Have you ever felt like you were caught in the middle of a storm? There are painful moments, opportunities to be hurt, and outsiders who have an explanation for why you may be going through these hard times. Pastor Bianca Olthoff reminds us that we may not know the WHY, but we must trust the WHO. While in Acts 27-28, Paul experienced a snake while on the island of Malta but ends up healing those with the same hands he experienced. We pray this message helps you find the purpose in your pain. Scripture References Acts 27:20-26 NIV Acts 27:35 NLT Acts 28:1-8 NIV Acts 28:9a NIV Acts 28:8b NIV Join us for service online every Sunday at 11am (CST), Monday’s for Monday Night Prayer at 6pm (CST), and Tuesday’s for Rebroadcast at 6:45 pm (CST). If you received Christ through this message, text SAVED to 82828. We would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry! Tell us your story by emailing [email protected]! If you would like to support TC financially you can give through the TC app, or online through our website by clicking here https://transformchurch.us/give/

. You can also text “GIVE” to 828282 to give using your mobile device. If you need prayer, email [email protected]! For more information about Transformation Church, visit transformchurch.us or follow us on our social media platforms below. Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/wearetransf…

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00:00 – Intro 07:10 – Acts chapter 27 verses 20 through 26 NIV 12:23 – Acts chapter 27 verse 24 NIV 17:33 – We may not know the WHY, but we must trust the WHO 18:43 – Acts chapter 27 verse 23 NIV 23:41 – Acts chapter 27 verse 35 NIV 25:52 – Acts chapter 28 verse 1 NIV 27:54 – Acts chapter 28 verse 2 NIV 30:51 – Acts chapter 28 verse 3 NIV 32:32 – Acts chapter 28 verse 4 NIV 32:00 – Acts chapter 28 verse 5 NIV 35:42 – Acts chapter 28 verse 6 NIV 37:46 – Acts chapter 28 verse 7 NIV 39:03 – Acts chapter 28 verse 8 NIV 39:25 – Stay and serve 39:41 – Acts chapter 28 verse 9a NIV 40:13 – Acts chapter 28 verse 8b NIV 40:29 – Find purpose in the pain 42:00 – Use your hands for healing 42:38 – Acts chapter 28 verse 9a NIV

