Kevin Zadai recently had a 5-1/2 hour face to face encounter with Jesus! What did they talk about? The next 11 years! And then Jesus explained the books of Ephesians and Corinthians verse-by-verse, focusing on the body of believers and the importance of spiritual gifts. Including yours.

Jesus then shared wisdom specifically for the season ahead. Including—

• The Father’s love • The angelic • The coming move of God • The year of Jubilee • House churches • Prospering in hard times • Mysteries of the faith

And finally, Jesus revealed that a deception has come upon the earth, and it will end in an exposure of false ministers and ministries. So be aware, and take care for your sake and others.

Kevin’s exclusive 4-CD/audio series, My Time with Jesus Concerning Your Future, comes with his new book, You Can Hear God’s Voice—because now is the acceptable time to:

• Recognize God’s voice apart from other voices • Get clarity in knowing God’s will • Know your rights and privileges as a believer • Walk in discernment through the Holy Spirit

What Kevin describes is an exciting season. It’s important and ahead of you now!

Kevin Zadai is a licensed pilot who God told to be a flight attendant. Over a long career with a major airline, the former employee-of-the-year ministered to its passengers daily, carrying the Glory of God as he worked. Today Kevin is retired, but he is still a busy traveler, including frequent trips to Heaven. He and his wife Kathi live in New Orleans, LA.


well my guest kevin zadai

uh had the most uh he provokes me to

jealousy all the time

but this really does he just had a


visitation from jesus where jesus

taught him revelation after revelation

after revelation from the bible

uh he showed him what is going on in

earth right now

while he he got a peek

into the second heaven

what i mean by the second heaven the

first heaven is earth where we live

second heaven is where the devil and his


live and the third heaven is where god

and the angels

live and so and in fact

i believe kevin that a lot of prophets

miss god because they literally hear

something but they don’t distinguish

whether they’re hearing it from the

second heaven

they’re hearing something or the third


and they get faked out that’s true sid

and jesus warned me about this

and so he gave me instruction about that


as far as the ministry of the prophet

and that we’re not supposed to speak out

of our imagination

we’re supposed to speak from the fire

that’s in the altar of god

we’re supposed to speak fire and we’re

supposed to speak truth

well tell me i want to

hear what is going on in the chatter

in the second heaven right now and

there’s a purpose for the chatter

you see the bible says if two or more


touching any one thing in jesus name

it’ll be done there’s such power in


that if the devil can get a human

who is supposed to be the voice of god

on this

earth by speaking god’s word out of the

human body

if the devil can get that human in fear

and speaking what the devil wants

he can get it to happen and that’s why

god wants

us to pray god’s will be done on earth

as in heaven so

but even before you tell me some of

those things something

that you that you learned that

it’s worth this whole show what he’s uh

about ready to ask him

what does god think about us

you said that he thinks we’re better

than we think explained that yes

he said at the same time that all this

was unleashed

that we’ve gone through with the virus

and everything that’s going on

and the injustice that’s in our system

you know our system has become corrupt


it’s just obvious i think it’s been that

way for a while but

this is what he showed me he said the

world needs to be turned upside down


actually yes and 12 12 men did it

in jesus time and it’s time for the body

of christ to do it again

that’s what his plan is anyway so what i

saw was was that a [ __ ]

