“Sis, go ahead and put your WAIT on it! Don’t give up on your dreams and vision for your life simply because the wait seems too long! God doesn’t want us in auto-pilot just going along with the motions. He wants to push us out of comfortablity into a new level! BUT sometimes that requires us to get familiar with the winds that push us back and forth in the waiting season. Don’t give up. Your faith can’t dwindle now. Watch the full message “”Headwinds” on the WETV app. Stay plugged into the Woman Evolve community: www.womanevolve.com www.womanevolve.tv download the app from any mobile device’s app store, first 7 days are FREE! Want to support this ministry? Text GIVE to (833) 611-9066 or click here FOLLOW US ON THE SOCIALS: Instagram: Women Evolve and Sarah Jakes Roberts Twitter: Woman Evolve and SJakesRoberts Facebook: Woman Evolve and Sarah Jakes RobertsWoman Evolve TV app! ”

recently um I celebrated a birthday

and uh

my husband uh y’all just I love The

Potter’s House like you was born we’re

so glad you was born


I was celebrating my birthday and my


um he planned like this big surprise

thing and so it was really incredible

and I had no idea what was going on

really you know um some men aren’t

really good at surprises like totally

but their heart is in the right place

and so I went along with it and to a

certain extent I didn’t know everything

that was planned and so he took me out

to dinner and and then he rented this

convertible which I think was less about

my birthday and more about him

it’s like they’re you know like convert

yeah sure okay so so we’re in the

convertible and and we’re driving and

we’re in San Francisco

and and he was like baby can I take the

top down and and see he had to ask


you know the way my hair is set up it’s


my hair is uh uh flexible it’s um

it’s uh it it it’s you know sometimes

it’s like planted like a tree by

Living Waters and then other times it’s

removable and um

it’s all right we’re family I know I’m

not judged here


and so he didn’t know exactly what was

happening in that moment with the hair

and so he knows that the convertible

could cause

a bit of an issue and and you know I

wanted to be sweet he’s planned all of

this and and so I go husband you know

what you know just yeah sure we can take

the top down you know because I wanted

to be like his girlfriend you know I

didn’t want to you know sometimes you

gotta be a girlfriend sometimes you got

to be a wife you know and I wanted I

wanted to be his girlfriend you know yes

let’s take the top down and you know and

I prayed

because on that particular day it my

hair was not totally removable because I

tacked it down in such a way

that’s all right guys it’s okay and so

he takes the top down

and as long as we were driving in the

direction of the wind things were fine

it was actually perfect because it would




but then we got lost and he he made a

u-turn and that’s when I learned about

headwinds foreign


you know and for a minute I was enjoying

it because the hair you know the air was

like rushing through my hair and then

and then I realized if the air is

rushing through your hair your hair is

not on anymore so

so that’s not good at all you know

probably be my last time speaking for a

while but that’s all right

don’t tell Bishop kill the live stream



I realized that headwinds when you are

flying or driving or running or swimming

in the direction of the wind it can be

problematic because there’s a certain

level of resistance

when you’re in the Wind

there’s a level of resistance when

you’re running you run slower when

you’re running Against the Wind when

you’re swimming it’s more difficult when

you’re Against the Wind literally when

you’re in a boat and you’re in you’re

propelling against the wind it slows you

down it’s problematic to be against the

wind the only time that it’s not


is when you’re about to take off

because there’s something about the

conflicting winds coming up against one

another that one thing has to take off

but there’s something about the

perception we have to have about the

wind and the intentionality we have to

have when facing the wind that we

realize I’m not running Against the Wind

I’m not swimming Against the Wind I’m

covered in such a way that even when

wind comes in my direction all it can do

is take me off

to another dimension of who I am to

another level of who God has called me

to be I’m Not Afraid Of The Wind because

I recognize that I can make the wind

work in my favor because I have the wind

that’s stronger than any Whirlwind

that’s going on in my life and when your

wind collage with his whirlwinds


has to happen

something has to happen something has to

take place I’m not just in this thing on

my own have you ever realized what it’s

like to have backup when you thought you

were in something on your own and then

you realize out of nowhere that there

were people who would be there for you

that God would send people right where

you needed them I thought I was in

trouble I thought that this thing was

going to push me back I thought I was

going to take one step forward than 10

steps backward but then there was a win

that pushed me and propelled me

where I was supposed to be

and so when we find Peter and Cornelius

in the text

God is creating these winds