hi my name is Amberly and I have the

privilege of serving as one of our

executive pastors here at Transformation

Church we just want to say thank you so

much for tuning in from wherever you are

watching from and if you haven’t already

be sure to like And subscribe we believe

that God has a word for you so let’s

jump into this amazing message


family it is so good to be here but I

need you to just remain Sandy remain on

your feet I want to give honor where

honors do what Pastor Brie didn’t tell

you is that yes I came to play and I am

saved until I step my foot onto a court

but Pastor Brie in a final hour beat us

because I played with her husband Aaron

beat us by one point

so I gotta honor the woman of God Pastor

Brie who will be preaching next week

but first and foremost I want to thank

pastors Mike and Natalie the entire TC

leadership team pastoral team volunteers

for serving so beautifully this

community and also around the globe what

an honor and privilege it is to be here

you can go ahead and grab your seat as

we open up the word of God I know that

Pastor Brie had mentioned that I

I’ve been here four times and it’s crazy

to me it’s crazy to me so when I say

family it’s not something that I’m

saying Just for kicks and giggles I’m

saying family because we are

when I look at you and when I see what

God is doing in this space and place

when I get reconnected with familiar

people whether in California where I’m

from or or here it literally is a

testament to God’s goodness and his


and the reason why I think that we have

an inordinate love for each other is

because when I look at you I can see you

and salute you because we’re the type of


who when we fall down

we get back up

in fact Proverbs says it this way

Proverbs 24 16 says though the righteous

falls seven times they get back up eight

this is what I see when I look at this

community and I’m passionate about this

because if there’s one thing that you

know about me I’m just a girl that won’t

give up okay uh a quick story that I

think could help articulate everything

that I learned about me before I knew

this about me was my junior year of high

school junior year of high school I was

captain of The Varsity track team which

is a rarity because it’s usually for

seniors but I was given this title I was

very excited and there it is our season

Invitational opener all the schools from

the county were invited this was kind of

like you know you gotta see each other

you got to size each other up who’s good

who’s not who do you got to keep your

eye on well as team captain I was very

excited that my race and my heat was the

very first competition of the entire day

there was a whole Arena that was full of

people and I decided that I was called I

was anointed to run the 330 hurdles now

thank you for the one person that

laughed in the back yeah see see what

what a 5-2 Mexican should not do is jump

over aluminum things while sprinting but

see I had a mother who was a woman of

God and said and drilled into our minds

that you could do all things through

Christ who gives you strength and so I

said I could do this well in our league

there was a school that had a pair of

sisters uh friendisha and Aisha

sisters if you know what I’m saying one

was to the right of me in my heat and

one was to the left of me in my heat

undeterred by their stature of I don’t

know five seven eight related to Goliath

compared to my five two stature

undeterred I get into my starting blocks

the official shouts off the gun and all

of us are out of the starting block

we’re excited and I’m actually pacing

really well hurdle one

hurdle two cleared I’m feeling real good

about myself because I still see that

I’m ahead of the pack until all of a

sudden as I am approaching hurdle three

I did the Fatal flaw that coach Julia

said never to do coach Julia always told

all the hurdles you never looked to the

right never looked to the left you have

to run the race ahead of you but did I

listen to coach Julia no because I see a

runner come up on me on my wing and I

did the thing that you should never do I

took my eyes off of my lane and what

happened was it messed with my speed it

messed with my Cadence it messed with my

Approach and the tip of my knee caught

the top of the hurdle I kind of stumbled

but undeterred because I am a conqueror

in Christ thank you mother I made it to

hurdle four but I didn’t have the speed

the inertia and the momentum that I

needed and so this time my entire knee

caught the hurdle and I stumbled and

fell to the ground I had two people pass

me but I said I’m I’m still going to get

up and I’m still gonna place in this

heat I know I can make it so I get up

and I approach hurdle five but I fall

over it again hurdle six and fall over

it again hurdle seven at this point my

knees are bruised my shins are bloody

like I’m limping to hurdle eight that I

fall over and hurdle nine that I fall

over and by the time that I limp to

hurdle 10 I pick up my left leg I’m

straddle the hurdle I am crying there’s

blood everywhere I pick up my leg and I

put it over the hurdle and I limp to the

finish line

the auditorium is silent the arena is

quiet no one is saying anything except

this one lone Clapper

I I wanted to cry and just say please

stop you’re making it worse and you know

the most painful and annoying thing for

a 17 year old is all the attention on

you and all of a sudden I hear an

ambulance wasting in the background they

put me on a gurney a gurney in front of


and they wheel me to the first aid

station I was mortified I’m the team

captain and out of the corner of my eye

running towards the first aid station I

see coach Julia

coach Julia ran up to me she cut my face

in her hands and she said I am so proud

of you no matter what you didn’t quit

you ran your race

looking back thank you for the one lone

Clapper that was very kind very kind

looking back at that moment I know that

coach Julia wasn’t proud of me because I

won because I did it the heat behind me

like passed me you know I was mortified

I wanted the world to open up and

swallow me whole never to be seen again

but the reason why she was proud of me

was because I refused to give up she was

proud of me for choosing because it’s a

choice choosing not to quit and showing

grit what is grit grit is courage

resolve and strength of character if

you’re the note-taking type pull out

your Bibles your pins your highlighters

your notebooks because the title of our

time today is grit don’t quit

grit don’t quit turn within your Bibles

to Acts chapter 27. we’re gonna be

camping there and I’m gonna warn you

right now that we do have a good chunk

of scripture that we’re going to go

through one thing about me is that I’m a

bona fide word nerd and I’m unashamed to

admit it so I will catch you up on all

your Bible reading that you might have

skipped this week but as you turn there

in your Bibles I want to give a little

bit of context at least set up the scene

so Paul the Apostle man of God that he

is he’s falsely accused and put on trial

but see what people didn’t realize at

the time is that they had messed with

the wrong man see Paul was a Roman

citizen and so when he went to trial he

had the ability to call an audience with

the most powerful man in the world

Caesar so he did and in order to get an

audience with Caesar he had to board a

boat full of prisoners to Rome

and as they are on their way they are

facing a little bit of treacherous

Waters and Paul decides that he’s going

to tell the captain and the crew listen

Captain I know you’re in charge this is

your ship but I don’t think that we

should do the rest of this journey in

fact I think that we are going to lose

cargo and and there’s things that and

possibly even lives that we might not

lose I don’t think we should go

but the captain didn’t listen to him and

guess what happened

they are in the middle of a Raging Sea

and there’s a storm that’s going on of

Epic Proportion and we are going to dive

into this portion of scripture right

here we’re going to jump into the middle

of Paul’s storm and if you’re here today

and you feel like you were in the middle

of a storm

get ready because you’re not alone

look at what

the the writer is giving us privy

information to starting in verse 20.

