This is “Developing a Life of Prayer.” We were made in God’s image to fellowship with Him. It wasn’t about a church service—it has always been about a daily relationship with Him. There is also something called an “altar fire,” which is to never go out. Our prayer life is that burning altar. To forget to pray is to forget God.

God not only intends for his people to


but now I’m going to really hit you hard

right here I’m going to tell you

straight up in your face

that it is a sin not to pray

first Samuel 12 and verse 23 God forbid

that I should sin against the Lord

in ceasing to pray for you

I’m telling you that verse right there

grip this pastor’s heart several weeks

ago and he said if I cease to pray for


and pray for this ministry and pray for

these families and pray for people

coming and pray for the Lost

I am sinning against the Lord by ceasing

to pray

if you forget your prayers you are

literally forgetting God

if prayer is not real to you

it means God is not real to you

those of you in Ministry if you don’t

heed what I say to you today about


you will not stay in this ministry long

God will weed you out I know no one who

doesn’t pray I’m just telling you

this has come

to this

it’s pray or die

it’s pray or dry up

so I’m going to give you the Five Laws

of Prayer

number one

these are this is it this is how you

develop a prayer life it’s very very


number one prayer must be a priority the

priority of a Christian prayer when you

read the Bible That’s God talking to you

but when you pray that’s you talking to


it’s the most important thing that a

Believer can do is develop a prayer life

a consistent unbroken place and time of

prayer every day in your life well I’m

just not that’s just not me um

I’m telling you what is vital to victory

in your life

there’ll always be something else you

need to do there’ll always be something

in somebody intruding that’s why Jesus

said when you pray go into a closet a

solitary place is all that he’s saying

the word closet is found four times in

the New Testament and it literally means

a secret place a secret chamber a secret

a private place a place of privacy go

into that place and he put says these

words shut the door

shut the door don’t let people interrupt

you don’t let calls this is our time

this is it and it must be a priority in

your life instead of instead of you

building your life on like this and I

got this and I got that and I got this

and I got that and then I’ll try to work

prayer in you’re not going to pray

you’re not going you’re never gonna have

a prayer life you’re never going to be

powerful and be what God wanted you to

be you’re never going to do it if you

don’t build prayer into your calendar

and everything else has to work around


not only do you need the priority of

prayer you cannot take it casual anymore

you cannot say well that’s for those

other people no you


secondly you need a time of prayer

are you listening to me

if you don’t have a time of prayer

you’re not going to make it in the


you’re not going to make it I’m just

going to go on and tell you go on and

resign you’re not going to make it

I’m not being mean I’m telling people

the truth

there must be a time to pray

well you know I kind of Pray when God

leads me I will look you in the face if

you tell me that and say oh so in other

words you don’t have much of a prayer


because life runs on schedules

you you don’t you don’t go to work when

you feel like it you’re on a schedule

you don’t get up and get ready when you

feel like it you don’t eat when you

you’re on the schedule and you may alter

that every once in a while but pretty

much you’re on a pretty tight schedule

with everything in your life except


because it’s not that big of a deal to



you know

here’s how I want to say how many of you

ever go to work and sometimes you just

don’t feel like going

I’ll join you on that one but you know

what I’ve learned is God God says

there’s times when you’re highly fired

up excited about going to work and all

into it and and then there’s times you

just got to go because you’ve got to go

and you do you know what you get paid

either way

and that’s how prayer is God says if you

show up with the time of prayer and you

put the time in even if you don’t feel

it and you just walk in there and you’re

kind of mumbling

in Jesus name and and in Jesus name

my father went yarn in heaven how to

beat our name thy kingdom because I know

we’ll be done and you sound like an

Auctioneer but it doesn’t matter it

doesn’t matter because if you just show

up you get paid in the prayer place

thank you so much for watching make sure

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that you can get notifications on new

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this video with a friend you never know

how you can send the word of God right

when somebody needs to hear it and you

can use your social influence for good

for the glory of God thanks again share

it with a friend and I really appreciate

you watching we’ll see you next time