We’ve put together these scriptures to bring you peace and comfort in the midst of stressful situations.

for the next few minutes I want us to

meditate on God’s Word together I’m

gonna read to you several Psalms and

prophesies of victory and peace for your

life try to take a few deep breaths find

a quiet space in your heart so that you

can really receive the Word of God in a

personal way for your life I will lift

up my eyes to the hills from whence

comes my help my help comes from the

Lord who made heaven and earth he will

not allow your foot to be moved he who

keeps you will not slumber behold he who

keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor

sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord

is your shade at your right hand the Sun

shall not strike you by day nor the moon

by night the Lord shall preserve you

from all evil he shall preserve your

soul the Lord shall preserve your going

out and your coming in from this time

forth and even forevermore


this is what the Lord says in the time

of my favor I will answer you and in the

day of salvation I will help you I will

keep you and will make you to be a

covenant for the people to restore the

land and to reassign its desolate

inheritances to say to the captives come

out and to those in darkness be free

they will feed beside the roads and find

pasture on every barren hill they will

neither hunger nor thirst nor will the

desert heat or the Sun beat down on them

he who has compassion on them will guide

them and lead them beside Springs of

water I will turn all my mountains into

roads and my highways will be raised up

shout for joy you heavens rejoice you

earth burst into song you mountains for

the Lord comforts his people and will

have compassion on his afflicted ones


he who dwells in the secret place of the

Most High shall abide under the shadow

of the Almighty I will say of the Lord

he is my refuge and my fortress my god

in him I will trust surely he shall

deliver you from the snare of the Fowler

and from the perilous pestilence he

shall cover you with his feathers and

under his wings you shall take refuge

his truth shall be your shield and

buckler you shall not be afraid of the

terror by night nor of the arrow that

flies by day nor of the pestilence that

walks in darkness nor of the destruction

that lays waste at noonday a thousand

may fall at your side and ten thousand

at your right hand but it shall not come

near you only with your eyes shall you

look and see the reward of the wicked

because you have made the Lord who is my

refuge even the most high your dwelling

place no evil shall befall you nor shall

any plague come near your dwelling for

he shall give his angels charge over you

to keep you in all your ways in their

hands they shall bear you up lest you

dash your foot against a stone you shall

tread upon the lion and the Cobra the

young lion in the serpent you shall

trample underfoot because he has set his

love upon me therefore I will deliver

him I will set him on high because he

has known my name he shall call upon me

and I will answer him I will be with him

in trouble I will deliver him and honor

him with long life I will satisfy him

and show him my salvation

then I saw a new heaven and a new earth

for the first heaven and the first earth

had passed away and there was no longer

any sea I saw the holy city the New

Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from

God prepared as a bride beautifully

dressed for her husband and I heard a

loud voice from the throne saying look

God’s dwelling place is now among the

people and he will dwell with them they

will be his people and God Himself will

be with them and be their God he will

wipe every tear from their eyes there

will be no more death or mourning or

crying or pain for the old order of

things has passed away he who was seated

on the throne said I am making

everything new then he said write this

down for these words are trustworthy and

true he said to me it is done I am the

Alpha and the Omega the beginning and

the end to the thirsty I will give water

without cost from the spring of the

water of life those who are victorious

will inherit all this and I will be

their God and they will be my children


then he said to me prophesied to these

bones and say to them dry bones hear the

word of the Lord this is what the

sovereign Lord says to these bones I

will make breath enter you and you will

come to life I will attach tendons to

you and make flesh come upon you and

cover you with skin I will put breath in

you and you will come to life then you

will know that I am the Lord so I

prophesied as I was commanded and as I

was prophesying there was a noise a

rattling sound and the bones came

together bone to bone I looked and

tendons and flesh appeared on them and

skin covered them there was no breath in

them then he said to me prophesy to the

breath prophesy Son of Man and say to it

this is what the sovereign Lord says

come breath from the four winds and

breathe into the slain that they may

live so I prophesied as he commanded me

and breath entered them they came to

life and stood up on their feet a vast

army then he said to me son of man these

bones are the people of Israel they say

our bones are dried up in our hope is

gone we are cut off therefore prophesy

