Ron Reagan went to hell and saw his friends there. Sid Roth with Ron Reagan on It’s Supernatural!

In this It’s Supernatural! Classic episode from 1996: Is hell real? Meet Ron Reagan, a violent street fighter who had a near death experience and found himself in hell. Find out what he observed while in hell.

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it’s supernatural

with citron is hell real meet Ron Reagan

a violent street partner who had a

near-death experience and found himself

in hell find out what he observed on

this edition of it’s supernatural


if it’s not natural consider it’s

supernatural heaven hell are these just

religious terms are are they real what

would you say if an individual that had

never read the Bible was not a

churchgoer at all had an experience and

actually saw some of his friends burning

in hell that’s my guest Ron Reagan I’m

going to take you back to a 12 year old

youngster you’re not Jewish but if you

were I’d say not even Bar Mitzvah Brett

a 12 year old youngster and your father

did something that crush your heart tell

me about that I was raised very poor SID

in the mountains of eastern Tennessee

I walked two miles to catch the school

bus on one of these trips to catch the

school bus walk through a little widow

woman’s yard

she called me aside and said son I want

to give you a gift that gift was a

little lamb which became my friend no I

don’t know much about lambs but could

they similar to a dog or a cat well very

similar goat she this was just a baby

lamb white fluffy just to sleep with the

lamb no no I was just curious yeah now

you know what it did for the catcher

right right but I was the first of three

children in a very abusive home my dad

was a drunkard beetus consistently my

mother as well as the kids but this lamb

was very dear to me it was in fact kind

of security to me no toys no no one to

play with there in the mountains and I

was very close to this land and even

after several months it would wait on me

in the past Rafi

you when I would come home from school

and much like a dog or a cat it was a

very real pet and a friend to me but one

afternoon when I came home the lamb was

missing and I heard my dad cursing as

usual he was working on an automobile

and I didn’t want to get hit or curse

that day so I I tried to walk a wide

berth around the car he was working on

and when I got to the other side I

looked down at the ground and there was

my lamb covered with blood and in a fit

of anger and rage the lamb had come

around wanting to play and my dad had

taken the tar tool and plunged it

through that lambs body it was covered

with blood of course it was dead run

yeah it’s difficult going back a number

of years what did you feel the second

you saw that lamb rage hatred anger I

really believed at that point in my life

I was completely overcome with hatred

and did you want to kill your father yes

I did I wanted to hurt to kill anything

that represented authority in any form

well what did you tell your father did

you run there what you’re so afraid of

him you backed off actually at that

point in life just just ran away ran

away from home ran into the woods the

mountains screaming the first afternoon

and night in the woods I was just

screaming he’s killed the land

he’s killed my land how long were you

away from home then probably from that

point on given a few times the juvenile

authorities would bring me back from

their own until I was married I never

lived at home again

wait a second how does a 12-year old

without money

angry fend for himself you do the best

you can you stay with whoever will have

you many times I slip on the ground

under bushes in cardboard boxes just the

best you can do that’s what you

the curiosity twelve-year-old alone hate

your father lost your best friend the

lamb did you were fearful at all No from

that point onward I never had fear I

think that’s unusual no fear at all

probably so much hatred if there was any

fear there it was completely covered

buried so deep I couldn’t get to it okay

you got married at a young age how old

seventeen seventeen how about your wife

fifteen fifteen well if you’re on your

own at 13 you grew up 12 I mean he grew

up fast yes yeah what was your life a

life of crime exactly I I was in the

reform school off and on many times in

juvenile county jails by the time I was

15 I was in a holding place for a state


I was started doing time for

manslaughter at 15 years old hated

everybody and everything how much time

did you have to do for manslaughter

about a year and three months and before

I made parole

sometimes it’s difficult to talk about

because of the years of pent up hatred

and and emotion I look back on those

days and uh I’m ashamed drugs drugs

crime alcohol alcohol were you addicted

or just a social drinker I was addicted

extremely addicted to speed and alcohol

just if I couldn’t if I didn’t have the

money to purchase them I robbed or bees

or stove whatever I had to do to get the

Drifters you care if you died no no no

Karen Ollie’s and what would have

happened to you if you died did you even

think about it do whatever you want to

him eat you know leave me laying I don’t

care what was the purpose of life I

didn’t know probably

see who’s on top well one day you ended

up cutting yourself and bleeding to

death tell me about that day well I was

25 years old actually when that happened

I was married the father of three

children at that time the life of crime

had escalated many times to the point of

where my wife would have to leave for

her own safety and actually I got to the

point I was just like my father before

me I beat my wife my children were

afraid of me numerous times I would beat

the walls and just utter frustration and

rage and anger and it was at that point

in life that this fight I got into I was

all the time fighting I was in the jail

for for abuse for disorderly conduct for

brawling for attacking police officers

if you wore a badge or wrote a police

car you were my target you know I wanted

I always wanted an altercation or an

incident where I could ventilate my rage

and what happened to well at that point

in life at 25 years old my son was with

me with just five started into a little

