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all right so I got all the bit of like

38 minutes to give you everything that’s

in my left leg right now it’s a whole

bunch of excitement and a whole bunch of

like revelation because today we are

starting a brand new series called

marked and some of you may not know this

but this time last year the weekend

after Easter

God gave me a tremendous opportunity to

speak at elevation Church and I spoke

this message marked and I’m so grateful

for pastor Steven and pastor Holly for

giving me that opportunity and the

platform to speak because God did

something that none of us could do I

spoke the message marked I never spoke

it here in our church or anything God

told me to speak it there on a global

stage and literally it went viral

like literally over 1.4 million people

watched that message people are

literally texting and emailing okay how

many of y’all saw mark – anybody I like

see mark like okay there’s several

people in this room that saw it and and

the crazy thing about it is when I did

that message that was one message that

God gave me out of like eight or nine

and he told me to condense it and do it

all in one sermon and so for the first

time like I’ve been waiting for God to

release me to be able to speak this

entire message of series but I’m about

to unfold this thing like an accordion

and I’m about to I’m about to I’m about

to ditch you some revelation that

changed my life and I believe it’s gonna

change your yours because I came to tell

you that you are marked by God that no

matter what your season is right now and

no matter what you’ve been through and

no matter what you think you’re about to

face God has marked you for purpose he’s

marked you for impact he’s marked you

for destiny and he’s marked you for

transformation I know there’s people in

here right now who feel like maybe their

best days were behind them or you feel

like what you’re facing right now

was meant to take you out lies I came to

tell you that when God placed his hand

on you when he called you before he was

formed in it your mother’s will

he knew you he called you he put his DNA

on you I’m height already and there is

something that God wants to get to the

earth through you not through your

neighbor not through anybody else

there’s something specific that God has

called you to do and many of you may be

feeling under-qualified or you may feel

like you’re not worthy of it but I came

to revive your faith today and let you

know that where you are is a part of the

plan that God has for you because you’re

marked by God I dare somebody to just

yell it out say I’m marked you ain’t

even say it like you minute dad say it

I’m marked

I’m telling you over this next few I

don’t know when this series is gonna end

let me let me be very clear okay we got

it marked for a certain number of weeks

if you don’t like mark come check back

with us in July because we because if

the people of God could ever get that

what you’re going through it’s not the

summation of what God’s doing in your

life and that he called you for

something bigger than what you’re

experiencing right now you would be able

to stand in the face of giants and be

able to yell at him I’m marked come on

somebody say it so this series about

marked if you know anything about it it

centers around the the life of David the

the life the leadership and the lessons

we can learn from David and so um I

really wanted to go and talk about David

today but the Holy Spirit arrested me

he said um David wasn’t the first person

on marked he said we talked about David

all the time he slew Goliath and he was

going to be the king of Israel but he

was he he was the second choice to be

the king of Israel nobody talks about

this a lot but he was he was the Robin

to the Batman David was David was really

like the the scottie pippen to the

Chicago Bulls you hear what I’m saying

like he wasn’t a Michael Jordan he was

the Pippen of the bulls like he wasn’t

the first one David will go and his

epitaph will be a man after God’s own

heart but that one

the first time God tried to give that

mental to somebody

he’s just the one that actually did what

it took to carry the mantle but today I

want to talk about the person that was

supposed to be the guy we were talking

about today uh-huh I want to talk about

song because a lot of people play Saul

like he’s the one that changed David and

wanted to kill him and all this other

stuff yeah yeah that’s who he became but

that’s not who he started out as huh

Saul was marked by God to be the first

king of Israel he was the man the Bible

tells us that he stood head and

shoulders over everybody else the Bible

tells us that he was supposed to rule

for a long time that he was gonna his

his family would be established over and

over he’s got the same anointing that

David got he was the one that was

supposed to do it but for some reason he

disqualified himself from being marked

by God before we start shouting that I’m

marked and God’s gonna take me to the

