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are you ready for the word today alright

let’s let’s go to the Bible we are

starting week three of a series of

vision series that we are calling

release everybody shot at me release we

are believing and gathering our faith

around this one word for the entire year

and and this word release um was given

to me by God as I begin to pray and seek

Him and he said three things that he

wanted to do this year he said that this

would be the year that we would be

released from the place of bondage

so whatever bondage you’ve been in this

is the year that we’re believing God is

going to release you from the place of

bondage and not just the place of

bondage we believe that this is the year

that God is gonna release you from the

perspective of bondage because how many

know that it’s one thing to be out of a

place but you can still think like

you’re in the place okay so we want God

to release us from the perspective of

bondage and then we want God to release

us into everybody say into into the

promise of our blessing and and as we

gather our face some of you like well I

haven’t seen it yet we’re only

two-and-a-half weeks into the new year

okay this is the year of release and we

believe that God is about to do

something special as we do this but I

need to break it down because we’ve been

saying release and release and release

and I need to give you really the heart

of it the heart of release is healing

this is the year of healing like like

the only reason that God wants things to

be released from your life and for you

to release things from your life is

because bondage leaves scars that

usually make people stay in a certain

place but God’s saying I want my people

my children I want them healed everybody

say healed that’s physically that’s

emotionally that is spiritually that is

financially God wants you everybody say

healed but he cannot heal you from

something you’re still suffering with

that’s why if you’re you have a disease

or a dis ease they have to find where

the disease is coming from

and they have to rid you of the disease

so that you can be healed they have to

find antibiotics to be able to attack

the very thing that has been coming to

attack you and what God is saying is

some of the things that I’m gonna reveal

and do this year they’re going to be

places that they have hurt you it’s

gonna be places that have been this easy

there’ll be places that you begin to

live with but I’m coming to heal those

areas and so what I’m asking you to do

is not hide the areas that actually need

healing and I know you’ve been the same

way so long that it may seem like what

well maybe I I don’t want to get cut

open maybe I don’t want anybody to see

that part of me

some of y’all have anger and I call you

the Hulk cuz you have anger issues that

only a couple people get to see

everybody think like if somebody would

say do you know baa me like yeah Bob is

so sweet and they wife is like mmm it’s

because there’s areas that we don’t show

everybody that they can come out and

wrong and only you God and a few people

know about it and God saying don’t keep

don’t don’t put that off-limits to me

this year let me heal that area let me

heal the pain let me heal the abuse let

me heal it and so when I looked at this

scripture God gave me a scripture that

that was in Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17

that spoke to me about God wanting to

release in our life and he said I will

give you back your health I need you to

hear me say this that God says I’m about

to give you back what has been stolen

from you

some of you your innocence was stolen at

a very young age because somebody

perverted your view of something and

maybe molested you or did something

wrong or showed you something God says

I’m about to give you back your health

you don’t even know what it’s like to

look upon a man or look about a woman

and not see the things that have

happened to you but God said I’m about

to give you back your health you don’t

know what it’s like to handle finances

and not think in poverty but God says

I’m about to restore to you the factory

settings of how I made you he said I’m

gonna give you back your hell and I’m

gonna heal your wounds says the Lord

this is what release is all about and I

just wanted I want to hit it at a heart

level this morning is that that release

is not so that we can get something from


release your blessings but really

overflow it’s more about release the

thing that will heal me release the

thing that’ll take me from how I am and

how I how I hate to act and how I hate

to respond and this anxiety view that it

seems to up to try to pray and I’ve

tried to fast in and it just seems like

anxiety and depression just stay right

here and at the moment I get free from

it it’s like it’s not gone it’s just

hovering and and like I want to be

release God says that’s what I’m here to

do I’m here to heal you and I’m here to

give you back your health so Pastor Mike

okay I know God’s asking me to do

something as a part of that yep

one of the main definitions of release

is to to let free everybody say let free

and so we’re gonna adapt that a little

bit more and we want God to release we

want to let God free in our life this

year look at the definition of release

