When you don’t know what to do next, God does. In “I Don’t Know What Else To Do,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church reveals that when we run from our problems, we tire ourselves out –– but that when we stay close to God, we can receive His strength.

What happens to you over time… It’s not
that you’re not grateful and it’s not

that you’re rebellious. That’s not why you run.

The reason you say, “I’ve had enough” is because
you don’t feel like you are enough. That’s

why he ran. “I don’t know what else to do. I
called for the drought. I released the rain,

and nothing has changed. I’m done.” When
he said, “I’m done,” he wasn’t telling God,

“I don’t want to do it anymore.” He was
saying, “I don’t know what else to do.”

He’s done. “I can’t carry this anymore.

I can’t do it.”

I’m not necessarily going to leave my house.
I’m not necessarily going to leave my marriage

physically, but emotionally I’m going to withdraw
15 percent at a time, and you’ll never even know

I was taking my heart out of it. One day at a
time he went into the wilderness, running from

the disappointment. He wasn’t running
from Jezebel. He had the drop on Jezebel.

It’s interesting to me that the most dangerous
place he could have gone was away from the one

who was threatening him. He would have been
safer to walk right up in Ahab’s palace and say,

“Bring your wife out here. I want to tell
her something.” He would have been safer

to drop a diss track on Jezebel and
tell her what. “You want some too.

#heyjezebel” I thought about writing a letter
to Jezebel. “Hey, Jezebel, you can go to…”

Write down the word opposition.

Certain battles you expect to have
to fight. I went on Twitter one time.

That enough should produce tears. I went on
Twitter one time, and somebody said something.

It was crazy. Now, please. I don’t mean this to
be a depressing sermon. We’re just talking today.

They said they hoped I had pancreatic cancer and
died a slow, painful death. So I clicked on the

profile. I was like, “What kind of atheist is
this?” Their handle had a Scripture verse in it.

What was weird about that is I expected to
have to fight people who didn’t know God…

Why are church people some
of the meanest people around?

I expect to fight you if your
jersey is a different color.

That’s how the game goes. But you
were supposed to be blocking for me.

Elijah wasn’t scared of Jezebel. Let me tell
you what broke his heart. Go to 1 Kings 19:10.

When God asked him a question…
It’s a very strategic question.

He said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
By this time, Elijah has long passed through

Beersheba where he left his servant. Now the Enemy
has him right where he wants him: in isolation.

The first thing the Devil will do when he wants
to drop you is make sure he catches you alone.

The attack will not come here in the church.
He’s too stupid to show up and fight you here.

It will be when you leave here. It’ll be about
3:26 when you go into a good carbohydrate coma.

That’s when the thoughts come.
That’s when the fears come.

It’s going to come tonight when you have
nobody to talk to and nobody to message.

He leaves his servant and goes into the
wilderness, and the thoughts come. He’s having

this conversation with a God he can’t see about
an opponent he did not expect to have to fight.

“Here’s why I ran. Here’s why I
want to quit. Here’s why I dropped:

because I did my job. I was responsible.
I’m disappointed because the Israelites…”

Notice how he has separated himself from
the very people he was called to serve.

He’s talking about them like they’re
a third party. He is an Israelite.

You know how you do. “Your kids…” She does that to
me all the time. “You need to talk to your son.” I

know it’s not because he just mastered a new piece
of piano music when she says it like that. “You’d

better talk to your son.”

“You’d better talk to your people, God.
You’d better talk to your children,

because I did my job, and I did my best.”
Sometimes I talk to God like that about y’all.

“God, you’d better show these people how good I’m
preaching right now, because they don’t understand

what it cost me to bring them this word. They’re
just looking at me real crazy. I did my job.”

“They tore down your altars,
rejected your covenants,

and tried to put your prophets to death,
and now I’m the only one, and they’re trying

to kill me too.” Now you know they can’t kill you
or else you wouldn’t have said they’re trying,

but it’s not Jezebel you’re fighting.
It’s not really even the Israelites.

I expected to have to fight people. I expected
to have to fight for a parking space. I expected

to have to fight against the corrupt world
system. I expected that. What I didn’t expect

was the inner me to be my greatest
enemy. “I’m out. I’m done.

