Do you know that God will lead you into battles that you can not win without him? He will lead you to buy buildings you can not afford without a miracle. “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart, will bring forth good things.” (Matthew 12:35). In Possessing Your Mountain by Dr. Bill Winston, you will discover that your destiny is planted in your heart by the deposits of the word of God you sow into it. God influences what you can do and have by the thoughts He gives you to think. When God gives you something to do, He is going to equip you with His ability and He wants you to use it. He gave us His Word to speak and to create; and to rule and control circumstances and situations. In Possessing Your Mountain, you will gain the revelation that you are here not only to dominate, but to bring this earth back under the rulership of the Kingdom of God. Ordering Information: BW 2155-2 Live By Timeless Faith part of the “Possessing Your Mountain Vol. 3” series Series Number 470…

ANNOUNCER: The Believers’ Walk
of Faith is paid for by Bill

Winston Ministries
partners and viewers.

ANNOUNCER: Up next on the
Believer’s Walk of Faith…

BILL: It time for you to get
out of that place where

you’ve been in, you’ve
been in that too long,

you’ve been going through
and going through it’s time for

you to say, Nope, no more. I’m
going up to that dimension. And

the enemy won’t touch me, my
family, my businesses, my cars,

my houses, my airplanes. He
won’t touch nothing.

BILL: We need miracles. Now,
Jesus came as a miracle

worker. You can see
that over in John chapter

21 in verse 25. It says,
he worked so many

miracles until even you had
all, if you had all the books in

the world, they couldn’t hold
the miracles that he worked.

That tells me he was working a
miracle a minute. Now, my point

to you is he wasn’t working them
for himself. He was working the

miracles for other people. Now,
two things. Mainly, he wanted to

show the miracles. One, he
wanted to show that this God

that he represented is the
Almighty God and that he could

fix anything. Now, just show you
this today if they have it back

there, my friend David Oyedepo,
Bishop Oyedepo, one of his

people. And they had an elbow
where they had a ins- piece put

in it so that they could flex
the elbow. But then they heard

about Jesus, I’m sure, and the
miracle power that Jesus has

that was the same yesterday,
today, and forever. And

what did they do? That he went
to sleep one night and then woke

up the next morning and the
elbow piece was laying on the

side of his bed and his elbow
completely healed. No trace of

stitches, no nothing. I’m
talking about the God we serve.

He can leave no trace in
your body that you’ve ever had

surgery. I’m saying the God that
we serve. Do you hear what I’m

saying? Don’t let the, the word
and the report of this world be

the last report. God’s got a
good report for everybody in

here. I don’t care what bad
report you have received, God’s

got a good report. He can undo
anything the devil has done and

he can make good anything that
the devil has ruined. I’m set.

Lord have mercy. Let me keep
going, let me keep going. I got

a ways to go. And so now follow
this, that God, see, say it.

Huh? That sound like the Baptist
church. Say it. I was raised

Baptist. The best way to lead
anybody is by influence. So God

influences what we can do and
influences us into what we can

have by what he gives us to
think. I’ll try that again. He

influences us what we can do.
Let’s stop there, by what he

gives us to think. Now remember,
you get your thoughts from

somewhere. Now, a lot of times
our thoughts are self-generated

because we’ve experienced
something before and we just do

what we’ve experienced. But if’s
new territory, you are gonna get

your thoughts from somewhere.
In other words, you are not

sovereign. So you are not an
originator of thoughts. They

came from somewhere and it’s
either one side or the other.

And God says over Isaiah 55
verse 8, my thoughts, come on.

Are not your thought. That
means that he’s got to do some

thinking for you. So he tells
me, buy that shopping mall. That

was not my thought, but he gave
me also the what to think to get

it done. Folks, the difference
between one person and another

is what they think. Try it.
That’s the biggest difference.