jesus said a horde of devils have been

unleashed on christians

to make them feel as though they don’t

measure up and that they’re rejected

and he said that you need to tell people

that they’re doing better the christians

are doing better than they think they’re

doing because

there has been this attack on their soul

in this area of rejection so the lord

says i tell the people i haven’t

rejected them

i love them and they’re doing better

than they think they’re doing

just stay in their track that i’ve

called them to he called it a track

everybody’s called to do a pathway and

that pathway

is a path of righteousness that changes

and keeps a generation

intact and that’s what he’s really after

right now he’s after

all of the injustice and the right the


that is in the world today and he wants

the christians to stand up

and he said tell them they’re doing

better than they think they’re doing

because they’re under attack right now

well i don’t know about you but that

makes me feel pretty good

now what you said is that

if and we’ll get to that if in a moment

if christians start speaking what

god says rather than what their emotions

and fear

is saying to them that there still will

be a supply

crunch coming uh so what

what things did god tell you to store up


the lord asked me to to help people by

uh getting the necessities like water

and and things like that the necessities

we would need

and even extra food so when i buy things

i buy extra

so that our ministry can help people

around us now he said this because

he said that the plan of the enemy is is

to control

at the people so he does that through

through governments who are not

god-fearing these

evil spirits want to control so i saw

for one for for instance jesus pulled

back a veil he pulled back several veils

while he talked to me

one of them was these mysterious towers

that have been appearing

he showed me he says you’ve been mapped

for the last two months they’ve been

mapping your

every movement every conversation these


uh these this technology is mapping you


they are gathering data on each

individual and it just surprised me

because i thought that was like a

conspiracy thing

i would think anyone that owns a cell

phone everyone knows where your bank

what you

where where you’ve been to shop who your

friends are they know everything about


so he told me where you’ve driven yeah

he told me to give my electronics

vacations every now and then that’s what

he told me

and he said he said he said that uh

learn from what you just went through

and and get everybody ready but he said

if you pray

he said you can cut this off and he said

it’s not my will that any of this


but he said they’re even concocting new


and and reviving old ones that will

actually be weaponized in order to be


at a very quick rate where they would

normally not be able to spread and so he

said it’s coming again

get ready and he said tell the people to

get ready you’ve got a couple months

and then he said if they pray he said it

will it will

cut it off and he the enemies

the enemy’s desire is is that we would

not be

free any longer that we would be under


and that we are not to hand that freedom

over we are not

allowed to hand over our freedom kevin

what do you see coming from china that


worse than the coveted virus

well you know what what i was told was

we are actually

at war with china right now because the


of evil have used that country to come

at us with everything right now and

because of that i saw

that they were doing these clandestine

things with diseases

so i saw and it was exposed to me that

they can weaponize

viruses that would normally not be able

to do what they do so i saw

that they were going to try to spread

this again

and that i saw in our country that we

if we don’t stand up for what is right

in our prayer time

that china would be able to to dissemble


piece by piece and that that the agenda

of people in this country that are in

leadership would allow it to happen

because it has to do with socialism it

has to do with that

infiltrating our our freedom here which

we see happening

too much now yeah so we’re you know the

lord had said don’t look for battleships

and aircraft carriers and airplanes

he said this is being done clandestine

they’re weaponizing things and they’re

tracking and they’re they’re watching

us and they’re they’re undermining

everything so

they know who they don’t want to get

into office because those people will

you don’t have to be a mental giant no

he they don’t want president trump in

office yes

and so they’re going to continue to do

this the only

problem with it is is that we have to

disassociate ourselves

from certain organizations in the world

or we’re going to

be sucked into this into doing things

that really

would not be what god would want so that

the problem is is with our justice


is is it’s just not military it’s


that socialism wants to take over this


and china is doing this strategically

as they are at war with us and it’s not


um bullets and and airplanes jesus said


it’s it’s undermining freedom it’s


god and man in fellowship

and the truth is it’s not even china

it’s principalities and powers of


that are pulling the strings of the

puppets of humans

well exactly but it just so happens that


is ripe to be used there’s these are the

puppets yes but he also told me

that the church the church in china is

so large

that the walls would come down if if we

would pray

that people there’s so many people there

that are believers

that the walls would come down so that’s

what’s happening here it’s a war against

the church in china as well

not just in this country but in china as


i saw all this and so we are at war and

we can take care of it as believers

by voting and then binding and losing

and forbidding

things to come into our country and it’s

all about

freedom here it’s our rights as as a as

