best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

hey before we get into the message I

wanted to take a moment and personally

say Happy New Year this is our first

message in the brand new decade and

transformation nation I just want to say

thank you for rocking with us there’s so

many exciting things that are happening

around here and this is about to be a

message that tells you how much of

vision has value in your life and the

word that we’re gathering and our faith

around this year at transformation

Church is you’re about to find out in a

second but I got to give you a Fortin

announcement many of you have been

calling and planning to be here with us

for our Grand Opening service where we

celebrating 21 years of ministry five

years of me and pastor Natalie being in

the pastor’s of this amazing church and

our grand opening of our building and

some of y’all heard it was February 2nd

but we had to ship that to February 9th

because the Superbowl is February 2nd so

this is what I want to do is call an

audible and I want you and everybody

you’re planning to come with to come on

February 9th and I’m believe if you’ve

already planned that you have favored to

get those things changed because we are

gonna celebrate a little birdie told me

there’s a worship night gonna happen

somebody else told me that we’re having

special guests and ministers come from

all over the country and you want to be

here for this momentous Sunday where we

celebrate this crazy faith miracle that

I’m standing in right now and all the

lives that been transformed and that

will be transformed so I cannot wait to

see you on grand opening weekend here at

transformation Church enjoy this message

let’s do this well this is a weak one

of a brand-new series we are calling

you’ll find out at the end of the sermon

because every year God gives me a word

and gives our church a word to gather

around that literally prophesize into

the future of our church and this year

I’m so pumped to tell you what the Lord

has told me because when he sets it for

this house it’s supposed to be a

reflection in your house every year that

we gather around these words God begins

to change people’s lives their marriages

their families their businesses and we

gather in faith around this but I want

you to know that it’s all about vision

everybody say vision no say it like you

mean it say vision see today on the

first Sunday of the decade that sound

good we only get one of these like like

right here at the beginning we need to

make sure we get our vision right and

some of you are confused because I’m not

talking about sight what you want is

your sight to be right sight is what you

can see with your eyes open vision is

what you see with your eyes closed there

are things that God wants to show you

that nothing around you looks like it

right now

and because vision is so important I

think the enemy tries to come and

devalue vision in your personal life he

tries to come devalue the vision for

your ministry or your business or your

family somebody else started out with a

real strong vision for your marriage

what happened to yours in the vision got

out of focus and today I want to bring

value to vision and I believe God has

given me a word that’s gonna help us as

a church be able to navigate through the

vision that God’s gonna give us in the

next 21 days now some of you have a

lifetime vision some

you have a vision that God is giving you

like this is what you will ultimately do

but what I found is that it is very

powerful for you to come back to God

every year somebody say every year and

ask him are you still doing this because

some of us have gotten a word in 1986

and we’ve been holding on to that word

since 1986 that God says that was for 86

and 87 88 I gave a new word but you

wouldn’t even open your heart to

anything new and so every year as a

church we go back for 21 days of praying

and fasting and I’m pumped up tomorrow

we starting 21 days of Prayer in fact

it’s anybody excited with me and what

that means some of y’all like fasting a

Suzanne I don’t fast I eat what we found

is that this is a biblical principle

that really changes the game we give up

something that we like if you don’t like

it it ain’t a fast somebody again I’m a

fast I’m a fast stuff I don’t like no

baby it’s giving up things that you do

desire so that you can get something

that you desire more and the thing this

is not a fad diet we’re not just trying

to lose weight that is a side product if

I don’t lose a pound but I get clarity

of what God wants to do in my life this

year it will be enough somebody shot at

me vision so I gotta let you know this

my first point is vision is most

valuable vision is most valuable and the

reason why vision is most valuable it’s

because without a vision people perish


you may not believe that in the same way

that I do but there’s this movie that

that is really impact in my life and

this may date me and tell you how

unsaved I am or how spiritual I am cuz I

can pull a message out of anything but

um there was this movie called The

Mighty Ducks that came out some of y’all

are in here

and there was this play that they ran

from The Mighty Ducks call does anybody

know what it was called the flying fee

and I watched this movie and I saw this

and the Holy Spirit begin to talk to me

through my tea does I want you to check

out this play as they’re in a

championship game and the coach calls

this play turn your attention to the

screen and watch this play come to pass


I want you to remember what we learned

duct stick together right yeah let’s see


show me the Flying V Jake









now there’s some black people in this

room like what sport is that that’s

called hockey and um I actually me and

my big brother Gabe actually played

hockey and so mama did not play hockey

yes I did play hockey yes I did but but

this movie really impacted me but when I

saw as an adult and I was preparing for

this series I saw something very crucial

that the player of the Flying V was

called by the coach who’s the visionary

and when a visionary calls the play he

