According to this prophecy, sudden judgment is coming upon the earth, and it will change everything in a single hour. Within that short span, the whole world will witness fast-falling destruction upon a city and a nation, and the world will never be the same.

it’s a good day to be in the house of



you love the lord


i’m preaching a message that i never

intended to preach here this morning

i i was working on another message and

the holy spirit changed it probably

because he knew you’d be here

i don’t know who this is for

other than myself

and anyone else who may


if this doesn’t

apply to you today file it away you’re

going to need it

it’s entitled when you come to the end

of yourself

when you come to the end of yourself

would you go to psalm 38 please psalm


praise the lord

let’s begin to read uh verse and we’ll


verse 6 david is speaking

now let’s start verse 6.

i am troubled

i’m bowed down greatly i go morning all

the day long

verse eight

i am feeble

and sore broken i’ve roared by reason of

the disquietness of my heart

verse 10

my heart pantheth my strength faileth me

as for the light of mine eyes it is also

gone from me verse 13

but i as the deaf man heard not i was as

a dumb man that openeth not his mouth

verse 14 thus i was as a man that

heareth not in his mouth or no reproofs

when you come to the end of yourself

heavenly father


don’t question why you put this on my

heart today

i intended to go another direction but

you put me in this direction for some

reason known only to yourself

but i obey you holy spirit there are

people here in the annex listening to me


in the choir people in the main

auditorium wherever it may be

that are going through the experience

that we’re going to describe this

morning and they need to hear the word

of the living god

how to get out of this condition

lord we pray for a miracle of hearing

give us a hearing ear to hear what the

holy spirit has to say

god anoint my lips anoint the word that

comes from my heart and mouth

sanctify it and let it be life-changing

to all of us i pray in jesus name


now here in psalm 38 david has come to

the end of himself godly righteous man

who feels drained of all human strength

and he’s troubled that he can’t

understand how a man that’s so hungry

for god

could be going through such a


period of total discouragement


you’re listening to a man

in this chapter who’s literally come to

the end of himself

he’s come to the lord in prayer

he’s he’s bringing this this

thing that he’s going through to the

lord because he can’t understand it

he’s saying to god i’m really come to

the end of my rope i’m a with end and i

don’t know why it’s happening i don’t

know how it happened

he’s trying to figure out why he’s so

discouraged and he feels so empty

he’s sore broken in mind and spirit and

he can’t put his finger on the cause


he tells the lord

so in so many words lord i’ve been a

foolish man

have all my past sins my past

foolishness left me wounded and beyond


and david seems to be slumped over

in the presence of the lord in prayer

he’s just slumped over in despair

feeling like a failure

about all the foolish things he’s done

in his life in the past every wicked

thing that he’s done

the wounds he’s inflicted on himself and

others around him

and he he he is so low he figures the

lord’s chastening him that somehow the

wrath of god has been kindled against


he said in other words you must be

whipping me lord that’s the only thing i

can figure out he says lord you’re

shooting your arrows of anger

into my heart i feel your anger toward

me i have no peace i have no rest lord

my sins are over my head in verse two to

four my sins are a burden i could no

longer carry

this is a godly holy man speaking

now before i go a step further let me

tell you he’s not only describing his

own condition he’s con he’s describing a

condition that happens to very godly


very godly devout people who love god

with all their hearts there will come a

time when there is a sudden unexpected

experience in your life

of absolute total discouragement

you don’t know how it happened where it

came from it’s suddenly there and this

is a situation that david’s in


david can’t understand this but he’s

under a satanic attack

this is an absolute spirit

the spirit of discouragement is the

devil’s number one most potent weapon

against godly people against the elect a

spirit of discouragement has nothing to

do with the flesh it’s not something you

bring upon yourself

of course there are people who bring

discouragement on themselves because of


uh there are others because of rebellion

and pride and all of this certainly but

this is not the case with david is not

