Sid Roth with guest Henry Gruver on It’s Supernatural!

On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2018: Henry Gruver is a friend of God. He’s circled the globe and walked in supernatural power and the presence of God for five decades. What can you learn from Henry? A lot!

Who did God send to Korea to deal with current events? Henry Gruver. Henry has spent over five decades experiencing a lifestyle of supernatural power and the presence of God in his life. In this exclusive 5-CD set, Henry mentors you to see and do the same.

You will learn how to commune with God and plead the Blood of Jesus. Walking in the supernatural starts there. And Henry brings understanding your authority as a believer. You will raise your faith to new levels as you prepare for the Glory that is coming on the Church.

This exclusive CD series helps you learn: • How to operate in your authority as a believer • How to apply the power of the Blood of Jesus • How to prepare for the coming Glory • How to commune with God • Keys to victorious spiritual warfare

It is God who wants to give you authority and power. Henry Gruver says you need it!

Henry Gruver has ministered and traveled the globe, often on obscure assignments, for over five decades.


welcome to my world where it’s naturally


have you ever heard a stage 4 cancer my

guest had stage 5 cancer that means the

cancer has spread throughout the whole

body days to live nothing can be done

for you instantly healed he has such

authority he think that’s something he

has such authority in the Messiah of

Israel that he went to Taiwan to reach

people with the good news he was warned

not to why there were swarms of killer

mosquitos one bite you’re done I mean

this guy is hutzpah that’s a people

worth his nerve this guy had nerve he

said God told me to go I’m going so what

happened to the killer mosquitoes they

all died

is there a supernatural dimension a

world beyond the one we know is there

life after death

do angels exist

can our dreams contain messages from


can we tap into ancient secrets of the


our healing miracles real

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years

researching the strange world of the



Jay Sid for this edition of it’s




as an 18 year old kid Henry Gruver went

on what he calls prayer walks that means

he’s walking into what he believes our

divine appointments but he’s also

clearing out the atmosphere for instance

we know when innocent blood is is shed

there are curses even for generations

you told me you can hear the blood

screaming absolutely and when you get

when you hear that screams and through

prayer you get rid of the source of that

what happens to the area cleaned up

drive-by shootings murders violence all

manner of violence corrupting that area

of gang warfare and all cleans up as I

understand it it opens the way for God

to penetrate these people absolutely the

crime rate drops off the charts I know a

few cities they’d like you to go prayer


how about the very first time you did it

an 18 year old doing a prayer walk do

you remember the first time never forget

it tell me about it

hundred tracks in my pocket scared to

death to be in the area I was in because

it was Skid Row wasn’t raised that way

afraid Jesus would come back and I’d be

left behind because of the Hmong all

these sinful people had to get rid of

that took the first night to get rid of

that second night God said to me Henry

start walking I will give you peace and

I will give you a song if at any time

you lose peace or lose the song you

can’t remember the song stop go back and

find the piece in the song never go

without peace in a song so tell me the

person God had in mind for you

that night he led me to walk several

times numerous times I lost the piece in

the song I wound up walking all over

Skid Row not handing out one gospel

track I had a hundred and ninety seven

to handout because I only handed out

three the night before so I’m in trouble

do the math jihad brought a man out of a

nightclub in my face said he didn’t like

my face I’m gonna punch your lights out

man started screaming at me cursing me a

crowd gathered around they emptied out

the nightclub he’s swinging at me he

can’t hit me then I see a man tight come

out of the nightclub against the wall my

eyes meet his and when my eyes met him

his eyes the Lord said tell that man I

love him I didn’t know that man was

sitting in that nightclub at that bar so

depressed he was going to go out and run

in front of a train and kill himself the

Lord knew it he cried out at that bar

and said Almighty God I don’t want to do

this but if you will send somebody to

tell me you love me I won’t commit


you know

in 1984 the devil tried to kill you


he succeeded he didn’t kill him he was

in a car accident and you you were with

your wife and your eight children

children eight children and you

literally died for thirty minutes right

everyone should have died but you were

the only one only one did and what was

it like when you awoke when I came back

I could see I mean I was blind I could

feel my eyes blinking

I could hear perfectly but I couldn’t

feel things from here down and I could

feel blood running I thought my eyes

were bleeding I didn’t realize I had no

feelings from here down until I heard

someone running and I heard a man on a

two-way radio and they said shall we

dispatch an ambulance and then this man

said can you hold on by the woman and

the eight children are fine but we don’t

know about the man what was here by the

way what was your wife and your daughter

how were they praying for you when that

happened my wife didn’t know I was dead

she saw me force the sliding door open

of the van and get out when the thing

stopped turning upside down flipped in

the air and landed on the wheels she was

taking care of the four babies out of

the back hatch of the van that had blown

open windshield was blown open and she

thought I was alright because she saw me

getting out I don’t remember getting out

of the van I was dead I was already dead

but the four older children were looking

at my body when they gave up trying to

do CPR two times each time the hole in

my head blood blew in their face they

plugged the hole in my head blood blew

out of my nose in their face whoa they

gave up for strangers they’re trained

very well in CPR he said I’m not trying

anymore I’m sorry he said to my children

that’s when they left me lay there and

my four children were looking at me my

wife thought I was all right she was

taking care of the little ones on the

other side of the ban on a blanket

praying for them that they didn’t go

into shock or whatever and then about a

thirty minutes later after they were

trying to do CPR on me my 15 year old

daughter the oldest of our daughters in

that band pointed at my dead body and

said devil that’s my dad you can’t have

him Jesus I was all the way in the Milky

Way at that point and I understand they

knew how to plead the blood how did they

pray every one of our children we taught

them from babies if they had the

slightest injury where the first thing

we did was prayed for him so their faith

was built up and they saw many healings

in our children raising children

children will teach you a lot of faith

you know that but they were I understand

they were pleading the blood

my wife was pleading the blood when that

van went out of control and flipped and

I heard her crying the blood of Jesus

when I left my body hmm

the band was still in motion when I left

my body what happened to the hole in

your head the hole in my head after the

fire came to me and went on out my toes

was like what fire well the fire I heard

the man say the woman and the eight

children are fine but we don’t know

about the man the instant I heard that

because I couldn’t see all I could do is

hear faith exploded down inside of me

and I said father in heaven only in my


couldn’t open my mouth didn’t know where

