best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth


good morning transformation

church if you’re excited to be in the

house of the lord can i hear one big

hallelujah oh come on in your house can

you say hallelujah

i don’t know about you but that worship

just took me to a whole nother level

somebody say god sustains

and we are in a series called anchored

and i don’t know if you’re feeling it

but we are four weeks into this series

and we believe that divinely god is

beginning to anchor us

to himself like never before i declare

over your life

even if this is your first time watching

even if you were in the club last night

even if you were in somebody’s bed that

you didn’t need to be in even if you

made a wrong business deal or talk bad

to your children this week

god is saying i’m the one who will


and i am the one who will sustain and

today somebody needs to hear that

today is the day god’s going to do

something special in your life

i always tell people this every time we

come it’s not about

if god’s doing something or not is if

are we aware

and are we ready to receive it so can we

do something in a sign

of being ready to receive will you just

turn your hands like this

like like when my kids um when we go out

of town

my kids know they always get a gift when

we come back and they like being


and what bella will do is she’ll sit

down on the couch and she’ll just put

her hands out like this

because there’s an expectation and she’s


to receive and some of us

your posture right now is like this and

god says

you’re not even ready to receive what i

have for you and some of you are holding

on to other things

and god said you’re not ready to receive

but right now in this moment can we just

put our hands as a sign of our heart

lord we’re ready to receive

come on say it out of your mouth lord

i’m ready to receive come on some of you

are in the pit house right now and some

of you are in the trap house

but i dare you to say lord i’m ready to


everything is going good and

everything’s going wrong but just tell

god i’m ready to receive

god today we come submitted and

committed to whatever you want to say to


father you have told us as a community

as a body of believers that the word

that we’re supposed to anchor our faith

to is anchored

and we’re not anchoring to an idea we’re

anchoring to a man

that came and won the ultimate victory

our anchor is jesus

so today jesus would you speak to us

speak over the doubt speak over the pain

speak over the anxiety speak over the

frustration yeah some people have been

really frustrated right now

it’s okay god doesn’t care if you’re

feeling it he wants you to know that

he’ll walk with you through it father we

we the sexual temptations that have

happened the

the level of rage and anger the feelings

of insignificance speak over all of that


your voice is higher and bigger and

today we are

ready to receive

in jesus name can i get about 20 000


to put their hands together

and add your voice to it and bless the


with me glory to god

oh i feel something happening in the

room right now somebody’s joy is about

to come back right now

hallelujah i feel this thing


well today we are starting

week four of a series we’re calling help


and say it again hank

i don’t know about you but i’ve been

getting all these text messages of

people seeing

anchors everywhere has anybody been

seeing anchors

everywhere i need some people to drop

some anchors

in the uh chat and before we get into

the message today

i want to tell you about something

that’s really special that’s about to


um every year transformation church is

intentional on remembering where we came


and that god didn’t just start something

with us but that he’s been doing it for

a very long time

and next week is a special week at

transformation church this may be your

first time you’re just watching in

transformation nation

but we have a culture code of fun and we

enjoy it all

we also have a culture code of honor we

honor uh

whoa we honor down help me we honor all

the way around help me we honor lego

we honor okay we honor some of y’all

just got it one more time we are we

honor uh

let’s go we are on we are we are all the


i i love our church because i know

thousands of you were just

doing that with me and the reason i say

we honor

is because many of you may not know this

but pastor mike and pastor natalie did

not start transformation church

that this church was started 22 years


by bishop gary mcintosh and pastor

debbie mcintosh our founding pastor

he’s in the building right now can we

give god praise for our founding pastor

y’all will see him next week

but um next week

is transformation church’s church


and guess what y’all we are celebrating

22 years

of this church being in existence and

six years of me and pastor natalie

being the lead pastors of transformation


and so we are so grateful and um

if there’s any sunday you don’t want to

miss it’ll be next sunday

check this out


you were once in darkness but now you’re

in the light

live as children of the light

this is how you live how am i supposed

to live and we want a bunch of do’s and


god said live us light live

the life that i have put within you to a


that doesn’t know who god is be

generous be kind be loving demonstrate

who i am to the world

even when it’s difficult i’ll give you

the strength to do it

it’s easy to love the lovable love the


it’s easy to touch those that are

touched touch those who haven’t been


it’s easy to give food to people who

have give food to somebody who doesn’t

have food

be me extended to a world

that lives in darkness





next week is church anniversary we want

you to invite everybody and i’m telling


it’s gonna be a powerful time in the


we’re titling it what a time to be alive


yeah yeah it’s going to be fun i will

hold all that until next week

hey listen if this is your first time

being a part of transformation church we

want to say welcome

we’re grateful for you um we’re a little

rowdy around here we don’t apologize for

it because you weren’t there when god

