Like it or not, every one of us is in a spiritual war. God is for us, and the devil is against us. The one we cooperate with is the one who will control us. You can’t be discharged from the service in this war, and ignorance of its extent only aids the enemy. The enemy loves to work covertly, using his only weapon, deception. In this teaching, Andrew exposes this war and the enemy for what he is.

welcome to our Monday’s broadcast of the

gospel truth today I’m going to begin

I’m series and I’m going to start

talking about the authority of the

believer and I had a lot of teaching on

this I have a book on this it’s entitled

the authority of the belief or the

believers Authority what you didn’t

learn in church and also have a study

guide on it I have DVDs and CDs on it

real quickly let me just summarize some

things and then we’re gonna go into

actually teaching on what I have as the

second teaching in this series on the

believers Authority and I’m going to

start talking about who made Satan you

know that’s if you haven’t heard this

teaching I’ve never heard anybody else

teach on this and it’s just maybe the

way I’m phrasing it or put it together

but this has really really helped me and

I think it’s gonna be a big blessing but

let me just go back and quickly

summarize some of the things from

Genesis chapter 1 that God created the

heavens and the earth as well as you and

me by words he spoke everything into

existence Psalms chapter 89 verse 34 the

Lord says my covenant well I not break

nor alter the thing that has gone forth

out of my lips when God says something

it’s a covenant to him men you know they

lie and they will say one thing and do

another or if what they have promised to

deliver on you know becomes inconvenient

they’ll just say well I’ve changed my

mind or whatever but God’s not like that

when he speaks something it becomes a

covenant out of his mouth and there’s a

lot of scriptures another one was

Hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 where it says

that he upholds all things by the word

of his power his word is what holds this

universe together if God was to ever

break his word this universe you and I

would self-destruct and so God’s

integrity is impeccable it says in

Hebrews chapter 6 it’s impossible for

him to live so when God spoke all of us

into existence then he said this over in

Genesis chapter 1 after he had created

man in Genesis chapter 1 and in verse 20

six it says God said let us make man in

our image after our likeness and let

them have dominion over the fish of the

sea over the fowl of the air and over

the cattle and over all the earth and

over every creeping thing that creepeth

upon the earth so God created man in his

own image in the image of God created he

him male and female created he them and

God blessed them and God said unto them

remember that when God says something

it’s binding he does not lie he will not

change he said be fruitful and multiply

and replenish the earth and subdue it

and have dominion over the fish of the

sea over the fowl of the air and over

everything that moveth upon the earth so

when God said you have dominion you rule

and you subdue the earth God by saying

that turn control of this earth over to

mankind now I know again that most

people don’t think this way but God’s

ways are higher than our ways we have to

take what the scripture reveals about

him and just learn these truths when God

said you have dominion the earth is

yours you rule it you said that God gave

mankind authority over this earth let me

read another passage to you out of

Psalms chapter 82 and Jesus even quoted

this in the New Testament when some some

of the Pharisees were criticizing him

but in Psalms chapter 82 and in verse 6

he said I have said Ye are gods and all

of you are children of the Most High and

this was God speaking to mankind about

the creation and God created man to be a

God over this earth not a capital G not

divinity but in the sense of absolute

ruler absolutely in control when God

gave mankind the control of this earth

it would have been unjust on his part to

come down and just say that this is not

what I intended I did not intend for you

to hand this authority over to the devil

so I’m taking it back I intervene I’m

gonna change everything

see that’s the way that we would have

done it but God a pole

his word and when God said you have

Dominion you rule you do what you want

to God never intended for us to turn it

over to the devil but when we did he

upheld our authority to do that

and this is how Satan became the god of

this world and in the previous teaching

that I did on the word became flesh I

was talking about that this is why Jesus

had to come to this earth God had to

become a man because man is the one who

caused the transgression mankind is one

who released Satan into this earth and

God would have been unjust as a spirit

John chapter four verse 24 says God is a

spirit and he would have been unjust as

a spirit to come down here and take back

this authority and power that he had

given us because it would have violated

what he said over there in Genesis

chapter 1 verses 26 through 28 he didn’t

put any stipulations on it he didn’t put

any qualifications on it and say as long

as you do at this earth what I want you

to do then you can rule no he just said

you rule you have dominion it’s under

your control

you do with it what you want to and

there was no fine print and so when we

sinned God would have been unjust he

would have violated his own integrity if

he would have come down here as a spirit

and have intervened in our affairs

because he gave control of this earth to

physical human beings and this is why

Jesus had to become a man Jesus existed

before he came into this physical body

it says in Genesis it says in John

chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 there’s

other places that all things were

created by him and without him was not

anything made that was made

Jesus was God and he existed before the

creation of anything but his physical

body the body of Jesus was created it

came into this world through Mary and

Jesus God had to become a man because

now he had authority in this earth

because of his physical body you know I

know the things I’m saying

seem kind of technical and a lot of

people think I just don’t think it’s

that way because again if we don’t like

something we just change it if we were