palace and I’m here on purpose you may

be already in position and you’re

disqualifying yourself right now from

what God has called you to do I know you

don’t even understand it yet so cuz you

got to realize that us going to our next

level or going to the place of purpose

or doing what God’s called us to do

that’s our entrance that’s us coming

into something but the first point I

want you to write down right now

some exits are destined others are

disqualifications some exits are

destined but other exits are

disqualification the reason that Saul

was not the Great King that we wanted

that God wanted him to be is not because

God wanted him not to be it it was

because he disqualified himself from the

fullness of what God had called him to

and so I just felt like it was proper

for us to start this series

not just talking about where God’s

taking us to but maybe we need to

evaluate who we’re replacing maybe we

need to evaluate why this hasn’t already

been done

see the reason God’s blessing

transformation church right now is not

because he he has had a shortage of

trying to find somebody to say yes to

him he’s been trying to get this thing

that we’re doing a multi-ethnic

multicultural multiplying church in our

city he’s been trying to do this in our

city I know for at least the last 50


I know specific things but when men and

women do not fully answer the call of

God on their life God will not negate

his plan for your negligence oh my god

he will he will not he will give you

opportunity after opportunity and asked

you to humble yourself and come to me

but when your heart becomes hard he says

I got to go to somebody else and I want

you to know that us being marked is not

because we are so great it’s because

God’s trying to get something done on

the earth and until people will submit

fully to his plan not halfway not try to

keep all your ideals and his ideals but

stay in the place where he’s called you

to be

you can disqualify yourself from God’s

best for your family for your business

for your marriage and I just wanted to

tell you that you are marked but maybe

maybe we need to pay attention to why it

didn’t happen with our mom why it didn’t

happen with our boss I need you to hear

me say this I’ll just say it like this

so you can get it your entrance is

somebody else’s exit whenever you become

whoever you’re going to become somebody

else is vacating that and sometimes it’s

because it was destined to happen me and

Bishop had a transition that I’m no

longer I’m no longer the the

executive pastor I became the lead

pastor and he became the pastor emeritus

and we have a meeting every Wednesday

and talk about what’s going on in the

church and how God’s doing things and

things I need to correct but that

transition was destined before this

church ever started that’s why God

started me out here as the sound man six

years before I would ever touch a

platform because he was divinely

orchestrating things that he had already

destined you think you’re at where

you’re at on accident that is divinely

orchestrating and putting pieces

together that you don’t even know the

people you don’t like right now those

are the people that God is positioning

while you’re still at that job you’re at

those are the strategic thing God’s not

playing checkers he’s playing chess and

and he six moves ahead of you and while

you’re complaining about why you don’t

want to move off this spot God’s saying

you better listen to me you better get

in the place that you’re supposed to be

because I’m divinely orchestrating your

life and so that transition was destined

but there’s other transitions that are

disqualifications and I’ll just keep

using the pastor analogy that there are

many pastors out here disqualifying

themselves from what God has called them

to do because they allow people praising

them and money and and and and fame to

be able to devalue part of the reason

I’m preaching this is because I’m

standing in a spotlight right now that

the enemy would love for me to get

caught up in the light and not stay on

my knees and so I have I have to preach

them I feel the presence of God right

now I got a preach stuff that works on

my flesh I got a I got a know that I can

either be David or I can be saw

you hear me you got a note that nobody

in here is excluded from being either

called by God in finishing the

assignment or called by God and

disqualifying yourself nobody is exempt

I don’t care that you’ve got a whole

bunch of degrees you’re not exempt I

don’t care if you got a Accountability

Board nobody sees in you have to make a

decision every day that you’re going to

the person the one the only one who

called you to the position and that’s

God well person like I don’t have no

position your husband aren’t you you’re

a son aren’t you your daughter aren’t

you you’re a child of God

aren’t you every role that God gives

where there is somebody breathing you

have been called to an area of

leadership and God’s saying I need you

right now to know I marked you I put my

