Prophetic Outlook with Cindy Jacobs, Perry Stone & Rich Vera

On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2017: When Sid got three world-class prophets together for a live show, he wanted to know what they were hearing from God for the coming year regarding President Trump, America, and the world. Anyone interested in what they see for 2017?

Perry Stone, Rich Vera & Cindy Jacobs will share what’s next on God’s prophetic calendar concerning President Trump, America, Israel and the world.

Perry Stone delivers a “right now” word for this year including current and coming events. You will also learn—What is a spiritual Manifesto? What is the Balaam Strategy? Has our Nation been given a Reprieve? What is the assignment of the United States?

Cindy Jacobs delivers the Word of the Lord for 2017 as given to the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. You’ll also hear the complete “Prophetic Word of the Lord” as given to Cindy and the Elders, and read by Gezell Fleming from the hit movie “The War Room.”

Rich Vera received a specific word that this year, 2017, The Lord is releasing “The Law of Attraction” over His people. Specifically—this is the year of Long Awaited Breakthroughs and Unexpected Victories in the areas of family, salvations, relationships, healing and finances.

Is there a supernatural

A world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Welcome.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

Any of my three guests you would
want to hear,

but when you put three world
class prophets together there is

a synergy of the Spirit that I’m
expecting things to happen that

they’ve never thought of.

I’m expecting you to have an
amazing encounter with God.

Two of the three prophets, when
they were previously on my

shows, prophesied with 100
percent accuracy.

Anyone interested in finding out
what they see for 2017?

Well Cindy, I am personally

very intrigued on the gift of
prophecy and you had that from a

very early age.

What happened at four?

Cindy Jacobs: Well my dad was in

Fort Worth, and I went to my
mother and I said,

“Mom, I’m going to have a baby

And she said, “Well no, we’re
not having any more children.”

And I said, “No, I’m going to
have a little sister.”

And she was pregnant.

Sid: Why were you so sure you
were going

to have a little sister?

Cindy Jacobs: I knew.

I was always kind of an unusual

I mean, people would call the
house and I’d look at the phone

when it was ringing and I’d say
so and so died.

I mean, I knew.

I was having dreams.

So that gift just grew as time
went on.

Sid: At nine, you really had a
heartfelt prayer to God.

You were at a camp, a Christian

What did you pray?

Cindy Jacobs: Well the teacher

“Go sit on a rock and let God
talk to you.”

I did and he did, and what he
said was,

“I have something for you to

In other words, there was a
calling there and so I gave my

life for world missions, but I
know it was a call

to the nations.

Sid: And then 21 years later,
God answered that prayer what

you were supposed to, but it
wasn’t the way you

thought it would be.

You’re married with a couple of
kids and what

does God say to you?

Cindy Jacobs: He said, “I want
to use to preach

all over the world.”

And I thought that was a pizza

I’m 30, I have little children,
and besides,

nobody knows me.

In fact, somebody might be in
their home and saying the same

thing, something is happening, I
think God wants to use me.

Well I was in a little town in
Texas and God found me and

opened up all these doors fast.

I went from preaching almost
nowhere to churches of 5000

members for their women’s groups
and a lot of things like that.

So God was in a hurry.

I wanted him to use me.

And so I just started praying
audacious prayers and I started

just, those little, nudges from
the Lord,

those little nudges, Sid, I just
did what he said.

And people started getting

they started getting change.

You know, none of us are meant
to live a boring, stupid life.

Sid: Speaking about not living a
boring life,

you’re in Costa Rica, you see
someone that is ravaged by a

stroke and you prophesy
something very outrageous.

Cindy Jacobs: Yes, that was an
outrageous day.

I was leaving my stadium.

Sid: By the way, I have an idea.

Every day is outrageous.

Cindy Jacobs: That’s good.


That’s one of my goals in life,
every day to deliver a

supernatural day like yours.

So I was leaving the stadium, I
was going out and there was a

man in a wheelchair, he had a
stroke and he was like really

crunched up.

And so I walked passed him and a
voice said to me,

just like you could hear that

a voice said to me, “I want you
to go prophesy that man will be

the next president of Costa

Well I looked back and, man, he
didn’t look like

he was a candidate.

Sid: It would be very easy for
you miss that.

