The Miracle Explosion with Joan Hunter, Joan Gieson & Clarice Fluitt.

Get ready for a Miracle Explosion TODAY!

Join me and my special guests, Joan Hunter, Dr. Clarice Fluitt & Joan Gieson LIVE today on our It’s Supernatural! Network (ISN) and on GEB America & GOD TV. Watch a preview for this live event.

Joan Hunter is building on the shoulder of her parents, the Happy Hunters. They saw a large number of miracles in their ministry.

Clarice Fluitt is known for God answering her prayers for outrageous miracles.

Joan Gieson is known as the “Miracle Lady” at Benny Hinn meetings. She gets more people in wheelchairs walking than anyone I know!

All three have received the Kathryn Kuhlman anointing. Their three anointings combined will cause an explosion of miracles! They will be praying for you to receive an impartation of a miracle anointing.

hello Sid Roth here welcome to my world

where it’s naturally supernatural

welcome to miracle explosion why do I

say miracle explosion because I have

three people that operate in the gift of

miracles and any one by themselves would

have been enough but when you put these

three together one cup of a thousand to

flee but two can put 10,000 definitely

what can three people that operate in

miracle here’s what I know

we’re going to have more miracles than

we ever had

history of our ministry

is in the it’s supernatural online TV

network GEB America and the God TV

networks joined together to bring you

this exclusive live TV event miracle

explosion with Sid Roth and his special

guests Joan hunter dr. Clarice fluent

and Joan Giessen get ready to receive

your miracle your breakthrough your


you know I’ll tell you this is one of

the best audiences we have ever had you

know you know why they’re so excited

because they know that that miracles are

going to erupt like hey I believe have

never happened on television before I

want to welcome our ISN viewers as well

as our broadcast partners gb america and

god TV for the special live broadcast

we’re joined by viewers today from here

in the America Europe Spain Ireland

Scandinavia Asia India why don’t you say

the whole world the East Africa

Australia New Zealand thank you so much

are you ready for a miracle explosion oh

now this this audience is ready but you

don’t realize this is 2-way now maybe I

can’t see you maybe you think you’re

just there by yourself at the bar or at

the living room or at the office are

watching on your computer no no no this

is interactive you are going to feel the

tangible presence of the Living God and

you are going to have a miracle

explosion now I can’t I can’t

better guests to have for miracle

explosion than Joan hunter and but my

staff they’re smart they looked up the

word explosion Joan in the dictionary

listen to this definition remember it’s

a miracle

explosion the dictionary defines

explosion as the sudden boy do I like

that word the sudden loud or violent

release of energy or power that happens

when something breaks loose I tell you

something that will break loose there

are us convinces me yes now some people

don’t know you that well I know you well

we’ve interviewed you a number of times

and I’ve interviewed your parents and I

don’t know anyone else that has had so

many miracles worldwide as the happy

hunters but you are building on their

legacy mm-hmm but you told me that

things are even getting stronger in the

miraculous for you for instance tell me

a few things that have happened recently

well it’s I love praying for people with

fibromyalgia I love praying for people

well what what there’s no cure for that

what do you mean fine in the natural

there’s no cure but with God there is

you know and and there’s no cure for

people that have gone through hell

people that have been diagnosed with

PTSD there’s no cure for bipolar

schizophrenia there’s a large we can

drug the people well they don’t care you

can survive right I mean what kind of

help is that really you weren’t me to be

a vegetable you were meant to be someone

to fulfill a destiny absolutely amen

and have somebody have somebody come in

who is drugged up medicine wise because

of schizophrenia bipolar or fibroma but

by the way it’s not just those serious

things you know they’re given these

drugs to kids yes they are

it’s awful mm-hmm but I can’t be a kid

don’t drug them right that’s right

they’re smart just enter you know keep

keep them focused and you’ll have an

amazing child and but the thing is it’s

like they come in you know it’s like and

what I say jokingly but seriously is

this time that we give fibromyalgia and

the eviction notice that we are going to

remove the label of PTSD

we’re going to remove the label of a DD

we had a situation happen not too long

ago this little boy came up to the front

you want to give this testimony he was

in the service two years previous to

that and he says and you prayed for me

to get rid of the a DD and my daddy told

me he says there is no cure I would have

it the rest of my life you just need to

learn to live with it son because God

doesn’t want to heal you detta to the

debt oh and so comes into the service

gets totally heal goes back to the

doctor doctor takes him off medication

his doing phenomenal in school has no

more a DD and his dad is still amazed

even after two years but he was so

excited to share that with me okay I

mean what you’re telling me was great

for him but do many people with

fibromyalgia get healed through the

power of God that you’ve witnessed with

your very eyes um pretty much one out of

millions and millions don’t Oh that’s

inside exaggeration but not not much

what I’m saying is that that I don’t

deal with the fibromyalgia first ideal

what opened the door to fibromyalgia and

you know what you just preempted my next

question my name Weston is sorry she

knows so much I’m it was at forty years

you’ve been now 45 years in the healing

ministry how but your parents about how

many years were they in the healing well

they died so a little bit less than that

so somewhere around forty okay so that’s

that’s 85 right there well each yeah and

by the way they received an impartation

of healing from one of my favorite

healing evangelists kathryn kuhlman

in fact i next to guess had

they were in life-threatening situations

and they were healed and and I have to

say this Joan I had the high privilege

of being many times in a Katherine

Coleman meeting mm-hmm and I took it for

granted you know why I took it for

granted I was a brand new believer I

read the Bible and I looked at Katherine

Coleman and outside of being a little

now I don’t mean this in disrespect

I don’t being a little goofy in my mind

as an unsaved Jewish person that just

got saved she’s not doing anything that

different from Jesus is what we’re all

supposed to do that’s right know that

she had one of the most amazing healing

ministries in history and it’s my belief

that we’re about ready to see that come

back to tens of thousands not superstars

but tens of thousands of people that

have this superstar

Jesus living inside lately I had the

privilege of being in three of her

services and it was life-changing you

know for me and I’m like that is like so

cool that she could just point and then

this and that and you know and it’s just

amazing but it’s really neat that I can

do I now be I’m gifted to do the same

thing but that’s really awesome

but now I chose you a key that I I don’t

think too many people understand to

healing that I believe is why to stop

you from being healing already and

Joan’s gonna release it now and this is

an incredible revelation that God has

given me years ago because when I went

through the hell my own personal hell in

my life and I had to deal with divorce

breast cancer financial ruins and the

whole bit oh really all the same week

that and then I go and I get diagnosed

with breast cancer and I’m like dying on

the inside you care less about the

breast cancer and but I was dying on the

inside and I had to go for after God’s

heart counselor said you’ll never get

well you know everybody I went to nobody

said nobody gave me any hope but the

Word of God and so I went in and I said

God what is it in here that that has

triggered the breast cancer and so when

I got my heart healed of of the trauma

that I had gone through betray

abandonment worry with the capital w

okay and all that when I got my heart

healed the breast cancer went away and

so when I and I teach people how to

starve their sicknesses to death because

this is so important now in example is

like people have a problem with their

shoulder they’ve fallen they’ve heard it

they’ve jammed it wasn’t fun was

traumatic they get prayer feels a little

better still a little soreness you curse

the spirit of trauma and cellular memory

command all of that to go and then the

arm gets free then the bat gets free

then this you know different things like

that I prayed for a man just a couple of

nights ago and he had fallen thirty feet

and there wasn’t pretty much a bone in

his body that had not been broken for

twenty years

and healed most of them healed

incorrectly and couldn’t raise his arm

couldn’t walk couldn’t do this

excruciating pain yes I prayed for his

back to be healed but I cursed in the

name of Jesus every bit of trauma in his

life that had happened to him in his

heart but had happened to his body and

you know he was drugged to the service

at night his sister said you’ve got to

come but he left with no arm brace no

sling no cane gave his came to his

sister said I can walk on out I don’t

need this he got knee replacements

vertebrates he grew probably I think at

least four inches because if your

vertebrae are crushed and discs you get

them all back you obviously get taller

and he got taller he goes I can’t

believe this but see Jesus has come to

heal he’s come to heal not just your

heart I’m not just your body but your

body mind soul spirit and finances God

wants you heal we’ve all been

traumatized in some form of fashion

through life through birth through you

know just different situations and that

stronghold can hold on to the sickness

so I’m going to pray for you to get free

of any kind of trauma and you think well

it can’t be that easy it’s thirty-five

years ago it can’t be

easy well first of all close your mouth

and say yes it can be that easy how can

I do that with my mouth closed

yes and so father right now the image is

I send the word of healing as there are

so many people watching right this

moment who have been traumatized who

have had their heart hurt who have had

their bodies hurt and they they get

better they get better they get better

but not whole father in the name of

Jesus remove all the trauma in their

heart all the trauma

I’m sensing even trauma to the lungs

like being pushed like that all the

trauma in the chest area and father

right now the image he is all the trauma

and the next down the spine command all

of that to go all the pain to go all the

cellular memory of it to go and father I

