We have all had things stolen from us—whether health, money, time, energy, or peace. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus came that you and I could live in freedom. As we learn to live out the role of kingdom stewards, God can still restore what has been lost.

Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

we are all concerned about theft people

sniffing us and robbing us of that which

is not theirs but what belongs to us we

have alarm systems surveillance systems

we have locks on our doors and maybe

guns in our home to address the reality

of theft unauthorized intrusion into our


our home our belongings to take from us

what someone else does not have the

right to have so theft is a big deal and

you are nor I want anyone

rogon us one anyone taking from us and

yet there is a major theft going on in

the lives of people today just as people

steal in the physical realm people steal

in the spiritual realm by ripping us off

ripping from us what God has intended

for us to have Ephesians 1:3 says God

has already blessed us with all

spiritual blessings in heavenly places

that is in the spiritual realm God has

already decreed what he is going to

entrust in you in the areas of Kingdom

stewardship time talents and treasures

God has already bequeathed that to you

the process is us living that out as

stewards of that which he owns of the

time and the talents and the treasures

God gives you he doesn’t want you to

claim ownership of any of it but he does

want you to manage it on his behalf to

review a kingdom steward is a Christian

who faithfully overseas protecting Annex

the assets that God has entrusted to

them time talents and treasures in such

a way that they manage it well on his


you are a manager I am a manager yet

what Satan has done is he has been the

rogue of the universe entering into our

affairs and stealing from us that which

God has or wants to entrust to us for

many of us he stolen our joy and joy

eludes us for others he stolen our peace

so we live in chaos and calm for some

stolen relationships through divorce or

breakdown of family harmony and unity or

conflict that we’re living in and East

he stolen the harmony of the whole for

others of us he stolen opportunities the

doors that should have been open that

got illegitimately slammed in our fates

and the opportunity was stolen from us

for something stolen your purpose

you’re just here but you don’t know why

no sense of divine calling on your life

and you just meander from day to day

week to week month to month year to year

decade to decade for some he stolen our

health that our physical well-being is

suspect not because of something

legitimate but because it has been

illegitimately taken from us some he has

stolen their prosperity that which God

wanted us to have in terms of resources

but he has created a debt system so that

we can’t even get around to enjoy what

God wants us to enjoy because he’s

created an illegitimate incarceration

economically for some he stolen their


they don’t know who they are they don’t

know whether they’re male or female they

don’t know their identity they have

ripped them off of their self-analysis

and so whole systems have been set up in

the culture to accommodate the rip-off

of our humanity and that sum it all up

for many people he’s just stole in their


they don’t feel like any life is left

and unfortunately for far too many

people they’ve decided death is better

than life because they’ve been ripped

off as wrong as it is it seems so right

because things are so bad well we want

to conclude our series today by helping

you to get it back whatever he has

stolen from you illegitimate Lee I want

to tell you today you have the right to

reclaim it if the devil directly or

through any of his minions or ministers

or people have ripped you off

I want you to leave here today and claim

your stewardship and go get it the

passage I want to walk you through is

first samuel 30 first samuel 30 we’re

gonna walk through this story we won’t

read it at one time but i will walk you

through it because in those 20 verses

you’re gonna find out how to get it back

whatever has been illegitimately taken

from you

david has come back from a battle only

to discover in verse 1 that when he

comes back to zyg leg on the third day

that the Amalekites have made a raid on

the Negev and on zyg leg and have

overthrown SIG leg burned it with

fire they took captive the women and all

who were in it both small and great

without killing anyone and carried them

off and went away there’s been a fest

the Amalekites have come and burned down

all of David’s stuff all of his men’s

stuff stole the women stole the children

you’ll see later stole the cattle in

other words he has taken his life the

things that he valued are now gone

because the enemy snuck in and took them

so I want to ask the question to you as

we move forward here what has he taken

from you what are not the enemy have in

his possession that God wants to be in

