On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, after Tom Horn and Cris Putnam publicly proclaimed Pope Benedict would resign, The Vatican asked how they knew in advance. God told them. Now they’ve gotten a download on what is shortly going to happen…in the Middle East.

Book & DVD. Following the release of their international best-seller, Exo-Vaticana, Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam were inundated with requests from around the world for interviews. What they discovered sent shockwaves through Christianity concerning the Vatican’s advanced telescope, which sits on top of Mt. Graham in Arizona.

Mt. Graham is where the Jesuits admit they are monitoring something approaching the earth. After the authors published Exo-Vaticana, the pope’s top astronomer took to the airwaves and the Vatican Observatory official website to explain what is happening with new ET-friendly theology and the LUCIFER device at Mt. Graham. He announced their developing doctrines on extraterrestrial life and the impact it may have on Christianity.

Now, armed with fresh information from the native American peoples, the authors have unearthed their most astonishing discovery yet. Mt. Graham is said to be a portal, a gateway to another dimension. And, as the Vatican knows, the authors found it is not the only one.

For the first time, On the Path of the Immortals reveals:

• Unveiled! What Mt. Graham really is, and why NASA and the Vatican are there • Disclosed! What the Bible says about gateways and the beings that wait behind them • Discovered! Scientific evidence of, and signals from, life beneath the surface of the earth • Found! The ancient stargates and their association with vortex manifestations • Uncovered! Gobekli tepe, Baalbek, and the secrets of the coming immortals • Exposed! The occult’s countdown calendar for the return of their gods

On the Path of the Immortals: Your Questions Answered. (DVD) In On the Path of the Immortals, authors Tom Horn and Cris Putnam continue the greatest investigation of our time by exposing the facts kept hidden from the public by elitists and intellectuals who are planning mankind’s assimilation under a coming savior, one whom the prophet Daniel foresaw as an alien god.

Now this exclusive interview answers questions from a live audience on the author’s latest investigations on ancient portals, Mt. Graham and Vatican activities there.

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Hello. Welcome.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

My guest got a download from
Heaven and publically proclaimed

a year before Pope Benedict
resigned that he would resign,

what year and what month.

The Vatican wanted to find out
how he knew such facts.

God told him.

Well now God has given him
another download on what is

surely going to happen in the
Middle East.

Anyone interested?

Well I have Tom Horn and Cris
Putnam here and they shocked the

world with their revelations on
the pope.

Chris is the scholar on the

You’re a guy that has downloads
from Heaven.

You were a former, currently an
Assembly of God pastor.

But tell me about this most
recent project, and you said to

me over the telephone, it’s
my fault.

Cris: It’s your fault.

Sid: I’m a nice Jewish guy.

What are you doing this to me

Cris: It is absolutely your
fault because we were on your

program, and on the program the
question came up, you know,

about why would the Apache tribe
have joined, you know, the

environmentalists in Arizona to
sue the Vatican to try to stop

them in federal court for being
on that mountain.

Well I had assumed it’s because
they were there ahead of

everybody else.


So their forefathers and
foremothers lived on the

mountain, died on the mountain,
so it’s kind of like a

graveyard, and they didn’t want
a bunch of heavy equipment in


So I said that on your show.

Sid: Right.

Cris: Then the show broadcasted
and there’s an Apache member of

the nation out there watching
the show and he emails me, and

he wants me know that what I had
said was, “Okay, it’s true


But he said, “That’s not the

You missed the big picture.”

And I said, “What’s the big

And he said, “Mt. Graham is
one of the four holiest

mountains in all
of the world for all

indigenous people
and that’s why we didn’t want

them up there because it is what
or I would call a star gate, a

doorway, a portal, a strategic
geographic location through

which entities have entered into
and exited our three-dimensional

reality since the dawn of time.”

Well you know, when he told me
that, Sid, my, the conspiracy

meter in my head went into the
Richter Scale now about why the

Vatican would have been willing
to fight in federal court to be

on that mountain.

Why not just go to another
mountain, right?