a human being and as a christian

that are be at stake in this nation and

then all over the world it’s being

contested at different stages already

okay but there was a new i know i saw a

new disease

that was going to be concocted by the

enemy and then spread again

and that we are to to to pray against

that and fast and pray so the lord asks


if we can this be stopped he said it can

be and he said it’s not

my father or me’s desire for this to


he said the church has the keys they

have all full authority

if they bind it it is bound in heaven

and it will be stopped

but he said righteousness has to return

to our nation and justice so the just

balances have to

so it has to do with our judicial branch

see we thought it had to do with our

executive branch and about

uh you know the things we talk about

with politics and our leaders

um but he said it has to do with the

justice system

the justice system is what’s being

contested here it is a

a process of rebellion

that these evil spirits are promoting

it’s a process working

these individuals who we call our

leaders into

a rebellious mode against god so this is

between god

and satan but man is involved with this

so the church has to be involved

as being the part that agrees with god

so he said the person we need to pray

for is the attorney general

and for for judges to to only

rely on righteousness why the attorney

general well it was surprising

bar yes i saw uh it was really thick

you know like one of those big sears

christmas catalogs we used to get in the


it was thick and it was indictments and

the lord said indictments are coming and

the enemy

fears that that if this is brought out

it will completely

undo every plan of the enemy it will

reveal all the things that have been

going on for years

and it is it is widespread i mean it is

people in

every area that are going to be indicted

very high up people as well as people

that um

they would worship in hollywood and and

they’re they’re going to be exposed

and they have the data they have the the


but there are so many cases that that

this election

this election is coming up it’s so

important because

of our justice our justice system

and and what will happen is jesus said

as a sign

he said roe versus wade will be


and he said that will be a sign and he

said within one hour of it being


a curse will be lifted off our nation

and he said you’ll feel it in an hour

he said because there’s a curse on our

nation because of that he said these

things will start flipping and

overturning and there’ll be indictments

there’ll be indictments all the time

being announced and people will go to

jail that you never thought could go to


that’s what’s going to happen if we pray

will it happen

to high i mean there’s so many high up

politicians that it’s real clear they’ve


illegal things but somehow they get a


is that pass going to be direct go

directly to jail do you think

well it actually is how much we decide

that we can go with this ourselves as a

church as the church of the body of


if we can go after those high spirits

and if we cut them off

then even the highest powers where these

individuals who i could mention

they’re operating in the highest level

of witchcraft

and they have made decisions politicians

yes and the hollywood people

are they’ve made they’ve made uh packs

and covenants with the devil

and if we fast and pray for the next

couple months

and really really go after it we can cut

these things off and they will be

exposed but

if these higher spirits they have ways

of preserving their own

if we don’t come together see if you

look at what’s happened in the body of


we have been divided there’s no unity

and so there is no

faith in the in the disunity if we agree

as touching anything

it shall be done for us that is still in

the bible said that’s what the lord told


he said kevin if you lift me up and you

talk about how good

me and my father are and you build

people up in the body of christ

speak from the fire and prophesy to the

body of christ

and tell them that you serve a good god

it will activate them

and they will become the ambassador that

they’re called to

and say you know what we’re not having

this way i heard people all over the

world say

you know what we’re not having it this

way not on my watch there were people

praying at night and they were telling

the lord we’re not going to have it this


this is we’re going to have justice and

righteousness in this country

and they were calling the angels to come

down and to start to push out the evil

and they were going to the root i heard

christians praying in spirit and then

saying i cut at the root the evil in my


i cut it off i break the powers that are


my nation i heard people interceding all

night this is this is going to happen in

the next couple months

but sid i’m telling you if we do nothing

if we’re prayerless

darkness is coming what will happen in

the streets of our country

and that’s not just the united states

countries of the world

what’s going to happen if we don’t pray

i saw

lawlessness happening beyond what we

have now

i mean i’m talking about not just having

cars and police cars burning

i saw cities on fire i saw at least two


that i could mention that were on fire

and i saw

i saw that lawlessness got to the place

where they had to call in the military

and they had no choice i saw

i saw in the fall i saw a military

at the polls to protect people so they

wouldn’t be intimidated

because i saw crowds of people standing

there that wouldn’t allow people to go


that’s what i saw and i saw i saw

military soldiers

guarding the polls so that people could

go in and vote and then be protected at

their cars

i saw i saw a military going into whole

to cities

to where there were there were there

were places where you weren’t allowed

unless you had permission to be there

that’s what i saw and i saw that the