when neither Sun nor Stars appeared for

many days and the storm continued raging

I just have to pause for a second I’m a

step away from the word of God because I

love the details of the Bible that say

that the sun and the stars were gone

you should look at those details and

pause and wonder why did they mention

that because the sun and stars were

navigational tools to determine


and maybe you came in here today feeling


I’ve lost my way

I don’t know where I’m at I feel like

I’m the middle of a Raging Sea today if

you are without directions I believe

that we are going to learn a word from

Paul look at the rest of verse 20. we

finally gave up all hope of being saved

after they had gone a long time without

food Paul stood up before them and said

men you should have taken my advice not

to sail from Crete then you would have

spared yourselves this damage and loss

but now I urge you to keep up your

courage because not one of you will be

lost only the ship will be destroyed see

last night an angel of the lord of the

Lord to whom I belong and whom I serve

Stood Beside Me and said do not be

afraid Paul you must end trial before

Caesar and God has graciously given you

the lives of all who sail with you so

keep up your courage man for I have

faith in God it will happen if you

brought your Bible I want you to pause I

want you to highlight your Bible

underline your Bible where it says it

will happen if you didn’t bring your

Bible what I want you to do is turn to

the neighbor who did bring their Bible

and underline it for them it’s called

biblical graffiti I’m about it okay help

your neighbor out it will happen just as

he told me nevertheless we must run

aground on some Island

did you keep that did you did you see

what happened here did you keep Pace

with what’s going on with this biblical

Novella in verse 20 we see that the

storm kept raging and they were losing


scripture includes the details of the

amount of men that were on the boat

because that detail is going to come

back in matter but there’s over 270

people that are on this boat

and if you feel like you are in the

middle of a Raging Sea if you feel like

you’re in the middle of a windstorm and

there’s no end in sight you might have

feel like you want to toss in the towel

that you want to get off that you want

to quit that you want to stop

but let me tell you something right now

you might have think that you have lost


but the fact that you’re here

the fact that you were watching online

from around the world or in this

building it shows me that you haven’t

given up that there’s a shred in your

soul that refuses to back down where you

are saying there’s more in me though the

righteous fall seven times they will get

bad up because your soul knows your soul

your soul knows that if you are not dead

then God is not done and you are here

today in this venue you are here today

on YouTube you are listening on the

podcast however your friend dragged you

in from a bet that you lost last night I

don’t know how you’re here or how you

got here but what I do know is that God

has a word for you because Paul was

dropped into the middle of a storm and

this decision that he made not to quit

not to walk away but to hold on to faith

determine the destiny of what was ahead

Paul had grit not to quit look at verse

24 and the angel said do not be afraid

Paul you must can somebody say must

stand trial before Caesar and God has

graciously given you the lives of all

who sail with you oh

what I love is that Paul told the

captain hey don’t sail decrete don’t go

have you ever been in those situations

where you find yourself picking up and

cleaning up the mistakes of someone else

and you’re left to say why is this going


what I love is the humanity that we see

in Paul

because Paul holds the humanity of both

frustration and faith I love the

pettiness of Paul because he gets real

Petty here he’s like I told you I told

you not to do it and look where we are

we’re in the middle of a storm but as he

holds the frustrate the frustration and

the faith as we see here I want us to

have permission to be frustrated but not

to lose Faith listen to his frustration

in verse 21 he said if you would have

listened to me this wouldn’t have

happened but then he has Faith but

because of my God we will get to our


one isn’t answered here

is the why

did you catch that

the why is it answered and for me this

is incredibly hard because I was always

the why kid I was always the white kid

y’all could clean your room why Bianca

go to church why y’all can take a shower

why I just I need a legal dissertation

as to why I should do something that you

are asking me to do like like prove it

and as an adult

if I’m honest with you I’m still asking

some why questions in this season

why did this have to happen

why did my friend get cancer

why did they lose their job and their

house and their future

why did they walk away from the church

all the why questions why doesn’t my

wife love me anymore why isn’t my child

walking with the Lord

see in difficult moments like that I

love us church I do but sometimes we get

real good and fluent at a language

called christianese

you know christianese how are you doing

blessed highly favored God is good all

the time and all the time he’s good yeah


I had my Mana in the morning a praise

God we get real good at faking the funk

we get real good at slapping a Bible

verse over a bullet wound and pretending

that it’ll be okay Jeremiah 29 11 oh I

know that God has good things for me and

plans not for evil oh have you seen

Romans 8 28 on a on a mug or on a meme

on Instagram God will use all things

he’ll bring it together for good

and it’s true

but in that moment I don’t want some

regurger take regurgitated

stuff that you’ve read in vacation bible

school and you’re just trying to Dish

ditch me and move past and

and not empathize with the pain that I


yes I I know that God is good but give

me the reason

better get give me the reassurance that

this problem will end with a plan and

that this pain that I’m currently in it

will have a purpose

can I be honest with you Church

I didn’t want to teach this word because

I don’t feel like the word was ready

but I’m so convicted because this week I

realize that the storm that I’m in I’m

not alone

I know that there’s people in here where

you find yourself wondering and asking



I don’t want to hoard I don’t want to

spiritually like keep all of this to

myself and so I put aside the pretty

polished message that I prepared for

transformation the one with the

perfectly crafted jokes and the moment

where we get to dive into the word of

God and I just want us to be real in the

house of God

and so yes it’s hot girl summer and

women are teaching but I do have a