7/11 convenient type store met a man in

the doorway he pushed on the door I

pushed on the door that’s all it took to

ignite to me and I just hit him I just

busted his head just knocked him down in

the floor and I’ll tell you what we’re

going to take a break right now and I

want you to find out what happened when

the blood drained out and he saw help

don’t go away

coming up find out what Ron saw in

another world that caused him to

experience fear for the first time ever

so Ron Reagan was in a convenience store

he was pushing on what the door one way

another man was pushing the other way

you found out how volatile Ron was so

Ron who won well probably he did I’m not

I knocked the man down he fell in a

Bob is awesome down by just pushing over

no I’ve cracked inside the head with my

fist oh my goodness just knocked him

down he fell in a stack of bottles glass

went all over the store people screaming

running but he got up with a broken a

large quart bottle broken bottle and

started stabbing started stabbing me how

badly actually the first stab was for my

face and I lifted my left arm just to

stop the globe the first stab wound

severed the biceps muscle the artery the

ligaments and the tendons and my left

arm completely all the way to the bone

blood was gushing out with every beat of

the heart just like squirting out of a

hose and but I was so enraged and full

of anger that that didn’t mean anything

to me

I just kept striking out at him with my

other arm and he kept stabbing you know

cut me several times and he meant to

kill me I didn’t know what at the time

had just gotten out of prison himself

for for cutting someone so how did this

altercation and that’s a minor way to

describe it end up well in the in a few

moments the the manager of that store

came over and just literally screamed

and said the young man if you don’t get

to a hospital you’re going to die right

here in the store and that kind of got

my attention and I’ll you know blood was

all over the floor and just pumping out

of my body my little son was hysterical

jumping up down screaming people were

you know panicking that sounds worse

than seeing that dead lamb your son

watching right that’s that’s very

difficult for me to even remember sand

but the man offered to drive me to the

hospital the nearest hospital which he

did he I got in the passenger side of my

own car he got under the wheel

my little son was in the back and drove

two miles to the nearest hospital

I had no tourniquet wasn’t really trying

to stop the bleeding of than just

placing my hand on it by the time we

came to the emergency room

I was near so near death I couldn’t even

open my eyes the floorboard was filled

with blood everything was just going

around and around

I remembered the the emergency room team

I could hear them I could not even see

them but they were saying we can’t help

him he’s lost too much blood

the arm will probably have to be

amputated we need to prep him and try to

ship him to another hospital and

everything was in pandemonium someone

had called my wife who was nearby she

had made it to the emergency room joined

there and got my son were you aware of

what was going on or a Jew almost passed

out I was just in a semi-conscious state

I could hear the voices but I you know

wasn’t really aware of what was going on

what did they take you then and an

ambulance to the other hospital they did

they they begin to give me IVs and blood

and you know put me in an ambulance at

that point and and ship me to Baptist

Hospital in Knoxville Tennessee some 18

miles away my wife was in the ambulance

with me got right on into ambulance with

me and the ambulance took off Alliance

siren and a young man the paramedic in

that ambulance leaned over me and said

something to me I didn’t quite

understand what even meant he said sir

you’re in serious trouble he said you

need to call on the Lord but wait a

second I thought they weren’t allowed to

do things like that evidently that’s my


evidently this young man must have been

the prompted to do that or or just risk

his job to do that well how did you

respond to that question I Kirsty you

know I just lashed out at him I cursed

even if I had the strength I’d have

probably hit him really what race yeah

anything I didn’t understand I lashed

out at it I was very paranoid very

intimidated if I didn’t understand it I

just hit it I struck out at it but again

this young man said to me sir the Lord

will help you and and eventually he used

the name Jesus I didn’t understand what

that meant and I cursed him and curse to

Jesus and and with just a lunatic I was

just a raving lunatic at that point but

as he kept trying to talk to me said

something happened in that ambulance all

of a sudden I thought the ambulance

exploded yeah it filled with smoke with

flames I didn’t understand it I

literally thought it explode you afraid

at that point well you know I was

excited I didn’t know what was happening

I thought you hear him you know bleeding

to death and now the ambulances are low

this is not your day no all right what

happened next well immediately as soon

as the the smoke and the flames came I

had the sensation of just floating up

out of that ambulance I’m I’m moving

like through the through the smoke

through the cloud accelerating speed I

was feeling pain at all not at that

point no you so he sort of floated out

of your body on yeah then what happened

yeah it was black it was dark all around

it was like I was going through the the

darkness of the smoke and I became aware

of voices a multitude of voices I

couldn’t see them at that point but I

could hear screams in the agonizing

groans and and it was getting louder and

louder and then I came out of the smoke

and I was looking down looking downward

into what appeared to be the mouth of an

active volcano well that wasn’t the

mouth of an active volcano but we’ll

find out what that was we’ll be back

right after this

stay tuned as Ron tells of the horror of

seeing faces he knew in hell but first

this with Ron Rankin we found out he was

dying and Hawwa sudden it was like an

explosion and flames and the ambulance

the blood had been drained out of him he

