In this Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! Classic episode from 2000: Robin Harfouche says that she has been watched by “aliens” since childhood. They told her she had been selected to teach the world about the New Age, and they gave her strange powers.

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Sid: My guest says that she has been watched
by aliens since childhood.

They told her she had been selected to teach
the world about the New Age and gave her strange


Next on this edition of It’s Supernatural!

Centuries have come and gone offering wisdom
and understanding throughout the ages.

Today there should be nothing beyond one’s
power to discover.

But yet the strange, unusual and mysterious
world of the supernatural defies understanding.

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into a curious undiscovered universe only

on It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Hello.

I’m Sid Roth your investigative reporter and
I’m here with Robin Harfouche, Miss California

on a national television show, weekly as a

The only problem is she did not study dance
as a child.

She got her gifting supernaturally.

But as a child, you had, as a young child,
you had dreams, Robin, about a woman would

come to you.

Tell me about that.

Robin: Well from the time I was really little
I would have a reoccurring dream that this

woman would come on a horse and I remembered
I was always really scared.

And I was in a cabin looking out, and it always
looked like she wanted something from me.

And I remember when I was about five years
old I went to my mom and I told her about

the dream, and my mom said “That
woman sounds and looks exactly

like my great-grandmother who was a

Sid: And you had never seen her, of course.

Robin: No, she wasn’t living at that time.

Sid: And then a few years later they sent
you to live with your grandparents.

Robin: Yes.

Sid: And unfortunately, you were taken advantage
of as a child.

Robin: Yes.

I was child molested from the time I was about
four until I was about 13 years old.

Sid: And you were telling me something very
strange happened when you were molested.

Robin: Well what I would do is I would leave
my body.

And you know, a lot of psychologists today,
you talk to them about people who were abused

or molested and they actually say that the
people go somewhere to get away from the violence

of the situation that is happening to them.

As a little kid, you know, you have absolutely
no understanding of sexuality and love, and

all that mixed together, and it’s confusing,
you know, and it was violent.

So I would leave my body.

And when I did that I would, you know, go
up above my body, over my bed I could see

myself down there.

But I would go into this realm where I would
speak to other children, they looked like


Sid: In this invisible realm you would see
other children.

Robin: Yes.

And I would speak to them and would tell me
things about, you know, my life, about people.

It would be like I would just know things.

Sid: Well even as a child.

Robin: Yes.

Sid: You would, say, go into a restaurant
and what would happen?

Robin: Well I had the ability to look at people
and know what they were thinking, and it was

so real to me that when they would think something
I would answer their thoughts.

You know, so they would have a thought and
I would answer their thoughts and it was pretty


Sid: But in college someone came to you.

When I was 18 years old, I actually had
a spirit guide appear to me in college and

I was in the open, in the daylight, in the
afternoon, and he appeared to me, and began

to tell me that I had been selected and chosen,
and he had been watching me since I was little


He knew about what had happened to me, that
I was born with the veil or born with a psychic

ability or sixth sense ability, and he was
basically there now to teach me, develop me

in that gifting.

Sid: How did you feel about that?

Robin: At first, I was frightened of him and
then after that–

Sid: Did he look like a real person?

Robin: No, he looked like an alien, you know,
like the pictures you see that people draw

of aliens when they say they’ve been abducted
or had experience with aliens.

He was, he wasn’t frightening looking, kind
of a cross between an alien and an angel,

you know.

Sid: And where did this dancing thing come

Robin: Well I was in college majoring in journalism
because I was a writer, a very creative personality.

And one day, I walked by a professional studio.

There happened to be a professional studio
in the city.

And I just stood at the door at the studio
and began to cry, and I don’t know really

why, you know.

And the dance director came up to me and
said, “You want to be a dancer, don’t you?”

And I said, yes.

And she said, “Let’s have lunch.”

So the next day she said, “I just feel that
I’m supposed to bring you in and train you.