wanted to push people into intimidation

to where they didn’t vote

and that they they were afraid but see

if we

it almost sounds like a communist

country it doesn’t sound like the united

states to me i know even as i’m telling

you sid i’m just being honest with you i

never saw

that it would ever get this bad you know

i always think the best of everything

but when the lord showed me this and i

didn’t know that he would give me this

platform to speak to

to the world but i’m telling you this is

the last warning they’re getting

the lord told me that you got couple

months until the

until the end of august to get

everything ready because after that

there’s going to be a progression of

darkness come upon this nation

and people if christians don’t


that they’re loved by a heavenly father

that takes care of them if they don’t

get rid of the problems they have with

rejection and their issues of rejection

and and not understanding the love of a

heavenly father if they don’t get rid of

it they’re going to take

you’re saying they feel rejected by god

yes because of their

behavior right no they’re i’m saying

that people will take personally what’s

going to happen

around them as though they’ve done

something wrong and that’s not true the

world is judged

but christians judge themselves that’s

why he’s asking us for the next couple

months to judge ourselves

so that we wouldn’t be judged with the

world that’s what paul said that’s what

we’re that’s what i’m talking about here

so people are going to if they don’t

take care of their rejection issues

right now

when things start to come apart you

cannot take it personally that has

nothing to do with your relationship

with god

this is something that’s happening

because the world has

is corrupt and evil and we live in this

imperfect world but we’re not of this

world if we separate now

and stand out from among the world we

are going to have favor

the lord showed me supernatural

provision like like like a

biblical proportion of stories that

people will have for provision

but he also said be wise and get your


he said get your provisions get ready to

help other people

so i’m not hoarding just for myself i’m

getting things that i can be able to

help other people with

because everyone is going to go through


everyone’s going to go through this but

we are going to told me

two things and this is important you

told me the first thing is

that believers will be like in the bible

the jewish people were in goshen and the


came but it didn’t touch them right

and then the second thing you told me

all this can be cut

really really short if

if kevin saw the third

heaven plant by god and i’ll tell you


it trumps the devils if

wow that was pretty heavy kevin

had a five-hour visitation from jesus

and he saw so much that’s about ready to


but i can tell you this

he saw what the devil wants to happen

now i want him to tell you what god’s


is and if

my people will

humble themselves that’s a key word

and pray i

god will heal

their land kevin

what does god want to happen with

america with the election that’s coming

what is god’s plan god’s plan

is for us to let righteousness reign

and justice reign and also that we would

have the freedom

to speak from the other realm about the

kingdom of god and preach the kingdom

throughout the whole earth the whole

idea here is the harvest

satan does not want the harvest to

happen so the move of god

that we’ve always talked about it is

actually here jesus said right now

in this visitation he said there has

never been no more of open heaven than

there is right now

he said people are drawn away by what’s


but he said if you focus on your inner

man in your spirit

you’ll have eyes that see and you’ll see

that it’s open heaven

there are angels all around us they’re

all ready to go they have

what do you see right now on this set

well i saw i saw that there were angels

all along here

that were making sure that we spoke only

the things

that were needful for this time and

they’re all they’re they’re all here

there’s there’s there’s three angels

right here that are standing right here

they have been sent to make sure that we

do exactly what was written so that the

world would know

and and that that way god’s plan

succeeds and satan is defeated in fact i

can hear him screaming like a little

girl right now

he’s just a big he’s a big loser and he

knows it he knows that he’s lost

he really has because see he cannot stop

what what you’ve done all these years

sid i mean the the years that you’ve

done this

it started with catherine coleman and

how she talked to you and here you are

you know over 40 years later you’re

still speaking the gospel you’re

talking about your messiah you’re

talking to the world

it’s at 50. and and because of that

because of that here we are god’s

trusted us to give

this message out get oil in your lamps

get ready because the greatest show

of god’s glory is about to be on this

earth there’s this huge move of god

that is is pending now because it satan


that he could stop it but what it did

was it pushed us all into the glory

because we we were left to ourselves in

our houses we didn’t if we didn’t even

go to work a lot of us

so what i did was i did what i could do


people are finding that they have a

spiritual life they have a family life

even the dogs and the cats get to see

their owners more you know in the last

couple months

and what’s happening is is that children

were home with their parents

and what happened was is god started


and now he’s going to finish it but i

saw that what god wants on this earth is

for righteousness to reign that the

kingdom of god

would reign and so he has chosen certain

leaders at this time to be in office

and then those who have elected to not

serve him and

not do what is right they are going to


removed and they will be judged

according to what

