We have to live the life we say we believe in. Trying to be popular with people can steal the plan of God for your life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

the following program is paid for by the

friends and partners of Joyce Meyer


you have to decide that you are going to

dedicate every area of your life to God

your mouth your thoughts your ears what

you’re even willing to listen to your

eyes what you’re willing to look at your

entertainment your social life your

friendships how you dress your appetite

finances we need to have a return to

more holiness and real holiness is not

legalism it doesn’t mean you can’t do

anything it doesn’t mean you can’t have

any fun we have lots of Liberty in


wonderful beautiful Liberty Paul said

all things are allowable for me but not

all things are the best thing for me to

do God is he’s given us the freedom of

choice and there are many things that

you can get by with and it won’t send

you to hell but it will keep you from

living a victorious life here now did

you hear me I must say it again there

are many things that you can do and it

won’t send you to help but it is going

to hurt your witness it may make you

unusable by God because he said we

should be vessels fit for the Masters

use and we must be anointed by God to

work for God and God does not anoint the

flesh the anointing oil was never put on

the flesh dedicating ourselves is very

easy to say I could stop right now and

have a dedication service and I could

have people up here at this altar

bawling and squalling and we could lay

hands on people it didn’t have any hair

left and lay everybody out in the floor

and I mean it would just you’d go home

thinking man the glory was there well I

tell you where I want to see the glory I

want to see it in your home

I want to see it when you go home and

you follow through amen

some of you know very well right now

specific areas that are hindering you

that are displeasing to God God’s

already been dealing with you about it

all he’s doing right now he’s just sent

me as another confirmation to you not

like you haven’t had others but here I

am now has another confirmation to you

we’re educated way beyond our level of

obedience how many times we’re going to

have to hear the forgive your enemies

message before we do it much easier to

say Amen in here than it will be to go

home and pull it off but I believe that

you’re going to get the message tonight

and you’re going to learn how to finish

what you start there’s some wonderful

examples in the Bible first of all in

Hebrews chapter 6 verses 10 and 11 the

Bible says that it is God’s desire that

we go all the way through but we do

strongly and earnestly desire for each

of you to show the same diligence and

sincerity all the way through say we get

started but somewhere in the middle we

give up that we might enjoy the

fulfillment of our dreams in the end a

woman came to the altar one time to ask

me to pray far about losing some weight

and as I just as I touched her I just

had a vision of her and I saw her like

she’d make a decision she’d get started

and then she’d turn around and go back

and she’d get prayer somewhere again and

then she take off and she’d get started

and then she’d give up and go back and

get prayers somewhere again and she had

spent years just come on I’m talking to

somebody I said I’m talking to somebody

let’s see right here is where it gets

kind of hard and this is a place where

you got to go so you can come out with

some victory somewhere on the other end

and please remember you never have to do

this by yourself

any person who will say to God I am

going to go all the way through with you

let me tell you I mean he gets all over

it you know when I sense God’s anointing

on me to do what I’m doing when I step

out here I don’t feel it before that if

you’re waiting to feel the right thing

before you do the right thing it just

doesn’t work that way you know the Bible

is full of people who went all the way

through with God there are a few that

you read a little bit about and then

something happens and they just kind of

fizzle out and you never hear from him

again but Hannah for example was a woman

who was unable to bear children and she

prayed and prayed and prayed that God

would give her a child and she said to

God if you’ll bless me and let me have a

child I’ll give him back to you and I

promise that he’ll serve you all the

days of his life now when she gave her

child back to God it wasn’t like us

doing a baby dedication and giving our

children to God and taking them home and

still doing what we want to with him I

mean when she decided to give her child

to God that meant when she weaned that

child she had to go take him to the


and that’s where he would live for the

rest of his life in priestly service and

it’s beautiful if you read it how she

waited until she weaned him and then on

the day when she was supposed to take

him she went and she spoke to the

Prophet and she said I’m the woman who

stood by this altar and prayed that God

would give me this child and as I

promised you I have now come to give him

back to you if people would just keep

their promises if they would just keep

their word

we need integrity in our world today we

need people who will say what they’re

going to do and do what they said and

there’s such a lacking of that in our

society and let me tell you something

church the sinners aren’t going to

change if anybody’s going to spark up

the world it’s going to have to be us

we’ve got to get out there and be bright

light stars and beacons shining out in a

dark world we have to press in and every

individual person who calls themselves a

Christian must begin to live that life

out in society where it makes the

difference people don’t pay all that

much attention to what we say but they

do pay attention to what we do let’s

look at Acts chapter 5 is anybody

feeling anything stirring on the inside

tonight actually I’m going to back up

into Acts chapter 4 the last two verses

it says now Joseph a Levite and a native

of Cyprus which interesting enough we

have an office in Cyprus now well

actually we broadcast to the Middle East

out of that area

so Joseph a Levite and a native of

Cyprus who was surnamed Barnabas by the

apostles which interpreted means son of

encouragement sold a field which

