Priscilla Shirer discusses the danger of hopelessness. Listen in as Priscilla Shirer, Laurie Crouch, Victoria Osteen, Chrystal Evans Hurst and Elaine Fisher discuss how drastically hope can change your life. This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®. SUBSCRIBE:… For nearly 50 years the mission of the Trinity Broadcasting Network has remained unchanged: To use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. Launched in 1973 by Christian television pioneers Paul and Jan Crouch, TBN began as one low-power television station broadcasting a few hours of Christian programming each day to viewers throughout the Los Angeles area. In the years since, TBN has grown into a family of over thirty twenty-four hour global networks reaching every inhabited continent with entertaining, inspirational, and life-changing programming for every family member and demographic. TBN began as a dream to “build a Christian television network that spans the whole world.” Today that dream is reality…and still expanding! #tbn #priscillashirer #hope

hopefulness is so powerful to keep your

chin up when it should be down to have

you anchored by a piece that as the

scripture say passes understanding like

you nor anybody around you can figure

out why you’re still that peaceful given

what they know about what’s going on in

your circumstances and yet somehow

they’re still able to have a sense of

security and stability and Sanity in the

midst of circumstances that should be

driving them and saying that’s proof of

the hopefulness that comes to us when we

believe that God is who he says he is


whenever I think of Resurrection

I think back to the very first time

which now was nearly 20 years ago that I

had the opportunity with my parents to

go to Israel and

gosh the impact of walking into the

garden tomb area where it is believed

that Jesus body was laid and at the time

they had something on the door there

when you walk up to the Garden tomb

there’s a little doorway that’s open so

you can see inside of the Tomb there’s a

sign on the door that says he is not



we could have had a whole Holy Ghost

Church moment right there because the

fact that he is not there I’ve never

been so glad in all my life to not see

nothing there was nothing to see there’s

no no

um body laying there there’s nothing

mummified there’s no Museum it’s an

empty tomb and the resurrection is our

receipt that he is who he said he is and

that he has accomplished for us what he

said that he has accomplished and so the

scriptures say that it is through his

death that we’ve been Justified and

reconciled to God but even more by his


we are saved we are graced we are

empowered to be able to walk in Victory

so I want to talk about the hope of the

Resurrection because on this Good Friday

we can look forward to Sunday already in

our hearts and experience the hope that

comes from knowing that he got up out of

the grave and the same power that

conquered the grave is the exact same

power not like a lesser dumbed down

version of that power but the same power

that was capable and able to get Jesus

up out of that grave is the same power

we’re supposed to be walking by the

spirit that power every single day of

Our Lives so when you look forward

toward what Sunday means on an Easter

weekend like this what kind of hope that

does that give you to live through and

press on in the trials of life and the

details of what you have going on in

your own experiences

so good you know I think about


Friday and it’s horrible Jesus’s

disciples they’re his friends his mother

is watching him die unbelievable it’s

horrible yeah it’s horrible

and how you know on Resurrection morning

the women were at the tomb


but not the disciples


you know there’s shock you know when the

women are telling them and Peter

discovers and he’s running to tell

everybody there’s this shock

that he actually isn’t there and I often

think what does it feel like to go from

Friday to Sunday

with expectation

and what does it look like to go from

Friday to Sunday in disappointment and


and what I’m wanting to do in my life is

live as if

Sunday’s coming yeah because I get to

choose how I go from Friday to Sunday

doesn’t mean it’s not traumatic it

doesn’t mean that I’m not thinking oh I

wish this wouldn’t have happened this

way but it certainly changes my Outlook

and my excitement one of the worst

things that can happen is that you lose

hope yeah I mean it’s it’s life is hard

enough but to hold on to hope that that

things can get better that Sunday is

coming that God does reign in Victory

that Jesus is coming back from the dead

to to be able to hold on to Hope keeps

you going when you live without hope

that is just an awful feeling but I have

to tell you that there are many times in

my life where

sinking into despair is my first

reaction yeah you know and I’m not


you know I’m not looking with an

expectant hope and so that’s as I think

about that I’m thinking about that

reality in my life what does it look

like for me when life is hard and I’m

living through Friday to live with

expectancy about Sunday

