Today, Joyce demonstrates how to study the Bible, going through Romans 8.
Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.
With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Because if you know Christ, your life is always better than somebody

who doesn’t know Christ. Just think how
you would like to have some of the

problems you have, and not know Jesus.

So even though we still have problems

right in the midst of all that we are more than conquerors. And you know why?

Well welcome to the program today. I’m so glad that you could joins us.

You know we’ve been working toward
helping people understand that

they can study the Bible. And we’ve made
some real progress with lots of people and

I think that some of you are

really enjoying getting
into your own Bible study and realizing

that you can do it.

So I’m going to take some time today and
occasionally to just do

a little Bible study with you out of
specific chapters or specific

areas of chapters that I feel are

important or that have really impacted
my own life.

And so all you really need to do
this Bible study is

a Bible a notebook some listening ears
and hearts

and the Holy Spirit walking alongside of
us helping us understand

the Word of God. So take some notes if
there’s any way that you can. If it’s too

late for you to do that today,

then maybe you can re-watch this online

and you can do it at that time. We’re going to study today, Romans 8:26-39.

And um, there’s just some very

there’s actually I have 11 points

out of just these verses. 11 things
that we can specifically learn

out at these verses. First, it says, “So too
the Holy Spirit comes to our aid and

bears us up in our weakness.”

So the first thing that
I wrote down here’s the Holy Spirit

strengthens us

in our weakness. That’s the first thing
that we can learn today.

My goodness, how wonderful is that? We all have weakness. We know that.

I have weaknesses, you have weaknesses.

Is there anybody in here today that doesn’t
have any weaknesses?

We all have weaknesses.

And the enemy would like us to believe
that because of those weaknesses

we are unable to do certain things.

But the Bible clearly teaches us that
God strengthens us

in our weaknesses. And it’s through the Holy Spirit

who is with us all the time. When Jesus
left the earth and ascended on high

He said you’re really better off that I
go away because I’m going to send you

another Helper, a Comforter to be with you and

in you all the time. Then these verses
begin to talk about prayer.

And you know, I think prayer is
really important to all of us, at least

it should be.

Because prayer is actually one of the
most powerful

gifts… privileges that we have from God.

It’s a privilege to be able to pray. It’s not something we have to do.

We don’t get brownie points with God when we do.

It’s a privilege. And when you think
about that you can go to your heavenly

Father asking for absolutely anything

who wouldn’t want to pray? But I think
here again the enemy tries to convince

us that we’re not praying right. We’re not praying long enough,

we’re not saying the right thing. Maybe
we’re not in the right position.

Have any of you ever, even though you’re
committed to prayer,

the enemy tells you those lies that
while that wasn’t right, you didn’t

you know about I mean I’ve I went
through that

in my life. But these Scriptures kind of
debunk that whole theory because

it says that, “the Holy Spirit comes to bears us up in our weaknesses

for we don’t know what prayer to offer
nor how to offer it

worthily as we ought to.” And I’d
really like to stop right there just a

minute because

I think that many times God puts things
in our heart

that He wants us to be bold enough to
ask for and yet

the enemy comes right behind and says
well you don’t deserve that

you’re not worthy of that help. I mean
look at how bad you acted

just yesterday. Who do you think you are to

And so I just really focused on this
this morning even when I was reading

this that

the Holy Spirit helps us offer our
prayers worthily.

Not that we’re worthy in ourself,

but through the teaching of the Holy
Spirit we can learn that when we come to God

we need to come boldly

to the throne in the name of Jesus. We
don’t pray in our own name

but we pray in the name of Jesus. So the
second point that I wrote down

is He teaches us to pray accurately.

I love that. So you can rest that when

spend time in prayer, just this morning had to remind myself of this.

I was walking around my room praying,
sitting in my chair praying.

You know the enemy will still
after all these years

whisper to me, “Oh you’re not praying the
right thing.”

Or, “You need to pray about this or that
you don’t really need to pray about this.”

“You need to be doing something
else or what about this?”

And I relied on these verses. Nope,

the Holy Spirit is with me. He’s praying
through me

because I’ve invited Him. Therefore I

that this prayer that I am praying is an
exactly perfect prayer

I’m saying exactly what I need to just
enough not too much

and God hears me, not because of the name of Joyce, but the name of Jesus.

