[11/28/23] Trusting God When You Don’t Understand-2 A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God’s Word to everyday life. Get Today’s Offer From Joyce: https://joycemeyer.org/store – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: https://joycemeyer.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/JoyceMeyerMi… INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/JoyceMeyer/ TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/JoyceMeyer/ – – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.


welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life with

New York Times bestselling author Joyce

Meyer on today’s program Joyce will be

teaching from her series trust God and

do good the answer to everything is that

simple trust God and do good it’s so

freeing to believe God has everything

under control because that means we can

spend less time worrying and more time

trying to help others now here’s Joyce

with today’s teaching so for those of

you tonight either here in the building

are watching from home and you feel like

everything in your world is

shaking I

understand what you’re going through but

I can tell you that many of those things

that are shaking are things that you

don’t really need in your life

anyway they’re not stable things and

God’s going to give you something that

is stable which is more of him do you

know the less of other stuff you have

the more of God there’s room for in your


I remember one time moaning oh God I

just don’t have anybody but

you poor Joy just stuck with God isn’t


terrible all right verse 26 then at

Mount Si his voice shook the

Earth but now he has given a

promise yet once more I will shake and

make tremble not only the Earth but also

the starry Heavens now this is

expression yet once more indicates the

final removal and transformation of all

that can be

shaken that

is what has been created in order that

that which cannot be shaken May remain

and continue I wonder how many people

would have the courage to pray sincerely

God I invite you to shake everything in

my life that can be

shaken I didn’t see too many hands up

but so that only those things that

cannot be

shaken remain how many of you want a

better life you know what you got to go

through to get


there let us therefore receive a kingdom

that is firm and stable and cannot be

shaken and let us offer to God pleasing

service and acceptable worship with

modesty and Pious care and godly fear

and a for our God is indeed a consuming

fire I’m getting ready I’ve already

started putting together the notes I’m

going to I’m going to teach a message on

the fire of God coming up here

sometime real soon you know the Bible

talks a lot about fire fire is a


agent and I believe the baptism of fire

which the Bible talks about John said I

baptize you in water but one will come

after me who will baptize you with the

Holy Ghost and with

fire we don’t hear enough about the

baptism of Fire

but I’ve had that in my life and many of

you have had that in your life and it

wasn’t pleasant but I’ll tell you what

it amounts to God comes

in and he burns up everything in your

life that is

useless and what’s worth keeping he sets

on fire for his


glory I’m going to say that one more

time cuz you’re looking at me kind of


eyed why do we want to hang on to

useless stuff I don’t know do you have

any bad attitudes that could be burned

out of

you no not you I’m

sure when the fire of God comes in our

life we sing songs like oh God send your

fire when the fire of God comes into our

life it’s going to be painful before



amen you know we’re so afraid of pain

but a lot of times pain makes things

better it

does sometimes you can have eternal pain

that’s getting you nowhere but if you

have the right kind of pain or if you

embrace the right kind of pain for a

short period of time it will bring you

into a much better

place I can use the example of the knee

Replacements I mean the gosh I hope I

don’t have to have a knee replaced the

the hip replacement surgery that I had I

put up with back pain for 20 plus years

pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain

pain how many of you have had pain long

enough in your life and I’m not just

talking physical pain I’m talking

emotional pain or any other kind of pain

is anybody tired of being upset all the

time tired of being mad at people

because you you choose bad friends that

you won’t let go of and then you don’t


why not just pray God get every person

out of my life that is not good for

me and even if I’m lonely for a long

time give me people in my life that are

right godly people that I can count on


Trust well I tell you what if I can get

you to pray some specific ways we can

get some of God’s business done in this


tonight not just oh God bless bless

me bless me Lord now how about send your

fire Shake everything in my life that

can be can be shaken and it it may not

be pleasant for a while but honey later

on later on later on is such an anointed

time in our lives you see now I’m living

in later

on but it wasn’t easy to get here it was

worth it I finally got fed up with going

around and around the same stupid

mountains over and over and over oh God

I don’t understand what’s wrong oh God

I I hope somebody in the building is at

that place tonight and my message can do

you some kind of

good so we at least pray God you do what

you want to do in my

life I have a little prayer that I pray

God if you have to tie me to the

altar that’s why if you have to tie me

to The Altar and don’t let me get away

but do what you want to do in my


now our God is indeed a consuming fire

you know sometimes people have

everything in your life in their life

shaken in

reality in Nepal not very long ago there

was a sudden and a terrible earthquake

how many of you heard about that okay

