In this series Andrew teaches on Healing Journeys. Powerful testimonies of people that struggled with crippling diseases and have now been healed by the power of God. Build your faith as you hear these stories and receive all that God has for you!

welcome to our Tuesday’s broadcast of

the gospel truth this week we’re doing

something not brand new but certainly

something that we don’t do on a regular

basis and I’m teaching on the healing

but primarily I’m using these DVDs to

actually teach healing through example

you know it’s great to have the word and

to preach on something but the scripture

says that God confirms his word with

signs and wonders following and we have

literally hundreds probably thousands of

documented cases of people that have

been healed and we have put out these

healing journey DVDs this is our fifth

one this is the latest one and these are

all new testimonies but we have over 20

of these miraculous healings documented

and so what I’m doing all of this week

and then also next week is just playing

one of these testimonies each day and

I’ll tell you I believe that this will

inspire you as a matter of fact the

video that we shared yesterday Julianne

Hartman who was miraculously healed it

was because of our healing journeys that

she went online and she saw one of these

testimonies of Mikio schinsky she said

she watched it over 50 times and that’s

what really got her hooked and then she

started studying the word she studied

these two books right here these are the

ones that we’re offering God wants you

well and I tell you this is just a

powerful teaching and then another book

on you’ve already got it and it uses

healing as an example and through this

Julianne got healed so anyway we’re

offering all of these things and at the

end of the program I’ll say more about

this but we’ve got this little magazine

and let me just give this one testimony

that we had a woman call one time and I

think if I remember correctly I think

she was from Michigan but she was from

one of those northern states up there

around the Great Lakes and she was a

partner of ours she had been diagnosed

with stage four cancer and they gave her

like a month to live and she called in

to our helpline and said that she was in

the last stages of cancer she was going

to die and so she was removing

her name from our mailing list and the

prayer minister that was out there said

well let us send you some materials and

she was she was going down to Florida

and she had a friend that was gonna let

her stay in her place down in Florida on

a beach and she was just going to stay

down there and die she was going down

there to die and she says well you can

send me those things but I really was

just calling to get my name taken off a

list because I’m not gonna be living and

she got this little magazine right here

entitled God wants you well and it has

some testimonies in it but also just

some short teachings it’s just a 16 page

little booklet but on the back there are

seventeen times in the gospel where

jesus healed all of the sick that were

present and I have each one of those

instances recorded and then I say that

there are 47 other times where he healed

one or two people at a time and I have

every one of those recorded so this

woman took this and she went down to

Florida and she just started looking up

the scriptures and in just a matter of a

couple of weeks this woman who was given

up for dead stage for cancer was totally

totally healed amen and did not die but

lived and declared the works of the Lord

and this is our free offer to you we

will offer this to any person if you’ll

just simply call the number that you see

on our screen you can get this and it’ll

be a blessing to you real quickly let me

just share a couple of quick things

before we share this video testimony

today but you know it is God’s will for

you to be well and there’s a scripture

that kind of sums this all up in Acts

chapter 10 and this is where Peter went

and preached the Cornelius and he was

summarizing the Ministry of Jesus and

here’s what Peter said in Acts chapter

10 and in verse 38 it says how that God

anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy

Ghost and with power who went about

doing good and healing all that were

oppressed of the devil for God was with

him there’s a lot in that one verse

first of all it says that God anointed

Jesus of Nazareth with power and with

holy ghost and he went about doing good

healing all that were oppressed did you

know today that some of the religious

groups today have actually said that

healing today is of the devil that God

doesn’t do that anymore

so healing is of the devil but being

sick is of God that God will put

sickness on you to teach you things well

this reminds me of Isaiah chapter five

verse 20 where it says in the last days

people will call evil good and good evil

and this isn’t only the ungodly who are

doing this

these are Christians who are doing

things like this they are calling evil

good sickness is evil it says here that

Jesus went about doing good healing all

that were oppressed of the devil

sickness is from the devil not from God

and yet religious groups today are

saying this sickness is from God and

then they say that when a person gets

healed like we’re using all of these

testimonies right here to say that God

is still healing people today and we’re

giving you personal testimonies we’ve

got doctors interviews that show that

these people were miraculously raised up

we’ve got one of the testimonies on here

where we actually go to a doctor where

Alan Moore had a stroke and one third of

his brain was dead they said he should

have been dead and if he lived he should

have been in a vegetative state and yet

he was healed miraculously heal I mean

for years he answered phone calls right

back here in my phone center and even

after he was healed and still functional

talking walking able to carry on a

conversation pray with people and do all

of these things he went back to the

doctor and the doctor showed his MRI and