And I think we could stop right
there and just say, Oh boy

that is really good.” Because we all
really need to just

be able to… I mean what’s the point in

if your going to doubt the whole time you’re
praying, that you’re praying right,

or it’s even doing any good. And I really
think the enemy does

come against people in this way. And I’m
sure there are many of you watching by TV

right now are other

devices and you’re like,”Boy that’s me.”
And so a lot of times people get so

discourage that they don’t even want to
pray it all. Then he goes on to say

um that he helps us offer the prayer worthily

as we ought… “But the Spirit Himself goes
to meet

our supplication and pleads in our
behalf with unspeakable yearnings and

groanings too deep for utterance.” Now you know that may be a little bit hard for some people

to understand but

let me just simplify it for you today.
And I think that

if we’re really trusting that the Holy
Spirit prays through us,

that He knows the perfect will of God
and that we’re depending on Him

to strengthen us in our weaknesses, I think
even if I’m walking around and I’m

feeling like overwhelmed and I go

“[deep sigh]” I think even that

according to what I’m reading uttering a

something I don’t even really understand

the Holy Spirit knows what’s behind that
what my need is

I don’t have to put it into a perfect
little rhyming,

eloquent prayer that sounds very
religious I can just go,

“[deep sigh]” So see, a lot of your groaning all day long but you’re groaning in the wrong way.

And so, God wants us to do a holy groan

not an unholy groan where we think that
you know we just

we just need to say, “God, you know what I
need. I’m depending on You to turn this

into something that’s really going to

good fruit.” And then He goes on a verse

and Altius Realty he searches the heart
some man knows what is in the mind the

Holy Spirit

was intent is because the spirit
intercede and played before God and a


up the Saints according to and in
harmony with God’s will

so every time we start to pry we need to
sign up a

father in Jesus name I come to you
through the Holy Spirit

I’m trusting at the Holy Spirit is
aiding me

and helping me and I know that I can’t
pray a perfect prayer

but I believe the Holy Spirit is gonna
take my per and he’s gonna fix it all up

before it gets to your ears

and when you hear it you’re going to
give me the exact right thing that I


now verse 28 should be why are very
favorite verses

in the Bible I know it certainly is mine
and and my husband’s way is that all the


it says and we are sure to know that God
being a partner in their labor

so I think that you know he’s basically
saying that prayer sometimes

is a labor it’s an effort it’s not like
a big works trip but we have to

make a commitment to do it that him
being a partner in our labor

all things work together my that’s good

all things work together and are fitting
into a plan

far good far good to and far those

who are called who love God and are
called according to His purpose

so while while so we can say that no
matter what happens to us

no matter how bad it may same if we will
continue to do three things:

Friday love God and won his will

pray the best of our ability.

through the Holy Spirit trusting him to
help spread the right way Friday

love God and won his well pray love God

and what his while he will take it and
God will make it all

workout for good isn’t that wonderful
that is very comforting to me today and

I hope it is also very comforting

to you now first 29 for those in the

up homie was aware and love beforehand

he also destin from the beginning for
ordaining them to be molded into the


%uh his son and share inwardly his

that he might become the first born %uh

brother you know Jesus didn’t beat wanna
be the only one that led to resurrection


when he was raised from the dead he
wanted to be the firstborn

among many others who would believe in
him and also live out that resurrection


in there every day life and I was
reading on

something this morning that somebody
else wrote about these chapters just

want to say if

what else I could learn to to share with
you any mention this person he said

Yelp we were predestined foreordained
predestined doesn’t mean that it

automatically gonna happen

it basically means that that’s God’s
Will from the very beginning

and if we will cooperate with that then
we’ll see that happen

in our lives soul he in eternity past he
already made his mind up the kind of

life he wanted us to live

and then he called us into that life

he’s already made a decision that he is
justifying us in making us just as if we

had never say in

so we can live that kind of right just
peaceful joyful life

an he has also already in eternity

future glorified us which means that we
are going to manifest all the

excellencies of God

if we stick with God we have got nothing
in front of us but an amazingly

wonderful of some life and opportunity

and it’s all by the grace the mercy and
the goodness of God

and we have been destined not to be a
mess all of our lives

we have been destined not to have more
problems that we can count

but we had been destined to be molded

are transformed are changed into the
very image

Jesus Christ of some so number five is
we are destined

to be like Christ they make sure you’ve
got these down number one the Holy

Spirit strengthens us in our weakness

number two he teaches us to pry

number three he prays perfect prayers
far and through us

number four all things work out for my

as I pray love God and what God’s will

and number five we are destined today
like Christ

the other thing I morning everybody to
understand is that really

you know not today I’m teaching you how
to these verses but you can sit down

with some similar versus

ask the Holy Spirit to help you get a

get a translation of the Bible that you
can understand an

the Holy Spirit will teach not you might
even get some things out this

that I didn’t get but my point is to
show you that in this

half-hour time that we have together
just a half-hour

there’s 11 things that we’re going to
learn by studying for a half an hour

that are going to help us all throughout
our day

and the rest of our life yeah I kinda
decided the other day that I want to

start encouraging ever buy it let’s
learn at least one thing every day

I mean surely we could do that less just
learn at least one thing every day

are let’s be refreshed and one thing
every day that made we’ve already


but we’re getting a little bit lazy it

you know I might take a morning and just
study the power the words in my mouth or