And so she trained me, but at the same time
paid me to be in a professional dance company

while I was going to college.

Sid: Why? I mean, people don’t get trained
and paid.

Robin: No.

I think that the reasoning was there was a
blueprint or a destiny that the spirit guide

had for me and I had a favor on me that was
inexplainable, unexplainable I guess is the

right word.

Doors of opportunity would open for me that
shouldn’t have.

Things were happening fast for me and then
all that led me to Hollywood and so that’s

how that happened.

Sid: Now how did this spirit guide turn into,
as you say in your book, Marilyn Monroe?

Robin: Well what ended up happening was the
spirit guide, in college, wanted to come into

my body, speak through my mouth, which is
what we call today channeling a spirit, channeling

an ascended master or teacher.

That goes on all over the country now and
all over the world.

But he got very aggressive and when that began
to happen and I would let him in and speak

through mouth, my head and my heart, and my
spirit would pick up so much information about

what was going on around me that it was almost

And so one day I said, “Look, you know, I
can’t, I know you say I’m chosen to propagate

this message called the new age.”

Sid: At that time it wasn’t as common as it
is today, the term “new age”.

Robin: Well the terminology wasn’t anywhere.

Sid: He called it a religion of the new age?

Robin: He said it was a religion and he said
it would be the one world religion.

Sid: Now do people in the new age feel that
this is a religion?

Robin: Yes.

Sid: Because I just thought that people dabble
in these things.

Robin: No, I believe that new age people
believe that it’s a religion.

It’s a spirituality, which people classify
as a religion.

He said it would be the religion that would
be all over the world at the same time and

that I was to teach on it.

But when he got, you know, aggressive with
me, I said, “Look, you know,” I went to a place

in the mountains and I meditated, and I said,
“You know, I can’t handle this any more.

I don’t want you coming into my body and
speaking through my mouth any more.

I don’t want to be a medium or a channel,
you know, I don’t want it this way.”

When that happened, I had an experience, spiritual
experience where light came all over my body

and at that point I began to hear another
voice and this voice said, “My name is Marilyn.

I’m a good spirit.”

Sid: Was it Marilyn Monroe?

Robin: Yes.

Sid: Marilyn Monroe.

We’ll be right back after this.

I know this sounds strange, but I’ll tell
you the invisible world is real whether you’re

aware of it or not.

Be right back.


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Sid: Hello.

I’m Sid Roth your investigative reporter and
I’m here with Robin Harfouche and she says

that she had a spirit guide who identified
itself as Marilyn Monroe.

And if you think that’s strange, wait until
you find out what happened next.

You see, she gets a phone call and this man
is a prominent Hollywood producer and what

did he say to you?

Robin: He said, “Who are you and how did your
name get on my private call sheet today?”

And he said, “Because nobody’s name gets on
there unless I put it down.”

And my name was on his call sheet.

Sid: How did your name get there?

Robin: Well that’s the supernatural.

Sid: Okay.

Robin: I believe that my spirit guide got
my name there.

And he said, “What do you do?”

And I said, “Well I’m a dancer and I’m an

And he said, “We need to meet because I feel
this is God.”

And so I said all right.

And so I went to meet him at his office, which
was at 666 Robertson Boulevard.

And I went in.

Sid: Pretty prophetic number. But go ahead.

Robin: Yeah.

I went in and I saw, you know, all the Emmy
Awards and Academy Awards, and he was a

for real guy.

And he sat down with me, and he said,
“There’s something special about you.”

And he said, “You know, I’ve seen stars in
my life,” and he said, “you’ve got what it


I want to introduce you to a friend of mine
who represented Marilyn Monroe when she was

on the west coast, when she was alive.”

Sid: So you have a spirit guide named Marilyn Monroe and now you’re getting the actual representative,

agent for Marilyn Monroe.

Robin: Yes.

Sid: So what did he say?

Robin: One of the biggest talent agencies in
the world, which is just unheard of.