god has determined but i’m going to be

with those

that are righteous god has invited me to

a highway of holiness

it is in isaiah 35 and

those who are the redeemed or who are


can walk on it you’re going to see this

happen in the coming years and did you


that the end jesus said this is not the


he says everybody thinks this is the end

they’re asking which he even said it

which bowl of wrath it was or what seal

it was

he said it’s none of that he said he

said trust me kevin when the end comes

you’re going to know it

because it’s going to all go to

lawlessness immediately he said

he actually said you’ve got 11 years

more of ministry

just on the projects that i’m asking you

to do these ministries

so he gave me there’s actually seven

different projects that he’s given me

he says he says after you pass your test

here and the world passes their test

he said there’ll be this great move of

god and he gave me 11 years

of what i’m to do and he said kevin he

said because roe versus wade will be


why why is it so important for roe

versus wade to be

overturned what did he tell you about

the babies being born now

yeah he said well first of all there’s a

curse on our nation because we’ve

allowed this

second of all he said that just like it


when moses was in the womb satan was

after him because he was the deliverer

he was the great lawgiver

that was to come okay so when when uh

that evil spirit

possessed pharaoh he went after all the

babies to get him

but he missed him and he ended up in his

own household pharaoh had to take care

of moses so that is one number two

jesus said when i was born in mary

through mary

he said the evil spirit went in to

herod and the evil spirits don’t know

exactly the timings because they don’t

have they don’t understand time like we


so they were trying to figure it out so

just like pharaoh

he tried to get two or three years he

missed it again

so then jesus jesus succeeded

going to egypt and then coming back he

said now

he figures it out that this generation

coming up

must be the generation that’s going to

see the coming of the lord

that there’s going to be a voice like a

prophetic voice

ushering in his coming this is what he

told me he said i don’t know when i’m

coming back but he said i can give you

some hints

he said though the one the generation

that satan is

after in the womb he said those are the

ones that are destined to be

the the voice of one crying in the

desert just like john the baptist was

when jesus came

there will be a prophetic generation so

he said every child in the womb now

is called and chosen as a mouthpiece for


and and so the devil wants to get rid of

these chosen vessels yes

and that’s why he wants uh legalized

murder a baby that’s what he did

so he tried to take off and the lord

said he said that’s why

he said you’re going to see more kids

being born they come out of the womb

with fire in their in their

lips they’re going to speak from the

spirit he said you’re going to see

kids get up and preach and they’re going

to be able to do things that the adults

are going to have their jaws are just

going to be on the on the floor

with amazement there that that came out

of their body but that child

is a supernatural person that god

ordained because satan lost he lost this

whole thing

so that’s what’s coming is this is not

the end god god said no you know i just

want the people to be warned

that this there’s a test coming and that

he wants the body of christ to stand up

and pass their test

that he said he said i don’t know

they’re saying the covet was almost like

a dress rehearsal

of the test that’s coming yeah the lord

said i didn’t i didn’t do any of this

he said but i let it happen to show

christians what’s in their heart

he said and to show even the unbeliever

that without god

there is no hope for them and so it was

it was there is no other answer

but by the way when you were talking

about abortion it’s kind of big

something i’ve been pondering yeah

lately really pondering

uh as most people know the start of

planned parenthood was a woman by the

name of margaret sanger

who hated black people

and said this is a good way to get rid

of our black

population that’s that’s the whole


of plain parenthood that’s the father of

it the root

and percentage-wise more

african-american babies are murdered

than any other group i happen to believe

there must be a

great destiny of god on african


if the devil this like the devil wanted

to wipe out

jesus and the devil wants to wipe out

african-american babies

yeah and i know this is like a news

flash and a shocker but i have seen


so many times and he has dark skin so

he’s middle eastern

and he’s very he’s a very handsome man

but he’s also god but he still has his


and i saw he’s middle eastern so i don’t

understand this whole thing

because the god that we serve is a god

that’s beyond

the races he is four human beings

that he formed in his image from the


this division is totally witchcraft this

division among people

we we need to come against this we need

to stop this

and we can do that by voting in heaven

by agreeing with god

and going to the polls and getting the

right people in there

that will listen to the lord the right


i can make it real easy for you are the


that are and these are biblical issues

it’s not democrat or republican it’s

biblical issues

which candidate is for murdering babies

in the womb

that’s someone i don’t want to vote for

i don’t want their blood

on me i got enough problems that i had

to repent of i don’t need that

the second thing is very important

god chose israel

it’s the bible actually says it’s not

the jewish people’s land

it actually says it’s not the arab

people’s land

god says this is my land

it’s god’s land

and it’s very important to vote for a


that is for marriage between a man

and a woman and so these are

biblical foundations uh