Sid: So they really believe, as
a matter of fact, Cris, you’ve

been on the path of what you
call the immortals,

investigating with Tom for over
two years.

What, first of all, what’s an

Tom: Well Sid, immortal is just
a word that means exempt from


You don’t die.

You know, it’s just a very
simple term.

But you know, to look in the
Bible and the scriptures, it

says that God created all these
other beings other than humans.

Well in Psalm 148 it says that,
“He created them in [Hebrew], a

Hebrew word that means usually
angels and hosts is the way it

gets translated.

It’s also a military term that
he says created them to live

forever and ever, so they’re

So they’re not eternal like God
the Creator.

He has no beginning.

He’s always been.

They have a beginning.

Sid: But they’re created.

Tom: But created, but they’re
not designed to die.

So there’s a whole host of
Divine beings aren’t necessarily


Angel is a word that means

And then we see those in the
gospels, we see them in Daniel.

They come and they give a
message from God to humans.

But there’s a whole class of
these that aren’t messengers.

There’s Seraphim, the Cherubim,
the Watchers.

Sid: Okay. What is a portal?

Cris: A portal, you know, it’s
just a word that means a

doorway, an entrance or gate in
the real simple sense.

But what we’re talking about is
a gateway between realms.

Like in the Bible we see Paul
talk about the first heaven, the

second heaven, the third heaven,
things like that.

So we get the idea that there
are like parallel realms, the

heavenly realm and the earthly

Sid: Right Cris: And so there’s
these other dimensions perhaps

is a way to say it.

So we’re looking entrances in
ways that beings translate

between these realms.

Sid: Does the Bible talk about

Tom: Yes. And that was the thing
that was really important to

us, you know. So
the Apache believe that this

mountain is a
doorway, a gateway.

New agers have a lot of those
kinds of beliefs.

But what we needed to know was
is there any biblical precedent

for this idea that there could
be strategic locations along

Earth where there are gateways,
where there are doorways.

And the funny thing, Sid, is
once we actually started going

down that road, we were amazed
at how much of this is in the


You go into the Old Testament,
it’s through the Old Testament,

Genesis 28, you know Jacob has a

He sees a ladder.

Sid: A ladder.

Tom: But what a lot of people
miss in that scripture is he

says, “There is a gate here.”

Most people say that he said,
“This is the house of God.”

That’s not what he says.

Read it.

He says, “There is a gateway
here that opens to the house of

God.” So a doorway, a portal.

Then you come into the New

Does that theme continue?

Here’s Jesus saying, “From
henceforth you will see the

windows of Heaven opened and
angels ascending and descending

upon the Son of Man.”

Sid: But it’s not just
angels. Other entities

ascend and descend.
Tom: Other entities.

Sid: Now you spoke with a Navajo
historian of the oral history of

Native Americans. Tell
me what revelation you got.

Tom: Yeah. This was
a very important thing.

You know, white dudes like me
never get a chance to sit down

with a member of the Navajo
Nation, especially not an

academic and a guy who’s written
books that are used in their

system, in their institutions.
But we worked it out.

Long story short, I wound up
going to the Four Corners of the

United States of America.

We sat down in a traditional

He’s got the fire going.

He’s drawing in the dirt like
the oral historian that he is.

But I went there to ask him this
question: What happened to the

Anasazi, the pre-Pueblo Indians
that built all the fantastic

cliff dwellings in the Four
Corner area, who literally

seemed to disappear overnight?

So he starts telling, you know,
the sanitized story.

Well they probably migrated,
blah, blah, blah.

And I raised some objections to

And he looks right into the

We filmed him for three hours.

He looks right in the camera and
he says, “Well I shouldn’t tell

you this, but if you would have
asked my great-grandfather,

here’s the story that he would
have told.”

And he starts telling about a
portal opening in very early

America and a fallen reptilian

They actually draw pictures of
this thing.

It looks like a half man-half

He comes through the portal.

He starts teaching the Anasazi
how to go into their kivas and

to practice sorcery,
pharamakeia, how to open

gateways and doorways to the

Well all of a sudden the
doorways start opening and

giants emerge onto the surface
of the earth.