was I said father in heaven whatever’s

missing on me you can put it back on I’m

not going to the hospital

I’m going to my daughter’s wedding and

that’s when the fire hit me in each

temple and slowly moved down and as it

hit me about right here my vision came

in I saw a lady holding my face with her

hands brown hair long brown hair white

blouse and I could see the arms of a man

holding my chest down there saying don’t

move your neck is probably broken you

might die on us again you know when we

come back what happens when a doctor

tells you the cancer has metastasized

throughout your whole body you have 11

days to live but this man this

cantankerous man was so sure that God

would heal him he refused to believe

that but sugar no he had his sanity he

had the Bible sanity the knowledge of

God I want you to have it we’ll be right

back we’ll be right back to it’s


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return to it’s supernatural


has this cancer that started in his

colon spreads throughout his whole body

Stage five cancer 11 days to live but

you refuse to die I told that doctor I

am not sick I’m healed what’d the doctor

say about you doctor said my god man are

you out of your mind yes I can tell by

looking into your eyes your electrolytes

are gone the color Y was 97 pounds I

weigh 100 almost 70 now the eleventh day

you go to a service that have some

students of someone else we’ve

interviewed Heidi Baker yes why’d you go

there I was there to speak I had been

scheduled a year before to speak to 75

pastor yeah but you’re dying girl you

know you’re a walking dead man

I mean they drove me to that to the the

church if you’re going to go well yeah I

wouldn’t get behind a wheel hours my

button my spirit was trying to leave my

body I would let it service these young

kids I assume they laid hands on you or

what they do after I preached you preach

I preached to those 75 pastors leaning

on the podium they brought it down to

the ground floor from up on the stage

they carried me up there found out later

it was angels that carried me out there

from down in a pastor’s office in the

basement and it was to be kind of in a

sense the last sermon I ever preached

was what the devil was telling me and I

said no way the Word of God cannot lie

jesus said by His stripes we were healed

I refused to give my life for cancer

when Jesus gave his life for me to be


after you preach the students prayed for

you and what happened I thought somebody

was poking their bony elbows right above

my kneecap I had my hands up like this

and I said Lord get him off my kneecaps

my body is so sensitive and I don’t have

the strength for that next thing I know

I feel my hands on my face and my bony

elbows are right above my kneecap I

opened my eyes and I go back and I

leaned back because I thought oh no if I

lean forward like that I’ll start

hemorrhaging I can’t stop it blood will

be everywhere blood was flowing out of

my bowels my urine like water except

when I was prayer walking the anointing

was on me I wouldn’t hemorrhage

hallelujah that’s how I survived brother

then I realized wait a minute there’s no

pain there’s no no sensation of

hemorrhaging and I just very gently

started touching myself down under my

ribs which I couldn’t push before at all

what would happen if the pain would have

been so bad out of passed out my body

the trunk of my body was so tender and

so sensitive and I realized there’s no

pain and I’m pushing further and further

all around and I jump up and throw my

fist in the air and I said oh yeah it’s

over the cancer is gone


that doctor that says you’re a walking

dead man that doctor is crazy that

doctor knows every time I get into the

state of Ohio that doctor my phone

cellphone rings Henry you’re back in

Ohio aren’t you I said how do you know

you see it on the website no I feel it

you’re back in my state again that

doctor has done missions now to India

and to Africa

revolutionize the doctors life you know


that’s why I combined the supernatural

with evangelism you know that’s the way

Jesus did it wasn’t because everyone

wanted to hear him speakers he was the

the best speaker in the world which he

was but that wasn’t why people came to

him that came to him for the miracles

okay you know you go to Taiwan how in

the world and you’re warned there are

these killer mosquitoes how in the world

did you go there I was already scheduled

there Oh spoke up north the dizziness

plague was down south my scheduler said

I’ve canceled you for down south I said

what for he said the dungeness plague is

going on hundreds of people are dying

every day one mosquito bites you you’re

dead you go into high fever pain they

cannot control within four days you’re

dead I said what did you cancel me for

he says I don’t want you to die and I

don’t want to call your family to tell

him you’re dead I said I refuse to give

my life for a stinking mosquito when

Jesus gave his life for me

so you when you had a vision

and wasn’t what tell me what that vision

was that vision we were right at the

place where the most people were dying I

said take me where the most are dying

they charted a bus the night before I

spoke to five different churches they

charted a bus the next morning we went

to the place where the worst plague was

got out of that bus looking over that

area and I’m crying out to the Lord and

I have a vision of one little dragonfly

coming across in front of me my daddy

taught us from a child do not hurt

dragonflies they eat the mosquitoes

they’re your friends instantly I knew I

knew beyond the shuttle but out that’s

it Lord send clouds of dragonflies send

them all over the South here and eat up

this plague so what happened to all the

mosquitoes the killer mosquitoes a lady

right behind me of the 53 screamed oh no

did she get bit by a mosquito they had

so much mosquito spray on them they were

almost soaked with it I turn around to

touch her on the top of the head to pray

for her and come against that bite and

she’s shaking her head no she can’t

speak English the only Japanese or

Chinese and she’s pointed up I look and

dark clouds of dragonflies millions of



you have learned to war and contend God

has promised you your son had a prophecy

of you’d be a great man of God and he’s

born dead how did you war to save him I

remembered the prophecy given one year

ahead she said from this day next year

you will have a son and he will be

mightily used of God here I delivered

six of our children at home we called

him faith baby’s mama tossed him I

caught him okay the moment his head is

birth I know he’s dead because he’s

black and not breathing

and I get him turned around because the

cord was around his neck four times get

the cord from around his neck this

little dead body she hadn’t felt any

emotion for three days and nights I hold

up this little dead body and I look up

and I said father my two oldest

daughters were right behind me and saw

this and my wife I said it’s a boy and

you said that you’re gonna give us a boy

today and you’d be a mighty ly use of

you to do that you’ve got to put the

breath of life in him and you got to do

it now

all four of us heard the sound as his

mouth opened breath came in he turned

purple then pink he’s six foot four

today missionary to Mozambique Africa



I have read about people being

translated in the Bible from one city to

another I have had guests that have been

translated but Henry tells me not only

was he translated but six of his friends

at the same time to another place be

right back we’ll be right back to it’s


call now and get Henry groovers highly

anointed five part audio CD teaching set

keys to power authority and the coming

glory you cannot get this anywhere else

it’s exclusive for our it’s supernatural

audience yours for a donation of $35

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number 3 233 in Henry groovers