it’s real clear on the presidency

there’s only

one candidate of all of them

that are for this he’s going to make

america great

kevin how should we all right number one

you said

we should pray number two you said you


we should vote

what will happen if christians pray and


to our country or whatever country you

happen to be watching from

he said i will hear from heaven and i

will answer

and he said it’s no longer going to be

visitation it’ll be habitation

god is going to come and abide and live

with people so that this

great harvest i saw believers have such


that people couldn’t resist them when

they went to work when they went out and


they were talking to everyone about how

good god was and that god wasn’t doing

all these

things and i saw that people could not


the presence the glory that was on

believers i’m talking about all over the


no matter what country it was in you

know god has to be able to bring his


into every country the gospel has to

work in every country

it’s good news it’s it’s the gospel is

good news

paul said listen it’s the goodness of

god that leads people to repentance

and so jesus said lift me up kevin and

tell everybody

that me and my father are not doing

these evil things we

love people and we want them to come to

heaven that’s what he told me

word for word and i’m that’s why i’m

here today to talk to you because

this nation does not have to be

left left to the dogs left to people

that will just chew

and devour god did this he

wants it to be for the righteous he

wants us to pray for our justice system

for all the chief justices he wants us

to pray for

all the judges for for uh attorney

general barr he wants us to pray and

intercept especially you said bar

yes because he’s so targeted that is

going to cause

satan’s house to crumble yes that’s the

fear to tell you the truth

what i saw behind the veil was that


that is coming against the godly

principles in this country

and coming against those who stand up

for it

those people are going to be indicted

and they know it

they they know what they’ve done and

they know that barr

has that information and it’s huge


and uh and i’m telling you our president

is just

waiting for this part of history to be

over so that he can start to clean house

you know we think that he was just what

he was doing

was you know what he promised but it’s

much deeper than that because

god promised something even greater that

he’s going to use these men and women to


that is beyond what we can conceive

right now because

the harvest is going to come in is that

by the way is the reason

that the press the media the

sports industry is so

against president trump

because he is fulfilling god’s

agenda at this moment in history yes

it’s true

but i’m telling you they also see the

indictments that are in his hand

they know he holds all the cards i’m

telling you the truth sid

i saw this as clear as day and it’s all

good news

we just have to pray and stand our


through the fall and into christmas i

what areas should we be praying

give me give me some bullet points we

have to pray

that righteousness reigns and and that

we have to pray that evil is exposed and

cut off and then we have to tell evil

spirits constantly

that you will not get your way on my

watch every christian has to say that

not on my watch i will not allow you to


i will not allow you to talk just shut

up and leave and that’s what i do all

the time

every city i go to i encounter the

spirits of that city

they they confront me and they contest

that i’m here and i just say there’s

nothing you can do about it i’ve got the


i’ve been sent i’ve not went i’m sent

and so that’s how you pray

your sin is an ambassador you can see

this there’s an identity problem

with christians these days they don’t

know who they

are because they don’t know their god

god his personality is revealed by the

holy spirit and the word of god

and we need to start to give ourselves

more than just a cold snack

every day spiritually we need to get

some hot meals and let

god take the fire i saw the altar

the altar coles that you saw in isaiah 6

i saw them being

issued to people because god’s not going

to let this just and in a second they’re

going to change

what i mean like they’re going to wake

up and they’re going to be a different


and the the father if it’s the father

he’s going to announce we’re going to do

things different

and he’s going to have a plan god will

show him the plan

you’re going to see people just wake up

and they’re going to be they’re going to

get saved

over a dream you’re going to have angels

that are around like

people that you can think of right now

that you you just

you think they’re just trouble you know

like every time they’re you know they

show up there’s trouble

you’re going to see an angel beside them

and and it’s going to be hilarious

because god is going to

usher them onto the highway of holiness

they’re going to get saved and changed

people are going to start to change

people that had problems

that the problem they’re going to wake

up without it but they will never

in this lifetime be able to explain what

just happened but jesus

at night is going to pull his sword and

sing a song of deliverance over them and

they’re going to be delivered of their


and they’re going to wake up without

them but they will never be able to

explain what happened it’ll never be

explainable that’s what i saw

sid it’s exceedingly above what what you

could ask or think

i saw that what god couldn’t do in

churches he’s going to do in people’s


i i i i’m kind of a type of person

abc yeah would you pray a prayer

that every believer watching us

right now should be praying every day

and i’ll repeat it after you and at home

you repeat it

can you imagine the power if all these

people and myself repeat

after you this prayer the way you pray

it just this right now but what if we