speak complete supernatural freedom any

damage that stress has caused in their

life throughout their body digestive


I speak complete health and wholeness

resurrection to some of your body parts

that have quit in particular the kidneys

they’re just kind of shutting down I

speak resurrection life into those

kidneys into those hearts of physical

arts to rise and be brand new in Jesus

name hallelujah glory to God real you

have a favorite scripture in teaching

called hidden treasures of healing

exploit is there fifty four three it’s

so amazing and that particular scripture

and I correlate it with prophesying the

scripture you know hidden treasures are

going to be revealed to you number one

number two it’s a scriptural giving like

to give forty four forty five dollars

and thirty cents and so that scripture

is hidden treasures trauma is a hidden

treasure that God has revealed to me

because he knows I’m not going to keep

quiet about it okay because I get

revelation he can’t trust my mouth to

proclaim it wherever I go and so I

believe God for some hidden treasures

and he lost

whatever’s lost finances lost ideas lost

family members whatever and father bring

it to me so I got a I seated fifty-four

dollars and thirty cents and I said

father I thank you because that’s the

exact script Scripture scriptural

address so to speak so tell me that that

is Psalm 50 Isaiah I say it where do you

see forty five three okay

okay and he says I will show you hidden

treasures secrets that you don’t know

and it’s like this is cool so I get

litter in the mail and it says you know

Oh any money on your building downtown

Houston no joke I mean hello I don’t own

a building downtown Houston you know so

I thought well they didn’t ask me for

any money so I sent a certified letter

to find out what was going on come to

find out my dad left me two percent in a

building downtown Houston so when that

sells I’m gonna be a millionaire glory

to God and yes it’s supernatural is

gonna get a blessing too here let me

talk about a blessing I’m gonna have

Joan back in a moment with two other

women that move in the highest level of

miracles and when they come back we’re

going to combine their anointings

and there is going to be a miracle

explosion something’s gonna let loose

and let me tell you about this woman

that’s coming up next

Clarice was healed in the Katherine

Coleman meeting a few days later she not

realizing it she goes into an elevator

and everyone in the elevator falls out

under the power of God we’re gonna be

right back

we will return to more of our special

presentation of miracle explosion in

just one moment if you love watching our

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that forward slash is N and

now back to our special presentation of

miracle explosion

okay after sight now is doctor Clarice

Lewis and dr. fluid uh also has a

history with one of my favorite miracle

healing evangelists Katherine Coleman

who’s now in heaven uh she was she would

have died without God touching her life

what was wrong with you

had tuberculosis and I had asthma and

just about every kind of allergic

condition that you could have could you

were you limited yes you could do well

it’s very limit I had five children and

I had not slept laying down flat for

thirteen years so we we just stayed in

the hospital all the time how did you

find out about miss Cole oh that was so

good because if they’d been a premium on

ignorance out I had a trophy that uh you

know when you get sick enough you begin

to look around for some answers and my

husband I had his Roman Catholic I tell

people he was more Catholic new pope and

we had his idea of a miracle we would

have to go to Lourdes and we were

thinking about it but it you know it

just we did not know we did not know and

I read about this woman Kathryn Kuhlman

she was going to the Full Gospel

businessman in Dallas this is nineteen

seventy one September and I said to my

husband I said hi there is this woman

that prays for the sick and I said it’s

just amazing what happens he says

sweetheart I don’t want to disappoint

you but God doesn’t use women that which

he feared has come upon him but he said

because I love you I’ll take you but he

says you know none of these is this is

all you know psychological and

money-making and he was very doubting

very dubious

but we went to went there and there were

about three to five thousand people

people I’d mean I’d never seen such a

thing and George was impressed because

it drew a crowd you know if it’s big

it’s good and so he says well it’s it’s

remarkable but when the doors open we

got lost from each other he went one

direct because they did not have

everything decently in order everybody

wanted to sit in the front so I’m

downstairs he’s up and that’s before

cellphones but he does have his little

tape recorder he’s watching everything

and so there’s this woman named Maggie

and she passes by and she looks at me

and she said the Spirit of God is on you

and you’re being healed what she scared

me so bad the only person that I knew

that was scarier than her was Kathryn

Kuhlman she comes in she comes to Chet’s

little red fuzzy hair have you been

waiting long

I lost George where he was and and so

she’s just doing what she’s doing Holy

Spirit and my husband took me says I

don’t want anybody this dramatic look

what he got but I mean yeah but so which

God have a sin see he does I mean he

called the 24 elders has come watch this

you know but entertain himself with his

kids so that when Maggie Kim says you’re

being held I said no there’s nothing

wrong not only was I sick I was lying on

top of it I went because I was not I was

so desires to be healed I was hoping

that it worked I know that people in our

audience today I hope it really works

but we’ve got to get beyond hope to know

that God is not a man that he would lie

and that when when we come to a place

I’m in a season right now where I’m

experiencing an opportunity to overcome

a physical thing in my own body so I’m

expecting to be totally healed here

you’re at the right time at the right

place I mean I drink okay so what

happens if you’re looking over there

your swimmers look

well Maggie comes back and about this

time Katherine kuba

oh we said there’s a woman and her

finger looked like it went 5,000 feet

long and put out and she said she’s so

stubborn it will take a son and it’s

like somebody zipped off my head and

poured hot oil and then I started doing

the st. Vitus dance over here and was

that unarmed for you not for me I was

very dignified but I lost my dignity got

my deliverance she calls and so Maggie

comes back and I’m sitting here doing

this and she said are you gonna go up

and claim your head and I thought well

the next thing you’re gonna kill me I’m

going up you know that somebody has a

buzzer but it’s a I went up and Kathryn

Kuhlman’s turned around and she looked

at me and she said oh dear Jesus and she

put both hands on me she says oh dear

Jesus everything I have I give it to her

well I had no idea what I had no idea

what she was saying but I did know this

that some force picked me up and threw

me fifteen feet across the room and I

landed under Dinos piano on the channel

under it on under it sweetest place in

the world and that well while I was

under there well at the end of it my

husband comes up and he says what

happened to you us I don’t know and so

that it was right after that we’re

walking through the Millea people

thousands of people getting in and out

and we got on the elevator immediately

but we’re you healed at that was

instantly instantly that was 1971 and

I’ve never had never had asthma I’ve

never had all the allergies left on

everything left no TV not even TV scars

they were gone

yes god I agree yeah

one caption : it was the Messiah of

Israel operating through her ami well

and and by the way who her relationship

with the Holy Spirit I have to tell you

it still provokes me to jail oh my

goodness here well here give it to you

yeah wait we got we got on the elevator

and them about oh but maybe 12 people in

the elevator and when I walked in

everybody passed out and my husband said

what did you do and I said I don’t know

and so he said well you have to take the

stairs and so hey so we’re walking down

the stairs of you would pop pop pop pop

in for six months everywhere I went the

grocery store the drugstore anytime

you’d get within three feet of people

they’d be slain in the spirit now I

didn’t know what your husband just keep

you in a closet I had you away something

has happened but saying we did not know

when she said everything I’m carrying

it’s been imparted to you Paul says I

long to be with you that I can impart

you a spiritual blessing that will equip

you to the end

so my goodness I did I mean I had no

education on this now I’ve been Baptist

Methodist Presbyterian Episcopalian and

Catholic and heathen and all that had

not equipped me for what Katherine

Kuhlman did to me she ruined me you hear

me got you know extinct you’re ruining

you I buyed like the whole world be

rooms are speaking of you

when I was talking Joan hunter you said

said I have something to add to what

Jones said about money what was that

well recently my secretary my assistant

now we’re getting ready to go on to we

just go all over the place spreading

good news healing sick raise the dead

cast out Devils and she came in and she

said oh she says Bishop she says what do

you do with all this money in your

wallet I said I only have $100 and I

said that’s not a lot of money if we’re

gonna be going for a week that is not a

lot of money and she says no you have

$700 I said no I don’t and so she took

the money out of the wallet and we were

talking about Kingdom money the unusual

miracles well I can tell you within 30

minutes $27,000 appeared on my bed why

walk walk walk wait wait whoa hold it

hold it

I have heard stories before I then

stretched me you are stretching me need

to be stretched

okay $27,000 ever now it came out of

envelopes it fell out of books my

husband came in he says I went to turn

in a key to a lockbox and he says it was

empty and he says I went in and opened

it up and he said there was $14,000 in

the lockbox he said what are you doing

with that kind of money I said I don’t

know but give it to me but it’s you had

some traitorous E you had some trip

there was money and then the rest of it

dr. Tandy would come in and she’s my

executive assistant she came in she says

I opened this honorably had $1,500 in it

she said went to get the thank you notes

that we take on the putt and she says

there was another thousand dollars in

this but I am Telling You within 30

minutes and the Lord said is the arm of

the Lord so short that he cannot save he

said I’m going to anoint you to open an

avenue of revenue for those who dare to

believe with God all things are possible

you told me that we are in a new season

it is harder the new season this is

definitely part of the new season in