5 part audio CD series through testimony

and anointed teaching you will be

mentored in the following how to operate

in your authority as a believer this

teaching will build and energize your

faith to believe God for the impossible

how to apply the power of the blood of

Jesus you will understand how powerful

the blood of Jesus truly is learn how to

call on the blood to be delivered from

harm healed and rescued from emergency

situations how to prepare for the coming

glory Henry Gruver shares what the

coming glory will look like and even

practical instructions on how to prepare

and align with God to be a part of the

glorious victorious endtime Church also

included is a powerful testimony of what

God showed Henry is now available to the

believer regarding supernatural

transportation how to commune with God

Henry shares the keys to a powerful and

effective prayer life and how to not

only seek but find God in the place of


included is the key on he

and recognizing God’s voice keys to

being victorious in spiritual warfare

Henry Gruver shares about dealing with

strongholds of a cult and your authority

in a region – overcoming the invisible

harassment from the demonic realm this

teaching unpacks all the protocols and

strategies for navigating the invisible

battles included on these audio cds are

henry provers powerful prayers that God

would watch over you and seal the

teaching in your heart prayers for you

to develop a hunger for the impartation

of God’s glory prayers for blessing

power and communion with God don’t miss

out on getting Henry groovers highly

anointed five-part audio CD teaching set

keys to power authority and the coming

glory you cannot get this anywhere else

it is exclusive for our rich

Supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 3 – 33

call or you can send your check to sid

roth it’s supernatural

Pio box 39222 charlotte north carolina

28278 please specify offer number 3 233

or log on to call or write


we now return to it’s supernatural

so much amazing never revealed

information for instance for six hours

he was in heaven we have to continue the

show all you have to do to see the

continued show its log on to

that’s si D ro th dot o-r-g now Henry

I’m at the edge of my seat not quite but

I’m trying to get there anyway edge of

my seat six people from different places

all translated at the same time to

another country tell me about that well

we were called the spirit-filled strike

force holy ghost commandos alright

two of them were former Green Berets in

Vietnam very disciplined men and God

would tell us specific strikes all over

the earth at different strategic places

and one morning in Portland Oregon there

in 19 1988 October 1988 the Lord woke me

up for 13 more to get out of bed on your

knees I’m in my pajamas the moment the

instant my knees hit the floor I was

walking the streets of Rome fully

dressed and I come to the old fan I have

to ask you a question too sis joy it

hasn’t really happened to me that I’m

aware of

did you have any feeling from 4:30 in

the morning to being walking the streets

of Rome did you feel yourself going

somewhere didn’t feel myself passing

through the atmosphere it was like boom

boom I’m there okay go ahead

fully dressed not in pajamas thank you


and I come to this place where in the

50s they had the big iron doors in the

streets sidewalks that they load the

merchandise into the stores mm-hmm and I

reached down and grabbed these big iron

doors lift them up and a chain comes

across to hold them kind of angled and I

turned back and this is when I know the

six commandos are with me that’s the

first I saw them we were all previous

mayor were they in different countries

or they’re from they were from Vienna

Austria Bangkok Thailand North Pole

Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Sacramento Calif

doesn’t make it easy on him different

time frames from all over the world

could put me on put us on the streets of

Rome okay why did he do that he did it

because to go down there he put us down

there because he told me this is where

the Apostle Paul died and where they

they killed him this is where the

apostille akan own teen was bound for


I want it loosed now how was it how what

did you do to loose it as we’re going

down this ancient stairs stone staircase

under the streets of Rome their prayers

in the commandos whoever had the leading

of the Spirit led the other six stayed

back backing them in everything they did

in agreement the power of oneness the

power of agreement this is this is key

this is secret secret to power being

released they were in agreement where

they prayed I felt like a giant funnel

was on my head and their prayers were

pouring into my head like liquid power

and when I got to the bottom and looked

realized there’s a I’m in the entrance

to a massive catacomb and as I step into

it I look to the left and here is a

massive angel sitting with his elbows on

his knees blackish gray just like this

eyes blinking and the second I stepped

into that room

he come up and said you shouldn’t be

here and then I hear the same thing on

the right and I turn and there’s another

one and I said we are here by divine

command of the Lord Jesus Christ the

apostolate mantle that you have found

these many centuries is now loose to the

church saith the Lord Jesus Christ and

they stood up and said we’ll be going

then and there being spread they had to

been thirty feet tall they could have

taken my head like the bottle cap of a

water bottle and popped my head off but

the boldness and the power was on me and

I said and you will not for the word of

God says in Jude verse 6 you ought to be

bound with chains until the everlasting

day of the Lord great chains and massive

chains come through that catacomb coming

down spiraling the links I couldn’t

reach to touch the end of one length

spiraling knocking their arms and their

wings down wrapping around their ankles

clear up under their necks till all they

