Faith is your currency to operate in the kingdom of God, and it’s time to refresh your faith to access all of God’s promises! For three faith-filled nights at the 2018 Faith Refresher Conference, Dr. Bill Winston sheds light on how to contend for and grow in your faith, as you pursue God’s destiny for your life. Kingdom citizenship requires that you do nothing apart from faith. Planting your faith as a seed by believing and speaking God’s Word will guarantee you victory in every area of your life.

ANNOUNCER: The Believer’s
Walk of Faith is paid for

by Bill Winston Ministry’s
partners and viewers.

on the Believer’s Walk of

Faith: BILL: Everything
that God’s gonna

do for you, it’s already
done. This is not something

that’s going to happen. He has
taken answers and put them in

eternity. He has taken provision
and put it in eternity.

when you believe, your faith can

bring from eternity, come on
help me now, and it can bring it

down into this three
dimensional world.

BILL: Hello. Bill Winston
here, and welcome to

the Believer’s Walk
of Faith, where we

walk by faith and not by
sight. Well, here’s something

you want to remember. Your
future comes out of your heart.

Now the Bible says that out of
the heart are the issues of

life, or that with the heart man
believes. Or scriptures that

says a good man out of the good
treasure of the heart brings

forth good things. You see what
I’m saying? I’m saying that what

is in your life comes out of
your heart. Now because it does,

no one can stop you from
reaching your destiny but you.

I’m saying the Republicans,
Democrats, the different racial

groups, come on, the country,
nobody can stop you from

reaching your destiny but you.
Now, you find the promise, put

it in your heart and watch it
come out in your life. Isn’t

that powerful? Well, today’s
message is really going

to bless you. It’s called
Contending for the Faith.

BILL: Faith sees the
invisible. Come back

to 1 Kings chapter 22
please. Over here, in 1 Kings

chapter 22, this is in
verse six, where the king of

Israel gathered the prophets
together about 400 men, and said

unto them, “Shall I go up
against Ramoth-Gilead to battle

or shall I forbid it?” And they
said, “Go up, for the Lord shall

deliver it into thy hand O
King.” And Jehoshaphat said,

Jehoshaphat was the
other king, the king of

Judah. He said, “Is
there not here a prophet

of the Lord?” In other
words, there’s too many prophets

up in here. And they’re all
giving you a good report saying

you can go up and fight this
battle, but I’m not totally

convinced, because they, I
watched some of them. They ain’t

living right. Now I’m just, I’m
putting that in there myself.

But he said, “Is there not a
prophet of the Lord?” And he

said, “Well, yeah there is a guy
that comes up here and

prophesies sometimes, his name’s
Micaiah and I can’t stand him.”

This is what the king of Israel
said. Now, Israel’s just

backslidden. They have the king
called King Ahab and so they’re

just backslidden. So here comes
this prophet. They got Micaiah

and he comes up. And he says,
“No, that’s not what’s gonna

happen.” Look at verse 17. He
said, “I saw all Israel

scattered upon the hills as
sheep that have not a shepard

and the Lord said, “These have
no master and let them return

every man to his own house in
peace.”” Now notice what he

said. “I don’t see victory, I
see defeat.” He said, “Now

that’s the word of the Lord.”
Now what am I getting at? I’m

getting at the point that all
events have already taken place.

CONGREGATION: Amen. Amen. Amen.
BILL: Faith doesn’t look in the

future. Faith is only now. And
faith looks at eternity. And

eternity has no time.

Isaiah chapter 57 and verse 15.
Here’s what it says, For thus

saith the high and lofty one,
that inhabits what?

Eternity. I showed you Enoch.

And I showed you where Enoch saw
something. The Bible he says, he

was the seventh from Adam and I
showed you that Enoch walked

with God and he was not, for God
took him. Then I showed you over

here in Jude, over in verse 14,
Enoch, also the seventh from

Adam, prophesied. He saw
something and he saw the Lord

coming with 10,000 of his
saints. If you know that God has

coming with 10,000 of his
saints. If you know that God has

already provided an answer to
your problem, that you can only

get to it by faith, you can
answer every problem that you

have by using your faith.

y’all with me? Every thing that
God’s gonna do for you, it’s

already done. CONGREGATION:
Amen. BILL: This is not

something that’s going to
happen. He has taken answers and

put them in eternity. He has
taken provision and put it in

eternity. CONGREGATION: Yes sir.
BILL: When Abraham got up on

that mountain that God showed
him to offer up his son, he took

that knife and faith without
works is dead, so when he lifted

it up, God saw the works and
manifested a lamb, or ram caught

in the bush. CONGREGATION: Yes
sir. BILL: The ram wasn’t there.

