Priscilla Shirer shares a powerful word on the importance of prayer in our lives, and the guidance and healing it brings! This video was brought to you by TBN Networks® WATCH full Praise episodes for free on the TBN app:

SUBSCRIBE:    / praisetbn   NEED PRAYER? TBN’s Prayer Partners would love to prayer with you and are available 24/7: 714-731-1000 (U.S. and Canada) and +1-714-731-1000 (International). On the air since 1973, TBN’s flagship ministry and talk show Praise is one of the most recognizable — and most watched — Christian programs in the world. Taped before a live audience and hosted by TBN’s own Matt and Laurie Crouch along with other popular personalities, Praise features the best in contemporary Christian music and worship, fresh and impacting ministry voices, engaging interviews from a wide variety of guests, and a fast-moving hour of relevant talk you won’t want to miss! #praise #tbn #priscillashirer 00:00 Intro 00:23 Praise the Lord 03:47 Make Your Requests Known 08:30 God Is Always at Work 14:41 The Power of Prayer 15:30 The Importance of Prayer 16:44 Prayer for Marriage 21:01 Prayer for Healing 24:06 Prayer for the Church 30:15 God Is for Us!

we’ve gathered across lines that might

normally divide us we’re United in this

place no matter how different we may be

and in this place y’all tonight we’re

underneath an open Heaven that commanded

blessing of God is upon us so why

wouldn’t we milk it for all it’s worth

and ask God to drench the Church of

Jesus Christ

the Lord

praise the Lord O my soul I will praise

the Lord while I live

I will sing praises to my God while I

have my being some trust in princes and

some trust in Mortal man in whom there

is no salvation but not us not tonight

we trust in the name of the Lord our God

thank you

how blessed is the one in whom the god

of Jacob is their helper whose hope is

in the Lord his God the one who made

Heaven and Earth the one who made the

sea and all that is in them he’s the one

who gives food to the hungry he is the

Lord that sets prisoners free he is the

Lord that opens the eyes of the blind he

raises up those who are down he is the

Lord who loves the righteous he is the

Lord that protects anybody that feels

like a stranger he is the one that

supports those that might be fatherless

in the Widow he sorts The Way of the

Wicked the Lord will reign forever he is

our God o Zion o Church to all Zen of

generations we ought to praise the Lord

for it is good to sing praises to our

God it is Pleasant to praise the Lord he

builds up his people he gathers the

outcasts of Israel he heals the

Brokenhearted he binds up their wounds

he counts the numbers of the Stars he

gives all of them names that’s basically

his way of saying if I can control the

entire universe I’ve got your life

covered that’s what he said foreign

abundant is his strength sing to the

Lord with Thanksgiving sing praises to

our God praise the Lord Jerusalem Praise

Him in the house tonight for he hath

strengthened your bars and your Gates he

has blessed your sons and your daughters

he brings peace to your borders he

satisfies you with real good things he

makes sure his word runs very swiftly he

scatters the frost like ashes who can

stand before him because our God is good

so praise the Lord

praise the Lord from the heavens

Praise Him from the heights praise him

all ye Angels praise him all you hosts

Praise Him sun and moon Praise Him

highest Heavens Praise Him Waters that

are above the heaven let even those

people praise the name of our great God

praise the Lord sing to the Lord a new

song Praise Him in the congregation let

Israel be glad in her maker Let The

Godly ones exalt in glory tonight praise

the Lord praise God in this Sanctuary on

Broadway in Times Square tonight praise

the Lord foreign

praise him for his excellent greatness

praise him with the trumpet sound praise

him with the harp and the liar praise

him with the Timberland with the dancing

praise him with the stink stringed

instruments in the pipe praise him with

the loud symbols praise it with the

resounding symbols let everything

y’all let’s praise the Lord tonight


thank you



y’all are my people y’all came to have

church tonight is what you did

take your seats if you can I want to

tell you what a privilege that it is as

Anthony has already said for us to be

here with you tonight to have an

opportunity to lift up the name of Jesus

because he’s worthy to be praised y’all

even with what you wrote down what you

need prayer for what’s heard in your

heart what’s ailing you what what needs

to be answered even with the miracle you

require what you need to know is that

your God is still good he’s still

sitting on the throne and the truth is

even if he never did one more thing

I mean seriously y’all

but did another thing on our behalf

if he doesn’t answer this request

exactly the way that you’re hoping he’ll

answer this request the truth is he has