could do is stand looking up and then

instantly I was back on my knees in

pajamas I was going to ask and pray

again for my door again


you were you told me you were in Japan

at 4:30 in the morning you had an

encounter regarding the glory of God yes

God told me that I’m going to bring the

glory down today we were scheduled in a

big duel Colosseum in Sioux Japan TSU at

the edge of Kobe in Osaka and the day

before we had walked the biggest Shinto

shrine of the world in a typhoon so we

paid a price that day before I won’t go

through all what we went through with

that but as every day you could spend

out you could spend the whole day

telling us what happened why does all

this happen to you and not most people

because I have an addiction there’s a

lot of people that have an addiction

what’s your uggs alcohol smoking you

name it sex

what’s your rebellion my addiction is

I’ve got to see God move in my life all

right so I’m excited I tell my

interpreter the glory is gonna come down

he’s oh I’ve always wanted to see the

glory so I’m up on this big stage

preaching to a Colosseum full of people

when all of a sudden I look up in these

giant mercury lights up above I see

smoke coming through the ceiling I’m

just getting ready to give the altar

call and I thought no way lord have your

angels put that fire out I’m gonna get

this altar call taken we got people that

need Jesus and they’re ready and I

continue giving the invitation I look up

again that smoke wasn’t smoke it was a

white glowing cloud it came past the big

bright lights as it enveloped or covered

those big bright blue blue mercury vapor

lights the mercury vapor lights turned

black as coal and a voice spoke to me

and said loosed the shoes off your feet

the ground you’re standing on is holy


call the keyboardist over to play Holi

and get on your face I did that got on

my face we were singing holy holy holy

people were screaming and crying and the

Lord said now I don’t know how long I

didn’t look up my

watch I want you to pray over the people

in the far-right section only here they

were all over it on their faces I had

jumped off the stage and leave your

shoes off I left come on I wanted the

first lady I touch he come up singing in

the spirit singing in the most beautiful

song wasn’t Japanese wasn’t English

every person I touch either was singing

or praising God in a different language

I got all the way to the top we

estimated there are 75 people in that

smallest piece of the pie of that

Coliseum I’m up there a man taps me on

the shoulder I said what is it I want

what you have

I said lift your hands he look three

times I pray for him finally it’s not

happening he says you don’t understand I

said yes I do understand the power of

God no no you don’t understand

he says I their pastor I said who’s all

of these you just pray for I said okay

so you need the power no no you don’t

understand he’s kidding this mile be

quiet he says either pastor they all

deaf and dumb I never hear them speak or

sing I mean this is never revealed

information even on the Gloria that’ll

shock you but we have to continue this

show how many hours were you in heaven

six I want to find out about heaven all

you have to do to see the rest of this

program is log on to yes i

dro th dot o-r-g do it right away

Henry Gruver has spent over five decades

experiencing a lifestyle of supernatural

power glory and presence of God in his

life Henry wants to mentor you on how

you can see the same results in your

life call now and get Henry groovers

highly anointed five part audio CD

teaching set keys to power authority and

the coming glory you cannot get this

anywhere else it’s exclusive for our

it’s supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 3 233 in

Henry groovers 5 part audio CD series

through testimony and anointed teaching

you will be mentored in the following

how to operate in your authority as a

believer this teaching will build and

energize your faith to believe God for

the impossible how to apply the power of

the blood of Jesus you will understand

how powerful the blood of Jesus truly is

learn how to call on the blood to be

delivered from harm healed and rescued

from emergency situations how to prepare

for the coming glory Henry Gruver shares

what the coming glory will look like and

even practical instructions on how to

prepare and align with God to be a part

of the glorious victorious endtime

Church also included is a powerful

testimony of what God showed Henry is

now available to the believer regarding

supernatural transportation how to

commune with God Henry shares the keys

to a powerful and effective prayer life

and how to not only seek but find God in

the place of Prayer included is the key

on hearing and recognizing God’s voice

keys to being victorious in spiritual

warfare Henry Gruver shares about

dealing with strongholds of a cult and

your authority in a region – overcoming

the invisible harassment from the

demonic realm this teaching unpacks all

the protocols and strategies for

navigating the invisible battles

included on these audio CDs are Henry


powerful prayers that God would watch

over you and seal the teaching in your

heart prayers for you to develop a

hunger for the impartation of God’s

glory prayers for blessing power and

communion with God to be powerfully real

in your life we’re so glad we got this

on CD now because you don’t have to take

60 years to learn these truths you can

do it in a short period of time and

start walking in the same power

authority and you’re going to learn

about the coming glory because this is a

man that does not just teach he teaches

through his hands-on experience

whole different realm don’t miss out on

getting Henry groovers highly anointed

five part audio CD teaching set keys to

power authority and the coming glory you

cannot get this anywhere else it is

exclusive for our rich supernatural

audience yours for a donation of $35

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number three two three three