the case with many of us here who love

the lord passionately

but you find yourself

overwhelmed at times with sense of


uh frailty the absolute end of your

endurance and strength to go on

this is what david is speaking about

and the bible makes it very clear that

satan gets an advantage over us

when we’re ignorant of his methods and

of his devices

he gets an advantage he he wants you to


so discouraged

so down he wants you to believe it’s a

result if you’re not having lived up to

god’s holy standards

he’s he’s trying to make you feel and

believe that you have brought this on

yourself rather than the fact that he

has put it upon you as a cloud it’s come

from outside of you it’s something that

is demonic and something that is from

the pits and the bowels of hell

and if you understand that you take away

the advantage of satan

lest satan should get an advantage of us

for we are not ignorant of his devices

it’s a satanic weapon of shooting an

arrow into your heart out of his own


he wants you to get so low and so down

on yourself

that you more or less want to throw in

the towel

and say to yourself my sins are over my

head i don’t understand my besetting

sins i don’t know and understand the

battles i go through i don’t understand

that why after seeking god and pouring

my heart out it has to be so hard and


now if i haven’t come to you yet it’ll


here shortly

now let’s go on now hearing david’s

heart cry well he’s under this attack of

discouragement now listen to me please

you’ve got to understand

that if you are walking in repentance

you love god passing you love the lord

jesus you’re not living in open sin

you’re in a repentant spirit

and you’re in the word of god you love

the house of god you are not living in

sin and yet you find yourself at the end

of your rope you find yourself in total

discouragement feeling unworthy like

you’re not accomplishing anything in

life and suddenly it’s there you can

wake up one morning and it’s there you

go to sleep one night you feel good

everything is all right and you can’t

put a finger on the reason you’re not in

some kind of crisis nobody has hurt you

but there it is

this is what david is describing he said

there’s a disquietness in my heart oh


there’s a feebleness that’s gripped me

i don’t know why but i’m troubled

there’s a deep mourning in me that i

can’t describe

now he

suddenly feels like he’s lost sense of


and he he’s in prayer he’s coming to god

he said i i and really if you study the

38th chapter here and a few of the other

chapters surrounding this you you’ll

find that david is feeling that he’s not

accomplished anything in his life

folks i’ll tell you what i i have been


done that

where i can come home from a great

meeting where many i’ve been in crusades

over my lifetime worth literally

thousands have been saved in mass

crusades and i just finished writing a

book and and

so many many things happen and i’ll go

home and then on a monday it’ll hit me

and i’ll walk now i’m not doing anything

i just don’t feel i’m accomplishing


that’s that that spirit of the enemy

that comes

and usually comes right after you have

sought the lord with all of your heart

and been closest to him

my walk with god uh the revelation is

not there i’m not saying i’m not feeling

i’m not reaching what i want to reach

there’s something out there i’m not


my strength is failing in the light of

mine eyes it’s also


from me

he’s so discouraged he’s so confused he

can’t even lift up his hand to god you

know i i i taught under the uh the

message of the covenant that the lord

said i will

take you by the hand and david’s in

place he can’t even reach up his hand

he can’t even reach out to the lord

he’s saying i have nothing left in me i

am drained i have nothing to give to

people anymore i have nothing

listened to him he said but as a deaf


as a dumb man that openeth not his mouth

this was a man that

heareth not and whose mouth are no

reproves in in the hebrews

a man who has no more answers no more

arguments left i

he said i’ve tried to

do my best i’ve tried to

give answers people ask i’ve tried to be

an answer man i’ve tried everything but

i’ve got no more answers

i have nothing more to say to anybody i

am so drained i’m so empty i have

nothing to give to people he’s loving

god passion it’s not anything to do with

his love for god has nothing to do with

ever thinking of walking out on god not

at all but he’s not understanding why a

holy man who’s seeking god with all of

his heart should be under this kind of a


and you’re sitting there saying

i don’t even know what he’s talking


well then you’ve not been very close to

the lord

you if you don’t know something about

this experience