The ram wasn’t there. The ram
was in eternity. CONGREGATION:

Come on. BILL: But when you
believe, your faith can bring

from eternity, come on help me
now, and it can bring it down

into this three dimensional
world. You see the saints of

God, should do, Lord have mercy.
Words are more for creation than

communication. And that you have
to understand that Jesus was

busy going about creating. This
is what he gave you faith for.

Because creation means To bring
forth. So what you do is you

bring forth something that’s
already there. Everything is

created twice. See, God created
it at first. See if he didn’t

create it, you don’t want to
create it. Because you’re

stepping over into a creation
that God didn’t intend. Say amen

to that. CONGREGATION: Amen.
BILL: So I can look at that book

and see an inventory of what’s
in the warehouse in the spirit

realm that I can create here in
this earth. I take that book and

take that seed and sow it into
my life by speaking it and then

my insides begin to work like a
manufacturing plant.

Bringing forth a perfect image

of what’s in the heavens, and
then I act on it by faith and

manifest it in this earth. There
were 10 lepers and they cried

out to Jesus and this is what he
said to them. Luke 17, “Go show

yourself to the priest.” What
did they do? They didn’t say

this, “We can’t, we got the
leprosy.” No. They acted on the

Word. CONGREGATION: Yes sir.
BILL: And as they went, come on,

you’ve gotta hear me. You see,
we’ve been trying to leave out

acting. We’ve been confessing,
but it’s another step. You’ve

got to act on what you believe.

that piece is not being carried
out. Why? Because you can’t see.

You were never meant to go to
somewhere you can’t see. The

Bible says in Proverbs 23 and
verse 7, “As a man thinketh in

his heart,” come on, “so is he.”
Let me give you another

translation. Whatever you
believe is what you become.

try it one more time. Whatever

you believe is where you’re
gonna end up. CONGREGATION:

That’s right. BILL: And that’s a
law. Now look where your future

comes from. Look at Matthew
chapter 12 and verse 35. Your

future comes out of your heart.
CONGREGATION: Yes sir, that’s

right. BILL: And because it
does, nobody can stop you.

CONGREGATION: That’s right.
Amen. Amen. BILL: He said “A

good man, out of the good
treasure of his heart, brings

forth,” What? “Good things.” So
where was my airplane before it

was out there? It was in my
heart. And if you get an

airplane in your heart, it’ll
come out there too. Say amen.

man said this, “People are not

poor because they don’t have
enough money or don’t have a job

that pays much. They are poor
because of what they choose to

create.” CONGREGATION: Amen.
BILL: You can create a

millionaire. I’m saying it right
now. You put that in your heart,

you put that, I’m just saying,
if you can find it in that book,

that means that it’s real in
God’s eyes. See you can’t find

retirement in there. ‘Cause God
don’t have no retirement. I’m

not talking about anybody, I’m
telling you what God’s got. The

Hebrew tells you everything
that’s in God’s vocabulary. Now

I’m saying to you that we can
see more than we think. What

Satan has talked us out of is
seeing. He’s tried to make us

believe that you can’t see that.
You’re not supposed to see that.

You are supposed to see it. You
supposed to see exactly where

you going. CONGREGATION: That’s
right. That’s right. BILL: You

may not be able to explain all
of how you get there. But you,

The steps of a good man are
ordered by the Lord.

Now, y’all got me? What I’m

saying? So what I’m saying to
you is I don’t care what your

condition is. Faith deals with
the unseen and brings it into

the seen. Once it’s in the seen,
faith is gone. You don’t need

faith anymore. Faith is done
working. Now are y’all following

what I’m saying? But you’ve got
the kind of faith that if you

can find it in that book, faith
will deliver it. I don’t care

what that doctor said, faith
will make a new part. I don’t

care. He’ll make a new liver,
he’ll make a new kidney,

faith’ll make a new bladder.
Faith’ll make new ovaries. Faith

will make. You name it, faith
will make it. Faith will make it

because it’s already made.
CONGREGATION: That’s right. Yes

sir. BILL: That’s why Jesus …
Most 99.9% of what he did he did

with words. Why? Because he had
to transfer stuff. He didn’t

have to deal with whether or not
the part is worn out enough and

the mechanic can’t fix it. He
didn’t deal with that. He said,

“Hey just fill the water pots up
with water. Fill them up. Now,

here’s what I want you to do,
take a dipper full and take it

to the governor of the feast and
let him taste it.” Now wait a

minute. Mary said, “Whatever he
says to you-” CONGREGATION: Just

do it. BILL: … just do it.
Don’t argue with the man.” They

took it, the governor takes it,
“Man.” Now I’ve been–

— I’ve seen it before.
He said, “Why,” he said now you

… Many people when they start
having a party, a get together,

they normally push out the best
stuff and then after people are

drunk, and you know kind of
gotten woozy, then they pull

out, you know the, yeah, the
ripple. But you save the best

out, you know the, yeah, the
ripple. But you save the best

because heaven has the best.
Everything God made, he made the

best. When the prodigal son came
back home, he said, “Get the

best.” He didn’t say the one on
sale. Get the best robe and put

it on him and put a ring on his
finger. You know what that is.