DNA on you I don’t care what you did

yesterday I don’t care what you did last

week I don’t care what’s happening to

you my hand is on your life but now you

have the opportunity to take my hand off

your life you have the opportunity to

fulfill the purpose I called you to

somebody say I’m marked okay okay okay

so I have to tell you this because a lot

of people didn’t know Saul was marveled

but I want to show it to you in 1st

Samuel chapter 9 for 17 um samuel was a

prophet at the time and he’s the one

that’s giving the word of the Lord

because at this time Jesus hadn’t come

and people couldn’t have relationship

with God for themselves so they had to

speak through prophets and different

things like that so Samuel was the

prophet of the day and Samuel goes to

meet up with Saul and look what the Lord

says about him he says when samuel saul

saw the lord said who said the lord said

that’s the man I told you about he will

rule my people like that one right there

he’s marked her right there yeah yeah

yeah I know her hair is messed up but

she’s locked him right there yeah in the

family that’s broken and

looks like anything’s gonna come out of

that he’s marked sheep in a hole for a

long time but now she’s turning into

Olli that that’s the one

oh yeah yellow he was not looking at

their past

he was looking at their future and I

need somebody to hear me say this right

now God is not concerned as much about

your past if you allow him into your

present because he knows there’ll always

be a bright future and somebody needs to

understand that you’re marked but but I

had this funny thing happened to me in

high school I took AP English and that

was stupid but one of the things that

they told me to do in AP English is we

always had to write in pin and I was

like that’s dumb okay first off the

reasons why writing in pin is done is

because what if I make a mistake like

you got us writing all these essays and

all this other stuff and I self admit I

am not the best speller you hear what

I’m saying and y’all can judge me if you

want to but there is not a spelling bee

to get into heaven and so I’m not the

best speller and so I took pride and

getting it right by the end but I didn’t

know what my drafts was gonna look like

so writing in pencil felt comfortable

for me because I could erase it and then

do it again but then he said you always

have to write in pen and I wanted to hit

him because because he wanted us to get

use of our words being permanent

so what ended up happening is in AP

English I still couldn’t feel that good

so I had to have something to help me

correct my mistakes and some of y’all

too young to know anything about this

but there were these things called

whiteout pins jobs y’all know what I’m

talking about

and and and then they start getting real

sophisticated and they had like this

little whiteout like shrimp thing okay I

haven’t used it in a long time but back

then I literally had a arsenal of them I

look like I was going to a Western and I

was like era where I just had whiteout

things cuz I was gonna be marking all

through my paper but but what ended up

happening is when I made a mistake

I had to write out my mistake the title

of today’s message is really what God

had to do with Saul because Saul was the

one it was what he wanted to say it’s

what he wrote down permanently it’s what

he wanted to be there but then he had to

look at heaven and say where’s the

whiteout cuz something I meant to be

there he said he disqualified himself

and now I’m gonna have to I’m gonna have

to write him out of his destiny I’m I

have to white him how I didn’t want him

to do that the same way God’s saying if

you don’t keep sleep if you don’t stop

sleeping around with these people you’re

gonna make me whiteout the purpose that

I called you to if you don’t actually

get the heart of generosity that I’ve

been blessing you year after year after

year after year and you still won’t give

anything he said I’m gonna have to why I

the reason I bless you is cuz I wanted

you to be the one that blessed these

people but because you won’t obey me I’m

about to have to whiteout the thing I’ve

called you to do I wanted it to be

permanent but I guess I made a mistake

and this is what happened with Saul that

he had to call for the white out so so

so let me let me prove it to you cuz

some of y’all are sitting here like huh

I thought the gift was that without

repentance oh yeah it’s not yeah the

gift the gift is gonna be there Saul

messes up in his first five years God


is anointing off of him but he rules for

42 you can still be in position without

God’s approval you can still be leading

and God says you’re just toiling I’ve

already put my blessing on somebody else

while you’re still up here acting like

you high and mighty you wouldn’t take a

position of repentance or humility but

you took a position of pride so keep

thinking you’re doing your thing keep

acting like you demand he said but I’ve

taken my approval my anointing off of

what you do and so he was still able to

function but he had no approval from God

