You have a purpose, even in a time of separation. Loneliness is hard and can leave us feeling unstable. We all need stability and we all want comfort. We’ve lost so many things that we were accustomed to and there’s a lot of separation between what was and what’s to come.

Steven Furtick is asking, what if God isn’t calling you to be comfortable right now? What if He is using this time to prepare you for your purpose; what if this separation is preparation? What if this time of separation is an opportunity to recognize the distinctive features you have as a child of God?

Our hope is this message meets you in your separation to bring comfort, courage and hope for the days to come.

destiny is always driven by your

distinctives the things about you that

make you different are the things that

will drive you into your destiny often

the things that embarrass you about

yourself are the very things that God

has empowered you with to make a

difference in your world come on

Blakeley I know I’m not normally on the

screen but you can clap because a lot of

times we spend our time running from the

things that God wants to use to lead us

into our new season and into our

greatest effectiveness touch somebody

next to you and say be distinctive

Israel was always meant to be different

than the other nations God never

intended for them to fit in in fact the

reason that he called Israel was so that

he could have a special possession

something different than all the

surrounding nations a nation on which

his name could rest he wanted them to be

distinctive and it broke God’s heart

more than anything when his people tried

to pretend like they were what God had

called them out of it broke his heart

when they wanted a king for themselves a

human king when God wanted to be their

king and I think it still must really

break the heart of God when we try to

get out of other people something that

God Himself desires to give to us

something that only he can give if

you’re if you’re a business owner raise

your hand or if you’re an aspiring

business owner and entrepreneur of any

kind one of the things you’ve got to do

if your business is going to succeed or

be great remember we said that greatness

is a product of separation preceded by

separation preparation and separation

both work I mean I screwed it up but the

other one were too

even my mistake was anointed just now

that’s how great University City is now

watch this there’s something to that

separation preparation there’s something

to that

in there that’s because Moses had to

spend 40 years in Midian in the desert

separated from his people in order to go

back to his people and lead them to a

place that they no longer believed they

were fit to go into sometimes God has to

pull you away from people and sometimes

God has to pull you away from from

comfortable circumstances to propel you

into your calling separation is

preparation Jesus often had to go away

it when it was early and he had to go

away and pray away from Peter and away

from John and away from James I love

y’all but I can’t be with y’all all the

time cuz I got a calling and in order to

fulfill my calling I gotta be separate I

got to be consecrated that’s the church

were consecrated what does that mean

separate set apart another popular

spiritual term is sanctified it means

set apart for a purpose sometimes God

has to pull you away from people to set

you apart for purpose and you see it in

Moses life God was preparing him to be a

deliverer but in order to prepare him to

be a deliverer he had to give him a

distinctive feature so Moses is born in

at 3 months old he goes through his

first separation where his mother had to

actually send him down the Nile and and

the reason she had to do that is because

Pharaoh was so afraid of the Israelites

because they were becoming so numerous

that he started killing all the

firstborn boys and so so Moses’s mom had

to send him out and then when he was

taken up he was taken up by one of

Pharaoh’s daughters so now he’s an

Israelite by birth but he’s living in an

Egyptian culture he’s no stranger to

separation he knows what it means to to

be living in one place but to have come

from another place and some of you know

that feeling as well it’s to be

separated from your background is to be

separated from the things that that that

are in your blood is to be separated is

just to say you know everybody on my

family didn’t go to college but but I

think I might get a degree you know all

the males are in my family ran off and

left but I think I must stay and raise

my kids you know my father was an

alcoholic but I don’t think I need that

I think i’ma find that different

addiction I think I’m looking at Ignat

to fulfilling my purpose

loosing the calling there’s a separation


separation so he’s born in Israel I pour

Hebrew he’s raised in Egypt but then one

day he murders an Egyptian because the

Egyptian is beating the Hebrew and he’s

torn between the people that he came

from and the people that he’s had to

live with and he doesn’t know what to do