That’s that black card that
won’t ever run out. And put

shoes on his feet. You go to
some of the other scripture,

you’ll see what that shoes mean.
Talking about land and all that.

He said, “My son who was dead is
alive again. He was lost and now

he is found. Then the elder
brother got jealous and then

what’d he say? “You never gave
me a party.” He said, “Son,

don’t you know everything I had
was always yours?” I said don’t

you know everything the father
has was always yours? I’m

telling you saints, let’s don’t
get to Heaven and see all the

stuff that we missed because
we’re trying to be cute out here

and not develop our faith. Lift
the bar of your faith and you

can lift it yourself by not
backing down but stepping right

up to the fact that God said,
“Feed all these people.” And you

say, “Yes sir.” And go forth and
he’ll start giving you

revelation as to how this thing
is supposed to happen. Say amen.

wants you in a place that not

only can you determine by faith
what’s gonna happen, but you can

determine the money will be here
Friday afternoon at 2:35 and it

be right on time. Now say amen.

biggest thing that has not been
happening is that God’s people

have not been using their faith.
But we gonna start now.

we gonna start now.

the works were finished.

CONGREGATION: The works were
finished. BILL: From the

beginning. CONGREGATION: From
the beginning. BILL: That’s

found in Hebrews chapter four.
Read it. That’s your assignment.

‘Cause the works are already
done. Everything is done for

you. Now, last thing. Go over
with me to Amos, chapter nine in

verse 13, he said, “Behold the
days come saith the Lord, that

the plowman shall over take the
reaper and the treader of

grapes, him that sows seeds.”
Okay, let me try another

translation. Yes indeed. It
won’t be long now. God’s decree.

Things are gonna be happening so
fast that your head is gonna

swim. You see, we have been
experiencing demonic delays. But

God is taking all the delays
away. Because you’re about to

get a mindset that says
immediately, straight way, right

away, and I’m saying to you
right now, you decree a thing.

Say in the name of Jesus.
CONGREGATION: In the name of

Jesus. BILL: From this day.
CONGREGATION: From this day.

BILL: There will be no more hold
ups. CONGREGATION: There will be

no more hold ups. BILL: No more
setbacks. CONGREGATION: No more

setbacks. BILL: No more delays.
CONGREGATION: No more delays.

BILL: From this day forward.
CONGREGATION: From this day

forward. BILL: What I speak.

BILL: Will manifest.
CONGREGATION: Will manifest.

Speedily. BILL: In the name of

Jesus. Say I decree.

confess. BILL: I believe.

And it is so. CONGREGATION: And

it is so. BILL: I’m gonna stay
with it. CONGREGATION: I’m gonna

stay with it. BILL: As it
manifests. CONGREGATION: As it

manifests. BILL: In the name of
Jesus. CONGREGATION: In the name

of Jesus. BILL: Amen.

give God some praise and a
thanksgiving. One more place.

John chapter four. I’m your
prophet right now. (Speaking

in tongues). Verse 34,
John chapter four. Jesus saith

in tongues). Verse 34,
John chapter four. Jesus saith

unto them, “My meat is to do the
will of my father, of him that

sent me and to finish his work.”
See we got to finish this work

here. “Say not, ye, there are
yet four months, then come the

harvest. Behold, I say unto you,
lift up your eyes.” Get a

revelation and look on the
fields for they are ripe already

to harvest.” You see, God has a
plan for you. CONGREGATION:

Amen. BILL: In Psalm chapter
102, and verse 13, he says this.

He says, “Thou shall arise and
have mercy upon Zion, for the

time to favor her, yea the set
time,” Come on, “Is come.” He

says in Job chapter 22 and verse
28, “Thou shall also,” What?

“Decree a thing.” And what’ll
happen? CONGREGATION: It shall

be established unto you. BILL:
It’s gonna be established unto

you. Now if we go back to the
man who was carried on the cot,

and carried right there to the
doorway, but he couldn’t get in,

’cause all them naysayers were
in the house, busy trying to

catch Jesus in his words.
But what happened? They

said, “Let’s go up on the roof.”
You see what I’m saying? I’m

saying we about to press our way
through all that religion that

told us this and told us that.
We about to manifest and what I

say is here, I put it in my
notebook. I said that you are

going to break protocol.
Protocol says just wait outside

’til it’s your turn. No
we about to tear a roof

open here. We about
to break protocol,

why? Because we got
to finish his work

BILL:. Well I trust that you
were blessed by that powerful

message, now let me leave you
with a very important point from

this message. In Amos 9:13 in
the Message Translation, it says

this, “Yes indeed, it won’t be
long now. God’s decree, things

are gonna happen so fast, your
head will swim.” Now what am I

saying? That many times as
believers, we’ve been

experiencing demonic delays. It
wasn’t God. It was demonic

delays. Well God has taken all
that away. The delay is going

away. Praise God, so get ready
for an acceleration of

manifestation. Are you ready for
it? Get everything ready ’cause

what you’re believing for
is about to manifest.

