Do Not Worry • March 29 (Sermon Only, Tony Evans)

Today’s message encourages us to trade our worries for faith.

Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder, and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets, and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually.

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well hello friends I’m coming to you

again this week from my den here at my

home because in Dallas County we’re on

lockdown they’ve they’ve got us staying

in our homes in light of this great

challenge that we’re facing today but

again the Word of God is not limited by

buildings or physical facilities and so

it’s my honor to be with you again today

to encourage you and to challenge you

and then not let this virus on you that

was a man one day he was terribly

worried because life had crushed him and

he just wanted to throw in the towel

they called the police to to kind of try

to get him to not quit on life and the

policeman said look i’ma tell you my

worries you tell me your worries and if

my worries are worse than your worries

then you need to reconsider what you are

thinking about doing so they both of

them extreme exchange their fears and

concerns and worries and that’s if they

did the policeman reached out his hand

the gentleman put his hand in the

policeman’s hand and guess what they

both jumped because wary and fear has a

way of transferring very quickly from

you to other people and I think that’s

what’s happening with this virus

in fact the virus is not the only thing

that transfers quickly our anxiety worry

and fear is outpacing the problem of the

virus because it’s consumed the mind the

heart the energy and the emotions of our

cells our families the whole nation and

even the world

I want to tell you two words right now

don’t worry maybe you didn’t hear me

don’t worry

in case you

don’t worry now unless you think that

comes from me let me make a correction

that comes from Jesus in Matthew chapter

6 verses 25 to 34

Jesus says three times don’t worry don’t

worry don’t worry he says stop worrying

in verse 25 31 and 34 stop it now you

say but how practical is that given all

that we’re facing the unknowns the

crisis the expansion the speed the

sickness is that a practical expectation

of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ well

yes it is because he commands us not to

do it but maybe some definitions will

help us here we have a legitimate right

for legitimate concern what we don’t

have the right to do is worry because

what worry is is concerned gone haywire

God does not expect us not to deal in

reality if you’re sick you’re sick if

you’re struggling you’re struggling but

that’s different than worry concern you

own worry owns you when weary tells you

you’re not going to sleep right now imma

keep you up okay that’s not concerned

that’s weary when concern tells you we

gonna palpitate your heart right now

when you can’t get it calm down oh

you’ve now graduated to worry when when

you are when you’re shaking and

shivering and sweating because the

concern is telling you how you gonna

operate now physically you’ve gone from

concern to worry because you’re no

longer in control of it it is now in

control of you and Jesus says stop it

one man said I’ll pay somebody $100,000

who do my worrying for me I’ve got so

many things to worry about

another gentleman said well I’ll take

that out I’ll do your worrying for you

$400,000 then the gentleman said well

where’s my $100,000 that’s when the

first man said well that’s the first

thing you have to worry about the worry

has a way of transferring it and we see

it now in the culture when we listen to

the news when we hear with people of

thinking when we get the statistics yeah

that we started off as concern and is

now causing us to tremble now that it’s

affecting more than health but financial

markets and and confining us to premises

and limiting our motion and movement and

raising questions about supplies of

needs and food and all of that yeah it

can kind of draw you from legitimate

concern for which you should act

responsible to illegitimate wary in fact

Jesus even goes a little deeper because

he says if you control by worry he says

oh ye of little faith in verse 30 of

Matthew 6 he didn’t say you had no faith

he says it’s too small many people

believe in God who’s still worried

because they have little faith but now

how do you measure little faith how do

you know well if you’re worrying and

that’s becoming your pattern you know

you have little faith and that’s because

of the size of your God some years ago I

was supposed to take a plane to a

speaking engagement in Iowa my wife was

supposed to go with me until she found

out that I was gonna be picked up in a

twin-engine Cessna to take me there to

get me through the engagement on time

she said I’m sorry I’m not going with

you I told her you don’t have enough

faith she said to me

that’s because you don’t have enough

plane the schedule got changed and I

wind up going by a major airlines no she

said I’m going with you now I said your

faith grew she said that’s because the

size of your plane grew you see the size

of your faith is tied to the size of

your God when you shrink God you

automatically shrink faith so if you and

I have little faith it’s because we’re

operating with a small understanding and

view of God so the way you get more

faith is not going faith hunting the way

you overcome weary is not by trying to

tell yourself and talk yourself into not

worrying it is to expand your

understanding view of and submission to

God so the best way I can help you to

work through this crisis help me help

help those who are in our sphere of

influence is to grow God in your

understanding in your experience and in

your focus because when we grow him your

faith will grow with it and your weary

will shrink and become responsible

concern Jesus goes on to say in this

passage in Matthew 6 you need to look at

mother nature who’s controlled by father

God mother nature is not a lady who has