needed willing vessels the coach could

not get on the ice and run the play it

took people who did not make a provision

to actually get in the game and do what

the visionary said and because of

visionary gave a vision to willing

vessels it produced victory and I bet

y’all don’t hear me in this place today

I believe that’s what 2020 is supposed

to look like for you the problem is you

think you’re the coach so you’re running

plays that you made up and you get

depressed when you lose and I think that

what God wants us to do at the beginning

of this year is get the play from the

visionary and all we have to do as we

sang that song Lord I’m available to you

we have to be willing everybody say

vessels and if we would run the play

that God has for us we would see the

victory so I’m gonna help you understand

this go to proverbs again 29 18 and I

want you to never forget this scripture

I read it probably a hundred times every

year but where there is no vision the

people perish now I want you to

understand a lot of times I’ll

reverse-engineer scripture I want you to

see where it what it doesn’t say it

doesn’t say where there is no money the

people parents it doesn’t say where

there is no

sign or influence the people perish God

can do more with a little bit but he can

do nothing without everybody shout at me

vision you don’t hear me and that’s why

for many of you life happens to you

you don’t happen to life it’s because

you will not get in the place long

enough to talk to God to get the vision

is this the business I’m supposed to

start this year is this the thing that

I’m supposed to focus on this year I

have all of these abilities but where do

I need to be specific it’s time for us

to get clear vision another translation

of the scripture says where there is no

prophetic revelation where there’s no

revealed truth it says that people cast

off restraint MLT version Michael live

in Translation people stop caring when

there’s no vision that’s why when you

first got married there was a vision to

get married so so in the courting stage

you were super intentional my man you

bought kiss you remembered what they

said because there was a vision that I

was gonna marry her that was gonna get

in new sheets okay y’all two saved I’m

still the same in 2020 amen we were

gonna touch and agree amen

so because there was a vision before you

were intentional and you stuck to that

vision you were saving money you were

doing thing you were telling parents she

was planning stuff you want buying stuff

to be able to make sure you did stuff

and then you reach the vision and you

didn’t revision and I don’t mean to be a

marriage counselor today but the reason

why so many marriages and relationships

are failing is because there’s no vision

and where there is no vision people and

so now it goes back to like you don’t

even treat me how you used to train me

you at least would’ve done some

chocolate or sorry anniversary you know

my heart

this for you baby that’s why I got this

tattoo nothing like the other silly but

we try to rely on past things and really

the truth is we stopped caring because

we lost vision the the thing you need to

know is vision leaks you can’t tell

somebody something one time and believe

it you have to keep reiterating and

really looking at and and and

reevaluating the vision that is there at

this here for transformation church the

word that God has given me the word that

we’re gonna walk out the word for our

families it is going to keep the vision

right in front of us because we have to

not stop caring we have to we have to

care about what God says we have to do

what God says so I’m gonna give you a

few points that will help you value

vision right this first point down

vision needs a vessel and my question is

if God is gonna get a vision into the

earth why not you let’s be let’s be

honest many of you if God really told

you what he wanted to do with your life

you would back up and be like oh man my

bad like I really I did say I wanted to

be used by you but I wasn’t really

talking about all it is like I just kind

of wanted to have enough money to pay

for a house and I kind of just wanted to

be merry and I kind of wanted one of my

kids to graduate from school the other

one really don’t even have to graduate

like I just because what ends up

happening is we’re not willing vessels

and anytime God wants to do something in

the earth he doesn’t root to do it

without one of his kids and my question

to you is in 2020 will God have to find

another vessel if God is going to give

us vision will you have enough room to

carry it cuz you have so many other

things in the vessel right now

so many other things that may I dare say

that God didn’t put there but maybe you

put there somebody I’ll have this idea I

want to retire by the age of 50 where

did you get it from no I’m I’m coming

for your throat this year where did you

get that idea from cuz there’s nobody in

the Bible that retired at age 50

there was nobody Abraham with 75 in

steel getting promises from God

I came to shake somebody somebody’s

offended right now and they’re like I

knew I shouldn’t come to this church but

what if the plan of God for your life

was bigger than a pension plan what if

the plan of God for your life

was to make a difference that people

would feel when you’re gone now I didn’t

say you had to be punching a

nine-to-five clock when you 55 but if

you think you’re gonna sit on a yacht

and not be about the plan and the

purpose of God in your life where there

is no vision people do y’all know they

tell us that statistically when people

lose passion and a job in their older

age they’re quicker to actually die

because where there’s no reason for

getting up in the morning but there’s

nothing that you need to pray about to

happen people perish when I get 55 60 65

whenever the guy calls me from being in

a place where I have to do something

every day to be able to make ends meet

I’m not gonna retire I’m a refire now I

got more time to figure out like what

are you saying god no please don’t call

me between the time of 6:00 a.m. and

12:00 p.m. cuz me and God are talking