little reservation of getting to emo for

the house so if I get emotional sister

Jay gave me a little tissue for my issue

and we’re going to quickly move on right


if Paul if Paul was here with us today

I think as we will learn through his

story is that he will remind us that

whatever we’re in

no it has to happen

and when I say those words and when I

speak about the sovereignty of God

what’s that God’s in control of all we

speak about the sovereignty of God

sometimes we’re prone as as Christians

to dismiss the pain

and then we’re left to ask questions

like wait are you saying that God wanted

my husband to have cancer are you saying

that you wanted my business partner to

mismanage funds and now we’re pleading


are you saying that you wanted my loved

one to become addicted or for my sister

to have cancer

listen in a world that is searching for

answers that I humbly do not have

what I can bring you is not just

Biblical history or personal history

would I want to recalibrate your mind

and my mind it is though that we may not

know the why we have to hold on to the


you may not know the why but you have

got to know the who why is that that

rhymes and that’s cute okay no no I need

us to understand this because if we stay

in the why we’re prone to get bitter why

did this happen God why did I lose my

job why did my spouse have an affair why

am I still sick why am I still

overweight why am I still broken because

if we stay in the why we’re gonna get


but if we

focus on The Who

who will rescue me when I’m falling who

will forgive me when I fail who will see

me when I’m forlorn who will be for me

when the enemy is against me when we

focus on the who it is an act of


God not my will not my will it is your

will and I believe listen to me listen

to me I believe that in an act of

surrender it is in those moments that we

encounter God

oh back that up with scripture I’m so

glad that you said that every Theologian

standing behind YouTube criticizing

right now look at the next verse verse

23 says last night an angel of the Lord

to whom I belong and whom I serve I just

gotta pause for a second I know I know I

know there’s just so much in here all of

these could be separate Bible studies

but I love that Paul gives us a little

tidbit a little a moose bouge for free

he says the god to whom I belong and to

whom I serve what I believe is that we

have a lot of people that say I’m a

Christian I’m a Christian I’m a

Christian but they’re not serving in a

local expression of church I don’t want

to tee they’re on legalism here all I’m

saying is really easy to say I go to

Transformation Church because I watch

one sermon every six weeks I don’t give

I don’t tithe I’m not in a belong group

I belong but do you serve Paul the

Apostle says I belong and I serve this

is my clique my crew and my God we roll

together surrender is saying not I will

but your will God Paul is saying wait

time out their angel of the Lord

appeared to me and I belong to him and I

serve him and he Stood Beside Me

sometimes in moments of crisis

in moments especially in what feels like


these are the moments where we can

quietly hear the still voice of a good


don’t miss the detail of this in the

middle of a storm an angel appears to

Paul with a word now I’m not saying I

wore all white to look like an angel but

I do have a word okay so I hope you

appreciate the white suit right now

because I believe I believe I believe

that you may not know the why but I pray

to God you know the who God I don’t know

why this is going on but I believe God

that you are good I don’t know why this

is happening Paul is now looking at the

men and saying but an angel came to me

an angel came to me and told me in verse

26 we have to run the ship of ground

you ever had those moments it doesn’t

make sense but you know what you have to

do in 2019 uh prior to prior to 2019 I

was going into prisons and jails and

resourcing the incarcerated bringing the

word of God so excited about what God

was doing in the jails and prisons

around the nation and so when we started

the father’s house Orange County to me

it was like a no-brainer we got to start

a prison campus and so our first year as

a church we launched our very for our

second campus in a prison so excited

about the testimonies that were coming

out the lives that were being

transformed the Salvation that was

coming out I mean it was a pop in campus

it was amazing and then covet happened

and it was literally overnight where the

venue that we had hosted life change and

salvation and worship and invested 75

000 into this campus was gone and it

wasn’t the money for me it was the fact

that we couldn’t say goodbye to any of

the inmates we couldn’t hug them we

couldn’t tell them where we were going

we could tell them nothing and to me I

was left asking questions god did did we

not hear you

how did we get this so wrong

see that’s just one moment of a why but

what’s yours

what did you come in here with with your


are you scratching your head over and

saying God why is this happening listen

friend I don’t know your why but I’m

asking you to choose your who and I’m

not trying to brush by this and say oh

this isn’t scary this is okay no no

being in the storm is scary I’m there

it’s terrifying

but what I am saying is to put your

faith your frustrations and your fear in

the hands of a good father who says I am

for you

you may not see it right now but there’s

work for you to do and Paul tells them

listen y’all we’re gonna make it we’re

gonna make it but it’s not gonna be on

this boat

it’s not gonna look the way that you

think it’s gonna look and during my life

right now the storms that are brewing in

my life I feel like Paul is looking at

me in the face saying hey B B we’re

gonna make it it’s just not gonna look

the way that you want it to look

I want to be your Paul today and I want

to tell you you will survive this storm

that you’re in you might feel lost it

might be dark you might have lost your

way but trust me Saint trust me son and

daughter of God God will not leave you

alone to be lost at sea I don’t know the

why but I am trusting in the who there

is something in the works now this is me

personally in in chapter 27 and verses

33 and 34 we’re not going to read them

but Paul tells them okay we’re going to

run into the ground and I know we’ve all

been terrified we haven’t eaten for two

weeks 14 days scriptures say so I want

to make sure that y’all eat so we

survive and I read this and I’m like

bless God Paul is a stress eater okay I

empathize with him yeah and not only is

this stress eater he totally co-signs on

carbs let me prove this and look at

verse 34. then he took some bread gave

thanks to the to God before them all and