call or you can send your check to sid

roth it’s supernatural p o– box 39222

charlotte north carolina 28278 please

specify offer number three 233 or log on

to call or write today many

experiences with the glory of god but at

lunch you told me something that

everyone has to hear you were in a

church and god with whether the glory

was about to come and God spoke to you

what did he say oh you want me to tell

that please

there were thousands in that church one

of the most beautiful churches I’ve ever

ever ministered in but I had ministered

yet six pastors at my left they had

pastor right at my left and their others

on down the line

they’re singing the song Lord we need

your glory shunts and your glory and

they kept singing it over and over in my

hands were raised I was worshiping in

total agreement yes Lord we need your


and the Lord I heard a voice behind me

and it said tell them to stop and I

looked around behind me there’s nothing

but fake trees and foliage and I

couldn’t see anybody I thought where did

that voice come from why did I hear that

they’re going on praising so I went back

to worship II the next time I’m into

worshipping again and the voice says are

you going to tell them to stop in that

time I I’m looking around under the

trees thinking the technicians trying to

find a disconnection or something

there’s no one there and so I look up

and I said father was that you and he

said yes they’re wooing my glory and

there’s sin in the camp if my glory

comes down what they’re calling for half

of them will be dead tell them to stop I

said Lord I haven’t been introduced yet

you know protocol and the Lord said if

you don’t get up there and tell them to

stop and my glory comes much further

down the death their blood will be on

your hands I felt weak as a newborn

kitten hobbling up to that crystal

podium I thought it would come out of my

mouth like a squeak you know I’ve never

felt so weak in all my life walking I

got up behind that podium and the words

come out of mouth started you’re always

safe the Lord there’s sin in the camp

repent or half of you will be dead

total silence music singing stops I hear

the pastor start well what’s he doing up

there what did he ask you did he Adam

they’re having a conversation and all of

a sudden that is totally drowned out by

thousands of people screaming falling

down repenting hitting the aisles

running down so many didn’t make it all

the way to the front that was at about

10:00 to 11:00 in the morning 2:15 that

afternoon I’m still praying for people


I look at my watch again people are

still crying I’m going around pray and I

went down off the stage and the Lord

says to me you’ve delivered your soul

get in your van and leave


you know there’s a lesson in this the

glory will be the greatest thing that

ever happened to a true believer I don’t

care what’s happening in the world if

you’re surrounded with the tan of it

tangible manifest presence that the

Living God nothing can harm you that’s

right nothing can harm you but if you’re

involved in sin it’ll be the worst thing

that ever happened and here’s what I

know that glory is about ready to happen

you should be praying after you repent

of your sins you should be praying the

same thing Moses prayed Moses prayed

show me Lord come on all together studio

audience and you at home show me now in

Jesus name I must do this I want you to

make sure that you’re born from above

and I want you to make sure you’re right

with God in every area of your life

because if you’re not right with God

that glory is coming and you heard what

would happen repeat out loud

dear God I’m a sinner against you and

you alone have I sinned and I’m so sorry

I believe the blood of Jesus has washed

away all of my sins

and I’m clean give me the grace to

overcome these areas of sin I want

anything to do with them anymore

in Jesus name thank you lord thank you

I’m gonna spend eternity telling Allah

thank you thank you thank you

hey man amen well Henry six hours in

heaven I haven’t spent six seconds in

heaven one fair no tell me about how’d

it happen

well the first half-hour was dead on my

way to the Milky Way

I call that 1/2 hour approximately they

said I was dead a minimum of 1/2 hour

with no vital signs because they gave up

trying to do CPR that was a night on

Father’s Day June 20 verse 1984 i think

was father’s day and then october 22nd

he seems to love to visit me in October

October 22nd 1988 he says get out of bed

get on your knees I got out of bed I’m

sorry no that’s it the experience I just

told you I my wife is singing a new song

that God gave her to our intercessors

elderly people that have been

interceding for me while I’m walking and

praying Europe and as she’s singing the

new song I’m worshiping the Lord’s first

I had heard the song since I come home

because she wasn’t with me walking and

all of a sudden it was like somebody

turned spotlights on in my face and I

knew in that home there were no

spotlights I opened my eyes and saw the

golden cloud coming through the ceiling

instantly I hit the floor with my knees

this instant my float in life my knees

touched the floor I was on the street of

gold I was taking a step and I looked up

and realized I’m on the street of gold I

looked down the gold is a cherry hue of

color transparent it’s so pure and I

pulled my foot back and realize my right

foot was on solid gold

thought I’d just disappear through it

because they looked transparent and so I

started walking and that’s when I began

to experience the atmosphere of heaven

what’s the average serve heaven like the

first thing I noticed was that the

fragrance of flowers I’ve always loved

flowers I look at the flowers on each

side of the street of gold and I just

thought you’re so beautiful you’re so

beautiful and the instant I said you’re

so beautiful the leaves on the stems

were clapping their faces turned toward

this golden glow that was coming and

they were singing the most beautiful

song all praise glory honor and

Thanksgiving to the Father for creating

us and making us worthy to serve the

redeemed every living thing I found in

that journey in heaven that God had

created it lives to serve the redeemed

and when the redeemed notice it and give

thanks or utilize like the fruit of the

tree the whole tree goes into a spasm of

clapping and that song comes out of the

trees out of the flowers out of the

grass as you step on it and step off of

it and all of that song from creation

goes back to the throne in prismatic

light like rainbows the words turn in to

light and go back to the throne why God

is light and the author of light so

everything comes from light it goes back

to him as light when it’s praised the

other thing I noticed as I got behind a

person they went to the tree that had

many different kinds of fruit went to

pick that fruit but didn’t pick it just

put his hand under it and the tree let

go of the fruit into his hand you don’t

need to pick fruit in heaven the

creation knows it’s to serve you and the

instant that fruit was in his hand the

trees went into that clapping rejoicing

that it was made worthy to serve the


I watched the person come back to the

street of gold with the grass singing

because there every blade of grass

that’s been stepped on is singing so

it’s building into a beaut

full chrysanthemum of singing and just

going to the throne he’s eating all he

wants I’m following him he gets as much

as he wants he just drops the rest no no

don’t let her on the street of gold

before it hit the street of gold a to

vaporized disappeared

you can pick flowers every day in heaven

and put them in your in your your

beautiful white marble walls they never

fade they look as fresh as the day you

picked them you get tired you want

different ones you go pick new ones you

pull those out drop them before they hit

the floor they disappear there’s no

garbage collectors no compost piles in


nothing waste in heaven hallelujah I

have to tell you I find this life very

exciting but very challenging all in the

same time at varium having seen what

you’ve seen in heaven how do you stay

here my poor wife for several days after

that it was October so in Oregon all the

leaves were beautiful colors it was the

full color of autumn and you know and my

