This is “Dreamers: Don’t Forget His Dream Part 2”. Like Joseph in Genesis 42, it is possible to go through so much that you don’t even remember the dream God gave you anymore. Don’t forget the dreams God has given you. If you have, God can restore those dreams again. If God said it is going to come to pass, it will! God will fulfill the dreams He’s given you to reach a great harvest. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit…

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#jentezenfranklin #dreamers #faith

open your Bibles with me this morning to

the Book of Genesis chapter

42 now Joseph was governor over the

land and it was he who sold to all the

people of the land and Joseph’s brothers

came and bowed down before him with

their faces to the

Earth Joseph saw his brothers and

recognized them but he acted as a

stranger to them and spoke roughly to

them then he said to them where did you

come from and they said from the land of

Canaan to buy

food so Joseph recognized his brothers

but they did not recognize him now

notice then everybody say then when he

saw him when he saw the brothers that

had done him so wrong he saw the

brothers that he had not seen in 20 plus

years he remembered the

dreams that he had dreamed about them

what was the dream if you

read the book of Genesis in 3738 he

dreamed of a harvest and he saw those

Brothers bowing down in that

dream but he saw a harvest bowing down

the Harvest bent over representing Jesus

said the Harvest is ripe Souls the Lost

he remembered dream when he saw his

brothers I want to talk to you for a few

moments and I’m really going to preach

to dreamers and you say I don’t have one

well you’re in the right place

today Daniel chapter 2 there’s a strange

dream that God gave


Babylonian King and in the dream it was

so Dynamic that it would

shape the entire story of human history

he had he saw a statue in a dream that

had a gold head notice the deterioration

of of human existence kingdoms it starts

with gold it has silver brass iron and

then ending with Clay feet I believe I

believe prophetically and all of those

different materials represented

different kingdoms that have come and

gone in human existence I believe we’re

now at the clay

feet all of everything could collapse

and in the dream Nebuchadnezzar saw a

stone a simple stone start rolling down

the hill and

hit that statue that was so powerful of

of of human Ingenuity and power and the

glories and kingdoms of kings and

men and that rock that Stone hit the

feet the clay feet and it collapsed and

suddenly the King of Kings and the Lord

of lords said I’ve brought a new kingdom

to take over the

world but here’s the amazing thing about

this dream he forgot it when he woke up

you would think something that

important something that is historic and

world shaking but he could not re recall

it he forgot it and he said the thing

that’s what he called it in Daniel 2 he

said the thing has left me so he calls

his magicians and he calls his suers and

his fortune tellers and his witches and

he calls them in and he says tell me the

dream and tell me the interpretation I

cannot bring it up I can’t remember it

I’ve forgotten the

dream and the and he said if you don’t

do it I’m going to kill

you I believe that a lot of people have

forgotten the

dream and God needs to give a

restoration of the dream to every person

in this

room you see we don’t just sing to sing

We don’t just come to church to come to

church we don’t just do what we do to do

it the only reason that we’re not in

heaven today the only reason the Rapture

has not taken place yet is because God

is still trying to get somebody else

saved he doesn’t want them to be left he

doesn’t want them to go to

hell in the story of Joseph the Bible

said that Jacob Joseph’s father loved

him more than his other sons and made

him a coat of favor a coat of many

colors that represented his favor on his

son and it upset the other brothers

because his favor was on that boy in the

form of that coat of many

colors it’s the favor of God upon his

children that I believe upsets hell as

much as

anything and it’s obvious to

me we we we don’t take any credit we’re

careful to give God the glory but I just

want to Proclaim that God’s favor is

upon this church that God’s favor is

upon this place that God’s favor is upon

his people and upon his families that

are represented under the sound of my

voice at all of our campuses

I don’t have time to waste anymore and I

feel like saying when the favor of God

is on you you need to recognize the

favor of God Is On You Not For Your

Glory not for your Fame not for your

name but for his name and his kingdom

that will never

in turn to somebody and say the favor of

the father is

here I think about

Esther I think about how in the Book of

Esther God’s name is not mentioned one

time it’s the only book in the Bible

God’s name is not found in any form he’s

not even mentioned not one time does it

say and somebody prayed to God or

anything Esther you remember the story

of Esther there’s a there’s a man named

hmon he’s going to kill all the Jews

including her and hang and and hang uh

Mori from a from a from a from a hanging

noose it’s bad and God is nowhere in the

