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way out whatever you’re into whatever

your problem there is only one way out

Jesus Christ the only way out heavenly

father I thank you for the power of the

Holy Ghost I thank you for the anointing

of the Holy Spirit and I pray Lord that

you come now with unction from on high

let no one in this house be Untouched by

The Living Word of God anoint me

sanctify me let your power your glory be

upon me in Jesus name amen Jesus Christ

the only way out Jesus said it and you

remember it I am the way

and I don’t think we have fully

understood the power of that


and I think if we truly honestly

understood the simple statement Jesus

made it could once and for all stop our

constant striving

and and sweating trying to please God in


it would end it once and for all now in

theory we believe what Jesus said

we believe and we tell our friends we

tell the sinner Jesus is your way out of

your problem you’ve got a drug problem

Jesus is your way you’ve got a habit

Jesus is the way you’ve got the sin

problem Jesus is the way out we we say

that and in theory we uh believe it but

in Practical everyday experience very

few of us practice it or fully

understand it we are so quick to quote

Isaiah and all the prophets about what

the Messiah would do when he came

I have preached it on the streets you

have preached it you have shared it with

others Isaiah said when Jesus came and

the Messiah came he would come to open

the blind eyes he would bring out the

prisoners from the prisons and them that

sit in darkness out of their prison

houses bringing the blind in the way

that they knew not leading them in paths

that they have not known yet making

Darkness light before them and crooked

things straight these things he will do

and he will not forsake them now we tell

the sinner that you come Jesus will not

forsake you if you repent you come he’ll

give you uh open every prison door every

habit every kind of person you’re in

then we go on with Isaiah’s bold promise

that when Messiah comes an acceptable

time he will hear thee in a day of


uh Salvation have I helped thee and I

will preserve thee that thou mayest say

to the prisoner go forth to them that

are in darkness show thyself they shall

hunger no more no thirst no more neither

shall the heat nor the son Smite them

for he that hath Mercy on them shall

lead them even to the springs of water

shall he guide them

talk about Jesus being the way do you

really hear what the spirit is saying

through the prophets Isaiah said when

Jesus Christ comes he will be the way

out of every kind of prison he’d be the

way out of every kind of Darkness he

will deliver him all of your confusion

the way out of all spiritual blindness

the way out of all emptiness the way out

of every habit every sinful bondage the

way into the light the way into

satisfaction the way into protection the

way into peace the way to the very

Springs of water

now that’s Old Testament that’s from the

prophets now go with me please to

Colossians Colossians and I want to show

you how Paul

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