You’ve tried, tried, tried, and tried again. But it just isn’t working. Maybe it’s time to come at this from a different angle.

how many of y’all have had certain
patterns of thinking that have been

negative for a long time I mean a long
time I don’t know how old the man was

but 38 years trust me I’m 39 is a long
time this is the entire span of my

natural life and for so long he’s been
unable to move that now he cannot

recognize the help that is standing
right in front of him and Jesus asks a

question that I have often heard
misinterpreted when he says do you want

to get well tone is everything that’s
why you can’t text every conversation

because tone is everything sometimes you
need to pick up the phone and call

people because completely depending on
the tone is how you see the heart of

Jesus I always read it for a long time
like Jesus said do you want to get well

I almost see him now like he’s got
something in his back pocket and he’s

sneaking around the pool looking for
somebody they say God helps those who

help themselves but I almost see Jesus
looking for somebody who can’t and he’s

like I see you caught in the situation
you want to get well and the man has

every reason to be suspicious can you
imagine how many people have taken

advantage of him in almost 40 years of
suffering how many hustlers have come

through the pool at Bethesda trying to
sell a magic potion or some bubbling

water hey I got some cream man put it on
your legs I promise it’s blessed hey man I

promise you I’ll bring you to the pool
I’ll push you in when the water starts

bubbling just give me half now and half
after the move I promise you I can carry

you in I got you how many times did
somebody make him a promise because it

seems cruel to Christ the expression of
the love of God would stand over a man

who couldn’t move and ask him such a
ridiculous question do you want to lose

weight well yea
do you do you want to be happy

well yeah do you want to be able to live
at peace without anxiety well yeah what

you selling I heard this spiel before I
tried that diet how many of y’all have tried that

diet before I put a meditation app on my
phone y’all to be honest with you I got

four meditation apps on my phone I tried
all of them I either fall asleep or my

legs starts doing like that I can’t do
it everybody tells me to meditate

the Bible says meditate Russell Brand
says meditate Joe Rogan says meditate

everybody’s telling me to meditate I
tried it I really did try it they also

taught me about portion control
I tried portion control how many of y’all

tried somebody told me one time they said
here’s how you here’s how you stay at an

ideal weight when you’re full stop
eating my only problem I never found

full that gage got broken somewhere in
my childhood I never felt full so I kept

eating I tried that oh they say if you
don’t complain you will feel more

connected to God I tried it but I found
out sometimes if you don’t complain

nothing changes
I tried so hard not to complain I one

time I was gonna go seven days without
complaining and I thought if I could do

it I could make a sermon out of it I
thought I could call it you know seven

days a week of worship or something like

I tried so hard not to complain for
seven days what happened was

and this is so embarrassing to admit to
you the more I tried not to complain

externally because sometimes you can fix
the symptom now I’m in the text you can

fix the symptom and stop trying to
complain but the root of it what

happened to me was I went five good days
without complaining but on day six the

walls of Jericho came tumbling down a
day early everything in my path was oh

it was a tornado it was a downpour
because when you fix the symptom but

don’t address the system that created
the symptom the end is worse than the


you want to get well well yeah I’m
trying when you get to heaven

you’d be surprised who’s there and who’s
not but one thing you might

really be shocked about this dude
whoever he is in John 5 is gonna have a

long line of preachers waiting to
apologize to him for how we

misinterpreted his story in John chapter
5 oh I’ve heard everything I’ve heard it