1976 40 years ago to see I received the

baptism in 71 immediately signs and

wonders miracles miracles we saw the

dead raised oil would come down on my my

doors when we would pray it rained on us

a cloud would fill the house glory count

and we’d have more nuns and priests in

there laying on the floor and it was

just it was crazy time we had over

10,000 people come through our house in

three years that got born again and

baptized in the Holy Ghost

most most churches don’t have one listen

I have we live across the street from

the Methodist Church the Presbyterian

Church and the Jewish synagogue and the

rabbi came down and got saved I mean now

that’s my kind of congregation

especially at $27,000 that mountain good

Jewish businessman the thing that

happened is that we saw all of this

happen and then in 1976 this incredible

rain came on the first day of January

and it was raining we have a sunken den

that was really getting sunken we’re

putting sandbags around and while we’re

trying to protect the house the Lord

caught me up in a vision and he says my

love he says you have been a part of a

mercy drop and I thought if this is a

mercy drop what’s going to happen he

says but I am preparing you for a flood

he says I will absolutely flood the

earth the earth is already filled with

the knowledge of the glory of the Lord

even as the waters cover the sea glory

is the manifestation of Jesus plainly

seen he says I’m not coming down I’m

coming up and out of a people of worship

and praise and he says this flood is not

going to come from above it’s going to

come out of the redeemed and he says I’m

going to teach them that when they open

their mouth Korea boasts literally under

that there’s life and there’s joy and

there’s peace and there’s healing and he

says the earth would be flood he says

but it’ll be 40 years before this

happens and so then he spoke to me on

the the 20th of June and he says it

begins July the 1st okay this year 2016

it has begun and he said between the 1st

and the 14th that there would be a shift

in the heavens he says everything will

look very dark there’ll be death doom

destruction everything’s look terrible

but he says the thing that you have to

remember is that if you’re waiting for

fireworks to take place you have to wait

till the darkest part of the night so

that the explosions of glory can be seen

so I think some of you say I’m qualified

about the darkest night you’re telling

me that glory is going to be seen on me

you’re telling me that I’m gonna walk in

extraordinary signs and wonders you’re

telling it last time you were on the on

our television show something so super

that someone called you but they

couldn’t have your number they couldn’t

have your husband’s cell number it’s not

listed how did they call right this is

what happens after being with you I had

to hire somebody to answer my phone I

mean people that they were calling from

delivers an unemployment this I mean

little bit helps all over the world we

had this I had this lady call and she

was telling me that her son was dying

and had a heart disease and we would

just send out cloths and do things like

that they call right back within a week

and said the child was completely healed

the doctors given a complete report very

serious death sentence and that cot but

this is the humor of God God has an

incredible sense of humor and this is

what happened this woman called and she

she was she was a bit backwoods you know

and and she was her her accent was

delightful and she said to my secretary

that was answered the phone and says I

won’t talk that woman and she said I saw

her on Sid Roth and she does miracles

and I won’t talk to her and my my

associate said what she’s not available

she’s in a meeting right now

and you talk about importuning about 15

minutes went by and she called again she

said she out of that meeting yet and she

said no she’s not out of the meeting and

she says well you need to go get her out

she said this is serious I need her now

and so they came in they said there’s

this woman they’re really persistent I

said well I mean we had calls everywhere

Sid and I’m trying my best to say which

ones you’re supposed to you know go to

so I

my office in my home and I went into the

to a den and I sat down and my husband’s

cellphone was sitting here next to me

and it rang in and I saw with this one

of the kids we have five children and I

picked the phone up this woman says that

you I said yes I said how’d you get this

number she says I prayed and God said

call this number and she’s sauce what

are you gonna do I’m gonna take the call

I’m gonna take the call when God starts

giving your phone number out to you in

trouble oh yeah I see that I’d be in big

trouble over that

what would my wife do right I’ll tell

you what she’d hire somebody I wanna

grease to come back with Joan hunter and

my next guest Joan Deason Joan is

affectionately called the miracle lady

because she pulls people out of

wheelchairs that’s a passion to anyone

hurting I talked about an anointing the

two women you just met and then the

third we put them together and I’m gonna

have them pray and you know what we’re

going to have a miracle explosion

returned to more of our special

presentation of miracle explosion in

just one moment

call now and got the miracle explosion

package which includes joan hunter’s

brand-new book prayers and promises for

healing plus our three-part audio CD set

what I’ve learned about healing and

miracles with Clarice fluid Joan Giessen

and Joan hunter exclusive for our it’s

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine four

one three Joan hunter’s brand new book

prayers and promises for healing will

quickly become your everyday guy for

accessing all of God’s promises to

overcome everything from abuse

loneliness demonic oppression fear sleep

disorders depression anger addictions

and so much more there are 51 different

intimate prayers and powerful

declarations included in this book to

help you receive your supernatural

breakthroughs in the areas of healing

deliverance relationships finances

justice salvation and so much more plus

receive our three-part audio CD set what

I’ve learned about healing and miracles

for our it’s supernatural audience it

includes anointed messages from three

powerful women of faith and miracles

clarice fluid is a proven prophetess

with laser-like accuracy through her

audio CD you will understand that a

miracle is a sovereign move of God

healing and miracles are not limited to

time and space there are no formulas for

miracles and how they happen God is no

respecter of persons Joan hunter

continues to operate in the same

anointing for healing her parents

Charles and Frances under operated in

and she has trained thousands more on

how to pray for others to receive their

supernatural breakthrough through her

audio CD you will understand what is

sparking your breakthrough and jumpstart

your healing take the pain away

from painful memories bring your words

into agreement with God’s Word and

receive His blessings for your life

began to be used by God to heal others

Joan Geeson worked with Katherine

Coleman and Benny Hinn and was known as

the miracle lady because of the many

people in the audience that were healed

as she prayed for them through her audio

CD you will understand that nothing is

impossible with God miracles are for

today and they are everywhere Jesus will

never pass you by miracles will happen

in you as well as flow through you get

ready to receive your breakthrough

your healing your miracle don’t miss out

on getting the miracle explosion package

which includes joan hunter’s brand new

book prayers and promises for healing

plus our three-part audio CD set 1 I’ve

learned about healing and miracles with

clarice fluid Joan Geeson and Joan

hunter exclusive for our it’s

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine four

one three call or you can send your

check to sid roth it’s supernatural p

o– box 39222 charlotte north carolina

28278 please specify offer number nine

four one three or log on to

call or white today and now back to our

special presentation of miracle


oh I have junkies in here and many of

you might recognize her if you’ve ever

seen Benny Hinn on television and you

seen a woman with a microphone and she

says pastor Benny this person’s just

been healed of this er they but that’s

Joan Giessen thought there’s something

you don’t know

she is affectionately called the miracle

woman she uh she walks around and sees

the presence of God on someone and knows

a miracle is ready to take place Joan

it’s hard to believe but there was a

point you have two small children you’re

married and all of a sudden you’re blind

and all of a sudden the doctors say

you’re not gonna live you’re gonna die

tell me about that time that makes me

cry when you even say that and it’s been

so long ago we got married I was a

virgin bride an Italian with a big

wedding Italian cookies and all the

pasta fazool ‘you know but you’re making

me hungry

but it was good it was a perfect wedding

and it was a little bit later that I

conceived of our first child and he was

born and he was beautiful we named him

Michael and he was the apple of our eye

and he was good and he grew up a little

bit he was about two years old and one

day I stooped over to pick up something

he had dropped and when I straightened

back up I couldn’t see I had gone blind

well literally it scared the bejeebers

out of room I didn’t know what to do I

didn’t know how to walk I didn’t I’d

never get been in that position before

Michael helped me get me to the couch by

the time I got to the couch

it went away you could sit on and I

could see and I thought oh what was that

my husband was gone to work I called him

and I told him about it he said Oh Joan

you just worry too much about or you do

too much or whatever excuse you could

give what are you gonna say when a wife

calls and said she went blind well it

went away the next day the same thing

happened but that time it did not go

away my son brought the phone over two

years old I dialed a rotary phone and

got the operator and called my mom and

my mom and my grandfather came right

over they took me down the street to a

medical doctor he said there’s nothing I

can do but she has serious problems

within the next two weeks I saw probably

15 doctors and they found hemorrhages

behind both eyes and the optic nerve was

swollen into the brain and they didn’t

know what the cause was what would

happen how it would work and I was

transferred from just the regular

doctors into a major hospital it was a

school hospital because they wanted to

explore on me now here it’s MI eyes now

the vision comes and it goes and it

comes and it goes but the rest of my

body is deteriorating while all that is

happening one day I am a productive wife

and a mother and the next day I can’t

see and can’t do the housework for years

it went like that for years and now it