and I wonder how many of us are trying

to be wives and husbands and students

and co-workers in places where we have

no anointing from God it just seems like

stress and strain and struggle and God

said I didn’t mean for you to live like


I wanted you to walk in my perfect plan

for your life but you decided to invite

me out and so now you’re having to do

that but for yourself and so today my

passion is that if God God had to do it

for for saw the one he chose remember it

said the Lord said yeah

he’s the one so nobody can disqualify

you except you it didn’t matter what the

people thought it didn’t matter what

anybody else thought God called Saul but


didn’t know the value of his call do you

know the value of your call do you know

that is so valuable that you’re at the

place you’re at it’s so valuable that

God’s given you the kids you have it’s

so valuable that you went through nine

years of college why I don’t know either

but I’m just saying that everything

everything in your life my Bible says

all things everything that happens is

working together for the good of those

who are called and that love him and so

all I’m telling you is there’s a reason

but but I just want to help you do

Saul’s life just real quick

being able to avoid the things that

write you out by God so so let me tell

you the first thing that whites you out

your own view of yourself your own view

of yourself would disqualify you and

write you out from the plan of God

see you are marked but if you don’t get

the right view of yourself you’ll mark

yourself out let me prove it to you

because God had had had said yeah it’s

you you’re the one in verse 17 that I’m

gonna use you’ll be the first king of

Israel you’re gonna be the first one in

your family to be able to go through the

poverty line and come out on the other

side you’re gonna be the first one in

your family to stop the generational

courses of divorce you’re gonna be the

first Lisa I’m gonna choose you but look

at at Saul’s response verse 21 Saul

replied but I’m only stop there because

how many times says God tried to give

you another level of his blessing his

anointing his favor in his entrance and

your first thought is but but I’m only

but I haven’t had but nobody knows his

first view of himself look what he said

but I’m only from the tribe of Benjamin

the smallest tribe in Israel comparison

and my family is the least important of

all the families of the tribe why look

why are you talking to me like this like

like god they’re more talented and

gifted and there are more smart and

they’re more connected people why why

are you even why are you even talking to

me like this and God said I never asked

you to be qualified I never asked you to

be qualified when I called you I just

said will you answer the call because if

you answer the call I will qualify you

you do not have to know everything you

need to know before you get into what

God has called you to do you just have

to walk with the one who knows

everything that you

and too many people are sitting on the

sidelines of their purpose because God

said you and you’re saying but I’m only

and I came to come against insecurity

your view of yourself

depression yeah you messed up in the

past but God says my grace and my mercy

are new every morning every time you

wake up every time you rise I will give

you a fresh chance to be able to do what

I called you to do and we are waking up

every morning saying but I’m only but

I’ve only been to this and I’ve only do

y’all know I have six months of high

quality Tulsa community college

education I’m talking about premium

that’s my girl right there

premium do you know how many degrees

people say you have to have to stand on

the platform that I stand on right now

and do you know how many people would

say don’t listen to him because he

hasn’t done this diss dissing dents and

I don’t even care no more no no cuz I

know people with with more degrees than

a thermometer that don’t have nobody

listening you a Facebook phenomenon with

your family oh all I’m telling you is

I’m truth that you don’t gotta be

qualified to answer the call of God but

you have to answer the call and God’s

looking for some people who will divorce

their own perspective of themself so

that he can get purpose into your life

well I’ve always been shy okay cool

that’s fine but is you holding on to

being shy more important than you

fulfilling your purpose

I heard somebody say something that mess

me up forever forever that your

personality is the thing that you can

never let forfeit your purpose a lot of

people hold on to their personality this

is just the way I am no that’s the way

you’re choosing to stay

nobody has to stay the way they are and

Saul was defeated already because God

said you’re King you’re marked you’re

the one and he said but I’m only and I’m

saying that this is the start of you

being whited out when God says I want

you to run the organization and you say

but huh but I’m only and God said hold

on hold on hold on do you know who’s on