it means to allow or enable something or

someone to flow freely from confinement

what areas have you confined God

cuz he’s saying release me good stop

containing me stop putting me in a box

stop making me your Sunday God

stop stop stop putting me in this little

construct that you’ve made of who your

higher power it let me free in your life

and in the words they’re say allow and

enable and that means that you have a

part to play in it when somebody has to

be allowed to do something that means

permission has to be given a funny story

is my daughter Isabella she’s very smart

and she has been around I phones since

she was a very small child and so one of

the things that iPhone has a feature of

is that you can have your phone on but

if you do not have the right access you

can’t get in to the phone to do what

needs to be done and so my daughter so

many times he be like daddy let me see

your phone daddy let me see your phone

daddy let me see your phone and I’ll

give her her phone but she stands there

because she started to realize that she

had to be allowed into my phone and you

used to be she would get my phone and

run away cuz she thought she had access


she thought like I have it I have the

phone let me go use it but then she got

wise she said those were wasted steps

that that was pointless movement because

if I do not if I have not been allowed

to get into what’s happening I’m gonna

have to come back anyway

some of y’all have been getting a word

from God or saying God you can you you

can flow freely in my life and God says

you got to give me access and what my

daughter does is she looks at the phone

and if there’s a certain screen if it’s

not there I’ll she does she don’t even

say nothing no more she just holds it

back up and she says I need to be

allowed and what I do is I enable her

I allow her to have access to all that

is in my phone the question God’s coming

to you and saying is I’m ready to move

will you give me access will you allow

me will you type in the code to your

heart we will you will you face identify

will you put your face up to this thing

and let me see who you really are not to

counterfeit you enough to counterfeit

you I need your real face and so when I

beginning to look at this I said ok God

you want us to allow you to be free in

our lives at another level he said

that’s all I’ve been asking at what

level will you let me free in your life

and so I begin to look in the Bible and

God took me to this story in John and

this story is about a man who was in a

bondage and God was about to make him

free but but I want us to see what

happens for us to be made free and and

what we need to do I want you to go to

John chapter 9 verse 1 through 7 I’m

gonna read the whole thing and then I’m

gonna preach this word from my heart

because I believe it’s gonna set some

people free in this building the the

title of this is Jesus Hills a man born

blind he says as Jesus was walking along

he saw a man who had been blind from


rabbi his disciples asked him why was

this man born blind was it because of

his own sins or his parents sinned it’s

got to be one of them jesus said it was

not because of the sins of his parents

or his sins

this happened so the power of God could

be seen in him we must quickly carry out

the tasks assigned to us by the one who

sent us the night is coming and then no

one no one can work he said but while I

am here in the world I am the light of

the world then he spit on the ground

made mud with saliva and spread them out

over the blind man’s eyes he told him go

wash yourself in the pool of Siloam

Siloam means sin so the man went and

washed and came back seeing

the title of today’s message as we

talked about release is what if it’s


what if it’s met what if the release God

has for you what if it’s messy what if

it doesn’t fit inside of our perfect

little comfortable box of what we’re

wanting God to do and as I look at this

story I have to start at verse 1 and I’m

gonna give you a few points and I’m just

gonna walk line upon line precept upon

precept on this story and I think some

of its gonna relate to at least a few of

us cuz it wrecked me as I was preparing

for it verse 1 says as Jesus was walking

along he saw a man who had been blind

from birth

write this down point number one I

couldn’t go past it release is the

result of Jesus seeing you not you

seeing him like like this is the thing

that I want everybody to know is the

Bible tells us that Jesus was walking by

it wasn’t even Jesus’s destination to

meet this man it was just the Grace and

the compassion of our God that sees us

in whatever state we’re in and and I

know religion tells you you need to

clean up and you need to see God but

this man I believe the Bible was trying

to give us a very vivid picture this man

was not just spiritually blind he was

physically blind so he couldn’t see

Jesus coming he could not see the answer

he could not see his way out even if he

had eyes he couldn’t see it but God

wanted us to see you could be double

blind and I see you this is the

unmerited undeserved favor and kindness

of God in action and I came to tell

somebody today who feels like you’re in

a blind spot that you can’t see anybody

and you feel like nobody sees you that

God sees you

he sees you he sees your pain he sees