saved us from all our crap

there was a lot of stuff that was really

bad in me

and god did something amazing in me so

today um

we are going to really give god glory

honor and praise with everything that we

have and i’m excited

that you’re here are y’all ready for the

word today

what’s about to happen today i’m going

to forewarn you right now

that this is a fulfillment of prophecy

and this

moment as i share god’s word today um

there is a level of anointing that i

believe is going to invade your homes

invade your sight

invade your senses um that’s going to i

literally feel that chains are going to

break off of you and things are going to

happen in your life and so i just want

you to be prepared if you’re driving you

may want to pull over

because god has a word for you today

that’s going to get you anchored

and today we are in week four

of a series we’re calling help me hey

you need to say it again

today we have decided that as a church

we’re going to be anchored

and um last week we decided that it’s


safer in the shallow and we decided that

we were not going to be kidding pool

christians anymore

and we decided that we were going to be


that were destined for the deep

somebody needs to write that down i’m

destined for the deep

yeah write that down because some of you

have been putting a limit on what god

could do with your life

but you are destined for the deep

somebody say that one more time

i’m destined for the deep

and i found a scripture that that

parallels this perfectly

so if you’re going into deep waters if

you’re going past your comfort zone

if god’s taking you beyond the place

that you’ve been i want you to know that

god promises that he will be with you

look at

isaiah 43 verse 2 as an anchor scripture

look what it says when you go through

the deep waters

i will be with you

do you know what kind of encouragement

that is that when god tells you to step

out in crazy faith and start the


and now you’re in the deep god says if

you go

through the deep waters i will be

with you it reminds me of another

scripture that says if god

before us who

who can be against us and too many of us

are so caught up and who’s not for

us when we’re not looking at who is with


you missed it you want somebody to be

for you

and you forgot who’s with you there are

more times than not then everybody

around you will not co-sign

the thing that god has said in your life

but it doesn’t matter who’s

for you if you don’t or who’s for you if

you don’t remember

who’s with you and if we’re going to the

deep somebody said i’m going to the deep

then we have to be ones that remember

when i go through deep waters

god says i’ll be with you when i go to

rivers of difficulty

you look at the encouragement will not

drown if god

said it and he’s with you

and you can’t swim you

will not drown somebody just

prophetically say that over your life i

will not drown

as long as god is with me say it again i

will not drown

as long as god is with me let’s say it

in the inverse i will drown

if god isn’t

now my question to you is how many

things are you saying

god is with you in that he’s nowhere to

be found

and could the drowning that’s happening

in your life relationally

the drowning that’s happening

financially the drowning that’s

happening even emotionally

could it be because god is not

with you in that one thing i found out a

long time ago is

god does not cosign things that he

doesn’t say

if it’s not in his word and if he did

not give prophetic utterance to that


he is not jumping on your vision board

making that stuff happen

if you have not sought him about what

his plan

is for your life and so our

encouragement should be and our

admonishment should be

we need to figure out where god is

because if god’s with us we will not

drown and it says when you walk through

the fire of oppression

you will not be burned up the flames

will not consume you

i just want everybody to know that deep

is where we will dwell all year

i’m just telling you right now and some

people are like what is the d pastor


it’s deeper than where you are now

so if you feel like you have a prayer

life now deeper

if you feel like your relationship is

good now deeper

if you feel like you love people good

now that don’t feel the same way you

feel about the political things that are

going on and you feel like you’re doing

a good job

deeper if you are one that doesn’t

really watch all the stuff that

entices your senses and all that other

stuff and god’s saying it’s good

to just reflect it but now i need you to

be one to help other people

out of the same situation that you now

have overcome i’m calling you

deeper so all i wanted to tell you

is welcome to the deep like

like like like for the rest of the year

do not be frustrated

if it doesn’t feel secure

you’re in the deep

they’re missing i’m trying to give you

the the the code

to be able to be okay this year it won’t

feel comfortable and you won’t be in


that’s how you know you’re in the

you see how little the claps are getting

because this is the part where people

want to know what are we doing in march

god what are we doing in february god

god give me a word for from may and god

says yeah hold on


hold on because you have now entered the

deep i’m going to give you my first

point and it’s a little

unconventional but this is something

that you’re gonna have to get used to


all year in every aspect of your life

first point of today

you’re gonna say so we out here

you missed it you thought it was going

to be a deep thing but god’s going to

call you to places

that all you’ll be able to say is not oh

i’ve done this before

oh i’ve seen this before oh i know what


next oh that’s how that’s going to work

out the only thing you’re going to be

able to say is

so we out here

god you’re calling me to lead a small

group so we out here


god you’re calling me to start writing a

devotional and i don’t even got nobody

to read it

so we out here say this is the most

spiritual point some of y’all could ever


so we out here is going to be your crazy

faith statement of 2021.

