Hear the theme of a new ministry movie from one of the key actors. Original air date July 31, 2019. To watch the entire program, visit www.lifetoday.org/video
tell us a little bit as much as you can
without ruining the plot of of the main
themes of this movie yeah it really is
about identity it is about where your
significance is rooted how you really
define yourself you know we are made
created in the image of God that means I
get to be proud of my individuality and
my uniqueness because it is an
expression of the creative genius of God
so when someone tries to diminish
whether it is my gender whether it is my
race whether it is the uniqueness of any
part of my personality I can say oh no
no I’m made in the image of God he
intended for me to reflect his glory in
this body in this packaging and his
uniqueness is displayed through all of
the myriad of ways that he has reflected
his own glory through the uniqueness of
who we all are but then as a Christian I
am being conformed into the image of
Christ so as his image bearer my whole
job is to be a mirror that reflects his
glory to the world I need to find my
significance and how well I am
reflecting my God to the world
everything else will leave me less than
satisfied if I try to find my
significance in my job or my ministry
even if I try to find my significance
and what other people say about me or
whether or not they validate me man I
will be left one thing because I’m not
made for that what I’m made for is to be
a reflection of God to the extent that I
do that is to the extent that I’ll find
fulfilment in my life