whole book of Esther his name in no form

is mentioned which tells me sometimes

God doesn’t autograph everything he’s

doing he’s just doing it he’s not

telling you about it he’s not signing

his initials on it he’s working even

when you don’t see it he’s working even

when he’s not announcing it or


it the stuff you lay awake and worry

about he’s already sustaining it and

saying now the enemy has delayed and

hindered but I’m just going to use that

to get all this junk out of you Joseph

but when you get there the dream will be

sustained somebody shout my dream is

alive the dream is alive the dream is

alive I have a dream I want to see

Revival come back to this nation that

has lost its mind and has turned its

back on God and is absolutely going in

the wrong direction in almost every area

I want to see a holy ghost

Revival that is the dream it’s not if I

get this one in office or that happens

no man nobody’s going to fix this nation

it’s too far gone the only thing that

can turn it around is Revival and if

Revival hits look out I don’t believe we

have to bury America I don’t believe we

have to compromise eyes and say well it

ain’t what it used to be it will be if

we have Revival and somebody’s got to

remember the


dream there are two things that could

have stolen the Dream from Joseph and

they’re the same things that will steal

your dream number one when he saw his

brothers he remembered his dream not his

bitterness not his

animosity not his

anger there is nothing that can steal

our dreams like animosity toward our own

family our own Brothers our own sisters

our own mom our own dad our own son our

own daughter our own father own mother

there is nothing that will dry up and

steal the dream more than you allowing

bitterness to get in you and start

hating someone and wanting


instead of remembering their lies

instead of remembering the pit instead

of remembering the prison instead of

remembering all the things that they had

that he had gone through he remembered

the dream and he realized if I hadn’t

gone through that I couldn’t be where I

am I would have not been in Egypt God

what they did was wrong but God me it

they meant it for my evil but God has

used it for my good so why should I be

embittered against

them he remembered the dream

secondly this is so

important think of how the Bible

described Joseph in the text he’s

sitting as the governor of all the land

he has a coat that Pharaoh himself took

off of his back a robe and put on him

and put his ring on his

hand he is

living the blessings of Palace

life in favor with the

king I mean he’s ruling and reigning and

on top of the

world and it’s possible that the dream

maybe the reason he didn’t remember the

dream is he was so called up in the

party in the palace and the blessed

life not that God didn’t put him there

not that God didn’t give him all of that

but it could not and was not supposed

the great threat is the more God blesses

us we allow those things to steal the

dream he got distracted with the palace

he got distracted with the party he got

distracted and forgot about the Harvest

forgot got about the dream the dream was

about the

Harvest it’s almost like Jo Joseph had


forgotten what this was all about and

I’m afraid that’s a picture of the

church the palace is a type of the

church when we get saved do you remember

the story Joseph was in prison and he

was in prison with the Butler and the

Baker and he said to the baker when he

said I had a dream interpet and he said

well in the dream you’re going to get

called up before the king and and

they’re going to cut your head off and

then he mve quickly to the next person

and he said to the butler cuz that was

that story’s over and he said to the

butler he said now in 3 days you’re

going to you’re you had a dream and

here’s the interpretation in three days

you’re going up before the king and he

is going to restore you in the

palace and he had one

request don’t forget

me don’t forget those down here that are

still in the

prison don’t forget how horrible it is

These Chains this prison House of sin

uh when you’re back in the palace when

you’re back in the favor when you’re

enjoying the festivals of Palace life

the beauty and all of the blessings of a

home and everything that God has blessed

you with don’t forget the dream Joseph

don’t forget Joseph said don’t forget

sir the

prisoners they’re crying while you’re

partying the crying while you going to

church and having a big time somewhere

there’s prisoners dying crying sighing


hope but the Bible said that when the

baker made it to the king he forgot

him he forgot the dream he forgot Joseph

he forgot the

prisoners when your

dream begins to come to pass

and God calls you and pulls you out of

sin and out of chains and out of prison

houses of addiction and pain and

Brokenness and He blesses you with his

favor in his

presence Free Chapel don’t ever forget


prisoners don’t ever forget the people

you’ve left behind you were right there

with them but God by his mercy and grace

and favor brought you out and our job is

to remember the dream and not forget

that Harvest is still

crying for somebody to reach for

somebody to

care and I believe we’re living in a