No talent at all.

Cindy Jacobs: Yes, sometimes you
have to take a little risk.

Sid: That’s not a little risk,

Cindy Jacobs: Yes, that’s true.

But I built up to it, can I say

So anyway, so all of a sudden
the Lord says,

“Cindy Jacobs”.

I don’t know about you, but in a
Jewish household when my mother

called me by two names I was in
big trouble.

“Cindy Jacobs, I told you to go
tell that man is going

to be the next president.”

I looked around, I went back to
his wheelchair,

and I prophesied, and I said,
“The Lord says you are

to run for president.

You will be the next president
in this country.

You’re going to expose

on and on, and on.

Sid: Were you getting nervous
when you were saying this?

Cindy Jacobs: No because by then
I was under the anointing.

Yea for the anointing.

So I mean, you know, the gift of
faith comes with it actually.

And so I left.

Two years later I was down there
taping and I got a call and they

said the president would like to
see you.

And I said, me of little faith,
who is the president.

It was that man and he was
completely healed.

Sid: You were created to lay
hands on the sick

and see him recover.

Okay Cindy, now this is what
intrigues me the most of

everything and that is you are
part of the Apostolic Council of

Prophetic Elders and they meet,
and they want to find out what

God is doing for the year.

And the thing that also excited
me is you have a new generation

of prophetic elders coming in.

So tell me some bottom lines of
what they see for 2017.

Cindy Jacobs: Well these are
very respected prophets,

Sid, but also those coming up
underneath this,

Bishop Hammond, James Gall,
Dutch Sheets,

I mean, really great writings
from Israel.

Bottom line, the number 17 means
complete victory.

Sid: I like that bottom line.

Cindy Jacobs: That’s right.

Overcoming to complete victory.

And I feel the anointing of God,

when I say this.

There are some people who have
waited and waited,

and waited for their

and this is the breakthrough

And I want to tell you, if
you’ll stand on this word,

no matter what slimy things the
enemy tries to do,

if you stand up and say, no, the
Word of the Lord is this is my

breakthrough year, it’s going to

And in Hebrew, as you know
better than I do,

5777, this is the year of the
crown sword,

meaning great authority is

The sword of the Lord is going
to cut off deception.

It’s going to cut off evil
intent of our enemies.

It’s going to be cut off.

The enemy is going to be cut off
at the pass,

as we say in Texas, a bit of

And so God is going to do this.

In fact, I know you know this,
but when President Trump was

inaugurated he was 70 years old
and seven months,

and seven days.

Sid Roth: I didn’t know that.

Cindy Jacobs: Yes, 5777.

What are the odds when God put
all this together,

many prophets prophesying about
Trump coming into the office,

that he would be exactly that

Even if you weren’t for him, and
that might give you incentive to

pray for him.

I believe that God called him to
do this office.

God is going to anoint him.

You know, we mobilize in our
50-state prayer network coast to

coast for these first hundred
days in the administration.

The first day we had 48,000
praying for him.

Sid: My goodness.

Cindy Jacobs: Yes, 48,000 on

live, praying together.

Sid: Now you have so many
revelations on what God is going

to do with new technology, new
ways of making money,

new ways for Christians to be
the head, not the tail.

People are getting excited.

But I have Perry Stone coming up
and Perry Stone has a prophetic

word that will revolutionize
your life.

Trust me.

Sid: Now the last time my guest
Perry Stone was on the air,

I asked him what has God shown
you about the next president?

And you’ll be amazed at what he

Let’s role that clip.

Perry Stone: So I started
looking at number 45.

You all ready for this?

This is crazy.

If you take the 40 and the 5 in
the Hebrew alphabet it’s “Ma”,

not mom, but Ma.

Do you know what the word “Ma”


It means what.

Sid: In Israel, if I was to say

what did you say?

Perry Stone: Here’s what’s going
to happen.

Everybody mark this down.

Whoever gets in, people are
going to say, what?

That’s what they’re going to



How did this happen?


What is going on?

Watch and see.

Sid: What?

Perry Stone: It was really
humorous because on one of the

major networks, three days

the lady looked and said, “All
the American people

are saying, ‘what’?”