And he set up the appointment for me the
next morning.

He said, “You know, this guy is so powerful
he may give you a minute, you know.”

So I, my spirit guide at that time told me
what to wear, Marilyn Monroe.

I wore what she told me to wear.

And she said, “Don’t worry about it.

He’s going to sign you.”

Sid: What kind of stars might he have represented?

Robin: He represented Shirley MacLaine and
he still does, and he represented Dean Martin,

Gene Kelly, Michael Jackson for film.

Sid: And so what did you say to you when you
went to his office?

Robin: Well I went in and I knew it was a
divine appointment, you know, because I had,

you know, just this feeling about it.

And I began to talk to him and he leaned over
the table to me, the desk, and he said,

“You have a spirit guide, don’t you?”

And I said, yeah.

I mean, I wasn’t there to talk about my spirituality.

I was there to talk about, you know, the theatrical
business, the movie business.

He said, “It’s Marilyn Monroe, isn’t it?”

And I said, yeah.

So then he called his secretary and he said,
“Cancel all my appointments” and he spent

the next four hours with me.

And from there, he started molding me to become
the next Shirley MacLaine.

Sid: So let me get this straight.

A spirit guide says they’ve been watching
you since you were a child.

Robin: Yes.

Sid: And that you were selected to introduce
the religion of the new age.

You’re moving up the Hollywood ladder much
faster than anyone should.

I mean, you were on a national show dancing
and no one does that with not having studied

their whole life.

And I mean, you studied, what, for a year
or something?

Robin: Yes, just a few years and I became
a pro.

Sid: It’s, so all this supernatural stuff
is happening to you and then one day you’re

with your boyfriend and he says something
pretty staggering to you.

Robin: Yeah My boyfriend was in a world famous
band called The Knack, at that time.

And we were just sitting on my couch and he
began to, you know, he just leaned over to

give me a kiss, and when he did, my face changed
into the face of Marilyn Monroe.

Sid: Did you feel it or did he see it?

Robin: Yeah. I felt her come in.

Sid: And how did you feel about that?

Robin: I was upset about it because I felt
I had control over this gift, you know the

psychic gift, the sixth sense.

Sid: You thought you were controlling it,
but it was really controlling you, is what

you began to realize.

Robin: That’s what– Yeah. I began to
realize that. It freaked him out.

And so from there and some other experiences
that I had with channelers, with mediums,

a woman that spoke in a male voice, some little
things began to scare me and I started pulling

out of it.

Sid: And you were, on the side you were waitressing
at a Sonny Bono’s restaurant in Hollywood.

Robin: Yes.

Sid: And there were some men, famous stars
that were saying wrong things to you, and you

didn’t want to wait on them.

Robin: Yes.

Sid: But you heard a voice and it said?

Robin: Yeah. Well that day I had just
directed a Mitsubishi commercial

with 16 dancers and I was doing very well
in the business.

But I made good money there on the weekends
and sometimes the business could be, you know,

really well for a while, you know, and lighten
up for a while.

And they got sexual with me.

You know, they said, well what are you, you

Are you an actress, a dancer, are you a waitress?

And they said, is it true what they say about
dancers, which was a sexual slur.

For some reason I felt like really vulnerable,
you know.

Normally, I would have just said something
back, because you got to be tough in the business.

So I go into the kitchen and I’m leaning against
the wall, and I hear my spirit guide, and

she says, “Are you going to let them do that
to you?

I mean, you know what it’s like in the
entertainment business.

You got to be tough, you know.”

And I felt compelled to run out to where I
asked this other waitress to wait on them

and take the drink tray from her.

And when I did, a 25-foot tall door, utility
door that weighed 150 pounds came off its

hinges and hit me in the back of the skull like
a hammer at supernatural speed, where nobody

could warn me.

Sid: You were set up.

She was set up.

Robin: Yeah.

Sid: She was set up to be killed by this
spirit guide.

As a matter of fact, what was the worst situation
you were in as a result of the accident?