already done enough

but the great thing about our God

is that he invites us to make our

requests known

he invites us to give to him the desires

of our hearts and then he invites us to

trust him with the answer

so I’m so excited to pray with you

tonight because we get the privilege

tonight not only to very specifically

and boldly approach the throne of grace

with every single request that has been

written down and even those that are

still tucked away in the quietness of

your heart even those of you that I know

are on the other side of the screen your

request we want to cover those tonight

but the great thing about our God is

that not only can we present our

requests trusting him but at the end of

every prayer we can say Lord do this do

what I’ve asked

or do something better


because seriously the truth is he is the

god of Ephesians 3 20 and 21. he is the

one that does immeasurably more then you

can ask

and listen if you can’t ask it because

you can’t your brain can’t even come up

with the right words to vocalize what it

is you’re trying to ask for he says

that’s all right just think it and I can

do past that

so we can boldly bring all of our


to the throne of God tonight trusting

that he is a great big God who still

does great big things I believe that God

works miracles anybody

I’m talking about flat up flat out

jaw-dropping straight up can’t explain



where you stand back and go I don’t know

you know

that kind of stuff we’re going to pray

about that tonight I love that we have a

God that allows us to do that in even

this setting that any place is a

sanctuary where God can meet us I love

this unique opportunity that we have to

be in this place where many a celebrity

many a talented person many A Gifted

person has stood on this platform many

Productions have taken place and in a

place where people have been celebrated

for their gifts and their talents on

this kind of a platform I loved it in

this place today there is only one

celebrity and it’s nobody on the stage I

love that

I love that the celebrity is Jesus



man I can’t tell you how that takes the

weight off us there’s just no pressure

for us up here because we ain’t trying

to impress you how about that

we all just have an audience of one

tonight audience of one

so in this unique setting and this

unique opportunity in New York City in

the heart

of uh this incredible City we have the

privilege to exalt the name of Jesus and

he says that when you do the lifting

I will do the drawing

and there might be I’m sure some of you

that are seated in this room because you

thought this was a Broadway show


you were walking down the street

you saw the big sign and you thought you

know what I need a show tonight I’m

gonna come on in there and just see this

nice little show

well it is going to be a show

in the sense that God himself

I believe is going to make himself

apparent to you and if you feel like

you’re a little bit out of sorts in this

room you’re not exactly sure what you’ve

stumbled into

just relax

you’re amongst friends

I know you might not know the person

that’s sitting next to you would you

just look at them and say it’s all right

girl relax it’s all right young man

relax just stay relaxed

we’re gonna have a good time tonight in

the presence of the Lord my um I will

tell you more about them later but my

three sons you might see them sort of

around and about they we kind of all

dive in together in ministry as Anthony

said he’s my younger brother and just in

case you wondered everything he knows

about music he learned from me anyway


and um my husband is here as well we

have three sons

um they’re 14 12 and eight Jackson is

our oldest and then Jerry Jr and then

June Jude is our surprise baby

Jude that’s why I named him Jude because

that’s as close as I could get to



because it is finished that’s it that’s

the end of the line Jackson Jerry Jr and

Jude and Jude and I were sitting

together on an airplane and he was

seated over the wind where our seats

were directly over the wing of the

airplane and so he was sort of just

looking out at the wing of the plane and

there we were suspended in mid-air

flying to our destination and I could

tell he was mesmerized by this whole

concept that this tube of Steel is in

the air holding us up and that um this

this Wing is connected to the plane he

was sort of just dissecting this entire

this entire situation and as he looked

over the wing he looked back at me and

said mom how do they get that wing on

this plane

and I said buddy I got to be honest with

you I have no idea I have no idea how

they get that wing on the plane I don’t

know how it works but I have an idea for

you Jude you have an uncle their dad’s

brother Uncle Vaughn he works in the

airline industry he actually works in

the business where they they make all

the veins and the wiring that connects

