few ships that you were counting on but

you’re gonna be okay when you come out

on the other side because I make all

things work together for my good and

when I get finished blessing you you’re

going to thank God for the seasons where

you chose to be shipwrecked instead of

pressing forward when we choose to be

shipwrecked to run things aground

it may look like we’re being stagnant to

other people but we know it so that we

can get the kind of insights that help

us balance the outside we’ve been called

to there are some people who ended up

with addictions because they didn’t have

the courage to run the ship aground

there are people who ended up with

suicidal thoughts and and depression

because they didn’t want to run the ship

aground they didn’t want to risk looking

stagnant in order to say I don’t know

where I’m going I don’t know if I can

make it through this storm so I got to

slow down long enough to get connected

with God to know that the next ship that

comes has His grace on it that any storm

I have to go through he’ll already go

ahead of me and make a path for me I

want to be shipwrecked for Jesus God

pulled me aside if you have to I know my

ambition can sometimes outrun me and I

end up in situations I shouldn’t be in

so gosh it wrecked me if you have to

strip me down from relationships that

don’t have your fragrance on it

opportunities that don’t look like you

take it away from me if it means I have

to get a second job it’s okay because I

want to be shipwrecks I want to know

that I am doing what you have called me

to do not what man needed me to do not

what people wanted me to do I want to do

what you’ve called me to do and I

believe that if I am shipwrecked just

for a moment

it is only so that I can be prepared to


in the next dimension because we go from

glory to glory to glory to glory and

sometimes he has to pull us back before

he shoots us forward this is not the

season for pretending this is the season

for real assessment how am i doing for

real am i doing ok for real is this city

tearing me up am i confident the way I

used to are these insecurities biting at

me god I need to know who I am and where

I am for real and I need to know that

that must be is still hanging over my

head let’s pray father thank you so much

for this word it is a lamp unto our feet

a light into our path Lord you knew

exactly where we were and exactly what

we needed to hear I thank you for the

sons and daughters that are here at this

altar right now and you have made sense

of the moment that they are in and not

only have you clearly made sense of it

but you’ve given them direction and

insight and what they ought to do the

Holy Spirit I pray that you would endow

them powerfully that they might walk out

the truth Lord that you have presented

here today I think you got it you give

her them the strength to run ships that

aren’t going anywhere

aground and I thank you Lord God that

they will no longer they will never put

their trust in ships but only put their

trust in you I think you God for a

renewed commitment to trust you and

believe your report from this day

forward now I just want you to Pete

after me Heavenly Father I thank you for

this word I receive it

you knew where I was shipwrecked but you

came to rescue me I thank you for Jesus

thank you for making him who had no sin

all of mine all of my weakness all of my

mistakes all of my shortcomings and all

of my limitations you placed in his body

nailed it to the cross and put it to

death once and for all and just as he

was raised up free and victorious

without limits because I’m in him

I’m raised up to my past is behind me my

future is amazing you are on my side

therefore I cannot lose there’s a must

be over my life and I must lay hold of

it today I thank you I receive this in

Jesus name Amen amen