belonged to him and brought the sum of

money and laid it at the feet of the

Apostles now you know I don’t know maybe

when maybe when they did that the people

just like oh that’s great Joseph you’re

a great guy loo you

well then Ananias and Sapphira seeing

what went on they said oh we’ve got a

field we’re going to sell it and we’ll

bring the money too you know sometimes

we make commitments in the flesh and

it’s not even something that God’s put

on her heart and but you know what I

believe that even if we make a

commitment when we should have just kept

our mouth shut

God expects us to keep our word and if

not the very least he wants you to do is

go back and say you know what I was just

totally in the flesh I wasn’t hearing

from God at all didn’t even pray about

it and I need to ask you to release me

but very often we don’t want to do

either one we just ignore it

and then it just doesn’t look good but a

certain man named Ananias with his wife

sapphire sold a piece of property and

with his wife’s knowledge and connivance

he kept back and wrongfully appropriated

some of the proceeds bringing only apart

and putting at the feet of the Apostles

but Peter said Ananias why has Satan

filled your heart notice when we don’t

keep our commitments is because Satan

fills our heart with something that you

should lie to an attempt to deceive the

Holy Spirit and should in violation of

your promise withdraw secretly and

appropriate to your own use part of the

price from the sale of the land as long

as it remained unsold was it not still

your own and even after it was sold was

not the money at your own disposal it is

that you have proposed and purposed in

your heart to do this thing so he didn’t

have to say I’ll give it all he could

have sold it and said I’m going to give

part of it the whole message here is not

keeping your word the whole message here

is not doing

what you say you’ll do not finishing

what you start how could you have had

the heart to do such a deed you have not

simply lied to men playing false and

showing yourself utterly deceitful but

you lied to God verse five upon hearing

these words Ananias fell down and died

you know this is really serious now I

just want you to stick with me hear from

him because I’m going to show you a

correlation so he fell down and died and

terror took possession of all who heard

it verse 6 the young men arose and

wrapped up the body and carried it out

and buried it now after an interval of

about three hours the wife came in not

having learned yet of what had happened

and Peter said to her tell me did you

sell the land for such and such amount

of money and she said oh yes for that

much then Peter said to her how could

you two have agreed and conspired

together to try to deceive the Spirit of

the Lord listen the feet of those who

have buried your husband are at the door

and they will carry you out also and

instantly she fell down and died now

isn’t this an encouraging message

tonight and just think this is almost

over and I can send you home with these

thoughts and the young men entering

found her dead and they carried her out

and buried her beside her husband now

watch this and the whole church and all

the others who heard of these things

were appalled in great awe and strange

terror and dread seized them now by the

hands of the apostles the special

messengers numerous and startling signs

and wonders are being fahrt performed

among the people and by common consent

they all met together in the temple now

you notice that an Isis of fire fell

down dead from lion but you also notice

that great signs and wonders and

tremendous miracles were happening in

the church and people are being added to

the church daily by the thousands now if

we wonder where the miracles have gone

well come on you’re all smarter than


then maybe we need to have a great

return to holiness and have a little

more reverential fear and awe

Dave and I were just talking about this

last week this very thing

and we both feel very much that there’s

just a little too much looseness in the

church God’s our buddy and he’s our


but he’s also God Almighty a holy God a

righteous God a God of justice and we

should never have a wrong fear of God

but we should know that God means what

he says and it’s not wrong to have a

righteous reverential fear and awe of

God and when we do things will change

even just some of the rude behaviors

that we have you know this is not about

trying to hurt somebody’s feelings or or

embarrass anybody but I mean even just

like at the end of a service when the

pastor is trying to have an altar call

to have people give their life to the

Lord and the only thing that 20% of the

people are concerned about is trying to

get out of the building so they can get

their car out of the parking lot

so they can get their hamburger

I mean are we really in that big a hurry

that we have to be rude to the holy

spirit and maybe interrupt somebody

who’s lost and going to hell that the

Holy Spirit is trying to bring

conviction on we should not have to be

told those things because every person

who does that who’s truly born again

knows in their spirit when they get up

that it’s wrong

you know Joseph was a consecrated man

and he didn’t lose his dedication and

consecration through all kinds of trials

and tribulations and he ended up second

in command in the whole nation of Egypt

let me tell you something paid I’ll come

payday will come and when God’s payday


Esther had her own plan she was a young

maiden and I don’t know what Esther had

planned but it sure wasn’t to go be part

of a harem in the king’s palace she was

asked to put her life on the line but

because she dedicated herself she saved

a whole nation you have no idea what God

could do with you now this last little

bit of time that I have left I want to

talk to you about an area of dedication

that I think is important for all of us

and it’s dedicating your reputation to

God you know our reputation is what

people think of us it’s their opinion

and we’re way too concerned about what

people think it’s just like it’s almost

like a disease in our society and

everybody wants people to like them

there’s no doubt about that but I can

tell you right now everybody’s not going

to like you I don’t care what you do not

everybody’s gonna like your new haircut