your side though cuz if I be for you no

tell me

no I’m out way if I before you did Oh

forgive me against you okay who can tell

you this is not possible and Saul never

recalibrated his thinking and so that

was the start of him being wydad out at

the moment he was anointed what happens

when God is trying to give you purpose

and all you’re doing is being

pessimistic like like like he’s trying

to give you purpose and all you can do

is be pessimistic you might as well have

faith you might I mean if you don’t do

it you’ll still have the same thing that

you have right now like like you might

as well supply safe to it and got God

you said I’m gonna be a CEO and I’m a

run half of the city’s energy call me

CEO like like get a name badge and put

it on your desk at your apartment do

something to enlarge your faith to agree

with God to come against the doubt in

your life but Saul didn’t figure that

out so he started his white out process

let me give you point number two that

what begins to show that you’re gonna be

wydad out or what whites out your your

position is the pride of your

position pride is a killer y’all know

pride is the original sin right that’s

what that’s what not Adam and Eve

Lucifer the original sin when he got

kicked out of heaven is because he was

so prideful that what he was supposed to

be giving to God the glory in the

praises he was a worship leader in

heaven he stood in the place the

position he took a position of pride and

scooted over just a little bit so that

he could receive some of the praise and

at the moment it happened he fell from

heaven like lightning the Bible says he

said because uh no no that’s why you get

the expression pride comes before the

that came from Lucifer his pride was the

immediate um the immediate reaction was

a fall and so what ends up happening is

Saul does the same thing First Samuel

chapter thirteen verse seven he’s

anointed as king he’s he’s now Samuel

gives him an instruction and and he says

hey I want you to go down to deal gal

and I want you to wait for me there

because I’m about to give you a lot of

victories and you’re about to win all

these battles but I need you to wait

because we need to make a sacrifice to

God because we don’t want to go into

these battles without God on our side so

I want you to wait for me eat no matter

what it looks like wait for me no matter

what’s coming against you wait for me no

matter who’s telling you we need to do

something new wait for me and then we

will offer a sacrifice to God and you’ll

win the victory but look what happens

they said Saul stayed at Gilgal and his

men were trembling in fear this is why

it’s so crazy when you have people

around you who are fearful it’s not it’s

not a real good thing because fear is

the breeding ground for foolishness I

can’t even stay there but when people

scared y’all know people do stupid stuff

when they scared y’all yeah anyway it

said Saul waited there seven days for

Samuel as Samuel had instructed him

earlier but Samuel still didn’t come

Saul realized that his troops were

rapidly slipping away because they were

fighting a battle so he demanded bring

me the burnt offering and the peace


I’m the king I should be able to do this

I’m a parent I should be able to do this

I got enough education I should be able

to do this without God I got a financial

degree I should be able I should be able

to do this without God he said bring me

the burnt offering and the peace

offering and saw sacrifice the burnt

offering look at this cuss word him-self

what are you doing that God wants to be

a part of and you are doing yourself

well I mean it’s just a relationship I’m

just hooking up with this girl I mean

we’re just trying to figure out if we’re

married and you don’t got no godly

accountability and you don’t have nobody

in your life with wisdom and you’re

trying to get married and do this thing

yourself I’m telling you there are too

many people who know God but relegate

him to the Sunday experience and not in

their life and so a lot of us are doing

things ours so I mean I’ve been in this

business for 22 years before I came to

Christ so I should be able to keep

running this no baby when you’re in

Christ you become a new creation and you

get a new master a new ruler if you did

it without him before this now you have

to do it with him and he’s saying but

you’re still choosing to do it yourself

now watch what happens he chose to do it

himself justice all finished doing what

he was doing

Samuel arrived just before ah just

before God was about to show up he took

it we took it upon ourselves to make our

own way could I could I suggest that

God’s closer to fixing your situation

then you believe and what’s happening is

we’re getting impatient and we’re

looking at the enemy coming against us

and what we’ve lost and what is slipping

away and it’s making us base our

decisions in fear instead of faith and

God said I’ll meet you here in seven

days but it’s the seventh day he said

but they just started

there’s more of the tape I won’t let the