They draw that, too in their
petroglyphs that date back to a

thousand years before Jesus
walked on the earth, the

doorway, the reptile, giants,
six-toed and six-fingered beings

coming through.

Sid: But wait.

The Bible talks about people
with six fingers and toes.

Tom: That’s right.

Sid: The Bible talks about

So they got that revelation
about the same time that Moses

got that?

Tom: Actually what they were
doing was writing down a record

that was showing that this was a
true worldwide event.

See, you have people on this
side of the world that had no

method for communicating with
Moses and at the same time,

they’re painting on their
petroglyphs about these giants.

And by the way, their story goes
on because the giants started

cannibalizing the Anasazi.

They all start crying out to the
Great God of Heaven, who sends a

flood that goes around the world
and wipes out.

So yeah, it is an absolute
corroboration from early

American history written in
stone around the same time that

Moses is in the Middle East
saying, “And there were giants

in the earth in those days and
also after that.”

Sid: You know, Cris, you took a
team and you went out to Sedona,

Arizona to capture on video what
was going on there.

Why did you pick Sedona?

Cris: Well if you look around on
the Internet and do any research

into this idea of
interdimensional gateways and

parallels worlds, and things
like that, you encounter lots of

stuff about UFOs and aliens, all
kinds of weird things.

But one of the areas that pops
up over and over again is

Sedona, Arizona, and you know,
why that might be is open to


But it is just ubiquitous on the
Internet as one of these areas.

So I wanted to go there and see
if I could actually document any

of that.

Sid: He not only went there, he
not only documented, but he

literally got on video and
everyone could see it with their

naked eye out of this portal
from the invisible world came a

being that you, actually you
know, can we show it in the next


We’ll show it to you.

Be right back.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: This is so fascinating to

Cris, what does science have to
say about these portals and

immortal beings coming from
another dimension?

Cris: It’s a perfectly
respectable idea within science

now to believe in parallel
worlds, parallel dimensions.

It’s not even really

Most scientists just accept it.

Sid: Tell me what you caught on
camera in Sedona, Arizona.

Cris: Well we got video and
photographs of what people call

orbs. Okay.

Now I initially was very
skeptical about the whole orb


I’ve seen, you know, people
thinking that these are ghosts

and things like that, on the

Sid: Yeah. I’ve seen photographs
of these little circles.

Cris: Right, uh-huh.

So the way we did it, we set up
a still photograph with a flash

the way people normally catch
orbs, but at the same time have

a video camera running from a
different angle.

Now if shows up on two different
angles, you know, it seems like

it can’t be a dust particle on
the lens or any of those kind of


We were kind of surprised that
not only did we catch them on

both cameras, but the
professional photographer that I

hired to come out there and
video it saw with his naked eye,

he saw a ball of light flying
toward him as he was filming.

So not only did they show up on
both cameras, we literally saw

them with our eyes.

Sid: Okay Tom, what does the
Bible have to say in the last

days about portals and things
like this?

Tom: You know, and this is the
other thing, and I’ve studied

prophecy a great deal in my life
and never thought of it before,

and I’m actually now saying that
this is actually the most over

looked aspect of End Times
prophecy, the role that the

windows of Heaven and the gates
of the earth will play in the

End Times.

For instance, if you read the
Book of Revelation, Chapter 9,

you see angels that are bound
unto the great river Euphrates

and the time comes when the
gates or whatever is holding

them there opens and they come
up out of the earth, very


In fact, they wipe out one-third
of rebellious humanity in the

tribulation period.

So we find out that the gateways
of the earth, the earth is

dynamic. It’s a holding tank.

Jesus tells a story of the rich
man Lazarus going down into the

belly of the earth. Right?

Jesus tells about Jonah and he
says, “As he was in the belly of

the earth the Son of Man is
going to go there, too.”

Here’s the good part though.

When Jesus in his death, burial
and resurrection went down into

the belly of the earth, when he
came out it says, “He brought

with him the keys to death, hell
and the grave.”

Sid: That’s right.