and say to them this is what the

sovereign Lord says my people I am going

to open up your graves and bring you up

from them I will bring you back to the

land of Israel then you my people will

know that I am the Lord when I open your

graves and bring you up from them I will

put my spirit in you you will live and I

will settle you in your own land

then you will know that I the LORD have

spoken and I have done it declares the


Lord how many are my foes how many rise

up against me many are saying of me God

will not deliver him but you Lord are a

shield around me my glory the one who

lifts my head high

the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want

he maketh me to lie down in green

pastures he leadeth me beside the still

waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth

me in the paths of righteousness for his

name’s sake yay though I walk through

the valley of the shadow of death I will

fear no evil for thou art with me thy

rod and thy staff they comfort me

thou preparest a table before me in the

presence of mine enemies thou anointest

my head with oil my cup runneth over

surely goodness and mercy shall follow

me all the days of my life and I will

dwell in the house of the Lord forever


the Lord is my light and my salvation

whom shall I fear the Lord is the

strength of my life of whom shall I be

afraid when the wicked even my enemies

and my foes came upon me to eat up my

flesh they stumbled and fell though a

host should encamp against me my heart

shall not fear the war should rise

against me in this will I be confident

one thing have I desired of the Lord

that will I seek after that I may dwell

in the house of the Lord all the days of

my life to behold the beauty of the Lord

and to enquire in his temple for in the

time of trouble he shall hide me in his

pavilion in the secret place of his

Tabernacle shall he hide me he shall set

me up upon a rock and now shall my head

be lifted up above my enemies round

about me therefore will I offer in his

Tabernacle sacrifices of joy I will sing

yay I will sing praises unto the Lord

here Oh Lord when I cry with my voice

have mercy

also upon me and answer me when you said

seek my face my heart said unto thee thy

face Lord will I seek hide not thy face

far from me but not thy servant away in

anger thou has been my help

leave me not neither forsake me O God of

my salvation when my father and mother

forsake me then the Lord will take me up

teach me thy way O Lord and lead me in a

plain path because of my enemies deliver

me not over unto the will of my enemies

for false witnesses are risen up against

me and such as breathe out cruelty I had

fainted unless I had believed to see the

goodness of the Lord in the land of the


wait on the Lord be of good courage and

he shall strengthen thine heart wait I

say on the Lord I waited patiently for

the Lord he turned to me and heard my

cry he lifted me out of the slimy pit

out of the mud and mire he set my feet

on a rock and gave me a firm place to

stand he put a new song in my mouth a

hymn of praise to our God many will see

and fear the Lord and put their trust in

him blessed is the one who trusts in the

Lord who does not look to the proud to

those who turn aside to false gods many

Lord my god are the wonders you have

done the things you plan for us none can

compare with you or I to speak and tell

of your deeds they would be too many to



hear my cry oh guy attend unto my prayer

from the end of the earth will I cry

unto thee when my heart is overwhelmed

lead me to the rock that is higher than


for thou has been a shelter for me and a

strong tower from the enemy I will abide

in that Tabernacle forever I will trust

in the cover of thy wings for Thou O God

has heard my vows thou has given me the

heritage of those that fear thy name

praise the Lord my soul all my inmost

being praise His Holy Name praise the

Lord my soul and forget not all his

benefits who forgives all your sins and

heals all your diseases who redeems your

life from the pit and crowns you with

love and compassion who satisfies your

desires with good things so that your

youth is renewed like the Eagles the

Lord works righteousness and justice for

all the oppressed he made known his ways

to Moses his deeds to the people of

Israel the Lord is compassionate and

gracious slow to anger abounding in love

he will not always accuse nor will he

harbour his anger forever he does not

treat us as our sins deserve or repay US

according to our iniquities for as high

as the heavens are above the earth so

great is his love for those who fear Him

as far as the East is from the west so

far has he removed our transgressions

from us as a father has compassion on

his children so the Lord has compassion

on those who fear Him for he knows how

we are formed he remembers that we are

dust the life of mortals is like grass

they flourish like the flower of the

field the wind blows over it and it is

gone and its place remembers it no more

but from everlasting to everlasting the

Lord’s love is with those who fear him

and his righteousness with their

children’s children

with those who keep his covenant and

remember to obey his precepts the Lord

has established his throne in heaven in

his kingdom rules over all praise the

Lord you his angels you mighty ones who