i feel that thing right there that

you’re going to

begin to obey god and do things

do you know every week i come to this


and i have a meeting with bri our chief

of staff

and god tells us to do stuff and we’re

looking at different things and going

through budgets

and all that and somewhere in the

meeting we look at each other and say


so we out here there’s no

there are people depended on us staying

in the same place of hearing god’s voice

it was small five years ago six years


and it didn’t impact that much but now

it’s impacting thousands

what do we do when we don’t know what to

do so we out here


and if you make this your prophetic


of 2021 it is your faith

speaking that if god was gracious enough

to trust you to go to the deep he will


good enough to sustain you in the deep

somebody shot at me so we out here

y’all ain’t even saying like y’all a

minute somebody say so we out here

don’t matter what’s going on it doesn’t

matter what it looks like

it doesn’t matter if you have the


we out here it doesn’t matter who comes

it doesn’t matter who goes

it doesn’t matter if i don’t have it

we out here i’m out here in the date

day day

y’all help me say say i’m out here in

the day

whoa day day whoa the day

nobody understands i’m out here in the

day y’all

yeah yeah yeah y’all help me i feel this

thing i said we out here in the deep

deep deep the deep

deep deep my family is out here in the

game y’all

t t oh the t

g transformation nation out here in the

t whoa

whoa whoa whoa whoa

i ain’t got the money but i’m in the



we’re out here in the deep somebody give


oh if you’re going to be in the deep

this year i dare you to give god some



so all i want to say to you is welcome

to the deep

no no i don’t understand i said welcome

to the deep


i’m in the deep we out here

i’m in the deep you know what the deep


the deep is lonely the deep is isolated

the deep is not where you find the crowd

the deep is where you find the committed


welcome to the deep this

is a prophetic picture of the rest of


your friends can’t save you out here

people that don’t hear from god

don’t stay in the deep yes

what are you saying pastor mike if

you’re committing to the deep in 2021

you’re going to have to make sure you

have and what

anchor oh

so we can’t just be deep we have to be

prepared for the deep

why would god give us the word to be

anchored in 2021

call us to the deep and then we’re

supposed to just drift out here god said


no no no no i need you to come to the

deep but

i’m going to anchor you myself and i

i i don’t like just saying these things

and making analogies i i want to find

everything in the word of god so go to

mark chapter 4 verse 35

and this is a situation that the

disciples find themselves in

um like many of us find ourselves in is

that god’s calling us to go to the deep

but then some unexpected things happen

on the way and i just want to walk

through this biblical story

and see if we can find out some things

that will help people who will dwell in

the deep somebody say i will

dwell in the deep now what i’m asking

you right now is to make the decision

that you’re going to go deeper this year

even before

you know any of the obstacles that are

in the deep i need you to make a


before you detour and that’s what god i

believe is asking us on the first

week or the first month or the first

series of 2021

is decide before you detour do you know

most of the dumb things that i did

were because i had decided and then i

detoured when an

obstacle came up and god is telling

somebody right now

that your decision is stronger than the

detour if you would stay

committed to your decision the detours

can come but you will keep going forward

and in this moment the disciples are

going to be faced with a decision

in the midst of a detour

let me just read it it says as evening


jesus said to the disciples let’s cross

to the other side of the lake so they


jesus in the boat and started out

today i’m talking to people who are deep

dwellers and i want to give you

some points if you’re going to dwell in

the deep if you’re going to dwell in the


don’t ever forget your anchor

now i want you to see this we learned

last week that jesus is our anchor

somebody just say jesus is my anchor

okay so if jesus is my anchor and we’re

the disciples

and jesus said let’s cross to the other


it then says something that trips me out

i thought

verse 36 would say so they went to the

other side

but look at the first four words it says

so they took jesus

now what that makes me understand is

even if god gives an instruction

and he’s the one that told you start

that job

he’s the one that told you take your

kids to that school

he’s the one that told you to get into

that relationship

you still have a decision if you’re


take him to the place he instructed you

to go

i need you to see it said and jesus said

let’s set out and go to the other side

so the disciples then said

they took jesus and the question that i

have for you

is did jesus give you an instruction

that was taking you to the deep but you

forgot your anchor

at the shore

what i’m telling is you take jesus with

you take them to school

take them to work take them to the

basketball court

take them to the board room take him to

the bedroom oh y’all thought he wouldn’t

come to the bedroom

and bless that thing do you hear y’all

don’t they’re too saved for me today

but the lord meets me and pastor natalie

in the bedroom anointing

all i’m telling you is do not go


and forget your anchor and the problem

is there are many

people in the deep with no anchor

you’re screaming i’m gonna dwell in the

deep but you forgot

jesus at 21 days of prayer and fasting

as soon as the 22nd day came you were

back to everything that you used to do

and worse before

just got to be honest with you that you

went 21 steps forward

and you took 31 steps back in three days

why is because you went without the


and the thing that you got to understand

is your anchor or jesus

is not for attraction your anchor is

always for action

jesus does not want to be the impressive

part of your life he wants to be the

impactful part of your

life he doesn’t care that everybody’s

impressed that you know scripture

that’s what sadducees and pharisees were

there are people who knew the law

and knew what the right thing were doing

but it didn’t show up in their life

and what i’m telling you today is god’s

saying let me be the anchor that

actually makes a difference in your life

let me be the anchor that actually

changes the way that you forgive people

let me be the anchor that actually

allows you to be generous when your

nature is to be selfish

jesus doesn’t want to be impressive he

wants to be impactful

and if that’s jesus stance that might

need to be yours

some of y’all are trying to be so

impressive ain’t doing

and god said i’d rather you be

impressive to nobody

and impactful to everybody

we’ve made a decision as a church that’s

mike why y’all you came back yet

why you ain’t done this you need to

start doing this and you need to start

doing that and do you know all the