he says there is no explanation this is

a miracle he shouldn’t even be alive

we’ve got doctors verifying these things

that God still heals today and yet there

are people watching this program I know

because I deal with a lot of people and

a large segment of religion has poisoned

people to think that no that must be of

the devil no this is of God it says

Jesus went about healing all that were

oppressed of the devil not oppressed of


they were oppressed of the devil so it

is good to be healed it is bad to be

sick it doesn’t mean that you’re evil or

that God doesn’t love you but it’s

certainly not God’s will for you to be

sick Jesus went about doing good healing

all that were oppressed of the devil for

God was with him and you know what if

God is with us today which he has

promised that he would that he would

never leave us nor forsake us well then

God should be doing these same things

today matter of fact over in mark

chapter 16 it says these signs will

follow them that believe in my name they

will cast out devils they will speak

with new tongues they’ll take up

serpents if they drink any deadly thing

it shall not harm them they shall lay

hands on the sick and they shall recover

this is one of the ways that God

confirms his word he goes on to say in

mark chapter 16 verse 20 so that the

Lord worked with them confirming the

word with signs and wonders following

and if people are preaching the true

Word of God today they will still see

signs and wonders following today so I’m

teaching on healing but instead of just

doing it in Word only we are showing

these videos and we are sharing with

people things that God is doing for us

today and so what I want to do now is to

just play a little testimony about

Amanda Bassett and this young girl I

mean she had seizures and panic attacks

from the time that she was a young girl

and this led to her life just being so

miserable that she said she just wanted

to close her eyes and sleep and wait on

life to get over I mean it was a

desperate situation and yet she got hold

of the Word of God and not only has she

been healed but she’s now a bible

college graduate she’s taken the gifts

and the talents that God has given her

and she’s using them to share the word

with other people and seeing other

people set free and I tell you this will

bless you so watch this and at the end

of our program today we’ll be reminding

you once again of all of the ways that

you can get hold of these materials

fear in general fear of being maybe

alone fear of losing control is any

horrible thing I could imagine I was

terrified it was gonna happen to me or

that I was gonna do it

Amanda Bassett accepted Jesus as her


she knew she had been saved from eternal

hell as a child but for more than two

decades fear dominated her life and

eventually manifested into something

much worse I mean I’d have panic attacks

or my mom would be holding me down in my

bed and I would just be shaking and just

I couldn’t stop because I was so

terrified I was terrified I was gonna

kill somebody kill myself I mean any

horrible thing I could imagine I was

terrified it was gonna happen to me

desperate for answers Amanda and her

parents were determined to find the root

of her condition I started noticing

symptoms of the seizures when I was

about nine years old so it was and I

found out later that it was because of

the hormone changes in my body is what

triggered it and I told my mom that

there was something wrong like I would

we’d be in a car ride or something and

there would be the Sun would be setting

through the trees and the lights would

flicker and I would get these jerking

motions by age 15 the small seizures

became a way of life the frequent

attacks created emotional havoc for her

the fear of a seizure was always in the

back of my mind and it wasn’t like it

was just something small that would

happen it was like this blanket it like

my brain was almost blanketed with fear

it looks like I maybe had five little

seizures in a day when really it was

more like 100 or 200

I didn’t have plans for college for life

really I didn’t think I had a hope or a

future it was just I’m gonna sleep my

life away just hope it ends just get it

over with so hopeless and distraught

Amanda was desperate for help then my

pediatrician recommended me to go to a

neurologist and went to the neurologist

they did an EEG they hooked up a whole

bunch of little electrodes to my head

and first they blindfolded me which I

don’t know why that helps and then put

me in front of a light bulb in it then

it would flash at different frequencies

to try to cause a seizure and I just

remembered gripping the chair cuz I’m

like I know this is gonna cause it and I

was so mad that they’re trying to cause

a seizure because it made me feel so

unsafe and uncomfortable and just out of

control of my body after the testing I

was diagnosed with generalized myoclonic


and it put a whole focus on epilepsy and

my family in a state of total misery

Amanda turned to God realizing that

something was missing in her

relationship with her Savior but I

decided I was gonna seek Him and try to

you know just I want to know about God I

want to just I want to be good that was

my things I want to be good and I want

to be complete

around the age of 18 I just discovered a

love for photography I like the blending

of the art and the science of it and

didn’t start really working with it as

much until I got into college and then I

was in the darkroom all the time and I

loved it because it was in the dark and

I was doing something I loved I was

developing film I was just making what I

thought were these beautiful pictures my

mom started watching Andrew Wommack

believe in 2010 and I didn’t have a job

I didn’t you know still had the seizures

didn’t feel any direction and she was

like you really need to listen to him

like he’s saying these things I never

heard before it’s believed that God

wants you well that it is God’s will for

you to be well not just that God can do

it but that God has already done it it