God we would just say well do-over I’m

gonna change this because I don’t like

the way you’ve done things but that’s

because we don’t have integrity Psalms

chapter 15 says that a godly man a

righteous man will swear to his own hurt

and not change it is a godly trait that

when you say something it becomes a

covenant it’s binding you do not back up

and so we might just sit there and say

well I don’t like the way the world’s

going I’m gonna change it if you were

God that’s probably the way that we

would have done it but God because of

his integrity would not violate the word

that he said the whole universe is held

together by the integrity of his word

again Hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 and if

God would have broken his promise to

mankind that you are ruler you have

dominion you do it what you want if he

would have broken his promise to man and

have come down and have just

straightened out this mess it would have

violated what he said he gave physical

human beings authority people that have

a physical body and God is a spirit so

God had to become a man no man could fix

this problem because they were part of

the problem but God himself became a man

and when Jesus came into this earth as

Christ he existed before the worlds were

even made but Jesus had a beginning his

physical body had a beginning he came in

and in hip inhabited that body and now

Satan was in a world of hurt because God

was a man God now had authority in this

earth and of course Jesus displayed his

superior Authority and power over the

devil he cast out demons he beat Satan

at every hand and finally he took our

sins upon himself died for our sins and

when he rose from the dead he completely

stripped Satan of all of his power and

authority and that is a brief summary of

the first teaching that I have in this

series titled the authority of the

believer and I’ve talked about that all

authority comes from God

but it is delegated by words and when he

gave mankind authority he passed

authority over this earth to mankind so

those are the things we’ve already

talked about that is a very brief

summary if you want more information on

that we’ve got this material on the

believers Authority and it’ll go into a

lot more detail what I want to begin to

talk about now is an application of some

of these things we’ve talked about and

I’m going to talk about who made Satan

and when you first say that and most

people just immediately think well God

of course made Satan

I mean God created everything I’m gonna

say this and it’ll need some explanation

and I’m gonna spend a number of days

explaining this but I believe that God

created Lucifer he created a godly

angelic being and according to

scriptures that I’ll deal with in John

excuse me in Isaiah chapter 14 it’ll

show you that he was the anointed cherub

that he was a godly angel he was like in

control of the praise and worship in

heaven and there’s some things that said

about him God created that beam but in a

real sense man-made Satan we are the

ones who empowered Satan Satan is using

a human authority that God gave us over

this earth and I think that this is

significant because it means that Satan

doesn’t have this superior power and

authority that he is just overcoming

people with Satan totally had to come

against man we are the ones that

empowered him and Satan can only do

something in your life with your consent

and your cooperation

well now that’s a major statement right

there and a lot of people don’t like

that because it strips them of their

excuses a lot of people are like Flip

Wilson and they’re always saying well

the devil made me do this and they use

that as an excuse and say I can’t

control it and stuff but the truth is

Satan is only using the power and the

authority that God gave mankind and he

can’t do anything to you without your

consent and cooperation now that’s a

huge statement and it needs

some explanation and that’s what I want

to do so let me go all the way back to

the Garden of the Eden and first of all

I’m gonna have to dispel some teaching

that is very prevalent in the body of

Christ today there’s multiple ideas

about where Satan got his power from and

how he originated and all of these kind

of things one of the most prevalent is

what’s often called the gap theory or

the long Earth theory and people believe

that in between Genesis chapter 1 where

it says in the beginning God created the

heavens and the earth in between Genesis

1:1 and Genesis 1:2 there is a lapse of

millions and millions even billions of

years and in Genesis 1:2 where it says

and the earth was without form and void

they will say that the earth actually

became without form and void and that

Satan ruled over a pre-adamic

civilization and because of his

rebellion he was he was rejected and he

that’s where he became this demonic

power that is in has flicked at the

world and so anyway people read all of

this into these verses I’m not going to

go into great detail explaining this but

let me just say that if you can get all

of that from what isn’t in the Bible in

between Genesis chapter 1:1 and Genesis

1:2 if you can make the Bible say all of

that stuff that I’ve just alluded to you

can make the Bible say anything you

wanted to that’s not a good method of

biblical interpretation and they will

use this phrase here where he created

Adam and Eve and he said be fruitful and

multiply and replenish the earth and

I’ve heard people make a major point out

of this word replenish that that means

that at one time the earth was full and

it became void and then this is Genesis

account is actually the second creation

and he had to replenish it you know I’m

not trying to be mean spirited with that

but that is just a very poor

understanding of English you know it’s

true that sometimes when you say that


return to someplace that you’ve been

there before and you’re returning it is

true that sometimes you know you the

word read as a prefix means to do again

but it doesn’t always mean that for

instance when you receive something that

does that mean that you saved it before

and now you’re receiving it when you

know it doesn’t always mean that and

people are just grasping at straws I

personally believe that to believe this

pre-adamic civilization and this long

earth theory that you have to have a

desire to believe that and read these

things into scripture scripture doesn’t