your possession but he has ripped you

off David finds himself in a terrible

situation so much and so that when David

verse 3 and his men came to the city

behold it was burned with fire their

wives and their sons and their daughters

have been taken captive and David and

the people who are with him lifted their

voices and wept until there was no more

strength in them to weep have you ever

cried so hard you run out of Tears

if you ever cried so hard that the tear

ducts have dried up because of the pain

of the loss these are all grown men

crying like babies because everything

that was theirs that they valued had

been ripped off by the enemy and they

are weeping until they could cry no

longer because when the enemy comes in

he not only wants to take your stuff he

wants to destroy you

me and our emotional stability and

well-being now I just want you to notice

in passing that the only reason the

Amalekites got to steal it

because the men were nowhere to be found

says the men weren’t there so the enemy

came in and stole all the stuff cuz

whenever can God can get rid of men

being men as God to find manhood they’ve

opened up the door for the devil to

cause havoc in everything else just like

when the devil was able to get Adam he

was able to bring havoc on the rest of

the earth because when you get rid of

the man you’ve got rid of the foundation

upon which God expected to build the

well-being in society not because the

women aren’t important and aren’t

critical because they are but to

understand that there is a bigger agenda

when the men were not there the enemy

was free to come in that’s why men you

can’t throw in the towel even when

everybody else wants to quit because you

got to take your stand for God and you

got to take your stand for good

even just to discourage the enemy from

thinking twice about it

but the enemy has come in he’s wreaking

havoc and they are distraught the Bible

makes it clear in Ephesians 4:27 that

the devil is looking for an opportunity

that is an unhooked window or an

unlocked door you don’t have to welcome

a man all you got to do is set it up so

he can get in and one of the big setups

for the enemy to get in your situation

and your circumstance is to give up

stewardship and stop and start trying to

own what God is not giving you

permission to own the moment you become

an owner rather than a manager then what

you have done is you have set up a

system for Satan to get in because Satan

knows God will not support your

ownership of that which belongs to him

at the heart of Kingdom stewardship is

that God owns that you don’t you just

manage it once you start to own it

you’re now in conflict with the

oona setting up a door or window for

satan to get in cuz he knows God’s not

gonna buy what you sellin you are a

manager sin opens up the door for Satan

when we sin we have created a crack for

him to slither through to create chaos

in our lives he seeks for an opportunity

and just like he ripped off Adam and Eve

and the whole world as a result of that

he’s trying to rip you off me off we off

to and so David and the men are

distraught but it gets worse verse 6

moreover David was greatly distressed

because the people spoke of stoning him

for all the people were embittered each

one because of his sons and daughters

now wait a minute David comes home his

house is burned down his family is gone

along with all the men they cried till

they can’t cry anymore

and then they want a stone David as

though David did the best but you see

when you get better you want to take it

out on the wrong person policemen don’t

arrest guns they arrest gun owners they

arrest the real problem say we get mad

at folk when Satan is the cause of the

situation we get mad at the wrong enemy

it says they got embittered against

David when David has the same problem

they had they’ve been ripped off so

instead of you get mad at your mate mad

at your co-worker mad at your boss let’s

find out who the real enemy is get mad

at him he may be working through them

they may be the Amalekites in your life

but let’s find out the real cause and

the real kill of why you’ve been ripped

off from that which God wants to give

you and has already predicted it and

proclaimed it in the spiritual

so now you got the problem it’s been a

ripoff so if you’ve been ripped off your

joy your peace your career your

well-being your identity your

relationships your life on and on and on

and on and on how do you get it back

let’s find out the end of verse six says

but David somebody say but David he lost

everything they want to kill him but it

says but David strengthened himself in

the Lord his God so let’s start with

that one

he didn’t strengthen himself with Jack


he didn’t strengthen himself with


he didn’t strengthened himself with a

needle he didn’t strengthen himself with

a refund and it said that it

strengthened himself with crack

he didn’t strengthen himself with an

illegitimate relationship it says that

David strengthened himself in the Lord