was time for Michael to go to school

first day in school and I got on the bus

with him I was determined that that

child dressed me he fixed a cold mashed

potato sandwich from the leftover

potatoes from the night before that

someone had brought in put ketchup on it

said mom eat it he cut it in half and we

each had half that sandwich he helped me

on the bus

and I sat outside the room of the school

the room that he went in in the hall and

I heard a lady I couldn’t see her I

heard this lady come walking up the

steps and she was so happy and had a

whole bunch of kids and I couldn’t see

her but I saw a shadow pass by me and

she was lit up it was like there was a

light good wait what you’re blind

how did you see her lit up it was like a

glow from heaven huh I didn’t call it

that but it was like a light like one of

these lights are just and I couldn’t see

the lady but I could see that she had

walked past me and I whispered God

whatever she has I want I want that so

she went on down the hall and the

teacher came out in the room that

Michael was in and said Joan Michael’s

sick you’re going to have to take him

home I said Judy I don’t see I don’t

drive I can’t do that and with that the

lady that I had seen in my spirit was at

my side and said I heard what you said

I’ll be glad to take you home in a few

minutes I was home but in a few minutes

that woman now I was in a Lutheran

Church and had never missed a Sunday you

know on rally day in November there’s

it’s a rally day and they changed the

numeral in your pen I had perfect

attendance for 22 years every year I

went on I went every Sunday but rally

day they changed that numeral and now I

knew nothing about Jesus I knew nothing

about life I knew nothing but on the way

home what happened on the way home that

lady led me to Jesus and it was the

first time I knew Jesus hanging on the

cross and I knew Jesus as I only saw him

as a baby on Christmas cards

and pictures that you see then I saw him

on the cross but I never knew him in my


I never had that experience how in the

world that ever happened I don’t know

because there are many Lutheran’s that

are saved and filled with the spirit I

was not that but to fast-forward you get

born again be and you only we know the

term because she uses that’s exciting

you tell your husband he thinks you’re a

little I’ll use a Hebrew word even

though you’re Italian he thinks you’re a

Bissel Meshuga a little crazy or in

Italian it’s bossa same thing

what is it vodka boxer Oh wash the

batter okay yeah okay and you heard

a voice I did I heard a voice that said

that I was saved I heard a voice say

Joan it’s okay it’s okay and I was going

to be okay now I couldn’t see yeah we

found out that she heard another voice

you she’s flying and she tunes in a

voice what did that voice say oh that

was a few days later I don’t know I’m

sitting at the table and I’m waiting for

Michael to come home on the bus and all

of a sudden I hear this voice say hello


have you been waiting for me well that

wasn’t a Lutheran voice it scared the

bejeebers out of me I quickly turned the

radio off second day I heard the same

voice hello there oh boy I turned that

thing off and the third day I didn’t

hear that I heard a woman say I was so

ill the doctors said I was going to die

and all I did was lift my hands and God

healed me in that service well I

listened till the end of the program it

said this is coming to you from the

Kathryn Kuhlman foundation in Pittsburgh

Pennsylvania I called Frank and I said

Frank get home Jesus right now is in

Pittsburgh healing people

don’t say that when I’m drinking well is

that the funniest oh yeah I’m spilling

this all over myself on your stuff well

Frank came home and he brought my mom

okay so one chief expert let me take it

you went to Pittsburgh I went to


but with great opposition it took my

husband six months to understand that I

had to go well we went we got there at

night we got through at midnight we

stood on the front steps right at the

door I was dressed in my best house

dress I couldn’t see anything he was

holding on to me everyone was sharing

sandwiches people from Canada people

from other parts of the United States

now I hear the sounds I can’t see them

and Frank’s saying you remember the

steps we came up I said yes he said

they’re all full they’re out in the

street the police are out in the street

they’re trying to direct traffic there

are full as far as I can see both to the

left and the right the courtyard of that

First Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh

Pennsylvania was full when the doors


everyone just pushed us we weren’t

accustomed to anything like that nobody

ever sat on the front seat of our

Lutheran Church nobody said oh no no

another poor she does it and we get in

and we sit there and I’m seeing Frank

Frank there’s a light on my head tell

him to turn off the light oh my god what

are you blind I just said that you’re

still satellite on your head I am lit up

like a Christmas tree I can feel that

Frank there’s a light on my head

no honey open your eyes there’s the

light on your head Frank tell them to

turn the light off please Joan you’re

scaring me there is no light on your

head and when I open my eyes sir I could

see all the way to the altar

see the multitude of people and I would

send the fifty-third role and I could

see everything I said Frank I can see

said no you can’t I said what I mean

we’re totally displaced we knew nothing

of this territory Frank I can I can see

no you can’t stop it Joan and I said

Frank I can see that you’ve got a blue

shirt on you’ve got a great you can’t

see yes this is what we’ve come for well

within seconds a beautiful young lady’s

all thin and lovely stood at the end of

the island said as Jesus not something

for you Jesus is doing something for you

right now right as Jesus done something

for you

I said yes once I was blind now I can

see coming out here Frank said I’m not

going anywhere with you I got out in the

island now we’re walking down to miss

Coleman it’s the First Presbyterian

Church in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania we’re

walking down the aisle and the ladies

saying how long have you been blind and

I said almost five years

she said when did you go blind I’m

trying to tell her and I hear this voice

say hold on honey I’m right behind you

and it was Frank Oh

so we got down would you believe this

miss Coleman turned right to Frank and

said oh the glory on that man and I

thought Here I am praying for years here

I am going through all this and she says

the blessings are on my house

world what is going on here

well porn he goes down under the power

of God and then I go down and then they

picked me up and then they pick him up

he goes down again and she just turned

and started talking everybody else we

really never talked to her at all that

day and when we were finished rolling

around on the floor and the holy thought

came to me I think we’re becoming holy

rollers no no and so we got back to

where seating everyone is trying to

shake our hands and no one’s trying to

say anything and on the way home in the

car I said Frank I am gonna go home and

get every sick person I know we’re gonna

charter a bus or a truck or a car or how

many ever come with us and we’re gonna

take them to another miracle service how

many years did you assist miss Coleman

nine and a half years until the day she

went home to be with Jesus and Jean

Martin which was her manager called us

and said from the hospital he said I am

in the hospital with Miss Coleman and

she said Joan get prepared because yours

is the next service that she’s going to

have in st. Louis mmm let her year out I

told you we had three of the most

unusual servants of God what is gonna

happen when the three come together to

pray for you I’ll tell you what’s gonna


a miracle explosion is going to happen

but God

a goddess surprises and I I didn’t know

this until this morning but we have a

special guest this is a man when he

dreams it’s 100 percent he has two

dreams to tell you dr. Keith Ellis and

when we come back when he releases these

dreams it’s yours

it’s money in the bank for sure we will

return to more of our special

presentation of miracle explosion in

just one moment

call now and got the miracle explosion

package which includes joan hunter’s

brand new book prayers and promises for

healing plus our three-part audio CD set

what I’ve learned about healing and

miracles with Clarice fluid Joan jisun

and Joan hunter exclusive for our it’s

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine four

one three Joan hunter’s brand new book

prayers and promises for healing will

quickly become your everyday guy for

accessing all of God’s promises to

overcome everything from abuse

loneliness demonic oppression fears

sleep disorders depression anger

addictions and so much more there are 51

different intimate prayers and powerful

declarations included in this book to

help you receive your supernatural

breakthroughs in the areas of healing

deliverance relationships finances

justice salvation and so much more plus

receive our three-part audio CD set what

I’ve learned about healing and miracles

for our it’s supernatural audience it

includes anointed messages from three

powerful women of faith and miracles

Clarice fluid is a proven prophetess

with laser-like accuracy through her

audio CD you will understand that a

miracle is a sovereign move of

healing and miracles are not limited to

time and space there are no formulas for

miracles and how they happen God is no

respecter of persons Joan hunter

continues to operate in the same

anointing for healing her parents

Charles and Francis under operated in

and she has trained thousands more on

how to pray for others to receive their

supernatural breakthrough through her

audio CD you will understand what is

sparking your breakthrough and jumpstart

your healing take the pain away from

painful memories bring your words into

agreement with God’s Word and receive

his blessings for your life began to be

used by God to heal others Joan Geeson

worked with Katherine Coleman and Benny

Hinn and was known as the miracle lady

because of the many people in the

audience that were healed as she prayed

for them through her audio CD you will

understand that nothing is impossible

with God miracles are for today and they

are everywhere Jesus will never pass you

by miracles will happen in you as well

as flow through you get ready to receive

your breakthrough your healing your

miracle don’t miss out on getting the

miracle explosion package which includes

joan hunter’s brand-new book prayers and

promises for healing plus our three-part

audio CD set what I’ve learned about

healing and miracles with clarice fluid

Joan Giessen and Joan hunter exclusive

for our it’s supernatural audience yours

for a donation of $35 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine four one three call or you