eighth they come and I didn’t meet you I

won’t let me come up I won’t let it

overtake you but we’re in the seventh

and because we get disgruntled and

frustrated with the process and the plan

of God then we start doing things

ourselves and right when we do it God

shows up and so what happens is Saul he

like oh shoot I need to go meet him he

run out there what’s up what’s up Sammy

what’s going on bro

he said Saul went out to meet him but

Samuel said what is this you have done

hey bro let me okay hold on

just wait one second okay let me tell

you what happened I saw them in

scattering from you know the camp and

you didn’t arrive I mean let’s be honest

you didn’t arrive when you said you

would and the Philistines look at them a

huge they down at McMaster Eddie to big

bash and I you’re up saying so I said

the Philistines are ready to march

against Gilgal and I haven’t even asked

the Lord for his help

so I just thought I you know I’m saying

I was compelled to offer out the burnt

offering my before you came

look what Samuel said how foolish how

foolish should try to run that business

without God how foolish to try to do

that marriage without hear how foolish

of you to try to raise those kids

without me

how foolish of you try to complete

college without me how foolish of you of

trying to start the nonprofit in my name

without me how foolish of you Sam Alex

can you have not kept the commands the

Lord gave you you and have had you have

kept them had you have done what I said

had you served in the house of God had

you have given your life and sacrifice

and done what I asked you to do with

with your finances had you had done it I

would have established your kingdom over

Israel forever his plan was to March

soul and his family line would be in

there till today

but one man’s disobedience disqualified

his whole family you got to realize that

what God’s called you to is bigger than

you you got to understand that a moment

of good feeling it’s not worth the

future of your ancestors God is trying

to tell you he said but now your kingdom

must in I must white you out I marked

you I wanted it to be forever I wanted

it to be permanent but now I got a white

you out for the Lord has sought out a

man after his own heart

remember that’s what’s going to be on

David’s epitaph a man after God’s own

heart but he wanted it to be saw

what has God had to skip over us for

because we wouldn’t be people after his

own heart because we’d be more committed

to Facebook than faithfulness because we

wouldn’t take the time and seek his face

while he may be found we would want

people to like us temporarily in places

God’s saying I got a plan for you that

would establish you forever he said but

if you want to do this temporary stuff

then I got a white you out he said the

Lord has already appointed him to be the

leader of his people he no no I missed

him I said for the Lord has sought out a

man after his own heart this is the

exact moment where God starts calling on

David they’re not even in the same place

but I imagine something like this that

David’s in picking up sheep poop right

now he’s in a very lowly position being

humble and doing what he was asked to do

and God just dropped something in his

heart I’m gonna make you a leader of

many it looks looks like I’m a leader of

manure Lord


but he said that’s what qualifies you

it’s cuz you’ll do the things when

nobody’s looking and be faithful and

Integris when there’s no cameras around

when nobody’s gonna clap for you he’s

he’s widening out 1y he’s dropping

vision in another piece he’s run is

disqualifying himself while one through

service is qualifying himself and this

is when it happens he said the Lord has

already appointed him to be a leader of

his people because you have not kept the

Lord’s commands I got a I got a hurry

what whites you out third thing from

Saul’s life partial obedience because

you know partial obedience is what

disobedience yeah it is

y’all know when y’all try to do kind of

what God says or kind of what your

parents say but you still do your own

thing that’s disobedience and and the

kids I know I would always used to tell

you but I did and they will always say

but you didn’t do this this is what God

is saying here what ends up happening is

the in game pun intended the the in game

of your purpose never happened suddenly

he would reign for another 30 some odd

years but he ended his effectiveness

when he disobeyed so people from the

outside steal salt

crown steal saw the people still saw the

perceived impact but he knew as well as

samuel knew as well as God knew he’s no

longer the one and what ended up

happening is he’s still in place and God

was trying to give him opportunities to

repent see god’s occurred on somebody be

like why will God just end it like that

he left him in charge for 42 years he

still gave him opportunity after

opportunity after opportunity to repent

and obey

but he he got so caught up in his pride

the pride of his position that then when

God asked him to do something it would