because it changes how you talk it

changes whether or not you’re smiling or

not it changes how you engage with other

people and honestly it changes whether

or not you actually live on Saturday

like if I don’t think Jesus is coming


then every Saturday of my life I’m going

to want to stay in the bed I don’t want

to engage with anybody I want to hide


if I believe that he’s coming back on

Sunday that I live on Saturday it

changes everything do I believe that

Jesus who got up from the dead that as

I’m praying over this child or as I’m

praying over this marriage or if I’m

praying over my passions and my the

personal Pursuits of my life as I’m

praying over my finances do I believe

that that same power

can change the trajectory of my child

can change the trajectory of my marriage

can change the trajectory of what I even

think I should do with my life can

change do I believe that that’s real

because if I do

it changes how I operate it totally

changes how I operate so it’s I mean

being positive is great but being

totally convinced of the power of God

that results in Resurrection is so much

better yeah we’re gonna need that kind

of Hope through right there have been so

many layered difficulties that

corporately all of us across the globe

it’s Collective trauma I mean and not

just one pandemic it’s been like layers

of pandemic whether it’s racial pandemic

or political pandemic medical pandem I

mean it’s been there have been so many

things War there have been so many

things to disrupt our peace to to really

take us out of this sense of being able

to face another day because on top of

all of the global things that we have

all faced there have been so many

personal griefs and losses and life has

been sort of up turned upside down and

so many hard things I do not know how

anybody could make it from day to day

without anchoring ourselves in something

else other than Earth stuff right

because this stuff is so uncertain and

disappointing lets you down well if we

all think that we need to play God if

we’re Godless I mean I can’t imagine

what people without God are doing right

now without a source of a higher being

that loves us takes care of us and knows

what we need you know and thinking that

we need to play God that’s right it’s

just crazy but when you live in the

power of the cross I love talking about

the power of the Cross and what Jesus

did for us first of all it Vindicated

who he said he was right and then he


he said I’ve come to seeking to say the

lies I have just come to destroy the

works of the devil and then he said it

is finished now you go

you do what you’re called to do and I’m

going with you yeah right so if we

didn’t know that God was going with us

to empower Us in the Holy Spirit but if

we believed that

truly every person believed

yeah that we had the power of the Holy

Spirit to go and do that’s what Jesus

has done for us yeah he has given that

to us it’s a free gift and he has done

it he he he has all power and he’s done

if we all truly believe that think of

what would happen right I love the fact

that when I think about the cross and I

think about what Jesus did there’s that

he took two things that were separated

and brought them together

he gave us access to him

you know what we don’t need anyone to go

in for us we have access to the father

through Jesus and I think that’s the

most Miracle of all miracles is we Being

Human we literally can have access to

God because of what he did on the cross

and the same power that raised him has

empowered us yeah so it’s not that we

are weak here it’s not that we are

defenseless but we have the power of the

holy spirit in us and so I think that’s

what’s so embolding to say there is hope


I am I have hope because I have God in

Me you know and that’s what gives us the

hope that’s what anchors us uh is the

fact that yeah when the whole world

seems like it’s turned upside down we

know there’s still a God that’s

empowered us to to to rise above it all

to live as a light in the world and so

that’s that’s the beautiful thing is

that we’re not separated those the

division the anger the Wrath everything

it’s been done away with we have peace

with God and that’s just a beautiful

thing to think we can literally go to

God you know face to face we can come

boldly what does the Bible say to the

throne of grace to obtain mercy and find

help in our time of need and that’s what

I think so so wonderful because there’s

nothing like you know like they had to

go to the priests you know they had to

wait for the priest to come out they had

to wait for someone to prophesy they had

to do so much stuff but we get access to

God personally which is is pretty incred

edible yeah because he didn’t have to do

it he didn’t have to make a way for us

to have a relationship with him and to

have direct access so the fact that he

just was merciful enough and gracious

enough just loved us enough with all of

our faults and weaknesses and

deficiencies to just make a way and that

way was so costly for him his son we

said to my youngest son the other day we