but vision needs a vessel and and I just

got one question for everybody who’s

watching online and everybody in this

room in 2020 what if you’re gonna be

God’s vessel can I just see your hand

right now if you’re gonna if you’re

deciding to get their hands going up all

over the building okay I just need to

make sure you know and and look this is

where crazy faith actually comes in

we did a 20-week series on crazy faith

crazy faith was not so that things could

come it was so that Kingdom could come

what happens when you get the house you

get the car you get the marriage you

done you don’t believe in God you’re

done seeing the miracles that he can do

and so many of us have been just praying

for necessities that we cannot see that

God wants to do something past that that

touches other people and that’s why God

says in luke 18:8 it says but when the

Son of Man returns when I come back to

this thing when I crack the sky how many

will I find on the earth who have faith

not a not who have all these other

things that we make valuable he’s

looking for faith and that’s why saying

yeah I’m gonna give you a vision and I

need you to be my vessel to fear and

when I give you this vision and I put it

inside of you you gonna have to have

faith cuz it’s gonna look way different

and way bigger and way more than what

you think you can handle but I know what

I put inside of you and so I’m gonna put

this vision in a vessel and I’m gonna

make it come to pass somebody shot at me

vision point number two let me help you

bring value to vision vision must be

visible it’s not a vision if it’s in

your thoughts it’s not a vision if

nobody can see it on paper let me prove

it to you

go to hell Becca to two it says then the

Lord replied and he said write the

vision and do what and make it make it

plain make it plain on tablets back then

paper right now

iPhones if you take it write it down and

make it plain I love this part that it

made that he that runs can read it

another translation says it like this it

says write this write what you see write

it out in big black letters so that it

can be read on the run

see a vision is never supposed to be

something that you get in your vessel

and then you wait for God to make happen

a vision is supposed to cause you to

start moving into a place where people

okay that’s what you’re saying God we’re

gonna keep moving with that oh that’s

what you saying God but I gotta hire

some more team look at the vision see

what God has said look at what he’s done

in the past and now we got to keep

moving with the vision and that’s why

I’m coming to challenge some of you

right now is that you’ve lost sight of

what God has said or you’ve never taken

the time to find out what he’s saying

but vision has to be visible I’m

challenging you as we start this 21 days

of prayer and fasting to get a journal

or a notebook right now where you just

put on a page a vision from God vision

don’t have to make sense to nobody else

vision does not have to check out with

your bank account vision does not have

to take into consideration your past all

vision has to do is come from God and

when God gives a vision all you have to

do to make it valid is write it down but

so many of us are getting these visions

from God and we’re acting like it’s a

maybe if or like maybe if everything

lines up God would do that what if

somebody with money would recognize me I

could or if God changed it and God said

Do You Know Who I am I’m the God who

makes ways out of no waste I’m the God

who sees you in your brokenness and says

yeah and I can use that and I can turn

that oh that was ugly but I’ll put it

right there

smooth it out put a little makeup on

that I could make this thing work for

your good but my question is if somebody

was to come to fund your vision could

they know what your vision is and you

not say a word I’m gonna say it again

could you hand somebody a document that

tells them how much debt you need to be

paid off what you would do with the

accounting what you would do would you

could you it’s the vision plane some of

y’all need to take it a step further you

got a vision to lose weight

you need to take a picture of yourself

and put it on somebody else’s body do

you hear what I’m saying to you you want

to be fake well I don’t really think

that you need to get a vision of

yourself in a different place and a

different space because it’s not what

you see with your eyes open it’s what

you see with your eyes and until I can

already tell how some of y’all are

responding and thinking and looking

right now that you don’t know how

valuable vision is do y’all remember in

the beginning D I don’t know how we got


in the beginning God said to himself in

three different persons let us let’s

let’s make something let’s make man an


that means there was a blueprint that

they were working from to bring

everything into existence what I’m

telling you is if the vision is not

written down in the next 30 days don’t

expect it to come to pass this year but

they don’t like that one they don’t like

that one they don’t like that one but

God does not recognize vision until you

have watched this the crazy faith to

write it down you’re looking for the

faith to make it come to pass and God’s

only requiring the faith to write it

down you want the faith to walk into it

God says I need you to have the faith to

write it you want the faith to show it

off God says I need you to have the

faith to print it off vision has to be

visible go down the neighborhood Street

you want your kids to go to school to

act and take a picture don’t take a lot

of kids is there cuz we don’t want no

cases for nobody here you hear me don’t

be out there creepin taking no don’t do

that better yet just go get a Google

image to the school let me let me roll

that all the way back

get a picture of the house get a picture

of your family where they’re all smiling

and declare real on it cuz vision needs

a vessel but vision has to be visible

okay let me tell you another thing

vision has to be I love this vision must

be vast it’s got to be bigger than what

