Priscilla Shirer: Discerning the Voice of God | Praise on TBN

Priscilla and Jerry Shirer join Matt and Laurie Crouch on TBN’s Praise to discuss how to discern the voice of God. Listen as they discuss the different ways that we can listen to God’s guidance, with the primary understanding that the more we know Him, the more evident His voice will be in our lives.

#tbn #priscillashirer #praise

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so when there is disturbance in the five

senses of our lives

in the environment of our lives and the

chaos of the culture

it is because he is shaking things to

remake something

in its proper order things have gotten

either out of order or there is a new

purpose that he is moving to

what about the day-to-day like what do i

do next the right thing along the way

even when you’re hurting can you speak

to that

yeah you know

i think


i was literally

just recently talking to my daughter

who’s 30 years old and whatever she was

asking me um my answer as i answered her

you know i heard mommy’s voice

because it was

the same thing you know it’s it’s a new

problem to her but it’s not to me but

one of the things we know mommy would

say all the time is this too shall pass

when you have

a history

with god and you know that the thing

that seems the most difficult for you in

a moment

that you’ll get past it so one way or

another you’ll you’ll get past it you’ll

learn from it you’ll grow from it you’ll

experience god in a new way


that is

often just the next right thing you

don’t have

you know and i keep talking about our

history but i even remember our

grandmother saying because you know

daddy’s a doctorate of theology and our

uncle was a doctor of sociology he had a

doctor of sociology and i said

did people ask you how did you do that

like how did you

have these kids that were so highly

educated and she said i just kept doing

the next right thing to have children

who were law abiding citizens and were

good people like i wasn’t trying to

achieve that right and i think when

people would ask mommy and daddy about

us how do you do that like how do you

get four kids who are all still involved

in your church or involved in ministry

what they were doing was the next right

thing and for mommy that was fixing


and making goulash and putting cheese on

we don’t know what it was but it tasted

good because cheese was on it

and and the and the idea that

this was not necessarily the specific

thing i don’t think you could correct me

that you had in mind

it was just that we would love god

love each other

and be faithful

so i think the next right thing is look

at where you are

and what i was saying to my daughter

today is often we’re looking at the big

thing and thinking how do we get through

the big thing

moses asked god the same question when

god stopped by the burning bush and said

all right so it’s time i need you to

tell pharaoh to let my people go

and moses is like how am i going to do


and god said what do you have in your


so we’re often looking purpose and

calling and what am i supposed to do and

how’s god going to get me through this

and we walked with mommy through that

season one day at a time

getting her what she wanted to drink

trying to make her comfortable

being there for each other

and so the next right thing is not the

next right big thing

it’s usually the next right small thing

and because it’s the next right small

thing it’s usually something that’s

obvious to you to do right and it’s easy

it’s right there

so i think if i could say anything to

encourage everybody from my experience


stop trying to get over the mountain

and just make sure you don’t stumble on

that one rock that’s in front of you and

just keep going forward that’s great

that’s amazing yeah that’s amazing

you’re a beast she is i was actually

about to say that and i thought maybe i

shouldn’t say you’re a beast

and yes for those of you watching who

are thinking are they saying daddy and


we still call our parents daddy daddy

just so you know that’s

i’m that’s yeah i’m proud of that yes

the daddy you mentioned daddy you



and i i always get weird when i’m

quoting you because you’re tony evans

and i’m tony evans jr and it feels weird

because you’re such an amazing

communicator a beast because you’re such

a beast

divine reset a lot of times i mean sorry

divine disruption

disruptions in our life are god’s

god is wanting to reset us and uses the

disruption to do that can you talk about

what that that means

god creates or allows confusion chaos


because he’s trying to

get things that

are either out of order back in order or

to take us to a new level hebrews

chapter 12

talks about god shaking things

in the physical because he wants to do

something in the spiritual so when there

is disturbance in the five senses of our


in the environment of our lives and the

chaos of the culture

it is because he is shaking things to

remake something

in its proper order things have gotten

either out of order or there is a new

purpose that he is moving to

and so he will he will allow pharaoh to

get tougher

so that you can leave egypt

and not get comfortable there so he will

create so i i just want to encourage

people if you’re going through

pain struggle grief disappointment

while those feelings are real and you

don’t deny them

also ask god what new thing

what new experience i love job 42 he’s

come through great loss

i mean in 24 hours this whole world

falls apart

his business his family his workers his

children his health everything falls

apart and he never even found out why

the book never tells job about the

conversation between god and satan but

in chapter 42 he makes a powerful

statement he says

i’ve heard about you with the hearing of

the ear i’ve been to bible study been to

church been the small group all that

been to sunday school

but now i have seen you with my own eyes

so ask god when your world falls apart

to make himself visible to you in a new

way and he wants to do it

because of what he allowed to disrupt

your ease

and your comfortable situation right


at tbn our mission is to use every

available means to reach as many

individuals and families as possible

with the life-changing gospel of jesus

christ thank you for helping make

the gospel of grace go around the world

without you we couldn’t do it god bless