were talking about just having a

conversation about some things that we

had read in the Bible and as we were

discussing the crucifixion and the

resurrection specifically Jerry my

husband looked at Jude and said you know

if I had to sacrifice you on behalf of

anybody else in the world those people

would be in trouble there is no way in

the world I would sacrifice my son for

that and so he said as a father Jude you

will never know the beauty of and the

power of what God did until you have a

son until you have a daughter and then

you will look at that child and realize

what the father must have gone through

and how much he must have loved you if

he was willing to give up his son for


unbelievable love especially Sinners

especially for Sinners

65 says I allowed myself to be found by

those who weren’t even seeking for me

yeah I allowed myself to be discovered

by those who weren’t even looking for me

they didn’t even care and still he made

a way for us to have a relationship with

him it’s breathtaking yeah thank you


isn’t it cool too that we get to sit on

the other side of the story yeah like

we’re not sitting on the Saturday going

I think he said he was going to rise

from the dead like we’re standing and

I’ve heard you share this in a message

I’ve read it in a commentary like we get

to stand and fight from the victory like

every day our Saturdays that come our

Fridays of disappointment that come we

get to look back and go wait I already

know the end of this story like the

victory has already been won and so I

don’t have to worry about my life I

don’t have to worry about where I’m

going to be if I’ve put my faith in

Jesus if I put my trust in Jesus then I

know I’m secure in him and I don’t have

to worry about that and I just I think

it’s very exciting to know the end of

the story and not you know you don’t

have to sit in the movie and go I think

the superhero is going to save the day

you know he already saved the day like

the day has been saved and now you get

to stand in that hope and be in the

restoration of it and have the personal

relationship it’s not this fake

relationship it’s a one-on-one

conversation in a personal relationship

with the Lord and he did that all for

you the great love of a father

absolutely and it’s just incredible to

me like man that’s a really sweet father

I love what you said about seeing the

end of the story it made me think about

you know maybe think about going to the

movies you know I never think if I go to

a Marvel movie you know I got a house

full of boys right now they’re dragging

me all these movies I don’t want to see

it’s like can we do a comedic romance or

something you know

um biography something yeah um so I’m

watching all these movies


goes in

expecting anything other right then the

movie for the hero to come out on top


yeah so you go in with expectancy

you know you enjoy your soda your

popcorn you know you get your snacks you

through all these other emotions you’re

there for the ride you know

and um you know as you’re talking about

that I just think the expectancy Factor

you know what are we looking for God to

do and if he would not spare his own son

you know he’s a father that gives good

gifts to his children if he wouldn’t

spare his own son then not only can I

expect the victory in my life but I can

expect the victory at no expense yeah I

mean like that’s just like he’s gonna

ensure we can know that he can do

exceedingly abundantly above and beyond

anything that we can even ask or think

so normally when we’re approaching our

lives and we can’t figure out how God’s

gonna show us the victory in a certain

area it the natural my natural tendency

is to have like trepidation of like I

hope this is going to turn out I don’t

know how this is gonna you know I mean

that’s my first way to approach it but

if I approached his exceedingly above

and beyond his at no expense victory

the same way I approached a good movie

which is let me see how he’s going to

work this out I mean not only does it

change my Approach and how I live but it

also I think changes my witness what

does it look like for people who believe

on Jesus Christ not only for their

salvation but believing that he’s going

to come again how does that impact what

we look like you know just the

expectancy stuff with no fear with no

fear exactly you know you know and even

if we feel it because you in the movie

you’re like oh this is it doesn’t change

the fact that you’re there with

expectancy that you don’t operate based

on the fear you know and so I think and

you don’t walk out with that fear and

you don’t walk out with it you know yeah

he didn’t care if it was just and that’s

that’s what I want to see in my life I

want to see that in my life more is just

not the knowledge of Victory but the

walk because of the expectancy of

Victory you know because it does change

how you move through your life


changes your life hopefully hopelessness

is what is destroying people yes it’s

destroying I mean literally to the point

of suicidal right yeah hopefulness can

destroy someone’s entire existence in