your frustration he sees your isolation

he sees what you’re going through and

you’ve been trying to somebody please

somebody please somebody please and God

say you ain’t even got to do all that

because before you ever were looking for

me I was looking at you and this is why

we’re here today I don’t care what you

believe in some people in the room and

some people watching I’m an atheist and

I don’t believe in I’m a agnostic you

don’t matter you don’t have to see him

yet he sees you

you don’t gotta believe yet he sees you

think that this moment was not

orchestrated before the foundation of

the utens

you don’t think he saw the molestation

in the problem in the hurt and the pain

you don’t think that he’s so good that

won’t his way somewhere else he sees you

and the problem is so many of us are

convinced that God has forgotten about


and that somehow our blindness has made

him blind to us but but I want you to

see God’s grace in its in its explained

in Romans 5:8 where the Bible says but

God demonstrates his own love for us in

this while we were yet sinners Christ

died for us let me give you the remix

the MLT version why we were still blind

he saw us I came to tell you today

wherever you are however you’re hurting

whatever blindness you have whatever

prayer you feel likes not getting

through God sees you in the boardroom he

sees you in the crack house he sees you

laying down in another another’s bed he

sees you struggling through college he

sees you in abuse right now he sees you

you’ve been isolated for a long time I

feel this in my spirit cuz this ain’t

for everybody to get height right now

but somebody was on the edge of losing

hope God sees you somebody just say it

in faith say God sees me don’t say it

again God sees me I know you only have

enough money to make it through this

week but God sees you and I want you to

get the picture of this Jesus is walking

by the blind man doesn’t even know that

Jesus is around him but Jesus takes an

affinity to this man’s element and he

says um yeah disciples we about to take

a take a detour and whatever we were

about to do and look at these raggedy

disciples look what they did now I want

you to see it because this is how some

church people do right here well rabbi

why was this man born blind well why why

are they in that position what why what

why are you always dealing with the same

issue I know I know why they’re sinners

they’re sinners they ain’t close to God

they blind to the truth of who you are

God we love you we worship You it matter

of fact it’s got to be his sins or his

parents since this is generational huh

God why is he blind God because of his

sins or his parents sins and look how

Jesus shuts this whole thing down like

like he shuts this whole thing down like

God shutting down all the naysayers in

your life right now like like like all

the people who don’t understand why

God’s coming to visit your situation and

because you have the faith to believe

this is the year of release that he’s

coming to that situation

watch how he shuts this thing down I

love it he says it was not because of

his sins or his parents sins he said

this happened everybody say this


now I know this messes with a lot of

your theology but we live in a fallen

world and so a lot of times we’re always

trying to figure out why things happen

and did God allow this or they God make

this and all this other stuff I’m you’re

about to see a layer of God’s

sovereignty right in this moment where

he does what he wants when he wants to

but it’s for his glory everybody say

this happened this happened so the power

of God could be seen in him I came to

give you my second point and I could get

stuck here for the next 18 minutes but

your problem is not a punishment

it’s a platform for his power yo I know

y’all didn’t hear me your problem the

sickness the frustration it is not a

punishment it’s a platform for his power

to be seen in your life and there’s been

so many people that have felt like the

problem you’re in right now is a

punishment for God and this happened for

one reason and one reason only because

God knew you could take it and he knew

he was gonna see you through it and he

said I had to choose a vessel that was

fit enough that would get the moment of

cracking they would get down on their

knees and believe that there was a

purpose in this pain that this thing

that I’m going through right now is not

to take me out is to take me in it’s the

thing that God is going to use and so

many of you had chopped your problem up

to a punishment I guess this is a result

of the time I messed up I guess this is

because I didn’t pray enough those are

all eyes of the enemy your current

problem whatever issue you’re going

through right now if you would allow God

free in your life if you would let him

really use it see you’re trying to

protect it God’s trying to use it you’re

trying to you’re trying to keep people

from knowing that it happened and my

Bible says we overcome by the blood of

the Lamb and the words of our testimony

God said stop trying to hide what I’m


stop trying to keep secret what I want

to use to make my power be seen but I

know too many of y’all are bougie and

you don’t want nobody to know you’re a

real person

you don’t know what you don’t want

nobody to see your scars you would