you know we hear about things like that

and sadly we forget them about as quick

as we hear about them and we’re sorry

for the people and their lives are left


Devastation but these are times when the

body of Christ needs to rise up and at

least pray God is there something I can

do so I can’t even just imagine if that

was you if you were having a cup of tea

and all of a sudden few minutes later

your house is in shambles around you you

can’t find some of your children perhaps

your parents have been killed or many

other terrible terrible things and you

know when people are in situations like

that they tend to think that life is

over but I want to tell you something no

matter what condition your life is in

right now no matter how many pieces it’s

in with God’s help you can

rebuild you can rebuild and the people

in Nepal can

rebuild and this will be on television

there and I’m purposely trying to use a

little bit of this to encourage them

that they can

rebuild their lives can be rebuilt and

no matter how far you think you are away

from God he knows where you’re at and

God will go to any links to get to you

and to help you God will find somebody

that he can love you through and he will

love you back into wholeness and he will

me meet your needs if you trust

him we just sent a team of people to

Nepal because we want to see what we can

do we can’t fix the whole problem but we

can do

something and so we picked a village

that we want to do some work in and our

team got there and the roads were washed

out they had to walk into the village

which was mostly downhill and some some

of the equipment got dropped and got

damaged and it was just I mean they said

it was absolutely the most difficult

missions trip that they had ever been on

but it’s good for us sometimes to do

something that’s hard if we’re doing it

to help somebody else because that says

to them somebody does care about me amen

and I want you to know that God cares

about you and God will find you no

matter where you’re at and he’ll send

you the help that you need Isaiah

4029 through

31 are wonderful scriptures that we

should take a look at right now you know

them he gives power to the faint and the

weary and to him who has no might he

increases strength causing it to

multiply and making it

abound even young people shall faint and

be weary and selected young men shall

feebly stumble and fall exhausted but

they that wait upon the

Lord see I knew you’d like that but they

that wait upon the Lord who expect look

for and hope in him shall change and

renew their

strength through the strength of God you

can rise up and

rebuild you can run and not be weary you

can walk and you shall not faint when I

ask how many of you felt like everything

in your life was shaking I spotted a few

people not everybody but I could tell

from looking at you that there’s some

really major things going on in your

life right now well you know what

congratulations to you for being in the

house of

God to get the help that you need and

they that wait upon the Lord shall renew

their strength they shall Mount up with

wings as eagles they shall run and not

be weary they shall walk and they shall

not faint you can rebuild everybody say

I can rebuild I can

re except the the Lord builds the house

they labor in

vain that build it maybe your house fell

down because you were trying to build it

before how about this go around let’s

let God build the

house let’s let him be the one that

builds it well what do you do when

things are happening in your life and

you just don’t understand Psalm 37:3

trust in the Lord and do

good trust lean on rely on and be

confident in the Lord and do good very

simple it’s a two-step plan to success

when everything in your life is falling

apart trust God and do good now I did

this in detail this morning but let me

quickly say that whatever ails us God’s

word is medicine for our

soul you know like for example if if I

sin and I’m miserable with guilt because

I’ve sinned I can take a good dose of

God forgives

me I can take a good dose of the mercy

of God and be healed in my

soul if I’m mad at somebody else because

they’ve hurt me I can take a good dose

of I forgive

you and be completely healed if I’m sick


jealousy because somebody else is

getting what I want I can take a great

big dose of

contentment and my soul can be

healed but there’s one thing that is the

answer to every problem that ails us and

it’s called trust

God and do good if you have a nice big

bottle of both of these things in your

house I don’t care what ails you you’ve

got what you

need to always be well now look this is

a prescription for trust comes from Dr

Jesus the patient is prescribed for is


take as many as you need for as long as

you need refills are endless but you

have to be careful this stuff has side

effects I mean when you start taking


wow you have a side effect of Peace



confidence find the joy of trusting God

at all times in all things with today’s

resource offering unshakable Trust learn

to let go of trying to figure everything

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gift of any amount to the ministry order

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78989 the Bible our instruction book for

Life spending time in God’s word will

change our lives but consistent and

effective study can at times be

challenging that’s one reason why Joyce

is here to help at Joy chm.org

biblestudy you’ll find ways to make your

study time come to life with helpful

resources study suggestions and

encouragement from Joyce get the most

you can out of your time studying God’s

word with everyday study sign up today

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biblestudy thanks for listening to

Enjoying Everyday Life Joyce Meyer

ministry’s mission is to share Christ

and love people together we can do so