I could fight the false prophets. I could
even deal with Jezebel, but I’m sick of this.

I’m sick of being like this. I’m sick of thinking
like this. I’m sick of pretending like this.

I’m sick of telling everybody ‘Fine’ when I’m
really frustrated. I’m done.” And he drops.

I thought I might end the sermon here: in the drop
zone. Do you know what’s an interesting thing?

When Elijah tells God how he feels…

The Spirit of God is in this place right
now, and he’s about to put something

on a parachute and drop it right into your
spirit. Let me tell you who he’s speaking

to right now: the one who doesn’t
even want to hear it. Elijah said,

“I don’t even want to be a mom anymore.”
The Bible says he went and hid in a cave.

We talk a lot about man caves,
but how about mom caves?

“I’m sick of it. I am sick of all of these other
moms. I’m sick of their fake Pinterest. I’m sick

of all of it. I am sick of this.” Now maybe
you don’t need this message today. You could

either sit there judgmental or you could file
it for Tuesday when you go into your own cave.

“I don’t know what he’s talking about.” Your
kid is 5. When they are 15, you will need this

message. Put it in your “favorites” on YouTube,
because something will make you want to run.

God said, “Not so fast. The reason you have
collapsed is not because of your situation;

it’s because of your position.” I’ve never
dropped a parachute with a refrigerator

filled with concrete for target practice. I’ve
never dropped a gift supply for somebody who

never received a pair of flip-flops
or a pair of shorts for Christmas.

I never did that, but I
found AirDrop on my iPhone.

Have you ever seen it? I don’t use it
much, but I have used it once or twice.

One thing I found out about AirDrop… I have
something I want to give you from my phone

to your phone. Now we could do a couple of
different things. I could text it to you,

but what fun would that be when I have AirDrop? I
found this thing on my phone. It says “AirDrop.”

I found out that if our phones are close
enough and if we have a connection on Wi-Fi

and Bluetooth… Come on, I’m about to preach
this technology until somebody comes out of

hiding. If I have something on my device
and you need it on your device, if I can

get close enough to your device with my device,
what’s on my device can jump on your device.

If I have a connection, if I come out of the
cave, if I get close to the one who created me,

close to the one who called me, if I stop running
and return to the place of my… I have the drop!

God said, “I’m calling you
closer. I’m calling you back.

This day is for reconnection. I didn’t bring you
here so you could sit under a broom bush and die.”

This is the drop zone. Who is it for? Who
is it for, Gaston? Who is it for UC? Who is

it for Blakeney? Who is it for? You’re under
the covers. You didn’t even come to church.

God had to get this message to you
through an app, but he’s about to drop

something in your spirit to
strengthen you. My brother said,

“They put out red flags in remote locations to let
me know that this is the drop zone. They put out

a red flag, and we fly down close.” See, that’s
the thing about God. He can’t shout it to you.

He has to get down to that 300-foot level, really
close, where you can’t hide how you really feel.

Maybe we should do today what Elijah had to
do to return to the calling and return to the

rain and return to the blessing of God.
It doesn’t require a change in feelings;

it’s a change in focus. You got it?
I’m preaching to y’all in the back.

I’m preaching to people who are too
tired to stand up and say “Amen.”

This is your mail. This is your package. This
is your supply. God is trying to drop it.

God told Elijah in verse 15… It’s so
beautiful. He said, “Go back the way you came.”

Change your position to receive the
provision that is already waiting

in the place where you belong. I’m
seated in heavenly places with Christ.

I’m seated in a divine position far
above rulers, far above principalities.

So go back the way you came. Change your
position. Go back to the place of your

opposition. That’s where your opportunity is.
Did you hear me? Your greatest opportunity

is in the place of your greatest
opposition. If it were not hard,

it would not be worth fighting for. If it were
not hard, it would not be worth surviving for.

Go back. Go back to the place of your
responsibility. God told Elijah, “I already have

Elisha, son of Shaphat. He’s your successor. He’s
waiting for your mantle. You weren’t supposed to

do this alone to begin with, and the reason I let
you run out of strength is so that you would be in

a place of surrender and dependence. You were not
supposed to do this alone, so I had to let you run

all the way to the cave, all the way to the
disappointment, so you could get this drop.”