i i’m i’m i’m a student about i read

biographies of men that god has used i

don’t know a single man of god over all

the years that i’ve studied biographies

that hasn’t gone through this

one of the great preachers one of my

favorite preachers i walk down the

streets of london one of the godliest

preachers in the on the face of the

earth and he looks in a mirror one day

and the streets of london said i’ve got

the blackest heart

in britain

i’ve got the blackest heart this man

he had a sense of how

how frail he was without the holy ghost

and he he was he was often the great


would have days of melancholy where he

would think

he has accomplished absolutely nothing

and this would come upon him and he

couldn’t understand he would cry out to

god go out into his garden and raise his

hands and say god i’ve never wanted you

more and now why

i am in a situation here now where i am


it wasn’t physical

it was a spiritual attack of

discouragement it’s from the pits of

hell it’s a spirit that comes right out

of hell

david has voiced the universal cry of a

righteous soul enduring an attack of



when under this attack

i tell you god is very patient with us

very very patient

with our helplessness our sense of

helplessness but the scriptures are very

clear now listen to me please the

scriptures are very clear that in this

time of discouragement

when you go through it and i told you if

it’s not for you today file it

get the tape i don’t make any profit out

of it

and and uh you’ll see

i remember now i’m going through one of

those times i better get that out and

listen to it

but you see

the scriptures make it very very we must


allow unbelief to set in

in those times never you can talk to god

all you want to about how how you feel

like your failure how you’re not doing

this or doing that not understanding

this or that you you can go through that

you can ask them lord why and how is

this happening to me but don’t ever

entertain a thought

don’t ever think you thought or say one

word about god not hearing your prayer

or being unfaithful to you very very

serious in fact i want you to go to

numbers in 21 and show you how serious

that is numbers

21st chapter

starting with verse 4 through verse


numbers 21 do you have that and the lord


and and they journeyed from mount hor by

the way of the red sea to compass the

land of edom and the soul of the people

was what much discouraged

because of the way and the people spake

against god and moses wherefore have ye

brought us up out of egypt to die in the

wilderness for there’s no bread

neither is there any water and our soul

loatheth this light bread this man in

other words

and the lord


fiery serpents among the people and they

bit the people and much people of israel


therefore the people came to moses and

said we have sinned for he’s spoken

against the lord and against thee pray

unto the lord he would take away the

serpents from us and moses prayed for

the people now look at me please when

when god

a loving heavenly father has to send

fiery serpents

and i read he sent fiery serpents it bit

them and they died when people are dying

a snake bite

i’ve got to take this serious i can’t

overlook it i’ve got to look at it

straight out god will not allow this

among his elect those who love him with

all their heart

you know this this is the number one sin

against our precious lord that after all

that he’s done for us when we go through

difficult times that we allow unbelief

to set into our hearts

beware of unbelief beware of accusing

god of not being there of not hearing

your cry


let me share with you how the holy ghost

has taught me

to deal with these times

when they come


folks before you think that any of these

men sitting up here are angels and don’t

go through what you go through and what

i go through forget it they all have

gone through this

i need to hear some more amens from this

side over here

i know brother carter has he shared it

with me in a number of occasions this is

this is something that all really only

the godly can understand


when when when

this comes on your side let me tell you

how you can tell it’s an attack of satan

when you are seeking the lord

with all your heart

you’re loving him

you’re not living in sin

it doesn’t mean that you have won all

your victories but yours you are

trusting the holy spirit to sanctify you

you’re turning to him with all of your


you’re into his word you love him

you’re not walking in rebellion or

pride and suddenly


spirit this

sense of total discouragement hits you

you can be sure

it’s an attack

of satan

now folks once you know that then that

gives you the key to deal with it you’ve

got to know that rather than sit around

