There’s so much more to the story. In “A New Point Of View,” Pastor Steven Furtick teaches us that trusting God requires us to view our current situations from His point of view. #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – Point Of View Is Everything 2:16 – Context Changes A Story 4:06 – Getting On The Same Page As God 6:52 – Seeing Yourself Through Their Eyes 10:16 – The Point Of Your Life Scripture References: 1 Peter 5, verse 6 Revelation 4, verse 1

since I’m saying there’s so much more to

the story I just want to point out that

so much more to the story may not just

mean that it isn’t finished yet like

that there’s more to come but it also

as a phrase could mean

the story as it has been so far is much


than what you’ve been told about it

because in storytelling point of view is

everything so I want to talk about that

point of view is everything

point of view is everything have you

ever had a situation that felt really

big to you in one moment and really

small in the next what was different

you know the situation obviously can

change but let’s say it didn’t have you

ever had a situation that felt in the

moment like the biggest thing in the


later you saw

that kept me up at night that


is probably

that the point of view changed

the point of view changes

sometimes because of you changing

sometimes the point of view changes

because of you

as you change the way you see things

changes as you mature as you grow

as you get tools

you should be able to look back over

your life and go oh wow I was a jerk

there and you don’t even have to

necessarily call the person and say I

was a jerk four and a half years ago

but at least to know it moving forward

and sometimes you make

repairs in relationships and sometimes

it would do more harm to open an old


but see the point of view changes

because of you changing and if you don’t

let God change you that’s where you get

stuck in a story you go oh man this

always happens to me and never gets

moved my way and everybody always

picks on me

what is the uh

why is everybody always picking on me

character maybe you can put it in the

comments for me I don’t remember

but you know point of view

is everything

when it comes to

not only how you tell a story to a

friend I was telling somebody the other


about working with a certain individual

and I was like that was awesome they

came in they gave their all it was


person sitting in the room didn’t look

like they were on the same page as me

this person who had come in and worked

with me I had seen right they were they

were all in they were going hard the the

person in the room had been involved in

the lead up to the person coming in to

work with me and in the lead up the

person was really difficult

non-committal indecisive

I put a lot of extra strain on my team

who was helping to arrange all of the

details and so

you know in that particular situation

the person that was sitting in the room

with me had information

that changed the way that I saw the


there will be times in your life where

either an outside


or an inward witness will call to your

mind something that you just know

happened this way I know they took

advantage of me I know I did 97 of the

work and got three percent of the credit

and then

time shifts the story

because of you changing growing


experiencing life gaining ability for


Because of You changes your point of

view changes


I’m gonna bring this to the gospel real

quick because we could do Joshua and

Moses but we could also do Jesus and the

disciples Moses discipled Joshua Jesus

discipled Peter imagine the difference

of Peter telling the story about Jesus

in The Garden of Gethsemane before and

after the resurrection

imagine he’s telling the story they came

up to get Jesus he was praying we were

sleeping maybe he leaves that part out

of the story

he was praying we were sleeping



I was trying to help

because when Barabbas came to get him I

cut his ear off

and Jesus didn’t even appreciate what I

did for him

he put his ear back on he undid the work

I did and then all of a sudden you know

at the cross when when he denies Jesus

in the courtyard and then isn’t there at

the cross and then he’s out fishing and

Jesus comes to get him and talks about

feeding my sheep and he goes on in his

ministry in the light of the empty tomb

rather than in the shadow of the cross I

believe he told a different story


he had lived through a few stages of

life and you will too

you will too maybe at the

at the time he wrote first Peter because

he was older then he’s he’s saying

humble yourself

like you don’t know

what you don’t know point of view is

everything I was young and now I’m old

but I never seen the righteous forsake



you know we are not always on the same

page with God we’re not always on the

same page with God’s spirit

it may be helpful for us today sometimes


find those points of communion in

contact with God so we can get on the

same page so that we can have

his point of view

you you know that God has a purpose

in the Earth

and he’s working that purpose in your

life and there is a bigger picture

than any particular incident or