he’s creating these winds it doesn’t

look like winds it looks like issues and

struggles and problems it doesn’t look

like anything good necessarily is going

to come out of it but but God had a

divine plan but in that moment no one

knew what God was up to

and man if only we could know

if only we could know

God what are you gonna

do with this

it looks like a mess it looks like I’m

losing that child it looks like the

marriage isn’t going to come out on the

other side Lord what are you it’s not

that you don’t trust them you just wish

you would just you could just give you a


if you could just give me a hint

if you could just give me a hint about

what’s on the other side of this

Cornelius is a Roman soldier he’s a

centurion he’s got honor and respect

within the community and he is


which sounds like a good thing but as I

was studying I recognized how difficult

it was for him to be God-fearing in Rome

at that time

because at that time there was idolatry

and the Greek gods played a major role

in religion so this idea of having one

God and certainly the god of Jewish

people at that time seemed a bit like an


he was a God-fearing Roman soldier

who would learn to live life

on a bubble

because he wasn’t quite Roman because he

didn’t serve the same gods that the

Romans served

but he wasn’t quite Jewish because

though he served the Jewish god he could

not be accepted into the Jewish faith

but he became comfortable living life on

living life on a bubble

not quite one thing

but I’m not quite the other either

and he was in an environment that was

not conducive to what was in his heart

which I know is not like anyone in the

room I know no one in this room has ever

been raised in an environment that

wasn’t conducive to what God placed in

your heart you’ve never had to work in

an environment that wasn’t conducive to

what was in your heart you’ve never had

to be in a marriage that wasn’t

conducive to what was in your heart have

you ever had your heart have the passion

for one thing but nothing in your

environment celebrated it people where

I’m from don’t we don’t go to school we

don’t dream Beyond a certain have you

ever wanted to be something

and become something

but not have the support in your

environment to really bring that thing


Cornelius had learned to live life

in a Roman environment serving a Jewish


he was in the world but not of the world

and as he’s really practicing this

Jewish faith and he praised at the same

times that the Jewish people pray and he

serves and he gives alms and he gives

his offering he something happens that

happens to all of us when we begin

serving God and that is that his prayers

and his offerings become come up as a

memorial towards God

which sounds like an incredible thing

because an angel visits him and tells

him that God has seen your work he’s

seen what you’ve been doing he’s seen

how you stayed loyal how you stayed

committed to what he was doing in your

life in spite of the fact that no one

supported you in spite of the fact that

you didn’t have what everyone else had

and God wants you to know that he saw

you and you were on his mind and then

something happens that happens to all of

us when we are on God’s mind

he has to wait

an angel of the Lord visits Cornelius

and tells him that you are on God’s mind

he gives him a vision he says to send

out your soldiers and to send out a

servant to go get Peter because Peter is

going to tell you what to do

but there’s this space in between the

manifestation of what God Said

and the time that he says it that is a

waiting period that we all find

ourselves in

and there’s something about that waiting

period that determines whether or not we

really deserve the thing we’ve been

praying for

you see

Cornelius could have been satisfied just

sitting there and and praying and having

his own religious routine but all of a

sudden God caused him to want something

that he wasn’t even praying for

God put something down in his heart that

he wasn’t even praying for which would

be fine except for once God puts it in

your heart you just can’t shake it off

and now you have to wait on God to

manifest the thing that you’ve been

praying for that you didn’t even know

that you should want


the waiting game

the waiting game I I cannot be honest I

the waiting game it it it it it it it

bothers me a little bit okay I didn’t

want to say that because we was in

church and I know we like to act like

God sends a word and we are patient and

we have faith and we wait for that thing

to be manifest but there’s something

about the waiting game that makes me

insecure it makes me question myself it

makes me wonder if I have what it takes

to actually lay hold of the thing that

I’ve been praying for

and the first thing God told me as I was

praying for Dallas he told me that

somebody in this room was waiting on


that they were waiting on something and

I said well God what do you want me to

tell him he said say stay in that same


that same heart posture you had when you

first received that word that same faith

that same excitement that you had he

said don’t let the enemy and your

insecurities and the rumors and the

opinions start making deep things that

you need to give up on the thing that I

told you he said I’m not a man that I