can send your check to sid roth it’s

supernatural p o– box 39222 charlotte

north carolina 28278 please specify

offer number nine four one three or log

on to

or white today and now back to our

special presentation of miracle


okay once again before we go out there I

want to thank our broadcast partners GB

America god TV the next live event I

promise you it will be the most

important announcement I have ever made

in the history of my life in the history

of this ministry I want you to check the

website and Facebook page for the August

date now once and there’s very important

for you understand once we leave GEB

America and god TV this program is going

to continue we have to do the prayer for

you on the isn that it’s supernatural

Network so be sure to stay with us the

way you get the network it’s a free app

you go to Sid Roth that’s my name s i

dro th dot o-r-g slash is n or download

the free is n app on any smartphone any

computer in the world and you can watch

our network 24/7 all the shows that the

presence of God again you just go to the

App Store type in my name Sid Roth and

it will have an orange app it’s

supernatural TV network you better

download it as we are going to have a

release of miracles like it never

happened before this is my good friend

dr. Keith Ellis and Keith the last time

you were in this show you had a dream

about a woman tell me about that yeah I

said I was up here with me last time and

the Lord had given me a dream like three

nuts in a row and I have dreams I’ve

been a dreamer since I was a very small

child you know and his dreams are 100%

accurate I like prophetic dreams like

that okay and we’ve seen them come to

pass over and over again and what

happened was three this was this is very

unusual for me to have this type dream

but in the dream I saw back in the early

years there was a comic book care

our hero in the comic books and then

electron I thought that made a movie but

I kept seeing a woman and her title was

Wonder Woman and so I saw this three

nights in a row and on the third night I

asked the Lord I said Lord why am I

seeing because my my boys when they were

young used to have those comic books I

said why am I seeing this Wonder Woman

and he said to me it was so audibly he

said I’m about to do a wonder among

women all over the world

what’s the Wonder the wonder is and then

so I cared a little bit further and I

said Lord what kind of wonder he’s

talking about and he said well if you

remember she was a great leader as you

know the character and the Wonder Woman

but and did great great powerful things

he said I’m gonna put a powerful

anointing on the women of the world for

this endtime revival and he said to me

he said it’s going to be like Kathryn

Kuhlman head across the board and I’m

going to PS something on that word

although I didn’t have a dream in the

spirit there is no male and there is no

female so it’s not just the Wonder Woman

anointing it’s the Superman anointing

with now we just have a couple minutes

left you had a word very strong about

that you wanted to bring from a dream

you had during the day yeah you had

spoke about something and after then I

laid down in my recliner to take a nap

and I had a dream and I saw the hand of

the Lord Kemp come out of heaven and he

I walked up to him in the dream and he

handed me a big old shopping bag and I

said lord I thank you for this back I

was in the dream talking to them I said

thank you so much for this bag but I

don’t understand what what it is what

you wear you gave me that and he said

when you go into the store and you

purchase something they get they put it

in a bag and it belongs to you when you

come out and he said what it is I want

you to begin to prophesy that things

people need are already in the bag

it’s done it’s already in the bag now I

urge you to not miss you know there’s

times they’re set times in history that

something it’s important for you to be

at the right place at the right time I

want you to type in my name on your

smartphone or computer Sid Roth and then

you’ll get an orange app it’s free you

just type in Sid Roth in the App Store

get the orange app it’s supernatural

television loaded you have a 24-hour

seven-day-a-week Network but more

important than that you have these three

mighty women of God that are going to

impart anointing they are going to pray

for miracles they are going to be so

hungry for God that that it’s I tell you

this your miracle is in the bag

I’ll tell you what I hope you’re having

as much fun as we’re having I have next

to me

Joan Giessen and I’ll tell you what I

could talk for to her for hours about

what she learned from miss Coleman what

she learned from working with Benny Hinn

all of these hours but I want you to

talk about nothing is impossible for our

God I want you to talk about miracles

and you can get up and walk around where

the Spirit of the Lord is there’s

Liberty I appreciate that

and I love being here I’m a simple woman

born in st. Louis very old woman I’m 80

yes thank you for but God has just begun

and when He healed me and it was God

that healed me not Kathryn Kuhlman but

God that reached down and touched my

life I had enough smarts or wisdom to

accept the fact that God’s anointing was

there and I could either receive that

are rejected and be miserable all the

days of my life and when I came home

from that service that day all the way

home it was 18 hours driving from

Pittsburgh to st. Louis

I said Frank we’re going to get a bus

and we’re going to charter it our

charter a plane whatever it takes we’re

going to get every sick person we know

and we’re going to take them to those

services and that’s exactly what

happened and within one week we had a

bus filled with people some dying some

not so sick but every one of the

in need of help on that bus there was a

little girl with cancer little girl

eight years old the mother and the child

got on and the father kissed them


and they were going to amputate her leg

if God did not heal her on that bus

there was a man that was stricken with

something they didn’t know but he owned

a bookstore and it was in the back of

the bus and he was unable to work and

unable to do the things that he was

called to do we had to believe the

miracles that were in deficit and it

didn’t have to be when we got to the

komen foundation it didn’t have to be

until we were there at the First

Presbyterian Church because the Spirit

of the Living God is on each one of us I

can’t even imagine this building being

able to contain the power of God today

whatever you are facing in all these

years there has not been a day that’s

the same as the day before every day is

new and every day opportunities come to

you I got off of a plane not long ago

after being somewhere I can’t even

remember where I was Frank picked me up

and were going down the street to our

office and a car stops and I see this

man get out of the car and all of a

sudden I saw him drop over on the main

road I said Oh Frank turn around that

man just fell down in the street we

turned around and I ran over to him and

that man had no pulse he was not

breathing he could not respond and I

started praying and I started doing all

kinds of crazy things that would have

normally killed him

you know when you don’t know what you’re

doing sometimes you do stupid things and

all of a sudden the man’s eyes opened up

but it was until after the paramedics

came and said he’s done he’s finished

and God raised him from the dead why

because I’m a specialist in anything no

I’m not a specialist but I’m a child of

God and every one of us are walking

living testimonies don’t be afraid to

touch anyone that’s sick

pray for them and believe for the

miracle don’t be afraid to face tomorrow

because of joblessness or what may

happen don’t be afraid of anything

you are different we are children of God

Almighty you too can lay hands on this

set I haven’t been kicked out in neither

of their any of us picked out specially

because we are special because we’ve

said yes do you know this past Christmas

God allowed me to feed 32,000 people in

one day by the way where are you located

where is right next to a famous city

anyone ever hear of Ferguson Missouri

there’s a we are in Bridgeton and

Ferguson is right there there’s a line

between us I could walk across that line

to Ferguson and so you fed how many

people 32,000 people and My Beloved’s do

you know what I started out that week

with nothing now I love to feed people

but what I really love is to give them

something to take home and the kids with

toys and we believed for that and do you

know each family got enough for three

and a half

weeks to take home hams and chickens and

fresh vegetables fresh vegetables

not just any vegetables have you got a

whole food store here in your city all

foods it’s the best they say no no

pesticides nothing and they gave us what

we served and what the people not only

do we feed them but we Jam the cars that

they came in filled with fresh fruit and

meat and bread and toys for the kids and

gifts for the adults now that’s God if

you would look at my bank account you

would faint God Clarisse

do you think she’s in store for some

blessings in heaven I am so happy you

mentioned that because I told her

earlier today she says no money and I

said that’s yesterday’s theology the

Word of God said I would above all

things all things all things that you

prosper and be in health even as your

soul prospers I am convinced that every

believer is supposed to be independently