is a part of what he provided for you

that the Lord doesn’t want you to be

sick any more than he wants you to sin

felt like God was drawing me like there

was more there’s something else here

that I’m not getting late at night I

would get on the internet and I would

watch the gospel truth and I was just

shocked at what I was hearing but it

felt so right like it resonated within

me I knew I was hearing truth and there

wasn’t all these like bells and whistles

it wasn’t a big show so I trusted more

of what he was saying too and you know

using all the scripture so I would just

yeah for hours at night watch him and

then and just watch him during the day

and my mom had gotten baptized in the

Holy Spirit recently like during that


and she was like I really feel like you

need to you know pray for your healing

about lepsy like you need to believe for

this and I was like yeah I’m like I’m

not ready I don’t know like I like what

he’s saying in it and I believe it’s

biblical and it’s truth but I just my

mind wasn’t renewed to that point but I

mean I kept listening to it over and

over again I wasn’t putting it out of my

head I wasn’t rejecting healing but I

just kept listening to it I mean all the

time then one day those prayers mixed

with her faith changed Amanda’s life

forever one day I was cleaning up the

house you know doing dishes picking up

the family room and the 700 club was on

and it was on like quietly and pat

robertson was doing the word of

knowledge with teri and people right in

for testimonies of being healed from

this so this has to be really like

someone’s getting healed this isn’t you

know being made up and I was like I I

could be one of those people and I mean

I know God wants me well now and I don’t

really know what faith is but I was like

I’m gonna do it now faith faith is gonna

happen now so I looked over to the TV I

turned it up and my version of praying

was very like stereotypical like getting

on your knees and putting your hands

together and praying and so that’s what

I did I I kneeled down from the TV and I

heard Pat’s not sure what it is it’s a

form of epilepsy and you’ve had seizures

right now put your hand on your head on

your for it in the name of Jesus be

because my faith I was like it’s

happening now and it just hit me so hard

from listening to Andrew I knew that

healing doesn’t happen just because you

feel something but I knew better than to

go off of that I was like doesn’t matter

I didn’t feel like a warm tingling

sensation I was like I’m healed and so

every day I was just speaking that I was

healed I was telling anybody I could


I went out driving and purposely looked

in the light I went out driving at

sunset and looked at the flickering

trees I did everything that normally

give me a seizure and I just remember

being so elated the whole time just like

I knew it was gone and it was the devil

had become so small to me I had so much

confidence in God it was the first time

in my life that I felt whole it was like

every door was open to me and it wasn’t

even that like I knew God loved me and I

was healed it was just for the first

time in my life I I felt God in me I

mean tangibly it was just I didn’t feel

alone or fearful grateful for her

healing and intimate relationship with

the Lord

Amanda decided to take it one step


my mama encouraged me to go to Karis

Bible College before I was healed and I

did not find that appealing at all after

the healing I all I could think about

was going to CBC I just had to go to

Bible College and I had to go to Andrews

Bible College I wanted to be around

other people that were believing that

too and and I wanted to know God’s will

and purpose for my life and I just

wanted to be absorbed in that atmosphere

that was all I cared about at that point

was what does God have for me because

now I’m not bound I can do what he wants

me to do

Amanda also discovered that Karis Bible

College offered more than just teaching

God’s Word she entered the third-year

media school and discovered her passion

I really discovered a love for yes video

making I had already known a little bit

about photography and kind of really

enjoyed that but I wanted to make videos

or something that would touch people’s

lives something I would inspire people

and because I had watched testimonies on

the awm website of people being healed

and stuff like that and so that was

really just kind of where my heart was

you know once I was in media school I

was kind of inspired I’m like oh I could

I could do this in third year media

school we had to produce our own

projects our own video projects

and I got mellow memories it’s basically

a ministry where they bring in miniature

horses into care centers have activities

on the ranch property and groups of

people people with disabilities come in

and help train the horses but it’s

really giving them confidence giving

them purpose so God’s hand was so strong

in this because it impacted people doors

will open and I just have faith that he

has a plan for me and yes somewhere he

wants me to be so I’m just totally

trusting in him right now the partners

and friends of Andrew Wommack ministries

have provided a place where people like

Amanda Bassett can become deeply

established in God’s Word and develop

storytelling talents that will open

doors for many others through media

and in that awesome to see the way that

God loves us and then God healed Amanda

and you know the Bible says that God is

no respecter of persons what he’s done

for a man that he will do for you you

know just think about this girl she grew

up with this terrible fear these panic

attacks these seizures and she couldn’t

be where the you know the light was

filtered through the trees and things

like this and things would set off these

attacks just think growing up that way

how hopeless that situation is and yet

Jesus touched her she began to start

coming out of it and it you notice that

nobody laid hands on her directly there

was a combination of things but the main

thing was she just took the Word of God