should lie if I said it it’s going to

come to pass and I wish there were a few

hundred people in this room who had

enough Faith to start telling the enemy

you can’t have my child I’m waiting on

something you can’t have my tomorrow I’m

waiting on something I dare you to start

looking your insecurities into the face

and tell them I’m waiting on something

I’m waiting on something I know what God

told me I know what God promised me I’m

waiting on something I’m waiting on

something devil you can’t have my mind

I’m waiting on something I’m waiting on

something I wish you would get it so

deep down in your spirit that you would

start walking around like the thing God

told you had already happened because

I’m waiting on something I’m waiting on

something and I’m gonna stay hopeful

like he told me to and I’m gonna stay

praying like he told me to and faithful

like he told me to and kind and peace

and generous like he told me to because

I’m waiting on something

I’m waiting on something I’m waiting on

something God’s gonna give it to me

God’s gonna bring it to me I didn’t even

want it until God said I could have it

and because he said I could have it I’m

waiting on it I’m not gonna give up I

don’t care what the bank account says I

don’t care what the bank says and I’m

waiting on something I’m waiting on

something I don’t care what statistics

say about it I’m waiting on something

I’m waiting on it I’m waiting on it I’m

waiting on it I’m waiting on it I’m

waiting on it though The Vision Terry oh

no I’m waiting on it I’m waiting on

something I’m waiting on something I’m

coming out on the other side of this

restoration is a part of my destiny I’m

waiting on something that child is going

to be saved my marriage is going to be

saved I’m waiting on something

I’m waiting on it

I’m not giving up

my faith can’t dwindle

you got to tell your fear I’m waiting on


you got to tell the circumstances I’m

waiting on something

and what I’m waiting on eyes haven’t

seen that’s why man can’t give it to me

that’s why you can’t give me a word and

make me feel better because what I’m

waiting on can only come from above I’m

waiting on something I don’t have time

to rumors I don’t have time for gossip

I’m waiting on something you’re a

distraction I love you God bless you

goodbye but I’m waiting on something I’m

waiting on something he promised me and

I know he’s not gonna lie I’m waiting on

it I’m waiting on it I’m waiting on it

I’m waiting on it

I don’t give up on the things God

promised me I’m waiting on something

because when I look back over my life I

recognize that he has a track record of

coming through and no he doesn’t always

come when I want him to but that usually

works out for me anyway because he ends

up right on time so I’m waiting on

something I’m waiting on something I’m

not giving up

I’m gonna start the business

I’m going to write the book

my children are going to be saved I’m

not dreaming I’m telling you what God

told me if you would start owning the

thing God told you like it had already

happened it would give you every weapon

you need when people try to start coming

up against you I’m waiting on something

I’m waiting on something and God’s gonna

give it to me I’m waiting on something

this is a mindset shift

Cornelius is preparing for an

impartation of the Holy Spirit but

before God could do it he had to change

his mind

God did not bring you here to find a


to find a pattern and to just

wake up each day on autopilot

God said that my ability to move in your

life the way that I can move in your


means that your faith

needs something to work with

and some of you have given up on dreams

and Visions for your life

because you had to wait on it

and in the process of waiting on it you

felt disqualified for it and you felt

like you weren’t going to be able to to

handle it that you weren’t capable of

praying or having the very thing that

you were praying for but God said I see

something in you that you don’t even see

in yourself so what I need you to do is

go back to being the kind of person who

would put their faith on crazy dreams

that would put their faith on crazy

visions that would dare to start

actually believing that no weapon formed

against them would Prosper I’m waiting

on something

I’m waiting on something I’m not giving

up I’m waiting on it I’m waiting on it

and so Cornelius

he’s waiting on something

and so the angel of the Lord came to

Cornelius and says to sin for Peter and

in this time that he’s sending for Peter

he has to determine who he can trust

with the vision

and so he chooses two soldiers in in the

servant one soldier and two servants and

he says I want you to go and sin for


and in the process of him waiting it it

dawned on me that he couldn’t just

choose any servant and any Soldier

because some people

don’t know how to handle

your vision

you know

one of the problems that most of us have

is that we’re so excited to have a


that we let anybody handle the vision

we’re so excited to have an idea that we

put the idea on Facebook before God can

even manage the idea and then we allow

everyone else’s infection to get in on

our vision until we’re afraid of

actually pursuing the thing God gave us

God told me to tell you that this is a

season where we don’t post about it