independent authority she submitted to

Father God and he says what you need to

do in verse 26 is look at the birds of

the air who don’t sow or reap or gather

in barns and yet your heavenly Father

feeds them he says look if you’re

worried about Corona or anything else

that’s causing you to illegitimately

worry rather than be limited to

legitimate concern he says you need to

go bird-watching because they will teach

you how God operates by the way he calls

them your heavenly Father not the birds

heavenly father he says they don’t sow

or reap they don’t go farming birds

don’t have 403 bees they don’t

have CDs they don’t have mutual funds

they don’t have saving accounts and yes

they don’t have ulcers have you ever

seen a bird with an ulcer cuz they

didn’t worried a hole in their belly and

yet he says your heavenly father not

dance your daddy your daddy takes care

of them so let’s picture our friend the

bird he’s standing on a branch but he’s

not standing on the branch with his beak

open toward heaven waiting for worms to

drop into its mouth every day it goes

worm hunting because it assumes

something if I’m alive

there’s a worm somewhere to be found so

he doesn’t alleviate responsibility out

of concern to eat the exercises

responsibility knowing that the

provision comes from another source God

says when you’re prone to worry Gobert

go bird-watching cuz you’ll see how the

father operates he says and look at the

lilies of the field how well they’re

clothed he goes on to say says the

lilies of the field they don’t spend

they don’t have sewing machines and yet

they are beautiful because your heavenly

Father provides for them you know our

problem we believe in a God we do not

understand as a father we hear it in our

prayers Oh Great Father and God creator

of the universe who spun creation into

being simply by the voice and word of

his mouth all of that’s true but you can

believe in that God and still keep a

transcendent long distance relationship

not an intimate association as daddy he

says that I want you to look at him as a

father when it comes to not worrying he

says I want you to look at him as a

father and understand that this father

cares for you and when you come to look

at him this way on

stand in this way and relate to him this

way you begin to experience God the

daddy and not just God the Creator

I love Isaiah chapter 26 verses 3 & 4 I

will keep him in perfect peace whose

mind is stayed upon me Jeremiah 17

verses 7 and 8 says that God will keep

you calm even in a drought even in a

virus so I want you to calm down I want

you to look at your family members right

now who are seated with you and say

don’t worry the kids who now

understanding that they’re staying out

of school because of this virus whisper

to him now hey hey kids don’t worry let

me tell you about your heavenly father

yes your earthly father is limited but

your heavenly daddy is not this is the

time to go Daddy honey yeah we talk

about God but we’re talking about the

fathering of God who is also the great

creator of the universe you know we’ve

got this exercise when we supposed to

wash our hands 20 seconds and do it many

times during the day let me give you a

little secret

use hand washing it’s prayer time yes

put the soap on your hands you’re

washing them have a conversation

hey for hey daddy you told me not to

wear it you told me not to worry about

the virus in fact you told me where be

anxious but nothing you said so so right

now I’m not gonna worry I know this is a

problem out of control but you’re not

out of control and you’re my daddy so as

I wash my hands when you send your kids

to wash their hands teach them to pray

that see this is a great time cuz

Philippians 4 says when you are tempted

to be anxious that’s an invitation to

pray so you always know you’re supposed

to pray because it always should be

connected when you’re tempted to be a

weary up and if you are gonna wash your

hands all day long talk to your daddy

all day long and get your growing focus

on God


is able to calm your fears don’t

misunderstand me

Korona you ought to be concerned about

we ought to follow the directions that

were given by our government and by our

leaders and we ought to make wise

decisions about physical distancing

that’s social distancing we want to stay

connected but do the wise things but

being still be able to sleep at night

still be able to laugh still be able to

love your loved ones you don’t live in

panic when you know you have a Heavenly

Father the problem is we have a world

today that has forgotten that God wants

to be their daddy not just a name we

throw out he says if you will make this

shift there will be a dynamic change in

your calmness meter he says in verse 31

do not worry saying what will we eat or

what will we drink or what will we wear

put it in everyday colloquial language

how are we gonna make it am I gonna get

there how are we gonna do it he says for

these things the Gentiles non-christians

eagerly seek they get worried about it

they go after been nervous he says but

your father here we got a daddy thing

going on again already knows you need

these things you know what our problem

is today we have too many people who

have never been with a daddy who knows

how to be a father so you know you don’t

know what it is to look for somebody to

cover you in a crisis but you do have a

daddy if you’re committed to Jesus

Christ you’ve got a daddy who is more

concerned about your welfare than you

are and he says the secret so I’m gonna

give you the secret if you want to get

over your worry if you want to get over

you want to calm down be concerned

responsibly but I want you to cool it

because Jesus demanded it

stop it don’t worry here’s what I want

you to do first 33

seek ye first the kingdom of God and His

righteousness and all these things will

be added to you let me repeat verse 33

and seek ye first the kingdom of God and

His righteousness and all these things

will be added to you if you want to calm

down and stay calm and keep your family