Tom: So not only are there
gates, there’s keys and he’s got

the important ones.

Sid: But here’s the thing I want
to make clear to you.

You need, really got the
discernment and the times, and

the days that we’re living in
because some of these

passageways, demonic entities
will come into the earth.

Some of these passageways,
angels are going to be coming

into the earth.

I have seen portals that I know
were God and I have seen portals

that I know were demonic.

So there’s an organization,
you’ve done a lot, you gentlemen

have done a lot of study on,
it’s called CERN.

Tom: Yes.

Sid: What is CERN and who it is
made up of?

Tom: CERN is a large particle

Basically it’s in southeastern

It’s a 17-mile long tunnel
that’s buried beneath the


And what they’re doing there is
they’re accelerating protons and


Sid: How many countries are

Tom: Oh 15, 20 countries of the
earth, something like that.

Sid: There’s a, and these are
top scientists.

Tom: These are top scientists in
the world.

Sid: Okay.

Tom: And actually, these are the
most powerful scientific

experiments that have ever been
conducted on the face of the


They’re accelerating these
particles that are just beneath

the speed of light and they film
what’s going on.

Now why are they doing all this?

Well particle physicists of
course want to know about the

nature of creation.

So they burst these particles
into subatomic pieces to try to

understand what they’re doing,
but they’re also looking for

gravitons because they believe
that those gravitons might be

escaping into a parallel

Sid: Do they believe that they
can actually create a passageway

to what they think is Heaven,
which I know is the demonic


Tom: They not only believe it,
Sergio Bertolucci, who is a

science director at CERN, said
it in a public interview.

He said, “We are going to open a
doorway at CERN.”

And he said, “We may send
something through it or

something may come through it
back to us.”

But they totally believe it.

And one other final thing, by
the way, is they’re also looking

for gluon.

And this thrills me as a

Sid: What is gluon?

Tom: Gluon is, in a layman’s
term, essentially the overlaying

of sound waves because particle
physicists can’t understand why

we don’t just fly apart.


The actual matter that you’re
made out of, Sid, would

disappear on the head of a pin.

You’re almost entirely motion.

Protons, neutrons, spinning
electrons, your movement, that’s

all you are.

They don’t understand.

Sid: There’s no room for pride.

Tom: They don’t understand why
you don’t fly apart.

Well what is gluon?

Gluon is the overlaying of sound
waves that’s what holds

everything together.

It’s basically Genesis, Chapter
1, “And God spoke, barah, God

said, ‘Let there be.'” God emits
sound waves and he calls forth

into somethingness out of
nothingness atomic constructs,

and he makes the plants, he
makes the animals.

Sid: We don’t need CERN.

All we need is the Bible.

Tom: They’re looking for the
voice of God.

Sid: Hah!

Well let me tell you something,
when we come back, these

gentlemen knew the pope was
going to resign before the

Vatican knew, before the world

They knew the year.

They knew the month.

Tom had a download from Heaven.

That’s how he knew that.

But Tom had a new download from
Heaven, never been revealed

before, about the Middle East.

You must understand this.

We’ll be right back.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Tom, Pope Francis, you told
me he’s very interested in the


Tell me about that.

Tom: Yeah, he absolutely is.

In fact, we haven’t had a pope
in recent memory that has talked

so much about the reality of the
devil and talking about


He’s more than twice highly
recommended a book called, “The

Lord of the World”.

This was written in the 1900s,
and it’s an apocalyptic vision

of the End Times that actually
includes the role of the pope

and the Vatican, and what role
they will play in the rise of

the Antichrist.

He knows what all Jesuits know,
that he is Pope Number 112 in

the prophecy of the popes, which
is something that’s been held in

high esteem since forever.

Sid: Does he know that he’s
supposed to be assassinated?

Tom: My suspicion is that he may
know that because you know the

prophecy the pope says that Rome
will be destroyed and all of

that that we talked about once

And he has said publically, he
has said, “I don’t think I’m

going to be around very long.

It might only be two or three

2016 will be his third year in

He even recently said, “I would
be willing to be assassinated.