you think is possible if you can do it

without God it’s not a vision it’s a

project see the problem is because we

don’t have our priorities in order a lot

of times we need God to do this no we

don’t need God to do this we just need

to make it a priority and we need to

actually execute and stop

procrastinating but a vision is

something you could not do without God

and I’m challenging you not to allow

your circumstance your situation and

your past to narrow the vast vision that

God is giving you I’ll tell Charles and

my wife and breathe all the time there’s

things that God has shown me that I only

can share with a few people because if I

shared it with all y’all y’all would

think I was absolutely looming he’d be

like I can’t follow him he is crazy the

problem is you’re sitting in what used

to be crazy

there was a time not not that long ago

where if I would have stood up in my

church and said we are going to own the

only available arena in Oklahoma in the

next 24 months

y’all pastor day lost it but we here


now watch it’s because that vision God

gave me and I got proof Oh y’all they

know I wrote it down

see see on March 9th 2015 God called me

away in a moment where I was saying god

I’m your vessel I’m not preaching you

something that I haven’t lived I can’t

talk to you about something that I don’t

have proof of when I told God I was

gonna be his vessel that was him waking

me up early in the morning with my

daughter Isabella in her room and God

said write this down I’m gonna I’m gonna

give you the vessel of vision but it

gotta be visible so I took a google

image of the spirit bank event center

and in Pages document put transformation

church on the building and and I spelled

it wrong it says Trent I forgot the T

and transformation church it’s like

translation Church or something like

that and I left it all like that because

God was not looking for the vision to be

perfect he was just looking for me to

progress to what he was calling me to do

and I made it visible and he gave me a

vision that was vast and as I sit in

this room and I and I see us packed to

capacity people in overflow


can’t nobody tell me what my god will

not do if you get efficient fire you

can’t tell me oh but you thought it was

just an arena he said it would be

multi-ethnic there would be black people

and white people and all people and

young people and it would look around

look around look around the fishing is

working but remember the key elements

vision has to have a vessel vision has

to be visible so you got to write it

down and vision has to be valid let me

prove it to you Abraham the father of

our faith in Genesis 15 5 I love this it

says then the Lord took Abraham outside

and I love this because usually vision

is gonna be outside of where you’re

comfortable he was in a tent and and God

said Abram come here come outside of

what your family did come outside of

what’s comfortable for young

african-american males in the south if I

were to listen to black people none of

the white people would be here i’ma just

tell you how it is being scary we all

got the blood of Jesus one into us

don’t let this melanin fool you up you

like pumpkin pie we like sweet potato

pie and steel pie I’m acting a fool I’m

acting a fool I’m acting a fool

they both orange what what I’m trying to

tell you is that the vision God’s given

you and is going to give you is usually

outside of what’s comfortable okay so so

he says Abram come outside and then look

how he gave him a vast vision look up

into the sky and do something that’s


count all the stars if you can I love

how God is he’s funny if you really read

it like look out look up there and count

the Stars if you can you can’t that’s a

vast this vision is and that’s how many

descendants you will have what happens

when the vision is even unbelievable for

you that requires an element of faith

and trust that I can’t make this happen

there’s no way I could have made this

happen there’s no way that I could do

what I’m believing God to do right now

for my son there’s no way there’s no way

I can make it happen but the vision is

vast it will not be said that I didn’t

have enough faith to believe the big

vision that God gave me

I will not dumb it down I will not now

be careful who you tell it to it a vast

vision doesn’t always have to be shared

you Joseph had this problem you remember

Joseph Dakota many colors here’s like

y’all all my brothers how y’all had this

dream last night y’all were bowing to me

felt like I was ruling and owning you

guys and don’t even know what it cuz

people who don’t understand the position

they play in your vision will try to

kill it before it comes to pass and the

problem with many of y’all is you’re

sharing vision for validation and

they’re not the ones who gave it so they

can’t give you the validation for it

and some of you need to write it down

you need to pray about it and then you

need to ask out for wisdom of women to

share the vision even when it came to

this place the day God shared it with me

I told my wife I told my mom I told

Bishop and I told Bri

that’s all who knew about it from the

beginning until God started unfolding it

and this is the thing that I’m asking

everybody when God gives you a vision

don’t kill it in seed form you know the

greatest time to kill something powerful

is when it’s a baby that’s what they

tried to do to Jesus that’s what they

tried to do to Moses they said kill

every male child under the age of two

they were willing to take out everything

to try to kill a king when it’s a kid

and your vision is big but it’s got to

live and this is a bonus point because

vision must be vast but check this bonus

point vision has to remember the vow

that God gave you see see the thing

about Abram is God’s gonna give him a

vision that’s vast but it’s 25 plus

years before it comes to pass what

happens when your vision is so strong

but you ain’t seeing nothing and it’s

been so long you have to remember the

foul that God has given you let me give

you another one vision is a verb

if your vision don’t have no action

behind it don’t wait for God to do what