opportunities that are out here and what

the church could be doing

baby we’re not listening to you

i’m sorry if anybody needs to leave the

church because we’re not open yet

god bless you i will send a letter of

recommendation to the next church that

you go to and tell them you have

very strong opinions but what i’m

telling you right now

is that i’m not moving because i’m not

trying to impress you

i’m anchored on what god has told me and

he knows how to get my

attention and tell me something

different and so until

he tells me to do something different i

don’t care if you’re not impressed

but i promise you you can’t stop me from

being impactful

you can’t stop there’s thousands of

people right now

in their home getting delivered the word

of god

so that they can transform


what would the world look like if we

stopped caring about being impressive


and double down on being impactful


i gotta move god doesn’t want to be the

anchor in your life

for just attraction can i show it to you

i saw this picture of a yacht can you

put it up for me real quick

now this is a yacht that costs more

than all of our houses put together

let’s be very clear all of our houses

were together in this room

and probably some of y’all’s online this

yacht costs more than that

now when you look at this yacht millions

of dollars

there are very sexy parts of this yacht

like the sexy part is the glass and that

little nose and

and the upper decks and the lower decks

and they got even another little boat

off to the side

but do you know the most impactful part

of this boat

is the anchor now i want you to look and

see where the anchor actually

is at this current moment look look at


the anchor is positioned

not to impress anybody

it’s positioned to hold you in the midst

of a storm

i’m asking you to be

a husband that is not trying to impress

his college buddies

but be a anchor for your family that may

not be as impressive on the ground

but you’re impacting the next generation

to love and lead their families

i’m about to preach this thing right now

i’m asking you young lady

not to do the silhouette challenge and

be impressive with your body

they don’t even want to know what’s in

your mind no more because you’ve shown

them everything that’s under your


but what i’m telling you right now is

that you can be more impactful than


and it’s time for the church i’m about

to preach right now

it’s time for the church to make a


that it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter

if anybody thinks

what we’re doing is good or not

it matters that we actually do what

god’s told us

to do somebody say impact


that’s what 2021 is going to be

prophetically for many of you and i

really need to move on

but i just found out that jesus

was more intentional about impacting the

disciples in this moment

than he was about impressing the crowds

he had just left the crowds

and now he’s about to take the disciples

everybody say deeper

yeah yeah mark 36 part b it says leaving

the crowds behind

see when you’re going to not be


that means you’re going to have to

divorce your identity from the crowd

leaving the crowds behind

i need to give you this point because

some of you won’t be able to make it

past this moment if i don’t give it to


if you’re going to dwell in the deep

your boat is not built for everybody

leaving the crowds what did i say behind

the bible says distinctly that other

boats followed

but it said that the boat that jesus had

started them out on

everybody was not able to get on that

boat i bet there was a lot of people in

the crowd that wanted to get on the boat

when jesus said hey

i got a mission for us let’s go to the

other side and literally

they said they moved out leaving the


behind i keep saying leaving the crowd

behind because i believe that god is

asking some of you

to do that very thing if you’re going to

dwell in the deep

leave the crowd behind

who is on your boat who’s weighing you


everybody’s not going to the deep with


and you will delay your destination

trying to bring a committee to what god

called you to


do you know where i would be right now

if i waited for everybody

that i thought was supposed to be with

me to come with me on this journey

do you know how many people would still

be wandering and drifting

if i needed the co-sign of everybody

else when i already had the co-sign of


your boat is not built

for everybody

and the most spiritual thing that you

may do this year

because you’re going to the deep is

delete them

i’m not talking about if you see them

out you don’t you don’t say hello and be

cordial and i’m not talking about cancel


i’m talking about concentrated culture

do you know that if you are distracted

you cannot reach your destiny in

adequate time

and so what god is telling you right now

is i don’t want you to be into cancer

culture i need you to be in concentrated


do you know when a horse a thoroughbred

runs in the indy

uh not indy 500 what do they call it the

preakness or the um

um what is it called the kentucky derby

those horses are worth millions and

millions and millions of dollars

they have a 15 piece of equipment that

they put on their eyes

to allow the peripheral vision to be cut


so that they can be concentrated on

their lane and the finish line

and i believe that in this year god is

asking us

to be concentrated on our lane

and the finish line and that means

that everybody can’t get on the boat

and go to the deep

well what i do pastor mike

i thought i thought bobo name was gonna

come with me

i thought tremaine was gonna be able to

make this trip

i already got a ring

i already got a ring i bought a ring

already pastor mike

are you asking me to get on this boat

and go alone are you asking me

to actually

wait on you

hello hello

anybody out there anybody out there

i will trust you i don’t trust you i

will trust you

this sucks this sucks this sucks

eenie meenie miney mo catch a tiger by

his toe

miss mary mac man all dressed in black

like black was

purified very fine

i wanna be concerned

you came from heaven to earth

to show me something

cause the deep feel stupid

the deep doesn’t have friends

the deep is calling me to be separate

consecrated refined

sanctified see these are these are words

in the bible that we skip over

like these are when we talk about the

blessings we talk about all that but

then when he says that

he will be the one to take us through

every storm of life can i ask you a


have you ever been in a storm before

when you were waiting on god doing the

thing he asked you to do

and then out of nowhere a storm happens

can i ask you this question

how many people can we be honest we’re

hot at this church humble open and


how many people in some area of your

life are in a storm right now

come on hands lifted all over the world

you’re in a storm right now

what happens when mark 437 comes up

that i left the crowd i decided to go to

the deep

and this should be easy now because you

are with me right

and look what verse 37 is the whole

point of this message

but soon a fierce

storm came up no

no that’s that’s no no no no no no no no