What did you find yourself in the worst place?

Robin: I woke up in a coma in Cedars-Sinai
Hospital in Los Angeles, and I had lost the

use of my arms and my legs, and I was
paralyzed on my left side.

Sid: What was your prognosis?

Robin: At the end after rehabilitation for
several months, they called it post-concussive


Sid: I mean, but would you be healed
eventually through medicine?

Robin: I had 23 doctors, and they said that
I would be in a wheelchair the rest of my life.

Sid: Well hold that thought.

We’re going to be right back after this because
the most amazing miracle happened in her life.

You won’t want to miss it.


Sid: Back here with Robin Harfouche.

And Robin, you were a mess.

This door fell on you.

Robin: Yes.

Sid: You’re going to be sick the rest of your
life. You probably even despaired of life.

Robin: Well I was 28 years old.

I was in a wheelchair for six months before
I lost hope.

I had gone through rehab and everything.

My maintenance level prescription drug was
14 Percodan a day and six Valium, and that

was just to keep seizures down and everything.

I was suicidal and decided to commit suicide.

And a friend of mine called me on the phone,
who was a bass player in a band called The


He said, “Look, you know, I’d like you to
go to church with me tonight.”

And I said, yes.

Sid: Why did you say yes?

Robin: I don’t know.

I mean, he didn’t tell me anything about it.

He just said, I’d like you to go with me.

Sid: So you found yourself in this church
and what happened?

Robin: I felt like a lightning bolt hit me
when I went into the church, and I started

shaking and crying.

Sid: Had anything like this happened in the
new age?

Robin: No.

I mean, nothing like this.

I mean, I had inner healing experiences, you
know, for emotional abuse and things like

that, in the new age, but I had never sensed
this kind of power.

And I was at peace, you know, which was
really wild.

And no one had preached and nothing had happened.

I was just sitting there and this happened
to me.

And so at the end when someone did get up
and they began to speak about Jesus Christ,

I believed in Jesus, you know, but I also
believed in Mohammed and Buddha, and the Hindu

religion, and positive and negative confession.

I believed in anything that would make you
a better person or make you

more in contact with your spiritual side.

But he preached and he said that Jesus Christ
was the only way, and that all those other

ways were not, they were counterfeit.

And when he did, I had a revelation.

I knew in my heart, you know, that all my
life I had been looking for Jesus Christ in

all these other avenues, you know.

And so he said, “There’s somebody here and
you want to receive Christ as your personal


And I didn’t know that Jesus could do anything
more for me than forgive me for my sins, and

I had a lot of them.

So I went forward and before I even, you
know, said anything, the minister that was

ministering said, “God is healing you.”

And I fell backwards like in a cloud, you
know, and I came to about 45 minutes later,

completely healed.

Sid: What do you mean completely healed?
You were in a wheelchair.

You had to take all this Valium and all
these drugs.

Robin: I was straight like I had probably
taken about 12, you know, pills that day.

I was sober for the first time like, you know,

My mind was sober.

The drugs were gone out of my system instantly.

The pain was gone.

Everything in my body moved. I was
completely healed.

Sid: Guess what happened?

She married the evangelist that set her free
and she teaches and has miracles, not from

the counterfeit, but from the real thing,
from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in

the name of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah.

Watch this woman, born deaf, instantly healed
with the real power of God.

Oh God, I thank You right now. Deafness,
Go! Go! Make noise!

[cheers, applause]


Sid: These two women were born deaf, the first
one, a hundred percent deaf, the second one,

80 percent deaf.

Did you see that excitement?

That’s a Messianic miracle.

That means that the Messiah is alive and real,
and loves you, and it’s time you prayed

God, in Jesus’ name, forgive me of my sins,
and become real to me, and live inside of me.

You don’t need the junk of the new age.

You want the real thing.

You got one life and you want it to count.

Make it count.

Get desperate for God.

He’s desperately in love with you.