Praise God. Well, until
next time, this is Bill

Winston saying we love you,
and keep walking by faith.

ANNOUNCER: Living by
faith is knowing that faith

must operate in every area
of your life. It’s being bold.

Walking in the kind of
faith that honors God,

knowing that he wants to bless
you in spirit, soul and body.

It’s time to refresh your faith
and access all of God’s

promises. In this three disc
series titled Contending for the

Faith, Dr. Bill Winston sheds
light on how to contend for and

grow in your faith as you pursue
God’s destiny for your life. In

the US, call 1-800-711-9327. Or
go online to In

Canada, call 1-844-298-2900. Or
go online to and

receive Contending for the Faith
message series. Learn how you

can restore your finances,
overcome sickness or disease.

Repair relationships and renew
the confidence in yourself and

others by understanding how to
tap into your faith. But that’s

not all. Order Faith is a Seed
bundle and receive the

Contending for the Faith series
and Dr. Winston’s book The God

Kind of Faith, expanded edition.
The same faith God used to

create the universe, you can
learn to use everyday. It’s

time to live life boldly
without shame, as joint

heirs with Christ. Order
Contending for the Faith

series or Faith is a
Seed bundle today.

BILL: I’d like to
take a moment to

share a couple of
testimonies with you that

have come from our Prayer Call
Center. We have a call center

that’s set up to pray with
people who would call in. Now,

we’ve created this center for
you. The partners, the viewers.

Those who would call in and need
prayer for any matter. Doesn’t

make any difference. We want to
pray with you, stand and agree

with you. Whatever we need
to believe God for you for the

things that you need God to do
in your life. Here is a

testimony that was given to me
This came in from Florida. It’s

a particular person had a family
member that was in a coma. That

had been in a coma for two weeks
and that this family was being

challenged as whether to take
the person off of life support

or just leave them on. Well,
this one person decided to call

the prayer center here at Bill
Winston Ministries and that

prayer minister prayed with them
and believed God for that

person’s deliverance or that
person to come out of that coma.

Shortly after the family called
this person and reported that

the dear sister that was in a
coma opened her eyes and woke up

and then asked for a drink of
water. They asked what time that

this sister called the prayer
center. What time did they pray

for this dear sister in the
hospital? They prayed at 11:16

AM in the morning. That is the
exact time this sister woke up

from a coma that she had been in
for two weeks. Praise God. Let

me give you another one. This
testimony comes from Illinois.

This particular person called
for prayer for their godmother.

She had stage four cancer and
was going to have surgery. After

they had received prayer from
the Prayer Call Center. The

doctor started the surgery but
could not any longer find cancer

in this person’s body. These are
actual testimonies that have

been coming in. I’m just saying
here that if you need prayer, if

you need somebody to agree with
you, we’ve got people that know

how to get a hold of God. I’m
telling you. You see, God’s plan

is that we all be healed. God’s
plan that we all be delivered.

God’s plan that we all have
enough or abundance or whatever

have you. If you’re going
through something that isn’t

God’s plan, in other words,
there’s something in your

situation there that you know is
not God’s will for your life,

call that prayer center. They’re
standing by. These folk know how

to pray. As you pray with them
and they agree with you, we

going to believe God that every
need of your life is going to be

met. Remember we’re
here for you and the Prayer

Call Center is available.
We love you and this is

Bill Winston saying keep
walking by faith.

and Veronica Winston

are dedicated to
seeing lives changed through

the power of prayer. Our
loving and highly trained

prayer ministers are
ready to pray and agree with

you. We know that prayer can
turn around any situation in

your life. Contact us by phone
at 1-877-543-9443 or submit your

prayer request online at Follow

us on Periscope and Facebook to
join us for our regular live

prayer session. We want to thank
our partners who have made this

prayer call center possible.
Together we are transforming

lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner we

encourage you to prayer about
joining us in partnership and be

apart of the wonderful
work that God is doing

through this ministry.
We love you, and look

forward to praying and
partnering with you.

ANNOUNCER: The Believer’s
Walk of Faith is paid for

by Bill Winston Ministries’
partners and viewers.