life and in the same way hopefulness is

so powerful to keep your chin up when it

should be down to have you anchored by a

piece that as the scripture say passes

understanding like you nor anybody

around you can figure out why you’re

still that peaceful given what they know

about what’s going on in your

circumstances and yet somehow they’re

still able to have a sense of security

and stability and Sanity in the midst of

circumstances that should be driving

them and saying that’s proof of the

hopefulness that comes to us when we

believe that God is who he says he is

and he’s going to accomplish the victory

for us he already has and is going to

give going to give us the experience of

that in our existence no matter what

happens right hope is The Confident

expected expectancy of what God is going

to do yeah so

he’s going to do something good and

sometimes we can’t figure it out I think

sometimes we think well did I make the

right decision did I make this thing go

wrong did I interfere am I making the

right choices you know did this happen

because I didn’t do this right you know

like I made the wrong choice here and I

wish God would have helped me but you

know we have to understand that God’s

all-powerful he’s in control it doesn’t

matter if we do make a bad choice he can

turn those bad choices around all things

work together even the mistakes even the

mistakes they work together for the

girls yeah and so I think sometimes I

know I have that I’m like well am I

doing the right am I am I am I saying

the right things am I doing the right

things am I going to make this thing

turn out right when it’s you know I can

only do what I can do I can only seek

God try to make the right choices you

know and then believe that God can turn

even my mistake into a masterpiece

somehow some way you know and so I know

there’s people out there thinking well

you but you don’t know what I’ve done

you don’t know what happened to me you

don’t know how with the childhood I had

you know I could never get out of this I

could never quit thinking like this I

could but God is a god Miracles and he

wants to transform our life and he wants

to turn things around for us and that’s

where the Hope comes in if he can raise

Jesus from the dead like he said he was

then he can resurrect your dreams he can

resurrect those promises he can

resurrect your life I love that I love

that you know it’s it’s this idea that I

am not powerful enough to mess up

whatever God has done but I have to tell

you that you know there have been

seasons in my life where I didn’t

believe that Sunday was possible and I

didn’t act like Sunday was possible

because all I could see was what I could

see and I really didn’t need other

people to speak encouragement into my

life I mean that’s why I’m glad we live

in a day in an age where it’s not just

television it’s the Internet it’s your

phone it’s podcast you can be surrounded

by God’s word everywhere you turn books

are everywhere

um but the encouragement that people

need you know in order to

to believe what they cannot see


it’s like you know talking to a young

mother and you know I mean you just

drive me crazy you know you be in the

store and some more mature woman would

come by and she’d be smiling and then

she’d lean over and say enjoy these days

they go so fast and you’re just like

but her perspective

is different her perspective is

different and so

um I you know the ebb and the flow of

many many things just throughout my uh

20s and 30s I remember my mother would

say you know with that knot of knowing

I know it’s hard but this too shall pass

I don’t I don’t want to hear that you

know what I mean like just fix it I want

Jesus to fix it but what I can say is

that those voices of encouragement you

know when and and that’s you know what

we have to be intentional about doing

what I have to be intentional about

doing is even as a Believer is

surrounding myself with voices of

encouragement that remind me about

Sunday yeah you know that I have to

remind myself that’s why you have to

stay in the word about Sunday that I

need people who are stronger in the

faith that are further along in the

faith in me to to say I I know it’s hard

but you know it is no secret what God

can do what he’s done for others he’ll

do for you you know I mean these are the

things that this is why Community is so

important that just like the disciples

were huddled together

in dismay and even waiting to see if God

is going to come they were together you

know and so I I have to remind myself

when I start feeling the pull of

Saturday and I know that Victory belongs

to Jesus and I know that

um he’s coming back one day but we have

to walk through life and we have to walk

through the hardship and we have to we

find ourselves asking the questions it’s

to Avail myself of encouragement

anywhere and everywhere I can

um and to allow other people who are

more mature in the faith to listen to

them and put myself in the spaces where

they are and then to believe that

despite what I see and despite what I

feel that God is capable he’s not a man