trying to figure all the whys and the

wherefores lord how did it happen why

did it happen and sitting up half the

night no

you recognize it for what it is it’s a

spirit i didn’t bring it on myself

it’s come directly from satan because i

set my heart to seek god


let me

give you

some of the

ways that god has taught me by his holy


to drive this spirited away first of all

don’t try to maneuver your way out on

your own

don’t try to get out of it on your own

skill or your own wit it’s impossible

this is too big this spirit is too

strong it’s above your human skill

you can’t maneuver your way out and

getting on the telephone trying to call

a friend or calling somebody or a whole

group of people or trying to get into

some uh

seminar group or some

little group that you can share your

guts and spill everything in your heart

it’s not going to do you any good

not at this point

if you’re going to go there you go in

victory but it’s not going to help all

the people talk in the world are not

going to get you up this is a spirit

this is a spiritual matter and you’re

not going to get out through any fleshly


in a time of great discouragement david

could not figure out

why he was so cast down and so disquiet

in his heart he said why are you cast

down o my soul

and why are thou disquieted in me

now amazingly he says that the chapter

begins like this here’s how that work

where paul where david is saying

i don’t know where this came from i

don’t know why i’m so

disquieted and so discouraged i don’t


because the chapter starts out with


with with this


as the heart path after the water brooks

so panteth

my soul after thee

oh god my soul thirsteth for god

for the living god when shall i come and

appear before god

he’s saying lord there’s never been a

time i’ve loved you more there’s never

been a time i wanted to be in your

presence more god i i hunger for you

like the deer the thirsty deer that’s

been running over the hills i am so

thirsty for you oh god

so why am i cast down

why do i

why am i experiencing this absolute

total discouragement

i want you to know david’s not being


he’s not being chastened for his sin

he’s not walking in apathy he’s not in

compromise in fact he’s at that point in

his life that he’s never hungered or

thirsted more than he is right now at

this time

now there were times in david’s life

that he knew the pain

of sin

he he knew what the chastening of the

lord was

he’d been chasing many times when he

numbered the people numbered the

soldiers of israel

when he committed adultery to the


he knew the chastening rod of god oh he

knew it well

and sure that brought a measure of


but david has examined his arm he said i

can’t see him that i don’t know why he

if there was something there he would

have told us he said i


i can’t see it because other times

he would say i’ve sinned


i i’ve grieved the lord but here

he can’t understand it because he has

not grieved the lord this is not

something he’s brought on himself

now there are people

many today who are discouraged because

they’ve been living in rebellion and

there may be some of you right now are

saying well yeah i’m in totally

discouraged but you’re discouraged


the holy ghost has been trying to help

you get victory in your life and you

have shut him out and gone the way of

the flesh and that will lead to a lot of

pain and discouragement

but i’m talking to the repentant today

i’m talking to those

who are seeking god with all of their

heart there’s something different here

and david finally cries out lord my soul

is cast down in me and i don’t know why

it’s cast down at me and i don’t know


david the devil has a reason


cast this cloud


the devoted righteous

because as i told you discouragement is

his most potent weapon

and he’s used this weapon

on godly people from the very beginning

especially since the cross

and i’ll tell you why he does it

the day you get serious with god

the day you say no more games

there you said

lord you said to seek me i’m gonna seek

with all my heart and the day you get

into this word and you start digging in

and say i want to know who christ is i

want to walk according to his mind and

you have set your heart to follow him

diligently not in your own strength and

power but you are trusting god i tell

you you have been set up as a mark

you are set up as a mark and you you

could better believe it you better know

it i’m warning you it’s going to come

you may be shouting all day today in

times square church you may dance

you may say this is the greatest day of

joy i’ve ever had watch out tomorrow


you’ve become the devil’s main target

for this attack of discouragement

you’re not to think it’s strange however

when it comes