rather people think you’re perfect and

live bound than to be free and let all

your business out there and God says

you’re robbing me of my platform you’re

robbing me of my platform see the reason

that I stand up here is because it’s a

platform it’s a raised position I could

speak to you right here but there’s a

lot of people that can’t see it y’all

can’t see me especially all in the back

y’all like oh I wish we had raised

seating even the people online they

can’t see me because I’m not on a

platform God said when you don’t allow

me to flow freely in my life you robbed

me of the opportunity to raise an ugly

situation but put it in a place where

people can see it because when it gets

on a platform then I can do a miracle

that allows my power to be revealed I

need somebody to believe with me

it’s not the problem that’s the problem

it’s the fact that you won’t let God

music the problem is you won’t let him

use your dysfunction you won’t let him

release your marriage problems you will

not let him use the hurt and the pain

and he said you thought this problem was

a punishment this one the bankruptcy

wasn’t to take you out it was for me to

show people the greatest comeback story

in history how I can take on nobody and

bring them from nothing and take them to

so I’m trying to tell you God strength

works perfect in our weed you won’t be

weak you won’t say I need God

I’ve been married 10 years but I still

don’t know how to communicate your pride

keeps you at a place where you won’t

allow God to work in the problem so you

robbed him of the platform to show his


and this man sitting right here he

didn’t know even know why he was blind

and something you don’t know why you

were dropped you don’t know why you were

abused you don’t know why the

scholarship didn’t go through you don’t

know why you’ve been married three times

you don’t know I’m sure I’m just trying

to help somebody I’m about to give you

an answer right now you don’t know why

somebody was allowed to plant those

images in your head you don’t know why

you hurt and feel so isolated can I tell

you why that problem came so God’s power

could come that problem was allowed so

that God’s power could be released in

your situation if you would allowing if

you would release that’s why that

happened my problem is his platform for

the rest of the year I want you to say

that my problem is his platform they let

you off the job God you just got a

brand-new platform for your power to be

made big oh my god they found out who I

was God you just got a new platform

dah-dah-dah it is a moment for you to

come on the scene and for your power to

be seen and until as believers we get

that perspective we will allow the enemy

to convince us that the problems of

punishment and then we come in here and

sing songs like good good father but we

don’t believe it in our heart oh come on

you’re a good good father it’s who you


so Eli like we sing the song but we

don’t believe it in our heart because

the problem has overtaken our view of

who God is but today like this blind man

who was born like this

God told his disciples like I’m telling

y’all the

was designed for my power to be seen in

this man but what if what what if for a

second that this man took our

disposition and we got so frustrated

with God that when we found out he was

walking by and he wanted to release us

from our bondage and it was time for us

to come into this new thing but we had

this old problem what if we were like

nah I don’t I don’t I don’t want you I

don’t want you to do anything cuz if you

were good father you wouldn’t let me go

through it and if if you were if you

really could heal why did this happen in

the first place and God said and this is

thing this is the thing I need you to

know the reason why is not as important

as what he’s about to do the reason why

it happened that’s what the disciples

were trying to find out why did this

happen and Jesus was trying to say watch

what I’m about to do why did this happen

watch what I’m about to do and look what

he does I just need you to see this he

wanted his power to be released in the

man I came to tell everybody that when

we let God free and so his power can be

released in you he wants to take the

most unlikely person individual and

allow his glory to be seen through you

and so look what he does verse 6 then he

spit on the ground made mud with saliva

and spread the man to spread the mud

over the blind man’s eyes what know now

God’s done a lot of miracles

why would he choose this way to release

me I want you to get the picture the man

wasn’t deaf he just couldn’t see so when

Jesus turns to him and he’s about to

heal him he can’t see what’s about to

happen but I believe he could anticipate

his like oh my god

Jesus is here come on somebody I’m about

to get here what he’s standing there cuz

he’s probably heard of other people and

this is not the first time God’s healed

a blind man you got to realize that God

healed the blind man in Matthew 9 verse

23 and in this blind man he just touched

him and he was healed and then there was

another blind man in mark chapter 10

verse 52 and he just spoke the word and

that man was healed so he’s standing

here boy I’m about to see Lord

20/20 thank you God and look what Jesus

does he takes dirt give me some dirt

please he takes he takes dirt yeah