the different parts of the aircraft so I

saw this as a teachable moment I said

you should talk to your Uncle Vaughn

when we get home it’d be a great

opportunity for you to learn something

and then I said to him you know what

you can be whatever you want to be when

you grow up dude do you know that you

can do whatever you want to do like if

you want to make airplanes like your

Uncle Vaughn when you grow up you can so

totally do that if you’d like to and as

I said that to him I said buddy you can

be anything you want to be in your life

anything you want to do you can do it he

looked back at me and he said Mom

I don’t want to do what Uncle Von does

when I grow up I want to do what you do

when I grow up


you know it’s one of those moments where

you’re just thinking baby what do you

want whatever you want I’m gonna give it

to you


oh but wait for it

because I looked back at him and said


what does Mama Do

now I had expectations about what his

answer was going to be at least some

framework about how he might respond

Lord I’d love to or Mom I’d love to

share the Lord with people Mom I’d like

to write Mom I would like to do a myriad

of different things maybe that he could

have said but he looked back and he said


I want to do nothing just like you

you do nothing all day every day you do



I said buddy you see how like the

clothes you’re wearing right now are

clean how do you think that they

actually get clean he said well that’s

just like washing that’s no big deal I

said but you eat every day you eat

actual food how do you think it gets

cooked and he said that’s what moms do

that’s no big deal

and I said but you know every now and

then there’s a book or there might be a

Bible study there’s even though there

was a little film a little movie

remember it’s been we spent like three

months maybe that what do you think I’m

doing he’s like you’re just sitting

behind the computer all day just doing

this you’re doing nothing

I laughed and then I thought in that

moment right after the conversation

how much that is like my relationship

with the Lord

in fact there was confirmation of that

because the very next day and I only

share this with you to make this point

but the very next day after that

conversation with Jude my publisher sent

me an email they sent an email to tell

me about something that they know I

never know because I’m keeping up with

three sons they said Priscilla we just

want to let you know that fervent

um a little book that I had written we

want you to know that it’s on the New

York Times bestseller list it actually

won a few Awards they said that to me in

the email and all I could do when I

looked at it was chuckle because it was

just the day before that my son said to


that when I was doing to him to what

looked like and amounted to nothing

that is exactly when I was crafting

something that hopefully would be a

blessing to people’s lives

and the Holy Spirit said to me that’s

just like you and me Priscilla because

I’m behind the scenes orchestrating and

crafting the chapters of your story all

the while you think I’m doing nothing

you point an accusatory finger at me

wondering where I am and why I’m not

hearing your request and why I’m not

moving in the way that you would like me

to move you’re assuming that I’m sitting

back passively ignoring you where all

the while I am busy making a story out

of your life the likes of which you

can’t imagine

I came to encourage somebody today that

there’s a chapter that is being written

right now with your story I’m talking

about right now in that difficulty right

now in that Valley year of your marriage

right now in that trouble in your

finances that difficulty on your job

that hardship with your co-worker I’m

talking about that one co-worker the one

that if she says one more thing to you

you go knock her out that one

there is a chapter he is crafting

a manuscript he’s writing

that one day when we see him face to


we’re gonna see the story that he was


and every single Crown we get we’re

going to turn around and place it right

Back At His Feet

and say thank you Lord for this

privilege that we had to live a life

a life in relationship with you

and so even with these hardships and

even with these hurts we pray and we

pray in gratitude we pray in

gratefulness in advance thanking him for

the answer that he will give us that is

simultaneous to what we’ve asked for or

the answer that is so far beyond our

capacity to even comprehend and pray

that we trust him for something that

that has so much generational ripple

effect the likes of which we may never

see in our grandchildren and our

great-grandchildren and our great great

grandchildren I’m so glad for the

prayers of a grandmother and a great

grandmother and grandfather in my life

who prayed some stuff that y’all they

didn’t get to see the fruit of their


but how glad I am that they trusted him