you supposed to do I hear so many

believers song about just waiting on God

just waiting on God what the house did

you knew your bear hah just here just

way no God and my husband just wait no

God and and they’re not like this little

evil part of me on the inside that God’s

still working out always thinks like but

have you really done everything you’re

supposed to do have you really is God

holding something back to give you an

opportunity obey something he already

told you to do like he could release it

but then that changes the dynamic of

your life and your relationships and now

you better have kids and he’d been

really telling you to write this book

and you’ve been really telling you to

write this book and instead of writing a

book you crying that you don’t have what

he has in the future for you and so

you’re wasting time and he’s still

trying to hold it back so that you can

obey what he said I’m telling you you

gotta have action with what God says to


Abraham only gets to see what God has

for him because when he said get up from

this place and go to the land I will

show you he called him to to have action

and to use that verb before he even had

a visual of where he was going and my

question to you is what action do you

need to take one of the things that God

challenged me to do when I was broke

and I’m talking about like broke broke

I’m talking like couldn’t afford to pay


broke broke he said go to the bank and

open up accounts well why why would I do

that he said put the minimum in the

account and I want you to label the

account what this will be for I need you

to I need you to every time you open up

your mobile app to see a fund that says

give away money I want you to see the

storehouse I want you to see an account

that says mamasita money

some of y’all for my husband’s that

think about you like that I want my wife

to just be okay let me stop this ain’t

gotta be your blessing but it’s hers

over seven years ago before I was the

pastor of the church I went and named

accounts that had $5 in them and for

years they had $5 in them no but that

was the verb that was the action that

was required to keep it visible to me

one day I know I know you in overdraft

right now three hundred and thirty three

dollars but one day one day I’m gonna

pay off somebody else’s overdraft see it

helps you get faith in the moment where

it’s waning like one day and I’m not

saying that’s what you have to do but

I’m telling you that if you’re gonna get

a vision there has to be a verb that

goes along with it

everybody say action you need action let

me give you let me give you the word

that this really culminates in obedience

God’s gonna give you a vision and then

he was gonna require obedience some of

you are in the wrong City I’m told you

I’m coming for your throats today some

of you are in the wrong relationship now

if you’re married we about to have to

work that out but some of y’all over

here playing because you’re lonely your

your some of us are doing things from

the wrong value system and that’s why

I’m trying to let everybody get us

somebody shot at me vision say like you

made it vision okay watch this the last

one and the most important one when we

talk about getting vision and I’m so

excited cuz even tomorrow when we all

meet here and online tomorrow at noon

we go live with our 21 days of prayer

and fasting cuz prayer is our secret

sauce over here y’all think it’s lights

and cameras and Instagram post baby we

pray last night my mama called me she

said I felt you in the spirit what’s

going on and she said I’m calling you at

6 a.m. and we gonna pray and she prayed

me into a tizzy the reason I’m so

gangster in here today y’all don’t hear

me it’s because when we get that juice

in us of Prayer what we’re saying we’re

not gonna worry about anything we’re

gonna pray about everything prayers not

going to be our last result it’s gonna

be our first response Oh y’all don’t

hear me when they call us with bad news

we’re gonna say father you’re in control

of it all and I thank you that you’re

working on it somebody say pray first

prayers our secret sauce here so as we

go into this in prayer in the presence

of God is where vision becomes clear so

I need you to know this about vision

vision must be valid the only way you

know something is valid is that it came

from the one who made it what are you

saying Pastor Mike there have been

seasons of my life line where I wrote it

down I was ready to act on it it was big

it was verbal it was visible it was all

the things but it didn’t come from God

and what happens when you work a vision

that’s not valid from God is it becomes

void in front of man that’s how so many

people’s like I’m just tired and I’ve

been working to get this this business

off the ground and I’ve been doing this

and I’ve been doing this my question is

did did that vision come from a valid

source and I’ve watched people spend

their whole life working on a vision

that at the end of the day was not from

God so it was void they lost their

family over it they got money but they

don’t got nobody to share it with the

Instagram followers are up there kids

think there

powerful but they missed it because they

never would take the time to make sure

God is this what you’re saying is this

how you’re saying it

do I need to change this up and all I’m

praying for everybody who’s watching and

everybody who’s in this room right now I

would hate for us to lose an entire year

of our life working on something that

will not count I don’t want a vision

that’s void I don’t want the play like I

thought I was gonna be a music producer

going everywhere producing for Beyonce

uh sure

Justin Bieber everybody like that and

and I I had made plans to do that and

there have been several times let me be

very transparent on this journey of

following God where I thought there were

moments where God was giving me space to

go and do that again and I was like yeah

this makes sense I’ve even told team

members and stuff too and three years

ago here’s the vision for 2017 I ain’t

gonna be here cuz imma be producing for