wife loved that’s her favorite time

spring is mine autumn is her and I keep

saying honey there’s no color everything

is gray there’s no color here and one

day as we’re going up the street there

lombard in Portland she says honey

please stop it’s the most beautiful

autumn I think I’ve ever seen you’re

ruining it for me I haven’t been to

heaven in heaven there have got to be

eighty-eight more spectrums of aid

colors in heaven than there are on earth

when I went through the Milky Way and

past all of those planets four years

before into the Milky Way I made the

statement every single planet is a

distinctively different color every

planet has a distinctively different

song or sound in job God asked Joe where

were you when the morning stars sang

together he didn’t know he’d never heard

him I’ve heard him the number one

specialist of the Milky Way that man

asked me where I got my doctorate in


he said you answered questions for me

that I have had for 16 years

I’m the world’s leading specialist on

the Milky Way and you’re up there

tonight talking about the Milky why like

it’s all common knowledge you made

revelation after revelation to me you

answered question after question where

did you learn this what periodical do

you read I held up the Bible is that the

Bible is that all I said all come on

brother that’s everything that God of

this word is that God of the universe

let me take you back to age 17 you’re

working you go by a meeting with someone

I’ve only heard of and I’ve seen

videotape of a a alan yeah and you

decide to go in oh yeah this is when he

got his original gifting I like to trace

these things

yes about it I had been in his meetings

with dad since I was 12 years old oh

what a great hair yeah I saw the 1910

polls fire around them fire trucks were

all around it they rolled up the flaps

the fire marshal said we’re evacuating

immediately okay that was 12 years old

1954 columns the Holy Spirit yeah that’s

why I just come from night school that

started my my first year of university

and I see his big top and I thought wow

I haven’t been in his meeting for years

I pull in all these cars they’re

everywhere I park way out

I’m making my way and I come in the main

entrance of the the tent and Alan is up

there and he’s just I guess finished

preaching and he says now if you want to

experience the power of God like you’ve

never experienced it before get up here

I was a runner in high school I took off

and I beat everybody I got the first run

up on that ramp his hands come down on

me like two electrodes and he released a

capacitor a full charge people said I

spun in the air over the ramp was robbed

became a Holy Roller that night

I was rolling back and forth till they

emptied the tent out except for just a

little till twelve fifteen people still

sitting on the front row watching me I

heard people say he’s coming to ice it

up I’m full of ska sawdust I had more

hair then my hair was full of sawdust my

sweater was full of sawdust and I said

wow what happened and they said they

told me what happened after he hit me I

went out to my car after that got in the

car shut the door my 1949 Oldsmobile

first car ok but I thought the dome

light stayed on and I looked up at the

dome light it wasn’t on but when I

looked up in my periphery I saw my face

in the rearview mirror it was glowing

like a light bulb every traffic light I

stopped out people look you told me a

story that fascinated me about the

rabbi’s and the gold dust oh I love that

I had finished walking Jerusalem every

Street of the old city in the new city

of Jerusalem for 13 days and nights and

preen over Jerusalem the Lord sent me to

do that 1989 I finished out on Bethlehem

Road and I ran out of water

Liberty Bell Park is out there and so I

went to the fountain home man yeah you

know what the Lord says about lukewarm

water lukewarm and so here was an Arab

he had a little on wheels stand and it

had a beautiful picture of coca-cola

this is no commercial coca-cola okay but

I / of coca-cola haha that’s what I want

to throw my circles down you know and I

pointed the picture I can’t speak his

language and he pushes me a warm can of

7up and I I get it in this warm and I

push it back and I said no no coca-cola

ice cold ice pushes that back and turns

his back on me I am so dry I’ve got to

have some liquid so I walk away pop that

thing open and take a mouthful I

shouldn’t have done that I think it came

out of my ears

my nose it exploded in my dry mouth

because I was spittin cotton and so I

took the rest of that camel and I got

done coughing and where he saw me I

dumped it out I didn’t ask God to

forgive that Arab I’m sorry I went over

and stretched out on the on the park

bench trying to cool off I was hot

and all of a sudden I’m just sitting

there with my eyes closed somebody sits

down on the end of the bench and hits my

my fingers I look and it’s a it’s a

rabbi with a long gray beard and they

didn’t want to speak to me I was a

Gentile I’d learned that in those 13

days and so I didn’t try to strike up a

conversation I noticed a young lady with

about a four year old was swinging I

figured it was her his granddaughter and

daughter and so I just pulled my arm

away and listened and then he says he’s

he’s got his back to me he’s sitting on

the edge that’s here with his arm up on

the back of it with his back to me and

finally he says are you here on tour and

I says no I’m here on business he said

would I be knows if I asked your

business and he still got his back to me

I says no sir you wouldn’t I said I have

just finished walking every street of

the old city and the new city praying

for the Peace of Jerusalem he spins

around he looks at me and he says but

you’re a Gentile why would you pray for

the Peace of Jerusalem

and I said not only am i Gentile sir but

I said I am a Christian and I believe

Jesus Christ is my Messiah I’m sorry you

don’t he says yeah yeah I know I know it

all about that I was rabbi in New York

there I was trying to convert me he says

you have any family and I told him how

many children he says what are you doing

here I said I told you praying for the

Peace of Jerusalem and he says you know

how many children you got you know what

that means and the ancient Hebrew says

no I says well it means that I got a

baker’s dozen I got thirteen

I got a baker’s dozen and my Quivers

full he says you know what that means in

the ancient Hebrew says no I’m

interested now he’s talking to me he

says in the ancient Hebrew you have

twelve arrows in the quiver you have one

in your bowl you’re ready for war young

man I said yeah

I’ll take it you know and the daughter

looked over at me I thought maybe we

were getting into a fight I guess and

and I I says hey there’s something going

on in America now here in 1989 I’ve

heard of it and I’ve only been in one

church where it’s happening gold is

falling from heaven while we’re

worshiping Jesus and it was the first he

stuttered he starts stuttering I mean I

mean youyou mean real real gold

where’s it coming from just falling

through the ceiling calming down a

church in West Virginia they told me so

much fell they they swept it up paid off

the mortgage

he says gold real gold I says that’s

that gold they said was ninety-nine

nine-tenths percent pure gold and he

just goes Connie and Shaka gold is

falling on the Gentiles gold is falling

on the Gentiles I said wow that must

really mean something to you

oh-ho yes yes yes yes he says in the

ancient Hebrew before the bridegroom

comes to take his bride he always sends

her a gift of gold by midnight he said

it means the Messiah is coming the

Messiah is coming daughter daughter come

come come come she comes grabs her

daughter off the swing what is it papa I

must get back to Nazareth I must get

back to Nazareth I must let my people

know Gold is falling on the Gentile the

Messiah is coming and he walking away

thank you thank you thank you I must get

back to Nazareth boy I was a critic of

this gold up till then because I didn’t

know I’d seen a lot of manifestations

that took the criticism right out of me

I’ve never been critical since

well wait a second now you told me when

Donald Trump was running for president

you were not a Trump fan no I was Ben