his God now remember he doesn’t have

anything he’s been completely ripped off

and even his friends have turned the

gangster he it says was distressed or as

we would say clinically depressed but

the scripture says he got some strength

in the Lord his God now the question is

if everything is gone how does that work

that you get strength in the Lord your

God and where do you go this is just the

first stage but how do you get

strengthened well David helps you out

because he wrote down what strengthened

him it’s it’s called The Book of Psalms

the Book of Psalms most of them written

by David

are his struggles as he strengthened

himself in the Lord

for example Psalm 42 when he got so

depressed he said o my soul

why are those disquieted within me you

boy you better keep hoping in God and he

speaks verse after verse and psalm 42

when he says even though i don’t see it

now even though i don’t know where it’s

gonna come from god is gonna give me a

new reason to praise him and so if you

are depressed you better go to psalm 42

and let David’s prayer and David’s song

that became a psalm encourage you in the

Lord if you are afraid and you don’t

know how you gonna make it and fears

taking over you better join David in

Psalm 34 he says o magnify the Lord with

me and let us exalt his name together he

says my fears look up to him and when

this poor man cried out to the Lord the

Lord delivered him from all of his fears

so David says if you’re afraid you

better you better join me in the song my

song and go through Psalm 34 if it looks

like nothing in life is working out and

you don’t know which direction to take

you better read again Psalm 23 the Lord

is my shepherd I shall not want

coz he maketh me to lie down in green

pastures he leads me beside the still

waters and he gives me back my soul if

your soul has gotten up and gone and you

want to bet you better go to Psalm 23

and find your strength in the Lord if

you need to go to Psalm 27 when he says

I went into the tabernacle of God and

when I went into the tabernacle of God

God gave me back my life he gave me back

my hope maybe you need to go to Psalm 73

when the psalmist says I was about to

give up on God it looked like

Christianity didn’t work my faith didn’t

work the Bible didn’t work

nothing was working and it looked like

all the wicked people were getting over

the wicked people were getting the

raises the wicked people were getting

the job opportunities and he said I

almost gave up on God until I walked in

and got the divine perspective and God

let me see it ain’t over yet don’t you

quit now so you better strengthen

yourself in the Lord it means going back

and appealing to his word particularly

the Book of Psalms because David writes

that it is travail when life is not

working to get him to keep going when

there was nothing he could see to keep

him going don’t give up on God when it

looks like everything is giving up on

you don’t you give up on God he’s

strengthened himself in the Lord oh but

that’s the first thing he did then let

me show you the second thing he did cuz

this are beasts then David said verse 7

to Amitha the priest the son of a

Himalayan please bring me ve5 say ephod

so abathur brought the ephod to David

and David inquired of the Lord saying

shall I pursue the band that is the

thieves shall i overtake them and he

said pursue for you will surely overtake

them and you will surely rescue oh we

got to talk about the ephod David went

and he went to the priests he didn’t

first go to bank and then first go to

the legal authorities he went to the

priests because the priests had the

ephod now the ephod is a garment it’s

like a robe that the priest wore with no

sleeves it was the official garb of the

priest that he would use as he pursued

going into the presence of God on the

ephod was a breastplate

over the chest attached to the

breastplate was the Urim and Thummim

these were like two stones that were

attached to the pouch on the breath play

that circled the ephod so when the

priest needed to get guidance from God

he would go and put on his ephod with

the breastplate that had the Urim and

Thummim that was the mechanism that he

would use to get specific direction from

God on the predicament that he faced

David went to the priest he said let me

have your ePHI because I got a problem

the enemy came here took everything I

had my whole people are against me and I

don’t know what to do I don’t know where

they’re gone

I don’t know where they are I don’t know

what to do and I need God to show me

what to do

so I need your ephod cuz I need guidance

in my problem you see there’s only so

much the preacher can do so the best

thing the preacher can do is give you

any fun cuz they vyd wanted to hear from

God for himself sometimes people expect

other people because of their positions

to give God’s solution to your personal

problem when God wants you to put on the

ephod yourself so he can deal with you

directly okay what’s this in 1st Samuel