broke off of peace and aided he’s yo had

some bread he says Jesus says he’s a

bread of life I co-sign on these carbs

all right and you know some of you are

really struggling because you’ve been

keto so long you look like a toothpick

and you’re like tweaking at the sound of

bread you know I’ma tell you maybe you

just need to eat a cheeseburger after

church you know what I’m saying don’t

get a lettuce wrap a little bread never

hurt nobody it’s all I’m saying just a


carbs lead to inflammation Bianca I know

Susan thank you but sometimes sometimes

we can have a little bit just just a

little because Paul’s telling them Yo

you need some strength

Paul’s telling him it’s gonna be okay it

will happen Paul said it will happen and

Friends it did so I want us to get very

bold very brave and very comfortable

with saying what Paul said

can somebody please fill this space

online in this room holler back on the

treadmill or in your car and say it will



I’m gonna finish college it will happen

my marriage is going to stay intact

somebody shout back it will happen

my joy will return somebody shout back

it will happen

my child is going to come back to Faith

say it will happen

the church and the assaults that have

come up against the church and people

trying to destroy the church guess what

if nothing will prevail against the soot

the steady the solid the sure-footed

church because it will happen

the health that you’ve been waiting for

and begging God for you keep on this

trajectory somebody shout back it will


I want us to get a real comfortable

family I want us to get real comfortable

with getting bold and Brazen with our

faith I’m tired of seeing so many

Christians walk around feebly like

Eeyore I don’t know what’s happening I’m

so sad pick your head up right now it’s

gonna happen it’s Rocky we’re in a storm

we don’t know what’s going on but pick

yourself up because it’s gonna happen

it’s not gonna be easy

but it’s gonna happen look at verse 1 of

chapter 28 just jump down one verse one

safely on Shore we found out that the

island was called


I’m gonna pause for a second let me be a

word in our family for those that love

Bible words and geek out with me my

mentors like Bianca people don’t like

details the way you do you’re gonna love

them today okay because whoever thinks

that God doesn’t have jokes it’s

hilarious the Bible is full of irony and

I love it because the name of the island

was called what

Malta the name Malta means Refuge I need

every saint every godmother every Church

mother to start waving a hanky right now

and praising the Lord because if you’re

in the middle of a storm I’ve declare I

prophesy I believe that there is

Immortal waiting for you that there is a

refuge that God has it doesn’t make

sense you can’t see it it looks like

you’re gonna crash and burn but I’m

gonna testify that there is a Malta

waiting for you

there is a refuge waiting for you what

his Refuge it is a shelter a condition

of being safe of danger so I know not

all of us have great vivid imaginations

I read my Bible like a Biblical Novella

so I know I have to bring that to you

right now on the screen is a picture of


on the screen this is actual Malta I

mean that looks like a vacation spot to

me okay like Paul are you crying right

now like this is amazing but I found

this picture of this boat to give us a

visual that quite possibly something

like this of a bulb was crashing in to

these rocks they had to run into the

ground there’s debris there’s wood

pieces there’s planks people are doggy

planted paddling to the shore

because there

is a refuge

there is a refuge

the Lord is my refuge and strength

do you need a refuge today there’s a

Malta coming there’s a storm but you’re

gonna make it look at verse two the

Islanders showed us unusual kindness

okay really quick because Islanders is

another funny thing see see the word in

Greek is actually barbarians NIV

translations are real nice the Islanders

it’s barbarians why because the great

people thought that anyone who didn’t

speak Greek that their language sounded

like barbar

so they’re barbarians

so The Barbarians showed them unusual

kindness they built a fire and welcomed

us all because it was raining and cold

so Malta is an unfamiliar place

with an unfamiliar language

have you been there


salty doggy paddling to a place that of

safety of sure-footed standing to some

random place where it feels like you

don’t speak the language

grit don’t quit babe this is Malta

have you been to Malta

now Malta is a small island off the

Greek Islands in Europe it’s beautiful

it’s stunning if you want more biblical

details there’s a map in the back of

your Bible where you could see Paul’s

missionary Journeys but but I’m talking

about Malta

I’m talking about a place that Paul was

never supposed to go see we know the

details in chapter 27 Paul was going to


but now he finds himself on itty bitty

little Malta have you ever found your

place yourself in a place that you don’t

know how you ended up here this is not

where I was supposed to be this is not

what I was expecting see Paul was going

to roam the most powerful place in the

world to speak to the most powerful man

in the world Caesar and yet he finds

himself on this island


he finds himself on a place that he

can’t even imagine and most definitely

cannot locate on a map

have you been to Malta

Malta is the divorce that you didn’t see


Malta is the sickness that your doctor

just diagnosed you with

Malta is the relationship issues that

have swung a right hook and took you by

surprise Malta is the rehab center that

you are paying for your loved one

because of addiction that is running

rampant in your family Malta is the

bankruptcy that you tried your hardest

to avoid and yet find yourself here so I

ask you again family online and then

this room with the show of hands have

you ever been to Malta

keep your hands up because if you’re not

on Malta right now have you ever been to

Malta that’s a good amount of us go and

put your hands down

online family that’s for you you put it

in the chat box have you been to Malta

because I’m here to remind you that

though Malta may be where you are Malta

is not where you live

Malta is not where you live grit don’t

quit great don’t quit let’s carry on

look look verse 3 Paul gathered a pile

of Brushwood and as he put it on the

fire a Viper driven out by the heat

fastened itself onto his hands okay this

is the part of the story where I’m like

uh-uh bro this ain’t happening this is

too much like are you for real right now

see in Yiddish there’s a Yiddish proverb

where you kind of like acquiesce and you

throw your shoulders up and you say yeah

it could be worse this is worse okay

this is as worse as it goes the snake is