these people and I’m gonna bring the

money back to the church and I’m a

pretty like out it was every one of

those steps that I say it except it was

void and if I didn’t have the wisdom to

go back to the presence of God it was in

moments like this in 21 days of prayer

where I would come every night and be

like dang is this even working oh I’m a

hungry is that a coffee like come on cuz

the enemy will try to tempt you as you

put away things you don’t even need to

go back to things that give you comfort

for a second when God’s trying to

download into your vision and I would be

coming in it would be the Tuni

the 20th day of the fast Lord couldn’t

you have given me something a little bit

in week one a little bit and week two a

little big week three to keep me going

he said no no I needed the discipline to

turn into desire see the problem is we

want everything we want to desire it I

want a fast let me tell you your pastor

never wants to fast

let me be let me be very clear I likes

meat I like sugar I like bread proof

right I like it I love ice cream cookies

and cream to stamp if y’all tried the

Bluebell two-step I got to get one more

bite of that before tomorrow okay can I

be real y’all want me to be fake up in

here I am going to eat a Bluebell

two-step float tonight and then for 21

days the reason I’m telling you this is

because what’s more powerful than

feeding my cravings it’s getting a

vision from God when you get a vision

from God that’ll wake you up in the

morning when you get a vision from God

when you’re sick of doing it and you

don’t want to do it anymore you keep

pressing because I know what God said

I’ve seen it I’ve written it down I’ve

look at it it’s vast and it’s a valid

vision so now I’m gonna walk this thing

out can I tell you that in this house

vision is more important than anything

else that we do because I did not know

what God was gonna do to get us all here

except every year he would give me a

word 2015 2016 he gave us a word and he

gave me a word privately because I took

over the church and he said Michael all

I want you to do is maintain maintain

what what I’ve done just pray believe

try to help people and just try to keep

it do you know what God did when we

change leadership of a church of leaders

who had two totally different styles if

y’all never met Bishop Bishop is a very

very put together

eight older gentleman that ducks all of

his eyes and crosses to all of his teeth

his motto is to be early or to be what

is it

I don’t even know it see that’s bad to

be early it’s to be on time

that’s our Bishop and then there’s me

and when when this transition happened

didn’t nobody know what was gonna happen

but God allowed us for two years to

maintain he gave us a vision so when

people were leaving it was almost as if

as people left because they didn’t like

that I was 27 years old and leading a

church and all this other stuff it was

like he almost replaced those people

simultaneously were other people who

even sometimes kind of look like the

people who left I am not even joking if

an older of stable family left the

church like an older stable family hey

like if like it was like God said if you

believe what the word I’ve given you I

must see it happen in your life and for

two years we maintained and then in 2016

God said Michael you ready to go I was

like ready to go where he said beyond he

said this is the year that you’re gonna

go everybody say it with me beyond when

I took over the church we had about 350

people we had one service and God said

this is the year you’re gonna go beyond

so I got up looking at them same people

and I said this is the year that we like

I didn’t even know where to put my

emphasis at that time I was just green

and he was like we are gonna go beyond

and we made t-shirts about it and we

talked about it and it was crazy that it

didn’t look like we were going beyond

the whole time we were in the year

because sometimes vision doesn’t look

like the outcome while you’re walking

through it it doesn’t look like it but

when we looked back and we stopped and

pause for what God was going to do that

year the church grew 400 members and

$400,000 in the budget now if you’ve

never led anything and you’ve been

maintaining for

years and four hundred Moe people come

and $400,000 came I was in the backlight

do the stanky leg do this daily

like I was like that 2016 that was about

to tire like my leg was broke over there

do you hear me because God stayed true

to his vision I’m just trying to give

vision value and then Scott switched it

up on us and in 2018 he said the word is

stride now hold on Lord last year’s word

was beyond so I was sure this year’s

word was gonna be explosion dynamite

takeover he said strike I literally had

to look the word up this is how you know

you’re getting a vision from God when it

doesn’t even um come into your radius of

what you know God took me outside of

what I knew and he said look up this

word stride and it means to walk in long

decisive steps in an intentional

direction and Jesus said to me

he said Michael you’ve been running it’s

time to walk I said that’s dumb how come

on that’s can I be real I was like

that’s dumb like how are we gonna

continue to do all these things you’ve

told us to do and now you’re saying walk

he said you need to find the pace of

grace he said that less is more he said

if you do less and obey me I’ll do more

and clown you and y’all we sat in a room

December fifth or six of 2017 right

before the year and we canceled

Christmas that year we’re supposed to do

this huge production and I said y’all I

don’t know why God’s telling me to do

this but we’re supposed to cancel this

and we’re gonna strive and I told the

whole team that and we cancelled some

other things that we were supposed to do

and y’all in the year 2018 when it was

the year we were supposed to do less God

did abundantly

literally December 22nd 23rd of that

year as we’re twiddling our thumbs some

random girl post a clip of a series we

did in August called relationship goals

and and relationship goals went viral we

didn’t hire a marketing team we didn’t