wealthy and with the aid of God’s grace

because we have the wisdom to know how

to administrate the estate of God can

you say men we don’t I don’t need money

for a swimming pool or rolls-royce that

becomes it ours by product people are

just going to want to give to you when

you’re walking in the stead of Christ

and activating the kingdom so in behalf

of you who I love dearly what an

incredible testimony you know a lot of

testimonies are about testing and

moaning but hers is about you know she

took the test and and and the Lord bless

now if we’re going to move this into

what we call you know we say the more

excellent things are in three and if we

have a third day theology that we met

Jesus day one we had the down payment of

the Holy Spirit and day two and in the

third dimension we meet God the Father

and what happens the only thing that can

stay in God’s presence is God so God’s

out looking for God and for people who

will identify with the finished work of

Calvary can you say amen to that

and because we are a nation of kings

Kings decree declare proclaim we are a

nation of priests we bring the people to

God and God to the people so

let us open an avenue of revenue if

there’s anyone here looking for gainful

employment rather than moaning and

groaning stand to your feet and begin to

become a candidate not only that

believes but receives now if you are at

home what do you Swiss cheese you stand

to your feet

oh okay stand up dear employee – prayer

praise God Bernie more saman decoder be

Keisha but ability under trivia summon

The Fountains of the deep bow show bra

Baku silver de batata use spirit of

poverty I curse you in the authority of

the name of Jesus every spirit of false

theology everything that has to do with

poverty you are a liar from the pit of

hell you release God’s heritage father I

thank you for our a veneer of revenue I

thank you for witty inventions I thank

you for gainful employment I think you

four bills paid I think you God Mukul

Baja Sabra I’m all devil I want to tell

you you’re old and ugly

lubos Sabra Bokashi kitty there you’ve

lost your glorified body you don’t have

any power or authority except what the

church chooses to give you we choose to

give you nothing boss somebody I’ll back

off you get it

hold your hand up high mukou bhai say I

believe I am rich and not poor I’m a

head and not a tail

my father not beneath I am healed I am

delivered I am rich salvation means I’m


I’m delivered and I’m rich and in the

authority of the name of Jesus

regardless of what my circumstance looks

like my covenant tells me I’m above I’m

not a victim I’m a victim I’m a mighty

champion there’s more to me than what

you see there’s more to me to watch my

house God now open that avenue of

revenue and don’t let your mouth deceive

you don’t let your mouth deceive you you

get hung by the tongue saying I don’t

have and I can’t get begin to agree with

God okay here you may be seated right

now but Joan stand up there and do

whatever God tells you to do hey I might

be in trouble

hallelujah as Clarice was ending don’t

let your mouth get you into trouble you

know you can prophesy blessings you can

prophesy or you can curse your offerings

you can bless your children you can

bless you know your finances or you can

curse all of those so it’s so important

that you pay attention to what’s coming

out of your mouth I’ll never get over

this and guess what you don’t okay I

every time this this time of year I

always get too sick okay no and sure

enough you get sick year-round every

time so what are you expecting it’s time

that we shift from what we’ve been

expecting into what the Word of God says

get our mouth in alignment this is going

to be my best year ever I’m going to

give more this year than I made last

year start you know speaking these

things over your finances

I have divine health yes okay I mean you

and get these things lined up I have

more money

then months yes some of you needed to

hear that one I have more wisdom if I’m

lacking wisdom I’m going to ask

I need wisdom in regards to my job in

regards to my Christian life in regards

to my finances I thank you for a wisdom

I thank you for wisdom I thank you for

cleaning out my ears so I can hear you


I thank you Father for greater

revelation I thank you father for people

coming to me that need healing in their

body in their mind and their soul in

their spirit and in their finances

because your word says as I pray for

them I’m gonna get healed so father I

thank you that I am walking in divine

hell like I have never even thought was

physically possible and I have more

money to seed than I ever thought I

would ever give or ever have but I’m

gonna God’s raising me up to be a

cheerful giver of a ton of money and

putting it in the kingdom of God and I’m

gonna line my mouth up because my mouth

is gonna line up with the word that

Jesus became poor so we could be rich

and I’m gonna line up with what he wants

he’ll hole rich hallelujah

yeah you know what I I’m ready for I am

ready for a miracle

explosion would you three come up here

with me and I’m not going to tell tell

who who don’t say what just as the Holy

Spirit moves on you if you have words of

knowledge a prophecy but we want to

release it’s three but I decided to join

these women so it’s four four of us

right now and I’m going to tell you

something I has not seen ear has not

heard all that God is going to do for

you in the next few minutes so you be

expected I’ll start this out there’s God

told me just as they were speaking that

someone’s wrist if you have a problem in

your wrist just bend it you’ll see

there’s no no pain left no pain left

anymore hallelujah hallelujah grace I’m

in here the doctor said that you need to

have a complete shoulder replacement and

you’ve been wanting to praise God you’ve

been wanting to clap you’ve been wanting

to do something but oh just say thank

you Jesus and watch that arm just wholly

with a brand-new shoulder in Jesus name

all pain to go all arthritis to go yes

and it can be more than one person by

the way it could be people somebody in

this room it could be somebody watching

us through the airwaves you know but you

know what just

just say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus

the lady here in the blue dress on the

front would you stand please what is

your name dear Karen because suitability

under the Vikas or about this is the

word of the Lord unto you for the Lord

says I have made you all together

wonderful saith God you are a teacher

with a great prophetic voice saith the


you will speak and you will create with

God nakooma ha CKD d’andorra

do not allow the thoughts that in the

past I see that an angel standing behind


unscrewing eyeballs in the back of your

head that looked back and the Lord says

we’re not going back we’re going forward

this is a new day this is a new time and

Hope deferred that has made your heart

sick relationships that are broken your

heart they have no power they have no

authority they have no ability the Lord

said this is your day of incredible

miraculous forgiveness for yourself it’s

like I could hear a voice say well you

didn’t do this so you didn’t do that you

should have done this or that it’s just

like continuous voices that are going on

and the Lord says you will be one that

hears my voice and the voice of another

you will not heed nor hear say it God

for that your winter is over your winter

has passed say if God lamoco Bahat cptv

under about how seek unity I put a pole

and the things you have desired or

before you arise kill and eat hallelujah

whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a second huh

did that have much meaning to you all

meaning to me well I’m an investigative

reporter you know I have to find this

out thank you so are you well I was at

one time I was in a justice or oh no no

no I already heard that prophecy forget

the past

yeah yes yes okay go go someone’s here

something at that one with the arm with

the shoulder that was given to me again

last night the same as she said it’s a

rotor cuff and you’ve had trouble with

it and if you’ll just raise your harm

you’ll know a joke right there come on

up here come on I want you to come up Oh

has that who’s that she just described

the rotor cuff all right come on okay

it’s going to be he’ll give me enough

sugar the Parkinson’s disease go from

the crown of your head to the soles of

your feet and someone right here is got

a liver disease a liver disease that’s

over there I’ll liver there’s the liver

dish they share a liver disease okay I

thought it was over here well maybe

they’re to come is there someone with

come here is there someone with the

problem with the liver right here you’re

having oh there she thats good okay come

here father in the name of Jesus Christ

would give you praise can someone stand

behind her please father from the crown

from the crown of her head to the soles

of second liver oh you want to do liver

talking for Parkinson’s God would give

you thanks come up come up God you are

so every prayer good straighten up and

please answering that prayer right now

that brain be made whole and straight

the spinal cord

spinal cord someone’s been healed right

now the spinal cord injury right now in

the name of Jesus got from the crown of

his head to the soles of his feet father

heal every portion of him now just walk

just walk just walk

pick up your legs pick up your legs and

walk say you can’t save to write every

word you can her sake Rachel just

sitting right

in Jesus name father I give you thanks