that’s not possible it’s not possible

that i obeyed god

it’s not possible that the season was

just calm

that’s not possible that i trusted god

i gave him the crazy faith offering i

keep showing up

and then jesus is the one that told me

to go to the other side he is the one

that told me to move to tulsa

he’s the one that told me to go to that


he’s the one that told me

and then under jesus’s instructions

a fierce storm came

has your life ever

looked like a stone

because right now in many of your lives

that’s what it feels like and that’s

what it sounds like

it sounds and feels like how am i out


and how i’m going to do what god asked

me to do and what is going on in my life

and i’m out here and it’s dark now and

i’m out here and there’s nobody helping


and i’m out here and i don’t hear a word

from god

what are you saying to me pastor mike

something you need to know if you’re

gonna dwell in the deep

is the anchor does not excuse the storm

this is the lie that so many churches

and people

have told you for years and i’m gonna

shoot it to you straight you can have

jesus and have a storm


it’s better to see it coming than to

allow yourself

to be fooled and then walk away the


is coming whether you have jesus or not

your marriage will be tested whether you

pray in tongues or not

your children will have to be taught

whether you fast or not

i feel god right now you will have

a challenge that you’re gonna have to

believe god for

whether you read the word every day or


i’m gonna keep the storm going

because this is what many of your whole

last year look like

and what we try to do is get down and

make a better situation for ourselves

let me roll my way into another another


let me roll my way into a better


let me roll my way let me roll my way

into a new church

you’ve been to 42 churches

and the storm has not subsided

it might mean because god’s trying to

teach you something in

the storm

i need to be even more transparent with

you because i feel like many people have

never done this for you so i’m going to

do it for you

jesus does not excuse the storm

but can i tell you jesus usually

escorts you into the storm


god i thought hold on god i thought you

was doing something i thought you was

oh no no no no i’m in the middle hold on

no i’m in the middle how do i get out of


i’m your anchor trust and know

that i am god be still

and wait on me


god i can’t

i can’t see daylight

i don’t understand why you didn’t just

tell me to stay on the shore

because god said the blessings in the


can i prove it to you jesus after he was

baptized in water

what ended up happening is that

god came down and said this is my son

and who i’m well pleased

and then guess what happened he was led

by the holy

spirit into

the wilderness he was escorted by god

some of y’all been calling your storm a


god said that this is just the


that i have to create in you or i feel

this thing the character

the stamina the wherewithal the stick to


that you need to be everything i’ve

called jesus


and right now i bet on day

21 jesus was like yo is the storm over


and i bet on day 31 he said is the storm

over yet

and some of you have been living in this

place in your life

is the storm over yet is the storm

going to subside

and for some reason

god doesn’t take you out of the storm he

sustains you in the middle of it

i’m trying to show you a practical

example of what having an anchor does

and can i tell you something if you’re

going to dwell in the deep listen and

write this point down the deep is not


devastation it’s for preparation

the darkest and deepest places of my


have prepared me for the greatest

victories of my life

i remember when me and natalie had good


and we were in a place to be able to buy

our first home

and it was sunny sky everywhere and we

got hooked up with a bad contractor

and what ended up happening is we found

ourselves in the smack dab middle of a


and for three years

my credit went down we were drained of

tens of thousands of dollars

nobody knew pastor mike i didn’t have no

books i didn’t have no nothing

i felt like every day god was letting

the storm continue

to pound on my life and i was like god

why i’m praying

i’m fasting i’m giving i’m serving the

youth i’m serving bishop

and god said this is not a place of


this is a place of preparation

it was in those moments that i learned

the tools and the trades that i needed

to be able to purchase the spirit bank

event center that we sit in right now

he knew that if i went through the storm

in a season

where it was inconsequential that he

would sustain me

and i would come out better and at the

other side it would be the very thing i

needed to reach


maybe you need to rename your storm

yeah it sucks

but this is going to be sanctifying

yeah it’s hard but somehow healing’s

coming out of this

john 16 33 said i have told you these


so that in me you may have peace

in this world you will have trouble can

i say it a different way

in this world you will have a storm

but take heart i your anchor

have over pumped somebody better help me

shout in the place today if you know

that our anchor has

overcome the world

so dear brothers and sisters james one

verse two and four

when troubles or storms of any kind oh

that means i can have a storm in my

marriage any kind of storm

a storm of insecurity any kind of storm

a storm of financial poverty any kind of


dear brothers and sisters when storms or

troubles of any kind come your way

uh-oh you want to reframe it consider it

an opportunity for great joy hold on


is my storm a joyful situation according

to the word of god

my storm should bring me joy because

if i know when your faith is tested

your endurance has a chance to grow so

let me admonish you like james

let it grow for when your endurance is

fully developed

you will be perfect and complete

needing nothing

what i started saying to myself

in the midst of the storm

because what happened is sometimes you

think like i got used to the storm

and then the lights go dark and then the


that used to be very very clear and that

you could see

then it gets it gets a lot darker yeah

yeah turn all of this off

turn this yeah yeah cause what you think

is that now i’ve learned how to

deal in the storm and now i’ve learned

how to communicate and

and work in the storm but then

it gets darker and then come on keep


like then all i see and hear is the

voice of the enemy

and i see how they’re doing good

and i see their marriage succeeding

and this little light of mine is not


and then mark 4 37 said high waves

were breaking into the boat and it began


fill with water so the storm got more


and the lightning started to go and the

things started to begin to be more and

i’m about to lose my house

and my family doesn’t want to invite me

places anymore

and things are starting to rock and

starting to reel and things are not

looking brighter

but it’s looking darker and i don’t know

what’s happening

where is jesus

have you ever said where is


look what verse 38 tells us jesus was


give me a little light on myself jesus