said that in 38 years the man should
have been able to crawl or roll his way

to the edge of the pool yeah like that
will work cuz now somebody stronger than

you is just gonna pull you back at the
moment you’re still powerless to fall in

at the right time and besides when has
Jesus ever taunted someone into

transformation you really think that’s
the spirit of the Savior some of us do

we really picture God like standing over
us in our minds our concept of God like

you don’t want it bad enough if you
would have done it different when they

were eight they wouldn’t have been in so
much trouble when they were 18 see you

screwed them up that’s what God sounds
like to a lot of us so it’s no surprise

that when we hear Jesus say do you want
to get well he says it with a snarl you

know do you even want to get well do you
even lift are you even serious

I mean prove it if you do if you want to
get well say I want to get well so why

did he ask him why did he ask the man do
you want to get well before he helped

him get up and walk and as I prayed
through that this week I realize that

before Jesus could help him walk he had
to help him want

I don’t know who this is for
but God is dealing with your desires in

this season of your life you have been
disappointed over and over and over

again and every time you try nobody
notices and every time you try you come

up short
sickness is cyclical it comes around it

goes around you’re well for a little while
and then it’s the same thing all over

again but this time it’s only worse
because now not only are you back where

you started but you have less hope that
it is ever going to be different because

you’ve cycled through it one more time
just to realize well I guess I’m just a

cynical person well I guess I’m just a
negative person I guess nobody in my

family was meant to go to college I
guess see when you hang around the

colonnades with people who are sick
sickness becomes normal to you and it

starts to be easier for you to just
accept the condition than to challenge

it because to challenge the condition
means to risk disappointment and some of

us have tried got blocked tried got
blocked tried got blocked and now people

see you and they assume that you don’t
care no I care

I cared and I cared so much but they
didn’t care back and I tried so hard and

I still got looked over and don’t you
know it’s hard when your expectation has

been damaged by disappointment it’s a
slow damage it’s a slow tearing of the

muscle fibers it’s a slow deterioration
of your hope by disappointment

it is not one event that creates it it’s
over and over I tried and I tried and I

smiled and I stayed and I cooked and I
parented and I disciplined and I showed

up and I didn’t – and the man has
finally gotten to a place I believe

where he is tired of trying are you it’s
supposed to be the Sabbath it’s supposed

to be a day of rest
why did Jesus stop by the pool on the

day of rest to perform a miracle you’re
not supposed to work on the Sabbath this

may offend you but it won’t be the first
time if this offends you your metal

detector is turned up to level 10 anyway
and you need to just turn it down y’all

notice we live in a gotcha culture an
outrage culture just nobody can say

anything you can’t say anything anymore
and the more that people try to help us

the more we crucify them if they say the
wrong thing have you noticed that this is

how they treat Jesus he heals the man on
the Sabbath and all that anyone can talk

about is that he did it on the wrong day
so this is what I wanted to say that was gonna

offend you

you thought that was what was gonna offend
you no no no Jesus walks up on the

Sabbath and when he tells the man in
verse 8 get up pick up your mat and walk

he is he is trying to get the man to
break Sabbath

so Jesus walks up to the pool looks
around and asks the man what’s going on

in your heart right now because
before I can help you walk I have to

heal your will so here’s what Jesus does
that we don’t like he calls BS he calls

watch this
he calls BS and I don’t know what you’re

thinking about right now but I’m talking
about broken system see now there’s one

thing in the verse there’s one thing in
the verse that doesn’t make sense unless

you understand the historical context
when the man says I keep trying I keep

trying to get down there but I can never
be first I’m not fast enough in fact I

can’t move at all I keep trying but
every time I try something blocks me and

Jesus says that’s because the system is
broken if you’ll notice give me verse

4 of the scripture I forgot to read it

John 5:4 Jared it’s been a long week you
know Staff Advance Jared

where’s Jared can you get him yeah I need
him verse 4 unlocks the whole thing

we can wait
this man waited 38 years we can wait

three minutes it’s not in the manuscript
oh they added that verse later it’s

not even in the original manuscript they
added a scripture later they added

a verse to explain the situation it
didn’t make sense so they had to add you

can go back to your job now they had but
come here real quick real quick real

quick real quick so a lot of times when
a situation in my life doesn’t make

sense to me I add a verse I add a verse
you know how we do it’s like okay rather

than deal with it I would rather explain
it in a way that excuses me from having

to deal with it
there’s a reason verse 4 isn’t in there

because it’s not in there there’s some
stuff that you’re putting in your story

that doesn’t belong there cause God
didn’t speak it and it’s not true


you can go back
see what the man said reflects a broken

system and it reflects a bad story
that’s another BS the devil has got some

of us telling ourselves some really bad
stories and this man has been telling

himself a story 38 years no one wants to
help me everybody’s out to get me every

time I try no one wants to help me
everybody’s out to get me every time I

try so here comes Jesus he doesn’t know
Jesus he’s never met Jesus Jesus is new

to the scene Jesus hasn’t even done the
Captain D’s miracle yet that’s in John

chapter 6 he hasn’t even gotten familiar
with this guy yet he hasn’t even had an

opportunity to unpack the whole
historicity of his situation so he’s

standing in front of Jesus and he’s
rightfully skeptical because he’s in a

broken system where the religious
leaders are trying to let the first ones

in and keep the rest back and unless you
keep the law this good you can’t be

healed of course he’s stuck he’s stuck
in a broken system so are some of us

he’s stuck in a bad story and so are
some of us we’ve inserted verses that

aren’t even there to explain why we are
the way we are we think it’s our job to

suffer you know suffering for Christ and
for the good of others is one thing in

sacrifices but to suffer the shame that
he already took away from you is to

snatch back what he nailed to the cross
it is not your job to suffer like that

that’s a broken system
I’m telling you men and women of the

Most High God religion is a broken

that’s why Jesus went for one to show
you this is a relationship I want to

deal with you one-on-one I want to speak
to you like a person not like you’re

some kind of project not like there’s
some kind of defect

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