and she got her healing through using

her authority as a Christian and then

God used Pat Robertson to speak that

word of knowledge over her and there was

a number of things that came to play but

the point I’m making is she didn’t just

go and get healed off somebody else’s

faith she built her own faith up and I’m

trying to share with you that God can do

the exact same thing for you you know

there are different ways to receive

healing and it is true that God has

people who are anointed by God and they

have a supernatural gift on them and

when that gift is flowing a person with

very little faith I believe you have to

have some faith but you don’t have to be

a faith giant to get healed when a

person is operating in this gift of

healing and gift of miracles but Amanda

wasn’t healed that way she was healed

through her just building up her faith

and then taking her authority as a

believer and a person spoke a word a

knowledge over her but she reached out

and took it and did you know that that

will work for any single person watching

this program I don’t care where you are

it doesn’t matter what your sickness or

disease is Jesus can heal you right this

moment and I may not be calling out your

specific sickness exactly the way it was

with Amanda but I am calling out that by

the stripes of the Lord Jesus you were

healed first Peter 2:24 it’s a done deal

you aren’t wait

on God to heal you what you are waiting

on is what God is waiting on is somebody

to believe his word and to reach out and

by faith just take this healing God is

extending this healing towards you right


and just as a man to God heal watching

television and that was the catalyst

that did it

God could speak through me right now and

touch you wherever you are you could be

anyplace on this planet there are 3.2

billion people that can watch this

program right now and God is speaking to

people all around the world and saying

that by His stripes you’ve already been

healed he’s already done it if you were

born again you already have that healing

power placed on the inside of you and

all you got to do is stand up take your

authority and you speak to your mountain

speak to your sickness speak to whatever

it is and say body in the name of Jesus

you are healed cancer in the name of

Jesus I curse you and command you to die

and to get out of my body you speak to

your pain and command it to leave and

tell your body to recover as I command

you to see in the name of the Lord Jesus

with no vision problems

you take your authority and speak and I

guarantee if you will put yourself in

agreement the healing power of God is

flowing right now towards you you know I

want to remind you that we have people

at our phone center and we have a number

of different phone centers in different

places around the world and so that

number will be on your screen wherever

you’re watching you have a number that

you can call and there are people

standing by that have been miraculously

healed they could minister to you they

could pray with you they could agree and

praise God we could see you healed right

now also let me remind you that we’re

offering this free little magazine and

this is powerful this is our gift to you

regardless of whether you send anything

or not we will give it to you and then

we have packages this is our newest

material on healing it’s healing

journeys volume five brand-new

testimonies we’ve got four other volumes

listen to our announcer and then please

call or write today we hope you’ve been

encouraged by today’s healing Testim

I am mikesh and in 2008 I received

healing from the deadly cancer by

embracing a truth from God’s Word that

Andrew shares in his teaching you’ve

already got it you can watch my full

testimony in the healing journeys volume

3 today andrew is offering a new healing

journeys it’s volume 5 this powerful DVD

is available for a gift of any amount

you can also get it as part of a healing

journeys package as well which includes

healing journeys volumes 1 through 5

these five DVDs includes

23 other stories which are examples of

everyday people like you and like me

that have chosen to receive the healing

that God has provided for them in Christ

this package also includes two of

Andrews most popular books God wants you

well as well as the one I mentioned

you’ve already got it plus the brand-new

CD from Charis entitled killing is here

this entire package has a catalog value

of one hundred and seventy dollars but

you can receive all these materials for

only $99 you know healing has been

provided for you through the suffering

death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

get this package today let the truths

that are in this package bless you move

you to that place of receiving the

healing that God has provided for you in

Christ also available is the booklet God

wants you well excellent little booklet

it covers the most common questions

about healing it also details the every

account where Jesus actually healed

someone and Andrews actually offering

this as a free offer for you today it’s

a limited offer and it is available only

one per household you can go to a WM

INAT to see all the ways that you can

receive these products I also wanted to

say thank you to the partners for making

these resources these materials these

teachings available to all I speak with

callers every day on the phone line

who these resources are just a lifeline

to them and so thank you partners for

touching the body of Christ you can

become a grace partner or order

resources through our website at aw mi

dot any team while you’re there you can

discover more product details and

download additional free resources or

you can call our helpline monday through

friday 4:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. mountain

time our helpline number is seven one

nine six three five one one one one if

the lines are busy remember you can

order ministry materials or become a

great partner 24 hours a day seven days

a week at a WM INAT we appreciate your

generosity and hope to hear from you