was at the back of the boat

with his head on a cushion

no jesus was sleeping

this greatest storm of my life is


and jesus had a

flintstone pillow

and took residence i i

i need you to see this

i’m trying to navigate

in the midst of a shaky situation

y’all know when the storm is happening

nothing’s sure

where’s jesus

no matthew mark luke and john matthew

mark luke and john

holy holy holy yeah that’s gonna be a

hit that’s gonna be a hit

what happens when jesus has decided

to sleep what happens

when jesus has decided to sleep

in the midst of your storm

do you still trust him will you still

wait on him

and people are saying yeah right now

but there’s a lot that goes into

trusting a god who seems idle

when your situation is so


the disciples woke him up shouting


you care that we’re going to drown

don’t you care that everything around me

is shaking

and jesus wakes up

is this what y’all woke me up for

who told you to go to the other side

y’all missed it is this what you

woke me up for the storm that when

i told you we were going to the other


i’m the god of all knowing so i knew

there would be a storm

and i decided to sleep in it

when i read this god began to challenge


that any storm i faced

it was planned

it did not catch god by

surprise the storm in your life

the diagnosis the hurt that has come

from that situation god may have not

caused it but he sure will use it he


that the storms are coming

and he slept and what this told me

is that if i’m a dwell in the deep

never trust an anchor with anxiety

if the thing that you’re attached to is

scared too

if your governmental party that you’ve

attached all your weight to

is scared too if your mama and your

daddy and your money is funny and

everything you’ve attacked

if your anchor has anxiety

that is the wrong anchor this scripture

made me

respect jesus’s gangster like never


that the storm did not take him off of

his game

that through the storm he remained in a

state of everybody say peace

there is a way that you can have peace

in the middle

of the war y’all don’t want to hear the

word today

but i’m telling you right now god is the

only one

he gave us a forever picture of him

sleep and resting in a place where

everybody else was freaking out

and god’s saying to me i hear this so

strongly i will give you

peace lift your hands all over the world

right now i need you to lift your hands

i feel this so strong

some of you are in a storm that is

challenging everything that you’ve ever


and god said the storm’s not going to

stop yet but i’ll give you peace


the storm is not gonna subside yet yeah

you’re still gonna have to go through

marriage counseling and yeah you’re

still going to have to take your

children to therapy

and yeah you’re still going to have to

go back and build your credit

and yeah you’re still going to have to

stay in that smaller apartment and

you’re not going to get the house yet

and yeah you’re still going to have to

catch the bus and yeah but i will be

your peace

in the middle of the storm it says when

jesus woke up

hey storm


oh y’all didn’t see it in the bible and

it said silence be still

suddenly the wind stopped

and there was a great calm that came

oh i got some encouragement for somebody


if you’re going to dwell in the deep

through the rain the anchor

remains i need you to hear me say this

the reason why i believe god gave us the

word this year to be anchored

is because we can’t rebuke the storm

away only god can do that

but i’m still here after the storm


are you telling me that after the


i may not have gotten to my destination

when i wanted to

but i’m still here somebody say i’m

still here

could you think back over what the last

five years has been for you

and then could you with faith in your

heart and gratitude all over say i’m

still here

i’m about to start a revolution of

thanksgiving and gratitude do you know

what the doctor’s report said and do you

remember what was in your bank account

and do you remember when they told you

that you would never be able to get into

that school and do i feel a praise

rising up all over the world

and do you remember that god told you

that he would sustain you

somebody shot at me i’m still here as

we’re about to celebrate

six years being a church they told me

that it would never amount to anything

and they told me that we wouldn’t be

able to build a multi-ethnic and a

multi-generation on the multicultural


but we’re still

so your testimony should be god you


that song we’re singing is a prophetic


to what god is calling us to do as a


let’s put our faith in him when i wrote

those words


god told me i’m going to sustain you

in the middle of it all and if you’re

going into the deep

i need you to realize something

that your trust needs to be more in your

anchor jesus than it is in the storm

some of us trust that the storm is going

to take us out more than we trust that

jesus is going to

keep us through the storm and i’m asking

you to change your focus

do you remember when peter was walking

on water


and he began to do something that nobody

else had ever done

and it was when he began to pay

attention to the winds in the waves

to the storm that was around him that he

began to sink and what did jesus say oh

peter why you got so little faith bro

you don’t remember i told you i’m the

one that said come

i’m the one that called you to be in

that marriage i’m the one that told you

your son was gonna be healed

i’m the one

i’m the one who said your family would

be saved

i’m the one that said this was the last

year you would deal with depression

i’m the one that said anxiety will no

longer have a hold over you

i’m the one that said that everything

that happened to you in that molestation

would not define everything that you

would be

in the future i’m the one who said it i

feel the presence of god

i’m the one who said though you have

years of wrong images through

pornography that i can purify your heart

and make you somebody that will change

people for the rest of their life

i’m the one

today god’s asking why won’t you trust


that’s what he asked the disciples he

said then he asked him

why are you afraid do you still not have

faith do you still not

trust that i’m big you still here

i still sustained you

why don’t you trust me well god cause i

didn’t see you

let me help you let me help you

understand the visibility of an anchor

does not determine the value of an


god i don’t see you he said because i’m

working it out right now

god i don’t see you it’s because i’m

under doing a work

an anchor doesn’t have to be seen to

actually be doing the work

and god says some of the areas you want

me to show up in i’m not because i’m

doing a work that’s deeper

that’s what god’s doing in my life he’s

doing a deep work

he’s making me confront things i don’t

even want to talk about

he’s making me be transparent about the


why and the hurts and what happened and

all of these things that

said god i don’t feel you and he just

says stay anchored

because i’ll sustain you

what what are you trying to say pastor

mike what are you trying to say