hanging off of Paul’s wrist and in my

mind it’s it’s fangs are clutched to his

wrist and I don’t want to interpret the

text incorrectly so I’m going to step

away from the Bible for a second as I

give you this tidbit of information for

fun season for freezies

see I believe I believe that as I Was

preparing for the message and picturing

this this Viper this snake on the wrist

of Paul seeing it dangling that there’s

always going to be people

that are going to attach themselves to

you and give you the reason for your why

see we’re going to explain this in a

second we’re gonna explain this into in

a second but you’re going to have people

in your life that are going to have an

opinion well if she didn’t take that job

well if he didn’t go there well if they

didn’t move there no people love to

assign a why but they’re not the who

nope people will sign the why but

they’re not the who so you tell hater

Jose and salty Sal and bitter Betty nope

you are not the Lord you are not the who

you cannot assign my who there’s going

to be people that are going to try to do

this bear no look at verse four when the

Islanders saw that the snake saw the

snake hanging from his hand they said to

each other this man must be a murderer

for though he escaped from the sea the

goddess justice has not allowed him to


there must be something wrong with him

he’s done something wrong look at the

gods are after him and I love the next

verse because Paul preaches one of the

most powerful messages that I see in the

scope of scripture and he doesn’t say a

word look at verse five but Paul

but Paul

but Paul shook the snake off into the

fire and suffered no ill effects Paul

didn’t try to convince the haters the

doubters and the Skeptics no Paul

learned well we have to when you make it

through the storm when you make it

through the Shipwreck when all hell Hell

Breaks Loose on Shore and then you get

bit let me tell you what to do you shake

it off you shake it off no no no Paul

had Faith this has to happen I’ve got

room to get to this has to happen no no

no no I’ve got to meet with Caesar no no

this has to happen the gospel has to go

forth great don’t quit so shake off the

biter shake off the haters and shake off

the snakes because we all know they

exist don’t reply to them on social

media don’t give them a comment don’t

give them room because what’s happening

is these people are looking at you and

they’re assigning your why and they’re

looking at you to shrivel up and die oh

just wait they’re gonna be gone in no

time Paul knew he was not gonna die on


Paul wasn’t gonna make a scene because

there was a plan in place for him he

wasn’t going to die in Malta because

Rome was waiting it has to happen this

has to happen I will make it and some

people right now in life you’re wasting

so much time trying to figure out the


and the why but it’s the wrong Who and

the wrong why you don’t know the why

focus on the who I’m telling you I’m

telling you

in a moment of being hot humble open and

transparent this has been the hardest

season of my entire life

and I have asked God so many why


I have every reason to quit

I have every reason to walk away

it’s not your business

but God knows

and I have to be like Paul

and say if he didn’t quit

I can’t either

and if you came in here today I’m here

to tell you we know what quitting feels

like I want you to know what not

quitting feels like because quitters

never win and winners never quit okay so

I’m not gonna quit and I don’t care if

you can barely move yourself I will drag

you people on social media are like oh

they’re trying to drag me no I literally

will drag you okay we’re gonna drag you

on to the shores of Malta there’s the

Refuge you might be on Malta but that’s

not where you’re gonna live so after

Paul shakes off this snake check out

what happens in verse six the people

expected him to swell up or suddenly

fall dead but after waiting a long time

and seeing nothing unusual happened to

him they changed their minds and they

said he must be a god

did anyone stop and help him

no no they were waiting for him to

shrill up and die and people are looking

at you to do the same thing people see

you bitten people see you shipwreck and

nobody pays attention they’re looking at

you and assigning the why but they ain’t

the who okay no no no no see we have a

thief we have an enemy we have a a an

attacker against us who’s trying to

steal kill and destroy I’m here to tell

you that in moments where you feel

bitten where you feel Shipwrecked when

you feel abused when you feel forlorn

when you feel forgotten you can shout

back to the enemy and the haters I still

have my joy I still have my hope I am my

Malta and the thing that was supposed to

take me out didn’t I’m still here I’m

still here because there will be people

that will assign the Y oh yeah yeah yeah

but then they come back and once you

survive they’re like I know it all along

I knew it all along

they’re looking at you saying oh they’re

not gonna make it they’re gonna be

buried six feet under No One’s Gonna

help them and then they stand at your

college graduation and say I knew they

had it in them the entire time

absolutely people are critiquing you and

judging you as a teen single mom saying

oh that’s because your mistake see if

you would have been a youth group you

would have keep your legs crossed none

of this would have happened but then

they’re cheering for you and celebrating

how God has used you in the lives of so

many others

today’s word isn’t about seeing the grit

that Paul had it’s about knowing how we

can develop Grit

because there’s people in this room that

are on Malta the question I’m asking is

do you know what to do when you’re in

Malta the truth is Paul didn’t have a

plan Paul didn’t want to go to Malta

Paul had no desire to go to Malta and

yet there he is so let’s hold on to get

some practical handles on what to do in

those moments of waiting look at verse


there was an estate nearby that belonged

to Publius the chief official of the

island he welcomed us into his home and

showed us generous Hospitality for three


so Paul is this Local Hero who gets bit

by a snake and survives and then he’s

invited to a bougie house to be with

people of influence

so what if our adversity is the thing

that opens up doors for places that we

would have never had access to what what

if our adversity actually makes room for

your opportunity where Paul could say I

had to go through the storm I had to go

through the Shipwreck I had to doggy

paddle to the island Shore I had to get

bitten by the snake because God is going

to do something here that I cannot see

so Paul is there for a couple days and

then he meets publius’s father look at

verse 8.