And so I had to think bigger
thoughts over in, uh, who was

that that said, uh, oh Lord,
bless me indeed, the Lord’s my

territory. Jabez, Jabez figured
out that his thinking wasn’t big

enough. And when you are
thinking is not big enough, then

you drive in a car that may be
several years old. That’s all

right. But all the lights are
on, the amber lights on, the red

light’s on, the handle on the
passenger side don’t work. You,

you follow what I’m saying? See,
and you go on up and then pretty

soon you’ll take the plastic off
the sofa. Let me come back over

here now, I’m just saying it’s,
it’s right up here. When I was

raised, they call it the front
room. Watch this. And I couldn’t

go in there. Okay? When that
couch wears out, throw it out

and then go get yourself a
couch. Now, now, now listen,

listen, I, I know I’m not
putting pressure on anybody.

Just get your faith together and
come on up and I’ll agree with

you for a new couch. I’ll stand
in agreement with you. One you

want. Excuse me, want, okay?
Alright. Now, where am I now? So

he gives you what to think. See,
he can tell you what to do. So

he says feed him. And so when he
does that, he’ll give you what

to think. Or he, here’s Peter
seeing Jesus walking on water.

If that’s you, bid me to come
to you in the water, Jesus said,

well come. And what did he do?
He got outta the boat and walked

on the water to go to Jesus.
But when he took his eye off of

Jesus, stop thinking, God starts
and start looking at the waves

and so forth and what’s going on
around him and so forth and so

on. And his mind got
preoccupied. The next thing he

stood, he started to sick and
he cried out, Jesus saved me and

Jesus pulled him back up. So I’m
just saying with us now, it’s

about our thoughts. So he said,
be not conform. Come on through

this world, but be ye
transformed by thee renewing of

your mind. You know, I had to
tell people over in Matthew

chapter 12 and verse 35,
notice what he says over

here. Watch this. 12 and 35.
Now this is one of

my favorite pieces right
here. Ready, read.

(Congregation reading scripture)

Stop right there. Now your
treasure is your saint deposit.

See, a good man out
of the good deposit brings

forth what? Good thing.
And over in, uh, I think

it’s Mark chapter 4 verse
24. He said, take heeded what

you hear. See, because
people can hear the wrong thing

and you hear the wrong thing
somebody’s gonna make a deposit

in your heart. And when they do
that and it grows up inside of

you, that becomes your belief
system. So you then believe that

somebody can stop you from
reaching your destiny. And the

truth is, your destiny is in
your heart. And when you bring

it forth, nobody can stop you
from bringing forth what God has

put inside of you but you. So
you gotta watch your mouth.

Well, the man is keeping me
down. Your lips are keeping you

down. What’s keeping you down
is your big mouth. And what you

need to do is shut it and come
listen to the Word of God so

that you can go somewhere that
other people can’t go. Boy, I’m

preaching now. Sit down.
Alright, so let’s go to the next

section. Next section is this,
is to revelation for the

breakthrough. Lord have mercy.
I said, Lord have mercy. Now,

watch, watch me on this. Watch
me on this. Alright. Uh, okay.

You know when you let people say
they get all excited, they be

talking any kind of talk.
You know? Now, that’s alright.