what i’m what i’m really trying to get

you to understand at this current moment

is in verse 41 it says the disciples

were absolutely terrified when jesus

said stop

peace be still and then they started

looking at each other was like who is

this man

no i thought we knew him like when we

left our boats like i thought we knew

what he was going to do

i mean we saw him do the water in the

wine trick and we was like oh we’re

going to get tipsy like but we thought

that that was going to be it but who is

this man

that even the winds and the waves

obey him i wanna let you know if you’re

gonna dwell in the dink

deep our anchor has authority

jesus is the only one that can look at

the wind and the waves

can i break that down for you let me

give you some revelation he can look at

the waves which you do see and look at

the winds

which were invisible he can look at

the marriage that you do see and the

underlying insecurity

that’s undetectable he can speak

to the the the financial situation that

you do see

but the mindset of poverty that you

don’t see

my god is the only one that looks at the


and the invisible and he can say peace

be still money line up

mindset change pornography go

down but perversion be subsided

god looks at what you do see

and what you don’t see and he has the

authority to speak to both of them


that means god’s not working the

situation out in one dimension

he’s working it out

in 2d

what you see and you don’t see

he’ll be the anchor in that situation

pastor mike

we’ve been talking about being anchored

we’ve been talking about

really just living in the deep

why did you give us this message today

because i felt there was a lot of people

in the storm


and i know you try to fake it with

everybody else like everything’s good

and you can do that again today you can

act like this message wasn’t for you

but some of you are in the middle of a

storm can you turn the storm back on

just for one second

because i i i don’t want them i don’t

want them to forget

that i can still be worshiping

in the storm


your promises always come true


not depending on me but relying on you

your mercies are new every day

so i will trust

you your promises are

you can worship in the storm depending

on me but relying on you

your mercies are new every day

so i in the middle of the storm

everybody say i will trust you say

i i feel the presence of god

cause you may be wet and your situation

may not be changing

but i dare you in the middle of the

storm to declare

come on lift it up

say you are my source god you are my

strength in the middle store of god

come on somebody in your home right now


that you’re not going to give up on your

anchor that god is

with you in the middle


i feel the presence of god somebody

needs to get up and declare

that i will trust you







there’s no wind there’s no wave there’s

nothing that will stop me from being



there’s no sickness no disease

no diagnosis god will

trust you i am covered by the blood of


and my anchor is short together all

around the world say you sustained lift

it up


come on this has to be our posture you

sustain say it again


can i give you some good news real quick

that god will sustain you

but my encouragement to you right now is

that every storm somebody say every


no say it like you mean it every storm

every storm has an expiration date

that no matter what storm you’re in

right now

that at some point the winds the waves

in the rain

have to subside the marriage is gonna

have to turn around

the diagnosis is going to have to kneel

at the name of jesus

and there is a sense there is a sun

that is rising out of the storm

the sun is beginning to come out

though the rain is moving the sun

is moving from a place of darkness


my situation is changing

the sun jesus

is rising in your situation

the son our anchor somebody say his name

jesus say his name again say his name

one more time

while you’re running on the track at

your home say his name

the son of god

has decided that no storm

lasts always

your storm has an expiration date

so why don’t you worship in the midst of

the storm

because at some point every moment that

goes by

we’re getting closer to the sun rising


our situation oh y’all don’t hear me

y’all not rejoicing like

the the clock is ticking down oh i feel

this right now

somebody by this time next week the

storm is gonna have subsided somebody

should begin to rejoice right there

this time next month the storm will have

subsided this time next year


what are you saying pastor mike

jesus will be your anchor in the middle

of every storm and what should be your


very simple say i will

trust you

that’s it all i’m telling you is i don’t

know what’s going to happen tomorrow but

what i’m declaring is i

will trust you

i’m not exactly sure how this thing is

going to work out right now but god i’m

telling you right now say



it’s not completely sunshine but i see

the sun beginning to come out of my

situation somebody said

hands lifted all over this place all

over the world i want to pray for you

i want to pray an anchoring prayer over

your life

i am not going to lie to you and tell

you the storm’s not coming this year

and that you might not already be in the

storm right now

what i’m saying is you have an anchor in

the middle of the storm

welcome to the deep

i’m not going to sugarcoat it i’m

telling you if you’re looking for

some i want to be happy messages i’m

sorry that’s not here this year

i want you to grow this year i want you

to develop

in the deep


so lift your hands all over this place i

want to pray for you

god i declare that as you asked me

to speak this word that you

sent the disciples to the other side you

did it

it wasn’t self-initiated it wasn’t

something they did

in ambition you said let’s set out and

go to the other side

but you knew the storm was in the middle

but god

for my brothers and sisters and myself

who are in the middle of a storm

i thank you that we won’t forfeit the

other side

because we are afraid of a storm

i declare over your life that you will


forfeit the other side oh i feel that

thing right now

the other side of the marriage the other

side of this pain

the other side there’s something on the

other side

that has to go through the storm even

when the children of israel were to make

it to the promised land

they had to go through the storm of the

wilderness and they had to trust you

and you fed them with man of god but you

were saying i wasn’t trying to get


or keep something from you you were

trying to get something into us

and today father we’re going to do

something unusual

we’re going to praise you for the storm


i i just feel that right now right now

in this moment

we’re going to lift our hands and thank

god for every storm that has come i know

this seems

i know this seems completely different

right now but right now i want you to

lift your hands and just begin to say

god i thank you

i thank you for every storm i thank you

father that it if it didn’t kill me

you’re gonna use it to make me father

god i thank you father that the storm

was not meant to devastate me