take a morning and just study

the power of thoughts I wanna learn
something every

single day because you know what
knowledge is power

and for a lack of knowledge people

and the more we know about the good word
of God the more we can walk in victory

now hope you’re ready for a good point
right now they cause

this next one is all some what then
shall we say to all this

if God is for us who can be against us

wow so now you get to write down number

sex goddess for us exclamation mark if
God is for us who

can be against us you know if you’re
worried about the person at work that’s

talking about you

what does it really matter sense God is
for you

if you’re worried about that person who
rejected you

I tried to convey a message to you that
you were no good

why are you getting upset about that God
is already

said that you have special worth and
value because you’re his child

and He sent His only Son to die for you
if God be for us

come on I don’t know what might be
hurting you today

RB bother you are upsetting you but you
know what even though you guys work for

us here in a ministry

we go through things don’t wait there
are things that happen

we get hurt we get disappointed the
enemy wants to make us like we’re never

going to overcome

but I’m here today to tell you from the
wonderful word of God

that God is for you and if God is for

who can be against you you see there’s
nobody greater than God

nobody greater than God he is the
greatest of all

and if he stars and he is pill can be

against us now first 32 is so exciting

he did not with holder spare even his
own son but gave him up for us all

will you not also with him freely and
graciously give us all

other thanks so

if God did not even withhold his own son
which was the greatest

than he could ever given I’m sure the
hardest thing he ever had to give

then what else do we have to worry about
to be concerned about

what is it that you need the day that
you think God would withhold from you do

you need a job

if you gave me this Sun they can get you
a job

do you need strength DNA to overcome
something from your past

the innate healing do you need peace of

do you need to have your broken heart

you need to talk to God about something
concerning your children you know what

we don’t have to fear

God has not given us a spirit of fear
but have power

and love and a sound mind now fair will
present itself to you

but what it does you need to decide now

wait a minute goddess for me is already
a predetermined

that I am gonna little resurrection life

just like jesus did gods for me

and he did not withhold his only son so
why would he withhold anything else

that I really need

can we get a hold of that today number
seven God provides

everything everything in all capital

everything that we need my momma

hard to believe you can get this much
good news in 30 minutes ed

number eight is coming up next

and it says and it’s taken from verse 33

who shall bring a charge against God’s

when it is God who justifies that issue
puts us in right relationship to himself

who shall come forward and accuse or
impeach those whom God has chosen

well God to acquit us

and who is there to condemn us well
Christ Jesus the Messiah who died

are rather who was raised from the dead
who is at the right hand of God

actually pleading as he intercedes

for us cell while we have so much
trouble with guilt condemnation don’t

like feeling bad about ourselves

you know condemnation pushes you down

makes you feel bad but true conviction

from the Holy Spirit let you know that
you did something wrong

but it lifts you up out-of-date when
condemnation comes from Satan

sometimes say nothing at work too hard
on most of us will do it for him

we’ve gotten so good feeling guilty
about everything that we don’t even need

any help from the devil

people many times will load guilt on us

you know a lot of times people are not
willing to let us let go

love our past mistakes they’re always in
different ways hinting

are reminding us what we’ve done wrong

and kinda making us feel like you’re
gonna be paying for that for a long

long time but the Scriptures are telling
us plainly that none of that comes from


when you feel that our if you feel that

man if your feelin down in guilty in

and condemned all you need to do is tell
God that you’re sorry

Henry C the forgiveness it has already
been provided through the blood of


they repent

be willing to turn away from that same
with God’s help and then you need to


askin resale Eva that your job I maybe

I’m pretty convinced that a lot of times
we pray and pray and pray about things

and never stop and take the time to
actually receive them

so if you’re gonna ask God for
forgiveness then why not take the time

just take a moment as I know I receive

I receive that

as a gift from me

and I’m forgiven now then when gilder
condemnation comes which

the enemy will try to get back in you
have to remember that

where there’s no saying there can be no

cell when Jesus forgives arson he
removes them as far as the east is from

the west and he remembers them no more

so I say very often we need to stop
remembering what God has for gotten

we need to stop talking to him about
wait what he has already put

as far as the east is from the west and
I’m very big on verbal

out loud confessional the Word of God I
think it just helps renew my mind

and I believe that it also disturbs the
Devils atmosphere he doesn’t like to

hear the Word of God

you must remember that when Jesus had
been tempted by the

double for forty days and forty nights