to do what they were asking or something


so in that mindset I invite you to pray

with me tonight

as Anthony said we couldn’t have an

event called Bourbon and not and nobody

actually fervently prayed about nothing

in fact it would be an injustice

actually we’d be ripping you off if we

came in here and all you did was watch

stuff happen up here

the point of tonight is for you to meet

with God

and the truth is if your life if your

life has been anything like mine you

you’ve been busy there’s been stuff

pulling you left and right there’s been

traffic that you’ve been fighting there

have been soccer games that you’ve been

going to there have been errands that

you’ve been running and I know you might

you might think you might some of you

might think that I’ve just been you know

sitting up on a Mountainside fasting and

praying and thinking about you but the

reality is my life is just like yours

I’ve been trying to figure out a new way

to cook chicken for dinner just like you

my clothes right now laundry at my house

it is washed it is dried but it is

dumped out on the dining room table

waiting for somebody to come and fold it

our lives are full of stuff

and every now and then we just need to

be offered a moment

to meet with God

he is omnipresent

that means he is everywhere all at the

same time

and I thank God for his omnipresence

meaning that wherever you are seated in

this room whether you’re in the furthest

reaches of this theater tonight or

you’re right here on the front row you

can have a meeting with God whether

you’ve ever prayed before or not whether

this idea of actually talking to God is

new to you whether or not you’re not

sure whether you have to say specific

word there’s no magic to prayer it’s

just taking a minute to just offer to

him the needs you’ve written down the

ones that are still hidden in your heart

to just thank him for what he’s already

done that maybe you’ve neglected because

of the rise of needs that you’ve had in

your life this is our invitation to you

to join us in a moment of prayer and

together we’re going to collectively

cover some categories of prayer tonight

that we find a lot of the requests that

are written down and by the way if you

did not write one down but you kind of

want to get in on this at any point just

bring a request down into any of the

boxes I know there there are some there

on every level you just bring them down

and put them here at any point because

we’re going to cover them all

collectively and then I’m going to tell

those of you who are here in the theater

how we’re going to cover every single

one of these requests individually

before the night is over but even you at

home listen pray with us we’re going to

pray and include your requests in our

prayer tonight we’re going to cover some

categories of prayer you’re going to

help me to do that the very first

category of prayer that I want to cover

because we find many of these requests

fall into these larger categories the

very first one that I’d like to pray for

is in regards to your marriage we find

that many of these requests have to do

in and around the topic of marriage and

the reason why I bring that up first is

because you do know that the enemy even

more than than many things the enemy is

is really after your marriage

you’re married he’s trying any any which

kind of way he can to destroy dissolve

disunify your marriage he doesn’t want

the two of you to be happy he doesn’t

want the two of you to be content in

your relationship he doesn’t want you

walking in health and fullness so we

want to pray for your marriage tonight

because I bet you there are some

requests that are written down here that

have to do with that particular

relationship and I believe that if there

anybody in this room or on the other

side of the screen and

you guys are on the brink of divorce I

mean you’re teetering right on the very

edge and you know that apart from a

straight up Miracle the two of you are

not going to make it you’re in the right

place tonight I can tell you that

because we know a God that can snatch

you back from the brink

that you might be teetering on tonight

so we’re going to pray about that

so if you are in this room here’s how

you all are going to help me in this


if you’re in this room tonight

and you actually have a testimony

because you can remember a time where

you thought you and your spouse were not

going to make it and you’re here tonight

and you’re not just still married but

you’re happily married and you know it

is a straight up miracle that you’re

actually happily married you know that

God did something that revolutionized

um your marriage if that’s the case for

you would you please stand up and just

be a living visible illustration of the

power of God in this relationship in our

life and stay standing when you stand





and the reason why I want you to stand I

