The author of the book accompanying the film “Courageous” talks about the purpose and message of the study.

this is life today TV I’m Randy Robinson

and I have with this priscilla shirer

speaker and author and wife and mother

and she has a couple of new books but

the moment talking about today is the

resolution for women and I wanted to

talk about that because it goes with the

movie courageous that is now out in

theaters what thank you for thank you

for being here you’re welcome thanks how

did you end up writing a book to be

released with a film well the Kendrick

brothers called me and asked if I would

partner with them in that effort they

are writing a book called the resolution

for men that goes with the movie and

they really wanted an accompanying book

for women as well who are going to be

supporting all these men who are making

these resolutions and their resolutions

that need to be made on the females part

not only to support their husbands or

their fathers or sons but just to make

resolutions of their own that are that

that help them to enjoy and live the

abundant life that God has called us to

live is it tied into the plot of the

film like their other other well the

resolutions themselves aren’t

necessarily mentioned from a female

perspective but what we’ve done is taken

the ones that were for men and put the

female twist on them so it’s like the

female version and we’ve added a whole

handful of them because there’s a whole

lot of things that apply to women that

aren’t necessarily specific to men but

you know a husband and wife could do

them together or a woman could do it on

her own a single woman or a woman who’s

married to a guy who’s not making no

resolutions she could still make these

and they would not only affect her life

and benefit her but the ripple effect of

these kinds of decisions in a woman’s

life will be stunning and staggering in

the lives of the people that she loves

give us an example well the very first

resolution is one of the hardest I think

for me maybe not for everyone but for me

it’s the resolution to be content and

this resolution basically says I do

solemnly resolve to resist the urge to

hurry through or circumvent any portion

of my journey I will resolve to live

with a spirit of contentment and it’s

just a challenge to women to choose to

be fully there wherever they are right

now to be fully there if they’re in a

season of singleness to just be single

if they are married with no children and

they desperately want some it’s okay to

have to want to have children

but don’t miss out on the season you’re

in because you want to move on to the

next season so badly we’re bad at that

we want to get to the next thing and in

doing so we miss out on where we are

we’ve already left the building where we

are we’re there physically maybe but our

hearts and minds and spirits have long

gone and so just challenging them to be

content and a contented woman can you

imagine what a gift she’ll be to her

family to her friends to herself to

really enjoy where she is right now

and she’ll be happier she accepts that

God’s put her there for a reason for a

reason that there’s something to be

gained I mean that’s much better than

getting to the next season and then

looking back and realizing that you

missed out on a lot of what God had for

you there I’m assuming there’s a

disclaimer for women who are in a place

where they shouldn’t be content perhaps

absolutely because there are lots of

other sections that will try to zero in

on that one of them is resolving to make

sure that you’re in a healthy place in

your marriage in your life in integrity

that you are living in a way that is

honorable to the Lord when nobody is


where can women maybe look look at this

book get some more information about

well at going beyond calm they can find

the book there and we’re having a book

club and we’ve got a lots of women who

are all reading it together and having

lots of great discussion on it but any

Christian bookstore or you

can find it anywhere

sounds perfect for maybe a woman’s small

group absolutely in fact at the end of

each little chapter we put questions

there for just that reason not only for

individuals to be able to think more

carefully about what they’re reading but

if a group of women wanted to get

together they could ask each other these

questions and it could just garner some

great dialogue good why do you want to

minister to women so badly why either

why is that a part of what you do well

that’s a very good question I think it’s

just what God’s called me to you know

I’m just a girl and I like when there is

a roomful of women that really want to

dive more deeply into the Scriptures I

love that we live in a day and age and

blessed generation where you know you

put someone that’s going to teach God’s

Word in a stadium and women will fill

the stands because they want to hear the

truth of God’s scripture you know it

used to be you give us you know a a

snack and you know a good snack and a

makeover and a spa party and you could

send us on our way and say it was the

Women’s Conference but not anymore we

want to open the Word of God and we want

to hear what he has to say and though

kind of girls or mica girls sounds good

now if women want to find out where

you’re speaking or follow you on Twitter

or go to your Facebook page what are the

locations for all those sites you know

what’s so funny is we just got a

Facebook page last week

okay so we’re a little behind the times

but you can find us at going beyond with

priscilla shirer

and then on twitter i’m just at

priscilla shirer and then going beyond

ministries is our ministry so if you go

to going beyond com you can always find

us there women can jump in and make some

resolutions and enjoy that the ministry

that’s coming out of your life thank you

for spending a couple minutes with us be

sure to check Purcell out when she’s on

life today life today