And my wife just looked at me
and shook her head because,

let me just say quickly,
biblical numbers have meanings

and they do correlate with the
Hebrew alphabet,

which is God’s alphabet, it’s
God’s language.

And a lot of times in studying
prophecy from the Hebraic

perspective we get hints, not
necessarily a direct word,

but a hit to say look out for

So I think that was a hint.

Sid: That was a real hint.

Perry Stone: That was a real
accurate hint.

Sid: I want to know what you
really see for President Trump

now that he’s president.

Perry Stone: Well let me just
say this.

I’m not trying to be, I’m not
going to drop names or anything,

but I can tell you that he
surrounds himself with more

believers and he listens to
their council.

Think about this.

At the inauguration, I’m sitting
in a room with 400 other

believers at the Reagan Center
watching this,

and the name of Jesus got more
attention that day than any

inauguration I can ever

Sid: You know what, God spoke to
you a right now word for 2017.

What was that?

Perry Stone: The 17th letter of
the Hebrew alphabet is the

letter Pe, which the symbol is
the mouth,

and this is the year where
blessings are released,

but blessings come through

With the heart you believe, with
the mouth you confess,

and so this is the year to claim
the blessing by taking the Word

and confessing as never before,
releasing the power of God.

I feel the anointing right now.

But the other part of this is
believers have to learn.

Can I say something, you have

I have Facebook, great media.

But since when do you have to
post on Facebook your opinion

when you were asked to post your

Why do people always think that
when you post anything they’ve

got to give their opinion when
you didn’t ask for it?

This nose, I’m going to take my
glasses down.

See this nose how big it is?

It’s not as big as it was when I
was a kid because

my face filled out.

But look here.

You know why it’s big?

I kept it out of other people’s
business and gave

it a chance to grow.

Sid: Perry, I am fascinated by
what you call Satan’s manifesto

against America.


Perry Stone: Well let me just
say this that there is a plot

and a strategy in the United
States of Satan himself,

and here’s the reason why.

We are the nation, still are the
nation that promotes the Gospel

through Christian television.

Most of your networks’
headquarters are

in the United States.

Now some are overseas, but most
are in the United States.

We are still the leading nation
for sending missionaries out.

The money that comes to support
missions comes predominantly

from the United States.

We are still predominantly the
nation to take care of widows

and orphans, build Bible
schools, print Bibles.

So the job of the enemy is to
somehow try to effect in some

way the ability of the Body of

and the Body of Christ is large.

It’s not a particular

It’s people whose names are
written in the Lamb’s Book of

Life from all over the world.

That’s the Body of Christ.

But it’s his job to disrupt the
plan of God.

And I’m going to tell you what I
see and I just want to share

this from my heart at this

One of the things I see, and
this cannot happen to us,

is the enemy is doing his best
to create a racial division

again in the United States.

We have got to stop this mess
where we make everything

political in the Body of Christ.

Blood should be thicker than

I’m a believer first.

Sid: In a matter of a couple of
minutes so they can get a taste

of this manifesto against

but in a couple of sentences,
explain what you see.

Perry Stone: One of the things
was the strategy of Balaam and

it made no sense.

I’m going to go through this
real quick.

It made no sense that Balaam’s
name was so negative in the

Bible when if you go to the Book
of Numbers he was told to curse

Israel, but he didn’t really
curse them.

He came back later and he said,
“I can’t curse what

God has blessed.”

Now did he take the money?


And so there was compromise

But I realized as I started
reading Revelation,

I read Numbers, and I started
reading Jewish history,

this man did something to try to
cause God to turn against his

own people.

That’s the Balaam strategy and
it’s the strategy of the enemy.

If I were to sum up a strategy
of Satan I would sum it up the

phrase “the Balaam strategy”.

And the reason, we only have so
much time in this segment,

and I’m going to run out of time

but it would take about 15 to 20
minutes to explain in detail,

but it’s really what is
happening in the United States

right now.

It’s definitely it.

Sid: Well you use a word in your
description about compromise.

What do you mean?

Perry Stone: We think of
compromise as only being sin.

But I’m telling you people are
compromising the faith that was

once delivered to the saints.

Sid: What is going to happen in
America, just briefly?

Perry Stone: Two quick things.

There’s going to be two parallel

There will be some very great

natural disasters in the next
few years.

People are seeing it prophetic
all over the place.