That’s all right. But, but this
is good. This is good. I, I’d

rather have you like that than
coming here and everything’s

dead. You know me. You, you
can’t wait to get out. What time

is it? You ain’t gonna look at
your watch up in here because

I’m gonna read your mail.
Alright? Okay. Now hear this,

I’m gonna read your mail.
Alright? Okay. Now hear this,

I’m gonna put it in a way that
you can understand it. When,

when you depend only on this
earth source or supplies, then

you stay in the place of bondage
to time. Now stay with me now,

we going have to unfold this for
you. He gave you dominion over

how much of the earth. All
of it. That means that that

includes time, space, and
matter. Those three. Time is a

law. Faith is a law, but it’s
a higher law than time. Faith

dictates the time. Do you hear
what I’m saying? And so whenever

you are just looking at the
Earth’s supply and resources,

then you remain in time. See?
And when you remain in time, you

remain pretty much under the
control of the God of this

world. Who is that? Satan.
Alright, so I gotta get out his

control and he can’t control me
except I stay in time. So I need

to get out of time. The things
that I plan to do, I gotta make

sure that I’m not in time. So
when it’s time for the Joseph of

Business School and Delores and
Ray came to me and I said, this

is what I want you to do, go
away and tell me how long it’s

gonna take to do that. They came
back, they said, pastor, we’ve

done all the research. Take
one to two years. I said, let me

pray about it. I go pray about
it. God said, tell ’em it’ll

take two months. Why? Because he
gotta get it out of time. See,

don’t ever give the devil time.
No, no, no. You can’t give him

time. He’ll stretch your time
out. You give him time and he’ll

stretch it out for you. There’s
a lot of people that died

waiting on time. And you don’t
need to wait on time because

that, that enemy uses time to
run you outta time. I won’t mind

now. Don’t give yourself time.
This is the key. You can’t give

yourself time. Don’t give it
time. If God tells you to do

something, watch him tell you to
do something and won’t give you

enough time, that’s the first
thing you’re gonna say. It’s not

enough time to do this. Why? He
wants you out of time. You are

going up to the fourth
dimension. The fourth dimension

has no time. Lord have mercy.
Here’s what David said. He said

when he came up there and notice
the enemy is trying to put him

in time through Saul. He said
over in one Samuels chapter 17

in verse 33, it, David’s coming
up to fight Goliath. He had

volunteered to the king Saul.
He’s gonna fight him. And Saul

said, well, here’s my armor. Put
my armor on you. Now what is he

doing? He’s seducing him into
time. He said, put my, how long

has this thing been going on
over there in Ukraine? A year?

How long was going on
Afghanistan before that? I’m

telling you, 20 years. I’m
telling you what he’ll do, he’ll

stretch his time out. And as
much time as they got and we’re

sending him money over there, I-
listen, I’m saying we’re sending

him money, but they’re spending,
we’re sending over a hundred

billion so far. And, and they,
and the enemy’s got that thing

going. All he got to do is keep
it going. But if a believer can

come on the scene and say
tomorrow about this time, the

angels are gonna come and put an
end to this war and you can do

that. Say amen. And I’m saying
you gotta think the fourth

dimension. See, they can’t get
there. No un unsafe person can

get in the fourth dimension.
That’s why in the third

dimension you gotta compete.
But in the fourth dimension you

dominate. It’s a whole different
life. Say amen. You don’t need

to wait the 30 years to pay off
that mortgage. Are you kidding

me? You got the Holy Ghost, you
got the blood, you got the name,

you got angels, you got the Word
of God. You can have it paid off

next week, next week if you only
believe. Don’t let people around

you who don’t know nothing about
God ain’t been to church since I

don’t know when and ain’t even
saved. Don’t let them tell you

what you got to do and how you
got to do it. You step back and

get into that fourth dimension
mentality and say tomorrow about

this time my mortgage is going
to be wiped clean. Praise God.