have a PR firm we had nothing we still

don’t have none of that stuff when it


God said watch what I’m gonna do why you

sleep I’m coming to tell somebody in

this room if you would just obey

whatever God tells you to do

watch what he will do to make the fish

and come the bass the vision has value

and so we were asleep and I’m looking at

my wife and I had 4,000 Instagram

followers and I’m literally looking at

my thing and I’m growing 10,000

Instagram followers every day and I’m

like what is going on I thought they

thought I was Michael B Jordan Black

Panther had just came out I thought it

was confused but I didn’t know what was

happening but I wasn’t gonna report it

so so it’s growing and growing and

growing in what we found out is that

that went viral on Twitter and 2 million

people watched that clip in 48 hours we

went from literally having 1,800 YouTube

subscribers to over a hundred thousand

in one month and this is the crazy thing

about it when God told us in the first

year of maintaining to buy new cameras

there was a group of people after all

the people had left who thought that was

an irresponsible use of money because

they didn’t see the vision I’m just

trying to encourage somebody that you

won’t have full support why you oh my

god everybody’s not gonna clap until

it’s everybody who left the church has

seen this now and they’re like I do it

the whole time he was going [ __ ] great

you like your mama

can I be honest but some people don’t

know how to see the design of a house

when there’s only studs they want to

come in at the end and put the pictures

up and put the decoration but they can’t

see it when it when it’s not fully there

and what God said is I’m a clown you and

I mean he exceeded our expectations we

went from one service to five services

in that year the budget increased


and God said how much more are you doing

than you did last year I was like not

that much he says see when you do less I

do more and then last year he gave us a

word what was the word last year release

and God said I’m gonna release you into

some things I’m gonna release you from

some things and I need you to let me

free in everything and y’all can I tell

you that in 2019 God released us to the

world in a brand-new way God released

this building we’re sitting in right

here to us and God released influence

that will literally have us preaching

all around the world at every moment of

every day okay can I help you understand

this vision is valuable what’s your

vision is it plain is it vast is it

something that people can see if you

don’t have a vision for this year or

your vision is blurry I’m challenging

everybody flat-footed standing here to

join us in 21 days of prayer or fasting

I’m not asking you to do it for any

other reason that vision is so valuable

for the people who only understand like

numbers and money like the Nerds in here

let me show you what following vision

will produce can you put the money

graphics up 2015 when he said

in 2014 the budget was 1.2 million

dollars God said maintain it it was 1.2

million dollars that came in everything

that came in everything that everybody

gave into the year offering the cat what

the cat gave what the dog gave what

everybody gave the next year same thing

cuz those two years were maintained he

said go beyond 2017 it went up $400,000

1.6 this is for all of those people

we’re transparent we’re a hot church

humble open and transparent we tell you

everything we’re not hiding anything

we’re not keeping but some people won’t

get it until I start talking like this

2018 he said strike that’s how I know

people don’t know money us almost 300

percent increase when God said you do

that I’ll do more are you all ready for

what happened in 2019 put it on the


oh yeah when God said he was gonna

release know even the feedback even the

feedback had to give God praise way

through woo you can praise him wit me

sound man come on now a transformation

Church the vision has value so if you

want to be a part of something that’s

just going with the flow and doing all

this other stuff and all this other

stuff go do that but when God gives us a

word we’re going to gather our faith our

resources our hearts around that word in

transformation Church the word that God

has given me for 2020

it ain’t like any other word in here he

said Michael I don’t want this church

bigger I want the church stronger the

word for 2020 Oh y’all better hear me is

somebody shouting with me sure say it

one more time

listen to me God told me this so clearly

he said Michael if another person

doesn’t come to the church this year it

doesn’t matter he says I want the people

who are there to be stronger financially

relationally spiritually I want them to

be able to withstand whatever the enemy

throws at them come come come here let

me show see what happens is what many of

us want to do and I do I feel the

presence of God I’m a preach this next

week okay so so I really want to preach

it right now just just stand right here

this is how strong our life is right now

emotionally spiritually and and God

wants to do something really big in our

life oh god let’s do something great

glory to God and this week vision that

we have cuz it emotionally we can’t

candle nothing cuz spiritually if the

enemy throws one call getting the

machine we don’t know how to say hold on

asset for me in my house we don’t have

no strength but what we think is well

maybe if we had more of these so bigger

is better I’ll spread them out yeah

biggest fan now we got more we got five

of them now Oh glory Oh God and what

most of us settle for is more instead of

strong bigger is not always better

stronger is I declare that your marriage

is getting stronger I declare that your

family is guitar fill this thing I

declare that your business is getting

stronger your prayer life is getting


your ability to communicate under

adversity is getting stronger


but pastor Mike I gave in the end of the

year offering I’m doing great things for

you God so I must be strong enough oh no

oh no see some of us think that what we

got to last year it’s strong enough to