so he responds in the wrong way because

sometimes it feels like life is pulling

you apart between your past and your

present between who you were and who you

can’t be and you don’t know what to do

and so he does the wrong thing but but

he ends up on the run and that’s why he

went to Midian and that’s why he ended

up in Midian tending sheep for 40 years

and and that’s why he ended up separated

not only from what he was born into but

what he was raised in and then God

speaks to him about what he was called

to do in a scene called the burning bush

and that’s where God said take off your

shoes Moses take off your shoes take off


I’m not taking these off cuz I know

there’s some sneaker heads come up and

grab him he said I want you to separate

yourself from who you are

so you can see Who I am the place you

are standing is holy ground

and notice I are chosen you and I’ve

made you distinctive I’ve set you apart

I’ve given you a destiny and Moses has

all these excuses you know it’s like

well I can’t talk very good and God said

you know your distinctive feature isn’t

your ability to talk to distinctive

feature is the words I’m gonna put in

your mouth


so I need you to separate your view of

yourself from my view of you I need you

to separate yourself from your excuses

for a minute so you can embrace my

purpose what was God doing he was

creating a separation between what Moses

was not and what God certainly was he

was creating a separation so that Moses

when he went back to Egypt wouldn’t

think like the people who were still

there that’s what the loneliness was

about the separation was preparation for


I didn’t preach this to be a dating

seminar but I just felt God say that

there are some people who are holding

out for a person that will complement

your calling and you’re not giving

yourself up and you feel kind of weird

about it and you feel kind of strange

about it but I needed to tell you to

hold on because if you compromise what’s

distinctive about you you will disrupt

your destiny by joining with something

that doesn’t look like you they won’t

walk with you that won’t work for you

I wanted to tell you you’re separate on

purpose you’re here for reason in this


and many scholars have have postulated

that that the exodus account where where

Moses is leading the people out of Egypt

is meant to parallel or mimic the

Genesis account when God created the

earth and that gives us a further

insight because the scripture says that

when when God was getting things started

how many feel like God is starting

something in your life how many want God

to start something in your life in your

family in your business in your career

so it said in the beginning God created

everybody say created he created the

heavens and the earth hey separate in

the beginning God created what’s the

title of my sermon

creating separation you get it in a

minute because it said he created the

heavens and the earth now watch this now

the earth was formless and empty

darkness was over the surface of the

deep I need to show you something cuz if

I don’t show it to you I’m afraid to and

pick up on it it says the darkness was

over the face of the deep

it doesn’t say God created the darkness

first John 1:5 says that God is light

and in him is no darkness at all God

didn’t make the darkness God didn’t

create sin God didn’t create shame God

is not the author of confusion so the

darkness was there but then something

happened the Spirit of God was hovering

over the waters and God said

how did God create what you see by what

he spoke so he said let there be light

and there was life how many know God

wants to speak some things over your

life today some distinctive features it

was to speak some things about what he

put you here to do about what he gave

you your gifts for him about what you

were created for so he spoke that watch

watch watch that’s not the good part

that’s not the good part tell somebody

that’s not even it and he saw that the

light was good that’s what he spoke and




he saw what was there that he didn’t

create then he spoke what he wanted to

see and then he said I need to separate

what was there before I spoke from what

I spoke here’s what I think about that I

think God wants to create a separation

in your life today a separation between

what was there before God spoke what

people said about you what your masters

saying about you what’s your weakness

informs about you and the better word

that he’s slinging all the way our live

let’s get all that other stuff out of

here all that darkness all that down all

that dysfunction I got up

if anyone is in Christ he is a new



what God did in Genesis with the earth

he did through Jesus born

and now he said they all is gone

has gone


come on get the phrase on every campus



that’s what God’s doing in this place

today he’s separating the one from the

darkness he’s separating your carpets

from your past he’s separating his words

over your life from you’re worried about

your future

he said I gotta create a separation so

that the only thing that shines is what