chapter 16 verse 13 David was anointed

king of Israel now he was anointed in

1st Samuel 16 but he had not yet been

appointed okay stay with me he was

anointed you gonna be king but not yet

appointed he was not yet came when he

was anointed it

as the Spirit of God came on him so

what’s this he’s anointed the Spirit of

God comes on him but he’s not a point he

hasn’t gotten a position yet so between

the time he’s anointed and the Spirit of

God comes on him and he’s appointed and

when were and before he was appointed

there he is stolen from you know just

cuz you been anointed and just cuz the

Spirit of God is on you don’t mean the

devil not gonna take something from you

just cuz God has saved you and just

because you are living for the Lord

doesn’t mean the devil’s not gonna try

to rip you off so he had the anointing

and he still got ripped off you are on

your way to heaven but the devil is

still ripped you off you’re saved but

the devil is still ripped you off well

that happens in the process of living

out the Christian experience but let me

make sure you understand

David got anointed and you have the

anointing 1st John chapter 2 verse 20

and 27 says all Christians have the

anointing that means you have the

presence of the Holy Spirit in your life

to give you your own ephod every

believer has access to their own ephod

that is to get personal guidance in the

specific situation that you are facing

because every believer has the anointing

the job of the pulpit is to encourage

you to put it on and use it for yourself

let me explain what I mean this book

this book is the graph they the Greek

word graph a has to do with that which

has been recorded it is the written word

of God it’s the graphic so what you have

in your hands the Bible that you carry

whether it’s on an app or whether it’s

on a smart device whether it’s a

hardcover is the graph a it is that

which is recorded then the second Greek

word is the logos the logos is the

content and meaning of what is recorded

in the beginning was the word the Word

was with God in the Word was God the the

greek word and john 1:1 is the word

logos that is the content and the

meaning of what is recorded so the graph

a is actually the writing the logos is

the content and meaning of the writing

but then let me give you a third word

riba the word the word Rhema has to do

with the application of the specific

word to your specific situation the

graph a is simply having the book in

your hand the logos is understanding the

content of the book that you have in

your hand but the Rhema is where the

Holy Spirit lives it off the page and

applies it to your specific situation

it’s the utterance so when you come to

church you bring the graph a when I

preach you hear the logos but for your

personal situation you need the ring and

to get the Rhema you got to have on your


Aoife you’ve got to have your own being

strengthened by the Lord so he can speak

into your situation I explained this

before but let me say it one more time

via they are in football a football in

the NFL they have a rule book the rule

book applies to all 32 teams all 32

teams have to abide by the same rule but

not all 32 teams have the same playbook

you see the playbook differs team to

team situation the situation but

everybody gotta operate under the same

rule book when you come into the house

of the Lord we only have one rule book

and this rule book equally applies to

everybody in the house however God has a

play book with your name on it

everybody doesn’t have the same play

book because everybody is not running

the same place and everybody’s not in

the same situation so if you’re not in

with the Raima you may have the graphi

you may listen to the logos but never

know what to do with it in your iPod in

your personal situation because you are

not getting your strength from the Lord

in a personal way not only that but you

have to know in a football game many

times the quarterback has to call an

audible an audible is when he comes up

to the line of scrimmage

he looks out and sees that the defense

is doing something different than he

expected that they’re moving in a way he

didn’t anticipate so he audible eise’s

the call to audible eyes the call means

to change it at the line of scrimmage to

turn it on a dime because you thought it

was gonna go one way but based on what

you see happening I got to turn that

thing right now and make another call if

you’re not in touch with God you won’t

see the changes in the spiritual realm

and you’ll go ahead with that same old

play not knowing that God wants to do a

different call and a different play at

the line of scrimmage but if you’re not

in touch with the Raima because you only

carry the logos and the graph a then you

will not be able to make an audible call

in your day-to-day life and get bad what

the enemy has stolen you know you go

listen to CNN MSNBC or Fox News you know

where they give you they give you the

national news they tell you what’s