as if some strange thing has happened to


as though well god’s spanking me god’s

mad at me god’s heard god god’s after

something i haven’t yielded yet yes he

is he’s after faith you allow the devil

to test you and put you in the fire to

test your faith to see if you’ll hold on

to him

beloved thinking not strains concerning

the fire trial which is to try as though

some strange thing has happened to you

it’s not strange

every time you think it’s strange to

happen to you you think your pastor will

come past your car the rest of your

pastors go through the same thing it

can’t be strange if they’re going

through it and i’m going through it

and god’s people have gone through it

for years it’s not a strange thing it’s

common to all flesh

number two

when you’re down and you’re

under attack of discouragement from hell

number two go to prayer

and give the holy spirit time to do his


because this is the work of the holy

spirit it’s not your job it’s not mine

it’s the work of the holy spirit

when you’re under attack when the spirit

of discouragement is upon you

you’re not going to feel much like


but i’ll tell you what you go whether

you feel like it or not you go into a

secret place and you shut the door and

you just talk honest to god in these

times he’s not interested in you being

very intense


saying some brilliant thing

go sit on the floor

lay down if you have to

you don’t even have to pray

just say help


she sit in his presence

and even you have to think your prayer


i’m sorry

but i’ve reached the end

i am down period i can’t play games with

you lord i’m down

i’m going through it i’ve had it

lord if i get out of it you have to get

me out of it i can’t even reach up and

touch you

and don’t try to be spiritual


i’ll tell you at this time you’re as

spiritual as you can be

if you’re under the blood

and trusting the lord but this time it’s

not that you’re on spiritual it’s not

that you’re being chasing it’s not that

god’s mad at you the enemy has come to

press you down and try to get you to

just throw in the towel and give up and

say i don’t understand god folks i’ve

been there

i i’ve known what it is

to go in and say lord i don’t understand


i don’t understand the old man the new

man i don’t understand

death to self and sin still there

i don’t understand it lord

if you are gonna help me you’re gonna

have to send the holy ghost and open my

eyes because the light of my eyes is

going out

i hear these preachers get up and talk

as though they don’t have any problems

and they don’t they got it all figured

out and i’m sitting there well where am


i don’t have it all figured out

i got to get it

from the holy ghost day by day and he

has to give an understanding

and the lord’s big and i want to tell

you something the holy ghost isn’t as

fickle as we think he is

we get the idea that every time we we we

fail the lord every time we go through

something the holy ghost splits away

the puritan divines taught that that

there are times when we fail the lord

the holy ghost leaves but i could never

accept that why would the holy ghost

leave when i need him the most

and if the holy ghost is a sanctifier

and i’m in a need for sanctification and

he’s not there to do it

i’m left to the powers of hell

and if i if i’ve grieved the holy ghost

and he’s gone i don’t even know why i

braved him

because he’s gone

it doesn’t make sense to me

no he’s

i’m not going to leave you

and i will pray the father jesus said he

shall give you another comforter that he

may abide with you forever

in in

that’s old testament theology and

there’s only one place you can find

there where you left them for a season

to test him

but that’s before the holy ghost is

poured out david had to encourage

himself of the lord but not under the

new testament that’s the work of the

holy ghost he’s the comforter

glory to god


paul calls him the spirit that dwelleth

he lives in you

and he’s not just

somebody who comes and visits

he doesn’t jump in and out of my life

just because you see

he’s stronger than you i think

we get the idea he’s flighty

that he’s fickled he gets so easily hurt

no the love of god sent him there to

deal with all these very things


so if this has been your prayer lord

you’re going to have to bring me out of


but if you will just wait in his


they that wait upon the lord shall

renew their strength they shall mount up

with wings as eagles they shall run and

not be weary but that’s as you go the

lord don’t go to the telephone go

quickly the moment this says folks this

thing can set in on you it can set in

and stay for days and weeks and finally

bring depression to your life the moment

it comes go into the secret closet