there’s a bigger picture than your past

up to this point or your present pain

and to get into that place with God

where you can say all right Lord

I want

you to be my new point of view

and that means

allowing him to speak things about you

how he sees you because God sees you

different than you see you your


you struggle

the injustices that have been done to

you the mistakes that you’ve made and

what you need to do next and what you

can do next

point of view is everything

the same Peter

that was saying never Lord telling Jesus

what to do but saying humble yourself

because of you changing because of view

because of you changing as you change

your point of view changes point of view

is everything in the story so a little

exercise that I was introduced to



it was saying

how would somebody


who admires you describe you

try seeing yourself Through The Eyes

of someone who admires you now that’s

hard for me because I am very


I have a hard time giving myself credit

and because of that I probably don’t

encourage others as much as I should but

I’m working on this

and the advice see yourself Through The

Eyes of someone who admires you

sounded good to me and a little fluffy

if I’m honest but

in the process of considering it I

realized that my wife Holly

sees me through eyes of admiration

and it’s not the kind of admiration

that’s based on a lack of information

where she she doesn’t know me really

well and she only sees a certain side of


so she admires me she sees


she sees the days in the past where I

couldn’t get out of bed because I was


she sees the days where

I go hide out in my man cave mind and

barely engage with the family she sees

the days that I’m irritated she sees the


then I’m short-tempered she sees the

days that I doubt myself

you know on an even more practical level

she sees the messes that I make she sees

the slob that I can be


yet even today

as I was waking up

I opened this letter that she had

written me

she gave me a stack of letters for

Christmas and

there are only about four or five of

them but I was on the fourth one

and she put a picture of me with a

little note about me and it was a

picture that she took of me getting

ready to preach in Los Angeles last year

and in the picture I’m kind of like

sitting there with my head in my hands

with my Bible in my hand

and uh I know how I felt in that moment

which was like

I’m not the man for this

who do I think I am going out to preach

to 12 000 people at the Forum in LA

you know I feel all this self-doubt and

I can almost see the self-doubt when I’m

looking at the picture but

she wrote me a note

saying thank you for working hard thank

you for not just relying on your gift


but seeking God to preach to us

and she said I hope you forgive me for

taking this picture without asking your


and I thought

man I need to see myself sometimes

through her eyes because

all I see in those moments

is what I don’t have when I’m afraid I

can’t do

but she saw

a man who was trying to seek God

and lean into him

point of view is everything

point of you

the point of you the point

of your life

is not just to be self-serving the point

of you the point of your life

is to not just be a consumer who eats

all the messages that professional

marketers send to you every day the


of you

is to glorify God

and to know him

and to make him known

and so when God says to Joshua you will

lead these people

to inherit the land which I promised

their ancestors

Joshua is getting God’s point of you

point of view

what is the point of you being

in this marriage what is the point of

you being in this family what’s the

point of you being on that job what is

point of view being in that City Toronto




what is the point of you being there

is so the glory of God can be revealed

he told Joshua you are leading these

people into the promise and God

is fulfilling

his purpose

and from God’s point of view it didn’t

start with you

so don’t start with you how could it

stop with you

begin to get work in you’ll be faithful

to complete it

God sees the end from the beginning

that’s his point of view

point of view


I believe

that God can take you

into the future do you remember

the Apostle John he said after this I

looked and there before me was a door

standing open in heaven John Revelation

4 1. yeah

yeah that was different point of view


the voice say come up here I’ll show you

the things that much must take place

after this God said I’ll show you

get with me

get around people

who will not flatter you

not just gas you

and not only admire you in an empty way

but people who God can put in your life

to see

the things that God put inside of you

a view point of view

Kingdom of Heaven is in you

living from the inside out looks like

trusting God

even when you can’t see what he’s going

to do

getting his point of view his promise

and walking in it

hey thanks for stopping by my YouTube

channel I hope you were blessed today if

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me know where you’re watching from what

we can pray for you about hope to see

you back here again really soon