that’ll work

the thing that seems insignificant that

that he’s standing on what did God make

man out of he took the lowest part of


the most insignificant part of him he

said yeah that’s that’s enough





I bet that’s how he acted and I bet

that’s how the people around him acted

do you know how much spit it didn’t say

he put dirt on his eyes it said he put

mud on his eyes he took dirt but had to

put enough spit in it to make mud now I

know some of you are grossed out right

now and this is why the title of my

message is what if your release is messy

what is God see some of y’all

some of y’all would rather it look nice

than be healed some of you would rather

everybody still think good about you

then actually be free from the

pornography addiction some of you would

have some of you would rather smell good

and look good then actually be good and

feel good and gods saying what if the

release I’m about to do in your life is

messy what if it’s gonna take you

actually going aback and apologizing

what if it’s gonna actually take you

going back and admitting you were wrong

what what if what if it’s gonna be so

nasty that I take the the rawest form of

you and mix it with the least part of me

why he keeps spitting somebody ain’t

never gonna pray right there ever again

but D but but do you know what happens

this blind man honestly didn’t have

anything to lose

he had everything the game he had he had

he had nothing to lose by looking

foolish to everybody else cuz he

couldn’t even see how he really looked

anyway and so when we so when we come

here to this point I need you to write

this down

don’t let the method of release keep you

from the miracle of release some of you

guys gonna ask you to go to counseling

all year I don’t need nobody telling me

about myself

don’t let the method of release keep you

from the miracle of release some of you

God’s going to put you in addiction

programs he’s gonna allow you to get in

a small group I don’t need

accountability like that they don’t know

me don’t let the method that God is

trying to release you keep you from the

miracle of your release Wow why would I

leave this high paying job and start

serving in the church cuz God’s trying

to change your character

don’t let the method of release keep you

from the miracle I really and some of

y’all are still so bothered

so bother that that I’m over here

touching on what God chose to use he

could have used he if this wasn’t his

only option but he chose to use it so

his power could be revealed through your

jacked-up situation and this is the

thing that I learned in this story

Brent come here

Brent Brent’s the blind man this is the

blind man something up something I don’t

have the face for this that’s why I

can’t use you but this right here close

your eyes your boy this represents

however God is going to choose to heal

you and at this moment the blind man’s

not stupid after he heard all the spit

he had to know he had to know it was

coming he chose not to run away my

question is at what level are you going

to allow Godfrey in your you can run

away at this point when God says this is

the year of release you can say I don’t

want it or you can say they don’t matter

how you have to do it God if you gotta

expose my pain if you have to go back

and expose something there was a

something last year that happened to me

when I was a young boy that God revealed

to me in a time of prayer and I left

this office in the middle of the day and

I told my wife I said baby I gotta tell

you something she was like what said I

just got to come home and tell you and I

told my wife something I told nobody

else cuz God said for this to be

released you gotta let it out you can’t

keep this to yourself and be like oh

God’s just gonna heal me from the inside

he said that’s not released that’s

that’s holding that still got you in

bondage and every time the enemy would

suggest that and I went to us a baby

this is what happened and I had to walk

this is what Jesus told this man to do

this is nasty messy and really

unnecessary but what he said I want you

to just stay right there Britain look at

verse 7 he told him everybody say go say

it like you mean it go

he said go wash yourself in the pool

of siloam and Cylon means Sint go to

where I’m sending you

what do you mean Passover right might

write this work down right this this

message down God’s asking all of us in

this year of release to walk with mud in

your eyes like like like do it even

though everybody can see that your

miracle is messy right now do it even

though he doesn’t like like I couldn’t

see before and now you put something

else on me can sometimes it feels like

God puts more on us

when we were already in a blind

situation but he said I want you to walk

with it anyway we’re in take a step take

another step now why would God asked him

to walk and go somewhere and didn’t lead

him there you’re blind

I’m blind in this area why wouldn’t you

take me by the hand and walk me there

because God said your deliverance in

your healing is gonna be a process and

that’s why I said this is the year of

release not the moment of release not

the time and some of us will rather be

clean than have a messy miracle and he

said go brick wall

he didn’t tell him how to get there he

just said go go go to the place I’m