only be partial obedience let me tell

you first samuel chapter 15 verse 7 you

can look at it on your own time but long

story short what ended up happening is

God told Samuel to tell Saul hey go kill

all the malachite

they have done everything wrong that I

told him go kill everybody the whole

thing they goats they pigs kill

everybody and that’s what I want you to


guess what Saul did Saul went in there

and killed everybody except the king and

he took all of the good stuff livestock

and possessions and he brought them back

as their bounty he did everything except

what in your life have you done

everything except he said be single for

this next season and you did it for nine

months except it was your birthday oh

come on let’s be real

he told you to get your finances in

order and you paid all your debts

except you wanted a new car it ain’t me

it’s the word God told you to spend more

time with your family and take the pay

cut and you get it all except obey Him

and he’s saying well well why didn’t you

why didn’t you fully obey me you started

on the road but you partially obeyed me

and this what it says then Saul

slaughter the Amalekites from from all

these places verse 8 and he captured hey

God the king and he said okay I’m gonna

I’m gonna keep everybody but I’m not

gonna stray at verse Tim then the Lord

said to Samuel look what the Lord said

to Samuel I’m sorry that I ever made

Saul King what happens when God hates

that he chose you I said an exit and

never chose him I saw their potential I

saw what they were gonna do but in their

heart they were prideful they didn’t

even think of themself how I told them I

thought of them

and they did not obey me they did a

little bit of it I wish I wouldn’t have

never put him in place do you know how

devastating it is when God says I messed

up I wrote something down that I wanted

to be permanent but now I gotta pull out

the whiteout because they won’t do what

I’ve asked him to do I gotta find

somebody else and my cry for my life and

for transformation Church

the reason I’m preaching this is because

the enemy wants me to look at the lights

that that the world is shining on me

right now but I am saw and I am David

they were both marked but it’s what I do

with the decision that God has given me

that either qualifies me for greatness

or disqualifies me from my purpose and

some of y’all are sitting up here so

prideful thinking is for somebody else

you’re on your way down cuz y’all no

pride was the first sin not Adam and Eve

Lucifer the reason he got kicked out of

heaven is because he was supposed to be

conducting worship to God and he just

screwed over just a little bit and got

in the place where he could receive some

of the worship and at the moment he was

prideful enough to think he deserved it

the Bible says it like this I saw Satan

fall from heaven like lightning that’s

where the phrase the pride comes before

the father and what I’m telling you

right now the thing that begins to white

us out of our destiny is when all of us

and we’re all susceptible to it only

obey God partially this is the beginning

of the end for him God says he’s not

been loyal to me and he’s refused to

obey my commands y’all I don’t want us

to end up like Saul I don’t want what

God wants for your family and your

purpose and your destiny I don’t want

any of it to be whited out and God says

now I gotta find somebody else I put my

money on them I put my hand on them I

put I put my anointing on them but they

won’t do it my way cuz they’d rather be

comfortable than called

they they’d rather make people happy

than me happy and so I got I gotta go

find somebody else and the crazy thing

about this whole story is that God does

not take Samuel or does not takes all

out of position he leaves him there and

he gives them another opportunity to

turn and so David comes on the scene and

we’ll find out about David in later

weeks of the series that now because

Saul’s not doing what he’s supposed to

do God marks David and David comes in

and David’s like slays Goliath and and

everybody we already know the group he

starts singing the song and and and and

and it’s like David everybody like Dave

everybody say David come on help me say

it said David’s Lynton thousand saw one

thousand and so heard this and he was

like I hate the song number one and I’m

bout to kill David I promise you that’s

what the Bible says in first samuel

chapter 18

because what lights out what lights out

the purpose of God in your life is when

you start comparing callings when God

has called you to a place but then you

start looking at somebody else God’s

blessing and you’re comparing your

calling to somebody else is calling this

is the shear sign that you’re about to

be righted out of the purpose that God’s

caused you to he said what’s for you is

for you what I have for you is for you

you got to come back to me for it and

what what the Bible says in 1st Samuel

chapter 18 verse 8 it says this made

Saul very angry what is this they credit

David with ten thousand and meet with