do his bidding who obey his word praise

the Lord all his heavenly hosts you his

servants who do his will praise the Lord

all his works everywhere in his Dominion

praise the Lord my soul the grass

withers and the flowers fall because the

breath of the Lord blows on them surely

the people are grass the grass withers

and the flowers fall but the word of our

God endures forever you who bring good

news to Zion go up on a high mountain

you who bring good news to Jerusalem

lift your voice with a shout lift it up

do not be afraid say to the towns of

Judah here is your God see the sovereign

Lord comes with power and he rules with

a mighty arm see his reward is with him

and his recompense accompanies him he

tends his flock like a shepherd he

gathers the Lambs in his arms and

carries them close to his heart he

gently leads those that have young who

has measured the waters in the hollow of

his hand or with the breath of his hand

marked off the heavens who has helped

the dust of the earth in a basket or

weighed the mountains on the scales and

the hills in a balance who can fathom

the Spirit of the Lord or instruct the

Lord as his counselor whom did the Lord

consult to enlighten him

and who taught him the right way who was

it that taught him knowledge or showed

him the path of understanding he gives

strength to the weary and increases the

power of the weak even youths grow tired

and weary and young men stumble and fall

but those who hope in the Lord will

renew their strength they will soar on

wings like eagles they will run and not

grow weary they will walk and not be



sing o barren thou that didst not bear

break forth into singing and cry aloud

now that it’s not travail with child for

more are the children of the desolate

than the children of the married wife

saith the Lord enlarge the place of thy

tent and let them stretch forth the

curtains of thine habitations spare not

lengthen thy courts and strengthen thy

stakes for thou shalt break forth on the

right hand and on the left and thy seed

shall inherit the Gentiles and make the

desolate cities to be inhabited fear not

for thou shalt not be ashamed neither be

thou confounded for thou shalt not be

put to shame

for thou shalt forget the shame of thy

youth and shalt not remember the

reproach of thy widowhood anymore

for thy maker is thine husband the Lord

of Hosts is his name and thy Redeemer

the Holy One of Israel the God of the

whole earth shall he be called


no weapon that is formed against thee

shall prosper and every tongue that

shall rise against the in judgment thou

shalt condemn this is the heritage of

the servants of the Lord and their

righteousness is of me sayeth the Lord

it is written I believed therefore I

have spoken since we have that same

spirit of faith we also believe and

therefore speak because we know that the

one who raised the Lord Jesus from the

dead will also raise us with Jesus and

present us with you to himself all this

is for your benefit so that the grace

that is reaching more and more people

may cause Thanksgiving to overflow to

the glory of God therefore we do not

lose heart though outwardly we are

wasting away yet inwardly we are being

renewed day by day for our light and

momentary troubles are achieving for us

an eternal glory that far outweighs them

all so we fix our eyes not on what is

seen but on what is unseen since what is

seen is temporary but what is unseen is


I consider that our present sufferings

are not worth comparing with the glory

that will be revealed in us for the

creation waits in eager expectation for

the children of God to be revealed for

the creation was subjected to

frustration not by its own choice but by

the will of the one who subjected it in

hope that the creation itself will be

liberated from its bondage to decay and

brought into the freedom and glory of

the children of God and we know that in

all things God works for the good of

those who love Him who have been called

according to his purpose for those God

foreknew he also predestined to be

conformed to the image of his son that

he might be the firstborn among many

brothers and sisters and those he

predestined he also called those he

called he also justified those he

justified he also glorified what then

shall we say in response to these things

if God is for us who can be against us

he who did not spare his own son but

gave him up for us all how will he not

also along with him graciously give us

all things

who will bring any charge against those

whom God has chosen it is God who

justifies who then is the one who

condemns no one Christ Jesus who died

more than that who was raised to life is

at the right hand of God and is also

interceding for us who shall separate us

from the love of Christ shall trouble or

hardship or persecution or famine or

nakedness or danger or sword as it is

written for your sake we face death all

day long we are considered as sheep to

be slaughtered no in all these things we

are more than conquerors through him who

loved us for I am convinced that neither

life nor death neither Angels nor demons

neither the present nor the future nor

any powers neither height nor depth nor

anything else in all creation will be

able to separate us from the love of God

that is in Christ Jesus our Lord