Carter Carson Carson I wanted a brain

doctor I figured we needed a good brain

in Washington what changed your mind I

was in Asia and woke up after a dream or

a vision woke up was praying and I was

half asleep I don’t know if I was in the

body out of the body or what but all of

a sudden one of my children come running

into the house and said dad there’s a

big black car and other black cars

outside and this man and woman are

coming up to the house

the man is dressed like a king from the

shoulders down but he doesn’t have a

crown I run to the door here comes

Donald Trump and his wife up to the

house I opened the door and I said well

mr. Trump so what do I give the honor

that you’d come to my house and oh Henry

he says never mind this is a family

visit I said well we’ll come on in and I

said him in the nice chair his wife is

carrying a shawl a gold braided shawl

with royal jewels in it I don’t know how

she’d have the strength to carry that

thing I but she stands at his left hand

doesn’t sit down at the chair I prepared

he’s in the big stuff chair he leans

forward she puts the shawl over his

shoulders and then he leans back on it

and he’s saying well how is this child

how’s that when he’s naming my children

and it’s a family visit and then he just

throws the shawl back leaning against it

stands up which pins it over the chair

and the back of it in the top of it and

he says well I’ve got a lot to do I’ll

be back I gotta go and so I show them to

the door and they’re heading just about

to the limo and I look back and there’s

that shawl and I run and grab it that’s

when I realized it’s gold and it’s real

jewels I go running to the door out the

door and the limos pulling away in all

the cars and they don’t see me and I’m

yelling but they don’t see me and I hear

a voice behind me and said hold on to it

he’ll be back and that was the end of

the vision

changed I started listening to his

speeches and what he what America needs

and I could get by his language and his

Terry and everybody up with criticism

and I could say that’s what we need in

America I’m voting for him but I have to

tell you one of the wildest things I’ve

ever heard in my life it’s what I’m

gonna ask him the next next week tune in

it no I’m just teasing Henry you went to

Korea to be able to talk to the leader

of North Korea

tell me absolutely I was in Sheridan

Wyoming on my way up into Broza man

Montana to speak that night and it was

in the spring late it was

early April rather and I’m heading up

out of Sheridan up over the mountains I

get into a total whiteout snowstorm all

I can see is down my hood the tracks of

an 18-wheeler I’m following those tracks

slowing down to between 25 and 30 mile

an hour maximum because I can’t see and

I have a vision what a time to have a

vision I can’t see anything but tracks

where I’m going now I can’t see anything

but the vision give the vision God has a

real sense of humor you know he really

wants to show us he can really drive a

car too

so instantly I’m standing and the vision

at the foot of Kim Jong Un’s bed I’m

looking at him laying there sleeping and

all of a sudden his head is doing this

on the pillow his eyes get big and he

sits right up and the perspiration is

just pouring down his face and the Lord

speaks to me and says he has just had a

dream that has been reassuring again and

again I’m going to show you the dream

instantly he’s in the middle of a

hundred thousand people with his

bodyguards all around him very tight

making his way through a hundred

thousand people and all men up front two

women bodyguards behind him and I’m

focused all of a sudden in division on

this right-hand bodyguard woman right

behind him on the right she’s watching

the man on the right and the woman on

the Left bodyguard as soon as they’re

both looking two different directions

she reached down unstraps her revolver

her pistol keeps her hand on the pistol

she’s watching the two bodyguards like

this the instant they’re both looking

different directions she draws that

quick and puts it three inches behind

his head boom and he drops dead that was

the end of the vision Here I am the the

visions over her head lights are

flashing in front of me I’m about to

rear-end an 18-wheeler fortunately he

hadn’t didn’t have his brakes on and he

was going a little slower than me and I

just barely touched my brakes and I I

come so close to going under him and

then he puts his blinker on where he

goes I’m going because I don’t know

where I am

he may know this road I go right with

him he stops I know I don’t know where I

am I don’t want to be behind him in

another 18-wheeler Ram me under him so I

slowly go around him and I noticed

there’s another truck in front because

I’m watching where I can just see it

close enough without my mirror hitting

this truck nothing up ahead I pull in

front of the second truck and burst into

tears and God gives me such a love for

Kim Jong Un’s soul I am weeping I look

at my watch it’s it is 221 in the

afternoon I am broken I am weeping for

his soul crying out

his soul but I have to tell you I have

read of some of the atrocities and

that’s the only word I can I could use

it’s me

how how could you have a burden for him

how could God have a burden for him it

was supernatural but my working working

cities with gangs so many years he give

me such love for the guys that have

gotten knives and throwing my throat and

guns at my head he gives me loves for

them why can’t he give me love for

qingchun kim jeong-hoon I see see what I

mean so every day from 2:00 to to 2:45 3

o’clock I would get alone and seek the

Lord expecting to be translated to North

Korea to the foot of his bed because

that’d be the middle of the morning for

him nothing happens in little over two

weeks I’m scheduled to be in Seoul Korea

so I had been I had been invited by the

Chinese government to represent the

United States as the ambassador of

America under the Obama administration

and so I had spent days in China with

the leaders of China I had all my

official documents in my passport so I

get to Seoul I’m going to the Chinese

embassy tomorrow and get them to get me

in to see kim jeong-hoon they can take

check with any of the leaders except the

premier of China I’ve been with them all

so they’ll verify my authenticity

they’ll get me in with kim jeong-hoon i

get this suit on I got my my leather

briefcase I’m looking official and I’m

heading out my door my hotel and the

Lord says where are you going and I said

I’m going to see kim jeong-hoon

the Lord said I didn’t tell you that I

said but Lord you gave me a vision you

gave me a word for him you gave kings

you gave prophets words for kings why

would you give it to me you’ve had me

crying for a soul I love the man’s soul

I can witness to him then the Lord said

I didn’t give it to you for that reason

I’m opening doors all across South Korea

I want you to go to the pastor’s of

South Korea I want you to tell them the

vision and tell them every day they are

praying that I will kill Kong Kim

jong-eun then having their people

prevail and pray for his death if I kill

him because

that I will have to bring judgment on

South Korea because they should be

praying for his soul because I gave my

life that even Kim Seung Hoon should be

saved I ministered the first week there

I had two weeks there I was invited to

Poisson 21 pastors from all across South

Korea spoke to them shared this they

melted down repenting on their knees

come up to me saying I never thought of

it that way

I didn’t know we would be in judgment

that that we were allowed not allowed to

have this kind of hatred for a man no

matter how wicked he is you’re right

you’re right I was still convicted when

you said that and all across South Korea

I have spoken now and the pastors have

repented and repented and called out is

that does that mean he’s going to be

safe what does that mean I don’t know I

still love the man’s soul I’m willing to

go to North Korea if it’s my last

mission in life I’ll go you told me

about his great-grandmother actually it

was his great-grandfather I just found

you you gave me the documentation and

the pastor had said it was this great

grandmother he might have said

grandfather as we get older sometimes if