one thousand next they’ll be making him

their king Saul dumb because God had

already anointed David as king he was

worried about what people were gonna do

instead of what God had already done he

was worried about the people gonna make

him King he said baby you missed it and

that’s what pride will do pride I’ll

blind you to your downfall you’ll be

thinking you’re standing somewhere doing

something great and everybody around you

is seeing they just going down and down

hit off the people

the one that put him in position but it

was God the whole time and God came to

tell somebody right now who has been

fighting comparison that when you start

in comparison

jealousy enters into your heart and

jealousy is a sure sign that you’re

about to spend your in days chasing

something that was never for you anymore

and that’s how Saul spins the end of his

life chasing David until he kills

himself remember what I said at the

beginning the only person who can stop

you from reaching your destiny and

calling is who when god marks you when

God calls you he’s the only one who can

do that and never take it away

that’s why the gifts come without

repentance he said I’m not you they said

but you disqualified you because you

don’t you don’t view yourself I view you

he started building your pride in the

position I gave you instead of instead

of me you obeyed me partially you gave a

little bit you came or sometimes you did

you did just enough and he said in

partial obedience is disobedience and

then you started comparing your calling

to other people and the crazy thing

about this is why I’m preaching this

with so much passion is because God told

me he said Michael we all got some salt

every single one of us including the

woman speaking we all got some salt in


we all got a part of us that wants to do

it without God we all got a part of us

that wants to partially obey

we all got a part of us and God said

Michael we’re gonna be talking about

being marked and all this other stuff he

said but there’s some people in this

room right now that that really think I

forgot about them he said no I’m just

waiting for him to repent I’m just

waiting for them to turn from how

they’ve been doing it and invite me back

in there was not one time in the 42

years that Saul was king that it ever

shows him hitting down on his knees and

repenting he kept moving in his pride

until the point where he killed himself

and some people feel like why would God

leave him and power if David’s the new

Cain get him in that boy because God’s

so grace-filled that he will leave you

in a place that you disqualified

yourself for trying to give you an

opportunity to re-enter back into your

calling and there are people in this

room that think they’ve done too much

but I want to introduce you to second

Peter chapter 3 verse 9 it said the Lord

isn’t really being slow about his

promise as some people think no he is

being patient for your sake

he does not want anybody to be destroyed

he does not want anybody to be whited

out he does not want it but he wants

everyone to repent he wants us to turn


disobedience disqualifies you from your


but repentance remarks you I want to

pray for everybody in this room but I

need you to come to grips with where

you’re at if there’s an area of your

life that you know that looks like the

characteristics of Saul I want you to

stand to your feet right now I want you

to pray if you’ve been moving in Pride

you’ve been doing partial obedience this

is not for everybody

if you’re watching online you don’t got

to stand up because of guilt but there’s

some people in here that really need

prayer right now why don’t you lift your

hands all over this building father here

we are father we know we’re marked by

you the father it’s a fine line between

David and Saul father it’s the same

anointing it’s the same mantle it’s the

same calling but it’s about how we

steward what you have given us and today

father we repent we repeat in this place

for viewing ourselves not like you view

nuts we repent father God for walking in

pride in our position our rank our

finances our family father God forgive

us for being partially obedient for not

doing everything you say today father we

repent and we’re coming back to you and

father God forgive us for looking to the

left and the right to what others were

doing when you’ve called us for

greatness in our lane I declared that

there is repentance going on all over

this place father cop I thank you that

you’re doing a work on us from the

inside out come on somebody say I repent

come on and you know what it’s for say

what it’s for God I repent for being

selfish I repent father God for not

cutting off that relationship

I repeat father for watching those

things I repent I don’t want to be

whited out about her Pisco mark us again

Marcus for the first time read Marcus

God and we will be careful to give you

all the glory all the honor and all the

praise in Jesus name will you give God a

shout of praise in this building right

now hallelujah