hope that you all can see each other

even up in the top there of the theater

because the reason why I want you to

stand is because I want you to recognize

that the message that many people came

for tonight we hadn’t even opened up the

Bible yet to teach from God’s word and

the message that somebody needs tonight

is coming through your life this is why

the Lord brought them he wanted to say

to them through your testimony that what

he has done for others he can also do

for them

so please stay on your feet for just a

second you’re encouraging somebody

oh y’all please don’t let this moment

pass you by look all over this room from

the back to the front the Lord wants to

encourage somebody tonight he’s got your



he’s got your back

he has not forgotten you

healing whether it is something small I

say that Loosely because listen even if

you just have a headache that pain is

not small to you

pain in the small of your back a knee a

show if it’s just something a tumor that

has just been diagnosed whatever it is

we’re going to pray for you tonight if

it’s a broken heart a broken mind

whatever if you need healing for

yourself or a loved one would you please

stretch out your hand we cannot wait to

be the body of Christ and pray for you

y’all there’s so many hands those of you

that are standing would y’all be the

first it’s almost like you’re paying it

forward just reach out to someone who’s

near you’re just extending to them what

it is that God has done for you

and then those of you that are seated

even beside other people that have their

hands raised come on y’all would you

just make sure that the everybody is

touched by another

again even if the two of you both have

your hands raised just grab hands or put

your hand on the knee or the shoulder


if you feel like you’ve been missed

don’t worry I got you I got you come on

y’all for 60 seconds Let There Be A

Chorus a symphony of prayer that we

bring out to our God lord Jesus we ask




the mix

there is power

in the name of Jesus


there’s power

in the name of Jesus

Break Every Chain

Break Every Chain Break Every Chain

father I thank you that we can boldly

approach your throne and that we can ask

you for something as bold as healing

Lord I ask you right now in Jesus name

for every cell in our bodies that is not

under the authority of Jesus Christ I

pray right now in Jesus name that you

would realize every misplaced cell in

Jesus name I pray for organs to begin to

function at 100 capacity again in Jesus

name Lord I pray for tumors to shrink in

Jesus name Lord I pray for x-rays to be

completely different in Jesus name for

tests Lord to be negative that we’re

positive in Jesus name father I pray

that you would heal broke bodies take

away the pain Lord diminish the

difficulty father and make it be so

radical that everybody has to point to

you to give you the glory and the praise

I pray for broken hearts to be mended

tonight father wipe tears for their eyes

their eyes restore them Lord from this

grief or this betrayal or this lost Lord

walk with them through the Flames

restore physical fractured Minds Lord

and do it for your own Glory we give you

our healing we entrust it to you in

Jesus name everybody agreed with me

tonight when they said amen


thank you



just in case you were wondering prayer

is not like the stuff we do before we

get to the good stuff

prayer is the good stuff


you might not actually be aware of it

but this is actually what you came for

you you might not even know this is what

you came for I’m telling you it’s what

you came for

this is the good stuff right here


just one more little category that I

think we just must pray for together

let’s pray for the church

pray for the church

let’s pray for I mean y’all this

opportunity to pray together

in this place where we’re together

across lines that would normally divide


whether they’re denominational lines or

racial lines or cultural lines or

geographical lines just because we don’t

live in the same place so we don’t all

go to the same church stylistically with

worship sometimes you go to that church

because you like that style we go to

this church because we like that style

of it divides us not not bad necessarily

not negatively but it divides us and

here we are in this place where you know

the only time in scripture where God

commanded a blessing is in the Psalms

where he said in that place where

Brethren or sister in dwell together in

unity he says in that place I will

command that there will be a blessing


so here we are

in a place where we’ve gathered across

lines that might normally divide us

we’re United in this place no matter how

different we may be and in this place

y’all tonight we’re underneath an open

Heaven the commanded blessing of God is

upon us so why wouldn’t we milk it for

all it’s worth and ask God to drench the

Church of Jesus Christ and listen when I

say Church