and I give you praise God I give you

thanks I give you praise in Jesus name

so she getting her new liver yeah where

is the ones with the shoulder here to be

here honey or two how long have you had

that about seven months seven months

what was the problem I’ve just reached

for something and it popped and it’s

been like that okay is there pain okay

from this second on there will be no

more pain not because I have touched you

but because the Holy Spirit is here he’s

operating and he’s in full capacity of

everything in your body in the name of

Jesus in the name of Jesus move that arm

move that arm yes again move it way up

way up yes honey

yes that’s it that’s it that’s it yes

okay I want you to run run run run run

run yes no come on dad come on back huh

now bend down and touch your toes Oh now

raise that armor to heaven thank you

hallelujah God never again in Jesus

mighty and wonderful name never get this

is a miracle service at least whatever

God has cut or did the lady in the

colorful scarf right through here right

here yes right there would you hold your

hands up please

yes that we’re not you’ve darling you in

a minute the one back okay the glasses

all right now the most Shiva deity unto

it God’s doing it work with your

children there’s been a real

heartbreaking situation and the Lord

says listen to me he says all of your

children are disciples taught of the

Lord and great is their peace and

undisturbed composure and the Lord says

with your mouth you will open up and you

will loose upon your own family I see

sisters and brothers and loved ones that

are far away and it’s been a heartbreak

to you and you’ve prayed and the Lord

says don’t ask me anymore it’s done and

he says from this point I rejoice God’s

unit out

for a household is salvation salvation

is for the household and the Lord says

he’s putting a new joy in your life and

that you are just see you just bubbling

with incredible joy and happiness and

the Lord says I’m taking away the sorrow

and the the feelings of emotional

instability and the Lord says now watch

what will happen in the next 90 days

you’re gonna see your family begin to

turn toward God in an amazing way

hallelujah hallelujah some of you are

out there some of you rather gonna oh I

wish you’d prophesied that over me you

heard it receive it take it the word

that was given over her receive it yes

yes amen the rain falls on the just and

the unjust you know the voice of God

goes out and whoever says Lord I’ll take

it I’ll take it I’ll take it so that’s

the beauty of it the gentleman with the

you’re right here can you see me right

here yes sir the gentleman right with

the white shirt and a black jacket would

you stand please Micawber Ibaka

succeeded the under because he could

there are some business decisions that

you have to make in the immediate future

and you’ve said Lord should I do this

should I do that and it’s been kind of a

I’m going to do this and I’m going to do

that you’ve been wavering too long

between the decisions in the Lord says

you’ve got he said 13 days the deal is

going to be made he says 13 days it’s

going to be made and he says I am with

you in the midst it’s because you have

been created as a financial support in

the body of Christ and the enemy’s

trying to hold the avenue of revenue

from you because you’ve been given

wisdom the ability to use knowledge

skillfully so it’s over within 13 days

praise God

now I have in my hand prayer requests

from all over the world thousands here

but there are thousands watching this

special and I believe that as each of

these women say a prayer for whatever

you’re dealing with at home or in this

studio audience that if you will reach

your spirit out

and say I love you Jesus I love you lord

I love you Jesus

I love you lord I love you Jesus

I love you lord I love you Jesus I love

you Lord would you start praying for

people on this as well as at home for

their healing at home absolutely there’s

someone that has multiple sclerosis at

home and you’re sitting there watching

the television you’ve never watched this

program before but the hand of God is on

you get up out of that wheelchair and

walk in the name of Jesus it is finished

it is finished just know after walk to

the phone and call us and tell us about

it and sir you right through here sir

no not you the guy with the white shirt

no are you a lady a man I can’t see

because the lights are me you’re the man

come up here come up here quickly

quickly quickly honey come quickly I get

a no shirt

that’s the power of God all over you

what are you praying for sir yeah yeah

yeah where’s she at he’s sitting beside

me I’m praying for her to hear come up

here honey

cut to here she’s deaf yes she’s deaf

come up here honey quickly quickly come

here and then it goes away

okay can we bring a chair up here will

you bring a chair right here someone

bring a chair all right you hold the

microphone and let her sit down let her

sit down right through you hold the

microphone for me here hold this No –

did you come here to be healed I would

love to be healed I’m how long have you

been deaf I’m not totally deaf okay

severely impaired I wear hearing aids

and take my hearing aids out are you


anyone else in here you having a hearing

problem join your faith with this he put

your hands on your ears and at home and

at home sure God buying this spirit of

deafness father in the name of Jesus in

the name of Jesus it’s happening to

happen I die in the name of Jesus let

hearing begin father in the name of

Jesus deafness go in Jesus mighty and

wonderful name what did you just feel

what did you feel what did you feel what

did you feel

what do you hear what do you hear

I’m just not sure I hear better than I

used to you you repeat after me I love

you Jesus I love you Jesus I can hear I

can hear I can hear I can hear today I

can hear today I can hear today is a new

day today is a new day I hear I hear I

hear in the name of Jesus in the name of

Jesus once I was deaf once I was deaf

but now what here but now I here thank

you Jesus

I thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I

thank you James I think you Jesus I

think I cherish you I praise you I give

you my life

thank you

she was talking from that distance could

you normally hear without your hearing

aids from that distance I can hear her

let it slow but I can hear her from that

distance could you have heard before

now you cannot hear correctly

ah there corrected totally totally

father totally father totally in Jesus

mighty and wonderful name what you hear


okay did something change what did you

feel here pain in that ear but what

about this one okay but you can hear you

can hear God’s we praise you and we

thank you in Jesus mighty and wonderful

name her deafness Kure Jesus whoa whoa

she got it you got it she got it can you

hear me you can hear me

you can hear me fine say I love you

Jesus I can hear how do you got that you

got the overflow of that can you hear

that I can hear that okay could you hear

it while ago could you could not hear in

the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus

how long have you been dead a few nights

out and you’re here hard of here you

haven’t a hard hard time hearing with

her hearing aids on microphones is

hearing now without a microphone and

without her hearing

he’s never say you’ve now seen a mirror

hallelujah you know what’s so wonderful

about what’s happening right now this we

are on our network which means we’re

overtime but that’s okay

it’s our network tell her the whip right

on her shoulder okay okay come here for

a second real quick quick quick love you

Jesus all about who else should we have

here that cannot hear I come here come

here there’s all kinds of miracles

happen given yes these women have come

believe in miracles I have come believe

in miracles Sid Roth has invited us

because he believes in miracles you can

go out of here completely made whole

with not one infirmity left in your body

in Jesus mighty name and I find from

this stroke Lord guy from whatever it

was father God in the name of Jesus

lifted cool yella bussy you lorry under

someone had a hard time walking in here

sir what’s wrong with you the Oriental

man right there with the white shirt on

he just turned his head around there’s

something wrong with us

let her get out of that wheelchair and

walk lift up your leg lift it up lift it

up yeah yeah Nicole she’s yeah yeah lift

this leg lift that leg now lift that one

again now there’s an anointing now for

knees if you have a problem with your

knee put your hand on your knee or knees

God wants to give you a knee

replacements right now so father write

down the images we send the word of

healing in this room overflow and those

that are watching online

I speak new knees new cartilage all

arthritis gone in Jesus name every bit

of pain inflammation to go in Jesus name

now go thank you Jesus start moving them

okay what wait a second what just

happened to you I also had an issue with

the knees so did you get a healing don’t

know yes did you have something only

show I had a long-term rotator cuff

injury I had an accident in October 14

got someone spoke a word of knowledge

and I had a healing for a couple of days

and then I’ve been battling you healed

now I am I’m taking the whole thing the

last 20% so my God says and now you

realize this is normal it’s rare friend

Keith you told me God just told you

solid hallelujah hallelujah thank you

Lord no o until I felt like the Lord was

telling me when we’re sitting over there