shut the door and get along with god and

just spill

your heart out to him

and even if you don’t have any there are

times you say i don’t i can’t even cry i

don’t even have any tears

he not asking you to shed a bucket of


he just asked you to be dead honest with

him open up your heart

and let him come take you by the hand

the first thing the holy ghost is going

to do

is expose all the lies of the devil

but the comforter which is the holy

ghost whom the father will send in my


he shall teach you all things he will

bring to remembrance

whatsoever i have said unto you

i i was remembering this past week

but an experience similar to david that

i went through

and it came to me

at a time



i was

to my knowledge closer to the lord than

ever been in all my ministry

i had been shut in with god i had been

seeking him

i mean hours and hours i’d been

pouring more out to him i’d been in the

word i was in revelation knowledge i was

fruitful i was being mightily blessed of

god but

i was sitting one day

at my desk and having prayed and i had

my bible out and i needed a message

and at

mid morning and

sitting there for two or three hours and

there was nothing the words were running

together and i felt so empty and felt so


it wasn’t health it wasn’t anything else


and i i suddenly closed the bible and i

walked around

in the house

and that spirit was on me

there it was


i i couldn’t explain it

it was one of those


moments of discouragement i i wasn’t in


i had no family crisis

no sin that good point

there was no condemnation no guilt no


but i was down

i know it wasn’t my health i was full of


physically i felt great


no reason to be tired

that’s when i recognized it as a spirit

and i suddenly felt absolutely drained

i said lord i’m wiped out i have nothing

to give to anybody else i am just empty

i’ve poured out my soul i don’t see

anything there i can’t get a message i i

can’t pray i can’t study it was there i

just felt lowly drained i went to the

lord and i just sat

down on the floor


i said lord

i don’t know what to do

i really don’t i feel so down i can’t

reach out to you

i have no tears i

i know i love you i’ve never loved you

more but i i sure don’t know why

i’m going through this lord

when i have for the past two years

never prayed more never been closer to


never trusted you more but now i am in

this what’s it all about

and the holy spirit just whispered just

sit still


love me

and i just said still about 40 minutes

in his presence

you see the devil will come with lies

this is how he brings the spirit he’ll

come to you and he will he will

absolutely bring lies

he he will try to discourage you with

one lie after another

he’ll lie to you about your children

he’ll lie to you about your family he’ll

lie to you about everything he’ll try to

bring fear

he he he will just flood your mind

injecting one lie after another but

that’s the work of the holy spirit when

you just sit still in his presence the

lord’s not doesn’t want you to try to

climb up some ladder to reach him

he said just sit still in my presence

just wait on the lord and i waited on

the lord and suddenly a still small

voice of the holy spirit

you are loved

you’re greatly loved david

you have no reason to be afraid

i’m not spanking you i’m not chasing you

and the sweetest thing all the lies that

i had heard in the in one hour before

this just flooding into my soul that i

was not

uh really accomplishing anything i i was

not really seeing what i needed to see

in the word and that my preaching was

light and all of these lies of the devil


all the past dumb things i’ve ever done

in my life you know the devil bring it

up to you

i mean when you’re down here just

pre-play and replay every stupid thing

all your sins all your failures you’ll

just play until wow lord i’ll never make

it i can’t make it lord


when the holy spirit comes when you wait

on him get in his presence and wait the

first thing he does he brings to

remembrance all the precious promises of

jesus all the word of the lord that was

spoken i’ll never leave you i’ll never

forsake you i’ll go with you to the end

and the holy spirit just flooded my soul

with promises and and then he says david

let me tell you something it’s it’s not

over for you you haven’t even started

yet the best is just ahead of you and

and i finally stood to my feet

and i i heard myself saying

why am i putting up with this

it’s not from god

it’s from the devil

and i just yelled devil that’s enough

it’s a trick i know your devices now and

it’s not going to work i am loved by god


i walked toward the door of my prayer

room and the holy spirit said be glad

and rejoice in the lord you have no

reason to be afraid