hold up what God wants to do this year

but what the Bible says and um what is

it is it Ephesians where he tells us to

forget all that

he said children of Israel you thought I

did something by making a way out of the

sea and you thought I did something by

calling all them and he said forget all

that it’s not worth being compared so

the great things that I have for you but

the next part messes me up and tells me

there’s vision involved in it it says do

you not see it do you not see how you

handled your relationships last year

won’t work this year do you not see that

you’re gonna have to pray more and read

more and stand in you gotta get

everybody LME stronger

so this is what I want for the end of

your 2020 this is what I want for you

come on bring it on up here let them see

it what I want for you is that this is

your marriage this is our church

this is transformation nation the

business this is your business and when

God says I’m about to hold something up

on you this is what you go look like at

the end of 2020 it’s strong enough to

hold me up

I believe it somebody give God praise in

this place we’re getting stronger we’re

gonna be stronger our families are

stronger so for the next four weeks


really for the whole year

every series is coming back how do we

make you stronger but it starts with

getting a vision from God and being a

willing vessel how many vessels do I

have in the building

father I pray over everybody whose hands

are raised all over this place and those

who are watching online you have given

us a word and you declared for

transformation Church and everybody who

would attach their faith that this year

is the year that we get stronger

so I’m declaring and I’m believing that

emotionally strength is coming that

physically strength is coming that

father God in their relationships in

their businesses and their family’s

strength is coming

I stand father God even as I hold my

daughter’s hand I think you that

relationships for people all over this

world are being mended right now things

are being strengthened in the name of

Jesus and father this is your vision so

that your kingdom can be done you want

to do it in your people and today we say

we’re available to you come on somebody

say I’m available so what you want to do

in my life god we declare that we will

be stronger if you believe it on the

first Sunday of 2020 will you give God


I said will you kids up pray

I want to keep preaching to you right

now but I have to go but if you miss

these next four weeks I think it would

be a grave mistake cuz God’s already

been giving me playbook to help us get

stronger and I believe it I see it and I

declare it over your life if you’re in

this room you’ve never accepted Jesus as

your personal Lord and Savior this is

the time where I ask anybody that does

not have an emergency to stop because I

don’t want you to distract anybody who’s

about to make the greatest decision of

their life the thing that strengthens

all of us if you’re in here and you’ve

never accepted Jesus Christ as your

personal Lord and Savior and you’re

watching online you’re in this room I

want to tell you it’s the greatest one

decision I ever made it changed me from

being a liar a cheater somebody who was

addicted to pornography his crazy that

his Difference sitting here with my


thank you for your grace tae-woo thank

you for your grace God see the thing you

gotta realize is God’s not just trying

to do this for you he’s trying to make

sure that like the generations after us

like if you’re in this room and you want

to make Jesus Christ your personal Lord

and Savior I’m about to pray in a minute

and a transformation Church there’s no

shame in this like there’s not like we

believe in progression not perfection so

like we expect like if like if you

trying to change up you might mess up a

couple times but the grace of God is so

good it’s new every morning like so

today if you want to hand over controls

of your life to the God who created you

if everybody would bow your heads and

close your eyes on the count of three

I’m gonna ask you to raise your hand

you’re saying I no longer want to live

my life visionless but I want the vision

God has for me and his first vision was

to see me and my eternal salvation

secure if that’s you on the count of

three I want you to lift your hand say

pastor I want to be included in that

prayer watching online in this room one

you’re making the greatest decision of

your life – God is proud of you and so

are we I see hands going up right now

three if that’s you lift your hands all

over this building I see you sir

I see you ma’am I see you sir I see you

men there people all over here dozens of

people glory to God what better way to

start off the decade

you can put your hands down I see you I

see you my brother more importantly God

sees you a transformation Church we’re

family nobody prays alone so everybody’s

gonna pray this prayer everybody say God

thank you for sending your son just for

me today I give you control of my life

ally I believe you lived and you died

just for me today take over give me a

vision for my life change me renew me

transform me I’m yours

in Jesus name can we celebrate with the

dozens oh oh come on can we give that’s

what this church is about hallelujah


thank you so much for watching

transformation churches YouTube and I

just want you to take another step if

this is feeding you join transformation

nation that’s everybody that doesn’t

live here in Tulsa watching live with us

on Sunday mornings gather your family

let’s make this thing an every week

situation and please share share if it

has impacted your life there is somebody

that is waiting for you to share this

with them and transformation is only a

click away and there’s one more thing I

would ask you to do pray about giving if

you want to help us take this message

all around the world and represent God

to lost-and-found people for one reason

transformation in Christ you can do that

right now by clicking the giveaway I

cannot wait to see you the next time

we’re here

live a transformed life