that there’s some people in here that

have midsection problems that would be

from your belt line up to your chest of

something going wrong in there yeah

you’ve been diagnosed with that and I

feel the power of God here and I don’t

have midsection miracles digestive tract

stomach trouble stand up right now and

the mighty name of Jesus get that heal

Wow okay

command that to go out of your body in

green I take authority over all pain

that’s in your body the spirit of

infirmity and I command it to be you be

loosed in the maintenance the blood

right now touch you man in Jesus name

some of you are feeling your pain leave

right now you know something has


wave it me if you just believe God just

healed you let me see those healings

come on give God praise what’s going on

over here this man was in a wheelchair

this man over here was in a wheelchair

morning wellmy couldn’t walk before

Michael oh sorry

right do it again Michael do it again do

it again do it again

go ahead yeah like could you know him

could he do that before yeah Becca horse

well I sell I could could he do that

before before is hard but now it’s


look now yes hallelujah see he had to

have he’ll speak to those muscles speak

to him oh yes yes Lord come

now I was just told by our uh sure

he had to have help just to get here to

be prayed for that you’re seeing a major

miracle Isis there’s a throat ailment

that God is healing right now you’ve had

difficulty in swallowing your food and

swallowing waters you choke readily on

your food is that where are you in here

there’s a choking spirit where you have

difficulty right here this lady here

right there right there

great right yeah right here where we

happened up stand up with you stand up

choking choking choking well come come

quickly come quickly up here there’s the

Mucca Baha secretly out to it praise God

hi glory to God we’re gonna set our

faith in agreement you’re not gonna have

any trouble with swallowing let’s get

all of the people that having trouble

with swallowing Makaha single day on

Twitter by cassia ddr2 Arabic he

succeeded young daughter MOOC Omaha

secretive I open that throat and the

fear of choking I curse it in Jesus name

and Lord God I think you right now never

again in his life will he have

difficulty in swallowing his food the

fear the fear of choking I break it off

of you right now in Jesus name will call

my ha cked under by Cassie Kennedy I

don’t take a deep breath take a deep


say no more shiipa Hudson put up my cup

to order by contact you’ve got this in

Jesus name look don’t be afraid to eat


no more mushy stuff okay just begin to

eat what you want

amen no more money I’m gonna let Clarice

start praying there but we’re having

major miracles break out here yeah

what’s going on with you

forty years she had I was in a car

accident in the 70s and my back I’ve

really bad back and it’s just kind of

coming down on its own which they say

will take my life my disc’s they either

implode or I have herniated discs I’m

always in pain

but just now I’m not in pain run okay

did you hear she said she’s not in pain

do 40 years 40 years you haven’t done no

pain and you can run do it again

precious do it again shake your hips do

it again Oh hallelujah look honey you’re

never gonna be the same never are you

gonna be the same in the name of Jesus

and and I’m hearing necks are being


move your head you’ll see the pain is

that advanced stand up at home or in

their studios and bend over you our hips

are healed knees I’ll tell you what just

take any pain you have in your body and

tell it where it belongs under the blood

oh okay well what’s going on Joan oh

they’re all getting their throats opened

up hallelujah hallelujah there are what

God just spoke to me is that that there

are a great need of miracles the need of

miracles in your finances and I want to

encourage you those of you that are here

in the studio audience and overflow room

there’s an envelope seen into the

miraculous those of you that are

watching through through the network

here you can donate to

because it’s going to trigger something

in your finances for Supernatural

financial breakthrough this is a time

there’s a special anointing right now on

your seed don’t miss this opportunity

for you to be supernaturally blessed

financially for breakthrough like you’ve

never experienced in your life well

Holly knew making a breakthrough so many

people are getting healed over here but

I want to agree in prayer for these

prayer requests I want to Joan and keep

coming over here they’re been they’re

busy doing their miracles over there

where we’re going to agree for everyone

watching everyone in the studio and

everyone that wrote in their prayer

requests right now and fought this we’re

going to be in agreement don’t need a

mic right now

in the name of Jesus of Nazareth Yeshua

HaMashiach seek a know of Nazareth we

bind you spirits of infirmity and we

command you in the name of Jesus in the

blood of Jesus in the Word of God by

your stripes they were healed in the

name of Jesus those who believed in the

name of Jesus demons will be cast out

anything you bind on earth will be bound


heaven and I bind those spirits of

infirmity and I command you out in the

name of Jesus read the blood the blood

the blood the blood blood you had

something yeah you know what Sid was

praying for I’ll just pray for everybody

out there tonight it’s watching and also

here I have in my ministry a lot of

times I pray and tumors disappear and

lumps and bumps and skin tags and moles

so if you have one of those wave your

hand at me tonight yeah a lot of those

in people’s bodies and we have a lot of

that happen in our ministry so I just

wanted you to agree with me right now we

commend set out like we’re come in

everything everything that my Heavenly

Father has not planted my Heavenly

Father has not planted you are rooted up

you are rooted you are will DUP

shriveled up and cast out in Jesus name

n drop and when they go back to the

doctor let them get the greatest

doctor’s report ever in Jesus name

I’m gonna pray a prayer for you and I’m

gonna tell you something this is just

the beginning this is your breakthrough

but do not despise small beginnings you

water it and I’ll tell you something all

things are possible the Lord has already

blessed you the Lord has already smiled

upon you the Lord has already given you

his favor the Lord has already released

gifts from heaven the Lord has already

given you his Shalom

that’s his completeness in your spirit

in your soul in your back in the name of

Yeshua HaMashiach CK know of Nazareth

and all God’s people

and so be men God bushel hallelujah call

now I’ve got a miracle explosion package

which includes Joan hunters brand-new

book prayers and promises for healing

plus our three-part audio CD set what

I’ve learned about healing and miracles

with Clarice fluid Joan jisun and Joan

hunter exclusive for our it’s

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine four

one three Joan hunter’s brand new book

prayers and promises for healing will

quickly become your everyday guy for

accessing all of God’s promises to

overcome everything from abuse

loneliness demonic oppression fear sleep

disorders depression anger addictions

and so much more there are 51 different

intimate prayers and powerful

declarations included in this book to

help you receive your supernatural

breakthroughs in the areas of healing

deliverance relationships finances

justice salvation and so much more plus

receive our three-part audio CD set what

I’ve learned about healing and miracles

for our it’s supernatural audience it

includes anointed messages from three

powerful women of faith and miracles

Clarice fluid is a proven prophetess

with laser-like accuracy through her

audio CD you will understand that a

miracle is a sovereign move of God

healing and miracles are not limited to

time and space there are no formulas for

miracles and how they happen God is no

respecter of persons Joan hunter

continues to operate in the same

anointing for healing her parent

Charles and Frances under operated in

and she has trained thousands more on

how to pray for others to receive their

supernatural breakthrough through her

audio CD you will understand what is

sparking your breakthrough and jumpstart

your healing take the pain away from

painful memories bring your words into

agreement with God’s Word and receive

His blessings for your life began to be

used by God to heal others Joan jisun

worked with Katherine Coleman and Benny

Hinn and was known as the miracle lady

because of the many people in the

audience that were healed as she prayed

for them through her audio CD you will

understand that nothing is impossible

with God miracles are for today and they

are everywhere Jesus will never pass you

by miracles will happen in you as well

as flow through you get ready to receive

your breakthrough your healing your

miracle don’t miss out on getting the

miracle explosion package which includes

joan hunter’s brand new book prayers and

promises for healing plus our three-part

audio CD set what I’ve learned about

healing and miracles with clarice fluid

Joan Geeson and Joan hunter exclusive

for our it’s supernatural audience yours

for a donation of $35 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine four one three call or you

can send your check to sid roth it’s

supernatural p o– box 39222 charlotte

north carolina 28278 please specify

offer number nine four one three or log

on to call or white today

god bless you