that’s the work of the holy spirit he

undoes the lies of the enemy he brings

the encouragement hallelujah

praise the lord now finally one other

step that you’ve got to take

that’s to dare to believe

the incredibly good things the holy

ghost is going to tell you in this


the incredible

good things god the holy ghost is going

to tell you

while the devil’s trying to lie to you

you know what must grieve the heavenly


uh when he sees

us coming into his presence so often

wanting expecting only be reproved


i lived for many years like that every

time i go to god if there was something

that i didn’t feel i had accomplished or

lived up to some standard that i goaded

as president every time i went to the

world i expected to be rebuked every

time i prayed i wanted that voice was

going from the lord the holy ghost gonna

rebuke me

when are we gonna come to the place

when we come into his presence

ready and daring to hear the good work

that he has for us

now i know there are people that there

there are whole denominations that don’t

preach reproof they don’t want to hear

all they preach is love mercy and grace

and and they have misused grace they’ve

despised grace turned it into

lasciviousness i there are people that

absolutely refuse to look into the

commandments of the lord and we don’t do

that here we try to preach the whole

counsel of god

we preach the judgments of god i write

we write books about it we we warn

people we preach against sin yes

but folks i’m talking to those who love

the lord you’re not living in sin and

you have been depressed and you’re down

you have got to believe now to dare that

the holy ghost is going to speak to you

that god is going to fulfill every

promise he’s made to you

he’s going to keep his word

i want you to go

with me before i close to first

corinthians 2 to prove what i’m talking

about before i close

i’ll tell you go to isaiah first isaiah


isaiah 64.

may i hear the rustling of the leaves


isaiah 64

verse 4

for since the beginning of the world

men have not heard

nor perceived by the ear

neither hath the i seen o god beside


what he hath prepared for them that

waiteth for him

i’ve not seen it’s not heard folks it’s

not even

recorded it hadn’t even been recorded


no one has ever seen yet the good things

that god has prepared for them that wait

upon him now

apostle paul picks up on that in first

corinthians two if you’ll go there now

first corinthians 2

paul the apostle

gets this from isaiah 64.

the very verse that i read to you

chapter 2 first corinthians chapter 2

verse 9.

he’s quoting this very verse that i just

read to you but as it is written

in isaiah 64 4 in other words i have not


nor ear heard

neither have entered into the heart of

man the things which god has prepared

for them that love him

but god we’re in the new covenant now in

the new testament but god hath revealed

them unto us by his spirit

for the spirit searcheth all things yea

the deep things of god now look this way


here’s how

the lord works now when you are going

through this experience if you will go

and wait on the lord and sit in his

presence be and know her he waits till

your spirit is quiet

and when your spirit is quiet before the

lord and you will reach out by faith

saying lord you’ve sent the holy ghost

he abides in me

he’s not a silent partner

he’s been sent by covenant to reveal the

mind of christ to comfort me and

strengthen me and to lead me and guide

me holy spirit i turned you in simple

childlike faith now speak to my heart

and i want you to know god is faithful

the holy spirit if you will just wait in

his presence be in no hurry and and wait

in faith absolute faith you’re going to


that inner voice of the holy spirit

oh folks

this has been my life

i thank god for the holy spirit i thank

god for the voice of the holy spirit

he’ll not let you be deceived he’ll not

let a false voice come because your

heart is hungry he knows you’re hurt he

knows when you’re down and you go to him

and say oh lord jesus you by your spirit

give me those wings open up the snare of

the enemy oh this is from the devil

himself now open it up give me the wings

to fly out of this now by faith

and i tell you he’s going to show you

the good things that he has ahead for

you god has a plan for everyone in this

building everyone listening to me god

has a beautiful plan

i don’t care if there’s a depression in

the land i don’t care if the mountains

fall into the sea god’s plan will not be

aborted by this attack of the enemy he

cannot abort god’s will in your life he

can’t abort the plan of god impossible

god is going to keep his word to you


give you one last scripture isaiah 40

and this or this i close isaiah 40.