That’s what I’m talking about.
It’s time for you to stop taking

all them instructions from your
unsaved aunt. She don’t know

nothing about Jesus. I’m saying
you listen to God, he’ll tell

you how long it’s going to take.
We were trying to get outta that

house we were in and every time
we saved some money it’ll be

used up. The devil was keep
stealing ’cause I had it in

time. And then I went on a three
day fast, ask my wife, and I

came outta that fast. God said,
decree what you want. I said,

we’ll be moving in seven days
and get this, in seven days we

were out, and we’ve been trying
to get out for months. I’m

telling you, I don’t know what
you’ve been trying to do, but

this is the last day you will
have to try to do. Woo hoo! Sit

this is the last day you will
have to try to do. Woo hoo! Sit

down. This is fourth dimension
preaching. I’m not preaching

down here bout Mary had a little
lamb. I ain’t preaching that,

I’m preaching that you had
everything you need. I’m

preaching that your mortgage
is paid off. I’m preaching your

school loan is paid in full. I’m
preaching that you own half the

block. Is it the right crowd I’m
talking to? Sit down. So y’all

block. Is it the right crowd I’m
talking to? Sit down. So y’all

got me preaching too hard. Now,
I didn’t mean to preach this,

but that’s what you need. We are
moving to another level. We’ve

been down there long enough. Am
I saying to you right now things

are about to change in all your
life. Here’s what he said over

in Amos chapter 9 and 13.
This is what he said in the uh,

message translation. In the
message translation. He says,

things are about to happen so
fast, it’s gonna make your head

swim. So when you praise God,
you are, you are praising him in

advance. You see when, when
Jonah was in that wale’s belly.

Somebody said, pastor, that was
a big fish. They said, well big

fish then. But when he was in
the belly of that thing and he

was in that belly, he was belly
aching and that’s where they get

the term from, I believe. He was
busy belly aching. Jonah chapter

2. And he said they that
observed lying vanities are

gonna forsake their own mercy.
But he didn’t get out. He kept

complaining about how bad things
were and didn’t get out. But all

of a sudden he came to himself.
And you know when you get in a

tight place sometime you can
come to yourself. Here was the

prodigal son over there. And
while he had some money, he

didn’t come to himself. But when
he got outta money and started

feeding hogs, he came to
himself. And I believe somebody

in here about to come to
themselves. I believe you down

there in that pigpen feeding
them hogs and you about to come

to yourself. That’s all right,
at least you came to yourself.

And here’s what he did. He start
praising God. And the next thing

you know, the fish spit him out.
I’m telling you, it’s time for

you to be spit out. It’s time
for you to get out of that place

where you’ve been in. You’ve
been in there too long, you’ve

been going through and going
through. It’s time for you to

say, Nope, no more. I’m going up
to that dimension and the enemy

won’t touch me, my family, my
businesses, my cars, my houses,

my airplanes. He won’t touch
nothing. Boy, I’m preaching bad.

Sit down. Now here’s Paul. Paul
and Silas are in jail. They’d

been beat. They put in jail.
Didn’t bother Paul because Paul

was the fourth dimension man.
So he is in jail and it said at

midnight, what is midnight?
Midnight is the worst time of

your life. I mean the devil
has thrown everything at you,

including the kitchen sink. And
you are going through like never

before. But instead of aching,
they start praying and then

begin to do what? Praise God.
And they broke the law of time.

Come on now, you about to break
the law of time. I better say it

again. You about to break the
law of time over your finance.

You about to break the law of
time over your healing. You

about to break the law of time.
Give God a praise for that. I’m

breaking the law of time. You
gonna break it right now. Come

on, give him praise and watch
the law be broke. Come

on, give Him praise. Whatever
you’ve been waiting on, give

praise for that and
break the law of time.

BILL: Well, praise the Lord.
I trusted you enjoyed

that teaching. Now what
this is all about, it’s about

living in the fourth dimension.
Now three dimensional living is

time, space, and matter that
we live in those laws. In other

words, you’ve gotta wait on
something, a flower to grow or

you’ve got to wait on uh, a
paycheck to come and so forth.

That’s 3D living. We’re not
living there anymore. By faith,

we’re going up another notch and
praise God, another level to 4D

living. Now this 4D living,
I’m telling you, you’re gonna

operate on the level of the
creator. Meaning that this is

where God wants us to be. He
wants us to be able to do things

that he’s doing. You know,
the Bible says that we should

imitate God. Well that’s where
you gonna do it. You gonna do it

by faith operating in 4D,
you better get ready ’cause

something about to happen
here. I’m telling you, get that

teaching, pick it up today, go
through it and watch the Holy

Spirit speak to you and
teach you and show you how to do

things on a whole nother level.
Folks, it’s where peace is. It’s

where joy is. It’s where, uh,
you can expect something

to happen and it will. Isn’t
that good? Well,

this is Bill Winston.
We gonna see you

next time. Until then, keep
walking by Faith.