there’s noise in the room we get the

wrong name I never checked it out but

you checked it out and documented it he

was one of the main leading patriarchs

at the end of the 1800s

unto 1910 of the mighty move of God that

went across all across Korea so I know

that he and his family had to have been

concerned and praying for his

grandchildren and great-grandchildren of

course and God hears those prayers God

wants to save Kim Chung he doesn’t want

to kill him well you know I don’t know

what’s gonna happen but what would be a

greater witness for him to be

assassinated or for him to stand before

the world and say I repent to Almighty


my Savior I’m like that’s Troy yes


but the thought crossed my mind Henry

and I mentioned this to you also

so many Christians have observed certain

ungodly things that President Trump has

done in the past and they they can’t

stand him they hate him they want him

there praying for his death what

position does that put them in I hope

they’ve listened to what the Lord gave

me for Kim seung-youn and they’ll

realize they’re in the same boat they’re

in the same boat God put that man there

he put him there for a purpose for the

sake of Israel we know already he put

him in office and he’s not going to take

him out until he is finished with him he

gave me any time I get a vision I asked

God for scriptures and the Lord told me

I think was Hosea chapter 3 verse 22 or

21 or 22 about Jezreel and I thought

what is just real what’s that got to do

with Trump and so I start reading

forgetting Jezebel and Ahab were in

Jezreel I look up the scriptures and how

Elijah prophesied about in Jezebel and

Ahab and then how Elijah told them to

anoint the young man of the child of the

prophets go and anoint a captain right

pour this box of oil over it pointing

the box of oil over Jay Hughes head

anointed him to be king and Jehu goes

and cleans up the house of Jezebel and

the Lord said I have anointed him as i

anointed Ju in the house of Jezebel I

will clean

of this house I’ve got you a couple more

questions this these are said questions

I want to understand you told me when

you receive that great anointing under a

a Allen that things started like you

will have a vision or a word how does

that operate in you I I can only say an

impartation but what do you see that’s

what I want to understand what do you

know now the Lord has allowed me to see

visions of where my feet are standing of

what happened there where the enemy was

given license to set up an Occupational

Center or a command center because of

the innocent blood flowing into the

ground he showed me how to break that

license for Satan to operate there and

evict him he shown me how to how to

break the curse off of families I walk

beside my home’s I hear crying out the

homes I hear the conflict I hear and he

tells me how to pray and how to cry out

for that home I’ve walked into

businesses and said could I pray for you

you’re about to file bankruptcy what how

do you know I don’t tell anybody that

they’re looking around see if any of

them any of the employees here at it and

I said because the Lord told me well

come on into my office and shut the door

tell me more and I’ve had men give their

hearts to the Lord and because they’re

in distress

I my spirit became so sensitive of that

practicing of the walking and peace and

a song I have lost count of the number

of suicides I have interrupted driving

walking getting up in the middle of the

night getting in my car going across the

city knocking on doors in the middle of

the night interrupting people I

interrupted a man in Dallas Texas that

three times put the noose around his

neck he was he from the banister up

above upstairs five times the Lord had

been knocking his door and nobody to

answer so I’d walk away think I must

have missed it the fifth time the

Lord said keep knocking keep knocking

keep knocking until that door opens my

knuckles are hurting almost bleeding and

I’m knocking and I’m looking is there

anybody looking through the peephole

hello hello anybody I’m desperate when

the door flies open almost hit the guy

on the head in the face and he grabs me

and he says what are you here for can’t

you leave me alone can a man die in

peace and I said you don’t have to take

your life Jesus gave it so you can have

life and he grabs me by the collar pulls

me into the house points up and he said

you see that Isis yeah that’s a rope

with a noose yeah it’s a rope with a

noose four times I’ve got it around my

neck I’m ready to jump over the fifth

time I’m figuring you’re gone I watched

you till you were down the street then

you come back when I’m ready to jump now

what do you mean I don’t have to give my

life Jesus who’s this Jesus gave his

heart till the Lord I have found that

when God heals them of specific

conditions it’s like you have elevated

faith for anyone else with that

condition there are people that are

being ravaged by cancer on them I would

like you to pray for healing of people

with cancer into the camera in a second

and then whatever God shows you pray

father father in heaven father I just

speak into those that are in this room

and those that are in that room wherever

they’re watching this my God healed me

when my spirit was leaving my body and I

kept rebuking it to come back and saying

you will not leave my body for what

Jesus paid for and I would cling to the

Word of God and I would read the word

until all fear was gone until my mind

was clear my spirit was clear and my

faith was fully operative you must trust

I love the amplified in this you must

trust rely and cling to the Lord and in

that that’s the way you get results from

God this cancer in me was so powerful

and all but it

is not more powerful than my god it was

not more powerful than those wicked

mosquitoes that were killing people over

in Taiwan it was the power of God to set

them free but we just needed to believe

and set that power free to do it and in

the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I just

say to you wherever you are whatever

whatever that has been diagnosed with I

say to you in the name of the Lord Jesus

Christ through the stripes of Jesus be

healed if you have any bitterness if you

have any thought whatsoever of anything

against anybody bitterness feeds cancer

bitterness is the food of cancer ask God

to forgive you if anything came to your

mind when I just said that repent of it

don’t cling to it Jesus can take it all

he’ll carry it cast it on him 1st Peter

5 verse 6 and 7 humble yourself under

the mighty hand of God and then he will

exalt you in due season the second thing

you do is verse 7 casting all of your

cares upon him cancer has so many cares

it is coupled in with so many fears read

the word till the fears are all gone

praise the Lord I would read the word I

would hug the word I would cry and I

would thank him for his word and saying

Lord it’s true it’s true it’s mine I

receive it I thank you for it I love you

I thank you for suffering it get a hold

of God and don’t let go no matter what

and God’s healing is available for you

for in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I curse every cell of cancer in your

body every production of it every of the

slightest cell beginning just that you

don’t even know about I curse it in the

name of the Lord Jesus Christ because it

is a curse it’s a curse from the devil I

rebuke it in the name of Jesus and I

release in its place the blessings of

the Lord Jesus Christ the power of the

Lord Jesus Christ to begin the work

and to do what his word promises that he

will finish that which he has started in

Jesus mighty name be blessed be healed

and testified to everybody even if you

haven’t seemed to have experienced the

fullness of it I had to tell people

again and again I’m not sick I’m healed

and they’d look at me and laugh they try

to give me all these remedies and I said

sorry I have this one I have the word

let God be the truth in your life and

the truth will set you free

god bless you hallelujah next week on

it’s supernatural hello I’m dr. Dennis

Clark and I’m dr. Jim Clark

join us on it’s supernatural as we teach

you how you could supernaturally get rid

of every obstacle that is blocking you

from fulfilling your destiny