his father was sick in bed suffering

from fever and dysentery now at this

time fever and dysentery this is a death

sentence but something’s about to change

there’s a purpose in the plan what Paul

is in Public’s house he discovered that

there is another man there that needed a

miracle we’re about to watch a Malta

Miracle okay okay now we’re stepping on

the gas pedal now in my culture we’re

gonna say valigas we’re gonna go I don’t

talk fast you listen slow look at verse

eight his father was sick in bed

suffering from fever and dysentery Paul

went in to see him and after prayer

after prayer after prayer placed his

hands on him and healed him

Paul could have gotten bitten and bitter

but he did it

he maximized every opportunity to be

used by God and in the moments when you

feel like you want to quit you want to

run away you want to hide you want to go

to The Dark Night of Soul I’m going to

ask you to do this stay and serve

stay and serve what happens because of

Paul’s commitment not to quit there’s a

miracle on Malta look at verse 9 again

when this had happened the rest of the

sick on the island came and were cured

Paul realized that there was Ministry or

Malta to take place at what point did

Paul awaken to the idea that there was

something that God wanted to do because

if you’re here and you still don’t

believe me that there’s a point in all

of this and you’re listening to me with

skepticism and doubt maybe you’re

hurting bitter I just want to highlight

one detail one detail I don’t want you

to lose look at verse 8. Paul went in to

see him and after prayer placed his what

oh no no no we got to say it like we can

read he placed his whats

hands on him and healed him this is the

second thing that I want us to hold on

to to build grit and resilience in our

own life

find purpose in the pain

bear with me stay with me stay with me

someone’s gonna hear this and have a

hard time digesting this please hear me

say your trauma is not good your pain is

not good I’m not trying to learn a

lesson in the Lost no no what I am

saying is that in the pain we have a

choice on our perspective this darkness

of a mind I will find a diamond this

dark night of soul I believe God that

you’re going to give me a gliver of Hope

because Paul was sentenced to Rome as a

prisoner he went through a storm he was

Shipwrecked he was shivering on a Shore

he lit a fire and got bit by a snake

just a couple days earlier I don’t know

what you’re dealing with I don’t know

what you came in here with I don’t know

what Malta you were hanging on out on I

don’t know what snake that you walked in

here dangling off of your wrist but you

better start praising God you want to

know why because what you went through

did not kill you

what you went through did not kill you

and what you went through will give

others confidence in who when they

cannot see the why what storm have you

made it out of what Shipwrecked did you

survive what snake bite did you live up

against ensure that you got washed up on

what did you survive that you wish you

wouldn’t have I’m here to tell you

there’s a reason for Malta

and this is the third thing I want you

to hold on to is You’re Building grid

use your hands to heal

see scripture says that he placed his

hands on the dead his hands his hands

his hands this is interesting this is

interesting because the same Hand That

Was Bitten was the same hand that was

used to heal

in your hands God wants to do some

healing from your place of pain listen

to me God is birthing purpose in you

please don’t give up don’t stop pushing

in the middle of laboring and believing

for what God has called you to because

look at verse 9 again as we wrap up this

when this had happened the rest of the

sick on the island came and were cured

so after he after he laid His Hands On

this man’s head word got around to the

whole island and now all of a sudden

this house became a church and it wasn’t

just one Miracle it was Miracle upon

Miracle upon the miraculous I may not

know the why but I am looking and

believing at The Who that God is good

that God does good that God is going to

work this out for good even on your

Malta even on my Malta this is why we

can’t quit in the storm because there’s

healing on the shore it has to happen I

may not like it I may not want it I may

not agree with it I may not want to see

it I may not want to survive it but it

has to happen

because you don’t know what you’re

continuing to push on

will demonstrate to others and what

doors of opportunity Salvation And

Freedom will come through remember the

prison campus that was closed in 2019 in


it was gutting and it was devastating

and I felt foolish I felt like I have

squandered God’s people’s money I felt

like a fraud I felt like a heretic

it’s not that big of a deal it’s just

when Campus Life Goes On

but an interesting call came a couple

months ago when we had an opportunity to

go back to that campus and start again

but it’s even better because what we

didn’t see then but we now see now is

that it is now created an opportunity

not for us to get into one prison not

two prisons but three prisons for both

men and women

I didn’t know the why why God I don’t

know the why but I’m choosing to declare

a perspective that you are good I’m

choosing to declare that this pain will

burst something new in me that will

bring freedom to others that you are not

done with me that the hands that have

been will be the very hands that you use

to heal I don’t have to be ashamed of

what I’m going through my pain my loss

my insecurity or embarrassment I know

that my God has gone before me and I am

choosing to believe there is Rome that

is waiting there’s not just a Rome that

is waiting for me there’s a Rome that is

waiting for you

maybe you’re here today

maybe you don’t feel like Paul

maybe you feel more like the captain of

the ship who didn’t listen you were told

to go left and you went right

I’m gonna bring the band up here because

we’re about to Worship in a second but

but in those moments and those moments

where you’re realizing that your

decisions have cost you to be in a storm

where you are in a windstorm and you’re

being tossed to and fro maybe you feel

like you were in a storm that you’ve


or maybe you feel like you were in a


maybe you feel like you are picking up

the pieces of mistakes of other people

you’re cleaning up the mistakes of

something that you didn’t cause you feel

tossed and lost you haven’t eaten you’re

scared in the moments of Darkness you

feel like you have lost your way I’m

telling you there’s a man in the boat

who won’t let you drown

he won’t