I just hope it doesn’t hurt.”

This guy is talking like a guy
who understands that he is

playing a role in prophecy.

You know, the Pope is coming to
the United States.

Sid: Yeah, next week.

Tom: Next week he’s speaking
before the United Nations.

He’s speaking for a joint
session of the U.S. Congress.

This sounds like a page out of a
Left Behind novel or something.

Sid: He’s coming to the White

Tom: Yes.

Sid: Okay.

You had another download.

Your track record is amazing on
what God tells you.

What did God reveal to you this

Tom: Yeah.

I’ve never before been willing
to talk about this kind of stuff

publically because you need
people that can believe, that

operate in the supernatural,
that understand the difference

between fraud and real.

And we don’t have a whole lot
around, so I’ve always just kind

of stayed in my shell and shared
it privately with people close

to me.

This time I’m, we are preparing
to make a prediction.

Sid: Do it right now.

Tom: It will be the biggest one
we’ve ever made before.

Him and I are working on the 400
pages of it.

But here it is in a nutshell.

That the Islamic nation is going
to use a weapon of mass


This is all going to start
within the next 48 months.

But here’s the thing, it’s going
to play out in ways people don’t


Sid: Tell me.

Tom: When it happens Pope
Francis is going to call for the

revitalization of the Christian
rules for just war.

That’s a very important

It’s part of deep theology.

Sid: What does it mean?

Tom: Well it means that we can
justify fighting a war if we

could meet certain criterion
that are outlined by both

Catholic and evangelical

You have to meet certain

He’s going to call for that.

But the Islamic nation is going
to see that as a fulfillment of

their 450-year-old hadith, which
says that at the End Times they

would go to war against the army
of Rome.

Sid: But Rome doesn’t have a big

Tom: They’re going to because
there’s going to be a coalition


It’s going to made up of the
United States, United Nations,


Muslim countries are going to
come in.

But they’re going to see their
Christian justification for this

war through this, called by the

And that’s why the Muslims are
going to see this as a new

crusade, the final crusade, a
battle against the armies of


However, in the same way that
the end of World War II led to

Zion as them finally getting
legs under it, the United

States, Britain, the United
Nations started calling for a

Jewish state, a Jewish nation.

And in 1948, what happens?

Sid: A miracle.

Tom: A miracle happens.

The Nation of Israel, the fig
tree blossoms.


And guess what happens?

The church that was asleep at
that moment, they saw prophecy

unfolding before their very eyes
and it gave birth to what we

today call the Age of Fire, the
’50s, the ’60s, the ’70s.

Your old friend, Kathryn
Kuhlman, A. A. Allen,

Billy Branham, tent
revivals, tabernacle revivals,

it gave birth to one of the
greatest revivals in the history

of humanity and that is what I’m
going to predict.

A lot of my prophetic friends
don’t even believe me.

They say that America is going

I think we could, by the way,
have an economic collapse.

Some of that stuff could happen.

But I don’t see that the church
is dead.

What I see is that we are right
now near the first fruits of the

greatest revival in the history
of humanity, angelic


And the other part that you’re
going to love and I’m going to

write about later is a revival
among Jews that will turn

Messianic, large numbers of
Jews, what you’ve always dreamed

of and prayed of is going to
happen in this revival.

Sid: Well I’m going to have to
tell you something.

There is a move of God.

Just open your eyes.

I mean, I don’t have eyes for
the doom and gloomers.

I have eyes for the greatest
awakening the world has ever


I mean, Jesus is about to return
with people not knowing who he

is and having a chance, an
option to have their sins

forgive, to have Jesus the
creator of the universe live

inside of them, to have his

I’m telling you, this is the
greatest generation in history

to be alive, and you and I are

We have been called to the
Kingdom for such a time as this.

So stop having your head down.

Stop worrying about your food
and your money, and your


Oy vey.

Look up.

Your redemption draws nigh.

Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn called me
the other day and he said, “Sid,

God has given me a revelation
and it’s so big that it affects

everything we as a people are
personally doing, and will

affect the rise and fall of the
United States of America.”