found himself out of his body and he

found himself going Ron you said into a

canyon it appeared to be later or an

active volcano like looking into the

mouth of an active volcano going

downward downward then the most

horrifying part of this to me I begin to

see with close-up vision the faces of

individuals that I had known through the

years people that I had robbed with that

I had parted with that I had fought with

each of them had died and in a tragic

accident or had been shot to death or

died of an overdose of drugs but you

knew that these people had died yeah

then you saw them I know them you know

they all died violent death every one of

them that I saw and recognized had died

a violent tragic death what were these

people doing in hell they were screaming

they were burning they were in like a

lake of fire they were burning but they

weren’t being consumed multitudes of

them and but the most horrible pain of

all was perhaps the the atmosphere of

depression and oppression and loneliness

and helplessness and no to wait a second

you have never read the Bible no you’ve

been to church maybe once or twice on

your you didn’t know anything about Hell

no how did you see this it to me I

thought this is a I’ve never been afraid

I’d been beaten shocked

abused fear was a small thing in my life

this was something I definitely didn’t

understand and it really made me think

there’s more going on than I know about

where I realized did they communicate

with you they did what they say screamed

my name these people that knew me they

screamed at me and said Ronnie don’t

come here there’s no way out

there’s no escape

don’t come here there’s no hope go away

don’t come here and I listened to this

and I looked into their faces there’s

Richard that had died in a robbery

attempt his heart was blown out of his

body in front of me on a sidewalk in

Atlanta Georgia

another friend Freddie was drowned

underneath his automobile in a river we

couldn’t get the car off of him

he died drunk on and on it tears me up

to even talk about it now but I saw them

screaming and and saying don’t come here

there’s no hope go go back go back and

then I don’t know how long this went on

but I could smell the most horrible

smell I could see what if it’s knowing


like an electric welder the horrible

smells that I couldn’t even describe I

could feel the heat I could hear the

screams I could smell the smell then

people were suffering yes they were in

horrible agonizing torment said I I’ve

held people in my arms as they died I’ve

held him in my arms on the street I’ve

looked at him as we burned him to death

behind bars in the prison covered them

with lighter fluid ignited their body

burn them up this was something beyond

beyond what I had ever known in the

natural this was something I did not

understand and they were screaming to me

go back don’t come here there’s no

escape if you come here and and then

immediately bang I don’t know how long

this went on but I woke up in a hospital

room in Baptist Hospital in Knoxville


my wife was standing there she said you

made it they they left the arm they

wanted to amputate it but decided to

leave it but I was looking at her and I

was hearing her but my mind was

remembering what I had just seen I

didn’t really able as the days went by

to forget that experience

no never never from that point on I

didn’t want to be in a dark room I guess

I love years old you were macho man no

fear of anything not even death and

you’re telling me what you saw was

fearful it

fear in me that I knew nothing about or

let me tell you now to a church did your

wife took you to you finally went to

this Turkish and something struck a

nerve what happened on November the 2nd

1972 15 minutes to 12:00 my wife had

been converted she had accepted Messiah

I went with her on her invitation to a

church didn’t know what the pew was what

the Bible was the minister got up to

speak I wouldn’t have known one

scripture from another but he chose to

read John 1:29 which says behold the

lamb of God which takes away the sin of

the world when he said the lamb of God

he had my attention seeing I could

remember my lamb I didn’t understand

what he was saying in the blood

squirting yells oh yes

yes it’s a little child and and this man

said the Lamb of God is Jesus Christ

he’s the sacrifice he’s the Redeemer

he’s the savior for all of man’s ills

and sins and wickedness he gave he gave

an opportunity to pray I tried to leave

Ron Reagan I know that you prayed I must

know this

drugs alcohol cursing crime that was

your way of life what happened with

those things I was delivered

instantaneously no withdrawal my nature

was changed I was changed from violence

and hatred to love and are you married

to the same woman today exactly what do

you do for a living

I’m a pastor full-time senior how many

churches have you started started four

churches you have a college education

went back and earned a master’s degree

after I was 40 years old is God good

he’s wonderful he’s one I tell you that

God is good if God can take a Ron Reagan

a man that didn’t care if he killed

someone a man so filled with hate look

at the mercy of God

he showed Ron hell a man that didn’t

believe in Hell a man that knew nothing


hell but it sounded just like the

description in the Bible and look at the

transformation in his life the Jewish

scriptures say the prophet Daniel

those who are buried in the dust some

shall rise to everlasting life sounds

good to me and some to everlasting

condemnation sounds like just what Ron

Reagan described everlasting means no

chance of return that’s it

finish if you don’t make the right

decision in this life your decision is

made for you when you die

I’m reminded of a famous prophet who

said why will you die o house of Israel

choose life lehayim

the way you choose life is to choose God

the way you choose God is the Lamb who

died for you and his blood was shed and

by belief in that blood God says and he

says listen the Jewish Scriptures in

Daniel and Jeremiah I God will remember

your sins no more it’s wonderful and

then he says you will know him like Ron

knows and like I know him and I believe

like you are going to know him I believe