happening guess what they don’t tell you

they don’t tell you what’s happening in

your neighborhood they’re not gonna tell

you about the specific weather for your

specific area where you live they’re not

gonna tell you whether the highway is

blocked the route you take the work cuz

they dealing with the national news but

the reason you go on the local news is

you want to hear what’s happening right

where you live in the place where you’re

gonna drive in the situation you’re in

well the Bible has plenty of national

news it will cover everything you needed

to cover but when you’ve been ripped off

you need some local news

you need some news that will guide you

in the particular situation that you are

in he put on the ephod because he had a

specific question about a specific

problem about a specific theft that had

occurred what’s david problem here’s

this problem

he doesn’t know who though he don’t know

where they’ve gone to so he is without

direction I wonder if there’s anybody

here who doesn’t know what to do next

you don’t know what to do in the

situation how to get out the situation

how to prepare the situation how to fix

the situation because it’s been going on

so long and you didn’t lost so much that

you’re ready to throw in the tag well I

just want you to know before you throw

in the towel put on your ephod because

God knows some stuff you’re not aware of

so David has a question David’s question

is Lord should I go after them are very

specific questions he says he inquired

verse eight should I pursue the band

shall i overtake them if I go what I get

and if I go and I get them am I gonna be

able to rescue he gets a Rhema word

verse eight pursue go for you shall

surely overtake them and you will surely

rescue all that’s a good word he gets a

specific Rhema word then let’s examine

his word get up and go after them don’t

sit in that you didn’t pray we’ve been

done with the prayer pod

now go don’t be talking about God I need

a job they stole my job and I’m waiting

for the phone to ring get up go job

hunting and let God hook you up in other

words God wants to see you walk by faith

with the little he’s revealed before

he’s gonna give you more information

you’ve got a lot of people waiting on

God when God is waiting on them he said

I hate you my God is giving you a little

bit he’s just giving you a little but

God that’s not enough information

because God is saying I want to see what

do with the information I gave you

before I give you more data because you

might not keep going if you’re not

willing to respond to the little I’ve

given you so you obey what there is to

obey and then God will show you more so

he says get up and you go after them

I’ve got your back

so now watch this because it really gets

interesting that David gets up see David

David understood that when you if you

have a cordless phone in your house and

you leave it off for hook too long power

is gone there’s no problem so nobody can

hear you and you can’t hear them because

you don’t have a connection cuz you

don’t have power why cuz you’ve been

away too long

so when you’ve been away too long and

there is no power so there is no

communication you know what you guys do

you guys go back to the base you take

the phone back to the base you put the

phone on the base cuz soon as you put it

on the base and you got the hook-up now

you got the communication now cuz God

guess what the base has the power that

the phone needs many of us are doing

everything but going back to the base

and wonder why we’re not hearing God

wonder why the Holy Spirit’s not

speaking wonder why the anointing is not

working wondering why the satellite is

not communicating and the receiver is

not getting it because we’ve been too

far too long from the base and we don’t

even know where the enemy is that’s

ripped off the things we need back in

our lives so he he gets back to the base

now he begins the journey to try to find

out it will become clear he doesn’t know

where to go so he’s just going hoping

that God shows him now watch this verse

11 now they found an Egyptian in the

field and brought him to David and gave

him bread and he ate and they provided

him water to drink they gave him a fig

cake two clusters of raisins he ate his

spirit was revived he drank water he

hadn’t drank water and eating food for

three days and three nights the way man

wait a minute what’s this

David all David stuff is gone people

want to kill him

God says just go you just pursue even

though you don’t have the information

and then we introduced to an Egyptian

once I got to do with the price of

tomatoes when thrown in the story is

something that doesn’t seem why does

Egyptian Egyptian is brought to him

Egyptian is fed he’s revived David says

him in verse 13 watch this

to whom do you belong and where are you

from and he said I am a young man of

Egypt a servant of emulation

I’m a servant of an implicit and my

master left me behind when I felt sick

three days ago we made a raid on the