i just gave this to you a moment ago but

i want you to stand with me if you have

a king james follow me please will you


i want everybody to read me verse 28 29

30 and 31

do you have it

hast thou not known

uh read it with me hast thou not known

hast thou not heard that the everlasting

god the lord the creator of the earth of

the earth fainteth not neither is weary

there is no searching of his

understanding he giveth power to the

faint and to them that have no might he

increases strength

even the youth shall faint and be weary

and the young men shall utterly fall but

they that wait upon the lord shall renew

their strength they shall mount up with

wings as eagle they shall run and not be

weary they shall walk and not faint


you’re not going down folks you’re not

going to faint

you’re going to come out of this more

victorious having your faith being

tested it’ll come forth as pure gold



then the next time it comes it won’t

throw you

see i know how to deal with this

i’m going to my lord i’m going to the

secret closet and i’m going to wait on

the holy ghost

god’s going to see me through it


now folks i would have preached this

if it were only to myself

but i know better than that

i know that there are many of you in the


balcony main floor behind me around me

and if you hear right now

that if

if you’re not in it at present you’ve

been there in the past

and i can assure you

according to the scripture the bible

says the devil is going to come down the

last days having great wrath coming down

to the earth

to try

to deceive the elect

and this is his most powerful most

potent weapon

but you’re not ignorant of it anymore if

you’re here this morning you say pastor

this message is for me

i have been going through a time of

great discouragement

i didn’t really know

whether it was

my own problem or

attack of satan but i know it now

up in the balcony go to the stairs on

either side and come down any aisle i’d

like to pray with you and we’re going to

ask the lord now to break this

spirit will take authority over that

spirit now if you’re not saved if you’re


and you need touch from the lord i want

to get out of your seat and follow these

that are coming and in the annex if you

just go to the lobby


people there will show you how to get

into the stairs coming down and come

right into the main auditorium and come

and meet me right here in front of the

church and we’ll pray with you this is

the day the lord wants to give you

victory he wants you to leave this house


in him

this morning hallelujah

as they sing

wherever you’re at up in the balcony the

stairs on either side down in the aisle

and in the annex

and all the nx rooms just go to the


the ushers will show you

how to get into this room

you come and meet me here and we’ll pray

with you and ask the lord

to chase this spirit

but take his authority over it and

believe god that you walk out of this

place delivered

knowing how to deal with the enemy

lord you either come forward look this

way please

i want you to help me now

the bible said if two or three agree

together concerning anything in earth it

shall be done of the father in heaven

and we’re going to ask i’m going to ask

you to join me as i pray that the lord

lift this spirit

i’m going to pray

in faith right now

look at me please do you understand that

this is from the enemy

that the devil’s just trying to get you

discouraged so that you’ll jettison and

get rid of your faith

so that you’ll think that god doesn’t

hear your prayers that god’s not

interested in you that he doesn’t love

you anymore or that he’s mad at you god

you know the devils want a great victory

just they convince you that god’s mad at


he’s not mad at you the holy spirit is

here right now to deliver you

by his mighty power he wants to do that


i want everybody to came forward just

close your eyes

i don’t want you to lift one hand to the

lord it just said lord i’m just telling

you i’m reaching out that you take my

hand right now i want you to pray this

with me right now jesus

i come to you

i have no strength of my own

no power of my own

no authority of my own

i can’t win by myself

i can’t do it on my own

but you have the power

holy spirit i believe you

lord jesus

cleanse me blot out my sins

take all my failures

and put them under the blood

lord jesus

i believe your word

and i come now

to be delivered from the spirit

of discouragement

and the bondage

of fear

now i’m going to pray and i want you to

believe god as i pray right now that

that spirit because of your faith and

your trust in the lord because the lord

has turned the light on and you know

it’s from the enemy i want you to

believe god right now

right now

that he’s going to lift this spirit and

chase it we’re going to ask god right

now to do the work and every one of you

raise your right hand and let’s believe

god right now will you trust him

lord i come now in jesus name and take

your authority

over every spirit of discouragement

every bondage of fear and guilt and

condemnation that has been injected into

the hearts and minds of your people by

the devil himself

satan you have no power you have no

authority because the holy spirit has


the holy spirit has come to drive out

by the spirit of truth

the spirit of truth now i want you to

pray this me


the spirit upon me

is from satan

i reject it

dear jesus

by your spirit

you bind it

you cast it out

because i stand

on your word

and your eternal promises

i can be free

right now

i shall rejoice

and be glad in the lord

now just tell him you love him just

thank him right now lord i give you


i give you praise


we’re going to sing a rejoicing song

here in just a moment but listen you’ve

got to take a step of faith right now

i do not have to put up with anything

the devil puts on me

because greater is he that’s in me than

he that’s in the world

hallelujah greater is he that’s in me

than he that is in the world

this is the conclusion of the message