I’m not just talking about your little

little sea church I’m grateful for your

local church we’re going to pray for

your pastor we’re going to pray for his

wife we’re going to pray for the

leadership team we’re going to ask that

the Lord put a wall of fire around them

so that we they would not be caught up

in the snares of the enemy to entice

them toward immorality

or financial under dealings that will

undermine the name of our great Lord

we’re gonna ask God to give him

integrity and let them walk in character

and wholeness and health we’re going to

ask for a fresh outpouring of God’s

spirit upon your local church we’re

going to ask God to let your church be

so set a fire with his glory that the

community around you can’t help but come

into that church to see

what’s happening in those four walls

but we can’t stop there

we gotta pray for the capital c Global

Body of Christ

that all of God’s people will be set of

fire y’all that Revival would come in

this generation because he said If my


who were called by my name listen he’s

like you don’t even have to have to

evangelize necessarily for this promise

to take place you don’t need a whole

bunch of new folk he said if the folk

that are already claiming they know me

if they would just pray

if they would for real seek my face if

they’d stop messing around and just go

ahead and be for Real about calling out

to me he says I will hear from heaven

and I’ll sweep Revival through this

whole land

so I figure tonight this is the greatest

opportunity as any right in the middle

The Heart of the City to go ahead and

just ask God would you picture in your

mind your your local church would you

picture your pastor would you picture

the leadership team there would you

picture that family in particular if you

see you ask the Lord to put a wall of

fire around him

come on just for 60 seconds pray for

outpouring of God’s spirit on your



so Lord we lift up the body of Christ to


in every corner of the globe and I ask

you right now for every local church

that is represented in this room I pray

father no matter the tribe no matter the

tongue Lord no matter the denomination

no matter the worship style I pray that

in every case Lord we would not be

pleased to impress people but that we

would impress the audience of one Lord I

pray that you would be glorified that

you would be lifted up Lord I pray for

every Pastor his wife father the

leadership team at that church Lord I

pray right now in Jesus name that you

would guard them with a hedge of

protection wall them up father so that

they will not be ensnared by the attacks

of the enemy Lord I pray that where he

is coming in like a flood you would push

him back lord so that the Gates of Hell

will not Prevail against the Church of

Jesus Christ we ask you for integrity

Lord to Mark the leadership of your

church Lord we pray that you will be so

highly esteemed and highly lifted up

that we will be like a city that is set

on a hill that will pronounce the map

Restless name of Jesus Christ and then

father I pray that all across the globe

we will come together in unity forgive

us father where we have been divided

where we have judged and we have

criticized father so that the enemy has

been so pleased to see God’s people

divided from this day forward Lord help

us to love one another father and in

doing so bring glory to your name we

honor you tonight Lord it is in Jesus

name that we pray amen

amen amen

y’all remember

y’all remember that one part of the Lion

King I’ve been thinking about this today

because the Lion King’s next door

y’all remember that one part The Lion

King where symbols thinking he’s all big

and bad now because he’s got a little

bit bigger in the hyenas are there and

they’re like are you for real little boy

he’s little teeny and he comes up to him

and he’s like

and they’re like

and he’s like wow

and they’re like seriously that’s not

gonna do anything he tries it again wow

and they’re just laughing hysterically

all over the place because they’re like

this little teeny Cub of a lion can’t do

anything to us and Simba’s so upset he

can’t believe that he’s not threatening

them or intimidating them at all he’s

going to give it one more try and so he

opens up his mouth to Roar and it is the

loudest most profound Roar even Simba is

shocked that he created such a loud

noise and the hyenas go scampering away

because there’s a valiant that has come

to to this young Cub that even he was

not aware that he had he did not know

that his father Mufasa was coming up in

the rear he was standing behind Simba so

that he could help to scare away the

enemy and here’s what I’m saying when

you pray no longer is it just you trying

to attack the enemy with your little

wimpy sad self but now you’ve got the

power of almighty God who is fighting on

your behalf

thank you


and I’m just saying


God before you


can be a kiss