Priscilla Shirer: The Greatest Gift You Can Receive | Praise on TBN

Priscilla Shirer speaks at the Propel Women’s Conference to discuss opening our eyes to catch sight of God. Listen as she teaches that God’s spirit is in us, and that it is the greatest gift we will ever receive.

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the holy spirit is the one who gives you


so that you have discipline in areas

where you know

left to your own natural desires and


you would not have discipline in that

area of morality or that area of

gluttony you wouldn’t have discipline

but now because the holy spirit lives on

the inside of you you can live beyond

your natural capacities anybody excited

about that

so they come into the building nobody


that jesus has arrived except one person

luke writes at the top of the passage he

writes and behold somebody say behold

come on y’all say behold any time an

author in the text writes that word it


a throwaway word it isn’t something that

you just need to skip or skim

over quickly any time you read behold in

the text the author’s trying to tell you

lean in put your chin in your hands

just in case you kind of fell asleep

during all the minutia and the fine

details that led up to this moment

this is when the author wants you to

open up your eyes and sit up straight

because there’s somebody

he wants you to meet he says behold

there was a man named simeon

and when no one else recognized the

presence of god when god

came near there was one guy who did

and if in this room today there are only

going to be a handful of us

who actually have an encounter with god

i’m talking about where we hear his

voice when we

our hearts are set aflame by the holy

spirit when you when we get some

some uh direction for the purpose that

he has for our life if they’re gonna be

a whole lot of us

who have an experience today but only a


that actually encounter the living god

that i don’t know about you but if

there’s only gonna be a few i want to be

one of them anybody

so luke says pay attention because

there’s one guy that’s going to show you

how to have your eyes open so that you

aren’t just

in the religious place but so that you


a holy living god he says there’s a man

named simeon he’s righteous devout

and he’s looking for the consolation of

israel his

eyes are open peeled to the horizon

waiting for jesus

in whatever package he chooses to come

waiting for an encounter with the

long-awaited messiah

and then he gives us at least the one

there are many throughout this text

but the one characteristic of his life

that i believed opened up simeon’s eyes

to catch sight of god

that will open up our eyes to catch

sight of god

he says at the bottom of verse 25

he says and the holy spirit

was upon him

luke says simeon’s eyes were opened to


sight of god because

god’s spirit was on him

the holy spirit is the greatest gift you

will ever receive this side of eternity

the moment you place faith in jesus

the moment you received jesus as your

personal savior i don’t know if you knew

it or not

but you received in that moment the

greatest gift you will ever receive the

holy spirit of god

and the holy spirit is not a ghost or a

wind or a fire or a dove

he is often symbolized by those things

but y’all they ain’t who he is

the holy spirit is the third person of

the trinity

not third because he is least in value

just third because he is the last to be

revealed to us in the pages of scripture

but all of the fullness all of the power

all of the authority

all of the greatness all of the grandeur

of god the father

is in the person of the holy spirit

which means when you place faith in

jesus christ and the holy spirit takes

up residence in you

that now means that all of the power all

of the glory

all of the grandeur all of the greatness

of god the father

now lives on the inside of you ephesians

chapter one

says the moment you believe you receive

the holy spirit with promise

you are not waiting on the holy spirit

you have the holy spirit right now

you did not receive the holy spirit in

installment plans

you can’t give away a person in parts

all of the holy spirit you ever gonna

get you got the moment you got saved

now we need to be filled by god’s spirit

as we yield to his conviction in our


in obedience as what is happening in

us becomes an outward expression as our

behavior is modified as we are

sanctified somebody say sanctified

that means as we are molded into the

image of christ jesus so that we start

to think like him and

talk like him and walk like him and

behave like jesus

jesus behave we need to be filled by

god’s spirit but when you got saved

listen to me

you received the holy spirit of god

god’s spirit is in you the benefit of


is all of the fruit of god’s spirit

is available to you that means that

there is gentleness

that you don’t have in your own natural

ability for that person

or that problem that now you are able to

have that is beyond your own natural


because the holy spirit what he does is

help us to live

beyond ourselves when we’ve come to the

end of our patience

you know with that one coworker that one

that if she says one more thing to you

you go knock her out that one

the holy spirit is the one that gives

you patience when your patience has long

since run out

the holy spirit is the one who gives you


so that you have discipline in areas

where you know

left to your own natural desires and


you would not have discipline in that

area of morality or that

area of gluttony you wouldn’t have

discipline but

now because the holy spirit lives on the

inside of you you can live

beyond your natural capacities anybody

excited about that

the holy spirit gives you fruit so that

you are able

to have more than what you would have if

left to your own