calm and your loved ones calm and your

fellow church members calm then here’s

what you do and the key word is first

did you know that some things God can’t

do you said but I thought there’s

nothing God can’t do oh yeah no that

thing’s God can’t do for example the

Bible says by two immutable things it’s

impossible for God to lie he can’t lie

another thing God can do is he can’t be

contradictory to his own nature he is

always consistent with himself God can’t

sin so there’s some things God can’t do

but let me tell you another thing God

can do he can’t be second the moment you

put God in second place you’ve removed

him from engagement with your life seek

ye first the kingdom of God God must be

put in priority but not just could you

say the word God is first in my life

that’s nice religiosity no he must be

functionally first not philosophically

first he must be functionally first not

merely verbally first and how do you

know when God is first because he takes

priority in your decision-making when

you have to choose what you will do or

won’t do he wins the choice if he does

not win the choice he’s not first no

matter how often you use his name and

what should we be looking at when we put

him first it says seek ye first the king

of God his rule in your life God’s

kingdom is his rule that he gets the

final decision over everything that has

to do with you that makes him first he

does not want to be one of many he has

an exclusivity clause here he wants to

be prioritized over the highest priority

you have in your life because when you

have to make a choice you choose him or

his way of doing things that’s why you

ought to seek first his kingdom and his

righteousness his righteousness is his

standard what is his standard on this

issue what is his standard on my life

what is his standard on my relationships

what is his standard on my self

what is his standard on this thing I

want to do what is his standard and when

I submit to his standard and relate to

him as my father because it’s a

relationship thing not just doing it

because he says do it but doing it

because he’s daddy he’s a relationship

God wants a relationship and he wants a

close one an intimate one with you he

says when you do this I got you and does

that mean there won’t be challenges no

because then there would be nothing to

pray about does that mean it won’t be

trials no because that means there’s

nothing you have to trust him for but it

says that you will not face those trials

by yourself

they actually would become opportunities

for you to see daddy do his thing

there’s nothing like a child that

doesn’t have to worry because they know

daddy’s got it that daddy has it not

only because he has the power to have it

but because he’s my daddy and he loves

me this is a great teaching moment for

the beloved ones in your life for your

fellow congregants to know that you

don’t have to worry

in fact after this passage and you

should read these these verses Matthew 6

verses 25

2:34 you should read that every day

three times a day and we never worry

starts bubbling up you should read it

and then you should pray to be reminded

that he got it that is in charge that is

on a roll

kids don’t worry daddy’s moving no you

want you want to keep daddy in front of

them you want to keep daddy in front of

yourself in front of your loved ones you

want to keep daddy because when you do

it will become clearer daddy really

doesn’t know what he’s doing I love how

he closes the section he says so do not

worry verse 34 about tomorrow for

tomorrow will care for itself for each

day has enough trouble of its own

most people are crucified between two

thieves yesterday and tomorrow do you

know today is the tomorrow you worried

about yesterday today is the tomorrow

you worried about yesterday so let

yesterday go trust God for tomorrow and

be at peace with him right now if he has

you here today believe he’s got you

today you plan for tomorrow but you live

by faith today and when you do you will

see God’s Spirit allow you to breathe

allow you to sleep allow you to rest

because you know daddy’s got it we tell

you a little bit about my life growing

up in Baltimore my father was a

stevedore he was a longshoreman and the

only time he got to work with when ships

came in and they had to unload and load

boats so sometimes he would go weeks and

sometimes months without being called in

to work

based on what was happening

with the loading and unloading of ships

during those times when months went by

when he didn’t have work I never stayed

up worrying about how I was gonna eat I

never stayed up worrying about how the

bills were gonna be paid I never worried

because I knew my daddy you know what my

daddy would do my daddy would go fishing

now folks who know Tony Evans know Tony

Evans does not eat fish I don’t eat fish

he’s sleeping and don’t eat fish because

the way I ate growing up with my father

didn’t have work he would go catch

herring the herring that’s fish with a

billion bones in it tiny bones we had

herring for breakfast we had herring for

lunch we had herring for dinner and then

we had herring for dessert he would

catch him by the nets and bring him home

I grew up doing those prayers of the

time eating herring for everything saw

me fishing more but you know what

I never went hungry now I would prefer a

fried chicken sometimes I had to settle

for herring but I was always fed because

I knew my daddy and my daddy would do

whatever it took for me not to worry

what norway’s what I wanted wasn’t

always what I preferred but did meet the

need that God’s not promising you

everything is gonna be exactly like he

wanted and you won’t have some

inconveniences doing times like this he

is saying he loves you enough to be your

daddy and as a daddy he loves you enough

to meet you at your point of need so

stop it quit it

because he cares for you and let the

peace of God Philippians 4 that passes

all understanding guard your heart and

mind in Christ Jesus take a deep breath

relax be legitimately concerned but

don’t worry stop it