I spa play my own organ of bridges so



Thank You future let’s think the feature

stand out child of God stop trying to be

so similar stop trying to look like what

you came from why you so scared to stand

out why you so scared to stand out I

didn’t start a church to be like all the

other churches in the area how many no

that’s why you’re here not because it

was so similar but God wants to do a

special thing don’t trade in special for

similar and this is this is the the

process by which God creates separation

you not heard that term before but I

never heard it in a sermon I heard it in

sports they talk about basketball

players who have the ability to create

separation so they can take a shot with

a higher percentage and and and they

talk about it in even in fighting they

talk about a reach advantage they talk

about you know if this guy can create

separation he’s gonna make his opponent

miss one of my friends plays football I

told him I said would preach about

creating separation and I said what

would you say about this cuz he’s a

receiver he said well tell tell the

people that creating separation isn’t

always about being fast it’s about

knowing your route


I’m running out of time but let me take

a moment and hit on the comeback round

it’s interesting the way that God leads

us out of situations and into purpose

isn’t in its it’s not usually a straight

line that was one of the things that was

so confusing to Moses is that God gave

him some instructions that seemed insane

he said I could take you straight into

the Promised Land this is where the

people of Israel were headed they were

headed and I know a lot of you may not

have a ton of Bible background you don’t

need to know all this to get what God

wants you to have you just need to

embrace at the level that you can and

I’m using the promised land that they

were going to to talk about all the

promises that God has established and

has spoken over your life but the way

God took them was unusual the way he led

them wasn’t in a straight line he told

them to kind of go around an interesting

route and I want to read you this in in

Exodus 14 demand a backup before that

point where the water separated and they

went through on dry ground it says in

verse 1 that when God was telling them

where to go he said to Moses tell the

Israelites to turn back and encamped

near pi hyah Roth between Migdal in the

sea and and I could stop right at tell

the Israelites to turn back that’s

what’s unusual to me about the

instruction they leave Egypt after ten

plagues after Pharaoh has resisted

because God gets the greatest glory out

of your life in the face of the greatest

resistance so it’s not always easy it’s

not supposed to be a campaign people can

see how strong your God is if your

battles are never fierce

but when they finally leave and they

weren’t walking out and and they’re

there they’re leaving Egypt they start

going and god says tell them to turn

back do a mini arm football fans in big

football fans you can help me help me

you can okay just come help me real

quick just with this one point coming up

both you guys who’s some you know these

guys I love these guys I look just real

quick we don’t have long I’m really

evening into my my sermon time here and

they’ll start leaving at the other

campuses if I go long and and I don’t

want that all right so come here we’re

doing a little mock-up football scenario

you know you know a comeback route in

football yeah so just demonstrate real

quick cuz a lot of people out here on

football fans and you know they don’t

know what I’m talking about but that’s

what my friend was telling me about so

just just run a little comeback route

you be the defenders go

so watch that’s that’s a comeback from

it means before I want to preach this so

bad because where he’s trying to go the

goal is over here but he’s got a

defender on him and if the defenders too

close watch go out go out go out go out

if the defender is too close he can’t

get what he’s supposed to carry so in in

order to make progress in order to get

to the goal eventually he has to come


in the wrong direction momentarily let’s

do it again because I think they’re

starting to get it so what I’m saying is

what I’m saying

sometimes Hut sometimes you’re going out

and God will say come back so I can hit

you let’s do it again let’s reenact that

instead replay

God says sometimes I’m gonna send you up

right but I’m gonna bring you back to

create separation

thanks negative at the level that we

talk but I said what we just sit on that

stage what the receiver does on a

football field

sometimes I need to do in your life that

is sometimes when it looks like you’re

going backwards all I’m doing is making

a space

did someone leave your life recently

it’s alright

God’s got you on a comeback round

you lose your job recently it’s alright

it’s a comeback route


there’s somebody break your heart

sweetheart that’s okay there’s somebody

better catch this way I’ll set it on her

uterus see hey thank you for watching

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