but everybody’s going to like your new

clothes not everybody’s going to like

the car you picked not everybody’s going

to like your personality I mean not

everybody’s going to like you thank God

a lot of people will but not everybody

will and you will have to learn how to

experience some rejection in your life

and yet shake that off and go on with

God I’m reading a book right now by aw

Tozier of course he wrote this book a

fair a number of years ago so they had

the same problem in the church then and

he said what we have in the church now

is deadly respectability and

in the midst of it Christians are not by

and large respected by the world and we

should be even if they don’t like us or

want to be like us they should respect

us and the only way they will is if we

live the life that we say we believe in

we have to live the life that we say

that we believe you know the Apostle

Paul said in Galatians 1:10 if I were

trying to be popular with people I would

not right now be an apostle of the Lord

Jesus Christ do you know that trying to

be popular with people trying to

maintain your relationship can steal the

plan of God for your life do you know

that I’m quite sure that no I had to

lose his reputation to build the Ark

what do you think I bet Abraham didn’t

have very good reputation when he walked

off from his whole family and everything

that he knew and left and said God’s

calling me

well where you going Abraham I don’t

know God just said go and I’ll show you

why you nutcase come on Jesus didn’t

have a good reputation but the Bible

says in Philippians 2:7 that he made

himself of no reputation

he just went ahead and got it all over

with the start with his brothers thought

he was crazy people thought he was a

madman but he just stayed focused and

kept doing I don’t even know how to

explain to you what all I went through

when God first called me to do this over

35 years ago and it was a very hard

lonely time for me and I said to Dave

about two weeks ago I said you know what

I just I have no idea how I got from

where I was to where I am I do not know

how I managed to get

through all of the stuff that came

against me except that one day at a time

I took it with God and I one of the

things I hadn’t let me finish one of the

things that I had I mean I had this I am

NOT going to give up I mean it’s just

like quitting is just like something I

can’t even get into my brain I am NOT

going to quit and give up and I know

that God gave me a lot of grace

certainly I wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for

that but I’m just going to tell you that

anybody can quit that doesn’t take any

talent at all or any help from God

anybody can quit so the next time you

say well I’m just going to give up you

just ought to turn around and kick your

own self in the room because that is

just something you should never do if

you can’t have any other testimony at

least have this one I’m still here amen

I’m still here no matter what the devil

threw against me I’m still here and I’ll

tell you what I’d rather have God as my

friend than to have 1,000 half-baked

phony hypocritical

pretenders who the only way they’re

going to be my friend is if they can

control me and manipulate me and I’ll do

everything they want me to do either

love me for who I am or just don’t

bother loving me at all amen

I believe when I was studying today that

God showed me that this is one of the

main things he’s wanting to get at

tonight some of you are never going to

finish what God wants you to finish in

life if you don’t lay this reputation on

the altar now I can tell you right now

that it’s going to be very easy for you

to agree with me here but you’re going

to get tested everything worth anything

has to pass the test and let me tell you

something God tests and tries us that we

might come out like pure gold

now listen to me you won’t finish what

God’s got for you to do if you care too

much what people think you’re always

going to be changing your decisions to

make them happy

unless they think that you’re wrong or

crazy or weird or you know how many of

you agree that it’s a real problem that

were that concerned about what other

people think and I mean it is a massive

massive problem and I can actually look

back at my history and ministry and I

can see now that each time God was

trying to do something major in my life

like when he was calling me into

ministry you wouldn’t believe the flack

I got just for trying to teach a Bible

study in my home I mean it was

unbelievable it was like all the Devils

in Hell came out

and you know the enemy works through

people and sometimes godly people or at

least they’re supposed to be but hey

before we point the finger to many other

people let’s remember the sometimes we

let him work through us – amen

and that rejection was so painful to me

so painful and I remember one day when I

was still like in my early 30s and God

had filled me with the spirit and called

me to preach and I was listening to a

teaching CD about righteousness and I

was so excited the very thought of being

right with God was just like almost more

than I could stand because I’d had a

lifetime full of guilt and shame and

condemnation and all these people were

coming against us and our friends were

rejecting us and laughing at me and

telling me I was crazy who do you think

you are and all these things and I’m

trying to hold on to this little dream

and vision didn’t know anything about

dreams and visions to start with

probably thought I was crazy myself it

was hoping I wasn’t and I remember

getting in my kitchen floor on my knees

and I had that teaching on righteousness

in my hand and I said god I don’t even

fully understand all this but I know

that you’re trying to do something in my

life and if I lose every friend that

I’ve got and everybody thinks I’m stark

raving mad I’m going to press forward

with you

and I’ve had to do that a number of

times in my life probably about four

times that were really really really

really major for me where I’ve had major

hits of rejection from people that I

really thought were my friends

you know it’s painful when you think

people are your friends and then you

find out that they’re not it’s probably

one of the most painful things in the

world but I’m still here amen

and I’m not going away hallelujah