Negev of the Shura sites and on that

which belongs to Judah and/or the Negev

Caleb and we burned Zig leg with fire oh

no you didn’t you mean to tell me I’m

obeying what God told me to obey I wanna

cross a hungry man who is dying and who

needs something to survive and I pause

on my journey to reclaim my stuff to

minister to somebody else and to serve

them and as luck would have it the

Egyptian that they feed is part of the

terrorist group that invaded than the

gather at Zig leg as chance would have

it see God knows how to hook a brother

up how to hook a sister up if they will

keep moving in the way he wants them to

move and something that looks like it

had no relationship to the problem is

the answer to the problem because guess

what David said to him will you bring me

down to this band will you do you know

where they are and can will you take us

there he said swear to me by God that

you will not kill me

or deliver me into the hands of my

master and I will bring you down to this

band well who would have thought this

man with no food was the answer to the

prayer to take me to get my stuff back

see that’s why you got to move with God

and not predict God and not put God in a

box because he’ll you some of the most

unlikely folk to be the answer to your

prayer and the turn your situation

around so a man who was the problem was

saved by David is gonna lead them to the

problem so we can get his stuff back

what I’m trying to tell you is God knows

where your stuff is he knows where the

enemy has taken it and he knows what the

enemy is trying to do with it

so David then moves by faith and it says

and David when he had brought him down

behold it says in verse 16 they were

spread over all the land eating drinking

and dancing because of all the great

spoil that they had taken from the land

of the Philistine and from the land of

media okay watch this the Amalekites are

having a party with somebody else’s

stuff says they were drinking and

dancing and they were partying and we’re

getting their groove on you know what

they were doing that thing they were

just having a good time you know they

were doing all that they were just

partying you know they were just having

a good time they were having a good time

yeah they were having a good time

with somebody else who stuffs there the

devil is having a good time with your

joy your peace your health your

well-being your broken relationships he

and the demons and the ungodly are

partying with junk stuff so you better

go get your stuff back

it says they were partying with the

stuff but now that David is in sync with

God and moving along with God he finds

out where the stuff is located it says

David slaughtered them because some

things you won’t get back without a


David slaughtered them from the Twilight

until evening the next day and not a man

of them escaped except 400 young men who

rode on camels and friends watch this

so David recovered all that emilich the

Amalekites had taken and rescued his two

wives and nothing of Vance was missing

whether small or great sons or daughters

spoil or anything that it was taken for

themselves David brought it all back so

David had captured all the sheep and the

cattle which the people drove ahead of

the other livestock and said this is

David spoiled okay watch this now David

got it all back he got it all back

because he was willing to minister to

somebody God had brought across his path

which was the answer that’s why Hebrews

13:1 says you entertain angels unaware

God’s got solutions that you would never

have guessed was his solutions and so so

you never want you always want to guess

God is there’s something here you want

me to do something with cuz it may be

the thing that God is using that gets

you back your stuff now here’s the good

news the good news is when it got back

his stuff he got more than his stuff

because it says they were celebrating

over all that they had taken from

different places from the lands of the

Philistines and from Judah so they were

celebrating with all kind of folk stuff

that’s how good god is he can not only

preserve your stuff get you your stuff

back but get you stuff beyond the stuff

you were looking for

I believe he fees it’s 3:20 says now

unto Him who can do exceedingly

abundantly above all you can ask or

think according to the power that works

in you so God is able to get back what

the enemy has stolen he is your

insurance policy and the Bible says in

2nd Indians 2:14 he causes us to triumph

he says in Romans 8 verse 37 that we are

more than conquerors the Bible says in

Colossians 2:15 the devil has already

been defeated

so you he has no right to your stuff but

we let him keep it because we don’t go

after it God’s Way so you go back and

you get your joy you go back and you get

your peace you go back and you get your

family you go go back and you get your

victory you go back and you get your

career you go back and you get your give

you you get your stability you go back

and you get your identity you go back