sending you stop and he told him to wash

off pull the mud off your eyes and I

want you to see something at this moment

Brinks pulling off things that he didn’t

put there but he’s pulling off

what God meant to heal him there peso

Mike what are you saying

many of the miracles that God is about

to do he’s not gonna do without you he

touched you he put his DNA on you he

sent you but the last part of the

release the pins on you going

go to counselling go to a B group go say

I’m sorry go ask for forgiveness you you

want the healing right you want to see

go so many people want to see you want

to stay stay the way you are stay right

where you are stay with the attitude you

have and God is saying the opposite

everybody shot at me go shot at me go go

and he said when you wash off when you

do what I say when you participate in

the journey of release he said you’re

gonna turn around Brent turn around oh I

bet the first person that he was able to

see after he was sent to go wash off was

Jesus and I want you to think about what

happens at this moment he does not tear

that Jesus spit on the mud does not care

that he was on his way somewhere else

does not care

he just knows that something happened

that hasn’t happen one time in his whole


is he was blind but now he can see I

came to tell you today

write this down it’s a little long but

the rawest version of you that’s dirty

mixed with the least part of Jesus his

spit can release you from what you’ve

always been this is an eternal picture

today I didn’t want you to jump in

holler and scream and yell I just wanted

to ask you a question what if the

release is messy

will you still allow God free

what if you have to tell your wife

something that you’ve been holding back

for 10 years will you let God free what

if you have to go back and apologize to

a boss who you accidentally got fired

because you actually stole the money out

of the register well god that was so

long ago he said what if this is messy

what if there’s consequences I know

church people don’t want to hear nothing

about this but what if there’s

consequences for the action you did but

you want it so bad but you’re gonna get

free what if it hurts what if it’s not

convenient will you steal let God free

in your life the reason I’m bringing

this to you today

you got begin to speak to me that this

is the year of release but it’s only at

the level we let him I want to pray for

every person in this room because I

believe in this last seven days of us

praying and fasting this is gonna be

more about us allowing God to do what

he’s been wanting to do in our lives

and it’s cause some of its gone sir let

me be let me be let me y’all see why

nobody’s talking right now

and everybody’s real cuz all of us have

areas in our life that we were blind in

that we couldn’t see God in and he sees

you and he says I got the remedy but

what if it’s messy father I’m asking you

I feel God doing work on people’s hearts

right now I’m asking you Father God to

let us trust you even if what you’re

about to do in our life is messy even if

we don’t see how it’s going to work and

how you’re gonna reconcile it and how

you’re gonna bring it back together I’m

asking you right now for us not to be so

concerned with the method method of

release that we miss the miracle of

release expose whatever you need to

expose God bring to light you said you

were the light of the world so bring the

light to our situation and show us the

areas father God that are broken in us

show us the places in our relationships

in our marriage in our thought process

father God that have us all messed up

and we’ve been bound by but father today

we want to be released so I thank you

that we’ll be ones that won’t fight you

if you decide to do it in a messy way I

pray for every marriage right now I feel

this right now in the name I pray for

every marriage father as you begin to

allow healing to flow in marriages I

thank you that you will divinely bring

bring alignment to people’s lives and

marriages right now I’m praying for

every person who was abused I’m praying

for every person who’s walking through a

hard season I’m praying for every parent

who felt like they neglected their

children or were neglected father as you

begin to dig deep in the inside of us

father as we begin to get exposed to

some things father God that we even

forgot were there I’m thanking you

father God that you’re not doing this as

a punishment father you’re trying to get

a platform and father God we’re saying

you can use our life you can use our

story you can use our mistakes you can

use our pain because if we can ever get

the perspective that you are trying to

use our problem as a platform for your

power we could see miracles happen in

our life so god today we’re committed to

our release somebody say I’m committed

to my release come on just say it one

more time I’m committed

from my release in Jesus name Amen

hey guys thanks so much for watching

today if transformation Church has

impacted your life in any way we would

love to hear about it send us an email

at my story at transform church dot us

also if you’d like to partner with us

financially to see more lives

transformed head to our website at

transform church dot us slash give

thanks again for watching go out and

live a transformed life