he said it is written

and spoke the Word of God so I’m not
just coming up with some foreign weird

idea here if Jesus spoke the word got
out loud then why shouldn’t we

so when the enemy comes against us with
guilt and condemnation we need to

remember it’s not from God

Romans ice is not from God because he’s
the one who justifies

it’s not from Jesus because he’s the one
who died for us

and his right now at this very moment
seated at the right hand of God

pleading intercession for every single
one of us

of is not God and is not Jesus

then he left it’s gotta be either me
doing it myself

army letting other people do it art has
to be

the devil doing it to me to his lies and

the devil is a liar the trade is not in

so and I need to sign all my sins
forgiven and this feeling that I have a


is a lie

and I don’t receive now first 35

official ever separate us from chrysler
out just suffering an affliction and


are calamity and distress or persecution
or hunger destitution

apparel are sorted is so important we
don’t let anything separate us from the

love of god that’s found in Christ Jesus
in a lie because knowing that your love

makes a strong

knowing that your love gives you
confidence you hold your head up in need

put your shoulders back and you don’t

slump around all day feeling like you’re
just the tail end of everything

God loves you and you know what

I’m kinda feel right now that may be
there somebody that I’ve never heard

that before

we might think well how’s that possible
in today’s world bought

to be honest it’s very possible I’ve had
lots of people tell me

I never had anybody tell me that God

me made you spend all your life then got
mad at you are being

afraid of God well I want you know that
he loves you and He desires and intimate

relationship with you

and we’re gonna put a number up on our
screen at the end of this program and if

you do not receive Christ as your Savior

please call us and let us pray with you
and talk to you about what it means to

be born

again Jesus is waiting

to come have a personal relationship
with you

he loves you very much don’t ever be
separated from the love of God

in John 15 it says abide in the love of
God and that means live

dwell remain and stay and the love of

so even if you have a problem you said
were gone I believe you love me

if you get disappointed and things
didn’t work out the way you want them to

God I believe that you love me even if
somebody rejection you say well God

I believe that you love me and you will
never reject me

and if God be for me who can be against

if God is on my side home shall II

fair and I love verse 36 even as it is
written for the ice a queer put to death

all the day long

where regarded in Canada sheep for the

yet amid all of these things we are more
than conquerors

more than conquerors again surpassing

through him loved us

so just make sure that we have all this
right number eight

is condemnation is not from God number
nine is nothing can ever separate us


God’s love and now number ten

we are more than a conqueror

now what about this sometimes we look
like sheep being led to the slaughter

I kinda like that because to me it’s
indicating that

people who don’t understand faith and
trusting God

if they’re looking on in our lives

it may look to them like we’re just like
sheep being led to the slaughter

you know because you just kinda

waiting for God to deliver you and

it can look kinda strange but he said
right in the midst of all of those


delicious I somebody yeah I was having a
terrible bout was some kind of sickness

or disease

and they’re happy their peaceful and
their Desai and I’m trusting God to take

care of it

we have somebody looking on that may not
make any sense to them they’re like oh

how can you be peaceful

how can you you know your your lives no
better than mine

well I’m sorry but really it is a

if you know Christ your life is always
better than somebody

who doesn’t know Christ just think how
you would like to have some other

problems you have not know Jesus

so even though we still have problems

right in the midst of all that we are
more than conquerors and you know why

and I love this this is what God put my
heart that that means a long time ago

to be more than a conquerer remains that
before you ever get the problem

you already know I’ll that in the end
you win

and I love that so that allows us to
live without fear

I don’t have to be concerned about what
may happen tomorrow or

what might happen this afternoon ur you
know all those things because I already

know that God is with me and he’s far me

at the Holy Spirit is gonna
strengthening my weaknesses

and that God loves me all the time and
that I am more

that a cocker oh my gosh I can hardly
believe what we’re learning here

in just 30 minutes this is amazing and
then number eleven

last one and it goes on to say for am
persuaded beyond doubt

I’m sure that neither death nor life nor
angels nor principalities nor things

impending and threatening our thanks to
come nor powers nor height nor depth

or anything else in all creation will
ever be able to separate us from the

love of God

which is in Christ Jesus our Lord

that’s number eleven be deeply rooted

in the love God you know a tree that has
deep roots

does not blow away in a star and the
Bible tells us to be routed

and grounded in Christ and to be routed

and grounded in his love I hope today
that you know

by faith how much how very much

dodd love you

god bless you thank you for being with
us today and remember

study the word on a regular basis