That’s going to happen and we
have to be prepared for that.

At the same time, and I want to
say this very quickly,

the real jubilee year was not
last year.

The real jubilee year is this

For real.

This is the jubilee cycle.

Sid: Okay.

Speaking of the jubilee year,
when we come back I’m going to

have Rich Vera with me.

He says in 2017, God will break
longstanding strongholds that

have stopped your prayers,

finances, health and how to get
a breakthrough.

Anyone interested?

We’ll be right back to It’s

Sid: Well the last time Rich
Vera was on It’s Supernatural he

said some pretty outrageous

He said he that saw we were on
the brink of a cure for

Alzheimer’s, we were on the
brink of a cure for cancer.

Guess what we’ve been seeing in
the headlines?

Exactly what you prophesied.

Rich Vera: Thank God for that.

You know, the prophetic is not
about releasing words,

it’s about releasing Spirit.

And we are in the same spirit,
the prophetic spirit,

there is a spirit that’s being
released upon the people.

And I believe today, around the

you in your houses, God is
releasing of what we’re talking

about that’s going to impact
your life,

is going to impact the nations
of the world.

I see an incredible uprising in
nations that is going to take

place starting this season.

I saw Egypt coming to an
incredible revival.

In Egypt, there’s going to be a
Holy Ghost bomb that’s going to

be dropped on Egypt and the Holy
Spirit is going,

I mean, the miracle, signs and
wonders that are going to come

out of Egypt is going to shake
the entire region.

This is the season for the
nations and it’s going to be an

incredible time to behold.

Sid: You talk about something
you call or God calls

the law of attraction.

Explain that.

Rich Vera: Christmas, I woke up
with this vision and the voice

of the Lord spoke to me and

“I’m releasing the law of
attraction over my people.”

And the Lord just downloaded
information and it says we’re

living in a season where all the
seeds that have been sown,

I’m not just talking about

prayer, faithfulness, people
that stop the church faithfully,

all the seeds that we have shown
in love,

in kindness, this is the season
that God is going to literally

activate us, that is going to
come back the seeds that we sow.

The Lord spoke this to me and
said and those that

have been unfaithful.

Sid: I was just going to ask

There are many people, they
haven’t given to God.

They haven’t prayed.

They just show up.

Rich Vera: God is going to give
them a chance to push that reset

button and start all over again.

This is the season we reset our

God is going to give us a chance
to go back to sowing good seeds

that we may reap the harvest of
blessings that God

is going to draw to us.

I mean, the seeds that we sow,
we’re going to

attract what we sow.

It’s just a fact of life.

And even the election of
President Trump,

last time I was here I
prophesied that and I got

thousands of haters, but I love
you anyway.

Sid: Now you are Hispanic and I
imagine you have a problem in

your Hispanic community.

Rich Vera: I have a problem.

Sid: So how can you be for Trump
as a Hispanic?

Rich Vera: Because if God is for

I’m for it.

Now when he speaks to me and

I’m going to give him not only
the authority to change

government, but I will give him
an anointing that he will pray

and things will change.

And God told me that the spirit
of prayer was going to come over

President Trump.

And I want to declare over you,
Mr. President that God is going

to use you to change the
landscape of politics.

God is going to use you to

God is going to use you to raise
up a new breed of politicians

and even leaders in the church
that will stand for the people

and not for themselves.

Sid: We’ve been talking about
the year 2017.

What has God told you about 17?

Rich Vera: In this season,
breakthroughs are coming.

Restorations are coming.

You know, family members are
going to be saved.

Miracles are going to take place
in families.

Curses are going to be broken,
generational curses.

And I’m going to release right
now over America and the nations

of the world that this is the
season where the curses that the

enemy put on your families for
decades and years

are coming to an end.

The curse of sickness, of

the curse of fear, we break it
out of your life

in the name of Jesus.

And I declare that a fresh
anointing of the Holy Spirit is

coming over your life today in
Jesus’ name.

Sid: This really is your

This is your miracle.

No compromise.

And this year the law of
attraction is about to be

released in your life.

Are you ready?

Sid: Next week on It’s

My guest has trained thousands
of Bible believers and they’re

starting to see miracles and he
says he can equip

anyone to do that.

Anyone interested?