you might lose all your stuff

your survival may not look like what you


but you will have your life

your realist life

like my mentor told me the grit that

don’t quit is the grace you can’t waste

I know you’re tired

I know you’re angry I know you’re

frustrated I know you’re sad

I resonate with you

I even validated that pain

but I love you too much to let you stay


I’m asking by the mercies of God

that you don’t get give up

that you might have been knocked down

because the righteous will fall seven

but they will get back up eight

you can fall down but you gotta get back


you can be Shipwrecked but you gotta

stand your ground you could be bitten

but I don’t want you to get bitter

why because God has a plan for you

God has a plan for you God has a plan

for you and he’s not done

God has a plan for you he’s not done and

he doesn’t want you to do it alone the

words of Jesus say come to me all who

are heavy laden and burdened and I will

give you rest

I will give you rest for your weary


I’m going to pray two prayers in this

room and online for our online family if

you’re here today your soul is weary

you’ve been asking why God why God why

God I want us to focus on The Who

if you feel like you have been knocked

down you feel like you’ve been living in

the middle of a storm you feel like what

has been tossed at you and thrown at you

and hurled at you from insults to


I’m gonna ask you right now

to make a decision

I may not know the why but I’m choosing

to trust in God if that is you I’d love

to pray for you this is not a Salvation

invitation this is an admonition an

admission saying I need Jesus to be my

strength because I’m in the middle of a

storm and I cannot quit but I feel like

quitting if that is you will you raise

your hands

those hands going up all over on a

global online campus put a hand emoji in

the chat box put your name put your

issue whatever it is but we have people

that want to pray with you in this room

and around the world as hands are going

up if you are seated next to somebody

who has their hands up and you are not

in a season we’re going to storm will

you do me a favor but you put your hand

on their shoulder don’t be creepy leave

it right here right on the shoulder yes

we begin to intercede as we create

create space for the spirit of God to do

in our lives of the other brothers and

sisters who need a multi Miracle right

now Spirit of living God we invite you

into this space and I I humbly come

before you and I pray for every single

person in this room and watching online

who needs a touch from you who is tired

who feels like they don’t want to go on

will you meet them right where they are

Lord I pray for a supernatural

indwelling of your Holy Spirit to give

them joy and hope and strength and love

that they didn’t know that they needed

or they think that they could possess in

Jesus name amen

for those who’ve been watching online

and you feel like man I haven’t been

walking with the Lord I don’t know how I

stumbled upon this message my friend

sent it to me shared a YouTube link sent

me the podcast and now I’m listening to

this and and I realize that I want Jesus

as my personal Lord and Savior we’re

going to do what we do every single week

here at tisay TC and give an invitation

for salvation for those that have never

accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and

Savior I’m gonna invite you very boldly

and brazenly in this room and online if

you are saying yes I need Jesus to be

the captain of my ship I’ve been running

this aground for far too long if you’ve

never said yes to Jesus or maybe at one

point you have but you have since turned

and walked away from the Lord let me

remind you today that today is the day

of salvation today is the day that you

can come back and say yes to Jesus I’m

going to count to three and when I count

to three you’re gonna boldly raise your

hand but in this moment here in this

room and online will you do me a favor

will you bow your head will you close

your eyes to create a Sacred Space for

those making this decision if you’re

here today you’ve never said yes to

Jesus online it in this building

one by raising your hand you are saying

I want Jesus to be the personal Lord and

savior of my life two by raising your

hand you are saying that my mistakes and

my failures what the Bible refers to his

sin could be forgiven in three The Same

Spirit that resurrected Jesus from the

grave will live in me if that is you one

two three will you raise your hand

I believe if there’s hands God bless you

yes God bless you God bless you believe

that there’s hands online go ahead and

put a hand emoji in the chat box you’re

saying yes to Jesus

family to let those of there’s another

hand over there there’s more hands going

up God bless you listen for those that

have raised their hands God bless you to

say yes to Jesus we’re gonna let our

family know that they’re not alone in

this decision then in saying yes to

Jesus they’ve stepped into a spiritual

family so church will you repeat after

me will you say Jesus

forgive me of my sins

today I Choose You

as my Lord and Savior

I believe you lived

you died

and you Rose again

just for me

fill me with your spirit

to do the things that I cannot do

transform my Minds

with your power

I give you my life

in Jesus name amen amen can we celebrate

can we celebrate those in this room and

around the world that have said yes to

Jesus now here’s the thing if you said

yes to Jesus we don’t want you to be

alone in this we want you to text saved

s-a-v-e-d to

a28282 we got a Bible for you we got

some resources for you but you know what

we’re gonna do right now some of y’all

have to go I know but some of us need to

have a little praise party some of us

need to stand to our feet and declare

that God has never let us down he has

been faithful in every season so if you

have some time online and in this room

do not walk out without putting a praise

on the Promises of God he’s good he’s

worthy and he’s Mighty of Praise so

church can we raise our hands can we

raise our voice and can we sing a song

of worship yes

come on come on let’s not be shy we’re

gonna have a praise party


thank you so much for watching this

message we pray that it encouraged you

our vision is to represent God to the

lost and found for transformation in

Christ and if you would like to partner

with us in giving you can text give to

828282 or visit us on our website also

be sure to like subscribe and check out

our other sermons as well our service

begins every Sunday at 10 45 a.m Central

Standard Time now go out and live a

transformed life


thank you