and you get your life because the devil

has no right to it it’s illegitimate but

you must go back as a steward and not as

an owner you must go back as a manager

and not like it belongs to you because

the moment you own it you no longer

steward and you’ve invited the devil

into it in one of the versions of Jack

and the Beanstalk in one of the very

number versions Jack and his mother in

this English fairy tale are in a cottage

outside of London and they are poor and

running out of food the little garden is

not producing anything more and the cows

milk has become weak the mother says

Jack the only way we go survive for at

least a little while longer is you got

to sell our cow sell our camera yeah you

got to sell the cow and get as much food

as you can get so take him to the

butcher sell him so that we can get some

more food Jack takes the cow and begins

to walk to the butcher but on his way he

runs into an elderly man the elderly man

says young man where you going

says I’m going to sell the cow to the


he says I’ll buy that cow what were you

paying for the cow well I’ve got I’ve

got three beans here but these are magic


Jack I can’t do anything with magic

beans yeah yeah no don’t trust me you

want these beans

in fact if these beans don’t do good by

you I will give you back your Cal Jack

exchanges the cow for the three beans

Jack comes home to his mama and said

mama I got three beans for the cat

mama is ticked off you got rid of Carol

for some three beans because these are

magic beans boy a magic nothing you’ve

been ripped off the boy goes to bed at

night and frustrated throws the three

beans out the window the next morning

Jack wakes up and outside of his little

cottage as a Beanstalk and the Beanstalk

is humongous and he goes all the way

through the clouds up into the heavens

he’s never seen anything like this the

magic beans to produce the Beanstalk

that’s blown his mind Jack begins to

climb up the Beanstalk he goes through

the clouds and Winnie gets through the

clouds he looks over and he sees a

castle when he sees this castle a fairy

godmother shows up and says Jack let me

tell you something about that castle

that castle used to blow into your

father your father was a knight but the

giant came and killed your father and he

took your castle and everything that was

in it jack says so you mean to tell me

that’s my castle that’s your castle but

the giant took it from your father Jack

went inside the castle and to make a

long story short he hid in the closet

and when he peeked out the closet he saw

a basket with golden eggs Jack said

those my eggs

he saw the Giant come out and tell me


give me another egg him pumped out

another egg Jack said to himself that’s

not him

the giant came out with a golden heart

began to play it for a little while

melodious sound Jack said to himself

that’s my heart cuz they’re blown to my

father and I’m my father’s son that’s my

heart so Jack was sitting down and just

kind of biding his time and then the

giant went to sleep when the giant went

to sleep Jack snuck out picked up the

basket grabbed the him him then grab the

heart made his way to the Beanstalk but

on his way to the Beanstalk the hen made

a sound and woke the Giant up the giant

said fee fie foe fum I smell the blood

of an Englishman be he live or be he

dead I will grind him with my teeth for

him to be my own bread and he makes his

way and he sees Jack off in the distance

and the giant begins to run because he

wants to grab jack eat him up

destroy him because Jack has reclaimed

what belonging to his father Jack is

making his way down the Beanstalk the

Giant is chasing him coming down the

Beanstalk Jack gets to the bottom of the

Beanstalk and takes an axe chops the

bottom of the Beanstalk and the

Beanstalk falls over the giant breaks

his neck and the Giant is killed because

Jack reclaimed something that belonged

to him that was bequeathed by his father

what I’m here to tell you is that there

is another tree that connects heaven and

earth there is another tree that

connects glory and history there is

another tree because Jesus says in John

15:1 I am The True Vine I am the one

that you climb or I am the one that you

look to and if you will embrace me if

you will come to me I know where the

giant lives

I know what the giant has that belongs

to you and if you’ll take the faith risk

to go and get it back I will take you

and I will bring you to safety

when you get to the bottom and you’ve

let the devil know he can’t take from

you anymore then you’ll be able to say

fee fie foe fum I have the blood of

God’s only begotten Son be he alive or

be he dead I’ve got the one who’s my

eternal prayer when you connect with

Jesus Christ he knows where your stuff

is so you go get it you say God you

can’t devil you can’t have my joy you

can’t have my peace my purpose my family

my resources my health you can’t have it

cuz I belong to somebody else so why

don’t you get up and praise Him that you

get your stuff back