that he should lie that he will finish

what he started and I can’t believe that

that’s how you build your faith yeah

that’s how faith is built right because

faith is the substance of things hoped

for yeah the evidence of things not yet

seen so we have to have people speak to

us things that we can begin to see

because when you’re discouraged

you can’t believe that’s what that’s

what happened to the Israelites that

when Moses was trying to say this is it

I’m delivering you out of the hands of

the of the Pharaoh the Bible says they

were too discouraged to believe they had

been under the weight of that oppression

for so long they couldn’t even see how

it could change and so that’s why we

need people to speak faith into our life

to tell us about the Miracles that’s

happened to them to get the word like

you said anything to get that Faith

built up and to meditate and dwell on

those things to build that Faith because

it is hard when you’re discouraged you

know so I love the fact that that’s why

we do need each other that’s why we do

need to stay in the word I think too

this is the power of context like we’re

in a generation right now that we have

social media and we see everything in

like 15 second blocks and we don’t have

the power of the context of the whole

story and if I get stuck in my Saturday

I don’t have the power of the context of

the whole story and so I think some of

it is just allowing yourself to be in

the atmospheres that I go give me the

context the older mother goes I have

context for where you’re going I have

context for where you are and where

you’re headed and like the the

Israelites there’s context if they can

understand I’m only in the middle if I

got up in the middle of a Marvel movie

and I left and I didn’t see the end I

lose my power of context and I’m in this

moment now where I’m in hopelessness

because I’ve lost the power of context

and so I think in our generation right

now we have to go back and go I need

context I need Community I need the

older to remind me I need the younger to

pour into I need this context so that I

don’t get stuck in my Saturday yeah

because encourage them not to bow out

right and they’ll they’ll have suicidal

thoughts or they may try to give up

earlier they may go well you don’t know

my situation it’s like well you don’t

know my God you’ve lost the power of

context because all throughout the Bible

I’ve seen your story and I’ve seen a

lost person find Jesus I’ve seen a blind

receive their sight I’ve seen leprosy be

healed off of a person’s body like yes I

have the power of context and so I think

that’s the other thing is we have to

really that’s why we can’t stop with

Friday we can’t stop with Saturday we

have to go through and say the hope of

Sunday is the power of the context of

the whole story and that’s where we can

receive a full heart of Hope to go God

you have more context than I do so I’ll

surround myself to know the power of it

yeah okay well the Gospel of John

Chronicles this moment when a woman

comes to the tomb and finds it empty

and she is bawling tears as she kneels

there in the garden realizing that her

savior is not where she supposed he

would be

and she feels someone come up behind her

and she supposes he is the gardener

because who else would it be and through

the blur of her tears she has no way of

being able to really clearly see that

that guy standing behind her is not the

gardener it’s the Risen Lord

and it’s not until he says her name

when he says her name the way her name

rolls off of off of his lips there’s

something about that her name being

spoken by this guy that lets her know

this is the one who freed me who

delivered me who changed my life and so

my prayer is that through the course of

us just talking about Hope and the

resurrection and the empty tomb that the

Holy Spirit has whispered somebody’s


and their tears their despair their

disappointment that maybe has blurred

them to Jesus and a relationship with

him up until this point that today

they’ll hear their name and they’ll be

restored in their hope and that they’ll

come into relationship with him so let’s

pray about that

Lord I Thank you that you call our names

I thank you Father that you know our

stories I thank you that you’ve given us

opportunity to have a personal

relationship with you I thank you for

the hope that you have given us because

of the Resurrection father I thank you

that your story did not stop with your

son dying on Friday and continuing Lord

to be buried and to remain in death but

father he is resurrected to life and

because he was so are we so I thank you

Father for the hope that you have given

to each and every one of us into anyone

who does not feel that sense of hope who

is wallowing father because of their

circumstances in a sense of hopelessness

and despair we pray right now in Jesus

name that you would by the power of your

Holy Spirit call their name so loudly

and so clearly that they would have no

choice but to run to you and that you

would restore the hope of their

salvation in Jesus name we pray amen

thank you