but it was meant to develop me god in

the midst of the storm i declare i will

trust you

and i pray over every person that has

the audacity to lift their hands and

thank you for the storm

father because you are a god that sees

all sits over all

is the king of kings and the lord of

lord you are the great god the god

who knows the beginning from the end

you’re the author and the finisher

you are the lord of lords and the king

of kings and today

we say we trust you

for every person that feels like giving

up in the midst of the storm

today we send peace the comforter the

holy spirit to you

and we declare father that we will trust


in jesus name somebody say i will trust


all week that’s going to be your

declaration because some of y’all are

going to recognize a storm and you’re

going to say oh no i’m not going to be

taken out by this

somebody’s just gonna say and i will

try i feel this thing in my toes right

now and i can’t even feel my toes right


somebody say hey




some of y’all getting tired but you may

not be in a storm right now

but for anybody that’s in a storm they

need this right now

they need to know



for anybody who has not made jesus

christ your personal lord and savior

i’m about to give you the greatest gift

of your life he’s an anchor


the storm’s coming doesn’t matter but

right now jesus wants to be your anchor

if you’ve never received jesus i feel

that my salvation is about to happen in

this place

i need y’all to begin to pray right now

if you’ve never given your life to jesus

this is your moment god has

made this entire scene for you to get a

visual picture of what your life has

been like drifting

in the sea of darkness and dark thing

and bad thing after bad thing

but god says i am going to be with you

in the storm

and right now all you have to do

according to romans 10 9

is accept jesus as your personal lord

and savior

that he lived and he died just for you

and by faith

not by facts by faith you can be

saved and i’m telling you this is the

greatest decision i ever made is to

anchor my life to jesus christ

it took me from being a liar addicted to


somebody who was a manipulator somebody

that was had

dark things in his heart and his mind

and it didn’t make me a perfect man but

it made me a progressive man

the way that i love my wife and i love

my kids and i serve this staff

is because of what god has done he’s

done a deep

work on the inside of me somebody say a

deep work

and that’s what god wants to do on the

inside of you and no you don’t have to

change all your habits and hobbies today

god says give me your heart and i’ll

help you change your habits

give me your heart and i’ll help you

change your hobbies

give me your heart and i’ll heal you and

today you’ve run to

men and women you’ve run to drugs and


you’ve won the vacations and instagram

posts you’ve run to food

and you’ve run to binge watching tv and

god says has it filled you up yet

right now he’s saying give me a try and

i’ve declared this almost

every week of this series but i’m going

to say it again this will be the best

year of your life

if it is your best year spiritually and

you cannot do this without

god so if you want to accept jesus as

your personal lord and savior i’m

telling you it’s the best decision you

can ever make

and today is the day of salvation

on the count of three i just want you to

lift your hands and say pastor include

me in that prayer

i want to give my life to christ today

one you’re making the greatest decision

of your life two everybody is not going

to go with you on this boat

but god is with you on this boat three

lift your hands up all over the world if

you are making jesus christ

your personal lord and i mean i can feel

it there’s hundreds

if not thousands of people that have

lifted their hands and let me help you

at transformation church nobody prays

alone i need staff and team i need y’all

to start praying

heaven is warring right now the winds

are raging over people’s lives right now

and we’re going to pray

that god would do something so strategic

in your life

that by this time next week there’s a

difference in your situation

this time next year there’s a difference

you won’t even recognize yourself

12 months from now i feel that so

strongly hands lifted everywhere

because at transformation church nobody

prays alone

we’re going to pray together father in

the name of jesus we declare

that you’re doing something powerful in

our friends lives right now and today

we’re going to confess together

everybody say jesus

thank you for coming to be my anchor

today i give you my life

by faith i believe you

lived you died and you rose again

just for me today i’m going to the deep

be with me every step of the way

change me renew me

transform me i’m yours

in jesus name amen

can we join with heaven right now oh

come on

can we join with heaven they stop

singing holy holy

and rejoice over one person that just

gave their life to christ

let’s give god a shout of praise



so now your confession every day

as you walk this out it’s god i’ll trust


and if you just made that decision we

are so happy for you

that’s why we do everything that we do

we’re representing god to the lost and

found for one reason

it’s transformation in christ i want you

to do me a favor will you text

saved to the number that’s on your

screen because the horizon is changing

for you right now something is shifting

in your life right now

and we want to walk with you we want to

give you some researches i’m asking you

join us for monday night prayer tomorrow

night tomorrow monday night we’re going

to have prayer

join us for anniversary sunday um next


keep coming back go to online and watch

all the sermons go watch

um the sermon um that’s called grace

like a flood

go back and watch grace like a flood

somebody needs to go back and watch

mark some of y’all that are in

relationship stuff go back and watch

relationship goals

some of you that need to forgive go back

and watch forgiveness university

some of you that really need to know

that god loves you go back and watch you

are loved

god wants you to start developing your

spiritual appetite

we’re going to be here every week to

walk with you

so proud of you and for every believer

that has decided to stay anchored

i want you to know that 2021 is going to

be our best year ever

you missed it i said 2021 is gonna be

our best year ever

cause we will be anchor

i’m praying for you i love you

i’m freezing cold

but everything’s worth it if you get it

may god be lifted up in your life

may god be the reason why you do

everything that you do

i declare over your life this will be

the best week you ever have

i thank you father that you are going to

move in us to go into deeper waters

and i thank you father god that we will

be anchored father

everywhere we go you go before us you do

more with less as we trust you father

and we declare that over every area of

our life

we will trust you have your way in our


in jesus name everybody say we agree

we expect amen let’s give god a shout of


go out and live a transformed life