ANNOUNCER: Blessed by today’s
message, order Possessing

Your Mountain volume III in
its entirety. To receive

the full three-part series
available on CD or MP3, on DVD

or MP4. To order contact us
at 1-800-711-9327 or online at In Possessing
Your Mountain volume III, you

will discover that your destiny
is planted in your heart by the

deposits of the Word of God
you sow into it. God gave us his

Word to speak and to
create and to rule

and control circumstances
and situations. Get

your copy of this
powerful teaching.

ANNOUNCER: Operation
10 City is a 10 city campaign,

empowering communities
of people across challenge

metropolitan cities throughout
the U.S. restoring home,

providing resources, and
imparting entrepreneurial

education. Operation 10
City features a free

two day mega event.
Greatness Unlocked with

programming for youth and next
generation leaders, business

owners, and entrepreneurs
centered on community outreach,

business and entrepreneurship
and faith. Operation 10 City has

impacted thousands to date in
St. Louis, Detroit, Cleveland,

and Los Angeles with a singular
vision to inspire people and

communities to access true
economic prosperity and

self-sufficiency through wealth
building and ownership.

FEMALE: It’s a lot of
single parents like myself

that’s doing everything
by they self and this

actually is a big help. In
these days and times

the way it is in this world
today, it is very hard,

you know, and people are doing
what they can to take what

they have to make it. FEMALE:
Some of us are like swamped in

bills and in in property taxes
and in, this is excellent, we

appreciate the blessing. FEMALE:
Today I am here because I would

love to expunge my record. I
have made several mistakes at a

young age. Me having my record
expunged will be the most

powerful impactment in my life
because I plan on getting in my

CDL so I can be a truck
driver. I have a future.

MALE: Hi, I’m Robert
Alexander Cage and I

just won $10,000 here
at Operation 10 City.

FEMALE: I’m Rio Wilson
for Cutting Edge Global,

and the church just won
$20,000 here at Operation

10 City. MALE: If you are the
most informed person on a topic,

wealth will find you because
someone will need you to do

something only you can do. MALE:
And you’re gonna expand. You’re

gonna grow. There’s a difference
between a fixed mindset and a

growth mindset. FEMALE: I
believe God gives us all, all

something. My gift was this
recipe. When I became the first

minority supplier for Denny’s,
how I did that was, I was,

perseverance, and I believe that
is very important. And I’m here

to let you know that anything
the mind can conceive, as we

know, can manifest through hard
work, perseverance, and faith.

BILL: And you’re gonna be 10
times better than the best that

the world can produce. This is
your season. MALE: The vision is

when you see on the inside
versus what you see on the

outside, and you chase it. MALE:
That God is a part of every area

of my life and things that I do.
He wants to make sure you’re

always on the right track. You
give God access to all your

life, not just part of it.
FEMALE: When I came here, I felt

the presence of God. It was so
powerful when praise and worship

started I just felt the
anointing. And if you’re looking

for change and you just wanna
change your life, this is a

place to come when they come to
your city. BILL: This is your

day. No, no, this is your day.
This is your day. Do you receive

that? Give him your best shout.
MALE: Come out to something

free that will better your life.

ANNOUNCER: The mission of Bill
Winston Ministries is to preach

the Gospel of the Kingdom
throughout the world. Thank you,

Bill Winston Ministry partners
and viewers for your continuous

support of The Believer’s Walk
of Faith Broadcast.

ANNOUNCER: The Believer’s Walk
of Faith is paid for by Bill

Winston Ministries partners
and viewers.