say it as a matter of fact scripture

says the exact opposite you know I’m not

going to go back to this but recently I

did a series on Christian philosophy and

we had on dr. Carl Baugh

and dr. Grady McMurtry and those men

from a scientific standpoint showed so

many I mean hundreds and hundreds of

scientific reasons why we have a young

earth not over ten thousand years matter

of fact Grady McMurtry’s showed that at

the mouth of every major river on the

planet there is not over 4,500 years

worth of sediment at the mouth of any of

the major rivers on this earth and that

goes along with the flood if the earth

was billions of years old as people say

there would be a huge accumulation of

all of this which doesn’t exist and

there are just so many other things

here’s a scriptural reason in Romans

chapter 6 verse 23 the scripture says

the wages of sin is death but the gift

of God is eternal life the Bible makes

it very clear that death came as a

result of sin and specifically Adam and

Eve sinned in the garden and there’s

many places that verify that romans

chapter 5 says it about five or six

times in the latter part of that chapter

so death came as a result of Adam and

Eve sinned but yet there are people that

believe that the earth is very old and

that the dinosaurs died out and that all

of these plants and things died million

millions of years ago and that evolution

took place over a prolonged period of

time and one species was replaced by

another people who believe that stuff

are saying that death reigned before

Adam and Eve’s time and that violates

the whole principles of the Bible death

came into this earth through what Adam

and Eve did that one truths right there

disproves this long earth theory and the

fact that there was a pre-adamic

civilization and all of these kind of

things so anyway I’m not gonna go into

great detail on that but I’m just saying

that there’s so many people that have

adopted this you know from my study

Phineas dake is the guy who popularized

this kind of teaching he has extensive

notes on it on the takes Study Bible and

that was around the early around 1900 or

something like that that’s the first

time that this kind of doctrine ever

crept in to the body of Christ and many

people have taken it and embellished it

and done things but the scripture

disproves that so I say all of this to

say that see some people believe Satan

got his power that God created the

heavens and the earth millions and

millions of years ago and put Satan in

charge of it and Satan and one-third of

the people that were under him rebelled

at God and came against God let me show

you a passage of scripture on this out

of the book of Revelation in Chapter 12

and you know I have read the Bible

through hundreds and hundreds of times I

have listened to other people teach I’ve

studied this I’m not sure that I know

every single thing that’s in the Bible

but out of all of my Bible study this is

the only passage of scripture I have

ever heard anybody quote to say that

Satan took one-third of the angels and

rebelled against God and that comes from

here in Revelation chapter 12 and in

verse 3 it says there appeared another

wonder in heaven behold a great red

dragon having seven heads and ten horns

and seven Crown’s upon his head and his

tail drew the third part of the stars of

heaven and did cast them to the earth

and the dragon

stood before the woman which was ready

to be delivered for to devour her child

as soon as it was born

now these passages of Scripture are

symbolic they’re an analogy I can

guarantee you Satan is not a real dragon

a red dragon and when it says he drew

one third of the Angels to the earth I

don’t know exactly what that means it’s

possible that you know maybe this is

symbolism for one-third of the other

angelic beings rebelled with him I guess

it’s possible but let me just make this

point that for you to base a doctrine a

major doctrine on one verse that it is

very clear that these verses are

symbolic they are not to be taken

literally they symbolize something and

I’m not going to get into all of that

but to take symbolic things that are

only shared in one verse in the Bible

and to make a doctrine and to say that

this is where Satan and demons came from

if you interpret the Bible that way then

you can make the Bible say anything you

want to that’s just wrong again I’m not

going to go into what all of this means

but let me just say that it’s wrong to

take this extrapolate something and say

that this is verification that there was

a pre-adamic civilization because the

word replenish means to fill again which

is a total misrepresentation of what

that word means and because one third of

the Angels revolted with him when did it


and then you just say that it happened

sometime before Genesis 1:2 anyway this

has become a popular doctrine and it’s

just wrong and so I don’t believe that

Satan had some pre-adamic civilization

over which he ruled and that he rebelled

at God and he was cast down and then he

was loosed upon Adam and Eve as this

demonic power well I mean this vicious

beast put in there with God’s innocent

children you know and be similar to me

sending my kids out into the backyard

and there’s a bear or a lion or some

terrible beast out there and I send them

out there to play and say have a good

time that would be irresponsible on my

I believe it would be irresponsible on

God’s part to just put Adam and Eve in a

position where they’ve got this demonic

power there the seeking who he can

devour that is not true this is not how

it happened

and I’ve just about used up all of my

time on today’s program but tomorrow

we’re gonna get into this a little bit

further I’ve taught about what didn’t

happen with the devil we’re gonna start

talking about how Satan actually

rebelled at God where he got his

authority from and I’m gonna show you

from Scripture that mankind are the ones

that empowered the devil it’s us that

gave Satan this authority and power that

he has been using against us man those

are some big statements and so I

encourage you to listen in again

tomorrow as I go through this and teach

it in more detail also let me mention

that we have this teaching on the

believers Authority I have it in CD DVD

book and study guide if you’ll listen

our announcer will give you more

information and then join me again

tomorrow as we continue the gospel truth