did it every day

until at least the election wow

pray look in the camera and pray this

prayer sir

father in the name of jesus i just pray

for a spirit of wisdom and revelation

and the knowledge of you on all everyone

that’s watching

that the eyes of their heart would be

flooded with light right now of


and they would know the hope to which

they’ve been called in the glorious

inheritance of the saints and the power

that rose jesus from the dead

and i pray lord that the spirit of god

would be able to speak the truth

right now to every believer that they

would hear your voice okay

and after that i asked lord that you

would show them your their future

and show them what their part is in this

generation and what they can do

and start to teach how to bind and lose

and so father

we just bind the evil right now it so we

just bind

evil right now the evil right now and

father i ask you that righteousness

would reign in my head i ask you that


would reign pull your sword pull your


and bring it to justice and bring to


every evil every evil every agenda

that’s not of you

every agenda that’s not of you bring it

down into captivity bring it down

into captivity to the obedience of

christ right now to the obedience of the

messiah right now i pray for

every leader i pray for every leader i

pray for our president

i pray for our presence may the

anointing of joy

be upon him may the anointing of joy may

the yoke

breaking power be upon him may the yoke

breaking power be upon him

i pray that the justice system would

have eyes at

sea into the spirit realm i pray the

justice system would have

eyes that see into the spirit realm and

as a

believers all over the world we lay at

the root

the ax we lay at the root the ax

and we dis we dissect the evil

and its power we cut it off we cut off

the evil

and its power and we all agree as

touching this one thing

and we all agree it’s touching this one

and here’s the most important one

we repent we repent we take

accountability for our actions and our

beliefs we take accountability for our

actions and our beliefs and we turn our

face back to you father

and we turn our face back to you heal

our land

heal our land heal our land heal our

land may the

fire of the holy spirit consume may the

fire of the holy spirit

every evil and chaff

every evil and chaff in our lives

in our lives and in those who are in


and in those who are in leadership you

are consuming fire

you are consuming fire father may the

spirit of prophecy start to work in our


father may the spirit of prophecy start

to work

in our leaders where they start to speak

by your spirit where they start to speak

by your spirit

and their will is turned and become

another person and their will is turned

and they become another person

visit every household visit every


with fire with fire

thank you for the joy thank you for the

joy lord

oh sid it’s done sid it’s done

but for some reason i just keep hearing

again and again kevin pray

for attorney general barr

pray for president

trump pray

for the peace of jerusalem

in jesus name amen

call now and get kevin sedai’s

revelatory four-part audio diary

my time with jesus concerning your

future and his must-read book

you can hear god’s voice it’s exclusive

for our

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of 39

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number 9703

kevin sedai recently experienced a five

and one-half hour encounter with jesus

where jesus revealed to him the future

concerning how the body of messiah needs

to navigate

these last of the last days kevin

recorded his revelatory four-part audio


my time with jesus concerning your

future so you can hear what heaven is

saying to you

and what is happening now and in the

future on kevin zedai’s revelatory

four-part audio diary

you will hear the following jesus told

kevin me and my father are not causing

the worldwide corona pandemic

protests rioting and global economic

shaking it is coming from the demonic


jesus revealed to kevin a great

deception has come upon the earth that

is going to result in a great exposure


false believers ministers and ministries

believers are to seek to receive the

meat of the word

believers are to no longer walk in the

mental understanding of things

but instead we must operate with

revelation from god

god is going to give the body of messiah

a supernatural advantage in business

in investments and they will prosper

while darkness comes upon the earth

god’s angels are going to be assigned to

people’s houses

home bible studies and spiritual gifts

will flourish

god is sending resurrection power even

in these end times

there is a short time you have to get

ready for what’s coming next

you will also receive kevin zedai’s must

read book

you can hear god’s voice this book

contains supernatural keys to walking in

fellowship with your heavenly father

through this book you will learn to

recognize god’s voice apart from other


encounter new clarity and knowing god’s

will access your many rights and

privileges as a believer

walk in increased discernment through

holy spirit power

experience transformation by renewing

your mind

as you walk and talk with god you’ll

find yourself living the abundant life

of blessing that you were meant to live

i believe that god chose

kevin because he felt he could trust him

to really communicate what god wants to


for the last days church don’t miss out

on getting kevin sedai’s revelatory

four-part audio diary

my time with jesus concerning your

future and his must read book

you can hear god’s voice it’s exclusive

for our

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of 39

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number 9703

call or you can send your check to sid

roth it’s supernatural

p.o box 39222 charlotte north carolina

28278 please specify offer number 9703

or log on to call or

write today