time where the holy spirit is saying

there’s people crying dying and sighing

don’t forget the

prisoners remember what the dream is

about it’s not just about blessing you

when you get in the palace

but it’s about the

Harvest let the bitterness go the

unforgiveness go the Revenge

go focus on the

Harvest because God has sustained the

dream nothing they’ve done could kill

that dream because God gave that dream

and the dream to see your family saved

God gave

it God gave

it it’s sustained

I wonder this

morning how many veterans are in the

room today at every campus how many

veterans just raise your hand if you’re

a veteran at every campus raise it high


ashamed I have never done this except

this morning but I want every veteran

that will to get out of your seat and

come stand down here this

morning men and women come on come on

just come just come up just

come we love you we thank God for you I

want you to

come I want every veteran in the house

if you served in any of the branches

come come come

come everybody stand up on your feet but

don’t move right now this is a sacred

moment unless you’re a veteran don’t

move at every campus I want every

veteran in the room to come down front

because somebody’s got to get a dream


America somebody’s got to

believe that God could save

America we’ve come too far to

watch the destruction and Devastation

that we’re seeing in this

nation the cities are being overtaken

with crime and violence and



prisoners of sin in the prison House of

sin are crying out to a church that’s

having a

party I’m ready that’s all that matters

I’m free that’s all that

matters if we’re not careful we forget


dream God has so much

more and it starts with


you can’t get it through politics you

got to turn to God you got to turn back

to God we got to stop being Wicked

people we’ve got to we got to quit doing

wicked things we got to quit

slaughtering the innocent we got to turn

away from immorality we’ve got to get

back come on Church don’t look at me

funny we don’t have time to play those

stupid little games if if we’re not

going to stand up for the word of God

what are we here


I’m going to tell you something it’s on

your money I don’t know how much longer

it’ll be on your money but it’s on your

money in God we

trust that’s why we’re great that’s why

God’s blessed us that’s why God’s had

his hand on this nation in God we trust

not in man not in this not in that not

in this humanism in


but every head bowed and every eye

closed if you would say Pastor Jensen

pray for me I’m lost I’m backslid I’m

far from God I want to get right with

God pray for me if that’s you boldly

raise your hand don’t hesitate do it all

over this room do it all over this room

do it right now if this message was for

you and you know it you need to have God

restore the

dream of living and serving him keep

that hand High every one of you that

have your hand raised to every campus

get out of your seat and come stand up

here on this platform with me or with

the pastor that is there come right now

if you raise your hand come right now

right now here they come here they come

here they come here they come here they

come here they come this is a miracle

this is the dream this is the

dream this is Sons and Daughters bowing

their knee this is moms and dads come on

come on here they come here they come

here they come pray pray soldiers pray

pray right now God save America start it

right here God save America God save

America come on here they come here they

come here they come here they come here

they come here they come they still

coming they’re just screaming come on

come on come on come on backslider

you’re fighting it quit fighting it and

yield to God’s love come on come on he

knows your he knows your prison he knows

the change don’t worry about it come to

him just as I


am come on they’re coming they’re coming

clap your hands as long as they come in

we’re going to




clap pray right

now everybody pray out loud say these

words Lord Lord Jesus Lord Jesus I

Surrender my life I Surrender my life I

turn it completely I turn it over to you

you are my savior You Are My Savior you

are my Lord you are my Lord you shed

your blood you shed your you died on

calvary’s Cross to save a wret like me

and today I am forgiven I am today today

my name is written in the book of of

life I renounce Satan I renounce his

evil deeds and I give Jesus

lordship of my life I receive it now

I’ll never die when I die my spirit will


forever in heaven I am forgiven praise

the Lord praise the

Lord praise the Lord

praise the



Lord throw your hands up gentlemen and

ladies and declare God save

America I want to close with



Jesus loves me





yes Jesus Jesus


loves lift your hands all over the room

and sing it again yes Jesus he still

loves you dear lady

he’s smiling over your life right now

he’s smiling that where you’re at right

now oh



Jus he knows your

name he knows who you are and he loves


you sing it one more time thr your hands

up and love him close your eyes and sing

it to the



Jesus Jesus Loves

Me Oh



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by friends and partners of Jensen

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